package; import org.apache.wicket.devutils.debugbar.DebugBar; import org.apache.wicket.markup.html.basic.Label; import org.apache.wicket.markup.html.panel.EmptyPanel; import org.apache.wicket.markup.html.panel.FeedbackPanel; import org.apache.wicket.markup.html.WebPage; import org.apache.wicket.model.Model; import com.github.wicketoracle.html.panel.ApplicationDebugInfoPanel; import com.github.wicketoracle.session.Session; /** * HTML page from which all pages in the application should <i>extend</i>, in order to * reproduce the standard look and feel of the application * * @author Andrew Hall * */ public abstract class StandardPage extends WebPage { private final Label pageTitleLabel = new Label( "LabelPageTitle" , new Model<String>( getLocalizer().getString( "PageTitle" , this ) ) ); private final FeedbackPanel feedbackPanel = new FeedbackPanel( "FeedbackPanel" ); private DebugBar debugPanel; private ApplicationDebugInfoPanel applicationDebugInfoPanel; /** * * @return */ public final boolean getIsDebugInfoVisible() { return ( ( Session ) getSession() ).isDebugInfoVisible(); } /** * Constructor */ public StandardPage() { add( pageTitleLabel ); add( feedbackPanel ); final boolean isDebugInfoVisible = getIsDebugInfoVisible(); if ( isDebugInfoVisible ) { applicationDebugInfoPanel = new ApplicationDebugInfoPanel( "ApplicationDebugInfoPanel" , this.getClass() ); add( applicationDebugInfoPanel ); debugPanel = new DebugBar( "PanelDebugBar" ); add( debugPanel ); } else { add( new EmptyPanel( "ApplicationDebugInfoPanel" ) ); add( new EmptyPanel( "PanelDebugBar" ) ); } getApplication().getDebugSettings().setDevelopmentUtilitiesEnabled( isDebugInfoVisible ); } }