package org.absmodels.abs.plugin.costabslink; import java.util.ArrayList; import org.absmodels.abs.plugin.builder.AbsNature; import abs.frontend.ast.ASTNode; /** * This class is used by Costabs plugin in the case it is installed. * Costabs check this class to take info from the ABS editor. * If costabs plugin is not installed, the ABS editor plugin can work * without dependencies in costabs plugin. */ public class CostabsLink { /** * ABS editor disable some markers that need to be activated in * org.abs-models.abs.plugin.editor.ABSSourceViewerConfiguration. * (getTextHover and getAnnotationHover) * The costabs upper bound marker is taken from this String. */ public static String MARKER_UB = "CostabsPlugin.costabs.marker"; public static AbsNature ABS_NATURE; /** * Costabs uses the Outline view from ABS editor to take the methods * and functions selected. This methods and functions are stored in these * arrays with the line number in the source code. That way, we can put * a marker next to the method/function. */ public static ArrayList<String> ENTRIES_STRINGS = new ArrayList<String>(); public static ArrayList<ASTNode<?>> ENTRIES_NODES = new ArrayList<ASTNode<?>>(); public static ArrayList<Integer> LINE_ITEMS = new ArrayList<Integer>(); }