package; import java.sql.SQLException; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import org.apache.wicket.Localizer; import org.apache.wicket.markup.html.basic.Label; import org.apache.wicket.markup.html.form.Form; import org.apache.wicket.markup.html.panel.Panel; import org.apache.wicket.markup.repeater.Item; import org.apache.wicket.markup.repeater.RefreshingView; import org.apache.wicket.markup.repeater.util.ModelIteratorAdapter; import org.apache.wicket.model.CompoundPropertyModel; import org.apache.wicket.model.IModel; import org.apache.wicket.model.Model; import org.apache.wicket.model.StringResourceModel; import org.apache.wicket.util.value.ValueMap; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import; import; import; import; import com.github.wicketoracle.html.form.choice.YesNoChoice; import; import com.github.wicketoracle.session.Session; public class SubdivisionListMgrPage extends AbstractListMgrPage { private static final Logger LOGGER = LoggerFactory.getLogger( SubdivisionListMgrPage.class ); private final Panel menuPanel = PostLoginMenuPanelFactory.getPostLoginMenuPanel(); private final Label headerLabel; private final SubdivisionListForm subdivisionListForm; public SubdivisionListMgrPage( final DataStructure pDataStructure ) { add( menuPanel ); ValueMap headerLabelParams = new ValueMap(); headerLabelParams.put( "dataStructure" , pDataStructure.getRefdataDescr() ); headerLabel = new Label( "HeaderSubdivisionListMgr" , new StringResourceModel( "HeaderSubdivisionListMgr" , this , new Model<ValueMap>( headerLabelParams ) ) ); add( headerLabel ); subdivisionListForm = new SubdivisionListForm( "FormSubdivisionList" , pDataStructure ); add( subdivisionListForm ); } /** * * @author Andrew Hall * */ private final class SubdivisionListForm extends Form<ListDatum> { private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; private transient Localizer localiser = getLocalizer(); private final DataStructure dataStructure; private final Label itemNameLabel = new Label( "LabelItemName" , localiser.getString( "LabelItemName" , this ) ); private final Label includeItemLabel = new Label( "LabelIncludeItem" , localiser.getString( "LabelIncludeItem" , this ) ); private List<SubdivisionDatum> listData = new ArrayList<SubdivisionDatum>(); /** * Refresh the contents of the list from the data store */ private void refreshListData() { final Session session = ( Session ) getSession(); SubdivisionListMgrDAO dataService = null; try { dataService = new SubdivisionListMgrDAO( session.getUsername() , session.getPassword() ); listData = dataService.getData( dataStructure.getRdsId() , dataStructure.getDbrlCode() ); } catch ( SQLException sqle ) { LOGGER.error ( "SQL Exception when retrieving update only list data -> {}; error code -> {}; sql state -> {}" , new Object [ ] { sqle.getMessage() , sqle.getErrorCode() , sqle.getSQLState() } ); error( getLocalizer().getString( "MessageUnexpectedError" , this ) ); } finally { if ( ! dataService.closeConnection() ) { error( getLocalizer().getString( "MessageUnexpectedError" , this ) ); } } if ( listData == null || listData.size() == 0 ) { info( getLocalizer().getString( "MessageNoDataFound" , this ) ); listData = new ArrayList<SubdivisionDatum>(); setVisible( false ); } } /** * * @param pId * @param pDataStructure */ public SubdivisionListForm( final String pId , final DataStructure pDataStructure ) { super( pId ); dataStructure = pDataStructure; add( itemNameLabel ); add( includeItemLabel ); add ( new RefreshingView<SubdivisionDatum>( "DataList" ) { private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; @Override protected Iterator<IModel<SubdivisionDatum>> getItemModels() { return new ModelIteratorAdapter<SubdivisionDatum>( listData.iterator() ) { @Override protected IModel<SubdivisionDatum> model( final SubdivisionDatum pObject ) { return new CompoundPropertyModel<SubdivisionDatum>( pObject ); } }; } @Override protected void populateItem( final Item<SubdivisionDatum> pItem ) { pItem.add( new Label( "itemName" ) ); pItem.add( new YesNoChoice( "includeItem" ) ); } } ); } @Override public void onSubmit() { final Session session = ( Session ) getSession(); SubdivisionListMgrDAO dataService = null; try { LOGGER.debug( "Began the form submission process " ); dataService = new SubdivisionListMgrDAO( session.getUsername() , session.getPassword() ); LOGGER.debug( "SubdivisionListMgrDAO constructed" ); dataService.updateData( dataStructure.getRdsId() , dataStructure.getDbrlCode() , listData ); LOGGER.debug( "Data updated" ); dataService.doCommit(); LOGGER.debug( "Changes committed" ); info( getLocalizer().getString( "MessageSuccess" , this ) ); } catch ( NothingToDoException ntde ) { error( getLocalizer().getString( "NoWorkToDo" , this ) ); } catch ( SQLException sqle ) { LOGGER.error ( "SQL Exception when changing subdivision data -> {}; error code -> {}; sql state -> {}" , new Object [ ] { sqle.getMessage() , sqle.getErrorCode() , sqle.getSQLState() } ); error( getLocalizer().getString( "MessageUnexpectedError" , this ) ); } finally { if ( ! dataService.closeConnection() ) { error( getLocalizer().getString( "MessageUnexpectedError" , this ) ); } } } /** * Refresh the data prior to loading the page */ @Override public void onBeforeRender() { refreshListData(); super.onBeforeRender(); } } }