package act.util; /*- * #%L * ACT Framework * %% * Copyright (C) 2014 - 2017 ActFramework * %% * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. * #L% */ import act.Act; import; import act.view.Template; import act.view.ViewManager; import; import org.osgl.$; import org.osgl.http.H; import org.osgl.mvc.ErrorPageRenderer; import org.osgl.mvc.MvcConfig; import org.osgl.mvc.result.ErrorResult; import org.osgl.util.S; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Map; import static org.osgl.http.H.Format.CSV; import static org.osgl.http.H.Format.HTML; import static org.osgl.http.H.Format.XML; public class ActErrorPageRender extends ErrorPageRenderer { public static final String ARG_ERROR = "_error"; private volatile Boolean i18n; private Map<String, $.Var<Template>> templateCache = new HashMap<>(); @Override protected String renderTemplate(ErrorResult error, H.Format format) { ActionContext context = ActionContext.current(); if (null == context) { return null; } Integer errorCode = error.errorCode(); int statusCode = error.statusCode(); fixRequestAcceptFormat(context); Template t = getTemplate(statusCode, context); if (null == t) { String errorMsg = error.getMessage(); if (null == errorMsg) { errorMsg = MvcConfig.errorMessage(error.status()); } if (i18n()) { String translated = context.i18n(true, errorMsg); if (translated == errorMsg) { translated = context.i18n(true, MvcConfig.class, errorMsg); } errorMsg = translated; } H.Format accept = context.accept(); if (H.Format.JSON == accept) { return jsonContent(error, errorCode, errorMsg); } else if (HTML == accept) { String header = S.concat("HTTP/1.1 ", Integer.toString(statusCode), " ", errorMsg); return S.concat("<!DOCTYPE html><html><head><meta charset='utf-8'><title>" , header , "</title></head><body><h1>" , header, "</h1></body></html>"); } else if (H.Format.XML == accept) { S.Buffer sb = context.strBuf(); sb.append("<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?><error>"); if (null != errorCode) { sb.append("<code>").append(errorCode).append("</code"); } sb.append("<message>").append(errorMsg).append("</message></error>"); return sb.toString(); } else if (CSV == accept) { if (null == errorCode) { return S.concat("message\n", errorMsg); } else { return S.concat("code,message\n", Integer.toString(errorCode), ",", errorMsg); } } else if (H.Format.TXT == accept) { return null == errorCode ? errorMsg : S.concat(Integer.toString(errorCode), " ", errorMsg); } else { // Unknown accept format return ""; } } if (HTML == context.accept()) { String header = S.concat("HTTP/1.1 ", Integer.toString(statusCode), " ", MvcConfig.errorMessage(error.status())); context.renderArg("header", header); } context.renderArg(ARG_ERROR, error); return t.render(context); } private void fixRequestAcceptFormat(ActionContext context) { H.Request req = context.req(); if (null != req && !isAcceptGoodForErrorPage(req.accept())) { req.accept(H.Format.HTML); } } private boolean isAcceptGoodForErrorPage(H.Format fmt) { return (null == fmt || HTML == fmt || CSV == fmt || H.Format.JSON == fmt || XML == fmt); } private String jsonContent(ErrorResult error, Integer errorCode, String errorMsg) { Object payload = error.attachment(); if (null != payload) { return JSON.toJSONString(payload); } if (null == errorCode) { return S.concat("{\"message\":\"", errorMsg, "\"}"); } else { return S.concat("{\"code\":", S.string(errorCode), ",\"message\":\"", errorMsg, "\"}"); } } private String templatePath(int code, ActionContext context) { ErrorTemplatePathResolver resolver = context.config().errorTemplatePathResolver(); if (null == resolver) { resolver = new ErrorTemplatePathResolver.DefaultErrorTemplatePathResolver(); } return resolver.resolve(code, context.accept()); } private Template getTemplate(int statusCode, ActionContext context) { H.Format format = context.accept(); String key = statusCode + "" + format; $.Var<Template> templateBag = templateCache.get(key); if (null == templateBag) { ViewManager vm = Act.viewManager(); if (null == vm) { // unit testing return null; } context.templatePath(templatePath(statusCode, context)); Template t = vm.load(context); if (null == t) { // try default one if (Act.isDev()) { context.templatePath("/error/dev/errorPage." + context.accept().name()); } else { context.templatePath("/error/errorPage." + context.accept().name()); } t = vm.load(context); } templateBag = $.var(t); templateCache.put(key, templateBag); } return templateBag.get(); } private boolean i18n() { if (null == i18n) { synchronized (this) { if (null == i18n) { i18n = Act.appConfig().i18nEnabled(); } } } return i18n; } }