package; import android.content.ContentValues; import android.content.Context; import android.database.Cursor; import android.database.sqlite.SQLiteDatabase; import android.database.sqlite.SQLiteException; import android.database.sqlite.SQLiteOpenHelper; import; import; import android.text.TextUtils; import; import java.math.BigDecimal; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.List; import java.util.TimeZone; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import io.reactivex.Single; import; import; public class DatabaseHelper extends SQLiteOpenHelper implements AutoCompleteAdapter.QueryListener, AutoCompleteAdapter.ItemSelectedListener { // Database Info public static final String DATABASE_NAME = "receipts.db"; public static final int DATABASE_VERSION = 15; @Deprecated public static final String NO_DATA = "null"; // TODO: Just set to null // Tags public static final String TAG_TRIPS_NAME = "Trips"; public static final String TAG_TRIPS_COST_CENTER = "Trips_CostCenter"; public static final String TAG_RECEIPTS_NAME = "Receipts"; public static final String TAG_RECEIPTS_COMMENT = "Receipts_Comment"; public static final String TAG_DISTANCE_LOCATION = "Distance_Location"; // InstanceVar private static DatabaseHelper INSTANCE = null; // Caching Vars private ArrayList<CharSequence> mFullCurrencyList; private ArrayList<CharSequence> mMostRecentlyUsedCurrencyList; private final ReceiptColumnDefinitions mReceiptColumnDefinitions; // Other vars private final Context mContext; private final TableDefaultsCustomizer mCustomizations; private final UserPreferenceManager mPreferences; // Listeners private ReceiptAutoCompleteListener mReceiptAutoCompleteListener; // Locks private final Object mDatabaseLock = new Object(); // Tables private final List<Table> mTables; private final TripsTable mTripsTable; private final ReceiptsTable mReceiptsTable; private final DistanceTable mDistanceTable; private final CategoriesTable mCategoriesTable; private final CSVTable mCSVTable; private final PDFTable mPDFTable; private final PaymentMethodsTable mPaymentMethodsTable; // Misc Vars private boolean mIsDBOpen = false; public interface ReceiptAutoCompleteListener { void onReceiptRowAutoCompleteQueryResult(@Nullable String name, @Nullable String price, @Nullable String category); } public DatabaseHelper(@NonNull Context context, @NonNull StorageManager storageManager, @NonNull UserPreferenceManager preferences, @NonNull String databasePath, ReceiptColumnDefinitions receiptColumnDefinitions, WhiteLabelFriendlyTableDefaultsCustomizer tableDefaultsCustomizer) { super(context, databasePath, null, DATABASE_VERSION); // Requests the default cursor mContext = context; mPreferences = preferences; mReceiptColumnDefinitions = receiptColumnDefinitions; mCustomizations = tableDefaultsCustomizer; // Tables: mTables = new ArrayList<>(); mTripsTable = new TripsTable(this, storageManager, preferences); mDistanceTable = new DistanceTable(this, mTripsTable, preferences.get(UserPreference.General.DefaultCurrency)); mCategoriesTable = new CategoriesTable(this); mCSVTable = new CSVTable(this, mReceiptColumnDefinitions); mPDFTable = new PDFTable(this, mReceiptColumnDefinitions); mPaymentMethodsTable = new PaymentMethodsTable(this); mReceiptsTable = new ReceiptsTable(this, mTripsTable, mPaymentMethodsTable, mCategoriesTable, storageManager, preferences); mTables.add(mTripsTable); mTables.add(mDistanceTable); mTables.add(mCategoriesTable); mTables.add(mCSVTable); mTables.add(mPDFTable); mTables.add(mPaymentMethodsTable); mTables.add(mReceiptsTable); this.getReadableDatabase(); // Called here, so onCreate gets called on the UI thread } public static final DatabaseHelper getInstance(Context context, StorageManager storageManager, UserPreferenceManager preferences, ReceiptColumnDefinitions receiptColumnDefinitions, WhiteLabelFriendlyTableDefaultsCustomizer tableDefaultsCustomizer) { if (INSTANCE == null || !INSTANCE.isOpen()) { // If we don't have an instance or it's closed String databasePath = StorageManager.GetRootPath(); if (BuildConfig.DEBUG) { if (databasePath.equals("")) { throw new RuntimeException("The SDCard must be created beforoe GetRootPath is called in DBHelper"); } } if (!databasePath.endsWith(File.separator)) { databasePath = databasePath + File.separator; } databasePath = databasePath + DATABASE_NAME; INSTANCE = new DatabaseHelper(context, storageManager, preferences, databasePath, receiptColumnDefinitions, tableDefaultsCustomizer); } return INSTANCE; } // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Begin Abstract Method Overrides // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// @Override public void onCreate(final SQLiteDatabase db) {, "onCreate");, "Clearing out our clear-able preferences to avoid any syncing issues due if our data was only partially wiped"); SharedPreferenceDefinitions.clearPreferencesThatCanBeCleared(mContext); for (final Table table : mTables) { table.onCreate(db, mCustomizations); } for (final Table table : mTables) { table.onPostCreateUpgrade(); } } @Override public final void onUpgrade(final SQLiteDatabase db, int oldVersion, final int newVersion) {, "onCreate from {} to {}.", oldVersion, newVersion); for (final Table table : mTables) { table.onUpgrade(db, oldVersion, newVersion, mCustomizations); } for (final Table table : mTables) { table.onPostCreateUpgrade(); } } @Override public void onOpen(SQLiteDatabase db) { super.onOpen(db); mIsDBOpen = true; } @Override public synchronized void close() { super.close(); mIsDBOpen = false; } public boolean isOpen() { return mIsDBOpen; } public void onDestroy() { try { this.close(); } catch (Exception e) { // This can be called from finalize, so operate cautiously Logger.error(this, e); } } @Override protected void finalize() throws Throwable { onDestroy(); // Close our resources if we still need super.finalize(); } // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Utility Methods // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /** * This class is not synchronized! Sync outside of it * * @param trip * @return */ public void getTripPriceAndDailyPrice(final Trip trip) { queryTripPrice(trip); queryTripDailyPrice(trip); } /** * Queries the trips price and updates this object. This class is not synchronized! Sync outside of it * * @param trip the trip, which will be updated */ private void queryTripPrice(final Trip trip) { final boolean onlyUseReimbursable = mPreferences.get(UserPreference.Receipts.OnlyIncludeReimbursable); final List<Receipt> receipts = mReceiptsTable.getBlocking(trip, true); final List<Priceable> prices = new ArrayList<>(receipts.size()); for (final Receipt receipt : receipts) { if (!onlyUseReimbursable || receipt.isReimbursable()) { prices.add(receipt); } } if (mPreferences.get(UserPreference.Distance.IncludeDistancePriceInReports)) { final List<Distance> distances = mDistanceTable.getBlocking(trip, true); for (final Distance distance : distances) { prices.add(distance); } } trip.setPrice(new PriceBuilderFactory().setPriceables(prices, trip.getTripCurrency()).build()); } /** * Queries the trips daily total price and updates this object. This class is not synchronized! Sync outside of it * * @param trip the trip, which will be updated */ private void queryTripDailyPrice(final Trip trip) { final boolean onlyUseReimbursable = mPreferences.get(UserPreference.Receipts.OnlyIncludeReimbursable); final List<Receipt> receipts = mReceiptsTable.getBlocking(trip, true); final List<Priceable> prices = new ArrayList<>(receipts.size()); for (final Receipt receipt : receipts) { if (!onlyUseReimbursable || receipt.isReimbursable()) { if (DateUtils.isToday(receipt.getDate())) { prices.add(receipt); } } } if (mPreferences.get(UserPreference.Distance.IncludeDistancePriceInReports)) { final List<Distance> distances = mDistanceTable.getBlocking(trip, true); for (final Distance distance : distances) { if (DateUtils.isToday(distance.getDate())) { prices.add(distance); } } } trip.setDailySubTotal(new PriceBuilderFactory().setPriceables(prices, trip.getTripCurrency()).build()); } public Single<Integer> getNextReceiptAutoIncremenetIdHelper() { return Single.fromCallable(() -> { SQLiteDatabase db = getReadableDatabase(); Cursor cursor = null; try { cursor = db.rawQuery("SELECT seq FROM SQLITE_SEQUENCE WHERE name=?", new String[]{ReceiptsTable.TABLE_NAME}); if (cursor != null && cursor.moveToFirst() && cursor.getColumnCount() > 0) { return cursor.getInt(0) + 1; } else { return 0; } } finally { if (cursor != null) { cursor.close(); } } }); } public final ArrayList<CharSequence> getCurrenciesList() { if (mFullCurrencyList != null) { return mFullCurrencyList; } mFullCurrencyList = new ArrayList<>(); mFullCurrencyList.addAll(CurrencyUtils.getAllCurrencies()); Collections.sort(mFullCurrencyList, new AlphabeticalCaseInsensitiveCharSequenceComparator()); mFullCurrencyList.addAll(0, getMostRecentlyUsedCurrencies()); return mFullCurrencyList; } private List<CharSequence> getMostRecentlyUsedCurrencies() { if (mMostRecentlyUsedCurrencyList != null) { return mMostRecentlyUsedCurrencyList; } mMostRecentlyUsedCurrencyList = new ArrayList<>(); final String query = "SELECT " + ReceiptsTable.COLUMN_ISO4217 + ", COUNT(*) FROM " + ReceiptsTable.TABLE_NAME + " GROUP BY " + ReceiptsTable.COLUMN_ISO4217; synchronized (mDatabaseLock) { Cursor cursor = null; try { final SQLiteDatabase db = this.getReadableDatabase(); cursor = db.rawQuery(query, new String[0]); if (cursor != null && cursor.moveToFirst()) { do { mMostRecentlyUsedCurrencyList.add(cursor.getString(0)); } while (cursor.moveToNext()); } } finally { if (cursor != null) { cursor.close(); } } } Collections.sort(mMostRecentlyUsedCurrencyList, new AlphabeticalCaseInsensitiveCharSequenceComparator()); return mMostRecentlyUsedCurrencyList; } // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Tables Methods // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// @NonNull public final TripsTable getTripsTable() { return mTripsTable; } @NonNull public final ReceiptsTable getReceiptsTable() { return mReceiptsTable; } @NonNull public final DistanceTable getDistanceTable() { return mDistanceTable; } @NonNull public final CategoriesTable getCategoriesTable() { return mCategoriesTable; } @NonNull public final CSVTable getCSVTable() { return mCSVTable; } @NonNull public final PDFTable getPDFTable() { return mPDFTable; } @NonNull public final PaymentMethodsTable getPaymentMethodsTable() { return mPaymentMethodsTable; } @NonNull public final List<Table> getTables() { return mTables; } // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Merge // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// public final synchronized boolean merge(String dbPath, String packageName, boolean overwrite) { synchronized (mDatabaseLock) { SQLiteDatabase importDB = null, currDB = null; Cursor c = null, countCursor = null; try { if (dbPath == null) { Logger.debug(this, "Null database file"); return false; } currDB = this.getWritableDatabase(); importDB = SQLiteDatabase.openDatabase(dbPath, null, SQLiteDatabase.OPEN_READWRITE); // Merge Trips try { Logger.debug(this, "Merging Trips"); Logger.debug(this, "Merging Trips"); c = importDB.query(TripsTable.TABLE_NAME, null, null, null, null, null, TripsTable.COLUMN_TO + " DESC"); if (c != null && c.moveToFirst()) { final int nameIndex = c.getColumnIndex(TripsTable.COLUMN_NAME); final int fromIndex = c.getColumnIndex(TripsTable.COLUMN_FROM); final int fromTimeZoneIndex = c.getColumnIndex(TripsTable.COLUMN_FROM_TIMEZONE); final int toIndex = c.getColumnIndex(TripsTable.COLUMN_TO); final int toTimeZoneIndex = c.getColumnIndex(TripsTable.COLUMN_TO_TIMEZONE); final int commentIndex = c.getColumnIndex(TripsTable.COLUMN_COMMENT); final int filtersIndex = c.getColumnIndex(TripsTable.COLUMN_FILTERS); final int costCenterIndex = c.getColumnIndex(TripsTable.COLUMN_COST_CENTER); final int processingStatusIndex = c.getColumnIndex(TripsTable.COLUMN_PROCESSING_STATUS); final int defaultCurrencyIndex = c.getColumnIndex(TripsTable.COLUMN_DEFAULT_CURRENCY); do { String name = getString(c, nameIndex, ""); if (name.contains("wb.receipts")) { // Backwards compatibility stuff if (packageName.equalsIgnoreCase("wb.receipts")) { name = name.replace("wb.receiptspro/", "wb.receipts/"); } else if (packageName.equalsIgnoreCase("wb.receiptspro")) { name = name.replace("wb.receipts/", "wb.receiptspro/"); } File f = new File(name); name = f.getName(); } final long from = getLong(c, fromIndex, 0L); final long to = getLong(c, toIndex, 0L); final String comment = getString(c, commentIndex, ""); final String filters = getString(c, filtersIndex, ""); final String costCenter = getString(c, costCenterIndex, ""); final String processingStatus = getString(c, processingStatusIndex, ""); final String defaultCurrency = getString(c, defaultCurrencyIndex, mPreferences.get(UserPreference.General.DefaultCurrency)); ContentValues values = new ContentValues(10); values.put(TripsTable.COLUMN_NAME, name); values.put(TripsTable.COLUMN_FROM, from); values.put(TripsTable.COLUMN_TO, to); values.put(TripsTable.COLUMN_COMMENT, comment); values.put(TripsTable.COLUMN_FILTERS, filters); values.put(TripsTable.COLUMN_COST_CENTER, costCenter); values.put(TripsTable.COLUMN_PROCESSING_STATUS, processingStatus); values.put(TripsTable.COLUMN_DEFAULT_CURRENCY, defaultCurrency); values.put(AbstractSqlTable.COLUMN_LAST_LOCAL_MODIFICATION_TIME, System.currentTimeMillis()); if (fromTimeZoneIndex > 0) { final String fromTimeZome = c.getString(fromTimeZoneIndex); values.put(TripsTable.COLUMN_FROM_TIMEZONE, fromTimeZome); } if (toTimeZoneIndex > 0) { final String toTimeZome = c.getString(toTimeZoneIndex); values.put(TripsTable.COLUMN_TO_TIMEZONE, toTimeZome); } if (overwrite) { currDB.insertWithOnConflict(TripsTable.TABLE_NAME, null, values, SQLiteDatabase.CONFLICT_REPLACE); } else { currDB.insertWithOnConflict(TripsTable.TABLE_NAME, null, values, SQLiteDatabase.CONFLICT_IGNORE); } } while (c.moveToNext()); } } catch (SQLiteException e) { Logger.error(this, "Caught sql exception during import at [a1]", e); // Occurs if Table does not exist } finally { if (c != null && !c.isClosed()) { c.close(); c = null; } } // Merge Receipts Logger.debug(this, "Merging Receipts"); Logger.debug(this, "Merging Receipts"); try { final String queryCount = "SELECT COUNT(*), " + ReceiptsTable.COLUMN_ID + " FROM " + ReceiptsTable.TABLE_NAME + " WHERE " + ReceiptsTable.COLUMN_PATH + "=? AND " + ReceiptsTable.COLUMN_NAME + "=? AND " + ReceiptsTable.COLUMN_DATE + "=?"; c = importDB.query(ReceiptsTable.TABLE_NAME, null, null, null, null, null, null); if (c != null && c.moveToFirst()) { final int pathIndex = c.getColumnIndex(ReceiptsTable.COLUMN_PATH); final int nameIndex = c.getColumnIndex(ReceiptsTable.COLUMN_NAME); final int parentIndex = c.getColumnIndex(ReceiptsTable.COLUMN_PARENT); final int categoryIndex = c.getColumnIndex(ReceiptsTable.COLUMN_CATEGORY); final int priceIndex = c.getColumnIndex(ReceiptsTable.COLUMN_PRICE); final int dateIndex = c.getColumnIndex(ReceiptsTable.COLUMN_DATE); final int commentIndex = c.getColumnIndex(ReceiptsTable.COLUMN_COMMENT); final int reimbursableIndex = c.getColumnIndex(ReceiptsTable.COLUMN_REIMBURSABLE); final int currencyIndex = c.getColumnIndex(ReceiptsTable.COLUMN_ISO4217); final int fullpageIndex = c.getColumnIndex(ReceiptsTable.COLUMN_NOTFULLPAGEIMAGE); final int extra_edittext_1_Index = c.getColumnIndex(ReceiptsTable.COLUMN_EXTRA_EDITTEXT_1); final int extra_edittext_2_Index = c.getColumnIndex(ReceiptsTable.COLUMN_EXTRA_EDITTEXT_2); final int extra_edittext_3_Index = c.getColumnIndex(ReceiptsTable.COLUMN_EXTRA_EDITTEXT_3); final int taxIndex = c.getColumnIndex(ReceiptsTable.COLUMN_TAX); final int timeZoneIndex = c.getColumnIndex(ReceiptsTable.COLUMN_TIMEZONE); final int paymentMethodIndex = c.getColumnIndex(ReceiptsTable.COLUMN_PAYMENT_METHOD_ID); final int processingStatusIndex = c.getColumnIndex(ReceiptsTable.COLUMN_PROCESSING_STATUS); final int exchangeRateIndex = c.getColumnIndex(ReceiptsTable.COLUMN_EXCHANGE_RATE); do { final String oldPath = getString(c, pathIndex, ""); String newPath = oldPath != null ? oldPath : ""; if (newPath.contains("wb.receipts")) { // Backwards compatibility stuff if (packageName.equalsIgnoreCase("wb.receipts")) { newPath = oldPath.replace("wb.receiptspro/", "wb.receipts/"); } else if (packageName.equalsIgnoreCase("wb.receiptspro")) { newPath = oldPath.replace("wb.receipts/", "wb.receiptspro/"); } File f = new File(newPath); newPath = f.getName(); } final String name = getString(c, nameIndex, ""); final String oldParent = getString(c, parentIndex, ""); String newParent = oldParent != null ? oldParent : ""; if (newParent.contains("wb.receipts")) { // Backwards compatibility stuff if (packageName.equalsIgnoreCase("wb.receipts")) { newParent = oldParent.replace("wb.receiptspro/", "wb.receipts/"); } else if (packageName.equalsIgnoreCase("wb.receiptspro")) { newParent = oldParent.replace("wb.receipts/", "wb.receiptspro/"); } File f = new File(newParent); newParent = f.getName(); } final String category = getString(c, categoryIndex, ""); final BigDecimal price = getDecimal(c, priceIndex); final long date = getLong(c, dateIndex, 0L); final String comment = getString(c, commentIndex, ""); final boolean reimbursable = getBoolean(c, reimbursableIndex, true); final String currency = getString(c, currencyIndex, mPreferences.get(UserPreference.General.DefaultCurrency)); final boolean fullpage = getBoolean(c, fullpageIndex, false); final String extra_edittext_1 = getString(c, extra_edittext_1_Index, null); final String extra_edittext_2 = getString(c, extra_edittext_2_Index, null); final String extra_edittext_3 = getString(c, extra_edittext_3_Index, null); final BigDecimal tax = getDecimal(c, taxIndex); final int paymentMethod = getInt(c, paymentMethodIndex, 0); final String processingStatus = getString(c, processingStatusIndex, ""); final BigDecimal exchangeRate = getDecimal(c, exchangeRateIndex); try { countCursor = currDB.rawQuery(queryCount, new String[]{newPath, name, Long.toString(date)}); if (countCursor != null && countCursor.moveToFirst()) { int count = countCursor.getInt(0); int updateID = countCursor.getInt(1); final ContentValues values = new ContentValues(14); values.put(ReceiptsTable.COLUMN_PATH, newPath); values.put(ReceiptsTable.COLUMN_NAME, name); values.put(ReceiptsTable.COLUMN_PARENT, newParent); values.put(ReceiptsTable.COLUMN_CATEGORY, category); values.put(ReceiptsTable.COLUMN_PRICE, price.doubleValue()); values.put(ReceiptsTable.COLUMN_DATE, date); values.put(ReceiptsTable.COLUMN_COMMENT, comment); values.put(ReceiptsTable.COLUMN_REIMBURSABLE, reimbursable); values.put(ReceiptsTable.COLUMN_ISO4217, currency); values.put(ReceiptsTable.COLUMN_NOTFULLPAGEIMAGE, fullpage); values.put(ReceiptsTable.COLUMN_EXTRA_EDITTEXT_1, extra_edittext_1); values.put(ReceiptsTable.COLUMN_EXTRA_EDITTEXT_2, extra_edittext_2); values.put(ReceiptsTable.COLUMN_EXTRA_EDITTEXT_3, extra_edittext_3); values.put(ReceiptsTable.COLUMN_TAX, tax.doubleValue()); values.put(ReceiptsTable.COLUMN_PROCESSING_STATUS, processingStatus); values.put(ReceiptsTable.COLUMN_EXCHANGE_RATE, exchangeRate.doubleValue()); values.put(AbstractSqlTable.COLUMN_LAST_LOCAL_MODIFICATION_TIME, System.currentTimeMillis()); if (timeZoneIndex > 0) { final String timeZone = c.getString(timeZoneIndex); values.put(ReceiptsTable.COLUMN_TIMEZONE, timeZone); } values.put(ReceiptsTable.COLUMN_PAYMENT_METHOD_ID, paymentMethod); if (count > 0 && overwrite) { // Update currDB.update(ReceiptsTable.TABLE_NAME, values, ReceiptsTable.COLUMN_ID + " = ?", new String[]{Integer.toString(updateID)}); } else { // insert if (overwrite) { currDB.insertWithOnConflict(ReceiptsTable.TABLE_NAME, null, values, SQLiteDatabase.CONFLICT_REPLACE); } else if (count == 0) { // If we're not overwriting anything, let's check that there are no entries here currDB.insertWithOnConflict(ReceiptsTable.TABLE_NAME, null, values, SQLiteDatabase.CONFLICT_IGNORE); } } } } finally { if (countCursor != null && !countCursor.isClosed()) { countCursor.close(); countCursor = null; } } } while (c.moveToNext()); } } catch (SQLiteException e) { Logger.error(this, "Caught sql exception during import at [a2]", e); // Occurs if Table does not exist } finally { if (c != null && !c.isClosed()) { c.close(); c = null; } } // Merge Categories // No clean way to merge (since auto-increment is not guaranteed to have any order and there isn't // enough outlying data) => Always overwirte Logger.debug(this, "Merging Categories"); try { c = importDB.query(CategoriesTable.TABLE_NAME, null, null, null, null, null, null); if (c != null && c.moveToFirst()) { currDB.delete(CategoriesTable.TABLE_NAME, null, null); // DELETE FROM Categories final int nameIndex = c.getColumnIndex(CategoriesTable.COLUMN_NAME); final int codeIndex = c.getColumnIndex(CategoriesTable.COLUMN_CODE); final int breakdownIndex = c.getColumnIndex(CategoriesTable.COLUMN_BREAKDOWN); do { final String name = getString(c, nameIndex, ""); final String code = getString(c, codeIndex, ""); final boolean breakdown = getBoolean(c, breakdownIndex, true); ContentValues values = new ContentValues(3); values.put(CategoriesTable.COLUMN_NAME, name); values.put(CategoriesTable.COLUMN_CODE, code); values.put(CategoriesTable.COLUMN_BREAKDOWN, breakdown); values.put(AbstractSqlTable.COLUMN_LAST_LOCAL_MODIFICATION_TIME, System.currentTimeMillis()); currDB.insert(CategoriesTable.TABLE_NAME, null, values); } while (c.moveToNext()); } } catch (SQLiteException e) { Logger.error(this, "Caught sql exception during import at [a3]", e); // Occurs if Table does not exist } finally { if (c != null && !c.isClosed()) { c.close(); c = null; } } // Merge CSV // No clean way to merge (since auto-increment is not guaranteed to have any order and there isn't // enough outlying data) => Always overwirte Logger.debug(this, "Merging CSV"); try { c = importDB.query(CSVTable.TABLE_NAME, null, null, null, null, null, null); if (c != null && c.moveToFirst()) { currDB.delete(CSVTable.TABLE_NAME, null, null); // DELETE * FROM CSVTable final int idxIndex = c.getColumnIndex(CSVTable.COLUMN_ID); final int typeIndex = c.getColumnIndex(CSVTable.COLUMN_TYPE); do { final int index = getInt(c, idxIndex, 0); final String type = getString(c, typeIndex, ""); ContentValues values = new ContentValues(2); values.put(CSVTable.COLUMN_ID, index); values.put(CSVTable.COLUMN_TYPE, type); values.put(AbstractSqlTable.COLUMN_LAST_LOCAL_MODIFICATION_TIME, System.currentTimeMillis()); currDB.insert(CSVTable.TABLE_NAME, null, values); } while (c.moveToNext()); } } catch (SQLiteException e) { Logger.error(this, "Caught sql exception during import at [a4]", e); // Occurs if Table does not exist } finally { if (c != null && !c.isClosed()) { c.close(); c = null; } } // Merge PDF // No clean way to merge (since auto-increment is not guaranteed to have any order and there isn't // enough outlying data) => Always overwirte Logger.debug(this, "Merging PDF"); try { c = importDB.query(PDFTable.TABLE_NAME, null, null, null, null, null, null); if (c != null && c.moveToFirst()) { currDB.delete(PDFTable.TABLE_NAME, null, null); // DELETE * FROM PDFTable final int idxIndex = c.getColumnIndex(PDFTable.COLUMN_ID); final int typeIndex = c.getColumnIndex(PDFTable.COLUMN_TYPE); do { final int index = getInt(c, idxIndex, 0); final String type = getString(c, typeIndex, ""); ContentValues values = new ContentValues(2); values.put(PDFTable.COLUMN_ID, index); values.put(PDFTable.COLUMN_TYPE, type); values.put(AbstractSqlTable.COLUMN_LAST_LOCAL_MODIFICATION_TIME, System.currentTimeMillis()); currDB.insert(PDFTable.TABLE_NAME, null, values); } while (c.moveToNext()); } } catch (SQLiteException e) { Logger.error(this, "Caught sql exception during import at [a5]", e); // Occurs if Table does not exist } finally { if (c != null && !c.isClosed()) { c.close(); c = null; } } // Merge Payment methods // No clean way to merge (since auto-increment is not guaranteed to have any order and there isn't // enough outlying data) => Always overwirte Logger.debug(this, "Merging Payment Methods"); try { c = importDB.query(PaymentMethodsTable.TABLE_NAME, null, null, null, null, null, null); if (c != null && c.moveToFirst()) { currDB.delete(PaymentMethodsTable.TABLE_NAME, null, null); // DELETE * FROM PaymentMethodsTable final int idxIndex = c.getColumnIndex(PaymentMethodsTable.COLUMN_ID); final int typeIndex = c.getColumnIndex(PaymentMethodsTable.COLUMN_METHOD); do { final int index = getInt(c, idxIndex, 0); final String type = getString(c, typeIndex, ""); ContentValues values = new ContentValues(2); values.put(PaymentMethodsTable.COLUMN_ID, index); values.put(PaymentMethodsTable.COLUMN_METHOD, type); values.put(AbstractSqlTable.COLUMN_LAST_LOCAL_MODIFICATION_TIME, System.currentTimeMillis()); currDB.insert(PaymentMethodsTable.TABLE_NAME, null, values); } while (c.moveToNext()); } } catch (SQLiteException e) { Logger.error(this, "Caught sql exception during import at [a6]", e); // Occurs if Table does not exist } finally { if (c != null && !c.isClosed()) { c.close(); c = null; } } Logger.debug(this, "Merging Distance"); try { c = importDB.query(DistanceTable.TABLE_NAME, null, null, null, null, null, null); if (c != null && c.moveToFirst()) { final String distanceCountQuery = "SELECT COUNT(*), " + DistanceTable.COLUMN_ID + " FROM " + DistanceTable.TABLE_NAME + " WHERE " + DistanceTable.COLUMN_PARENT + "=? AND " + DistanceTable.COLUMN_LOCATION + "=? AND " + DistanceTable.COLUMN_DATE + "=?"; final int parentTripIndex = c.getColumnIndex(DistanceTable.COLUMN_PARENT); final int locationIndex = c.getColumnIndex(DistanceTable.COLUMN_LOCATION); final int distanceIndex = c.getColumnIndex(DistanceTable.COLUMN_DISTANCE); final int rateIndex = c.getColumnIndex(DistanceTable.COLUMN_RATE); final int currencyIndex = c.getColumnIndex(DistanceTable.COLUMN_RATE_CURRENCY); final int dateIndex = c.getColumnIndex(DistanceTable.COLUMN_DATE); final int timezoneIndex = c.getColumnIndex(DistanceTable.COLUMN_TIMEZONE); final int commentIndex = c.getColumnIndex(DistanceTable.COLUMN_COMMENT); do { final ContentValues values = new ContentValues(8); final String parentTripPath = getString(c, parentTripIndex, ""); final String location = getString(c, locationIndex, ""); final BigDecimal distance = getDecimal(c, distanceIndex); final BigDecimal rate = getDecimal(c, rateIndex); final String currency = getString(c, currencyIndex, mPreferences.get(UserPreference.General.DefaultCurrency)); final long date = getLong(c, dateIndex, 0L); final String timezone = getString(c, timezoneIndex, TimeZone.getDefault().getID()); final String comment = getString(c, commentIndex, ""); values.put(DistanceTable.COLUMN_PARENT, parentTripPath); values.put(DistanceTable.COLUMN_LOCATION, location); values.put(DistanceTable.COLUMN_DISTANCE, distance.doubleValue()); values.put(DistanceTable.COLUMN_RATE, rate.doubleValue()); values.put(DistanceTable.COLUMN_RATE_CURRENCY, currency); values.put(DistanceTable.COLUMN_DATE, date); values.put(DistanceTable.COLUMN_TIMEZONE, timezone); values.put(DistanceTable.COLUMN_COMMENT, comment); values.put(AbstractSqlTable.COLUMN_LAST_LOCAL_MODIFICATION_TIME, System.currentTimeMillis()); try { countCursor = currDB.rawQuery(distanceCountQuery, new String[]{parentTripPath, location, Long.toString(date)}); if (countCursor != null && countCursor.moveToFirst()) { int count = countCursor.getInt(0); int updateID = countCursor.getInt(1); if (count > 0 && overwrite) { // Update currDB.update(DistanceTable.TABLE_NAME, values, DistanceTable.COLUMN_ID + " = ?", new String[]{Integer.toString(updateID)}); } else { // insert if (overwrite) { currDB.insertWithOnConflict(DistanceTable.TABLE_NAME, null, values, SQLiteDatabase.CONFLICT_REPLACE); } else if (count == 0) { // If we're not overwriting anything, let's check that there are no entries here currDB.insertWithOnConflict(DistanceTable.TABLE_NAME, null, values, SQLiteDatabase.CONFLICT_IGNORE); } } } } finally { if (countCursor != null && !countCursor.isClosed()) { countCursor.close(); countCursor = null; } } } while (c.moveToNext()); } } catch (SQLiteException e) { Logger.error(this, "Caught sql exception during import at [a6]", e); // Occurs if Table does not exist } finally { if (c != null && !c.isClosed()) { c.close(); c = null; } } Logger.debug(this, "Success"); return true; } catch (Exception e) { Logger.error(this, "Caught fatal db exception during import at [a7]:", e); return false; } finally { if (c != null && !c.isClosed()) { c.close(); } if (countCursor != null && !countCursor.isClosed()) { countCursor.close(); } if (importDB != null) { importDB.close(); } } } } private boolean getBoolean(Cursor cursor, int index, boolean defaultValue) { if (index >= 0) { return (cursor.getInt(index) > 0); } else { return defaultValue; } } private int getInt(Cursor cursor, int index, int defaultValue) { if (index >= 0) { return cursor.getInt(index); } else { return defaultValue; } } private long getLong(Cursor cursor, int index, long defaultValue) { if (index >= 0) { return cursor.getLong(index); } else { return defaultValue; } } private double getDouble(Cursor cursor, int index, double defaultValue) { if (index >= 0) { return cursor.getDouble(index); } else { return defaultValue; } } private String getString(Cursor cursor, int index, String defaultValue) { if (index >= 0) { return cursor.getString(index); } else { return defaultValue; } } /** * Please note that a very frustrating bug exists here. Android cursors only return the first 6 * characters of a price string if that string contains a '.' character. It returns all of them * if not. This means we'll break for prices over 5 digits unless we are using a comma separator, * which we'd do in the EU. In the EU (comma separated), Android returns the wrong value when we * get a double (instead of a string). This method has been built to handle this edge case to the * best of our abilities. * <p/> * TODO: Longer term, everything should be saved with a decimal point * * @param cursor - the current {@link Cursor} * @param index - the index of the column * @return a {@link BigDecimal} value of the decimal * @see "" */ private BigDecimal getDecimal(@NonNull Cursor cursor, int index) { return getDecimal(cursor, index, new BigDecimal(0)); } private BigDecimal getDecimal(@NonNull Cursor cursor, int index, @Nullable BigDecimal defaultValue) { if (index >= 0) { final String decimalString = cursor.getString(index); final double decimalDouble = cursor.getDouble(index); if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(decimalString) && decimalString.contains(",")) { try { return new BigDecimal(decimalString.replace(",", ".")); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { return new BigDecimal(decimalDouble); } } else { return new BigDecimal(decimalDouble); } } else { return defaultValue; } } // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // AutoCompleteTextView Methods // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// public void registerReceiptAutoCompleteListener(ReceiptAutoCompleteListener listener) { mReceiptAutoCompleteListener = listener; } public void unregisterReceiptAutoCompleteListener() { mReceiptAutoCompleteListener = null; } @Override public Cursor getAutoCompleteCursor(CharSequence text, CharSequence tag) { // TODO: Fix SQL vulnerabilities final SQLiteDatabase db = this.getReadableDatabase(); String sqlQuery = ""; if (tag == TAG_RECEIPTS_NAME) { sqlQuery = " SELECT DISTINCT TRIM(" + ReceiptsTable.COLUMN_NAME + ") AS _id " + " FROM " + ReceiptsTable.TABLE_NAME + " WHERE " + ReceiptsTable.COLUMN_NAME + " LIKE '%" + text + "%' " + " ORDER BY " + ReceiptsTable.COLUMN_NAME; } else if (tag == TAG_RECEIPTS_COMMENT) { sqlQuery = " SELECT DISTINCT TRIM(" + ReceiptsTable.COLUMN_COMMENT + ") AS _id " + " FROM " + ReceiptsTable.TABLE_NAME + " WHERE " + ReceiptsTable.COLUMN_COMMENT + " LIKE '%" + text + "%' " + " ORDER BY " + ReceiptsTable.COLUMN_COMMENT; } else if (tag == TAG_TRIPS_NAME) { sqlQuery = " SELECT DISTINCT TRIM(" + TripsTable.COLUMN_NAME + ") AS _id " + " FROM " + TripsTable.TABLE_NAME + " WHERE " + TripsTable.COLUMN_NAME + " LIKE '%" + text + "%' " + " ORDER BY " + TripsTable.COLUMN_NAME; } else if (tag == TAG_TRIPS_COST_CENTER) { sqlQuery = " SELECT DISTINCT TRIM(" + TripsTable.COLUMN_COST_CENTER + ") AS _id " + " FROM " + TripsTable.TABLE_NAME + " WHERE " + TripsTable.COLUMN_COST_CENTER + " LIKE '%" + text + "%' " + " ORDER BY " + TripsTable.COLUMN_COST_CENTER; } else if (tag == TAG_DISTANCE_LOCATION) { sqlQuery = " SELECT DISTINCT TRIM(" + DistanceTable.COLUMN_LOCATION + ") AS _id " + " FROM " + DistanceTable.TABLE_NAME + " WHERE " + DistanceTable.COLUMN_LOCATION + " LIKE '%" + text + "%' " + " ORDER BY " + DistanceTable.COLUMN_LOCATION; } synchronized (mDatabaseLock) { return db.rawQuery(sqlQuery, null); } } @Override public void onItemSelected(CharSequence text, CharSequence tag) { // TODO: Make Async Cursor c = null; SQLiteDatabase db = null; final String name = text.toString(); if (tag == TAG_RECEIPTS_NAME) { String category = null, price = null, tmp = null; // If we're not predicting, return if (!mPreferences.get(UserPreference.Receipts.PredictCategories)) { // price = null; // category = null } else { synchronized (mDatabaseLock) { try { db = this.getReadableDatabase(); c = db.query(ReceiptsTable.TABLE_NAME, new String[]{ReceiptsTable.COLUMN_CATEGORY, ReceiptsTable.COLUMN_PRICE}, ReceiptsTable.COLUMN_NAME + "= ?", new String[]{name}, null, null, ReceiptsTable.COLUMN_DATE + " DESC", "2"); if (c != null && c.getCount() == 2) { if (c.moveToFirst()) { category = c.getString(0); price = c.getString(1); if (c.moveToNext()) { tmp = c.getString(0); if (!category.equalsIgnoreCase(tmp)) { category = null; } tmp = c.getString(1); if (!price.equalsIgnoreCase(tmp)) { price = null; } } } } } finally { if (c != null) { c.close(); } } } } if (mReceiptAutoCompleteListener != null) { mReceiptAutoCompleteListener.onReceiptRowAutoCompleteQueryResult(name, price, category); } } } }