package; import android.util.Log; import org.xml.sax.Attributes; import org.xml.sax.SAXException; import java.util.HashMap; class FlexStrings { private static final String TAG = "FlexStrings"; @SuppressWarnings("unused") private static final boolean D = Flex.D; private boolean open; private String nameHolder; private HashMap<String, String> stringMap; private static final String ELEMENT = "string"; private static final String ATTRIBUTE_NAME = "name"; FlexStrings() { = false; this.stringMap = new HashMap<String, String>(); } void startElement(Attributes attributes, String localName) throws SAXException { if (open) throw new SAXException("You cannot have nested string elements"); if (ELEMENT.equalsIgnoreCase(localName)) { String name = attributes.getValue(ATTRIBUTE_NAME); if (name == null) throw new SAXException("string elements must have a \"name\" attribute."); this.nameHolder = name; open = true; } else throw new SAXException("Undefined FlexStrings element: " + localName); } void endElement(String localName, String value) throws SAXException { if (!open) throw new SAXException("You cannot have nested string elements"); if (!stringMap.containsKey(this.nameHolder)) stringMap.put(this.nameHolder, value); else throw new SAXException("strings cannot have the same name: " + this.nameHolder); open = false; } void endElement(String localName) throws SAXException { if (!open) throw new SAXException("You cannot have nested string elements"); open = false; Log.e(TAG, "Error: Failed to parse the string value for: " + this.nameHolder); } String update(String defaultValue, String name) { if (stringMap.containsKey(name)) return stringMap.get(name); else return defaultValue; } }