// Copyright (c) 1999-2004 Brian Wellington (bwelling@xbill.org) package org.xbill.DNS; import java.io.IOException; import java.net.InetAddress; import java.net.UnknownHostException; /** * A6 Record - maps a domain name to an IPv6 address (experimental) * * @author Brian Wellington */ public class A6Record extends Record { private static final long serialVersionUID = -8815026887337346789L; private int prefixBits; private InetAddress suffix; private Name prefix; A6Record() {} Record getObject() { return new A6Record(); } /** * Creates an A6 Record from the given data * @param prefixBits The number of bits in the address prefix * @param suffix The address suffix * @param prefix The name of the prefix */ public A6Record(Name name, int dclass, long ttl, int prefixBits, InetAddress suffix, Name prefix) { super(name, Type.A6, dclass, ttl); this.prefixBits = checkU8("prefixBits", prefixBits); if (suffix != null && Address.familyOf(suffix) != Address.IPv6) throw new IllegalArgumentException("invalid IPv6 address"); this.suffix = suffix; if (prefix != null) this.prefix = checkName("prefix", prefix); } void rrFromWire(DNSInput in) throws IOException { prefixBits = in.readU8(); int suffixbits = 128 - prefixBits; int suffixbytes = (suffixbits + 7) / 8; if (prefixBits < 128) { byte [] bytes = new byte[16]; in.readByteArray(bytes, 16 - suffixbytes, suffixbytes); suffix = InetAddress.getByAddress(bytes); } if (prefixBits > 0) prefix = new Name(in); } void rdataFromString(Tokenizer st, Name origin) throws IOException { prefixBits = st.getUInt8(); if (prefixBits > 128) { throw st.exception("prefix bits must be [0..128]"); } else if (prefixBits < 128) { String s = st.getString(); try { suffix = Address.getByAddress(s, Address.IPv6); } catch (UnknownHostException e) { throw st.exception("invalid IPv6 address: " + s); } } if (prefixBits > 0) prefix = st.getName(origin); } /** Converts rdata to a String */ String rrToString() { StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(); sb.append(prefixBits); if (suffix != null) { sb.append(" "); sb.append(suffix.getHostAddress()); } if (prefix != null) { sb.append(" "); sb.append(prefix); } return sb.toString(); } /** Returns the number of bits in the prefix */ public int getPrefixBits() { return prefixBits; } /** Returns the address suffix */ public InetAddress getSuffix() { return suffix; } /** Returns the address prefix */ public Name getPrefix() { return prefix; } void rrToWire(DNSOutput out, Compression c, boolean canonical) { out.writeU8(prefixBits); if (suffix != null) { int suffixbits = 128 - prefixBits; int suffixbytes = (suffixbits + 7) / 8; byte [] data = suffix.getAddress(); out.writeByteArray(data, 16 - suffixbytes, suffixbytes); } if (prefix != null) prefix.toWire(out, null, canonical); } }