package act.controller.meta; /*- * #%L * ACT Framework * %% * Copyright (C) 2014 - 2017 ActFramework * %% * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. * #L% */ import act.Act; import; import; import act.asm.Type; import act.handler.builtin.controller.ControllerAction; import act.handler.builtin.controller.Handler; import act.util.ClassInfoRepository; import act.util.ClassNode; import act.util.DestroyableBase; import org.osgl.http.H; import org.osgl.mvc.annotation.*; import org.osgl.util.C; import org.osgl.util.S; import javax.enterprise.context.ApplicationScoped; import java.lang.annotation.Annotation; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import static act.Destroyable.Util.destroyAll; /** * Stores all class level information to support generating of * {@link ControllerAction request dispatcher} * and {@link Handler interceptors} */ @ApplicationScoped public final class ControllerClassMetaInfo extends DestroyableBase { private Type type; private Type superType; private boolean isAbstract = false; private String ctxField = null; private boolean ctxFieldIsPrivate = true; private C.Set<String> withList = C.newSet(); private C.List<ActionMethodMetaInfo> actions = C.newList(); // actionLookup index action method by method name private C.Map<String, ActionMethodMetaInfo> actionLookup = null; // handlerLookup index handler method by method name // handler could by action or any kind of interceptors private C.Map<String, HandlerMethodMetaInfo> handlerLookup = null; GroupInterceptorMetaInfo interceptors = new GroupInterceptorMetaInfo(); private ControllerClassMetaInfo parent; private boolean isController; private boolean possibleController; private String contextPath; public ControllerClassMetaInfo className(String name) { this.type = Type.getObjectType(name); return this; } @Override protected void releaseResources() { withList.clear(); destroyAll(actions, ApplicationScoped.class); actions.clear(); if (null != actionLookup) { destroyAll(actionLookup.values(), ApplicationScoped.class); actionLookup.clear(); } if (null != handlerLookup) { destroyAll(handlerLookup.values(), ApplicationScoped.class); handlerLookup.clear(); } interceptors.destroy(); if (null != parent) parent.destroy(); super.releaseResources(); } public String className() { return type.getClassName(); } public String internalName() { return type.getInternalName(); } public Type type() { return type; } public ControllerClassMetaInfo superType(Type type) { superType = type; return this; } public Type superType() { return superType; } public List<String> withList() { return C.list(withList); } public ControllerClassMetaInfo setAbstract() { isAbstract = true; return this; } public boolean isAbstract() { return isAbstract; } public boolean isController() { return isController; } public ControllerClassMetaInfo isController(boolean b) { isController = b; return this; } public boolean possibleController() { return possibleController; } public ControllerClassMetaInfo possibleController(boolean b) { possibleController = b; return this; } boolean isMyAncestor(ControllerClassMetaInfo clsInfo) { ControllerClassMetaInfo parentInfo = parent(true); if (null == parentInfo) { return false; } if (parentInfo.equals(clsInfo)) { return true; } return parentInfo.isMyAncestor(clsInfo); } public ControllerClassMetaInfo parent(ControllerClassMetaInfo parentInfo) { parent = parentInfo; return this; } public ControllerClassMetaInfo parent() { return parent; } public ControllerClassMetaInfo parent(boolean checkClassInfoRepo) { if (null != parent) { return parent; } if (!checkClassInfoRepo) { return null; } AppClassLoader classLoader =; ClassInfoRepository repo = classLoader.classInfoRepository(); ClassNode parentNode = repo.node(superType.getClassName()); while(null != parentNode) { parentNode = parentNode.parent(); if (null != parentNode) { ControllerClassMetaInfo parentInfo = classLoader.controllerClassMetaInfo(; if (null != parentInfo) { return parentInfo; } } else { return null; } } return null; } public ControllerClassMetaInfo ctxField(String fieldName, boolean isPrivate) { ctxField = fieldName; ctxFieldIsPrivate = isPrivate; return this; } public String nonPrivateCtxField() { if (null != ctxField) { return ctxFieldIsPrivate ? null : ctxField; } return null == parent ? null : parent.nonPrivateCtxField(); } public String ctxField() { if (null != ctxField) { return ctxField; } if (null != parent) { return parent.nonPrivateCtxField(); } return null; } public boolean hasCtxField() { return null != ctxField; } public boolean ctxFieldIsPrivate() { return ctxFieldIsPrivate; } public ControllerClassMetaInfo addWith(String... classes) { int len = classes.length; if (len > 0) { for (int i = 0; i < len; ++i) { _addWith(classes[i]); } } return this; } public ControllerClassMetaInfo addBefore(InterceptorMethodMetaInfo before) { interceptors.addBefore(before); return this; } public ControllerClassMetaInfo addAfter(InterceptorMethodMetaInfo after) { interceptors.addAfter(after); return this; } public ControllerClassMetaInfo addCatch(CatchMethodMetaInfo cat) { interceptors.addCatch(cat); return this; } public ControllerClassMetaInfo addFinally(InterceptorMethodMetaInfo after) { interceptors.addFinally(after); return this; } public ControllerClassMetaInfo addInterceptor(InterceptorMethodMetaInfo info, Class<? extends Annotation> type) { interceptors.add(info, type); return this; } public ControllerClassMetaInfo addAction(ActionMethodMetaInfo info) { actions.add(info); return this; } public ActionMethodMetaInfo action(String name) { if (null == actionLookup) { for (ActionMethodMetaInfo act : actions) { if (S.eq(name, { return act; } } return null; } return actionLookup.get(name); } public HandlerMethodMetaInfo handler(String name) { HandlerMethodMetaInfo info; if (null == handlerLookup) { info = action(name); if (null != info) { return info; } return interceptors.find(name, className()); } return handlerLookup.get(name); } <T extends InterceptorMethodMetaInfo> List<T> convertDerived(List<T> interceptors) { C.List<T> list = C.newSizedList(interceptors.size()); for (InterceptorMethodMetaInfo derived : interceptors) { list.add((T)derived.extended(this)); } return list; } public GroupInterceptorMetaInfo interceptors() { return interceptors; } public List<InterceptorMethodMetaInfo> beforeInterceptors() { return interceptors.beforeList(); } public List<InterceptorMethodMetaInfo> afterInterceptors() { return interceptors.afterList(); } public List<CatchMethodMetaInfo> exceptionInterceptors() { return interceptors.catchList(); } public List<InterceptorMethodMetaInfo> finallyInterceptors() { return interceptors.finallyList(); } public ControllerClassMetaInfo merge(ControllerClassMetaInfoManager infoBase, App app) { mergeFromWithList(infoBase, app); mergeIntoActionList(infoBase, app); buildActionLookup(); buildHandlerLookup(); return this; } public String contextPath() { if (null != parent) { if (S.notBlank(contextPath) && contextPath.length() > 1 && contextPath.startsWith("/")) { return contextPath; } String parentContextPath = parent.contextPath(); if (null == contextPath) { return parentContextPath; } if (null == parentContextPath) { return contextPath; } S.Buffer sb = S.newBuffer(parentContextPath); if (parentContextPath.endsWith("/")) { sb.deleteCharAt(sb.length() - 1); } if (!contextPath.startsWith("/")) { sb.append("/"); } sb.append(contextPath); return sb.toString(); } return contextPath; } public ControllerClassMetaInfo contextPath(String path) { if (S.blank(path)) { contextPath = "/"; } else { contextPath = path; } return this; } private void _addWith(String clsName) { withList.add(Type.getType(clsName).getClassName()); } private void getAllWithList(final Set<String> withList, final ControllerClassMetaInfoManager infoBase) { withList.addAll(this.withList); if (null != superType) { final String superClass = superType.getClassName(); App app = App.instance(); ClassInfoRepository repo = app.classLoader().classInfoRepository(); ControllerClassMetaInfo info = infoBase.controllerMetaInfo(superClass); String curSuperClass = superClass; while (null == info && !"java.lang.Object".equals(curSuperClass)) { ClassNode node = repo.node(curSuperClass); if (null != node) { node = node.parent(); } if (null == node) { break; } curSuperClass =; info = infoBase.controllerMetaInfo(curSuperClass); } if (null != info) { withList.add(superClass); } } } private void mergeFromWithList(final ControllerClassMetaInfoManager infoBase, final App app) { C.Set<String> withClasses = C.newSet(); getAllWithList(withClasses, infoBase); final ControllerClassMetaInfo me = this; ClassInfoRepository repo = app.classLoader().classInfoRepository(); for (final String withClass : withClasses) { String curWithClass = withClass; ControllerClassMetaInfo withClassInfo = infoBase.controllerMetaInfo(curWithClass); while (null == withClassInfo && !"java.lang.Object".equals(curWithClass)) { ClassNode node = repo.node(curWithClass); if (null != node) { node = node.parent(); } if (null == node) { break; } curWithClass =; withClassInfo = infoBase.controllerMetaInfo(curWithClass); } if (null != withClassInfo) { withClassInfo.merge(infoBase, app); if (isMyAncestor(withClassInfo)) { interceptors.mergeFrom(withClassInfo.interceptors, me); } else { interceptors.mergeFrom(withClassInfo.interceptors); } } } } private void mergeIntoActionList(ControllerClassMetaInfoManager infoBase, App app) { for (ActionMethodMetaInfo info : actions) { info.merge(infoBase, app); info.mergeFromClassInterceptors(interceptors); } } private void buildActionLookup() { C.Map<String, ActionMethodMetaInfo> lookup = C.newMap(); for (ActionMethodMetaInfo act : actions) { lookup.put(, act); } actionLookup = lookup; } private void buildHandlerLookup() { C.Map<String, HandlerMethodMetaInfo> lookup = C.newMap(); lookup.putAll(actionLookup); for (InterceptorMethodMetaInfo info : beforeInterceptors()) { lookup.put(, info); } for (InterceptorMethodMetaInfo info : afterInterceptors()) { lookup.put(, info); } for (InterceptorMethodMetaInfo info : exceptionInterceptors()) { lookup.put(, info); } for (InterceptorMethodMetaInfo info : finallyInterceptors()) { lookup.put(, info); } handlerLookup = lookup; } private static final C.Set<Class<? extends Annotation>> INTERCEPTOR_ANNOTATION_TYPES = C.set( Before.class, After.class, Catch.class, Finally.class); public static final C.Set<H.Method> ACTION_METHODS = C.set(H.Method.GET, H.Method.POST, H.Method.PUT, H.Method.DELETE); private static final Map<Class<? extends Action>, H.Method> METHOD_LOOKUP = C.newMap( GetAction.class, H.Method.GET, PostAction.class, H.Method.POST, PutAction.class, H.Method.PUT, DeleteAction.class, H.Method.DELETE, PatchAction.class, H.Method.PATCH ); public static boolean isActionAnnotation(Class<? extends Annotation> type) { return METHOD_LOOKUP.containsKey(type) || Action.class == type; } public static H.Method lookupHttpMethod(Class annotationClass) { return METHOD_LOOKUP.get(annotationClass); } public static boolean isActionUtilAnnotation(Class<? extends Annotation> type) { return ActionUtil.class == type; } public static boolean isInterceptorAnnotation(Class<? extends Annotation> type) { return INTERCEPTOR_ANNOTATION_TYPES.contains(type); } }