package act.cli.view; /*- * #%L * ACT Framework * %% * Copyright (C) 2014 - 2017 ActFramework * %% * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. * #L% */ import act.cli.CliContext; import act.cli.CliOverHttpContext; import act.cli.ascii_table.impl.CollectionASCIITableAware; import act.cli.tree.TreeNode; import act.cli.util.CliCursor; import act.cli.util.MappedFastJsonNameFilter; import act.cli.util.TableCursor; import; import act.util.ActContext; import act.util.DisableFastJsonCircularReferenceDetect; import act.util.FastJsonPropertyPreFilter; import act.util.PropertySpec; import; import; import org.osgl.$; import org.osgl.util.C; import org.osgl.util.E; import org.osgl.util.S; import org.rythmengine.utils.Escape; import java.util.*; /** * Define how the command method return result should * be presented */ public enum CliView { /** * present the result using {@link act.cli.TableView} */ TABLE() { @Override @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public String render(Object result, PropertySpec.MetaInfo spec, ActContext context) { if (null == result) { return "no data"; } spec = PropertySpec.MetaInfo.withCurrent(spec, context); if (null == spec) { spec = new PropertySpec.MetaInfo(); } if (!(context instanceof CliContext)) { throw E.unsupport("TableView support in CliContext only. You context: ", context.getClass()); } CliContext cliContext = (CliContext) context; List dataList = toList(result); int pageSize = context instanceof CliOverHttpContext ? dataList.size() : context.config().cliTablePageSize(); if (dataList.size() > pageSize) { TableCursor cursor = new TableCursor(dataList, pageSize, spec); cliContext.session().cursor(cursor); cursor.output(cliContext); return ""; } Class<?> componentType; if (dataList.isEmpty()) { return "no data"; } componentType = Object.class; for (Object o : dataList) { if (null != o) { componentType = o.getClass(); break; } } DataPropertyRepository repo =; List<String> outputFields = repo.outputFields(spec, componentType, context); if (outputFields.isEmpty()) { outputFields = C.list("this as Item"); } String tableString = cliContext.getTable(new CollectionASCIITableAware(dataList, outputFields, spec.labels(outputFields, context))); int itemsFound = dataList.size(); CliCursor cursor = cliContext.session().cursor(); String appendix = ""; if (null != cursor) { itemsFound = cursor.records(); appendix = cursor.hasNext() ? "\nType \"it\" for more" : ""; } return S.concat(tableString, "Items found: ", S.string(itemsFound), appendix); } }, /** * Present data in a Tree structure. * <p> * Note the {@code result} parameter must be a root {@link act.cli.tree.TreeNode node} of the tree, * otherwise the data will be presented in * </p> * <ul> * <li>{@link #TABLE Table view} if the result is an {@link Iterable}, or</li> * <li>{@link #JSON JSON view} otherwise</li> * </ul> */ TREE() { @Override public String render(Object result, PropertySpec.MetaInfo spec, ActContext context) { if (result instanceof TreeNode) { return toTreeString((TreeNode) result); } else if (result instanceof Iterable) { return TABLE.render(result, spec, context); } else if (null != spec) { return JSON.render(result, spec, context); } else { return S.string(result); } } private String toTreeString(TreeNode result) { StringBuilder sb = S.newBuilder(); buildTree(sb, result, "", true); return sb.toString(); } private void buildTree(StringBuilder sb, TreeNode node, String prefix, boolean isTrail) { StringBuilder sb0 = S.newBuilder().append(prefix).append(isTrail ? "└── " : "├── ").append(node.label()).append("\n"); sb.append(sb0); List<TreeNode> children = node.children(); int sz = children.size(); if (sz == 0) { return; } final String subPrefix = S.newBuilder().append(prefix).append(isTrail ? " " : "│ ").toString(); for (int i = 0; i < sz - 1; ++i) { TreeNode child = children.get(i); buildTree(sb, child, subPrefix, false); } buildTree(sb, children.get(sz - 1), subPrefix, true); } }, /** * Present the result using {@link act.cli.XmlView} */ XML() { @Override public String render(Object result, PropertySpec.MetaInfo spec, ActContext context) { throw E.unsupport(); } }, /** * Present the result using {@link act.cli.JsonView} */ JSON() { @Override public String render(Object result, PropertySpec.MetaInfo spec, ActContext context) { return render(result, spec, context, context instanceof CliContext); } public String render(Object result, PropertySpec.MetaInfo spec, ActContext context, boolean format) { String json; FastJsonPropertyPreFilter propertyFilter; spec = PropertySpec.MetaInfo.withCurrent(spec, context); if (null == spec) { propertyFilter = null; } else { propertyFilter = new FastJsonPropertyPreFilter(); List<String> outputs = spec.outputFields(context); Set<String> excluded = spec.excludedFields(context); if (excluded.isEmpty()) { if (outputs.isEmpty()) { propertyFilter = null; // no filter defined actually } else { // output fields only applied when excluded fields not presented propertyFilter.addIncludes(outputs); if (FastJsonPropertyPreFilter.hasPattern(outputs)) { // TODO: handle the case when result is an Iterable propertyFilter.setFullPaths(; } } } else { propertyFilter.addExcludes(excluded); if (FastJsonPropertyPreFilter.hasPattern(excluded)) { // TODO: handle the case when result is an Iterable propertyFilter.setFullPaths(; } } } List<SerializerFeature> featureList = C.newList(); if (format) { featureList.add(SerializerFeature.PrettyFormat); } if (null == propertyFilter) { Boolean b = DisableFastJsonCircularReferenceDetect.option.get(); if (null != b && b) { featureList.add(SerializerFeature.DisableCircularReferenceDetect); } SerializerFeature[] featureArray = new SerializerFeature[featureList.size()]; featureArray = featureList.toArray(featureArray); if (format) { json =, featureArray); } else { json =; } } else { // Note: we can't check DisableFastJsonCircularReferenceDetect here because if // that option is set, then FastJson will skip the JsonSerializer.context setting // and there is property filter mechanism will break MappedFastJsonNameFilter nameFilter = new MappedFastJsonNameFilter(spec.labelMapping(context)); SerializerFeature[] featureArray = new SerializerFeature[featureList.size()]; featureArray = featureList.toArray(featureArray); if (nameFilter.isEmpty()) { json =, propertyFilter, featureArray); } else { SerializeFilter[] filters = new SerializeFilter[2]; filters[0] = nameFilter; filters[1] = propertyFilter; json =, filters, featureArray); } } return json; } }, /** * Present the result using {@link Object#toString()} */ TO_STRING() { @Override public String render(Object result, PropertySpec.MetaInfo filter, ActContext context) { if (result instanceof Iterable) { return TABLE.render(result, filter, context); } else if (result instanceof TreeNode) { return TREE.render(result, filter, context); } else if (null != filter) { return JSON.render(result, filter, context); } else { return S.string(result); } } }, CSV() { @Override public String render(Object result, PropertySpec.MetaInfo spec, ActContext context) { if (null == result) { return "no data"; } List dataList; Class<?> componentType; if (result instanceof Iterable) { dataList = C.list((Iterable) result); } else if (result instanceof Iterator) { dataList = C.list((Iterator) result); } else if (result instanceof Enumeration) { dataList = C.list((Enumeration) result); } else { dataList = C.list(result); } if (dataList.isEmpty()) { return "no data"; } componentType = dataList.get(0).getClass(); DataPropertyRepository repo =; spec = PropertySpec.MetaInfo.withCurrent(spec, context); if (null == spec) { spec = new PropertySpec.MetaInfo(); spec.onValue("-not_exists"); } List<String> outputFields = repo.outputFields(spec, componentType, context); S.Buffer sb = S.buffer(); buildHeaderLine(sb, outputFields, spec.labelMapping()); for (Object entity : dataList) { sb.append($.OS.lineSeparator()); buildDataLine(sb, entity, outputFields); } return sb.toString(); } private void buildDataLine(S.Buffer sb, Object data, List<String> outputFields) { Iterator<String> itr = outputFields.iterator(); String prop =; sb.append(getProperty(data, prop)); while (itr.hasNext()) { sb.append(",").append(getProperty(data,; } } private String getProperty(Object data, String prop) { if ("this".equals(prop)) { return (escape(data)); } else { return escape($.getProperty(data, prop)); } } private void buildHeaderLine(S.Buffer sb, List<String> outputFields, Map<String, String> labels) { if (null == labels) { labels = C.newMap(); } Iterator<String> itr = outputFields.iterator(); String label = label(, labels); sb.append(label); while (itr.hasNext()) { sb.append(",").append(escape(label(, labels))); } } private String label(String key, Map<String, String> labels) { String s = labels.get(key); return null == s ? key : s; } private String escape(Object o) { return Escape.CSV.apply(o).toString(); } }; public String render(Object result, PropertySpec.MetaInfo spec, ActContext context) { throw E.unsupport(); } public void print(Object result, PropertySpec.MetaInfo spec, CliContext context) { context.println(render(result, spec, context)); } protected List toList(Object result) { List dataList; if (result instanceof Iterable) { dataList = C.list((Iterable) result); } else if (result instanceof Iterator) { dataList = C.list((Iterator) result); } else if (result instanceof Enumeration) { dataList = C.list((Enumeration) result); } else { dataList = C.listOf(result); } return dataList; } }