package org.absmodels.abs.plugin.editor; import java.util.*; import java.util.List; import org.absmodels.abs.plugin.Activator; import org.absmodels.abs.plugin.util.InternalASTNode; import org.absmodels.abs.plugin.util.UtilityFunctions; import org.absmodels.abs.plugin.util.UtilityFunctions.EditorPosition; import org.eclipse.core.resources.IProject; import org.eclipse.core.runtime.Path; import org.eclipse.jface.text.BadLocationException; import org.eclipse.jface.text.IDocument; import org.eclipse.jface.text.IRegion; import org.eclipse.jface.text.ITextViewer; import org.eclipse.jface.text.Region; import org.eclipse.jface.text.hyperlink.AbstractHyperlinkDetector; import org.eclipse.jface.text.hyperlink.IHyperlink; import abs.frontend.ast.*; import abs.frontend.typechecker.*; import abs.frontend.typechecker.KindedName.Kind; /** * a hyperlink detector * detects links in abs documents * (ctrl + left mouse can be used to jump to declaration) */ public class AbsHyperlinkDetector extends AbstractHyperlinkDetector { private abstract static class AbsHyperlink implements IHyperlink { private final int endOffset; private final int startOffset; protected ABSEditor editor; private AbsHyperlink(ABSEditor editor, int startOffset, int endOffset) { this.editor = editor; this.endOffset = endOffset; this.startOffset = startOffset; } @Override public String getTypeLabel() { return null; } @Override public IRegion getHyperlinkRegion() { return new Region(startOffset, endOffset+1-startOffset); } } private static final class JumpToDeclaration extends AbsHyperlink { private final EditorPosition targetPos; private final String name; private JumpToDeclaration(ABSEditor editor, int startOffset, int endOffset, EditorPosition targetPos) { this(editor, startOffset, endOffset, targetPos, ""); } public JumpToDeclaration(ABSEditor editor, int startOffset, int endOffset, EditorPosition targetPos, String name) { super(editor, startOffset, endOffset); this.targetPos = targetPos; = name; } @Override public void open() { jumpToPosition(editor, targetPos); } @Override public String getHyperlinkText() { return "Open declaration " + name; } } private static final class JumpToImplementation extends AbsHyperlink { private final String methodName; private final Type calleeType; public JumpToImplementation(ABSEditor editor, int startOffset, int endOffset, String methodName, Type calleeType) { super(editor, startOffset, endOffset); this.methodName = methodName; this.calleeType = calleeType; } @Override public void open() { InterfaceDecl i = (InterfaceDecl) calleeType.getDecl(); final List<MethodImpl> implementingMethods = new ArrayList<MethodImpl>(); for (HasTypeHierarchy t : i.getSubTypes()) { if (t instanceof ClassDecl) { ClassDecl c = (ClassDecl) t; MethodImpl m = c.lookupMethod(methodName); if (m != null) { implementingMethods.add(m); } } } if (implementingMethods.size() == 1) { // only one implementing method => directly jump to it jumpToPosition(editor, getPosition(implementingMethods.get(0))); } else if (implementingMethods.size() > 1) { // more than one implementing method => show alternatives in a list AbsInformationPresenter p = editor.getInformationPresenter(); p.setInformationControl(new HyperlinkInformationControl( editor, "Select implementing class ...", implementingMethods)); p.showInformation(); } } @Override public String getHyperlinkText() { return "Open implementation"; } } private ABSEditor editor; public AbsHyperlinkDetector(ABSEditor editor) { this.editor = editor; } @Override public IHyperlink[] detectHyperlinks(ITextViewer textViewer, final IRegion region, boolean canShowMultipleHyperlinks) { return getHyperlinks(editor, region.getOffset()); } public static IHyperlink[] getHyperlinks(ABSEditor editor, int offset) { try { InternalASTNode<CompilationUnit> cu = editor.getCompilationUnit(); if (cu == null) { return null; } IDocument doc = editor.getDocumentProvider().getDocument(editor.getEditorInput()); EditorPosition targetPos = null; ASTNode<?> node; ASTNode<?> decl; synchronized (cu.getNature()) { node = UtilityFunctions.getASTNodeOfOffset(doc, cu.getASTNode(), offset); if (node == null) { return null; } decl = getDecl(cu.getASTNode(), node); targetPos = getPosition(decl); } if (targetPos == null) { return null; } final int startOffset = getOffset(doc, node.getStartLine(), node.getStartColumn()); final int endOffset = getOffset(doc, node.getEndLine(), node.getEndColumn()); if (decl instanceof MethodSig) { MethodSig methodSig = (MethodSig) decl; if (methodSig.getContextDecl() instanceof InterfaceDecl) { // decl is an interface method Type typ = new InterfaceType((InterfaceDecl) methodSig.getContextDecl()); if (node instanceof Call) { // in case of a call the type can be determined more exactly Call call = (Call) node; typ = call.getCallee().getType(); } return new IHyperlink[]{ new JumpToDeclaration(editor, startOffset, endOffset, targetPos), new JumpToImplementation(editor, startOffset, endOffset, methodSig.getName(), typ) }; } else if (methodSig.getContextDecl() instanceof ClassDecl) { // cursor is on a class method => provide links to methods in interfaces ClassDecl classDecl = (ClassDecl) methodSig.getContextDecl(); List<IHyperlink> links = new ArrayList<IHyperlink>(); Set<MethodSig> addedMethods = new HashSet<MethodSig>(); for (InterfaceDecl sup : classDecl.getSuperTypes()) { MethodSig lookupMethod = sup.lookupMethod(methodSig.getName()); if (lookupMethod != null && !addedMethods.contains(lookupMethod)) { addedMethods.add(lookupMethod); targetPos = getPosition(lookupMethod); String name = lookupMethod.getContextDecl().getName() + "." + lookupMethod.getName(); links.add(new JumpToDeclaration(editor, startOffset, endOffset, targetPos, name)); } } if (links.size() > 0) { return links.toArray(new IHyperlink[links.size()]); } else { return null; } } } return new IHyperlink[]{ new JumpToDeclaration(editor, startOffset, endOffset, targetPos) }; } catch (BadLocationException e) { e.printStackTrace(); return null; } } /** * gets the offset for a given line & column * @param doc * @param position line & column * @return * @throws BadLocationException */ private static int getOffset(IDocument doc, int line, int col) throws BadLocationException { return doc.getLineOffset(line-1) + col-1; } /** * jumps to a given position * * @param currentEditor the current editor * @param pos position to jump to. Must be in same project as current editor. */ public static void jumpToPosition(ABSEditor currentEditor, EditorPosition pos) { IProject project = currentEditor.getProject(); boolean opened = UtilityFunctions.jumpToPosition(project, pos); if (!opened) { currentEditor.openInformation("File not found!", "Could not find file "+pos.getPath().toOSString()); return; } } /** * returns the position of a given node */ public static EditorPosition getPosition(ASTNode<?> node) { if(node == null || node instanceof UnknownDecl){ return null; } CompilationUnit declcu = node.getCompilationUnit(); return new EditorPosition(new Path(declcu.getFileName()), node.getStartLine(), node.getStartColumn(), node.getEndLine(), node.getEndColumn()); } /** * get the declaration associated with a given node */ private static ASTNode<?> getDecl(CompilationUnit cu, ASTNode<?> node) { ASTNode<?> decl = null; try { if(node instanceof FnApp){ FnApp fnapp = (FnApp)node; String name = fnapp.getName(); decl = fnapp.lookup(new KindedName(Kind.FUN, name)); } else if(node instanceof VarOrFieldUse){ VarOrFieldUse vofu = (VarOrFieldUse)node; String name = vofu.getName(); decl = vofu.lookupVarOrFieldName(name,false); } else if (node instanceof PatternVarUse) { PatternVarUse patternVarUse = (PatternVarUse) node; String name = patternVarUse.getName(); decl = patternVarUse.lookupVarOrFieldName(name, false); } else if(node instanceof Call){ Call call = (Call)node; String mname = call.getMethod(); if (call.getCallee() instanceof ThisExp) { ClassDecl classDecl = (ClassDecl) call.getContextDecl(); decl = classDecl.lookupMethod(mname); } else { Type type = call.getCallee().getType(); decl = type.lookupMethod(mname); } } else if(node instanceof DataConstructorExp){ DataConstructorExp exp = (DataConstructorExp)node; decl = exp.getDecl(); } else if (node instanceof ConstructorPattern) { ConstructorPattern exp = (ConstructorPattern) node; if (exp.getType().isDataType()) { DataTypeType type = (DataTypeType) exp.getType(); decl = type.getDecl(); } } else if(node instanceof TypeUse){ TypeUse tu = (TypeUse)node; decl = tu.getDecl(); } else if(node instanceof NewExp){ NewExp newexp = (NewExp)node; String classname = newexp.getClassName(); decl = newexp.lookup(new KindedName(Kind.CLASS, classname)); } else if(node instanceof FromImport){ FromImport fimport = (FromImport)node; String moduleName = fimport.getModuleName(); decl = fimport.lookupModule(moduleName); } else if(node instanceof StarImport){ StarImport fimport = (StarImport)node; String moduleName = fimport.getModuleName(); decl = fimport.lookupModule(moduleName); } else if(node instanceof FromExport){ FromExport fexport = (FromExport)node; decl = fexport.getModuleDecl(); } else if(node instanceof StarExport){ StarExport fexport = (StarExport)node; decl = fexport.getModuleDecl(); } else if(node instanceof Name){ Name name = (Name)node; String simpleName = name.getString(); decl = cu.lookupModule(simpleName); } else if (node instanceof DeltaClause) { DeltaClause d = (DeltaClause) node; decl = getDeltaDecl(cu,d.getDeltaspec()); } else if (node instanceof Deltaspec) { Deltaspec deltaspec = (Deltaspec) node; decl = getDeltaDecl(cu,deltaspec); } else if (node instanceof DeltaID) { decl = getDeltaDecl(cu, ((DeltaID)node).getName()); } else if (node instanceof Feature) { return null; // TODO #395 } else if (node instanceof ModifyClassModifier) { ModifyClassModifier cm = (ModifyClassModifier) node; decl = cm.findClass(); } else if (node instanceof ModifyInterfaceModifier) { ModifyInterfaceModifier m = (ModifyInterfaceModifier) node; decl = m.findInterface(); // TODO: handle all other Modify/Remove-modifiers } else if (node instanceof MethodSig) { decl = node; } } catch (TypeCheckerException e) { // Nada - may come from resolveName() on broken models. Activator.logException(e); } return decl; } private static DeltaDecl getDeltaDecl(CompilationUnit cu, String dName) { Model m = cu.getModel(); assert m != null : dName; return m.getDeltaDeclsMap().get(dName); /* There may be more than one! Think of delta D(True) when ... delta(False) when. * We pick the first one. [ramus] I don't see how there could be more than one DeltaDecl with the same name. */ } private static DeltaDecl getDeltaDecl(CompilationUnit cu, Deltaspec deltaspec) { return getDeltaDecl(cu,deltaspec.getDeltaID()); } }