package; import android.content.ContentValues; import android.database.Cursor; import android.database.sqlite.SQLiteDatabase; import android.database.sqlite.SQLiteOpenHelper; import; import com.hadisatrio.optional.Optional; import; import java.sql.Date; import java.util.Collections; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; /** * Stores all database operations related to the {@link Receipt} model objects */ public class ReceiptsTable extends TripForeignKeyAbstractSqlTable<Receipt, Integer> { // SQL Definitions: public static final String TABLE_NAME = "receipts"; public static final String COLUMN_ID = "id"; public static final String COLUMN_PATH = "path"; public static final String COLUMN_NAME = "name"; public static final String COLUMN_PARENT = "parent"; public static final String COLUMN_CATEGORY = "category"; public static final String COLUMN_PRICE = "price"; public static final String COLUMN_TAX = "tax"; public static final String COLUMN_EXCHANGE_RATE = "exchange_rate"; public static final String COLUMN_DATE = "rcpt_date"; public static final String COLUMN_TIMEZONE = "timezone"; public static final String COLUMN_COMMENT = "comment"; public static final String COLUMN_REIMBURSABLE = "expenseable"; public static final String COLUMN_ISO4217 = "isocode"; public static final String COLUMN_PAYMENT_METHOD_ID = "paymentMethodKey"; public static final String COLUMN_NOTFULLPAGEIMAGE = "fullpageimage"; public static final String COLUMN_PROCESSING_STATUS = "receipt_processing_status"; public static final String COLUMN_EXTRA_EDITTEXT_1 = "extra_edittext_1"; public static final String COLUMN_EXTRA_EDITTEXT_2 = "extra_edittext_2"; public static final String COLUMN_EXTRA_EDITTEXT_3 = "extra_edittext_3"; private final String mDefaultCurrencyCode; public ReceiptsTable(@NonNull SQLiteOpenHelper sqLiteOpenHelper, @NonNull Table<Trip, String> tripsTable, @NonNull Table<PaymentMethod, Integer> paymentMethodTable, @NonNull Table<Category, String> categoryTable, @NonNull StorageManager storageManager, @NonNull UserPreferenceManager preferences) { super(sqLiteOpenHelper, TABLE_NAME, new ReceiptDatabaseAdapter(tripsTable, paymentMethodTable, categoryTable, storageManager), new ReceiptPrimaryKey(), COLUMN_PARENT, COLUMN_DATE); mDefaultCurrencyCode = preferences.get(UserPreference.General.DefaultCurrency); } @Override public synchronized void onCreate(@NonNull SQLiteDatabase db, @NonNull TableDefaultsCustomizer customizer) { super.onCreate(db, customizer); final String receipts = "CREATE TABLE " + ReceiptsTable.TABLE_NAME + " (" + ReceiptsTable.COLUMN_ID + " INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT, " + ReceiptsTable.COLUMN_PATH + " TEXT, " + ReceiptsTable.COLUMN_PARENT + " TEXT REFERENCES " + TripsTable.TABLE_NAME + " ON DELETE CASCADE, " + ReceiptsTable.COLUMN_NAME + " TEXT DEFAULT \"New Receipt\", " + ReceiptsTable.COLUMN_CATEGORY + " TEXT, " + ReceiptsTable.COLUMN_DATE + " DATE DEFAULT (DATE('now', 'localtime')), " + ReceiptsTable.COLUMN_TIMEZONE + " TEXT, " + ReceiptsTable.COLUMN_COMMENT + " TEXT, " + ReceiptsTable.COLUMN_ISO4217 + " TEXT NOT NULL, " + ReceiptsTable.COLUMN_PRICE + " DECIMAL(10, 2) DEFAULT 0.00, " + ReceiptsTable.COLUMN_TAX + " DECIMAL(10, 2) DEFAULT 0.00, " + ReceiptsTable.COLUMN_EXCHANGE_RATE + " DECIMAL(10, 10) DEFAULT -1.00, " + ReceiptsTable.COLUMN_PAYMENT_METHOD_ID + " INTEGER REFERENCES " + PaymentMethodsTable.TABLE_NAME + " ON DELETE NO ACTION, " + ReceiptsTable.COLUMN_REIMBURSABLE + " BOOLEAN DEFAULT 1, " + ReceiptsTable.COLUMN_NOTFULLPAGEIMAGE + " BOOLEAN DEFAULT 1, " + ReceiptsTable.COLUMN_PROCESSING_STATUS + " TEXT, " + ReceiptsTable.COLUMN_EXTRA_EDITTEXT_1 + " TEXT, " + ReceiptsTable.COLUMN_EXTRA_EDITTEXT_2 + " TEXT, " + ReceiptsTable.COLUMN_EXTRA_EDITTEXT_3 + " TEXT, " + AbstractSqlTable.COLUMN_DRIVE_SYNC_ID + " TEXT, " + AbstractSqlTable.COLUMN_DRIVE_IS_SYNCED + " BOOLEAN DEFAULT 0, " + AbstractSqlTable.COLUMN_DRIVE_MARKED_FOR_DELETION + " BOOLEAN DEFAULT 0, " + AbstractSqlTable.COLUMN_LAST_LOCAL_MODIFICATION_TIME + " DATE" + ");"; Logger.debug(this, receipts); db.execSQL(receipts); } @Override public synchronized void onUpgrade(@NonNull SQLiteDatabase db, int oldVersion, int newVersion, @NonNull TableDefaultsCustomizer customizer) { super.onUpgrade(db, oldVersion, newVersion, customizer); if (oldVersion <= 1) { // Add mCurrency column to receipts table final String alterReceipts = "ALTER TABLE " + ReceiptsTable.TABLE_NAME + " ADD " + ReceiptsTable.COLUMN_ISO4217 + " TEXT NOT NULL " + "DEFAULT " + mDefaultCurrencyCode; Logger.debug(this, alterReceipts); db.execSQL(alterReceipts); } if (oldVersion <= 3) { // Add extra_edittext columns final String alterReceipts1 = "ALTER TABLE " + ReceiptsTable.TABLE_NAME + " ADD " + ReceiptsTable.COLUMN_EXTRA_EDITTEXT_1 + " TEXT"; final String alterReceipts2 = "ALTER TABLE " + ReceiptsTable.TABLE_NAME + " ADD " + ReceiptsTable.COLUMN_EXTRA_EDITTEXT_2 + " TEXT"; final String alterReceipts3 = "ALTER TABLE " + ReceiptsTable.TABLE_NAME + " ADD " + ReceiptsTable.COLUMN_EXTRA_EDITTEXT_3 + " TEXT"; Logger.debug(this, alterReceipts1); Logger.debug(this, alterReceipts2); Logger.debug(this, alterReceipts3); db.execSQL(alterReceipts1); db.execSQL(alterReceipts2); db.execSQL(alterReceipts3); } if (oldVersion <= 4) { // Change Mileage to Decimal instead of Integer final String alterReceipts = "ALTER TABLE " + ReceiptsTable.TABLE_NAME + " ADD " + ReceiptsTable.COLUMN_TAX + " DECIMAL(10, 2) DEFAULT 0.00"; Logger.debug(this, alterReceipts); db.execSQL(alterReceipts); } if (oldVersion <= 6) { // Fix the database to replace absolute paths with relative ones Cursor receiptsCursor = null; try { receiptsCursor = db.query(ReceiptsTable.TABLE_NAME, new String[]{ReceiptsTable.COLUMN_ID, ReceiptsTable.COLUMN_PARENT, ReceiptsTable.COLUMN_PATH}, null, null, null, null, null); if (receiptsCursor != null && receiptsCursor.moveToFirst()) { final int idIdx = receiptsCursor.getColumnIndex(ReceiptsTable.COLUMN_ID); final int parentIdx = receiptsCursor.getColumnIndex(ReceiptsTable.COLUMN_PARENT); final int imgIdx = receiptsCursor.getColumnIndex(ReceiptsTable.COLUMN_PATH); do { final int id = receiptsCursor.getInt(idIdx); String absParentPath = receiptsCursor.getString(parentIdx); if (absParentPath.endsWith(File.separator)) { absParentPath = absParentPath.substring(0, absParentPath.length() - 1); } final String absImgPath = receiptsCursor.getString(imgIdx); final ContentValues receiptValues = new ContentValues(2); final String relParentPath = absParentPath.substring(absParentPath.lastIndexOf(File.separatorChar) + 1, absParentPath.length()); receiptValues.put(ReceiptsTable.COLUMN_PARENT, relParentPath); Logger.debug(this, "Updating Abs. Parent Path for Receipt{}: {} => {}", id, absParentPath, relParentPath); if (!absImgPath.equalsIgnoreCase(DatabaseHelper.NO_DATA)) { // This can be either a path or NO_DATA final String relImgPath = absImgPath.substring(absImgPath.lastIndexOf(File.separatorChar) + 1, absImgPath.length()); receiptValues.put(ReceiptsTable.COLUMN_PATH, relImgPath); Logger.debug(this, "Updating Abs. Img Path for Receipt{}: {} => {}", id, absImgPath, relImgPath); } if (db.update(ReceiptsTable.TABLE_NAME, receiptValues, ReceiptsTable.COLUMN_ID + " = ?", new String[]{Integer.toString(id)}) == 0) { Logger.error(this, "Receipt Update Error Occured"); } } while (receiptsCursor.moveToNext()); } } finally { if (receiptsCursor != null) { receiptsCursor.close(); } } } if (oldVersion <= 7) { // Added a timezone column to the receipts table final String alterReceipts = "ALTER TABLE " + ReceiptsTable.TABLE_NAME + " ADD " + ReceiptsTable.COLUMN_TIMEZONE + " TEXT"; Logger.debug(this, alterReceipts); db.execSQL(alterReceipts); } if (oldVersion <= 11) { // Added trips filters, payment methods, and mileage table final String alterReceipts = "ALTER TABLE " + ReceiptsTable.TABLE_NAME + " ADD " + ReceiptsTable.COLUMN_PAYMENT_METHOD_ID + " INTEGER REFERENCES " + PaymentMethodsTable.TABLE_NAME + " ON DELETE NO ACTION"; Logger.debug(this, alterReceipts); db.execSQL(alterReceipts); } if (oldVersion <= 12) { //Added better distance tracking, cost center to the trips, and status to trips/receipts final String alterReceiptsWithProcessingStatus = "ALTER TABLE " + ReceiptsTable.TABLE_NAME + " ADD " + ReceiptsTable.COLUMN_PROCESSING_STATUS + " TEXT"; Logger.debug(this, alterReceiptsWithProcessingStatus); db.execSQL(alterReceiptsWithProcessingStatus); } if (oldVersion <= 13) { final String alterReceipts = "ALTER TABLE " + ReceiptsTable.TABLE_NAME + " ADD " + ReceiptsTable.COLUMN_EXCHANGE_RATE + " DECIMAL(10, 10) DEFAULT -1.00"; Logger.debug(this, alterReceipts); db.execSQL(alterReceipts); } if (oldVersion <= 14) { onUpgradeToAddSyncInformation(db, oldVersion, newVersion); } } @NonNull @Override protected Trip getTripFor(@NonNull Receipt receipt) { return receipt.getTrip(); } @Override public synchronized Optional<Receipt> deleteBlocking(@NonNull Receipt receipt, @NonNull DatabaseOperationMetadata databaseOperationMetadata) { if (receipt.getSyncState().isMarkedForDeletion(SyncProvider.GoogleDrive)) { return super.deleteBlocking(receipt, databaseOperationMetadata); } else { // TODO: Generalize this in a more generic, less drive specific way final SyncState oldSyncState = receipt.getSyncState(); final SyncState newSyncState = new DefaultSyncState(new IdentifierMap(Collections.singletonMap(SyncProvider.GoogleDrive, oldSyncState.getSyncId(SyncProvider.GoogleDrive))), new SyncStatusMap(Collections.singletonMap(SyncProvider.GoogleDrive, false)), new MarkedForDeletionMap(Collections.singletonMap(SyncProvider.GoogleDrive, true)), new Date(System.currentTimeMillis())); final Receipt newReceipt = new ReceiptBuilderFactory(receipt).setSyncState(newSyncState).build(); return super.updateBlocking(receipt, newReceipt, databaseOperationMetadata); } } }