package com.epam.wilma.safeguard.monitor; /*========================================================================== Copyright 2013-2017 EPAM Systems This file is part of Wilma. Wilma is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. Wilma is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with Wilma. If not, see <>. ===========================================================================*/ import com.epam.wilma.core.safeguard.SafeguardController; import com.epam.wilma.domain.exception.SystemException; import com.epam.wilma.safeguard.configuration.SafeguardConfigurationAccess; import com.epam.wilma.safeguard.configuration.domain.PropertyDTO; import com.epam.wilma.safeguard.configuration.domain.QueueSizeProvider; import com.epam.wilma.safeguard.configuration.domain.SafeguardLimits; import com.epam.wilma.safeguard.monitor.helper.JmxConnectionBuilder; import com.epam.wilma.safeguard.monitor.helper.JmxObjectNameProvider; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired; import org.springframework.stereotype.Component; import; import; import; /** * This task is scheduled to run periodically. The period is given in the safeguard.guardperiod external property. * It queries the sizes of the JMS queues through JMX, and disables/enables FI decompression or the complete message logging based on the limits given in the properties files. * Disabling/Enabling is achieved through 2 boolean flags, that are checked before every decompression/message logging. * It also takes care about the ActiveMQ.DLQ (so called dead letter queue), and eliminates such messages as necessary. * * @author Marton_Sereg * @author Tamas_Kohegyi */ @Component public class JmsQueueMonitorTask implements Runnable { static final String JMX_SERVICE_PRE_URL = "service:jmx:rmi:///jndi/rmi://localhost:"; static final String JMX_SERVICE_POST_URL = "/jmxrmi"; static final String RESPONSE_QUEUE_OBJECT_NAME = "org.apache.activemq:type=Broker,brokerName=localhost,destinationType=Queue,destinationName=responseQueue"; static final String LOGGER_QUEUE_OBJECT_NAME = "org.apache.activemq:type=Broker,brokerName=localhost,destinationType=Queue,destinationName=loggerQueue"; static final String DLQ_QUEUE_OBJECT_NAME = "org.apache.activemq:type=Broker,brokerName=localhost,destinationType=Queue,destinationName=ActiveMQ.DLQ"; static final String AMQ_OBJECT_NAME = "org.apache.activemq:type=Broker,brokerName=localhost"; static final String QUEUE_SIZE_TEXT = "QueueSize"; static final Integer MAX_AMQ_MEMORY_USAGE = Integer.valueOf(95); //over this memory usage (in percent) we have to reset the AMQ static final Long MAX_MULTIPLIER_OF_MESSAGE_OFF_LIMIT = Long.valueOf(4); // in case total message queue size is > Msg queue off limit * this value, we have to reset the AMQ private final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(JmsQueueMonitorTask.class); @Autowired private JmxConnectionBuilder jmxConnectionBuilder; @Autowired private JmxObjectNameProvider jmxObjectNameProvider; @Autowired private SafeguardController safeguardController; @Autowired private SafeguardConfigurationAccess configurationAccess; @Autowired private QueueSizeProvider queueSizeProvider; private SafeguardLimits safeguardLimits; private MBeanServerConnection mBeanServerConnection; private ObjectName responseQueue; private ObjectName loggerQueue; private ObjectName dlqQueue; private ObjectName amqObject; private boolean fIDecompressionEnabled = true; private boolean messageWritingEnabled = true; @Override public void run() { getSafeguardLimits(); String jmxServiceUrl = JMX_SERVICE_PRE_URL + safeguardLimits.getJmxPort() + JMX_SERVICE_POST_URL; if (mBeanServerConnection == null || responseQueue == null || loggerQueue == null || dlqQueue == null || amqObject == null) { mBeanServerConnection = jmxConnectionBuilder.buildMBeanServerConnection(jmxServiceUrl); responseQueue = jmxObjectNameProvider.getObjectName(RESPONSE_QUEUE_OBJECT_NAME); loggerQueue = jmxObjectNameProvider.getObjectName(LOGGER_QUEUE_OBJECT_NAME); dlqQueue = jmxObjectNameProvider.getObjectName(DLQ_QUEUE_OBJECT_NAME); amqObject = jmxObjectNameProvider.getObjectName(AMQ_OBJECT_NAME); } Long totalQueueSize = retrieveQuerySize(); setSafeguardFlags(totalQueueSize); resetDlqAsNecessary(); resetAMQueueAsNecessary(totalQueueSize); } private void resetDlqAsNecessary() { boolean sizeIsValid = false; Long dlqSize = Long.valueOf(0); try { dlqSize = (Long) mBeanServerConnection.getAttribute(dlqQueue, QUEUE_SIZE_TEXT); sizeIsValid = true; if (dlqSize > 0) { mBeanServerConnection.invoke(dlqQueue, "purge", null, null);"Message found in ActiveMQ.DLQ. Queue size is: " + dlqSize + ", queue purged successfully."); } } catch (Exception e) { if (!(e instanceof InstanceNotFoundException)) { if (sizeIsValid) { throw new SystemException("Message found in ActiveMQ.DLQ. Queue size is: " + dlqSize + ", QUEUE PURGE FAILED.", e); } else { throw new SystemException("Message found in ActiveMQ.DLQ. Queue size cannot be detected.", e); } //otherwise no DLQ exists, and that is fine } } } /** * Need to restart whole AMQ in case * - the used memory is over MAX_AMQ_MEMORY_USAGE percent OR * - the totalQueueSize is higher than MAX_MULTIPLIER_OF_MESSAGE_OFF_LIMIT * Message OFF Limit * In extreme cases it may happen (very large messages), and the only possibility to survive is to reset the AMQ. * * @param totalQueueSize actual total size of the queues */ private void resetAMQueueAsNecessary(final Long totalQueueSize) { boolean valueIsValid = false; Integer memoryPercentUsage = Integer.valueOf(0); Long totalQueueSizeLimit = MAX_MULTIPLIER_OF_MESSAGE_OFF_LIMIT * safeguardLimits.getMwOffLimit(); if (totalQueueSize > totalQueueSizeLimit) { try { mBeanServerConnection.invoke(amqObject, "restart", null, null);"ActiveMQ Total Queue Size is too high (" + totalQueueSize + ">" + totalQueueSizeLimit + "), AMQ restart initiated."); } catch (Exception e) { throw new SystemException("ActiveMQ Total Queue Size is too high (\" + totalQueueSize + \">\" + totalQueueSizeLimit + \"), AMQ RESTART FAILED.", e); } } try { memoryPercentUsage = (Integer) mBeanServerConnection.getAttribute(amqObject, "MemoryPercentUsage"); valueIsValid = true; if (memoryPercentUsage > MAX_AMQ_MEMORY_USAGE) { mBeanServerConnection.invoke(amqObject, "restart", null, null);"ActiveMQ Memory usage is too high:" + memoryPercentUsage + "%, AMQ restart initiated."); } } catch (Exception e) { if (!(e instanceof InstanceNotFoundException)) { if (valueIsValid) { throw new SystemException("ActiveMQ Memory usage is too high:" + memoryPercentUsage + "%, AMQ RESTART FAILED.", e); } else { throw new SystemException("ActiveMQ Memory usage cannot be detected.", e); } } } } private void getSafeguardLimits() { if (safeguardLimits == null) { PropertyDTO properties = configurationAccess.getProperties(); safeguardLimits = properties.getSafeguardLimits(); } } private void setSafeguardFlags(final Long totalQueueSize) { if (fIDecompressionEnabled && totalQueueSize > safeguardLimits.getFiOffLimit()) { fIDecompressionEnabled = false; safeguardController.setFIDecompressionEnabled(fIDecompressionEnabled);"Due to High load, FI decompression is turned OFF."); } if (messageWritingEnabled && totalQueueSize > safeguardLimits.getMwOffLimit()) { messageWritingEnabled = false; safeguardController.setMessageWritingEnabled(messageWritingEnabled);"Due to High load, Message Logging is turned OFF."); } if (!messageWritingEnabled && totalQueueSize < safeguardLimits.getMwOnLimit()) { messageWritingEnabled = true; safeguardController.setMessageWritingEnabled(messageWritingEnabled);"Due to Normal load, Message Logging is restored."); } if (!fIDecompressionEnabled && totalQueueSize < safeguardLimits.getFiOnLimit()) { fIDecompressionEnabled = true; safeguardController.setFIDecompressionEnabled(fIDecompressionEnabled);"Due to Normal load, FI decompression is restored."); } } private Long retrieveQuerySize() { try { Long responseQueueSize = (Long) mBeanServerConnection.getAttribute(responseQueue, QUEUE_SIZE_TEXT); Long loggerQueueSize = (Long) mBeanServerConnection.getAttribute(loggerQueue, QUEUE_SIZE_TEXT); queueSizeProvider.setResponseQueueSize(responseQueueSize); queueSizeProvider.setLoggerQueueSize(loggerQueueSize); return responseQueueSize + loggerQueueSize; } catch (Exception e) { throw new SystemException("Exception while monitoring queue sizes", e); } } }