package com.epam.wilma.gepard.test.basic; /*========================================================================== Copyright 2013-2017 EPAM Systems This file is part of Wilma. Wilma is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. Wilma is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with Wilma. If not, see <>. ===========================================================================*/ import; import; import com.epam.gepard.annotations.TestClass; import com.epam.wilma.gepard.WilmaTestCase; import com.epam.wilma.gepard.testclient.RequestParameters; import org.junit.Test; /** * Sends the example2.xml to the test server over http. * @author tkohegyi */ @TestClass(id = "Basic - Proxy", name = "Proxy Answers") public class BasicProxyBehaviorTest extends WilmaTestCase { private static final String STUB_CONFIG_XML = "resources/stubConfig.xml"; private static final String RESOURCE = "resources/example4.xml"; private static final String RESOURCE_FILE_NAME = "example4.xml"; private static final String EXAMPLE_2 = "resources/example2.xml"; private String tcName = getDataDrivenTestParameter("PAR0"); private String tcContentType = getDataDrivenTestParameter("PAR1"); private String tcAcceptHeader = getDataDrivenTestParameter("PAR2"); private String tcContentEncoding = getDataDrivenTestParameter("PAR3"); private String tcAcceptEncoding = getDataDrivenTestParameter("PAR4"); /** * A, send the req1-xml message to Apache (use wilma as proxy), but when the this request arrives to Wilma, * Wilma sends resp-xml1 back as response instead of forwarding te request to Apache. * (don't forget to log the messages) * @throws Exception */ @Test public void testBasicProxyBehavior() throws Exception { //given clearAllOldStubConfigs(); setLocalhostBlockingTo("off"); uploadTemplateToWilma(RESOURCE_FILE_NAME, RESOURCE); uploadStubConfigToWilma(STUB_CONFIG_XML); setOperationModeTo("wilma"); setOriginalRequestMessageFromFile(EXAMPLE_2); setExpectedResponseMessageFromFile("resources/uc3_1TestResponse.txt"); RequestParameters requestParameters = createRequestParameters(); if (tcName.contains("SSL")) { naTestCase("SSL part testing is not prepared."); } //when and then callWilmaWithPostMethodAndAssertResponse(requestParameters); //send request, receive response and check if expected result test is in the result } protected RequestParameters createRequestParameters() throws FileNotFoundException { String testServerUrl = getWilmaTestServerUrl(); String wilmaHost = getTestClassExecutionData().getEnvironment().getProperty(""); Integer wilmaPort = Integer.parseInt(getTestClassExecutionData().getEnvironment().getProperty("wilma.port.external")); String contentType = "application/" + tcContentType; String acceptHeader = "application/" + tcAcceptHeader; String contentEncoding = tcContentEncoding; String acceptEncoding = tcAcceptEncoding; return new RequestParameters().testServerUrl(testServerUrl).useProxy(true).wilmaHost(wilmaHost).wilmaPort(wilmaPort) .xmlIS(new FileInputStream(EXAMPLE_2)).contentType(contentType).acceptHeader(acceptHeader).contentEncoding(contentEncoding) .acceptEncoding(acceptEncoding); } }