package com.epam.wilma.gepard.test.helper; /*========================================================================== Copyright 2013-2017 EPAM Systems This file is part of Wilma. Wilma is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. Wilma is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with Wilma. If not, see <>. ===========================================================================*/ import com.epam.gepard.generic.GepardTestClass; import com.epam.gepard.logger.HtmlRunReporter; import com.epam.gepard.logger.LogFileWriter; import com.epam.gepard.util.Util; import com.epam.wilma.gepard.testclient.RequestParameters; import com.epam.wilma.gepard.testclient.ResponseHolder; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.nio.charset.Charset; import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets; import java.text.SimpleDateFormat; import java.util.Date; /** * This class represents a TestCase, which supports HTML logs, and beforeTestCaseSet * and afterTestCaseSet event. * * @author Tamas Kohegyi */ public abstract class WilmaTestLogDecorator implements GepardTestClass { private static int dumpFileCount; private final Charset utf8Charset = Charset.forName("UTF-8"); private String originalRequestMessage; private String expectedResponseMessage; private int actualResponseCode; private String actualResponseContentType; private String actualDialogDescriptor; private int step; // as soon as HtmlRunReporter.step become accessible, it can be removed /** * Constructor, use this for Wilma tests. */ public WilmaTestLogDecorator() { super(); } public String getExpectedResponseMessage() { return expectedResponseMessage; } public int getActualResponseCode() { return actualResponseCode; } public String getActualResponseContentType() { return actualResponseContentType; } public String getActualDialogDescriptor() { return actualDialogDescriptor; } private String decodeUTF8(byte[] bytes) { //CHECKSTYLE_OFF return new String(bytes, utf8Charset); //sorry but this is the most effective conversation. //CHECKSTYLE_ON } /** * Loads the request message, from the filename. * * @param filename is the source of the request message * @throws Exception in any case of error */ protected void setOriginalRequestMessageFromFile(final String filename) throws Exception { if ((!filename.endsWith(".xml")) && (!filename.endsWith(".fis") && (!filename.endsWith(".json")))) { throw new Exception("Original request message should be an xml, json or fastinfoset file!"); } File file = new File(filename); URI uri = file.toURI(); byte[] bytes = java.nio.file.Files.readAllBytes(java.nio.file.Paths.get(uri)); originalRequestMessage = decodeUTF8(bytes); } /** * Set empty request message (we just call the url). */ protected void setOriginalRequestMessageEmpty() { originalRequestMessage = "EMPTY REQUEST"; } /** * Loads the request message, from the filename. * * @param filename is the name of the file to be used as request message * @throws Exception in any case of error */ protected void setOriginalRequestMessageForStubConfig(final String filename) throws Exception { File file = new File(filename); URI uri = file.toURI(); byte[] bytes = java.nio.file.Files.readAllBytes(java.nio.file.Paths.get(uri)); originalRequestMessage = decodeUTF8(bytes); } /** * Loads the expected response message, from the filename. * * @param filename is the expected response filename * @throws in case of error */ protected void setExpectedResponseMessageFromFile(final String filename) throws IOException { File file = new File(filename); URI uri = file.toURI(); byte[] bytes = java.nio.file.Files.readAllBytes(java.nio.file.Paths.get(uri)); expectedResponseMessage = decodeUTF8(bytes); } protected void setExpectedResponseMessage(final String response) { expectedResponseMessage = response; } public void setActualResponseCode(final int statusCode) { actualResponseCode = statusCode; } public void setActualResponseContentType(final String actualResponseContentType) { this.actualResponseContentType = actualResponseContentType; } /** * Stores the actual response dialog descriptor. * * @param dialogDescriptor that should be preserved */ public void setActualDialogDescriptor(final String dialogDescriptor) { actualDialogDescriptor = dialogDescriptor; } // FURTHER METHODS, DUMPING AND LOGGING. /** * Log Get Request Event. * * @param requestParameters is the requested parameters */ public void logGetRequestEvent(RequestParameters requestParameters) { String text = "Sending GET request to URL: " + requestParameters.getTestServerUrl(); if (requestParameters.isUseProxy()) { text += "\nUsing proxy:" + requestParameters.getWilmaHost() + ":" + requestParameters.getWilmaPort(); } else { text += "\nWithout any proxy."; } logComment(text); } /** * Log simple Get Request Event to a specific URL. * * @param url is the target */ public void logGetRequestEvent(String url) { String text = "Sending GET request to URL: " + url + ", without proxy."; logComment(text); } /** * Log POST request event. * * @param requestParameters that was sent in the request. */ public void logPostRequestEvent(RequestParameters requestParameters) { HtmlRunReporter reporter = getTestClassExecutionData().getHtmlRunReporter(); LogFileWriter logWriter = reporter.getTestMethodHtmlLog(); String text = "Sending POST request to URL: " + requestParameters.getTestServerUrl(); if (requestParameters.isUseProxy()) { text += "\nUsing proxy:" + requestParameters.getWilmaHost() + ":" + requestParameters.getWilmaPort(); } else { text += "\nWithout any proxy."; } reporter.systemOutPrintLn(getStep() + ". " + text); String addStr = ""; if (logWriter != null) { try { String dumpFileName = dumpSource(originalRequestMessage); File dumpFile = new File(dumpFileName); addStr = " <small>[<a href=\"" + dumpFile.getName() + "\" target=\"_new\">request source</a>] </small>"; } catch (Exception e) { addStr = " <small>[Dump failed:" + e.getMessage() + "]<br/><code><small><br><pre>" + getFullStackTrace(e) + "</pre></small></code></small>"; } } if (logWriter != null) { logWriter.insertText("<tr><td align=\"center\">  " + getStep() + ".  </td><td bgcolor=\"#F0F0F0\">" + text + addStr + "</td></tr>\n"); } increaseStep(); } /** * Log resource upload event. * * @param fileName is the name only * @param fileContent is the content of the file * @param url is the target url */ public void logResourceUploadRequestEvent(final String fileName, final String fileContent, final String url) { HtmlRunReporter reporter = getTestClassExecutionData().getHtmlRunReporter(); LogFileWriter logWriter = reporter.getTestMethodHtmlLog(); String addStr = ""; String text = "Uploading resource: '" + fileName + "' to Wilma, using URL: " + url; reporter.systemOutPrintLn(text); if (logWriter != null) { try { String dumpFileName = dumpSource(fileContent); File dumpFile = new File(dumpFileName); addStr = " <small>[<a href=\"" + dumpFile.getName() + "\" target=\"_new\">resource content</a>] </small>"; } catch (Exception e) { addStr = " <small>[Dump failed:" + e.getMessage() + "]<br/><code><small><br><pre>" + getFullStackTrace(e) + "</pre></small></code></small>"; } } if (logWriter != null) { logWriter.insertText("<tr><td align=\"center\"> </td><td bgcolor=\"#F0F0F0\">" + text + addStr + "</td></tr>\n"); } } /** * Log response event. * * @param responseMessage that was received */ public void logResponseEvent(ResponseHolder responseMessage) { HtmlRunReporter reporter = getTestClassExecutionData().getHtmlRunReporter(); LogFileWriter logWriter = reporter.getTestMethodHtmlLog(); String addStr = ""; String text = "Receiving response, response code: " + responseMessage.getResponseCode(); String message = responseMessage.getResponseMessage(); reporter.systemOutPrintLn(text); if (logWriter != null) { try { String dumpFileName = dumpSource(message); File dumpFile = new File(dumpFileName); addStr = " <small>[<a href=\"" + dumpFile.getName() + "\" target=\"_new\">response source</a>] </small>"; } catch (Exception e) { addStr = " <small>[Dump failed:" + e.getMessage() + "]<br/><code><small><br><pre>" + getFullStackTrace(e) + "</pre></small></code></small>"; } } if (logWriter != null) { logWriter.insertText("<tr><td> </td><td bgcolor=\"#F0F0F0\">" + text + addStr + "</td></tr>\n"); } } /** * Write request or response data to a file in the current test case's log directory. * * @param message the message to dump * @return Path of the created file */ private String dumpSource(final String message) throws Exception { String newFilePath; String logPath = getTestClassExecutionData().getHtmlRunReporter().getTestMethodHtmlLog().getLogPath(); String logPathCanonical = logPath.replace('\\', '/'); int pos = logPathCanonical.lastIndexOf('/'); int dumpFileID = dumpFileCount++; if (pos == -1) { newFilePath = "dump" + Integer.toString(dumpFileID) + ".html"; } else { newFilePath = logPath.substring(0, pos) + "/dump" + Integer.toString(dumpFileID) + ".html"; } dumpSource(newFilePath, message); return newFilePath; } /** * Write current HTML response data to file. This is not the XML representation, therefore * may be used only after explicit page load. * * @param fileName Target file path * @param message the message to dump */ private void dumpSource(final String fileName, final String message) throws Exception { PrintWriter out = new PrintWriter(new OutputStreamWriter(new FileOutputStream(fileName), StandardCharsets.UTF_8)); out.println("<!-- Dumped on " + (new SimpleDateFormat()).format(new Date()) + " -->"); String source = message; Util util = new Util(); source = util.escapeHTML(source); out.println("<html> <head><meta charset=\"UTF-8\"></head> <body><pre>"); out.println(source); out.println("</pre></body></html>"); out.flush(); out.close(); } /** * Temp method, as soon as HtmlRunreporter.getStep method become available, this can be removed. * * @return with step value */ private int getStep() { return step; } /** * Temp method, as soon as HtmlRunreporter.increaseStep method become available, this can be removed. */ private void increaseStep() { step++; } /** * Gets the full stack trace of a Throwable and returns it in HTML format. * Temp method, as soon as Util.getFullStackTrace method become available, this can be removed. * * @param t is the throwable exception itself. * @return with the full stack trace, escaped for use in HTML. */ protected String getFullStackTrace(final Throwable t) { Util u = new Util(); return u.escapeHTML(Util.getStackTrace(t)); } }