package act.controller.meta; /*- * #%L * ACT Framework * %% * Copyright (C) 2014 - 2017 ActFramework * %% * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. * #L% */ import act.util.DestroyableBase; import org.osgl.$; import org.osgl.util.C; import org.osgl.util.S; import javax.enterprise.context.ApplicationScoped; import java.lang.annotation.Annotation; import java.util.List; import static act.Destroyable.Util.destroyAll; /** * Aggregate interception meta info. This structure is used in * {@link ControllerClassMetaInfo} and * {@link ActionMethodMetaInfo} */ @ApplicationScoped public class GroupInterceptorMetaInfo extends DestroyableBase { private C.List<InterceptorMethodMetaInfo> beforeList = C.newList(); private C.List<InterceptorMethodMetaInfo> afterList = C.newList(); private C.List<InterceptorMethodMetaInfo> catchList = C.newList(); private C.List<InterceptorMethodMetaInfo> finallyList = C.newList(); public GroupInterceptorMetaInfo() {} public GroupInterceptorMetaInfo(GroupInterceptorMetaInfo copy) { mergeFrom(copy); } @Override protected void releaseResources() { destroyAll(beforeList, ApplicationScoped.class); destroyAll(afterList, ApplicationScoped.class); destroyAll(catchList, ApplicationScoped.class); destroyAll(finallyList, ApplicationScoped.class); beforeList.clear(); afterList.clear(); catchList.clear(); finallyList.clear(); super.releaseResources(); } public void addBefore(InterceptorMethodMetaInfo before) { beforeList.add(before); } public void addAfter(InterceptorMethodMetaInfo after) { afterList.add(after); } public void addCatch(CatchMethodMetaInfo cat) { catchList.add(cat); } public void addFinally(InterceptorMethodMetaInfo after) { finallyList.add(after); } public void add(InterceptorMethodMetaInfo info, Class<? extends Annotation> interceptorType) { InterceptorType.of(interceptorType).addToGroup(info, this); } public void add(InterceptorMethodMetaInfo info, InterceptorType type) { type.addToGroup(info, this); } public C.List<InterceptorMethodMetaInfo> beforeList() { return C.list(beforeList); } public C.List<InterceptorMethodMetaInfo> afterList() { return C.list(afterList); } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public C.List<CatchMethodMetaInfo> catchList() { return C.list((List) catchList); } public C.List<InterceptorMethodMetaInfo> finallyList() { return C.list(finallyList); } private C.List<InterceptorMethodMetaInfo> allList() { return beforeList().lazy().append(afterList()).append((List<CatchMethodMetaInfo>)catchList()).append(finallyList()); } public InterceptorMethodMetaInfo find(String methodName, String className) { for (InterceptorMethodMetaInfo info : allList()) { String infoMethodName =; String infoClassName = info.classInfo().className(); if (S.eq(methodName, infoMethodName) && S.eq(className, infoClassName)) { return info; } } return null; } public void mergeFrom(GroupInterceptorMetaInfo info, ControllerClassMetaInfo targetController) { mergeList(beforeList, targetController.convertDerived(info.beforeList)); mergeList(afterList, targetController.convertDerived(info.afterList)); mergeList(catchList, targetController.convertDerived(info.catchList)); mergeList(finallyList, targetController.convertDerived(info.finallyList)); } public void mergeFrom(GroupInterceptorMetaInfo info) { mergeList(beforeList, info.beforeList); mergeList(afterList, info.afterList); mergeList(catchList, info.catchList); mergeList(finallyList, info.finallyList); } public void mergeFrom(GroupInterceptorMetaInfo classInterceptors, String actionName) { classInterceptors.beforeList.each(_F.mergeInto(this.beforeList, actionName)); classInterceptors.afterList.each(_F.mergeInto(this.afterList, actionName)); classInterceptors.catchList.each(_F.mergeInto(this.catchList, actionName)); classInterceptors.finallyList.each(_F.mergeInto(this.finallyList, actionName)); beforeList = beforeList.sorted(); afterList = afterList.sorted(); catchList = catchList.sorted(); finallyList = finallyList.sorted(); } @Override public String toString() { S.Buffer sb = S.buffer(); appendList("BEFORE", beforeList, sb); appendList("AFTER", afterList, sb); appendList("CATCH", catchList, sb); appendList("FINALLY", finallyList, sb); return sb.toString(); } private static <T> void mergeList(List<? super T> toList, List<? extends T> fromList) { for (T t : fromList) { if (!toList.contains(t)) { toList.add(t); } } } private void appendList(String label, List<?> list, S.Buffer sb) { if (list.isEmpty()) { return; } if (sb.length() > 0) { sb.append("\n"); } sb.append(label).append("\n").append(S.join("\n", list)); } private enum _F { ; static $.Visitor<InterceptorMethodMetaInfo> mergeInto(final C.List<InterceptorMethodMetaInfo> toList, final String actionName) { return new $.Visitor<InterceptorMethodMetaInfo>() { @Override public void visit(InterceptorMethodMetaInfo info) throws $.Break { info.mergeInto(toList, actionName); } }; } } }