package; import android.content.ContentValues; import android.database.Cursor; import android.database.sqlite.SQLiteDatabase; import android.database.sqlite.SQLiteOpenHelper; import; import; import com.hadisatrio.optional.Optional; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.List; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import io.reactivex.Single; /** * Abstracts out the core CRUD database operations in order to ensure that each of our core table instances * operate in a standard manner. * * @param <ModelType> the model object that CRUD operations here should return * @param <PrimaryKeyType> the primary key type (e.g. Integer, String) that is used by the primary key column */ public abstract class AbstractSqlTable<ModelType, PrimaryKeyType> implements Table<ModelType, PrimaryKeyType> { public static final String COLUMN_DRIVE_SYNC_ID = "drive_sync_id"; public static final String COLUMN_DRIVE_IS_SYNCED = "drive_is_synced"; public static final String COLUMN_DRIVE_MARKED_FOR_DELETION = "drive_marked_for_deletion"; public static final String COLUMN_LAST_LOCAL_MODIFICATION_TIME = "last_local_modification_time"; private final SQLiteOpenHelper mSQLiteOpenHelper; private final String mTableName; protected final DatabaseAdapter<ModelType, PrimaryKey<ModelType, PrimaryKeyType>> mDatabaseAdapter; protected final PrimaryKey<ModelType, PrimaryKeyType> mPrimaryKey; private final OrderBy mOrderBy; private SQLiteDatabase initialNonRecursivelyCalledDatabase; private List<ModelType> mCachedResults; public AbstractSqlTable(@NonNull SQLiteOpenHelper sqLiteOpenHelper, @NonNull String tableName, @NonNull DatabaseAdapter<ModelType, PrimaryKey<ModelType, PrimaryKeyType>> databaseAdapter, @NonNull PrimaryKey<ModelType, PrimaryKeyType> primaryKey) { this(sqLiteOpenHelper, tableName, databaseAdapter, primaryKey, new DefaultOrderBy()); } public AbstractSqlTable(@NonNull SQLiteOpenHelper sqLiteOpenHelper, @NonNull String tableName, @NonNull DatabaseAdapter<ModelType, PrimaryKey<ModelType, PrimaryKeyType>> databaseAdapter, @NonNull PrimaryKey<ModelType, PrimaryKeyType> primaryKey, @NonNull OrderBy orderBy) { mSQLiteOpenHelper = Preconditions.checkNotNull(sqLiteOpenHelper); mTableName = Preconditions.checkNotNull(tableName); mDatabaseAdapter = Preconditions.checkNotNull(databaseAdapter); mPrimaryKey = Preconditions.checkNotNull(primaryKey); mOrderBy = Preconditions.checkNotNull(orderBy); } public final SQLiteDatabase getReadableDatabase() { if (initialNonRecursivelyCalledDatabase == null) { return mSQLiteOpenHelper.getReadableDatabase(); } else { return initialNonRecursivelyCalledDatabase; } } public final SQLiteDatabase getWritableDatabase() { if (initialNonRecursivelyCalledDatabase == null) { return mSQLiteOpenHelper.getWritableDatabase(); } else { return initialNonRecursivelyCalledDatabase; } } @Override @NonNull public final String getTableName() { return mTableName; } @Override public synchronized void onCreate(@NonNull SQLiteDatabase db, @NonNull TableDefaultsCustomizer customizer) { initialNonRecursivelyCalledDatabase = db; } @Override public synchronized void onUpgrade(@NonNull SQLiteDatabase db, int oldVersion, int newVersion, @NonNull TableDefaultsCustomizer customizer) { initialNonRecursivelyCalledDatabase = db; } protected synchronized void onUpgradeToAddSyncInformation(@NonNull SQLiteDatabase db, int oldVersion, int newVersion) { if (oldVersion <= 14) { // Add syncing state information final String alter1 = "ALTER TABLE " + getTableName() + " ADD " + COLUMN_DRIVE_SYNC_ID + " TEXT"; final String alter2 = "ALTER TABLE " + getTableName() + " ADD " + COLUMN_DRIVE_IS_SYNCED + " BOOLEAN DEFAULT 0"; final String alter3 = "ALTER TABLE " + getTableName() + " ADD " + COLUMN_DRIVE_MARKED_FOR_DELETION + " BOOLEAN DEFAULT 0"; final String alter4 = "ALTER TABLE " + getTableName() + " ADD " + COLUMN_LAST_LOCAL_MODIFICATION_TIME + " DATE"; db.execSQL(alter1); db.execSQL(alter2); db.execSQL(alter3); db.execSQL(alter4); } } @Override public synchronized final void onPostCreateUpgrade() { // We no longer need to worry about recursive database calls initialNonRecursivelyCalledDatabase = null; } @NonNull public final Single<List<ModelType>> get() { return Single.fromCallable(this::getBlocking); } @NonNull public synchronized Single<List<ModelType>> getUnsynced(@NonNull final SyncProvider syncProvider) { return Single.fromCallable(() -> getUnsyncedBlocking(syncProvider)); } @NonNull @Override public final Single<ModelType> findByPrimaryKey(@NonNull final PrimaryKeyType primaryKeyType) { return Single.fromCallable(() -> AbstractSqlTable.this.findByPrimaryKeyBlocking(primaryKeyType)) .map(modelTypeOptional -> { if (modelTypeOptional.isPresent()) { return modelTypeOptional.get(); } else { throw new Exception("Find by primary key failed. No such key"); } }); } @NonNull @Override public final Single<ModelType> insert(@NonNull final ModelType modelType, @NonNull final DatabaseOperationMetadata databaseOperationMetadata) { return Single.fromCallable(() -> AbstractSqlTable.this.insertBlocking(modelType, databaseOperationMetadata)) .map(modelTypeOptional -> { if (modelTypeOptional.isPresent()) { return modelTypeOptional.get(); } else { throw new Exception("Insert failed."); } }); } @NonNull @Override public final Single<ModelType> update(@NonNull final ModelType oldModelType, @NonNull final ModelType newModelType, @NonNull final DatabaseOperationMetadata databaseOperationMetadata) { return Single.fromCallable(() -> AbstractSqlTable.this.updateBlocking(oldModelType, newModelType, databaseOperationMetadata)) .map(modelTypeOptional -> { if (modelTypeOptional.isPresent()) { return modelTypeOptional.get(); } else { throw new Exception("Update failed."); } }); } @NonNull @Override public final Single<ModelType> delete(@NonNull final ModelType modelType, @NonNull final DatabaseOperationMetadata databaseOperationMetadata) { return Single.fromCallable(() -> AbstractSqlTable.this.deleteBlocking(modelType, databaseOperationMetadata)) .map(modelTypeOptional -> { if (modelTypeOptional.isPresent()) { return modelTypeOptional.get(); } else { throw new Exception("Delete failed."); } }); } @NonNull public Single<Boolean> deleteSyncData(@NonNull final SyncProvider syncProvider) { return Single.fromCallable(() -> AbstractSqlTable.this.deleteSyncDataBlocking(syncProvider)); } @NonNull public synchronized List<ModelType> getBlocking() { if (mCachedResults != null) { return mCachedResults; } Cursor cursor = null; try { mCachedResults = new ArrayList<>(); cursor = getReadableDatabase().query(getTableName(), null, COLUMN_DRIVE_MARKED_FOR_DELETION + " = ?", new String[]{Integer.toString(0)}, null, null, mOrderBy.getOrderByPredicate()); if (cursor != null && cursor.moveToFirst()) { do { mCachedResults.add(; } while (cursor.moveToNext()); } return new ArrayList<>(mCachedResults); } finally { if (cursor != null) { cursor.close(); } } } @NonNull public synchronized List<ModelType> getUnsyncedBlocking(@NonNull SyncProvider syncProvider) { Preconditions.checkArgument(syncProvider == SyncProvider.GoogleDrive, "Google Drive is the only supported provider at the moment"); final ArrayList<ModelType> results = new ArrayList<>(); Cursor cursor = null; try { cursor = getReadableDatabase().query(getTableName(), null, COLUMN_DRIVE_IS_SYNCED + " = ?", new String[]{Integer.toString(0)}, null, null, null); if (cursor != null && cursor.moveToFirst()) { do { results.add(; } while (cursor.moveToNext()); } return results; } finally { if (cursor != null) { cursor.close(); } } } private Optional<ModelType> findByPrimaryKeyBlocking(@NonNull PrimaryKeyType primaryKeyType) { // TODO: Consider using a Map/Cache/"SELECT" here to improve performance. The #get() call belong is overkill for a single item final List<ModelType> entries = new ArrayList<>(getBlocking()); final int size = entries.size(); for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) { final ModelType modelType = entries.get(i); if (mPrimaryKey.getPrimaryKeyValue(modelType).equals(primaryKeyType)) { return Optional.of(modelType); } } return Optional.absent(); } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public synchronized Optional<ModelType> insertBlocking(@NonNull ModelType modelType, @NonNull DatabaseOperationMetadata databaseOperationMetadata) { final ContentValues values = mDatabaseAdapter.write(modelType, databaseOperationMetadata); if (getWritableDatabase().insertOrThrow(getTableName(), null, values) != -1) { if (Integer.class.equals(mPrimaryKey.getPrimaryKeyClass())) { Cursor cursor = null; try { cursor = getReadableDatabase().rawQuery("SELECT last_insert_rowid()", null); final Integer id; if (cursor != null && cursor.moveToFirst() && cursor.getColumnCount() > 0) { id = cursor.getInt(0); } else { id = -1; } // Note: We do some quick hacks around generics here to ensure the types are consistent final PrimaryKey<ModelType, PrimaryKeyType> autoIncrementPrimaryKey = (PrimaryKey<ModelType, PrimaryKeyType>) new AutoIncrementIdPrimaryKey<>((PrimaryKey<ModelType, Integer>) mPrimaryKey, id); final ModelType insertedItem =, autoIncrementPrimaryKey, databaseOperationMetadata); if (mCachedResults != null) { mCachedResults.add(insertedItem); if (insertedItem instanceof Comparable<?>) { Collections.sort((List<? extends Comparable>) mCachedResults); } } return Optional.of(insertedItem); } finally { // Close the cursor and db to avoid memory leaks if (cursor != null) { cursor.close(); } } } else { // If it's not an auto-increment id, just grab whatever the definition is... final ModelType insertedItem =, mPrimaryKey, databaseOperationMetadata); if (mCachedResults != null) { mCachedResults.add(insertedItem); if (insertedItem instanceof Comparable<?>) { Collections.sort((List<? extends Comparable>) mCachedResults); } } return Optional.of(insertedItem); } } else { return Optional.absent(); } } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public synchronized Optional<ModelType> updateBlocking(@NonNull ModelType oldModelType, @NonNull ModelType newModelType, @NonNull DatabaseOperationMetadata databaseOperationMetadata) { final ContentValues values = mDatabaseAdapter.write(newModelType, databaseOperationMetadata); final String oldPrimaryKeyValue = mPrimaryKey.getPrimaryKeyValue(oldModelType).toString(); final boolean updateSuccess; if (databaseOperationMetadata.getOperationFamilyType() == OperationFamilyType.Sync && oldModelType instanceof Syncable) { // For sync operations, ensure that this only succeeds if we haven't already updated this item more recently final Syncable syncableOldModel = (Syncable) oldModelType; updateSuccess = getWritableDatabase().update(getTableName(), values, mPrimaryKey.getPrimaryKeyColumn() + " = ? AND " + AbstractSqlTable.COLUMN_LAST_LOCAL_MODIFICATION_TIME + " >= ?", new String[]{ oldPrimaryKeyValue, Long.toString(syncableOldModel.getSyncState().getLastLocalModificationTime().getTime()) }) > 0; } else { updateSuccess = getWritableDatabase().update(getTableName(), values, mPrimaryKey.getPrimaryKeyColumn() + " = ?", new String[]{ oldPrimaryKeyValue }) > 0; } if (updateSuccess) { final ModelType updatedItem; if (Integer.class.equals(mPrimaryKey.getPrimaryKeyClass())) { // If it's an auto-increment key, ensure we're re-using the same id as the old key final PrimaryKey<ModelType, PrimaryKeyType> autoIncrementPrimaryKey = (PrimaryKey<ModelType, PrimaryKeyType>) new AutoIncrementIdPrimaryKey<>((PrimaryKey<ModelType, Integer>) mPrimaryKey, (Integer) mPrimaryKey.getPrimaryKeyValue(oldModelType)); updatedItem =, autoIncrementPrimaryKey, databaseOperationMetadata); } else { // Otherwise, we'll use whatever the user defined... updatedItem =, mPrimaryKey, databaseOperationMetadata); } if (mCachedResults != null) { mCachedResults.remove(oldModelType); if (newModelType instanceof Syncable) { final Syncable syncable = (Syncable) newModelType; if (!syncable.getSyncState().isMarkedForDeletion(SyncProvider.GoogleDrive)) { mCachedResults.add(updatedItem); } } else { mCachedResults.add(updatedItem); } if (updatedItem instanceof Comparable<?>) { Collections.sort((List<? extends Comparable>) mCachedResults); } } return Optional.of(updatedItem); } else { return Optional.absent(); } } public synchronized Optional<ModelType> deleteBlocking(@NonNull ModelType modelType, @NonNull DatabaseOperationMetadata databaseOperationMetadata) { final String primaryKeyValue = mPrimaryKey.getPrimaryKeyValue(modelType).toString(); if (getWritableDatabase().delete(getTableName(), mPrimaryKey.getPrimaryKeyColumn() + " = ?", new String[]{primaryKeyValue}) > 0) { if (mCachedResults != null) { mCachedResults.remove(modelType); } return Optional.of(modelType); } else { return Optional.absent(); } } public synchronized boolean deleteSyncDataBlocking(@NonNull SyncProvider syncProvider) { Preconditions.checkArgument(syncProvider == SyncProvider.GoogleDrive, "Google Drive is the only supported provider at the moment"); // First - remove all that are marked for deletion but haven't been actually deleted getWritableDatabase().delete(getTableName(), COLUMN_DRIVE_MARKED_FOR_DELETION + " = ?", new String[]{Integer.toString(1)}); // Next - update all items that currently contain sync data (to remove it) final ContentValues contentValues = new SyncStateAdapter().deleteSyncData(syncProvider); getWritableDatabase().update(getTableName(), contentValues, null, null); // Lastly - let's clear out all cached data if (mCachedResults != null) { mCachedResults.clear(); } return true; } @Override public synchronized void clearCache() { if (mCachedResults != null) { mCachedResults.clear(); mCachedResults = null; } } }