package; import java.sql.CallableStatement; import java.sql.SQLException; import java.util.Map; import java.util.HashMap; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import com.github.wicketoracle.html.form.choice.IntegerSelectChoice; import com.github.wicketoracle.html.form.choice.SelectChoiceList; import; import; import oracle.jdbc.OracleCallableStatement; import oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection; import oracle.jdbc.OracleResultSet; import oracle.jdbc.OracleTypes; import oracle.sql.ARRAY; import oracle.sql.ArrayDescriptor; import oracle.sql.STRUCT; import oracle.sql.StructDescriptor; import oracle.ucp.jdbc.ValidConnection; /** * Base class which all Oracle Data Access Objects( DAOs ) should extend in order * that data access facilities operate in a uniform manner * * @author Andrew Hall * */ public abstract class AbstractOracleDAO { /** Log */ private static final Logger LOGGER = LoggerFactory.getLogger( AbstractOracleDAO.class ); private transient OracleConnection conn; private String username; /** * Constructor initialising a db connection * * @param pUsername * DB username * @param pPassword * DB password * @throws SQLException */ protected AbstractOracleDAO( final String pUsername , final String pPassword ) throws SQLException { conn = ( OracleConnection ) UCPMgr.getLabelledConnection( pUsername , pPassword ); } /** * * @return * application username */ public final String getUsername() { return username; } /** * @return * reference to db connection */ protected final OracleConnection getConnection() throws SQLException { return conn; } /** * Commit uncommitted work to the db * * @throws SQLException */ public final void doCommit() throws SQLException { conn.commit(); } /** * Rollback uncommitted work in the db * * @throws SQLException */ public final void doRollback() throws SQLException { conn.rollback(); } /** * Return the connection to the Universal Connection Pool, making it accessible * to other threads. This method makes provision for Oracle Proxy user connections * * @throws SQLException */ public final boolean closeConnection() { try { if ( !conn.isClosed() ) { conn.close(); } return true; } catch ( SQLException sqle ) { LOGGER.error ( "SQL Exception whilst closing a connection -> {}; error code -> {}; sql state -> {}" , new Object [ ] { sqle.getMessage() , sqle.getErrorCode() , sqle.getSQLState() } ); return false; } } /** * mark the connection to be removed from the UCP when it is closed */ public final void setConnectionInvalid() throws SQLException { ( ( ValidConnection ) getConnection() ).setInvalid(); } /** * Manufacture a map of lists from a result set. Each list represents id/code value sets * @param pDbRs * @return * @throws SQLException */ protected final Map <String , SelectChoiceList <IntegerSelectChoice>> getKeyValueRefData( final OracleResultSet pDbRs ) throws SQLException { Map <String , SelectChoiceList <IntegerSelectChoice>> mapKeyValueRefData = new HashMap <String , SelectChoiceList <IntegerSelectChoice>>(); SelectChoiceList <IntegerSelectChoice> listKeyValueRefData = new SelectChoiceList <IntegerSelectChoice>(); int count = 0; String prevKey = ""; String currKey = ""; while ( ) { currKey = pDbRs.getString( "DATASETKEY" ); if ( count == 0 ) { prevKey = currKey; } if ( ! currKey.equals( prevKey ) ) { if ( count > 0 ) { mapKeyValueRefData.put( prevKey , listKeyValueRefData ); } listKeyValueRefData = new SelectChoiceList < IntegerSelectChoice >(); prevKey = currKey; } listKeyValueRefData.add( new IntegerSelectChoice( pDbRs.getInt( "ID" ) , pDbRs.getString( "NAME" ) ) ); count++; } if ( listKeyValueRefData.size() > 0 ) { mapKeyValueRefData.put( currKey , listKeyValueRefData ); } LOGGER.debug( "Reference data built : #sets of ref data -> {}" , mapKeyValueRefData.size() ); /* finished building reference data map */ return mapKeyValueRefData; } /** * @param pDbUser * The name of an oracle user * @param pPackage * The name of a pl/sql package owned by pDbUser * @param pFunction * The name of a function within pPackage which returns a ref. cursor containing ref. data * @return A map containing any number of lists of reference data */ protected final Map <String , SelectChoiceList <IntegerSelectChoice>> getKeyValueRefData( final String pDbUser , final String pPackage , final String pFunction ) throws SQLException { final String dbStatement = " begin " + " sys.dbms_application_info.set_module( module_name => ? , action_name => ? ); " + " ? := " + pDbUser + "." + pPackage + "." + pFunction + ";" + " end; "; OracleCallableStatement dbCstmt = null; OracleResultSet dbRs = null; try { /* retrieve data */ dbCstmt = ( OracleCallableStatement ) getConnection().prepareCall( dbStatement ); LOGGER.debug( "DB statement prepared -> {}", dbStatement ); dbCstmt.setString( 1 , pPackage.toUpperCase() ); dbCstmt.setString( 2 , pFunction.toUpperCase() ); dbCstmt.registerOutParameter( 3 , OracleTypes.CURSOR ); LOGGER.debug( "DB params registered" ); dbCstmt.execute(); LOGGER.debug( "DB statement executed" ); dbRs = ( OracleResultSet ) dbCstmt.getCursor( 3 ); /* build reference data map [a map of lists] */ return getKeyValueRefData( dbRs ); } catch ( SQLException sqle ) { LOGGER.error ( "SQL Exception whilst retrieving reference data -> {}; db user -> {}; package -> {}; function -> {}; error code -> {}; sql state -> {}" , new Object [ ] { pDbUser , pPackage , pFunction , sqle.getMessage() , sqle.getErrorCode() , sqle.getSQLState() } ); throw sqle; } finally { CloseResource.close( dbRs ); CloseResource.close( dbCstmt ); } } /** * Make a role granted to the authenticated user active * * @param pRole * the role to activate */ protected final void setRole( final String pRole ) throws SQLException { final String dbStatement = " begin " + " sys.dbms_application_info.set_module( module_name => ? , action_name => ? ); " + " app_user.pk_set_app_user_roles.pr_enable_role( p_role => ? );" + " end; "; CallableStatement dbCstmt = null; try { LOGGER.debug( "Set db role" ); dbCstmt = getConnection().prepareCall( dbStatement ); LOGGER.debug( "DB statement prepared -> {}" , dbStatement ); dbCstmt.setString( 1 , "PK_SET_APP_USER_ROLES" ); dbCstmt.setString( 2 , "PR_ENABLE_ROLE" ); dbCstmt.setString( 3 , pRole ); LOGGER.debug( "DB params registered : Role -> {}" , pRole ); dbCstmt.execute(); LOGGER.debug( "DB statement executed" ); } catch ( SQLException sqle ) { LOGGER.error ( "SQL Exception whilst setting role -> {}; role -> {}; error code -> {}; sql state -> {}" , new Object [ ] { sqle.getMessage() , pRole , sqle.getErrorCode() , sqle.getSQLState() } ); throw sqle; } finally { CloseResource.close( dbCstmt ); } } /** * Enable several Oracle roles at once */ protected final void setRoles( final String [ ] pRoles ) throws SQLException { final String dbStatement = " begin " + " sys.dbms_application_info.set_module( module_name => ? , action_name => ? ); " + " app_user.pk_set_app_user_roles.pr_enable_roles( p_role_list => ? );" + " end; "; OracleCallableStatement dbCstmt = null; try { LOGGER.debug( "Set db role" ); dbCstmt = ( OracleCallableStatement ) getConnection().prepareCall( dbStatement ); LOGGER.debug( "DB statement prepared -> {}" , dbStatement ); /* transform the pRoles string array into a table of Oracle objects */ STRUCT [ ] dbRoles = new STRUCT [ pRoles.length ]; LOGGER.debug( "Role STRUCT[] built : size -> {}" , pRoles.length ); StructDescriptor tyString = StructDescriptor.createDescriptor( "APP_UTILITY.TY_STRING" , getConnection() ); LOGGER.debug( "ty_string structure retrieved" ); ArrayDescriptor ttyString = ArrayDescriptor.createDescriptor( "APP_UTILITY.TTY_STRING" , getConnection() ); LOGGER.debug( "tty_string structure retrieved" ); for ( int i = 0 ; i < dbRoles.length ; i++ ) { String [ ] role = { pRoles [ i ] }; dbRoles [ i ] = new STRUCT( tyString , getConnection() , role ); } /* if we've got this far our ARRAY is almost prepared */ dbCstmt.setString( 1 , "PK_SET_APP_USER_ROLES" ); dbCstmt.setString( 2 , "PR_ENABLE_ROLES" ); dbCstmt.setARRAY( 3 , new ARRAY( ttyString , getConnection() , dbRoles ) ); LOGGER.debug( "DB params registered" ); dbCstmt.execute(); LOGGER.debug( "DB statement executed" ); } catch ( SQLException sqle ) { LOGGER.error ( "SQL Exception whilst setting role -> {}; role -> {}; error code -> {}; sql state -> {}" , new Object [ ] { sqle.getMessage() , pRoles , sqle.getErrorCode() , sqle.getSQLState() } ); throw sqle; } finally { CloseResource.close( dbCstmt ); } } }