package apet.preferences; public class ApetOptions { /* public static final String COVERAGE_CRITERION_TITLE = "Coverage criterion"; public static final String[] COVERAGE_CRITERION_OPTS = { "Block-k", "Depth-k" }; public static final String[] COVERAGE_CRITERION_PROLOG = { "bck", "dpk" }; public static final String NUM_PATH_CONSTRAINTS_TITLE = "Concrete test-cases or path constraints"; public static final String[] NUM_PATH_CONSTRAINTS_OPTS = { "Concrete (In this case a range must be especified below)", "Path-constraints" }; public static final String[] NUM_PATH_CONSTRAINTS_PROLOG = { "num", "constraint" }; public static final String[] RANGE_OPTS = { "Specify the range of integers to take data from" }; public static final String[] ALIASING_OPTS = { "References aliasing" }; public static final String VERBOSITY_TITLE = "Verbosity"; public static final String[] VERBOSITY = { "0", "1", "2" }; public static final String TRACING_TITLE = "Tracing"; public static final String[] TRACING_OPTS = { "no", "yes", }; public static final String[] TRACING_PROLOG = { "none", "statements" }; */ }