package; import java.sql.SQLException; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import; import com.github.wicketoracle.html.form.choice.IntegerSelectChoice; import com.github.wicketoracle.html.form.choice.SelectChoiceList; import; import; import oracle.jdbc.OracleCallableStatement; import oracle.jdbc.OracleResultSet; import oracle.jdbc.OracleTypes; import oracle.sql.ARRAY; import oracle.sql.ArrayDescriptor; import oracle.sql.STRUCT; import oracle.sql.StructDescriptor; final class IntersectionListMgrDAO extends AbstractOracleDAO { /** Log */ private static final Logger LOGGER = LoggerFactory.getLogger( IntersectionListMgrDAO.class ); /** * Constructor */ public IntersectionListMgrDAO( final String pUsername , final String pPassword ) throws SQLException { super( pUsername , pPassword ); } /** * return the list of parent list items */ public SelectChoiceList<IntegerSelectChoice> getParentData( final int pDataStructureId , final String pDbRoleName ) throws SQLException { final String dbStatement = " BEGIN " + " SYS.dbms_application_info.set_module ( module_name => ? , action_name => ? ); " + " ? := app_refdata.pk_intersection_list_mgr.fn_get_parent_data( p_rds_id => ? );" + " END; "; OracleCallableStatement dbCstmt = null; OracleResultSet dbRs = null; SelectChoiceList<IntegerSelectChoice> parentData = new SelectChoiceList<IntegerSelectChoice>(); try { LOGGER.debug( "Retrieve intersection parent list data" ); String[] dbRoles = { RequiredRoles.ROLE_REF_DATA_MGR, pDbRoleName}; setRoles( dbRoles ); LOGGER.debug( "Roles set" ); dbCstmt = ( OracleCallableStatement ) getConnection().prepareCall( dbStatement ); LOGGER.debug( "DB statement prepared -> {}", dbStatement ); dbCstmt.setString( 1, "PK_INTERSECTION_LIST_MGR" ); dbCstmt.setString( 2, "FN_GET_PARENT_DATA" ); dbCstmt.registerOutParameter( 3, OracleTypes.CURSOR ); dbCstmt.setInt( 4, pDataStructureId ); LOGGER.debug( "DB params registered" ); dbCstmt.execute(); LOGGER.debug( "DB statement executed" ); dbRs = ( OracleResultSet ) dbCstmt.getCursor( 3 ); while ( ) { parentData.add( new IntegerSelectChoice( dbRs.getInt( "ID" ), dbRs.getString( "NAME" ) ) ); } return parentData; } catch ( SQLException sqle ) { LOGGER.error ( "SQL Exception whilst retrieving intersection parent data -> {}; error code -> {}; sql state -> {}; pRdsId -> {}; pDbrlName -> {}" , new Object [] { sqle.getMessage() , sqle.getErrorCode() , sqle.getSQLState() , pDataStructureId , pDbRoleName } ); throw sqle; } finally { CloseResource.close( dbRs ); CloseResource.close( dbCstmt ); } } /** * Retrieve the child data, split into selected and available lists * @param pDataStructureId * @param pDbRoleName * @param pParentItemId * @return * @throws SQLException */ public Map<String , SelectChoiceList<IntegerSelectChoice>> getChildData( final int pDataStructureId , final String pDbRoleName , final int pParentItemId ) throws SQLException { final String dbStatement = " BEGIN " + " SYS.dbms_application_info.set_module ( module_name => ? , action_name => ? ); " + " ? := app_refdata.pk_intersection_list_mgr.fn_get_child_data ( p_rds_id => ? , p_parent_id => ? );" + " END; "; OracleCallableStatement dbCstmt = null; OracleResultSet dbRs = null; try { LOGGER.debug( "Retrieve intersection parent list data" ); String[] dbRoles = { RequiredRoles.ROLE_REF_DATA_MGR, pDbRoleName}; setRoles( dbRoles ); LOGGER.debug( "Roles set" ); dbCstmt = ( OracleCallableStatement ) getConnection().prepareCall( dbStatement ); LOGGER.debug( "DB statement prepared -> {}", dbStatement ); dbCstmt.setString( 1 , "PK_INTERSECTION_LIST_MGR" ); dbCstmt.setString( 2 , "FN_GET_CHILD_DATA" ); dbCstmt.registerOutParameter( 3, OracleTypes.CURSOR ); dbCstmt.setInt( 4 , pDataStructureId ); dbCstmt.setInt( 5 , pParentItemId ); LOGGER.debug( "DB params registered" ); dbCstmt.execute(); LOGGER.debug( "DB statement executed" ); dbRs = ( OracleResultSet ) dbCstmt.getCursor( 3 ); return getKeyValueRefData( dbRs ); } catch ( SQLException sqle ) { LOGGER.error ( "SQL Exception whilst retrieving intersection child data -> {}; error code -> {}; sql state -> {}; pRdsId -> {}; pDbrlName -> {}; pItemId -> {}" , new Object [] { sqle.getMessage() , sqle.getErrorCode() , sqle.getSQLState() , pDataStructureId , pDbRoleName , pParentItemId } ); throw sqle; } finally { CloseResource.close( dbRs ); CloseResource.close( dbCstmt ); } } /** * Apply updates */ public void updateData( final int pRdsId , final String pDbrlName , final int pParentItemId , final SelectChoiceList<IntegerSelectChoice> pListData ) throws SQLException { final String dbStatement = " BEGIN " + " SYS.dbms_application_info.set_module ( module_name => ? , action_name => ? ); " + " app_refdata.pk_intersection_list_mgr.pr_update( p_rds_id => ? , p_parent_id => ? , p_dataset => ?);" + " END; "; OracleCallableStatement dbCstmt = null; try { /* retrieve data */ LOGGER.debug( "Update list of subdivision list data" ); String[] dbRoles = { RequiredRoles.ROLE_REF_DATA_MGR, pDbrlName}; setRoles( dbRoles ); LOGGER.debug( "Roles set" ); dbCstmt = ( OracleCallableStatement ) getConnection().prepareCall( dbStatement ); /* check that some modifications have taken place */ List<Object[]> moddedListData = new ArrayList<Object[]>(); for ( IntegerSelectChoice listItem : pListData ) { moddedListData.add ( new Object[] { listItem.getKey() } ); } STRUCT[] moddedDbListData = new STRUCT[moddedListData.size()]; LOGGER.debug( "User STRUCT[] built : size -> {}", moddedListData.size() ); StructDescriptor tyIntersectionListRefData = StructDescriptor.createDescriptor( "APP_REFDATA.TY_INTERSECTION_LIST_REF_DATA", getConnection() ); LOGGER.debug( "ty_intersection_list_ref_data structure retrieved" ); ArrayDescriptor ttyIntersectionListRefData = ArrayDescriptor.createDescriptor( "APP_REFDATA.TTY_INTERSECTION_LIST_REF_DATA", getConnection() ); LOGGER.debug( "tty_intersection_list_ref_data structure retrieved" ); for ( int i = 0 ; i < moddedDbListData.length ; i++ ) { moddedDbListData[i] = new STRUCT( tyIntersectionListRefData , getConnection(), moddedListData.get( i ) ); } /* if we have reached this stage then changes have been specified, and now an ARRAY can be built, and our sp. executed */ dbCstmt.setString( 1 , "PK_INTERSECTION_LIST_MGR" ); dbCstmt.setString( 2 , "PR_UPDATE" ); dbCstmt.setInt( 3 , pRdsId ); dbCstmt.setInt( 4 , pParentItemId ); dbCstmt.setARRAY( 5 , new ARRAY( ttyIntersectionListRefData , getConnection() , moddedDbListData ) ); LOGGER.debug( "DB params registered" ); dbCstmt.execute(); LOGGER.debug( "DB statement executed" ); } catch ( SQLException sqle ) { LOGGER.error ( "SQL Exception whilst updating list intersection ref data -> {}; error code -> {}; sql state -> {}; pRdsId -> {}; pDbrlName -> {}; pParentItemId -> {}" , new Object [] { sqle.getMessage() , sqle.getErrorCode() , sqle.getSQLState() , pRdsId , pDbrlName , pParentItemId } ); throw sqle; } finally { CloseResource.close( dbCstmt ); } } }