package autodeploy; import; import java.util.*; public class DeployInformationClassSpecification { private interface IDeployInformationClassSpecificationRequirement { String toString(String _port); } private class DeployInformationClassSpecificationRequirementReq implements IDeployInformationClassSpecificationRequirement { public DeployInformationClassSpecificationRequirementReq() { } public String toString(String _port) { return "{ \"type\": \"require\", \"arity\": 1, \"value\": \"" + _port + "\" }"; } } private class DeployInformationClassSpecificationRequirementList implements IDeployInformationClassSpecificationRequirement { private int _arity; public DeployInformationClassSpecificationRequirementList(int arity) { _arity = arity; } public String toString(String _port) { return "{ \"type\": \"list\", \"arity\": " + _arity + ", \"value\": \"" + _port + "\" }"; } } private class DeployInformationClassSpecificationRequirementOptList implements IDeployInformationClassSpecificationRequirement { private String _value; public DeployInformationClassSpecificationRequirementOptList(String value) { _value = value; } public String toString(String _port) { return "{ \"method\": \"" + _value + "\", \"interface\": \"" + _port + "\" }"; } } private class DeployInformationClassSpecificationRequirementDefault implements IDeployInformationClassSpecificationRequirement { private String _value; public DeployInformationClassSpecificationRequirementDefault(String value) { _value = value; } public String toString(String _port) { return "{ \"type\": \"default\", \"arity\": 1, \"value\": \"" + _value + "\" }"; } } private class DeployInformationClassSpecificationRequirementUser implements IDeployInformationClassSpecificationRequirement { String _field; public DeployInformationClassSpecificationRequirementUser(String field) { _field = field; } public String toString(String _port) { return "{ \"type\": \"user\", \"arity\": 1, \"value\": \"" + _field + "\" }"; } } private List<String> _paramList; private Map<String, String> _paramType; private int _provide; private Map<String, Integer> _cost; private Map<String, IDeployInformationClassSpecificationRequirement> _params; private Set<String> _names; public DeployInformationClassSpecification(List<String> paramList, Map<String, String> paramType) { _paramList = paramList; _paramType = paramType; _provide = -1; // per default, the provide is infinite _cost = new HashMap<String, Integer>(); _params = new HashMap<String, IDeployInformationClassSpecificationRequirement>(); for(String param: _paramList) { // per default, all fields must be filled by the user. _params.put(param, new DeployInformationClassSpecificationRequirementUser(param)); } _names = new HashSet<String>(); } public void setProvide(int p) { _provide = p; } public int getProvide() { return _provide; } public void addCost(String resource, int cost) { _cost.put(resource, new Integer(cost)); } public int getCost(String resource) { Integer cost = _cost.get(resource); if(cost == null) { return 0; } else { return cost.intValue(); } } public void addRequirement(String param) { _params.put(param, new DeployInformationClassSpecificationRequirementReq()); } public void addList(String param, int arity) { _params.put(param, new DeployInformationClassSpecificationRequirementList(arity)); } public void addOptList(String param, String value) { _params.put(param, new DeployInformationClassSpecificationRequirementOptList(value)); } public void addDefault(String param, String value) { _params.put(param, new DeployInformationClassSpecificationRequirementDefault(value)); } public void addUser(String param, String field) { _params.put(param, new DeployInformationClassSpecificationRequirementUser(field)); } public void addScenarioName(String name) { _names.add(name); } public void generateJSON(PrintWriter f) { f.write(" {\n"); // 1. Provide f.write(" \"provide\": " + this.getProvide() + ",\n"); // 2. Cost f.write(" \"cost\": {\n"); Iterator<Map.Entry<String, Integer>> iCost = _cost.entrySet().iterator(); while(iCost.hasNext()) { Map.Entry<String, Integer> entry =; f.write(" \"" + entry.getKey() + "\": " + entry.getValue()); if(iCost.hasNext()) f.write(",\n"); } f.write("\n },\n"); // 3. Scenario names f.write(" \"scenarios\": [ "); Iterator<String> iName = _names.iterator(); while(iName.hasNext()) { String name =; f.write("\"" + name + "\""); if(iName.hasNext()) f.write(", "); else f.write(" "); } f.write("],\n"); // 4, requirements f.write(" \"sig\": [\n"); Iterator<String> iReq = _paramList.iterator(); while(iReq.hasNext()) { String param =; f.write(" "); f.write(_params.get(param).toString(_paramType.get(param))); if(iReq.hasNext()) f.write(", "); f.write("\n"); } f.write(" ]\n"); // end of the require // 5, optional lists f.write(" ,\"optional_list\": [\n"); Iterator it = _params.entrySet().iterator(); Boolean first = true; while (it.hasNext()) { Map.Entry pair = (Map.Entry); String name = (String)pair.getKey(); Boolean not_found = true; for(String s : _paramList) if (s.equals(name)) { not_found = false; } if (not_found) { if (first) { first = false; } else { f.write(","); } f.write(" "); f.write( _params.get(name).toString( name ) ); } it.remove(); // avoids a ConcurrentModificationException } f.write(" ]\n"); // end of the optional list // end of json object f.write(" }"); } }