package org.hdesktop.swingx.plaf; import java.awt.Component; import java.awt.Container; import java.awt.Dimension; import java.awt.Insets; import java.awt.Rectangle; import java.awt.event.ActionEvent; import java.awt.event.ActionListener; import java.beans.PropertyChangeEvent; import java.beans.PropertyChangeListener; import javax.swing.Icon; import javax.swing.JButton; import javax.swing.JComponent; import javax.swing.SwingUtilities; import javax.swing.UIManager; import javax.swing.event.DocumentEvent; import javax.swing.event.DocumentListener; import javax.swing.plaf.TextUI; import javax.swing.plaf.UIResource; import javax.swing.text.Document; import org.hdesktop.swingx.JXSearchField; import org.hdesktop.swingx.JXSearchField.LayoutStyle; import org.hdesktop.swingx.prompt.BuddySupport; import; /** * The default {@link JXSearchField} UI delegate. * * @author Peter Weishapl <> * */ public class SearchFieldUI extends BuddyTextFieldUI { /** * The search field that we're a UI delegate for. Initialized by the * <code>installUI</code> method, and reset to null by * <code>uninstallUI</code>. * * @see #installUI * @see #uninstallUI */ protected JXSearchField searchField; private Handler handler; public static final Insets NO_INSETS = new Insets(0, 0, 0, 0); public SearchFieldUI(TextUI delegate) { super(delegate); } private Handler getHandler() { if (handler == null) { handler = new Handler(); } return handler; } /** * Calls {@link #installDefaults()}, adds the search, clear and popup button * to the search field and registers a {@link PropertyChangeListener} ad * {@link DocumentListener} and an {@link ActionListener} on the popup * button. */ @Override public void installUI(JComponent c) { searchField = (JXSearchField) c; super.installUI(c); installDefaults(); layoutButtons(); configureListeners(); } private void configureListeners() { if (isNativeSearchField()) { popupButton().removeActionListener(getHandler()); searchField.removePropertyChangeListener(getHandler()); } else { popupButton().addActionListener(getHandler()); searchField.addPropertyChangeListener(getHandler()); } // add support for instant search mode in any case. searchField.getDocument().addDocumentListener(getHandler()); } private boolean isNativeSearchField() { return NativeSearchFieldSupport.isNativeSearchField(searchField); } @Override protected BuddyLayoutAndBorder createBuddyLayoutAndBorder() { return new BuddyLayoutAndBorder() { /** * This does nothing, if the search field is rendered natively on * Leopard. */ @Override protected void replaceBorderIfNecessary() { if (!isNativeSearchField()) { super.replaceBorderIfNecessary(); } } /** * Return zero, when the search field is rendered natively on * Leopard, to make painting work correctly. */ @Override public Dimension preferredLayoutSize(Container parent) { if (isNativeSearchField()) { return new Dimension(); } else { return super.preferredLayoutSize(parent); } } /** * Prevent 'jumping' when text is entered: Include the clear button, * when layout style is Mac. When layout style is Vista: Take the * clear button's preferred width if its either greater than the * search button's pref. width or greater than the popup button's * pref. width when a popup menu is installed and not using a * seperate popup button. */ @Override public Insets getBorderInsets(Component c) { Insets insets = super.getBorderInsets(c); if (searchField != null && !isNativeSearchField()) { if (isMacLayoutStyle()) { if (!clearButton().isVisible()) { insets.right += clearButton().getPreferredSize().width; } } else { JButton refButton = popupButton(); if (searchField.getFindPopupMenu() == null ^ searchField.isUseSeperatePopupButton()) { refButton = searchButton(); } int clearWidth = clearButton().getPreferredSize().width; int refWidth = refButton.getPreferredSize().width; int overSize = clearButton().isVisible() ? refWidth - clearWidth : clearWidth - refWidth; if (overSize > 0) { insets.right += overSize; } } } return insets; } }; } private void layoutButtons() { BuddySupport.removeAll(searchField); if (isNativeSearchField()) { return; } if (isMacLayoutStyle()) { BuddySupport.addLeft(searchButton(), searchField); } else { BuddySupport.addRight(searchButton(), searchField); } BuddySupport.addRight(clearButton(), searchField); if (usingSeperatePopupButton()) { BuddySupport.addRight(BuddySupport.createGap(getPopupOffset()), searchField); } if (usingSeperatePopupButton() || !isMacLayoutStyle()) { BuddySupport.addRight(popupButton(), searchField); } else { BuddySupport.addLeft(popupButton(), searchField); } } private boolean isMacLayoutStyle() { return searchField.getLayoutStyle() == LayoutStyle.MAC; } /** * Initialize the search fields various properties based on the * corresponding "SearchField.*" properties from defaults table. The * {@link JXSearchField}s layout is set to the value returned by * <code>createLayout</code>. Also calls {@link #replaceBorderIfNecessary()} * and {@link #updateButtons()}. This method is called by * {@link #installUI(JComponent)}. * * @see #installUI * @see #createLayout * @see JXSearchField#customSetUIProperty(String, Object) */ protected void installDefaults() { if (isNativeSearchField()) { return; } if (UIManager.getBoolean("SearchField.useSeperatePopupButton")) { searchField.customSetUIProperty("useSeperatePopupButton", Boolean.TRUE); } else { searchField.customSetUIProperty("useSeperatePopupButton", Boolean.FALSE); } searchField.customSetUIProperty("layoutStyle", UIManager .get("SearchField.layoutStyle")); searchField.customSetUIProperty("promptFontStyle", UIManager .get("SearchField.promptFontStyle")); if (shouldReplaceResource(searchField.getOuterMargin())) { searchField.setOuterMargin(UIManager .getInsets("SearchField.buttonMargin")); } updateButtons(); if (shouldReplaceResource(clearButton().getIcon())) { clearButton().setIcon(UIManager.getIcon("SearchField.clearIcon")); } if (shouldReplaceResource(clearButton().getPressedIcon())) { clearButton().setPressedIcon( UIManager.getIcon("SearchField.clearPressedIcon")); } if (shouldReplaceResource(clearButton().getRolloverIcon())) { clearButton().setRolloverIcon( UIManager.getIcon("SearchField.clearRolloverIcon")); } searchButton().setIcon( getNewIcon(searchButton().getIcon(), "SearchField.icon")); popupButton().setIcon( getNewIcon(popupButton().getIcon(), "SearchField.popupIcon")); popupButton().setRolloverIcon( getNewIcon(popupButton().getRolloverIcon(), "SearchField.popupRolloverIcon")); popupButton().setPressedIcon( getNewIcon(popupButton().getPressedIcon(), "SearchField.popupPressedIcon")); } /** * Removes all installed listeners, the layout and resets the search field * original border and removes all children. */ @Override public void uninstallUI(JComponent c) { super.uninstallUI(c); searchField.removePropertyChangeListener(getHandler()); searchField.getDocument().removeDocumentListener(getHandler()); popupButton().removeActionListener(getHandler()); searchField.setLayout(null); searchField.removeAll(); searchField = null; } /** * Returns true if <code>o</code> is <code>null</code> or of instance * {@link UIResource}. * * @param o an object * @return true if <code>o</code> is <code>null</code> or of instance * {@link UIResource} */ protected boolean shouldReplaceResource(Object o) { return o == null || o instanceof UIResource; } /** * Convience method for only replacing icons if they have not been * customized by the user. Returns the icon from the defaults table * belonging to <code>resKey</code>, if * {@link #shouldReplaceResource(Object)} with the <code>icon</code> as a * parameter returns <code>true</code>. Otherwise returns <code>icon</code>. * * @param icon the current icon * @param resKey the resource key identifying the default icon * @return the new icon */ protected Icon getNewIcon(Icon icon, String resKey) { Icon uiIcon = UIManager.getIcon(resKey); if (shouldReplaceResource(icon)) { return uiIcon; } return icon; } /** * Convienence method. * * @see JXSearchField#getCancelButton() * @return the clear button */ protected final JButton clearButton() { return searchField.getCancelButton(); } /** * Convienence method. * * @see JXSearchField#getFindButton() * @return the search button */ protected final JButton searchButton() { return searchField.getFindButton(); } /** * Convienence method. * * @see JXSearchField#getPopupButton() * @return the popup button */ protected final JButton popupButton() { return searchField.getPopupButton(); } /** * Returns <code>true</code> if * {@link JXSearchField#isUseSeperatePopupButton()} is <code>true</code> and * a search popup menu has been set. * * @return the popup button is used in addition to the search button */ public boolean usingSeperatePopupButton() { return searchField.isUseSeperatePopupButton() && searchField.getFindPopupMenu() != null; } /** * Returns the number of pixels between the popup button and the clear (or * search) button as specified in the default table by * 'SearchField.popupOffset'. Returns 0 if * {@link #usingSeperatePopupButton()} returns <code>false</code> * * @return number of pixels between the popup button and the clear (or * search) button */ protected int getPopupOffset() { if (usingSeperatePopupButton()) { return UIManager.getInt("SearchField.popupOffset"); } return 0; } /** * Sets the visibility of the search, clear and popup buttons depending on * the search mode, layout stye, search text, search popup menu and the use * of a seperate popup button. Also resets the search buttons pressed and * rollover icons if the search field is in regular search mode or clears * the icons when the search field is in instant search mode. */ protected void updateButtons() { clearButton().setVisible( (!searchField.isRegularSearchMode() || searchField .isMacLayoutStyle()) && hasText()); boolean clearNotHere = (searchField.isMacLayoutStyle() || !clearButton() .isVisible()); searchButton() .setVisible( (searchField.getFindPopupMenu() == null || usingSeperatePopupButton()) && clearNotHere); popupButton().setVisible( searchField.getFindPopupMenu() != null && (clearNotHere || usingSeperatePopupButton())); if (searchField.isRegularSearchMode()) { searchButton().setRolloverIcon( getNewIcon(searchButton().getRolloverIcon(), "SearchField.rolloverIcon")); searchButton().setPressedIcon( getNewIcon(searchButton().getPressedIcon(), "SearchField.pressedIcon")); } else { // no action, therefore no rollover icon. if (shouldReplaceResource(searchButton().getRolloverIcon())) { searchButton().setRolloverIcon(null); } if (shouldReplaceResource(searchButton().getPressedIcon())) { searchButton().setPressedIcon(null); } } } private boolean hasText() { return searchField.getText() != null && searchField.getText().length() > 0; } class Handler implements PropertyChangeListener, ActionListener, DocumentListener { public void propertyChange(PropertyChangeEvent evt) { String prop = evt.getPropertyName(); Object src = evt.getSource(); if (src.equals(searchField)) { if ("findPopupMenu".equals(prop) || "searchMode".equals(prop) || "useSeperatePopupButton".equals(prop) || "searchMode".equals(prop) || "layoutStyle".equals(prop)) { layoutButtons(); updateButtons(); } else if ("document".equals(prop)) { Document doc = (Document) evt.getOldValue(); if (doc != null) { doc.removeDocumentListener(this); } doc = (Document) evt.getNewValue(); if (doc != null) { doc.addDocumentListener(this); } } } } /** * Shows the search popup menu, if installed. */ public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { if (searchField.getFindPopupMenu() != null) { Component src = SearchFieldAddon.SEARCH_FIELD_SOURCE .equals(UIManager.getString("SearchField.popupSource")) ? searchField : (Component) e.getSource(); Rectangle r = SwingUtilities.getLocalBounds(src); int popupWidth = searchField.getFindPopupMenu() .getPreferredSize().width; int x = searchField.isVistaLayoutStyle() || usingSeperatePopupButton() ? r.x + r.width - popupWidth : r.x; searchField.getFindPopupMenu().show(src, x, r.y + r.height); } } public void changedUpdate(DocumentEvent e) { update(); } public void insertUpdate(DocumentEvent e) { update(); } public void removeUpdate(DocumentEvent e) { update(); } /** * Called when the search text changes. Calls * {@link JXSearchField#postActionEvent()} In instant search mode or * starts the search field instant search timer if the instant search * delay is greater 0. */ private void update() { if (searchField.isInstantSearchMode()) { searchField.getInstantSearchTimer().stop(); // only use timer when delay greater 0. if (searchField.getInstantSearchDelay() > 0) { searchField.getInstantSearchTimer().setInitialDelay( searchField.getInstantSearchDelay()); searchField.getInstantSearchTimer().start(); } else { searchField.postActionEvent(); } } updateButtons(); } } }