package; import; import; import; import; import java.text.SimpleDateFormat; import java.util.Date; import; import; import; import; import android.bluetooth.BluetoothDevice; import android.bluetooth.BluetoothHeadset; import android.content.BroadcastReceiver; import android.content.ContentUris; import android.content.Context; import android.content.DialogInterface; import android.content.DialogInterface.OnCancelListener; import android.content.DialogInterface.OnKeyListener; import android.content.Intent; import android.content.IntentFilter; import android.content.SharedPreferences; import; import; import android.hardware.Camera; import android.hardware.Camera.Parameters; import android.hardware.Camera.Size; import; import; import; import android.os.AsyncResult; import android.os.Build; import android.os.Bundle; import android.os.Environment; import android.os.Handler; import android.os.HandlerThread; import android.os.IPowerManager; import android.os.Looper; import android.os.Message; import android.os.PowerManager; import android.os.RemoteException; import android.os.ServiceManager; import android.os.StatFs; import android.os.SystemClock; import android.os.SystemProperties; import android.pim.ContactsAsyncHelper; import android.preference.PreferenceManager; import android.provider.ContactsContract.Contacts; import android.telephony.ServiceState; import android.text.TextUtils; import android.text.format.DateUtils; import android.view.IWindowManager; import android.view.Menu; import android.view.MenuItem; import android.view.SurfaceView; import android.view.View; import android.view.ViewGroup; import android.view.Window; import android.view.WindowManager; import android.view.KeyEvent; import android.view.SurfaceHolder; import android.util.EventLog; import android.util.Log; import android.provider.Settings; import android.provider.Settings.SettingNotFoundException; import android.widget.AdapterView; import android.widget.ArrayAdapter; import android.widget.Button; import android.widget.ImageView; import android.widget.ListView; import android.widget.SlidingDrawer; import android.widget.TextView; import android.widget.Toast; import android.widget.VideoView; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import static; public class InVideoCallScreen extends Activity implements View.OnClickListener, CallTime.OnTickListener, CallerInfoAsyncQuery.OnQueryCompleteListener, MediaPhone.OnErrorListener, MediaPhone.OnMediaInfoListener, MediaPhone.OnCallEventListener, MediaPhone.OnVideoSizeChangedListener, AdapterView.OnItemClickListener, AdjustMenuView.OnSeekBarChangeListener, SurfaceHolder.Callback{ private static final String LOG_TAG = "InVideoCallScreen"; private static final boolean DBG = true; //(PhoneApp.DBG_LEVEL >= 1) && (SystemProperties.getInt("ro.debuggable", 0) == 1); private static final boolean VDBG = true;//(PhoneApp.DBG_LEVEL >= 2); static final String SHOW_DIALPAD_EXTRA = ""; private static final boolean ENABLE_MEDIAPHONE = true; private static final boolean ENABLE_DIALPANEL_HANDLER = true; // High-level "modes" of the in-call UI. private enum InCallScreenMode { /** * Normal in-call UI elements visible. */ NORMAL, /** * Non-interactive UI state. Call card is visible, * displaying information about the call that just ended. */ CALL_ENDED, FALL_BACK, /** * Default state when not on call */ UNDEFINED } private InCallScreenMode mInCallScreenMode = InCallScreenMode.UNDEFINED; // Possible error conditions that can happen on startup. // These are returned as status codes from the various helper // functions we call from onCreate() and/or onResume(). // See syncWithPhoneState() and checkIfOkToInitiateOutgoingCall() for details. private enum InCallInitStatus { SUCCESS, SURFACE_NOT_READY, VOICEMAIL_NUMBER_MISSING, POWER_OFF, EMERGENCY_ONLY, OUT_OF_SERVICE, PHONE_NOT_IN_USE, NO_PHONE_NUMBER_SUPPLIED, NO_IN_3G, CALL_FAILED, ALREADY_IN_3GCALL, ALREADY_IN_2GCALL, CALL_FAILED_FDN_ONLY, AIRPLANE_MODE_ON, } private InCallInitStatus mInCallInitialStatus; // see onResume() private boolean mRegisteredForPhoneStates; private boolean mNeedShowCallLostDialog; private Phone mPhone; // Phone app instance private PhoneApp mApplication; private CallManager mCM; private Call mForegroundCall; private Call mBackgroundCall; private Call mRingingCall; private BluetoothHandsfree mBluetoothHandsfree; private BluetoothHeadset mBluetoothHeadset; private boolean mBluetoothConnectionPending; private long mBluetoothConnectionRequestTime; // Text colors, used for various labels / titles private int mTextColorDefaultPrimary; private int mTextColorDefaultSecondary; private int mTextColorConnected; private int mTextColorConnectedBluetooth; private int mTextColorEnded; private int mTextColorOnHold; // Surface view for video phone private SurfaceView mRemoteVideoPhoneView; private SurfaceView mLocalVideoPhoneView; private SurfaceView mLargeVideoPhoneView; private SurfaceView mSmallVideoPhoneView; private int mSurfaceReadyCount = 0; PowerManager.WakeLock mWakeLock; Call.State mLastFGCallState = Call.State.IDLE; // Parmeter for videocall private enum ViewType { LIVE, PICTURE, VIDEO, NONE } private ViewType mLocalViewType = ViewType.LIVE; private ViewType mRemoteViewType = ViewType.LIVE; private String mLocalPicUri = null; private String mRemotePicUri = null; private String mLocalVideoUri = null; private String mRemoteVideoUri = null; // Caller Info private ViewGroup mCallInfo; private VideoCallTime mCallTime; private TextView mName; private TextView mPhoneNumber; private View mInCallPanel; private View mInComingCallPanel; private Button mDialerBtn; private Button mHangupBtn; private Button mAnswerBtn; private Button mDeclineBtn; // option menu items private Menu mOptionMenu; private MenuItem mCameraSwitch_item; private MenuItem mViewSwitch_item; private MenuItem mCamera_item; private MenuItem mSpeaker_item; private MenuItem mBluetooth_item; private MenuItem mMute_item; private MenuItem mCamera_brightness_item; private MenuItem mCamera_contrast_item; private MenuItem mStartrecord_item; private MenuItem mStoprecord_item; private boolean mbExternalStorageAvail = false; // Title and elapsed-time widgets private TextView mUpperTitle; private TextView mElapsedTime; private TextView mLabel; private TextView mBeginTime; // Track the state for the photo. private ContactsAsyncHelper.ImageTracker mPhotoTracker; // AdjustMenu AdjustMenuView mBrightnessAdjustMenu; AdjustMenuView mCameraBrightnessAdjustMenu; AdjustMenuView mCameraContrastAdjustMenu; private static final int MINIMUM_BACKLIGHT = android.os.Power.BRIGHTNESS_DIM + 10; private static final int MAXIMUM_BACKLIGHT = android.os.Power.BRIGHTNESS_ON; private static final int MINIMUM_CAMERA_BACKLIGHT = 0; private static final int MAXIMUM_CAMERA_BACKLIGHT = 6; private static final int MINIMUM_CAMERA_CONTRAST = 0; private static final int MAXIMUM_CAMERA_CONTRAST = 6; private int mMyBrightness; private int mMyCameraBrightness; private int mMyCameraContrast; private int mSysBrightness; private int mSysCameraBrightness; private int mSysCameraContrast; // Cached DisplayMetrics density. private float mDensity; private static final String DEFAULT_COMM = "videophone:///dev/ts0710mux12"; private static final String DEFAULT_FALLBACK = "DEFAULT_FALLBACK"; MediaPhone mp; HandlerThread mMediaPhoneThread; Thread mStartPreviewThread; private enum ScreenLayoutConfig { LOCAL_SMALL_REMOTE_LARGE, LOCAL_LARGE_REMOTE_SMALL } private ScreenLayoutConfig mScreenLayoutConfig = ScreenLayoutConfig.LOCAL_SMALL_REMOTE_LARGE; private enum FallBackConfig { FALLBACK_ASK, FALLBACK_ALWAYS, FALLBACK_NEVER } private FallBackConfig mFallBackConfig = FallBackConfig.FALLBACK_ASK; private enum CameraType { BOTTOM_CAMERA, FRONT_CAMERA, FAKE_CAMERA, } private CameraType mCameraType = CameraType.FRONT_CAMERA; private CameraType mRealCameraType = CameraType.FRONT_CAMERA; private boolean mbEnableCamera = false; private boolean mbShowSubstitutePic = true; private boolean mbEnableRecord = false; private boolean mbInitialCamera = false; private boolean mAllowVolumeButtion = false; private String mLocalSubstitutePic = null; private String mRemoteSubstitutePic = null; private BroadcastReceiver mStorageReceiver; private static final String DEFAULT_STORE_SUBDIR = "/videocall"; private static final String DEFAULT_RECORD_SUFFIX = ".3gp"; private static final long MINIMUM_START_FREE_SIZE = 2 * 1024 * 1024; private static final long MINIMUM_FREE_SIZE = 1024 * 1024; private enum RemoteCameraClose_ActionConfig { REMOTECAMERACLOSE_DONOTHING, REMOTECAMERACLOSE_SUBTITUTE, } private RemoteCameraClose_ActionConfig mRemoteCameraClose_ActionConfig = RemoteCameraClose_ActionConfig.REMOTECAMERACLOSE_SUBTITUTE; private class CallData { String number; Uri contactUri; public CallData(String num, Uri uri){ number = num; contactUri = uri; } } private CallData mCallData; // Dialog // private AlertDialog mIncomingDialog; // "Touch lock overlay" feature private boolean mUseTouchLockOverlay; // True if we use this feature on the current device private View mTouchLockOverlay; // The overlay over the whole screen private View mTouchLockIcon; // The "lock" icon in the middle of the screen private long mTouchLockLastTouchTime; // in SystemClock.uptimeMillis() time base // DTMF Dialer controller and its view: private VideoPhoneTwelveKeyDialer mDialer; private VideoPhoneTwelveKeyDialerView mDialerView; // Various dialogs we bring up (see dismissAllDialogs()). // TODO: convert these all to use the "managed dialogs" framework. // // The MMI started dialog can actually be one of 2 items: // 1. An alert dialog if the MMI code is a normal MMI // 2. A progress dialog if the user requested a USSD private AlertDialog mGenericErrorDialog; private AlertDialog mWaitPromptDialog; private AlertDialog mWildPromptDialog; private AlertDialog mCallLostDialog; private AlertDialog mPausePromptDialog; private Dialog mFallBackDialog; // NOTE: if you add a new dialog here, be sure to add it to dismissAllDialogs() also. // TODO: If the Activity class ever provides an easy way to get the // current "activity lifecycle" state, we can remove these flags. private boolean mIsDestroyed = false; private boolean mIsForegroundActivity = false; private boolean mHasFocus = false; // Amount of time (in msec) that we display the "Call ended" state. // The "short" value is for calls ended by the local user, and the // "long" value is for calls ended by the remote caller. private static final int CALL_ENDED_SHORT_DELAY = 1000; // msec private static final int CALL_ENDED_LONG_DELAY = 3000; // msec // Message codes; see mHandler below. // Note message codes < 100 are reserved for the PhoneApp. private static final int PHONE_STATE_CHANGED = 101; private static final int PHONE_DISCONNECT = 102; private static final int EVENT_HEADSET_PLUG_STATE_CHANGED = 103; private static final int POST_ON_DIAL_CHARS = 104; private static final int WILD_PROMPT_CHAR_ENTERED = 105; private static final int ADD_VOICEMAIL_NUMBER = 106; private static final int DONT_ADD_VOICEMAIL_NUMBER = 107; private static final int DELAYED_CLEANUP_AFTER_DISCONNECT = 108; private static final int SUPP_SERVICE_FAILED = 110; private static final int DISMISS_MENU = 111; private static final int ALLOW_SCREEN_ON = 112; private static final int TOUCH_LOCK_TIMER = 113; private static final int REQUEST_UPDATE_BLUETOOTH_INDICATION = 114; private static final int PHONE_CDMA_CALL_WAITING = 115; private static final int THREEWAY_CALLERINFO_DISPLAY_DONE = 116; private static final int EVENT_OTA_PROVISION_CHANGE = 117; private static final int REQUEST_CLOSE_SPC_ERROR_NOTICE = 118; private static final int REQUEST_CLOSE_OTA_FAILURE_NOTICE = 119; private static final int EVENT_PAUSE_DIALOG_COMPLETE = 120; private static final int EVENT_HIDE_PROVIDER_OVERLAY = 121; // Time to remove the overlay. private static final int REQUEST_UPDATE_TOUCH_UI = 122; private static final int DELAYED_SET_SURFACE = 123; private static final int DELAYED_END_WAITCC = 124; private static final int DELAYED_SWITCH_SPEAKER = 125; private static final int MEDIAPHONE_CAMERA_OPEN = 126; private static final int MEDIAPHONE_CAMERA_CLOSE = 127; private static final int MEDIAPHONE_STRING = 128; private static final int MEDIAPHONE_CODEC_START = 129; private static final int MEDIAPHONE_CODEC_CLOSE = 130; private static final int MEDIAPHONE_CAMERA_FAIL = 131; private static final int MEDIAPHONE_MEDIA_START = 132; private static final int DELAY_UPDATEVIEWCONFIG = 133; private static final int REQUEST_UPDATE_MUTE_INDICATION = 134; private static final int DELAYED_CREATE_CAMERA = 135; private static final int INITIALED_CAMERA = 136; private static final int CHECK_FREESPACE = 137; // arg1 for DELAYED_SET_SURFACE private static final int ARG_PLACE_CALL = 1; private static final int ARG_RESUME = 2; // view size private static final int SMALL_VIEW_SIZE = 80; private static final int LARGE_VIEW_SIZE = 160; private android.hardware.Camera mCameraDevice; private boolean mStartPreviewFail = false; boolean mPreviewing = false; // True if preview is started. private Parameters mParameters; private ListView mFallBackList; private Dialog mActiveDlg = null; private String mRecordFile = null; private Camera mCamera = null; private Object mCameraLock = new Object(); private SurfaceHolder m_sHolder = null; private boolean mWaitCC = false; private boolean mWaitCD = false; private long mCCTime = 0; private long mMMRingDuring = 0; private Call.State mOldCallState = Call.State.IDLE; private static final int WAIT_CC_DELAY = 4000; private enum LastAction { ACTION_NONE, ACTION_VIDEOCALL, ACTION_VOICECALL } private LastAction mLastAction = LastAction.ACTION_NONE; private IWindowManager mWindowManager; private Button mButtonIncrease; private Button mButtonDecline; // whether in dialing state. If not, don't display disconnect cause // it only be true in incoming call state private boolean mbIncoming = true; private boolean mbAnswered = false; private boolean mbEverConnected = false; private boolean mbHangupByUser = false; private boolean mbMediaStarted = false; // save initial intent to make call private Intent mCallIntent = null; // Flag indicating whether or not we should bring up the Call Log when // exiting the in-call UI due to the Phone becoming idle. (This is // true if the most recently disconnected Call was initiated by the // user, or false if it was an incoming call.) // This flag is used by delayedCleanupAfterDisconnect(), and is set by // onDisconnect() (which is the only place that either posts a // DELAYED_CLEANUP_AFTER_DISCONNECT event *or* calls // delayedCleanupAfterDisconnect() directly.) private boolean mShowCallLogAfterDisconnect; private Handler mHandler = new Handler() { @Override public void handleMessage(Message msg) { if (mIsDestroyed) { if (DBG) log("Handler: ignoring message " + msg + "; we're destroyed!"); return; } if (!mIsForegroundActivity) { if (DBG) log("Handler: handling message " + msg + " while not in foreground"); // Continue anyway; some of the messages below *want* to // be handled even if we're not the foreground activity // (like DELAYED_CLEANUP_AFTER_DISCONNECT), and they all // should at least be safe to handle if we're not in the // foreground... } PhoneApp app = PhoneApp.getInstance(); switch (msg.what) { case PHONE_STATE_CHANGED: onPhoneStateChanged((AsyncResult) msg.obj); break; case PHONE_DISCONNECT: onDisconnect((AsyncResult) msg.obj); break; case EVENT_HEADSET_PLUG_STATE_CHANGED: case REQUEST_UPDATE_MUTE_INDICATION: updateAudioMenu(); break; case DELAYED_CLEANUP_AFTER_DISCONNECT: delayedCleanupAfterDisconnect(); break; case ALLOW_SCREEN_ON: if (VDBG) log("ALLOW_SCREEN_ON message..."); // Undo our previous call to preventScreenOn(true). // (Note this will cause the screen to turn on // immediately, if it's currently off because of a // prior preventScreenOn(true) call.) app.preventScreenOn(false); break; case REQUEST_UPDATE_BLUETOOTH_INDICATION: if (VDBG) log("REQUEST_UPDATE_BLUETOOTH_INDICATION..."); // The bluetooth headset state changed, so some UI // elements may need to update. (There's no need to // look up the current state here, since any UI // elements that care about the bluetooth state get it // directly from PhoneApp.showBluetoothIndication().) updateScreen(); break; case DELAYED_END_WAITCC: Log.w(LOG_TAG, "handleMessage(), DELAYED_END_WAITCC, mWaitCC: " + mWaitCC); if (mWaitCC){ mWaitCC = false; updateMainCallStatus(); } break; case DELAYED_SWITCH_SPEAKER: Log.w(LOG_TAG, "handleMessage(), DELAYED_SWITCH_SPEAKER" ); if (Call.State.ACTIVE == mForegroundCall.getState()) { if (isAudioInCall()) { switchToSpeaker(); } else { this.sendEmptyMessageDelayed(DELAYED_SWITCH_SPEAKER, 100); } } break; case MEDIAPHONE_CAMERA_OPEN:{ Toast txtToast = Toast.makeText(getWindow().getContext(), getString(R.string.prompt_remotecamera_open), Toast.LENGTH_LONG);; if (ViewType.LIVE != mRemoteViewType){ mRemoteViewType = ViewType.LIVE; //updateViewConfig(); removeMessages(DELAY_UPDATEVIEWCONFIG); sendEmptyMessageDelayed(DELAY_UPDATEVIEWCONFIG, 1000); } } break; case MEDIAPHONE_CAMERA_CLOSE:{ Toast txtToast = Toast.makeText(getWindow().getContext(), getString(R.string.prompt_remotecamera_close), Toast.LENGTH_LONG);; if (mbShowSubstitutePic && (ViewType.PICTURE != mRemoteViewType)){ mRemoteViewType = ViewType.PICTURE; updateViewConfig(); } } break; case MEDIAPHONE_STRING:{ String strRemote = (String)msg.obj; log("MEDIAPHONE_STRING, strRemote: " + strRemote + ", mWaitCC: " + mWaitCC + ", mWaitCD: " + mWaitCD); if (strRemote.equals("CC")){ if (mWaitCC){ mWaitCC = false; mWaitCD = true; mHandler.removeMessages(DELAYED_END_WAITCC); //mCCTime = SystemClock.elapsedRealtime(); SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat("HH:mm:ss"); mBeginTime.setText(sdf.format(new Date())); log("MEDIA_CALLEVENT_STRING, mBeginTime: " + mBeginTime.getText()); } else { log("receive 'CC' unexpected"); } } else if (strRemote.equals("CD")){ if (mWaitCD){ mWaitCC = false; mWaitCD = false; mMMRingDuring = SystemClock.elapsedRealtime() - mCCTime; updateMainCallStatus(); } else { log("receive 'CD' unexpected"); } } } break; case MEDIAPHONE_CODEC_START: updateViewConfig(); updateOptionMenu(); break; case MEDIAPHONE_CODEC_CLOSE: updateViewConfig(); updateOptionMenu(); if (mbEnableRecord && (mRecordFile != null)) { Toast.makeText(getWindow().getContext(), getString(R.string.prompt_record_finish) + mRecordFile, Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show(); mbEnableRecord = false; } break; case MEDIAPHONE_CAMERA_FAIL: Toast.makeText(getWindow().getContext(), getString(R.string.prompt_camera_fail), Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show(); break; case MEDIAPHONE_MEDIA_START: mElapsedTime.setVisibility(View.VISIBLE); long duration = VideoCallTime.getCallDuration(null); // msec updateElapsedTimeWidget(duration / 1000); break; case DELAY_UPDATEVIEWCONFIG: if (isForegroundActivity()) { updateViewConfig(); } break; case DELAYED_CREATE_CAMERA: startCameraPreview(); break; case INITIALED_CAMERA: //updateInCallPanel(); updateOptionMenu(); break; case CHECK_FREESPACE: if (!isSpaceEnough()) { Toast.makeText(getWindow().getContext(), getString(R.string.prompt_no_freespace), Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show(); enableRecord(false, 0); } else { this.sendEmptyMessageDelayed(CHECK_FREESPACE, 10 * 1000); } break; } } }; private final BroadcastReceiver mReceiver = new BroadcastReceiver() { @Override public void onReceive(Context context, Intent intent) { String action = intent.getAction(); if (action.equals(Intent.ACTION_HEADSET_PLUG)) { // Listen for ACTION_HEADSET_PLUG broadcasts so that we // can update the onscreen UI when the headset state changes. // if (DBG) log("mReceiver: ACTION_HEADSET_PLUG"); // if (DBG) log("==> intent: " + intent); // if (DBG) log(" state: " + intent.getIntExtra("state", 0)); // if (DBG) log(" name: " + intent.getStringExtra("name")); // send the event and add the state as an argument. Message message = Message.obtain(mHandler, EVENT_HEADSET_PLUG_STATE_CHANGED, intent.getIntExtra("state", 0), 0); mHandler.sendMessage(message); } } }; private void initVideoPoneView(SurfaceView view){ view.getHolder().addCallback(this); view.getHolder().setType(SurfaceHolder.SURFACE_TYPE_PUSH_BUFFERS); view.setFocusable(true); view.setFocusableInTouchMode(true); view.requestFocus(); } public void surfaceChanged(SurfaceHolder arg0, int arg1, int arg2, int arg3) { Log.d(LOG_TAG, "surfaceChanged"); } public void surfaceCreated(SurfaceHolder arg0) { if (mSurfaceReadyCount < 2) mSurfaceReadyCount++; Log.d(LOG_TAG, "surfaceCreated, mSurfaceReadyCount: " + mSurfaceReadyCount); if (mSurfaceReadyCount == 2) { mp.setLocalDisplay(mLocalVideoPhoneView.getHolder().getSurface()); mp.setRemoteDisplay(mRemoteVideoPhoneView.getHolder().getSurface()); if (mp.getCodecState() == MediaPhone.CodecState.CODEC_START) { mp.startDownLink(); } else { if (mCamera != null) { synchronized(mCameraLock) { if (mCamera != null) { mCamera.lock(); if (!mCamera.previewEnabled()) { try{ Log.d(LOG_TAG, "surfaceCreated startPreview. "); mCamera.setPreviewDisplay(mLocalVideoPhoneView.getHolder()); mCamera.startPreview(); } catch (Exception e) { Log.e(LOG_TAG, "setPreviewDisplay failed, " + e); } } else { try{ Log.d(LOG_TAG, "surfaceCreated setPreviewDisplay. "); mCamera.setPreviewDisplay(mLocalVideoPhoneView.getHolder()); } catch (Exception e) { Log.e(LOG_TAG, "setPreviewDisplay failed, " + e); } } mCamera.unlock(); } } } } } Log.d(LOG_TAG, "surfaceCreated end. "); } public void surfaceDestroyed(SurfaceHolder arg0) { if (mSurfaceReadyCount > 0) mSurfaceReadyCount--; Log.d(LOG_TAG, "surfaceDestroyed, mSurfaceReadyCount: " + mSurfaceReadyCount); // sometimes, this function will be called after onDestroy(), so we need check (mp != null) here if ((mSurfaceReadyCount == 0) && (mp != null)){ if (mp.getCodecState() == MediaPhone.CodecState.CODEC_START) { mp.stopDownLink(); } else { if (mCamera != null) { synchronized(mCameraLock) { if (mCamera != null) { mCamera.lock(); try{ Log.d(LOG_TAG, "surfaceDestroyed stopPreview. "+mCamera.previewEnabled()); if (mCamera.previewEnabled()) { mCamera.stopPreview(); } mCamera.setPreviewDisplay(null); mCamera.startPreview(); } catch (Exception e) { Log.e(LOG_TAG, "setPreviewDisplay failed, " + e); } mCamera.unlock(); } } } } mp.setLocalDisplay(null); mp.setRemoteDisplay(null); } Log.d(LOG_TAG, "surfaceDestroyed end. "); } private void initMediaPhone(Phone phone) { mp.setOnVideoSizeChangedListener(this); mp.setOnMediaInfoListener(this); mp.setOnCallEventListener(this); mp.setOnErrorListener(this); } private void showCameraBusyAndFinish() { Log.e(LOG_TAG, "camera busy and finish"); //Resources ress = getResources(); // Util.showFatalErrorAndFinish(InVideoCallScreen.this, // "camera busy and finish", // "camera busy and finish"); } private static Phone getPhoneBase(Phone phone) { if (phone instanceof PhoneProxy) { return phone.getForegroundCall().getPhone(); } return phone; } /** Called when the activity is first created. */ @Override public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) { if (DBG) log("onCreate()... this = " + this); setCameraFlag(true); if(SystemProperties.getInt("ro.sprd.volume_control_icon", 0) == 1){ mWindowManager = IWindowManager.Stub.asInterface(ServiceManager.getService("window")); } super.onCreate(savedInstanceState); final PhoneApp app = PhoneApp.getInstance(); mApplication = PhoneApp.getInstance(); app.setInVideoCallScreenInstance(this); // set this flag so this activity will stay in front of the keyguard int flags = WindowManager.LayoutParams.FLAG_SHOW_WHEN_LOCKED; if (app.getPhoneState() == Phone.State.OFFHOOK) { // While we are in call, the in-call screen should dismiss the keyguard. // This allows the user to press Home to go directly home without going through // an insecure lock screen. // But we do not want to do this if there is no active call so we do not // bypass the keyguard if the call is not answered or declined. flags |= WindowManager.LayoutParams.FLAG_DISMISS_KEYGUARD; } getWindow().addFlags(flags); int phoneId = getIntent().getIntExtra(SUBSCRIPTION_KEY, app.getDefaultSubscription()); log("onCreate phoneId: " + phoneId); setPhone(app.getPhone(phoneId)); // Sets mPhone and mForegroundCall/mBackgroundCall/mRingingCall mCM = PhoneApp.getInstance().mCM; mBluetoothHandsfree = app.getBluetoothHandsfree(); if (VDBG) log("- mBluetoothHandsfree: " + mBluetoothHandsfree); if (mBluetoothHandsfree != null) { // The PhoneApp only creates a BluetoothHandsfree instance in the // first place if BluetoothAdapter.getDefaultAdapter() // succeeds. So at this point we know the device is BT-capable. mBluetoothHeadset = new BluetoothHeadset(this, null); if (VDBG) log("- Got BluetoothHeadset: " + mBluetoothHeadset); } requestWindowFeature(Window.FEATURE_NO_TITLE); setContentView(R.layout.invideocall_screen); initInCallScreen(); PowerManager pm = (PowerManager) getSystemService(Context.POWER_SERVICE); mWakeLock = pm.newWakeLock(PowerManager.SCREEN_BRIGHT_WAKE_LOCK, "InVideoCallScreen Tag"); // Create the dtmf dialer. The dialer view we use depends on the // current platform: // // - On non-prox-sensor devices, it's the dialpad contained inside // a SlidingDrawer widget (see dtmf_twelve_key_dialer.xml). // // - On "full touch UI" devices, it's the compact non-sliding // dialpad that appears on the upper half of the screen, // above the main cluster of InCallTouchUi buttons // (see non_drawer_dialpad.xml). // // TODO: These should both be ViewStubs, and right here we should // inflate one or the other. (Also, while doing that, let's also // move this block of code over to initInCallScreen().) // SlidingDrawer dialerDrawer; if (isTouchUiEnabled()) { // This is a "full touch" device. mDialerView = (VideoPhoneTwelveKeyDialerView) findViewById(; if (DBG) log("- Full touch device! Found dialerView: " + mDialerView); dialerDrawer = null; // No SlidingDrawer used on this device. } else { // Use the old-style dialpad contained within the SlidingDrawer. mDialerView = (VideoPhoneTwelveKeyDialerView) findViewById(; if (DBG) log("- Using SlidingDrawer-based dialpad. Found dialerView: " + mDialerView); dialerDrawer = (SlidingDrawer) findViewById(; if (DBG) log(" ...and the SlidingDrawer: " + dialerDrawer); } // Sanity-check that (regardless of the device) at least the // dialer view is present: if (mDialerView == null) { Log.e(LOG_TAG, "onCreate: couldn't find dialerView", new IllegalStateException()); } // Finally, create the DTMFTwelveKeyDialer instance. mDialer = new VideoPhoneTwelveKeyDialer(this, mDialerView, null); registerForPhoneStates(); getVideoPhoneConfig(); updateViewConfig(); mMyBrightness = getBrightness(); // if in incoming call, don't checkout network anymore and always start camera preview. String action = getIntent().getAction(); if ((action != null) && (action.equals(Intent.ACTION_CALL))) { if (checkIfOkToInitiateOutgoingCall() == InCallInitStatus.SUCCESS) { startCameraPreview(); } } else { startCameraPreview(); } if (ENABLE_MEDIAPHONE) { if (mp == null) { final Object syncObj = new Object(); final CommandsInterface ril = ((TDPhone)getPhoneBase(mPhone)).mCM;//PhoneFactory.getDefaultCM(); mMediaPhoneThread = new HandlerThread("MediaPhone"){ protected void onLooperPrepared() { Log.e(LOG_TAG, "before create mediaphone"); synchronized(syncObj) { mp = MediaPhone.create(ril, DEFAULT_COMM); syncObj.notifyAll(); } Log.e(LOG_TAG, "after create mediaphone"); } }; mMediaPhoneThread.start(); Log.e(LOG_TAG, "before wait mediaphone"); synchronized(syncObj) { try{ syncObj.wait(1500); } catch (InterruptedException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } Log.e(LOG_TAG, "after wait mediaphone"); } } // No need to change wake state here; that happens in onResume() when we // are actually displayed. // Handle the Intent we were launched with, but only if this is the // the very first time we're being launched (ie. NOT if we're being // re-initialized after previously being shut down.) // Once we're up and running, any future Intents we need // to handle will come in via the onNewIntent() method. if (savedInstanceState == null) { if (DBG) log("onCreate(): this is our very first launch, checking intent..."); // Stash the result code from internalResolveIntent() in the // mInCallInitialStatus field. If it's an error code, we'll // handle it in onResume(). mInCallInitialStatus = internalResolveIntent(getIntent()); if (DBG) log("onCreate(): mInCallInitialStatus = " + mInCallInitialStatus); if (mInCallInitialStatus != InCallInitStatus.SUCCESS) { Log.w(LOG_TAG, "onCreate: status " + mInCallInitialStatus + " from internalResolveIntent()"); // See onResume() for the actual error handling. } } else { mInCallInitialStatus = InCallInitStatus.SUCCESS; } // The "touch lock overlay" feature is used only on devices that // *don't* use a proximity sensor to turn the screen off while in-call. mUseTouchLockOverlay = !app.proximitySensorModeEnabled(); mStorageReceiver = new BroadcastReceiver() { public void onReceive(Context context, Intent intent) { onReceiveMediaBroadcast(intent); } }; IntentFilter intentFilter = new IntentFilter(); intentFilter.addAction(Intent.ACTION_MEDIA_MOUNTED); intentFilter.addAction(Intent.ACTION_MEDIA_UNMOUNTED); intentFilter.addDataScheme("file"); registerReceiver(mStorageReceiver, intentFilter); if (DBG) log("onCreate(): exit"); } private void onReceiveMediaBroadcast(Intent intent) { String action = intent.getAction(); if (action.equals(Intent.ACTION_MEDIA_MOUNTED)) { log("ACTION_MEDIA_MOUNTED"); mbExternalStorageAvail = true; } else if (action.equals(Intent.ACTION_MEDIA_UNMOUNTED)) { log("ACTION_MEDIA_UNMOUNTED"); mbExternalStorageAvail = false; enableRecord(false, 0); } } /** * Sets the Phone object used internally by the InCallScreen. * * In normal operation this is called from onCreate(), and the * passed-in Phone object comes from the PhoneApp. * For testing, test classes can use this method to * inject a test Phone instance. */ /* package */ void setPhone(Phone phone) { mPhone = phone; // Hang onto the three Call objects too; they're singletons that // are constant (and never null) for the life of the Phone. mForegroundCall = mPhone.getForegroundCall(); mBackgroundCall = mPhone.getBackgroundCall(); mRingingCall = mPhone.getRingingCall(); } public Phone getPhone() { return mPhone; } @Override protected void onStart() { if (DBG) log("onStart()..."); super.onStart(); // get config from system getSysConfig(); } @Override protected void onResume() { if (DBG) log("onResume()..."); super.onResume(); mWakeLock.acquire(); getSysConfig(); setMyConfig(); updateViewConfig(); mIsForegroundActivity = true; final PhoneApp app = PhoneApp.getInstance(); //app.disableStatusBar(); // Touch events are never considered "user activity" while the // InCallScreen is active, so that unintentional touches won't // prevent the device from going to sleep. app.setIgnoreTouchUserActivity(true); // Disable the status bar "window shade" the entire time we're on // the in-call screen. // NotificationMgr.getDefault().getStatusBarMgr().enableExpandedView(false); // Listen for broadcast intents that might affect the onscreen UI. registerReceiver(mReceiver, new IntentFilter(Intent.ACTION_HEADSET_PLUG)); // Keep a "dialer session" active when we're in the foreground. // (This is needed to play DTMF tones.) mDialer.startDialerSession(); // Check for any failures that happened during onCreate() or onNewIntent(). if (DBG) log("- onResume: initial status = " + mInCallInitialStatus); if (mInCallInitialStatus != InCallInitStatus.SUCCESS) { if (DBG) log("- onResume: failure during startup: " + mInCallInitialStatus); // Don't bring up the regular Phone UI! Instead bring up // something more specific to let the user deal with the // problem. if (handleStartupError(mInCallInitialStatus)) { // But it *is* OK to continue with the rest of onResume(), // since any further setup steps (like updateScreen() and the // CallCard setup) will fall back to a "blank" state if the // phone isn't in use. mInCallInitialStatus = InCallInitStatus.SUCCESS; } } // Set the volume control handler while we are in the foreground. final boolean bluetoothConnected = isBluetoothAudioConnected(); if (bluetoothConnected) { setVolumeControlStream(AudioManager.STREAM_BLUETOOTH_SCO); } else { setVolumeControlStream(AudioManager.STREAM_VOICE_CALL); } takeKeyEvents(true); // Before checking the state of the phone, clean up any // connections in the DISCONNECTED state. // (The DISCONNECTED state is used only to drive the "call ended" // UI; it's totally useless when *entering* the InCallScreen.) mPhone.clearDisconnected(); // InCallScreen is now active. EventLog.writeEvent(EventLogTags.PHONE_UI_ENTER); // Update the poke lock and wake lock when we move to // the foreground. // // But we need to do something special if we're coming // to the foreground while an incoming call is ringing: if (mPhone.getState() == Phone.State.RINGING) { // If the phone is ringing, we *should* already be holding a // full wake lock (which we would have acquired before // firing off the intent that brought us here; see // PhoneUtils.showIncomingCallUi().) // // We also called preventScreenOn(true) at that point, to // avoid cosmetic glitches while we were being launched. // So now we need to post an ALLOW_SCREEN_ON message to // (eventually) undo the prior preventScreenOn(true) call. // // (In principle we shouldn't do this until after our first // layout/draw pass. But in practice, the delay caused by // simply waiting for the end of the message queue is long // enough to avoid any flickering of the lock screen before // the InCallScreen comes up.) if (VDBG) log("- posting ALLOW_SCREEN_ON message..."); mHandler.removeMessages(ALLOW_SCREEN_ON); mHandler.sendEmptyMessage(ALLOW_SCREEN_ON); // TODO: There ought to be a more elegant way of doing this, // probably by having the PowerManager and ActivityManager // work together to let apps request that the screen on/off // state be synchronized with the Activity lifecycle. // (See bug 1648751.) } else { // The phone isn't ringing; this is either an outgoing call, or // we're returning to a call in progress. There *shouldn't* be // any prior preventScreenOn(true) call that we need to undo, // but let's do this just to be safe: app.preventScreenOn(false); } app.updateWakeState(); // Restore the mute state if the last mute state change was NOT // done by the user. if (app.getRestoreMuteOnInCallResume()) { //TS for compile PhoneUtils.restoreMuteState(); app.setRestoreMuteOnInCallResume(false); } //getVideoPhoneConfig(); if (DBG) log("onResume: mSurfaceReadyCount = " + mSurfaceReadyCount); updateScreen(); Profiler.profileViewCreate(getWindow(), InCallScreen.class.getName()); if (VDBG) log("onResume() done."); } // onPause is guaranteed to be called when the InCallScreen goes // in the background. @Override protected void onPause() { if (DBG) log("onPause()..."); super.onPause(); mWakeLock.release(); //restore system config setSysConfig(); mIsForegroundActivity = false; final PhoneApp app = PhoneApp.getInstance(); // A safety measure to disable proximity sensor in case call failed // and the telephony state did not change. app.setBeginningCall(false); // as a catch-all, make sure that any dtmf tones are stopped // when the UI is no longer in the foreground. mDialer.onDialerKeyUp(null); // Release any "dialer session" resources, now that we're no // longer in the foreground. mDialer.stopDialerSession(); // If the device is put to sleep as the phone call is ending, // we may see cases where the DELAYED_CLEANUP_AFTER_DISCONNECT // event gets handled AFTER the device goes to sleep and wakes // up again. // This is because it is possible for a sleep command // (executed with the End Call key) to come during the 2 // seconds that the "Call Ended" screen is up. Sleep then // pauses the device (including the cleanup event) and // resumes the event when it wakes up. // To fix this, we introduce a bit of code that pushes the UI // to the background if we pause and see a request to // DELAYED_CLEANUP_AFTER_DISCONNECT. // Note: We can try to finish directly, by: // 1. Removing the DELAYED_CLEANUP_AFTER_DISCONNECT messages // 2. Calling delayedCleanupAfterDisconnect directly // However, doing so can cause problems between the phone // app and the keyguard - the keyguard is trying to sleep at // the same time that the phone state is changing. This can // end up causing the sleep request to be ignored. if (mHandler.hasMessages(DELAYED_CLEANUP_AFTER_DISCONNECT) && mPhone.getState() != Phone.State.RINGING) { if (DBG) log("DELAYED_CLEANUP_AFTER_DISCONNECT detected, moving UI to background."); } EventLog.writeEvent(EventLogTags.PHONE_UI_EXIT); // Re-enable the status bar (which we disabled in onResume().) //NotificationMgr.getDefault().getStatusBarMgr().enableExpandedView(true); // Unregister for broadcast intents. (These affect the visible UI // of the InCallScreen, so we only care about them while we're in the // foreground.) unregisterReceiver(mReceiver); // Re-enable "user activity" for touch events. // We actually do this slightly *after* onPause(), to work around a // race condition where a touch can come in after we've paused // but before the device actually goes to sleep. // TODO: The PowerManager itself should prevent this from happening. mHandler.postDelayed(new Runnable() { public void run() { app.setIgnoreTouchUserActivity(false); } }, 500); // Dismiss any dialogs we may have brought up, just to be 100% // sure they won't still be around when we get back here. dismissAllDialogs(); //app.reenableStatusBar(); // Make sure we revert the poke lock and wake lock when we move to // the background. app.updateWakeState(); // clear the dismiss keyguard flag so we are back to the default state // when we next resume updateKeyguardPolicy(false); log("onPause()...mInCallScreenMode: " + mInCallScreenMode); if (InCallScreenMode.FALL_BACK == mInCallScreenMode) { finish(); } } @Override protected void onStop() { if (DBG) log("onStop()..."); super.onStop(); Phone.State state = mPhone.getState(); if (DBG) log("onStop: state = " + state); } @Override protected void onDestroy() { if (DBG) log("onDestroy()..."); super.onDestroy(); if (mStorageReceiver != null) { unregisterReceiver(mStorageReceiver); mStorageReceiver = null; } if (mStartPreviewThread != null) { try { mStartPreviewThread.join(); } catch (InterruptedException ex) { log("mStartPreviewThread.quit() exception " + ex); } } setCameraFlag(false); closeCamera(1000); mCallTime.cancelTimer(); if (mp != null){ mp.release(); mp = null; if (DBG) log("mMediaPhoneThread.quit(): " + mMediaPhoneThread.quit()); } // Set the magic flag that tells us NOT to handle any handler // messages that come in asynchronously after we get destroyed. mIsDestroyed = true; final PhoneApp app = PhoneApp.getInstance(); app.setInVideoCallScreenInstance(null); mDialer.clearInCallScreenReference(); mDialer = null; unregisterForPhoneStates(); // No need to change wake state here; that happens in onPause() when we // are moving out of the foreground. if (mBluetoothHeadset != null) { mBluetoothHeadset.close(); mBluetoothHeadset = null; } if (mCallIntent != null) { if (LastAction.ACTION_VIDEOCALL == mLastAction) { startActivity(mCallIntent); } else if (LastAction.ACTION_VOICECALL == mLastAction) { Intent intent = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_CALL_PRIVILEGED); try { intent.setData(Uri.fromParts("tel", getInitialNumber(mCallIntent), null)); } catch (PhoneUtils.VoiceMailNumberMissingException ex) { log(" exception when getInitialNumber: " + ex); } intent.setFlags(Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_NEW_TASK); startActivity(intent); } } mLastAction = LastAction.ACTION_NONE; // Dismiss all dialogs, to be absolutely sure we won't leak any of // them while changing orientation. dismissAllDialogs(); } /** * Dismisses the in-call screen. * * We never *really* finish() the InCallScreen, since we don't want to * get destroyed and then have to be re-created from scratch for the * next call. Instead, we just move ourselves to the back of the * activity stack. * * This also means that we'll no longer be reachable via the BACK * button (since moveTaskToBack() puts us behind the Home app, but the * home app doesn't allow the BACK key to move you any farther down in * the history stack.) * * (Since the Phone app itself is never killed, this basically means * that we'll keep a single InCallScreen instance around for the * entire uptime of the device. This noticeably improves the UI * responsiveness for incoming calls.) */ /*@Override public void finish() { if (DBG) log("finish()..."); moveTaskToBack(true); }*/ /** * End the current in call screen session. * * This must be called when an InCallScreen session has * complete so that the next invocation via an onResume will * not be in an old state. */ public void endInCallScreenSession() { if (DBG) log("endInCallScreenSession()..."); //moveTaskToBack(true); setInCallScreenMode(InCallScreenMode.UNDEFINED); this.finish(); } /* package */ boolean isForegroundActivity() { return mIsForegroundActivity; } /* package */ void updateKeyguardPolicy(boolean dismissKeyguard) { if (dismissKeyguard) { getWindow().addFlags(WindowManager.LayoutParams.FLAG_DISMISS_KEYGUARD); } else { getWindow().clearFlags(WindowManager.LayoutParams.FLAG_DISMISS_KEYGUARD); } } private void registerForPhoneStates() { if (!mRegisteredForPhoneStates) { mPhone.registerForPreciseVideoCallStateChanged(mHandler, PHONE_STATE_CHANGED, null); mPhone.registerForVideoCallDisconnect(mHandler, PHONE_DISCONNECT, null); /* int phoneType = mPhone.getPhoneType(); if (phoneType == Phone.PHONE_TYPE_GSM) { mPhone.registerForMmiInitiate(mHandler, PhoneApp.MMI_INITIATE, null); // register for the MMI complete message. Upon completion, // PhoneUtils will bring up a system dialog instead of the // message display class in PhoneUtils.displayMMIComplete(). // We'll listen for that message too, so that we can finish // the activity at the same time. mPhone.registerForMmiComplete(mHandler, PhoneApp.MMI_COMPLETE, null); } else if (phoneType == Phone.PHONE_TYPE_CDMA) { if (DBG) log("Registering for Call Waiting."); mPhone.registerForCallWaiting(mHandler, PHONE_CDMA_CALL_WAITING, null); } else { throw new IllegalStateException("Unexpected phone type: " + phoneType); } mPhone.setOnPostDialCharacter(mHandler, POST_ON_DIAL_CHARS, null); mPhone.registerForSuppServiceFailed(mHandler, SUPP_SERVICE_FAILED, null); if (phoneType == Phone.PHONE_TYPE_CDMA) { mPhone.registerForCdmaOtaStatusChange(mHandler, EVENT_OTA_PROVISION_CHANGE, null); }*/ mRegisteredForPhoneStates = true; } } private void unregisterForPhoneStates() { mPhone.unregisterForPreciseVideoCallStateChanged(mHandler); mPhone.unregisterForVideoCallDisconnect(mHandler); mPhone.unregisterForMmiInitiate(mHandler); mPhone.setOnPostDialCharacter(null, POST_ON_DIAL_CHARS, null); mRegisteredForPhoneStates = false; } /* package */ void updateAfterRadioTechnologyChange() { if (DBG) Log.d(LOG_TAG, "updateAfterRadioTechnologyChange()..."); // Unregister for all events from the old obsolete phone unregisterForPhoneStates(); // (Re)register for all events relevant to the new active phone registerForPhoneStates(); } @Override protected void onNewIntent(Intent intent) { if (DBG) log("onNewIntent: intent=" + intent); // We're being re-launched with a new Intent. Since we keep // around a single InCallScreen instance for the life of the phone // process (see finish()), this sequence will happen EVERY time // there's a new incoming or outgoing call except for the very // first time the InCallScreen gets created. This sequence will // also happen if the InCallScreen is already in the foreground // (e.g. getting a new ACTION_CALL intent while we were already // using the other line.) // Stash away the new intent so that we can get it in the future // by calling getIntent(). (Otherwise getIntent() will return the // original Intent from when we first got created!) setIntent(intent); // Activities are always paused before receiving a new intent, so // we can count on our onResume() method being called next. // Just like in onCreate(), handle this intent, and stash the // result code from internalResolveIntent() in the // mInCallInitialStatus field. If it's an error code, we'll // handle it in onResume(). mInCallInitialStatus = internalResolveIntent(intent); if (mInCallInitialStatus != InCallInitStatus.SUCCESS) { Log.w(LOG_TAG, "onNewIntent: status " + mInCallInitialStatus + " from internalResolveIntent()"); // See onResume() for the actual error handling. } } /* package */ InCallInitStatus internalResolveIntent(Intent intent) { if (intent == null || intent.getAction() == null) { return InCallInitStatus.SUCCESS; } String action = intent.getAction(); if (DBG) log("internalResolveIntent: action=" + action); // The calls to setRestoreMuteOnInCallResume() inform the phone // that we're dealing with new connections (either a placing an // outgoing call or answering an incoming one, and NOT handling // an aborted "Add Call" request), so we should let the mute state // be handled by the PhoneUtils phone state change handler. final PhoneApp app = PhoneApp.getInstance(); // If OTA Activation is configured for Power up scenario, then // InCallScreen UI started with Intent of ACTION_SHOW_ACTIVATION // to show OTA Activation screen at power up. if (action.equals(Intent.ACTION_ANSWER)) { internalAnswerCall(); app.setRestoreMuteOnInCallResume(false); return InCallInitStatus.SUCCESS; } else if (action.equals(Intent.ACTION_CALL)){ mbIncoming = false; mCallIntent = intent; if (mPhone.getState() != Phone.State.IDLE) { if (PhoneUtils.isVideoCall()) { Log.e(LOG_TAG, "Cann't make another videocall, during video call"); return InCallInitStatus.ALREADY_IN_3GCALL; } else { Log.e(LOG_TAG, "Cann't make another videocall, during voice call"); return InCallInitStatus.ALREADY_IN_2GCALL; } } app.setRestoreMuteOnInCallResume(false); InCallInitStatus status = placeCall(intent); Log.w(LOG_TAG, "internalResolveIntent: placecall status: " + status); return status; } else if (action.equals(intent.ACTION_MAIN)) { //mbIncoming = intent.getBooleanExtra(PhoneApp.EXTRA_IS_INCOMINGCALL, false); log("internalResolveIntent: mbIncoming=" + mbIncoming); if (mbIncoming){ if (ENABLE_MEDIAPHONE) { initMediaPhone(mPhone); mp.onCodecRequest(MediaPhone.CODEC_OPEN, 0); } if (intent.hasExtra(SHOW_DIALPAD_EXTRA)) { boolean showDialpad = intent.getBooleanExtra(SHOW_DIALPAD_EXTRA, false); if (VDBG) log("- internalResolveIntent: SHOW_DIALPAD_EXTRA: " + showDialpad); if (showDialpad) { mDialer.openDialer(false); // no "opening" animation } else { mDialer.closeDialer(false); // no "closing" animation } } return InCallInitStatus.SUCCESS; } else { // re-enter video call screen mbIncoming = false; } return InCallInitStatus.SUCCESS; } else { Log.w(LOG_TAG, "internalResolveIntent: unexpected intent action: " + action); // But continue the best we can (basically treating this case // like ACTION_MAIN...) return InCallInitStatus.SUCCESS; } } private void initInCallScreen() { if (VDBG) log("initInCallScreen()..."); // Have the WindowManager filter out touch events that are "too fat". getWindow().addFlags(WindowManager.LayoutParams.FLAG_IGNORE_CHEEK_PRESSES); // Run in a 32-bit window, which improves the appearance of some // semitransparent artwork in the in-call UI (like the CallCard // photo borders). getWindow().setFormat(PixelFormat.RGBX_8888); // Helper class to keep track of enabledness/state of UI controls // mInCallControlState = new InCallControlState(this, mPhone); mDensity = getResources().getDisplayMetrics().density; if (DBG) log("- Density: " + mDensity); mAllowVolumeButtion = getResources().getBoolean(R.bool.config_show_vt_onscreen_volume_button); mButtonIncrease = (Button)findViewById(; mButtonDecline = (Button)findViewById(; if (mAllowVolumeButtion) { mButtonIncrease.setOnClickListener(this); mButtonDecline.setOnClickListener(this); mButtonIncrease.setText("+"); mButtonDecline.setText("-"); } else { mButtonIncrease.setVisibility(View.GONE); mButtonDecline.setVisibility(View.GONE); } // Text colors mTextColorDefaultPrimary = // corresponds to textAppearanceLarge getResources().getColor(android.R.color.primary_text_dark); mTextColorDefaultSecondary = // corresponds to textAppearanceSmall getResources().getColor(android.R.color.secondary_text_dark); mTextColorConnected = getResources().getColor(R.color.incall_textConnected); mTextColorConnectedBluetooth = getResources().getColor(R.color.incall_textConnectedBluetooth); mTextColorEnded = getResources().getColor(R.color.incall_textEnded); mTextColorOnHold = getResources().getColor(R.color.incall_textOnHold); mLargeVideoPhoneView =(SurfaceView)findViewById(; mSmallVideoPhoneView = (SurfaceView)findViewById(; initVideoPoneView(mLargeVideoPhoneView); initVideoPoneView(mSmallVideoPhoneView); mBrightnessAdjustMenu = (AdjustMenuView)findViewById(; mCameraBrightnessAdjustMenu = (AdjustMenuView)findViewById(; mCameraContrastAdjustMenu = (AdjustMenuView)findViewById(; if((mBrightnessAdjustMenu != null) && (mCameraBrightnessAdjustMenu != null) && (mCameraContrastAdjustMenu != null)){ mBrightnessAdjustMenu.setMax(MAXIMUM_BACKLIGHT); mBrightnessAdjustMenu.setMin(MINIMUM_BACKLIGHT); mBrightnessAdjustMenu.setOnSeekBarChangeListener(this); mCameraBrightnessAdjustMenu.setMax(MAXIMUM_CAMERA_BACKLIGHT); mCameraBrightnessAdjustMenu.setMin(MINIMUM_CAMERA_BACKLIGHT); mCameraBrightnessAdjustMenu.setOnSeekBarChangeListener(this); mCameraContrastAdjustMenu.setMax(MAXIMUM_CAMERA_CONTRAST); mCameraContrastAdjustMenu.setMin(MINIMUM_CAMERA_CONTRAST); mCameraContrastAdjustMenu.setOnSeekBarChangeListener(this); } //SurfaceHolder largeHolder = mLargeVideoPhoneView.getHolder(); //largeHolder.addCallback(mLargeVideoPhoneView); //SurfaceHolder smallHolder = mSmallVideoPhoneView.getHolder(); //smallHolder.addCallback(mSmallVideoPhoneView); mInCallPanel = findViewById(; mInComingCallPanel = findViewById(; mDialerBtn = (Button)findViewById(; mHangupBtn = (Button)findViewById(; mAnswerBtn = (Button)findViewById(; mDeclineBtn = (Button)findViewById(; mDialerBtn.setOnClickListener(this); mHangupBtn.setOnClickListener(this); mAnswerBtn.setOnClickListener(this); mDeclineBtn.setOnClickListener(this); // "Upper" and "lower" title widgets mName = (TextView) findViewById(; mPhoneNumber = (TextView) findViewById(; mUpperTitle = (TextView) findViewById(; mElapsedTime = (TextView) findViewById(; //mLabel = (TextView) findViewById(; mBeginTime = (TextView) findViewById(; mCallInfo = (ViewGroup)findViewById(; mCallTime = new VideoCallTime(this); // create a new object to track the state for the photo. mPhotoTracker = new ContactsAsyncHelper.ImageTracker(); } /** * Returns true if the phone is "in use", meaning that at least one line * is active (ie. off hook or ringing or dialing). Conversely, a return * value of false means there's currently no phone activity at all. */ private boolean phoneIsInUse() { return mPhone.getState() != Phone.State.IDLE; } @Override public boolean onKeyUp(int keyCode, KeyEvent event) { // if (DBG) log("onKeyUp(keycode " + keyCode + ")..."); // push input to the dialer. if ((mDialer != null) && (mDialer.onDialerKeyUp(event))){ return true; } else if (keyCode == KeyEvent.KEYCODE_CALL) { // Always consume CALL to be sure the PhoneWindow won't do anything with it return true; } return super.onKeyUp(keyCode, event); } @Override public boolean onKeyDown(int keyCode, KeyEvent event) { if (DBG) log("onKeyDown(keycode " + keyCode + ")..."); switch (keyCode) { case KeyEvent.KEYCODE_CALL: if (mPhone.getState() == Phone.State.RINGING) internalAnswerCall(); break; case KeyEvent.KEYCODE_ENDCALL: if (mPhone.getState() == Phone.State.RINGING) internalHangupRingingCall(); else if (mPhone.getState() == Phone.State.OFFHOOK) internalHangup(); break; case KeyEvent.KEYCODE_MENU: //event.startTracking(); if (event.getRepeatCount() != 0) { if ((event.getFlags()&KeyEvent.FLAG_LONG_PRESS) != 0) return true; } } if (event.getRepeatCount() == 0 && handleDialerKeyDown(keyCode, event)) { return true; } return super.onKeyDown(keyCode, event); } /** * Something has changed in the phone's state. Update the UI. */ private void onPhoneStateChanged(AsyncResult r) { if (DBG) log("onPhoneStateChanged()..."); // There's nothing to do here if we're not the foreground activity. // (When we *do* eventually come to the foreground, we'll do a // full update then.) if (!mIsForegroundActivity) { if (DBG) log("onPhoneStateChanged: Activity not in foreground! Bailing out..."); return; } if (mInCallInitialStatus != InCallInitStatus.SUCCESS) { if (DBG) log("onPhoneStateChanged: failure during startup! Bailing out..."); return; } updateScreen(); Call.State fgCallState = mForegroundCall.getState(); if (DBG) log("mLastFGCallState: " + mLastFGCallState + ", fgCallState: " + fgCallState); if ( (mLastFGCallState != Call.State.ACTIVE) && (fgCallState == Call.State.ACTIVE)){ mHandler.sendEmptyMessageDelayed(DELAYED_SWITCH_SPEAKER, 1000); } mLastFGCallState = mForegroundCall.getState(); // Make sure we update the poke lock and wake lock when certain // phone state changes occur. PhoneApp.getInstance().updateWakeState(); } /** * Updates the UI after a phone connection is disconnected, as follows: * * - If this was a missed or rejected incoming call, and no other * calls are active, dismiss the in-call UI immediately. (The * CallNotifier will still create a "missed call" notification if * necessary.) * * - With any other disconnect cause, if the phone is now totally * idle, display the "Call ended" state for a couple of seconds. * * - Or, if the phone is still in use, stay on the in-call screen * (and update the UI to reflect the current state of the Phone.) * * @param r r.result contains the connection that just ended */ private void onDisconnect(AsyncResult r) { if (mInCallScreenMode == InCallScreenMode.FALL_BACK){ if (DBG) log("onDisconnect: during fallback, just return"); return; } displayStartTime(); Connection c = (Connection) r.result; Connection.DisconnectCause cause = c.getDisconnectCause(); if (DBG) log("onDisconnect: " + c + ", cause=" + cause); boolean currentlyIdle = !phoneIsInUse(); // Any time a call disconnects, clear out the "history" of DTMF // digits you typed (to make sure it doesn't persist from one call // to the next.) mDialer.clearDigits(); // Under certain call disconnected states, we want to alert the user // with a dialog instead of going through the normal disconnect // routine. if (cause == Connection.DisconnectCause.CALL_BARRED) { showGenericErrorDialog(R.string.callFailed_cb_enabled, false); return; } else if (cause == Connection.DisconnectCause.FDN_BLOCKED) { showGenericErrorDialog(R.string.callFailed_fdn_only, false); return; } else if (cause == Connection.DisconnectCause.CS_RESTRICTED) { showGenericErrorDialog(R.string.callFailed_dsac_restricted, false); return; } else if (cause == Connection.DisconnectCause.CS_RESTRICTED_EMERGENCY) { showGenericErrorDialog(R.string.callFailed_dsac_restricted_emergency, false); return; } else if (cause == Connection.DisconnectCause.CS_RESTRICTED_NORMAL) { showGenericErrorDialog(R.string.callFailed_dsac_restricted_normal, false); return; } // Note: see CallNotifier.onDisconnect() for some other behavior // that might be triggered by a disconnect event, like playing the // busy/congestion tone. // Keep track of whether this call was user-initiated or not. // (This affects where we take the user next; see delayedCleanupAfterDisconnect().) mShowCallLogAfterDisconnect = !c.isIncoming(); { if (VDBG) log("- onDisconnect: delayed bailout..."); // Stay on the in-call screen for now. (Either the phone is // still in use, or the phone is idle but we want to display // the "call ended" state for a couple of seconds.) // Force a UI update in case we need to display anything // special given this connection's DisconnectCause (see // CallCard.getCallFailedString()). updateScreen(); // Display the special "Call ended" state when the phone is idle // but there's still a call in the DISCONNECTED state: if (currentlyIdle && ((mForegroundCall.getState() == Call.State.DISCONNECTED) || (mBackgroundCall.getState() == Call.State.DISCONNECTED))) { if (VDBG) log("- onDisconnect: switching to 'Call ended' state..."); setInCallScreenMode(InCallScreenMode.CALL_ENDED); } setUpperTitle(mPhone.getContext().getString(R.string.card_title_call_ended), mTextColorEnded, Call.State.DISCONNECTED); // Finally, arrange for delayedCleanupAfterDisconnect() to get // called after a short interval (during which we display the // "call ended" state.) At that point, if the // Phone is idle, we'll finish out of this activity. int callEndedDisplayDelay = (cause == Connection.DisconnectCause.LOCAL) ? CALL_ENDED_SHORT_DELAY : CALL_ENDED_LONG_DELAY; mHandler.removeMessages(DELAYED_CLEANUP_AFTER_DISCONNECT); mHandler.sendEmptyMessageDelayed(DELAYED_CLEANUP_AFTER_DISCONNECT, callEndedDisplayDelay); } } private void onDisconnect() { if (DBG) log("onDisconnect: "); boolean currentlyIdle = !phoneIsInUse(); { if (VDBG) log("- onDisconnect: delayed bailout..."); // Stay on the in-call screen for now. (Either the phone is // still in use, or the phone is idle but we want to display // the "call ended" state for a couple of seconds.) // Force a UI update in case we need to display anything // special given this connection's DisconnectCause (see // CallCard.getCallFailedString()). updateScreen(); // Display the special "Call ended" state when the phone is idle // but there's still a call in the DISCONNECTED state: if (currentlyIdle && ((mForegroundCall.getState() == Call.State.DISCONNECTED) || (mBackgroundCall.getState() == Call.State.DISCONNECTED))) { if (VDBG) log("- onDisconnect: switching to 'Call ended' state..."); setInCallScreenMode(InCallScreenMode.CALL_ENDED); } setUpperTitle(mPhone.getContext().getString(R.string.card_title_call_ended), mTextColorEnded, Call.State.DISCONNECTED); mHandler.removeMessages(DELAYED_CLEANUP_AFTER_DISCONNECT); mHandler.sendEmptyMessageDelayed(DELAYED_CLEANUP_AFTER_DISCONNECT, CALL_ENDED_SHORT_DELAY); } } private void updateMainCallStatus() { //if (DBG) log("updateMainCallStatus()..."); Phone.State state = mPhone.getState(); if (state == Phone.State.RINGING){ mRingingCall = mPhone.getRingingCall(); displayMainCallStatus(mPhone,mRingingCall); } else if (state == Phone.State.OFFHOOK){ mForegroundCall = mPhone.getForegroundCall(); displayMainCallStatus(mPhone,mForegroundCall); } else { displayMainCallStatus(mPhone,null); } } /** * Updates the state of the in-call UI based on the current state of * the Phone. */ private void updateScreen() { if (DBG) log("updateScreen()..."); // Don't update anything if we're not in the foreground (there's // no point updating our UI widgets since we're not visible!) // Also note this check also ensures we won't update while we're // in the middle of pausing, which could cause a visible glitch in // the "activity ending" transition. if (!mIsForegroundActivity) { if (DBG) log("- updateScreen: not the foreground Activity! Bailing out..."); return; } final PhoneApp app = PhoneApp.getInstance(); if (mInCallScreenMode == InCallScreenMode.CALL_ENDED) { if (DBG) log("- updateScreen: call ended state (NOT updating in-call UI)..."); // Actually we do need to update one thing: the background. updateInCallBackground(); return; } if (DBG) log("- updateScreen: updating the in-call UI..."); updateDialpadVisibility(); updateInCallBackground(); updateInCallPanel(); updateMainCallStatus(); } /** * Given the Intent we were initially launched with, * figure out the actual phone number we should dial. * * @return the phone number corresponding to the * specified Intent, or null if the Intent is not * an ACTION_CALL intent or if the intent's data is * malformed or missing. * * @throws VoiceMailNumberMissingException if the intent * contains a "voicemail" URI, but there's no voicemail * number configured on the device. */ private String getInitialNumber(Intent intent) throws PhoneUtils.VoiceMailNumberMissingException { String action = intent.getAction(); if (action == null) { return null; } if (action != null && action.equals(Intent.ACTION_CALL) && intent.hasExtra(Intent.EXTRA_PHONE_NUMBER)) { return intent.getStringExtra(Intent.EXTRA_PHONE_NUMBER); } //TS for compile return PhoneUtils.getNumberFromIntent(this, intent); } /** * Make a call to whomever the intent tells us to. * * @param intent the Intent we were launched with * @return InCallInitStatus.SUCCESS if we successfully initiated an * outgoing call. If there was some kind of failure, return one of * the other InCallInitStatus codes indicating what went wrong. */ private InCallInitStatus placeCall(Intent intent) { if (VDBG) log("placeCall()... intent = " + intent); String number; // Check the current ServiceState to make sure it's OK // to even try making a call. InCallInitStatus okToCallStatus = checkIfOkToInitiateOutgoingCall(); try { number = getInitialNumber(intent); } catch (PhoneUtils.VoiceMailNumberMissingException ex) { // If the call status is NOT in an acceptable state, it // may effect the way the voicemail number is being // retrieved. Mask the VoiceMailNumberMissingException // with the underlying issue of the phone state. if (okToCallStatus != InCallInitStatus.SUCCESS) { if (DBG) log("Voicemail number not reachable in current SIM card state."); return okToCallStatus; } if (DBG) log("VoiceMailNumberMissingException from getInitialNumber()"); return InCallInitStatus.VOICEMAIL_NUMBER_MISSING; } if (number == null) { Log.w(LOG_TAG, "placeCall: couldn't get a phone number from Intent " + intent); return InCallInitStatus.NO_PHONE_NUMBER_SUPPLIED; } if (okToCallStatus != InCallInitStatus.SUCCESS) { return okToCallStatus; } final PhoneApp app = PhoneApp.getInstance(); mNeedShowCallLostDialog = false; // We have a valid number, so try to actually place a call: // make sure we pass along the intent's URI which is a // reference to the contact. We may have a provider gateway // phone number to use for the outgoing call. int callStatus; Uri contactUri = intent.getData(); mCallData = new CallData(number, contactUri); return internalPlaceCall(); } private InCallInitStatus internalPlaceCall() { int callStatus; InCallInitStatus ret = InCallInitStatus.SUCCESS; String number = mCallData.number; Uri contactUri = mCallData.contactUri; if (InCallInitStatus.SUCCESS != ret) return ret; Log.w(LOG_TAG, "internalPlaceCall"); if (ENABLE_MEDIAPHONE) { initMediaPhone(mPhone); } callStatus = PhoneUtils.placeVideoCall(mPhone, number, contactUri); switch (callStatus) { case PhoneUtils.CALL_STATUS_DIALED: if (VDBG) log("placeCall: PhoneUtils.placeVideoCall() succeeded for regular call '" + number + "'."); // Any time we initiate a call, force the DTMF dialpad to // close. (We want to make sure the user can see the regular // in-call UI while the new call is dialing, and when it // first gets connected.) mDialer.closeDialer(false); // no "closing" animation // Also, in case a previous call was already active (i.e. if // we just did "Add call"), clear out the "history" of DTMF // digits you typed, to make sure it doesn't persist from the // previous call to the new call. // TODO: it would be more precise to do this when the actual // phone state change happens (i.e. when a new foreground // call appears and the previous call moves to the // background), but the InCallScreen doesn't keep enough // state right now to notice that specific transition in // onPhoneStateChanged(). mDialer.clearDigits(); return InCallInitStatus.SUCCESS; case PhoneUtils.CALL_STATUS_FAILED: Log.w(LOG_TAG, "placeCall: PhoneUtils.placeVideoCall() FAILED for number '" + number + "'."); // We couldn't successfully place the call; there was some // failure in the telephony layer. return InCallInitStatus.CALL_FAILED; case PhoneUtils.CALL_STATUS_FAILED_ONLY_FDN: Log.w(LOG_TAG, "placeCall: PhoneUtils.placeCall() FAILED for number '" + number + "'."); // We couldn't successfully place the call; there was some // failure in the telephony layer. return InCallInitStatus.CALL_FAILED_FDN_ONLY; default: Log.w(LOG_TAG, "placeCall: unknown callStatus " + callStatus + " from PhoneUtils.placeVideoCall() for number '" + number + "'."); return InCallInitStatus.SUCCESS; // Try to continue anyway... } } /** * Checks the current ServiceState to make sure it's OK * to try making an outgoing call to the specified number. * * @return InCallInitStatus.SUCCESS if it's OK to try calling the specified * number. If not, like if the radio is powered off or we have no * signal, return one of the other InCallInitStatus codes indicating what * the problem is. */ private InCallInitStatus checkIfOkToInitiateOutgoingCall() { if (Settings.System.getInt(getContentResolver(), Settings.System.AIRPLANE_MODE_ON, 0) > 0) { return InCallInitStatus.AIRPLANE_MODE_ON; } if (!isIn3GNetwork()) return InCallInitStatus.NO_IN_3G; //isIn3GNetwork(); // Watch out: do NOT use PhoneStateIntentReceiver.getServiceState() here; // that's not guaranteed to be fresh. To synchronously get the // CURRENT service state, ask the Phone object directly: int state = mPhone.getServiceState().getState(); if (VDBG) log("checkIfOkToInitiateOutgoingCall: ServiceState = " + state); switch (state) { case ServiceState.STATE_IN_SERVICE: // Normal operation. It's OK to make outgoing calls. return InCallInitStatus.SUCCESS; case ServiceState.STATE_POWER_OFF: // Radio is explictly powered off. return InCallInitStatus.POWER_OFF; case ServiceState.STATE_EMERGENCY_ONLY: // The phone is registered, but locked. Only emergency // numbers are allowed. // Note that as of Android 2.0 at least, the telephony layer // does not actually use ServiceState.STATE_EMERGENCY_ONLY, // mainly since there's no guarantee that the radio/RIL can // make this distinction. So in practice the // InCallInitStatus.EMERGENCY_ONLY state and the string // "incall_error_emergency_only" are totally unused. return InCallInitStatus.EMERGENCY_ONLY; case ServiceState.STATE_OUT_OF_SERVICE: // No network connection. return InCallInitStatus.OUT_OF_SERVICE; default: throw new IllegalStateException("Unexpected ServiceState: " + state); } } // // Helper functions for answering incoming calls. // /** * Answer a ringing call. This method does nothing if there's no * ringing or waiting call. */ /* package */ void internalAnswerCall() { if (DBG) log("internalAnswerCall()..."); // if (DBG) PhoneUtils.dumpCallState(mPhone); final boolean hasRingingCall = !mRingingCall.isIdle(); if (hasRingingCall) { // mLocalVideoPhoneView.setVisibility(View.VISIBLE); // mRemoteVideoPhoneView.setVisibility(View.VISIBLE); // Message.obtain(mHandler, DELAYED_PLACE_CALL); PhoneUtils.answerCall(mRingingCall); } } /** * Answer the ringing call *and* hang up the ongoing call. */ /* package */ void internalAnswerAndEnd() { if (DBG) log("internalAnswerAndEnd()..."); // if (DBG) PhoneUtils.dumpCallState(mPhone); PhoneUtils.answerAndEndActive(mCM, mRingingCall); } /** * Hang up the ringing call (aka "Don't answer"). */ /* package */ void internalHangupRingingCall() { if (DBG) log("internalHangupRingingCall()..."); if (VDBG) PhoneUtils.dumpCallManager(); // In the rare case when multiple calls are ringing, the UI policy // it to always act on the first ringing call.v PhoneUtils.hangupRingingCall(mCM.getFirstActiveRingingCall()); } /** * Hang up the current active call. */ /* package */ void internalHangup() { if (DBG) log("internalHangup()..."); mbHangupByUser = true; PhoneUtils.hangup(mCM); } /** * Fallback the current ringing call. */ /* package */ void internalFallBack() { if (DBG) log("internalFallBack()..."); PhoneUtils.fallBack(mPhone); Intent intent = new Intent(); intent.setClass(getWindow().getContext(), ToastActivity.class); startActivity(intent); } /** * Sets the current high-level "mode" of the in-call UI. * * NOTE: if newMode is CALL_ENDED, the caller is responsible for * posting a delayed DELAYED_CLEANUP_AFTER_DISCONNECT message, to make * sure the "call ended" state goes away after a couple of seconds. */ private void setInCallScreenMode(InCallScreenMode newMode) { if (DBG) log("setInCallScreenMode: " + newMode); mInCallScreenMode = newMode; switch (mInCallScreenMode) { case CALL_ENDED: break; case NORMAL: break; case UNDEFINED: break; } // Update the visibility of the DTMF dialer tab on any state // change. updateDialpadVisibility(); } public void resetInCallScreenMode() { if (DBG) log("resetInCallScreenMode - InCallScreenMode set to UNDEFINED"); setInCallScreenMode(InCallScreenMode.UNDEFINED); } private void log(String msg) { Log.d(LOG_TAG, msg); } /* package */ void requestUpdateTouchUi() { if (DBG) log("requestUpdateTouchUi()..."); } /** * Do some delayed cleanup after a Phone call gets disconnected. * * This method gets called a couple of seconds after any DISCONNECT * event from the Phone; it's triggered by the * DELAYED_CLEANUP_AFTER_DISCONNECT message we send in onDisconnect(). * * If the Phone is totally idle right now, that means we've already * shown the "call ended" state for a couple of seconds, and it's now * time to endInCallScreenSession this activity. * * If the Phone is *not* idle right now, that probably means that one * call ended but the other line is still in use. In that case, we * *don't* exit the in-call screen, but we at least turn off the * backlight (which we turned on in onDisconnect().) */ private void delayedCleanupAfterDisconnect() { if (VDBG) log("delayedCleanupAfterDisconnect()... Phone state = " + mPhone.getState()); // Clean up any connections in the DISCONNECTED state. // // [Background: Even after a connection gets disconnected, its // Connection object still stays around, in the special // DISCONNECTED state. This is necessary because we we need the // caller-id information from that Connection to properly draw the // "Call ended" state of the CallCard. // But at this point we truly don't need that connection any // more, so tell the Phone that it's now OK to to clean up any // connections still in that state.] mPhone.clearDisconnected(); { // And (finally!) exit from the in-call screen // (but not if we're already in the process of pausing...) if (mIsForegroundActivity) { if (DBG) log("- delayedCleanupAfterDisconnect: finishing InCallScreen..."); // If this is a call that was initiated by the user, and // we're *not* in emergency mode, finish the call by // taking the user to the Call Log. // Otherwise we simply call endInCallScreenSession, which will take us // back to wherever we came from. if (mShowCallLogAfterDisconnect) { if (VDBG) log("- Show Call Log after disconnect..."); final Intent intent = PhoneApp.createCallLogIntent(); intent.addFlags(Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_NO_ANIMATION); startActivity(intent); // Even in this case we still call endInCallScreenSession (below), // to make sure we don't stay in the activity history. } } endInCallScreenSession(); } } public void onClick(View view) { int id = view.getId(); switch (id) { case if (mPhone.getState() == Phone.State.RINGING) { if (mbInitialCamera && (!mbAnswered)) { internalAnswerCall(); mInComingCallPanel.setVisibility(View.INVISIBLE); mbAnswered = true; } } return; case if (mDialer.isOpened()){ if (VDBG) log("onClick: mDialer is opened, don't hangup..."); return; } if (mPhone.getState() == Phone.State.OFFHOOK) internalHangup(); return; case if (mPhone.getState() == Phone.State.RINGING) internalHangupRingingCall(); return; case if (mDialer.isOpened()){ if (VDBG) log("onClick: mDialer is opened, don't response dialer button..."); return; } onShowHideDialpad(); return; case if (VDBG) log("onClick: increase_volume..."); handleIncallVolumeButton(id); break; case if (VDBG) log("onClick: decline_volume..."); handleIncallVolumeButton(id); break; } } private void handleIncallVolumeButton(int Id) { if (VDBG) log("handleIncallVolumeButton()...Id ="+Id); if(Id =={ if (VDBG) log("KeyEvent.KEYCODE_VOLUME_UP"); new Thread(new Runnable() { public void run() { /* Simulate a KeyStroke to the menu-button. */ simulateKeystroke(KeyEvent.KEYCODE_VOLUME_UP); } }).start(); /* And start the Thread. */ } else if(Id =={ if (VDBG) log("KeyEvent.KEYCODE_VOLUME_DOWN"); new Thread(new Runnable() { public void run() { /* Simulate a KeyStroke to the menu-button. */ simulateKeystroke(KeyEvent.KEYCODE_VOLUME_DOWN); } }).start(); /* And start the Thread. */ } } private void simulateKeystroke(int KeyCode) { if (mHasFocus && mIsForegroundActivity) { doInjectKeyEvent(new KeyEvent(KeyEvent.ACTION_DOWN, KeyCode)); doInjectKeyEvent(new KeyEvent(KeyEvent.ACTION_UP, KeyCode)); } } /** This function actually handles the KeyStroke-Injection. */ private void doInjectKeyEvent(KeyEvent kEvent) { try { /* Inject the KeyEvent to the Window-Manager. */ mWindowManager.injectKeyEvent(kEvent, true); } catch (RemoteException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } catch (SecurityException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } /** * Updates the background of the InCallScreen to indicate the state of * the current call(s). */ private void updateInCallBackground() { } private void updateInCallPanel() { Phone.State state = mPhone.getState(); boolean bShowVolumeButton = false; if (state == Phone.State.OFFHOOK){ mInCallPanel.setVisibility(View.VISIBLE); mInComingCallPanel.setVisibility(View.GONE); Call call = mPhone.getForegroundCall(); if (Call.State.ACTIVE == call.getState()) { bShowVolumeButton = true; } else { bShowVolumeButton = false; } } else if (state == Phone.State.RINGING) { mInCallPanel.setVisibility(View.GONE); mInComingCallPanel.setVisibility(View.VISIBLE); mAnswerBtn.setEnabled(true); bShowVolumeButton = false; } else { mInCallPanel.setVisibility(View.GONE); mInComingCallPanel.setVisibility(View.GONE); bShowVolumeButton = false; } if (mAllowVolumeButtion) { if (bShowVolumeButton) { mButtonIncrease.setVisibility(View.VISIBLE); mButtonDecline.setVisibility(View.VISIBLE); } else { mButtonIncrease.setVisibility(View.GONE); mButtonDecline.setVisibility(View.GONE); } } } private String getSubstitutePic(boolean bLocal){ String picFn = null; if (bLocal) { picFn = "/data/data/" + VideoPhoneSetting.FAKE_LOCAL_IMAGE; } else { picFn = "/data/data/" + VideoPhoneSetting.FAKE_REMOTE_IMAGE; } File picFile = new File(picFn); if (!picFile.exists()){ Log.e(LOG_TAG, "getSubstitutePic, file: " + picFn + " does not exist"); if (bLocal) { VideoPhoneSetting.createThumb(getWindow().getContext(), null, true, VideoPhoneSetting.FAKE_LOCAL_IMAGE); } else { VideoPhoneSetting.createThumb(getWindow().getContext(), null, true, VideoPhoneSetting.FAKE_REMOTE_IMAGE); } } Log.d(LOG_TAG, "getSubstitutePic, bLocal: " + bLocal + ", picFn: " + picFn); return picFn; } private boolean isSurffixJPG(String str){ int len = str.length(); if (len<=4) return false; return (str.regionMatches(true, len - 4, ".jpg", 0, 4)); } /** * Updates the view references according to the "view size configure" and "view type configure" */ private void updateViewConfig() { Log.d(LOG_TAG, "updateViewConfig mScreenLayoutConfig=" + mScreenLayoutConfig + " mLocalViewType=" + mLocalViewType + " mRemoteViewType=" + mRemoteViewType); mLocalVideoPhoneView = null; mRemoteVideoPhoneView = null; mLargeVideoPhoneView.setBackgroundDrawable(null); mSmallVideoPhoneView.setBackgroundDrawable(null); if (mScreenLayoutConfig == ScreenLayoutConfig.LOCAL_LARGE_REMOTE_SMALL) { mLocalVideoPhoneView = mLargeVideoPhoneView; mRemoteVideoPhoneView = mSmallVideoPhoneView; } else if (mScreenLayoutConfig == ScreenLayoutConfig.LOCAL_SMALL_REMOTE_LARGE) { mLocalVideoPhoneView = mSmallVideoPhoneView; mRemoteVideoPhoneView = mLargeVideoPhoneView; } else { Log.e(LOG_TAG, "ViewConfig mScreenLayoutConfig is illegal."); return; } boolean bShowRemoteSurface = ((mp != null) && ((mp.getCodecState() == MediaPhone.CodecState.CODEC_START) || (mp.getCodecState() == MediaPhone.CodecState.CODEC_CLOSE))); if (bShowRemoteSurface) { if (mRemoteViewType == ViewType.LIVE) { } else if (mRemoteViewType == ViewType.PICTURE) { if (mbShowSubstitutePic){ Drawable pic = Drawable.createFromPath(getSubstitutePic(false)); if (pic != null){ mRemoteVideoPhoneView.setBackgroundDrawable(pic); } } } else { Log.e(LOG_TAG, "ViewConfig is illegal."); } } else { Drawable pic = Drawable.createFromPath(VideoPhoneSetting.DEF_SUBSTITUTE_IMAGE_PATH); if (pic != null){ mRemoteVideoPhoneView.setBackgroundDrawable(pic); } } } /** * Updates the main block of caller info on the CallCard * (ie. the stuff in the primaryCallInfo block) based on the specified Call. */ private void displayMainCallStatus(Phone phone, Call call) { if (DBG) log("displayMainCallStatus(phone " + phone + ", call " + call + ")..."); if (call == null) { // There's no call to display, presumably because the phone is idle. //mCallInfo.setVisibility(View.GONE); return; } mCallInfo.setVisibility(View.VISIBLE); Call.State state = call.getState(); if (DBG) log("displayMainCallStatus - state: " + state + ", oldstate: " + mOldCallState); if (DBG) log("displayMainCallStatus - mWaitCC:" + mWaitCC + ", mWaitCD:" + mWaitCD); if (((mOldCallState == Call.State.DIALING)||(mOldCallState == Call.State.ALERTING)) && (state == Call.State.ACTIVE)){ if (!mWaitCC){ if (DBG) log("displayMainCallStatus - mWaitCC: " + mWaitCC + ", send DELAYED_END_WAITCC"); mWaitCC = true; mHandler.removeMessages(DELAYED_END_WAITCC); mHandler.sendEmptyMessageDelayed(DELAYED_END_WAITCC, WAIT_CC_DELAY); } } mOldCallState = state; /*if ((mWaitCC | mWaitCD) && (state == Call.State.ACTIVE)){ //if (DBG) log("displayMainCallStatus don't action, mWaitCC:" + mWaitCC + ", mWaitCD:" + mWaitCD); return; }*/ switch (state) { case ACTIVE: mbIncoming = false; mbEverConnected = true; mCallTime.setActiveCallMode(call);/* mCallTime.reset(); mCallTime.periodicUpdateTimer(); mCCTime = SystemClock.elapsedRealtime(); if (mBeginTime.getText().length() <= 0) { SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat("HH:mm:ss"); mBeginTime.setText(getString(R.string.video_label_begintime) + sdf.format(new Date())); log("ACTIVE, mBeginTime: " + mBeginTime.getText()); }*/ break; case DISCONNECTING: mCallTime.cancelTimer(); break; case DISCONNECTED: // Stop getting timer ticks from this call mCallTime.cancelTimer(); break; default: Log.w(LOG_TAG, "displayMainCallStatus: unexpected call state: " + state); break; } updateCardTitleWidgets(phone, call); if (PhoneUtils.isConferenceCall(call)) { // Update onscreen info for a conference call. // updateDisplayForConference(); } else { // Update onscreen info for a regular call (which presumably // has only one connection.) Connection conn = null; int phoneType = phone.getPhoneType(); conn = call.getEarliestConnection(); if (conn == null) { // if (DBG) log("displayMainCallStatus: connection is null, using default values."); // if the connection is null, we run through the behaviour // we had in the past, which breaks down into trivial steps // with the current implementation of getCallerInfo and // updateDisplayForPerson. CallerInfo info = PhoneUtils.getCallerInfo(mPhone.getContext(), null /* conn */); updateDisplayForPerson(info, Connection.PRESENTATION_ALLOWED, false, call); } else { //if (DBG) log(" - CONN: " + conn + ", state = " + conn.getState()); int presentation = conn.getNumberPresentation(); // make sure that we only make a new query when the current // callerinfo differs from what we've been requested to display. boolean runQuery = true; Object o = conn.getUserData(); if (o instanceof PhoneUtils.CallerInfoToken) { runQuery = mPhotoTracker.isDifferentImageRequest( ((PhoneUtils.CallerInfoToken) o).currentInfo); } else { runQuery = mPhotoTracker.isDifferentImageRequest(conn); } if (runQuery) { if (DBG) log("- displayMainCallStatus: starting CallerInfo query..."); PhoneUtils.CallerInfoToken info = PhoneUtils.startGetCallerInfo(mPhone.getContext(), conn, this, call); updateDisplayForPerson(info.currentInfo, presentation, !info.isFinal, call); } else { // No need to fire off a new query. We do still need // to update the display, though (since we might have // previously been in the "conference call" state.) if (DBG) log("- displayMainCallStatus: using data we already have..."); if (o instanceof CallerInfo) { CallerInfo ci = (CallerInfo) o; // Update CNAP information if Phone state change occurred ci.cnapName = conn.getCnapName(); ci.numberPresentation = conn.getNumberPresentation(); ci.namePresentation = conn.getCnapNamePresentation(); if (DBG) log("- displayMainCallStatus: CNAP data from Connection: " + "CNAP name=" + ci.cnapName + ", Number/Name Presentation=" + ci.numberPresentation); if (DBG) log(" ==> Got CallerInfo; updating display: ci = " + ci); updateDisplayForPerson(ci, presentation, false, call); } else if (o instanceof PhoneUtils.CallerInfoToken){ CallerInfo ci = ((PhoneUtils.CallerInfoToken) o).currentInfo; if (DBG) log("- displayMainCallStatus: CNAP data from Connection: " + "CNAP name=" + ci.cnapName + ", Number/Name Presentation=" + ci.numberPresentation); if (DBG) log(" ==> Got CallerInfoToken; updating display: ci = " + ci); updateDisplayForPerson(ci, presentation, true, call); } else { Log.w(LOG_TAG, "displayMainCallStatus: runQuery was false, " + "but we didn't have a cached CallerInfo object! o = " + o); // TODO: any easy way to recover here (given that // the CallCard is probably displaying stale info // right now?) Maybe force the CallCard into the // "Unknown" state? } } } } // If we don't have a hint to display, just don't touch // mPhoneNumber and mLabel. (Their text / color / visibility have // already been set correctly, by either updateDisplayForPerson() // or updateDisplayForConference().) } /** * Updates the "card title" (and also elapsed time widget) based on * the current state of the call. */ // TODO: it's confusing for updateCardTitleWidgets() and // getTitleForCallCard() to be separate methods, since they both // just list out the exact same "phone state" cases. // Let's merge the getTitleForCallCard() logic into here. private void updateCardTitleWidgets(Phone phone, Call call) { // if (DBG) log("updateCardTitleWidgets(call " + call + ")..."); Call.State state = call.getState(); // TODO: Still need clearer spec on exactly how title *and* status get // set in all states. (Then, given that info, refactor the code // here to be more clear about exactly which widgets on the card // need to be set.) String cardTitle; int phoneType =; cardTitle = getTitleForCallCard(call); // if (DBG) log("updateCardTitleWidgets: " + cardTitle); // Update the title and elapsed time widgets based on the current call state. switch (state) { case ACTIVE: case DISCONNECTING: final boolean bluetoothActive = mApplication.showBluetoothIndication(); int ongoingCallIcon = bluetoothActive ? R.drawable.ic_incall_ongoing_bluetooth : R.drawable.ic_incall_ongoing; int connectedTextColor = bluetoothActive ? mTextColorConnectedBluetooth : mTextColorConnected; // While in the DISCONNECTING state we display a // "Hanging up" message in order to make the UI feel more // responsive. (In GSM it's normal to see a delay of a // couple of seconds while negotiating the disconnect with // the network, so the "Hanging up" state at least lets // the user know that we're doing something.) // TODO: consider displaying the "Hanging up" state for // CDMA also if the latency there ever gets high enough. if (state == Call.State.DISCONNECTING) { // Display the brief "Hanging up" indication. setUpperTitle(cardTitle, mTextColorDefaultPrimary, state); } else { // state == Call.State.ACTIVE // Normal "ongoing call" state; don't use any "title" at all. //clearUpperTitle(); setUpperTitle(cardTitle, mTextColorConnected, state); } // Use the elapsed time widget to show the current call duration. mElapsedTime.setTextColor(connectedTextColor); // Also see onTickForCallTimeElapsed(), which updates this // widget once per second while the call is active. break; case DISCONNECTED: // Display "Call ended" (or possibly some error indication; // see getCallFailedString()) in the upper title, in red. // TODO: display a "call ended" icon somewhere, like the old // R.drawable.ic_incall_end? setUpperTitle(cardTitle, mTextColorEnded, state); // In the "Call ended" state, leave the mElapsedTime widget // visible, but don't touch it (so we continue to see the elapsed time of // the call that just ended.) mElapsedTime.setVisibility(View.VISIBLE); mElapsedTime.setTextColor(mTextColorEnded); break; case HOLDING: // For a single call on hold, display the title "On hold" in // orange. // (But since the upper title overlaps the label of the // Hold/Unhold button, we actually use the elapsedTime widget // to display the title in this case.) // TODO: display an "On hold" icon somewhere, like the old // R.drawable.ic_incall_onhold? clearUpperTitle(); mElapsedTime.setText(cardTitle); // While on hold, the elapsed time widget displays an // "on hold" indication rather than an amount of time. mElapsedTime.setVisibility(View.VISIBLE); mElapsedTime.setTextColor(mTextColorOnHold); break; default: // All other states (DIALING, INCOMING, etc.) use the "upper title": setUpperTitle(cardTitle, mTextColorDefaultPrimary, state); // ...and we don't show the elapsed time. mElapsedTime.setVisibility(View.INVISIBLE); break; } } /** * Updates mElapsedTime based on the specified number of seconds. * A timeElapsed value of zero means to not show an elapsed time at all. */ private void updateElapsedTimeWidget(long timeElapsed) { // if (DBG) log("updateElapsedTimeWidget: " + timeElapsed); if (DBG) log("updateElapsedTimeWidget: timeElapsed: " + timeElapsed + ", mMMRingDuring: " + mMMRingDuring); if (mWaitCD || (timeElapsed == 0)) { mElapsedTime.setText(""); } else { mElapsedTime.setText(getString(R.string.video_label_time) + DateUtils.formatElapsedTime(timeElapsed - mMMRingDuring/1000)); } } /** * Returns the "card title" displayed at the top of a foreground * ("active") CallCard to indicate the current state of this call, like * "Dialing" or "In call" or "On hold". A null return value means that * there's no title string for this state. */ private String getTitleForCallCard(Call call) { String retVal = null; Call.State state = call.getState(); Context context = mPhone.getContext(); int resId; if (DBG) log("- getTitleForCallCard(Call " + call + ")..."); switch (state) { case IDLE: break; case ACTIVE: // Title is "Call in progress". (Note this appears in the // "lower title" area of the CallCard.) int phoneType =; retVal = context.getString(R.string.card_title_in_progress); break; case HOLDING: retVal = context.getString(R.string.card_title_on_hold); // TODO: if this is a conference call on hold, // maybe have a special title here too? break; case DIALING: retVal = context.getString(R.string.card_title_dialing_video); break; case ALERTING: retVal = context.getString(R.string.card_title_alerting_video); break; case INCOMING: case WAITING: retVal = context.getString(R.string.card_title_incoming_video_call); break; case DISCONNECTING: retVal = context.getString(R.string.card_title_hanging_up); break; case DISCONNECTED: retVal = getCallFailedString(call); break; } if (DBG) log(" ==> result: " + retVal); return retVal; } /** * Updates the name / photo / number / label fields on the CallCard * based on the specified CallerInfo. * * If the current call is a conference call, use * updateDisplayForConference() instead. */ private void updateDisplayForPerson(CallerInfo info, int presentation, boolean isTemporary, Call call) { //if (DBG) log("updateDisplayForPerson(" + info + ")\npresentation:" + //presentation + " isTemporary:" + isTemporary); // inform the state machine that we are displaying a photo. mPhotoTracker.setPhotoRequest(info); mPhotoTracker.setPhotoState(ContactsAsyncHelper.ImageTracker.DISPLAY_IMAGE); String name; String displayNumber = null; String label = null; Uri personUri = null; String socialStatusText = null; Drawable socialStatusBadge = null; if (info != null) { // It appears that there is a small change in behaviour with the // PhoneUtils' startGetCallerInfo whereby if we query with an // empty number, we will get a valid CallerInfo object, but with // fields that are all null, and the isTemporary boolean input // parameter as true. // In the past, we would see a NULL callerinfo object, but this // ends up causing null pointer exceptions elsewhere down the // line in other cases, so we need to make this fix instead. It // appears that this was the ONLY call to PhoneUtils // .getCallerInfo() that relied on a NULL CallerInfo to indicate // an unknown contact. if (TextUtils.isEmpty( { if (TextUtils.isEmpty(info.phoneNumber)) { name = getPresentationString(presentation); } else if (presentation != Connection.PRESENTATION_ALLOWED) { // This case should never happen since the network should never send a phone # // AND a restricted presentation. However we leave it here in case of weird // network behavior name = getPresentationString(presentation); } else if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(info.cnapName)) { name = info.cnapName; = info.cnapName; displayNumber = info.phoneNumber; } else { name = info.phoneNumber; } } else { if (presentation != Connection.PRESENTATION_ALLOWED) { // This case should never happen since the network should never send a name // AND a restricted presentation. However we leave it here in case of weird // network behavior name = getPresentationString(presentation); } else { name =; displayNumber = info.phoneNumber; label = info.phoneLabel; } } personUri = ContentUris.withAppendedId(Contacts.CONTENT_URI, info.person_id); } else { name = getPresentationString(presentation); } if (call.isGeneric()) { mName.setText(R.string.card_title_in_call); } else { mName.setText(name); } mName.setVisibility(View.VISIBLE); /* // Update mPhoto // if the temporary flag is set, we know we'll be getting another call after // the CallerInfo has been correctly updated. So, we can skip the image // loading until then. // If the photoResource is filled in for the CallerInfo, (like with the // Emergency Number case), then we can just set the photo image without // requesting for an image load. Please refer to // for cases where CallerInfo.photoResource may be set. We can also avoid // the image load step if the image data is cached. if (isTemporary && (info == null || !info.isCachedPhotoCurrent)) { mPhoto.setVisibility(View.INVISIBLE); } else if (info != null && info.photoResource != 0){ showImage(mPhoto, info.photoResource); } else if (!showCachedImage(mPhoto, info)) { // Load the image with a callback to update the image state. // Use the default unknown picture while the query is running. ContactsAsyncHelper.updateImageViewWithContactPhotoAsync( info, 0, this, call, getContext(), mPhoto, personUri, R.drawable.picture_unknown); } // And no matter what, on all devices, we never see the "manage // conference" button in this state. mManageConferencePhotoButton.setVisibility(View.INVISIBLE);*/ if (displayNumber != null && !call.isGeneric()) { mPhoneNumber.setText(displayNumber); mPhoneNumber.setTextColor(mTextColorDefaultSecondary); mPhoneNumber.setVisibility(View.VISIBLE); } else { mPhoneNumber.setVisibility(View.GONE); } if (label != null && !call.isGeneric()) { //mLabel.setText(label); //mLabel.setVisibility(View.VISIBLE); } else { //mLabel.setVisibility(View.GONE); } // "Social status": currently unused. // Note socialStatus is *only* visible while an incoming // call is ringing, never in any other call state. /*if ((socialStatusText != null) && call.isRinging() && !call.isGeneric()) { mSocialStatus.setVisibility(View.VISIBLE); mSocialStatus.setText(socialStatusText); mSocialStatus.setCompoundDrawablesWithIntrinsicBounds( socialStatusBadge, null, null, null); mSocialStatus.setCompoundDrawablePadding((int) (mDensity * 6)); } else { mSocialStatus.setVisibility(View.GONE); }*/ } /** * Implemented for CallerInfoAsyncQuery.OnQueryCompleteListener interface. * refreshes the CallCard data when it called. */ public void onQueryComplete(int token, Object cookie, CallerInfo ci) { if (DBG) log("onQueryComplete: token " + token + ", cookie " + cookie + ", ci " + ci); if (cookie instanceof Call) { // grab the call object and update the display for an individual call, // as well as the successive call to update image via call state. // If the object is a textview instead, we update it as we need to. if (DBG) log("callerinfo query complete, updating ui from displayMainCallStatus()"); Call call = (Call) cookie; Connection conn = null; conn = call.getEarliestConnection(); PhoneUtils.CallerInfoToken cit = PhoneUtils.startGetCallerInfo(mPhone.getContext(), conn, this, null); int presentation = Connection.PRESENTATION_ALLOWED; if (conn != null) presentation = conn.getNumberPresentation(); if (DBG) log("- onQueryComplete: presentation=" + presentation + ", contactExists=" + ci.contactExists); // Depending on whether there was a contact match or not, we want to pass in different // CallerInfo (for CNAP). Therefore if ci.contactExists then use the ci passed in. // Otherwise, regenerate the CIT from the Connection and use the CallerInfo from there. if (ci.contactExists) { updateDisplayForPerson(ci, Connection.PRESENTATION_ALLOWED, false, call); } else { updateDisplayForPerson(cit.currentInfo, presentation, false, call); } } else if (cookie instanceof TextView){ if (DBG) log("callerinfo query complete, updating ui from ongoing or onhold"); ((TextView) cookie).setText(PhoneUtils.getCompactNameFromCallerInfo(ci, mPhone.getContext())); } } public void onTickForCallTimeElapsed(long timeElapsed) { // While a call is in progress, update the elapsed time shown // onscreen. log("onTickForCallTimeElapsed(), timeElapsed: " + timeElapsed); updateElapsedTimeWidget(timeElapsed); } /** * Sets the CallCard "upper title". Also, depending on the passed-in * Call state, possibly display an icon along with the title. */ private void setUpperTitle(String title, int color, Call.State state) { mUpperTitle.setText(title); mUpperTitle.setTextColor(color); int bluetoothIconId = 0; if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(title) && ((state == Call.State.INCOMING) || (state == Call.State.WAITING)) && mApplication.showBluetoothIndication()) { // Display the special bluetooth icon also, if this is an incoming // call and the audio will be routed to bluetooth. bluetoothIconId = R.drawable.ic_incoming_call_bluetooth; } mUpperTitle.setCompoundDrawablesWithIntrinsicBounds(bluetoothIconId, 0, 0, 0); if (bluetoothIconId != 0) mUpperTitle.setCompoundDrawablePadding((int) (mDensity * 5)); } /** * Clears the CallCard "upper title", for states (like a normal * ongoing call) where we don't use any "title" at all. */ private void clearUpperTitle() { setUpperTitle("", 0, Call.State.IDLE); // Use dummy values for "color" and "state" } private String getCallFailedString(Call call) { Connection c = call.getEarliestConnection(); int resID; if (c == null) { if (DBG) log("getCallFailedString: connection is null, using default values."); // if this connection is null, just assume that the // default case occurs. resID = R.string.card_title_call_ended; } else { Connection.DisconnectCause cause = c.getDisconnectCause(); // TODO: The card *title* should probably be "Call ended" in all // cases, but if the DisconnectCause was an error condition we should // probably also display the specific failure reason somewhere... switch (cause) { case BUSY: resID = R.string.callFailed_userBusy; break; case CONGESTION: resID = R.string.callFailed_congestion; break; case LOST_SIGNAL: case CDMA_DROP: resID = R.string.callFailed_noSignal; break; case LIMIT_EXCEEDED: resID = R.string.callFailed_limitExceeded; break; case POWER_OFF: resID = R.string.callFailed_powerOff; break; case ICC_ERROR: resID = R.string.callFailed_simError; break; case OUT_OF_SERVICE: resID = R.string.callFailed_outOfService; break; default: resID = R.string.card_title_call_ended; break; } } return mPhone.getContext().getString(resID); } private String getPresentationString(int presentation) { String name = mPhone.getContext().getString(R.string.unknown); if (presentation == Connection.PRESENTATION_RESTRICTED) { name = mPhone.getContext().getString(R.string.private_num); } else if (presentation == Connection.PRESENTATION_PAYPHONE) { name = mPhone.getContext().getString(R.string.payphone); } return name; } /** * Brings up UI to handle the various error conditions that * can occur when first initializing the in-call UI. * This is called from onResume() if we encountered * an error while processing our initial Intent. * * @param status one of the InCallInitStatus error codes. * @return true if need reset the InCallInitStatus, false if needn't */ private boolean handleStartupError(InCallInitStatus status) { if (DBG) log("handleStartupError(): status = " + status); // NOTE that the regular Phone UI is in an uninitialized state at // this point, so we don't ever want the user to see it. // That means: // - Any cases here that need to go to some other activity should // call startActivity() AND immediately call endInCallScreenSession // on this one. // - Any cases here that bring up a Dialog must ensure that the // Dialog handles both OK *and* cancel by calling endInCallScreenSession. // Activity. (See showGenericErrorDialog() for an example.) switch (status) { case POWER_OFF: // Radio is explictly powered off. // TODO: This UI is ultra-simple for 1.0. It would be nicer // to bring up a Dialog instead with the option "turn on radio // now". If selected, we'd turn the radio on, wait for // network registration to complete, and then make the call. showGenericErrorDialog(R.string.incall_error_power_off, true); break; case EMERGENCY_ONLY: // Only emergency numbers are allowed, but we tried to dial // a non-emergency number. // (This state is currently unused; see comments above.) showGenericErrorDialog(R.string.incall_error_emergency_only, true); break; case OUT_OF_SERVICE: // No network connection. showGenericErrorDialog(R.string.incall_error_out_of_service, true); break; case PHONE_NOT_IN_USE: // This error is handled directly in onResume() (by bailing // out of the activity.) We should never see it here. Log.w(LOG_TAG, "handleStartupError: unexpected PHONE_NOT_IN_USE status"); break; case NO_PHONE_NUMBER_SUPPLIED: // The supplied Intent didn't contain a valid phone number. // TODO: Need UI spec for this failure case; for now just // show a generic error. showGenericErrorDialog(R.string.incall_error_no_phone_number_supplied, true); break; case CALL_FAILED: // We couldn't successfully place the call; there was some // failure in the telephony layer. // TODO: Need UI spec for this failure case; for now just // show a generic error. showGenericErrorDialog(R.string.incall_error_call_failed, true); break; case NO_IN_3G: handleFallBack(DEFAULT_FALLBACK,-1); break; case ALREADY_IN_3GCALL: Toast txtToast = Toast.makeText(this, R.string.incall_error_dialvt_in_3gcall, Toast.LENGTH_LONG);; break; case ALREADY_IN_2GCALL: showGenericErrorDialog(R.string.incall_error_dialvt_in_2gcall, true); return false; //break; case CALL_FAILED_FDN_ONLY: showGenericErrorDialog(R.string.callFailed_fdn_only, true); break; case AIRPLANE_MODE_ON: showGenericErrorDialog(R.string.incall_error_aireplane_mode_on, true); break; default: Log.w(LOG_TAG, "handleStartupError: unexpected status code " + status); showGenericErrorDialog(R.string.incall_error_call_failed, true); break; } return true; } /** * Utility function to bring up a generic "error" dialog, and then bail * out of the in-call UI when the user hits OK (or the BACK button.) */ private void showGenericErrorDialog(int resid, boolean isStartupError) { CharSequence msg = getResources().getText(resid); if (DBG) log("showGenericErrorDialog('" + msg + "')..."); // create the clicklistener and cancel listener as needed. DialogInterface.OnClickListener clickListener; OnCancelListener cancelListener; if (isStartupError) { clickListener = new DialogInterface.OnClickListener() { public void onClick(DialogInterface dialog, int which) { bailOutAfterErrorDialog(); }}; cancelListener = new OnCancelListener() { public void onCancel(DialogInterface dialog) { bailOutAfterErrorDialog(); }}; } else { clickListener = new DialogInterface.OnClickListener() { public void onClick(DialogInterface dialog, int which) { delayedCleanupAfterDisconnect(); }}; cancelListener = new OnCancelListener() { public void onCancel(DialogInterface dialog) { delayedCleanupAfterDisconnect(); }}; } // TODO: Consider adding a setTitle() call here (with some generic // "failure" title?) mGenericErrorDialog = new AlertDialog.Builder(this) .setMessage(msg) .setPositiveButton(R.string.ok, clickListener) .setOnCancelListener(cancelListener) .create(); // When the dialog is up, completely hide the in-call UI // underneath (which is in a partially-constructed state). mGenericErrorDialog.getWindow().addFlags( WindowManager.LayoutParams.FLAG_DIM_BEHIND);; } private void bailOutAfterErrorDialog() { if (mGenericErrorDialog != null) { if (DBG) log("bailOutAfterErrorDialog: DISMISSING mGenericErrorDialog."); mGenericErrorDialog.dismiss(); mGenericErrorDialog = null; } if (DBG) log("bailOutAfterErrorDialog(): end InCallScreen session..."); endInCallScreenSession(); } /** * Dismisses (and nulls out) all persistent Dialogs managed * by the InCallScreen. Useful if (a) we're about to bring up * a dialog and want to pre-empt any currently visible dialogs, * or (b) as a cleanup step when the Activity is going away. */ private void dismissAllDialogs() { if (DBG) log("dismissAllDialogs()..."); // Note it's safe to dismiss() a dialog that's already dismissed. // (Even if the AlertDialog object(s) below are still around, it's // possible that the actual dialog(s) may have already been // dismissed by the user.) if (mGenericErrorDialog != null) { if (VDBG) log("- DISMISSING mGenericErrorDialog."); mGenericErrorDialog.dismiss(); mGenericErrorDialog = null; } if (mWaitPromptDialog != null) { if (VDBG) log("- DISMISSING mWaitPromptDialog."); mWaitPromptDialog.dismiss(); mWaitPromptDialog = null; } if (mWildPromptDialog != null) { if (VDBG) log("- DISMISSING mWildPromptDialog."); mWildPromptDialog.dismiss(); mWildPromptDialog = null; } if (mCallLostDialog != null) { if (VDBG) log("- DISMISSING mCallLostDialog."); mCallLostDialog.dismiss(); mCallLostDialog = null; } if (mPausePromptDialog != null) { if (DBG) log("- DISMISSING mPausePromptDialog."); mPausePromptDialog.dismiss(); mPausePromptDialog = null; } if (mFallBackDialog != null) { if (DBG) log("- DISMISSING mFallBackDialog."); mFallBackDialog.dismiss(); mFallBackDialog = null; } } @Override public boolean onCreateOptionsMenu(Menu menu) { getMenuInflater().inflate(, menu); mOptionMenu = menu; mCameraSwitch_item = menu.findItem(; mViewSwitch_item = menu.findItem(; mCamera_item = menu.findItem(; mSpeaker_item = menu.findItem(; mBluetooth_item = menu.findItem(; mMute_item = menu.findItem(; mCamera_brightness_item = menu.findItem(; mCamera_contrast_item = menu.findItem(; mStartrecord_item = menu.findItem(; mStoprecord_item = menu.findItem(; if (VDBG) log("onPrepareOptionsMenu: MEDIA_MOUNTED: " + (Environment.getExternalStorageState().equals(Environment.MEDIA_MOUNTED))); if (Environment.getExternalStorageState().equals(Environment.MEDIA_MOUNTED)){ mbExternalStorageAvail = true; } updateOptionMenu(); return true; } @Override public boolean onPrepareOptionsMenu(Menu menu) { updateAudioMenu(); if (mPhone.getState() == Phone.State.RINGING) { if (mOptionMenu != null) { mOptionMenu.setGroupVisible(, false); } } else if (mPhone.getState() == Phone.State.OFFHOOK) { if (mOptionMenu != null) { mOptionMenu.setGroupVisible(, false); mOptionMenu.setGroupVisible(, true); } boolean isCodecStart = (mp.getCodecState() == MediaPhone.CodecState.CODEC_START); if (mStartrecord_item != null) { mStartrecord_item.setEnabled(isCodecStart && mbExternalStorageAvail && !mbEnableRecord); mStartrecord_item.setVisible(!mbEnableRecord); } if (mStoprecord_item != null) { mStoprecord_item.setEnabled(isCodecStart && mbEnableRecord); mStoprecord_item.setVisible(mbEnableRecord); } } else { if (mOptionMenu != null) { mOptionMenu.setGroupVisible(, false); } } return true; } private void updateOptionMenu() { log("updateOptionMenu"); if (mPhone.getState() == Phone.State.OFFHOOK) { if (mOptionMenu != null) { mOptionMenu.setGroupVisible(, false); mOptionMenu.setGroupVisible(, true); } boolean isCodecStart = (mp.getCodecState() == MediaPhone.CodecState.CODEC_START); if (mCamera_item != null) { mCamera_item.setTitle(mbEnableCamera?R.string.video_camera_close:R.string.video_camera_open); mCamera_item.setEnabled(isCodecStart); } if (mViewSwitch_item != null) { mViewSwitch_item.setEnabled(isCodecStart); } if (mCameraSwitch_item != null) { mCameraSwitch_item.setEnabled(mbEnableCamera&&isCodecStart); } if (mCamera_brightness_item != null) { mCamera_brightness_item.setEnabled(mbEnableCamera&&isCodecStart); } if (mCamera_contrast_item != null) { mCamera_contrast_item.setEnabled(mbEnableCamera&&isCodecStart); } if (mStartrecord_item != null) { mStartrecord_item.setEnabled(isCodecStart && mbExternalStorageAvail && !mbEnableRecord); mStartrecord_item.setVisible(!mbEnableRecord); } if (mStoprecord_item != null) { mStoprecord_item.setEnabled(isCodecStart && mbEnableRecord); mStoprecord_item.setVisible(mbEnableRecord); } updateAudioMenu(); } } private void updateAudioMenu() { boolean isCodecStart = (mp.getCodecState() == MediaPhone.CodecState.CODEC_START); if (mSpeaker_item != null) { mSpeaker_item.setTitle(PhoneUtils.isSpeakerOn(this)?R.string.video_speaker_close:R.string.video_speaker_open); mSpeaker_item.setEnabled(isCodecStart); } if (mMute_item != null) { mMute_item.setTitle(PhoneUtils.getMute()?R.string.video_unmute:R.string.video_mute); mMute_item.setEnabled(isCodecStart); } if (mBluetooth_item != null) { boolean bBtAvail = isBluetoothAvailable(); boolean bBtConnected = bBtAvail&&isBluetoothAudioConnected(); mBluetooth_item.setTitle(bBtConnected?R.string.video_bluetooth_close:R.string.video_bluetooth_open); mBluetooth_item.setEnabled(bBtAvail&&isCodecStart); } } /** * Returns true whenever any one of the options from the menu is selected. * Code changes to support dialpad options */ @Override public boolean onOptionsItemSelected(MenuItem item) { boolean dismissMenuImmediate = true; switch (item.getItemId()) { case internalFallBack(); break; case onCameraCloseClick(); break; case onCameraSwitchClick(); break; case onViewSwitchClick(); break; case if (VDBG) log("onClick: Speaker..."); onSpeakerClick(); dismissMenuImmediate = false; break; case if (VDBG) log("onClick: Bluetooth..."); onBluetoothClick(); dismissMenuImmediate = false; break; case if (VDBG) log("onClick: Mute..."); onMuteClick(); dismissMenuImmediate = false; break; case updateAdjustMenu(; break; case updateAdjustMenu(; break; case updateAdjustMenu(; break; case enableRecord(true, 0); break; case enableRecord(true, 1); break; case enableRecord(false, 0); break; } return true; } /* package */ void requestUpdateMuteIndication() { if (VDBG) log("requestUpdateMuteIndication()..."); // No need to look at the current state here; any UI elements that // care about the bluetooth state (i.e. the CallCard) get // the necessary state directly from PhoneApp.showBluetoothIndication(). mHandler.removeMessages(REQUEST_UPDATE_MUTE_INDICATION); mHandler.sendEmptyMessage(REQUEST_UPDATE_MUTE_INDICATION); } private void getSysConfig(){ mSysBrightness = getBrightness(); } private void setSysConfig(){ setBrightness(mSysBrightness); } private void setMyConfig(){ setBrightness(mMyBrightness); } private int getBrightness(){ int brightness = 0; try { brightness = Settings.System.getInt(mPhone.getContext().getContentResolver(), Settings.System.SCREEN_BRIGHTNESS); if (VDBG) log("getBrightness(), brightness: " + brightness); } catch (SettingNotFoundException snfe) { brightness = MAXIMUM_BACKLIGHT; } return brightness; } private void setBrightness(int brightness) { try { IPowerManager power = IPowerManager.Stub.asInterface( ServiceManager.getService("power")); if (power != null) { if (VDBG) log("setBrightness(), brightness" + brightness); power.setBacklightBrightness(brightness); } } catch (RemoteException doe) { } } private int getCameraBrightness(){ /*mParameters = mCamera.getParameters(); int brightness = Integer.parseInt(mParameters.get("brightness"));*/ int brightness = mp.getCameraParam("brightness"); if (VDBG) log("getCameraBrightness(), brightness: " + brightness); return brightness; } private void setCameraBrightness(int brightness) { mp.setCameraParam("brightness", brightness); } private int getCameraContrast(){ /*mParameters = mCamera.getParameters(); int contrast = Integer.parseInt(mParameters.get("contrast"));*/ int contrast = mp.getCameraParam("contrast"); if (VDBG) log("getCameraContrast(), contrast: " + contrast); return contrast; } private void setCameraContrast(int contrast) { mp.setCameraParam("contrast", contrast); } private void updateAdjustMenu(int id){ mBrightnessAdjustMenu.setVisibility(View.GONE); mCameraBrightnessAdjustMenu.setVisibility(View.GONE); mCameraContrastAdjustMenu.setVisibility(View.GONE); if (id =={ //mMyBrightness = getBrightness(); mBrightnessAdjustMenu.setProgress(mMyBrightness); mBrightnessAdjustMenu.setVisibility(View.VISIBLE); } else if(id == { mMyCameraBrightness = getCameraBrightness(); mCameraBrightnessAdjustMenu.setProgress(mMyCameraBrightness); mCameraBrightnessAdjustMenu.setVisibility(View.VISIBLE); } else if(id == { mMyCameraContrast = getCameraContrast(); mCameraContrastAdjustMenu.setProgress(mMyCameraContrast); mCameraContrastAdjustMenu.setVisibility(View.VISIBLE); } } public void onProgressChanged(AdjustMenuView adjustMenu, float progress, int rank, boolean fromUser) { if (VDBG) log("onProgressChanged(), progress: " + progress + ", rank: " + rank); if (adjustMenu == mBrightnessAdjustMenu) { if (VDBG) log("onProgressChanged(), Brightness"); adjustMenu.setIndication(Integer.toString(rank)); setBrightness((int)progress); mMyBrightness = (int)progress; } else if (adjustMenu == mCameraBrightnessAdjustMenu) { if (VDBG) log("onProgressChanged(), Camera Brightness"); adjustMenu.setIndication(Integer.toString(rank)); setCameraBrightness((int)progress); mMyCameraBrightness = (int)progress; } else if (adjustMenu == mCameraContrastAdjustMenu) { if (VDBG) log("onProgressChanged(), Contrast"); adjustMenu.setIndication(Integer.toString(rank)); setCameraContrast((int)progress); mMyCameraContrast = (int)progress; } } private void onMuteClick() { if (VDBG) log("onMuteClick()..."); //TS for compile boolean newMuteState = !PhoneUtils.getMute(); PhoneUtils.setMute(newMuteState); mp.controlLocalAudio(!newMuteState, null); updateAudioMenu(); } private void onSpeakerClick() { if (VDBG) log("onSpeakerClick()..."); // TODO: Turning on the speaker seems to enable the mic // whether or not the "mute" feature is active! // Not sure if this is an feature of the telephony API // that I need to handle specially, or just a bug. boolean newSpeakerState = !PhoneUtils.isSpeakerOn(this); if (newSpeakerState && isBluetoothAvailable() && isBluetoothAudioConnected()) { disconnectBluetoothAudio(); } PhoneUtils.turnOnSpeaker(this, newSpeakerState, true); updateAudioMenu(); } private void onBluetoothClick() { if (VDBG) log("onBluetoothClick()..."); if (isBluetoothAvailable()) { // Toggle the bluetooth audio connection state: if (isBluetoothAudioConnected()) { disconnectBluetoothAudio(); } else { // Manually turn the speaker phone off, instead of allowing the // Bluetooth audio routing handle it. This ensures that the rest // of the speakerphone code is executed, and reciprocates the // menuSpeaker code above in onClick(). The onClick() code // disconnects the active bluetooth headsets when the // speakerphone is turned on. if (PhoneUtils.isSpeakerOn(this)) { PhoneUtils.turnOnSpeaker(this, false, true); } connectBluetoothAudio(); } updateAudioMenu(); } else { // Bluetooth isn't available; the "Audio" button shouldn't have // been enabled in the first place! Log.w(LOG_TAG, "Got onBluetoothClick, but bluetooth is unavailable"); } } private void onViewSwitchClick() { if (VDBG) log("onViewSwitchClick()..."); if (ENABLE_MEDIAPHONE){ if (!mp.lockCamera()) { return; } } if (mScreenLayoutConfig == ScreenLayoutConfig.LOCAL_LARGE_REMOTE_SMALL){ mScreenLayoutConfig = ScreenLayoutConfig.LOCAL_SMALL_REMOTE_LARGE; } else{ mScreenLayoutConfig = ScreenLayoutConfig.LOCAL_LARGE_REMOTE_SMALL; } updateViewConfig(); if (ENABLE_MEDIAPHONE){ mp.stopDownLink(); } if (ENABLE_MEDIAPHONE){ mp.setLocalDisplay(mLocalVideoPhoneView.getHolder().getSurface()); mp.setRemoteDisplay(mRemoteVideoPhoneView.getHolder().getSurface()); mp.startDownLink(); mp.unlockCamera(); } if (VDBG) log("onViewSwitchClick() end"); } private void onCameraCloseClick() { if (VDBG) log("onCameraCloseClick()..."); if (!checkCameraFlag()){ if(!setCameraFlag(true)) { Log.e(LOG_TAG, "onCameraCloseClick(), setCameraFlag failed"); return; } } if (ENABLE_MEDIAPHONE){ if ((mCamera == null)||(!mp.lockCamera())) { return; } mp.stopUpLink(); } // forcely reinitialize the camera info, in order to enalbe fake camera Camera.CameraInfo info = new Camera.CameraInfo(); mCamera.getCameraInfo(2, info); closeCamera(); if (mbEnableCamera) { mRealCameraType = mCameraType; mCameraType = CameraType.FAKE_CAMERA; mp.setSubtitutePic(getSubstitutePic(true)); } else { mCameraType = mRealCameraType; } createCamera(); mbEnableCamera = !mbEnableCamera; if (ENABLE_MEDIAPHONE){ mp.setCamera(mCamera); mp.startUpLink(); mp.controlLocalVideo(mbEnableCamera, true, null); mp.unlockCamera(); } updateOptionMenu(); } private void onCameraSwitchClick() { if (VDBG) log("onCameraSwitchClick()..."); if (ENABLE_MEDIAPHONE){ if ( (mCamera == null)||(!mp.lockCamera())) { return; } } if (mCameraType == CameraType.BOTTOM_CAMERA){ mCameraType = CameraType.FRONT_CAMERA; } else if (mCameraType == CameraType.FRONT_CAMERA){ mCameraType = CameraType.BOTTOM_CAMERA; } else { log("onCameraSwitchClick(), mCameraType is illegal: " + mCameraType); return; } if (ENABLE_MEDIAPHONE){ mp.stopUpLink(); closeCamera(); } createCamera(); if (ENABLE_MEDIAPHONE){ mp.setCamera(mCamera); mp.startUpLink(); mp.unlockCamera(); } } private String getRecordFileName(){ File base = null; String root = Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory().getPath(); base = new File(root + DEFAULT_STORE_SUBDIR); if (!base.isDirectory() && !base.mkdir()) { Log.e(LOG_TAG, "Recording File aborted - can't create base directory " + base.getPath()); return null; } SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat("'videocall'-yyyyMMddHHmmss"); String fn = sdf.format(new Date()); fn = base.getPath() + File.separator + fn + DEFAULT_RECORD_SUFFIX; StatFs stat = null; stat = new StatFs(base.getPath()); long available_size = stat.getBlockSize() * ((long)stat.getAvailableBlocks() - 4); if (available_size < MINIMUM_START_FREE_SIZE){ Log.e(LOG_TAG, "Recording File aborted - not enough free space"); Toast txtToast = Toast.makeText(getWindow().getContext(), getString(R.string.storage_is_full), Toast.LENGTH_LONG);; return null; } File outFile = new File(fn); try{ if (outFile.exists()){ outFile.delete(); } boolean bRet = outFile.createNewFile(); if (!bRet) { Log.e(LOG_TAG, "getRecordFileName, fn: " + fn + ", failed"); return null; } } catch (SecurityException e){ Log.e(LOG_TAG, "getRecordFileName, fn: " + fn + ", " + e); return null; } catch (IOException e){ Log.e(LOG_TAG, "getRecordFileName, fn: " + fn + ", " + e); return null; } return outFile.getAbsolutePath(); } private boolean isSpaceEnough(){ StatFs stat = new StatFs(Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory().getPath()); long available_size = stat.getBlockSize() * ((long)stat.getAvailableBlocks() - 4); Log.e(LOG_TAG, "free space: " + available_size); return (available_size > MINIMUM_FREE_SIZE); } private void enableRecord(boolean bEnable, int type){ if (bEnable == mbEnableRecord){ Log.e(LOG_TAG, "Error, enableRecord(" + bEnable + ", " + type + ") called when mbEnableRecord: " + mbEnableRecord); return; } log("enableRecord() bEnable : " + bEnable + ", type: " + type); if (bEnable) { mRecordFile = getRecordFileName(); if (mRecordFile == null){ return; } else{ log("enableRecord(), fn: " + mRecordFile); } } mbEnableRecord = !mbEnableRecord; if (ENABLE_MEDIAPHONE){ try{ mp.enableRecord(mbEnableRecord, type, mRecordFile); } catch (Exception e) { Log.e(LOG_TAG, "enableRecord failed, " + e); return; } } if (!bEnable) { Toast.makeText(this, getString(R.string.prompt_record_finish) + mRecordFile, Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show(); mRecordFile = null; } if (mStartrecord_item != null) { mStartrecord_item.setVisible(!mbEnableRecord); } if (mStoprecord_item != null) { mStoprecord_item.setVisible(mbEnableRecord); } mHandler.removeMessages(CHECK_FREESPACE); if (bEnable) { mHandler.sendEmptyMessageDelayed(CHECK_FREESPACE, 10 * 1000); } } private void getVideoPhoneConfig() { if (VDBG) log("getVideoPhoneConfig()..."); ScreenLayoutConfig tempScreenLayout; FallBackConfig tempFallBack; SharedPreferences mPrefs = PreferenceManager.getDefaultSharedPreferences(this); String layout = mPrefs.getString(VideoPhoneSetting.KEY_SCREEN_LAYOUT, getString(R.string.videophone_setting_layout_defaultvalue)); String fallback = mPrefs.getString(VideoPhoneSetting.KEY_FALLBACK, getString(R.string.videophone_setting_fallback_defaultvalue)); mbShowSubstitutePic = mPrefs.getBoolean(VideoPhoneSetting.KEY_STATIC_IMAGE, true); mLocalSubstitutePic = mPrefs.getString(VideoPhoneSetting.KEY_LOCAL_STATIC_IMAGE_PATH, VideoPhoneSetting.DEF_SUBSTITUTE_IMAGE_PATH); mRemoteSubstitutePic = mPrefs.getString(VideoPhoneSetting.KEY_REMOTE_STATIC_IMAGE_PATH, VideoPhoneSetting.DEF_SUBSTITUTE_IMAGE_PATH); /*if (VDBG)*/ log("getVideoPhoneConfig() layout : " + layout); /*if (VDBG)*/ log("getVideoPhoneConfig() fallback : " + fallback); /*if (VDBG)*/ log("getVideoPhoneConfig() subtitute : " + mbShowSubstitutePic + ", local: " + mLocalSubstitutePic + ", remote: " + mRemoteSubstitutePic); if (layout.equals("1")){ tempScreenLayout = ScreenLayoutConfig.LOCAL_SMALL_REMOTE_LARGE; } else{ tempScreenLayout = ScreenLayoutConfig.LOCAL_LARGE_REMOTE_SMALL; } if (fallback.equals("1")){ tempFallBack = FallBackConfig.FALLBACK_ASK; } else if (fallback.equals("2")){ tempFallBack = FallBackConfig.FALLBACK_ALWAYS; } else { tempFallBack = FallBackConfig.FALLBACK_NEVER; } mFallBackConfig = tempFallBack; if (tempScreenLayout != mScreenLayoutConfig){ if (VDBG) log("getVideoPhoneConfig() layout change: " + layout); mScreenLayoutConfig = tempScreenLayout; updateViewConfig(); } } private void createCamera() { if (mCamera == null) { // If the activity is paused and resumed, camera device has been // released and we need to open the camera. mCamera =; { Camera.Parameters params = mCamera.getParameters(); params.setSensorRotation(getSensorRotation()); params.set("sensororientation", 1); params.set("videodatatype", "1"); mCamera.setParameters(params); } Log.d(LOG_TAG, "createCamera(), mCamera: " + mCamera); mCamera.unlock(); } } private boolean lockCamera(long msec) { try { mCamera.lock(); } catch (Exception e) { Log.e(LOG_TAG, "lockCamera() failed"); if (msec > 0) { try { Log.e(LOG_TAG, "lockCamera() wait: " + msec); wait(msec); } catch (Exception f) { Log.e(LOG_TAG, "lockCamera() wait failed"); } return lockCamera(0); } return false; } return true; } private void closeCamera() { Log.v(LOG_TAG, "closeCamera"); mHandler.removeMessages(DELAYED_CREATE_CAMERA); if (mCamera == null) { Log.d(LOG_TAG, "already stopped."); return; } mCamera.lock(); mCamera.release(); mCamera = null; mPreviewing = false; } private void closeCamera(long msec) { Log.v(LOG_TAG, "closeCamera, msec: " + msec); mHandler.removeMessages(DELAYED_CREATE_CAMERA); if (mCamera == null) { Log.d(LOG_TAG, "already stopped."); return; } if (lockCamera(msec)) { mCamera.release(); mCamera = null; mPreviewing = false; } } private void startCameraPreview() { if (mStartPreviewThread != null){ try { mStartPreviewThread.join(); } catch (InterruptedException ex) { log("mStartPreviewThread.quit() exception " + ex); } } mStartPreviewThread = new Thread(new Runnable() { public void run() { Log.d(LOG_TAG, "mStartPreviewThread start. "); try { mStartPreviewFail = false; mCamera =; synchronized(mCameraLock) { Camera.Parameters params = mCamera.getParameters(); params.setSensorRotation(getSensorRotation()); params.set("sensororientation", 1); params.set("videodatatype", "1"); params.setPreviewSize(176, 144); params.setPreviewFrameRate(10); mCamera.setParameters(params); Log.d(LOG_TAG, "createCamera(), mCamera: " + mCamera); mp.setCamera(mCamera); if (mSurfaceReadyCount == 2) { mCamera.setPreviewDisplay(mLocalVideoPhoneView.getHolder()); mCamera.startPreview(); } mCamera.unlock(); } mbEnableCamera = true; mbInitialCamera = true; mHandler.removeMessages(INITIALED_CAMERA); mHandler.sendEmptyMessage(INITIALED_CAMERA); }catch (Exception e) { mStartPreviewFail = true; Log.e(LOG_TAG, "mStartPreviewFail, " + e); synchronized(mCameraLock) { closeCamera(); } mHandler.removeMessages(DELAYED_CREATE_CAMERA); mHandler.sendEmptyMessageDelayed(DELAYED_CREATE_CAMERA, 500); } Log.d(LOG_TAG, "mStartPreviewThread end. "); } }); mStartPreviewThread.start(); } public void onVideoSizeChanged(MediaPhone mp, int width, int height) { } public boolean onError(MediaPhone mp, int what, Object extra) { return true; } public boolean onMediaInfo(MediaPhone mp, int what, Object extra) { return true; } public boolean onCallEvent(MediaPhone mp, int what, Object extra) { log("onCallEvent(), what: " + what); switch(what){ case MediaPhone.MEDIA_CALLEVENT_CAMERAOPEN: mHandler.removeMessages(MEDIAPHONE_CAMERA_OPEN); mHandler.sendEmptyMessage(MEDIAPHONE_CAMERA_OPEN); break; case MediaPhone.MEDIA_CALLEVENT_CAMERACLOSE: mHandler.removeMessages(MEDIAPHONE_CAMERA_CLOSE); mHandler.sendEmptyMessage(MEDIAPHONE_CAMERA_CLOSE); break; case MediaPhone.MEDIA_CALLEVENT_STRING: mHandler.removeMessages(MEDIAPHONE_STRING); Message.obtain(mHandler, MEDIAPHONE_STRING, extra).sendToTarget(); break; case MediaPhone.MEDIA_CALLEVENT_CODEC_START: mHandler.removeMessages(MEDIAPHONE_CODEC_START); mHandler.sendEmptyMessage(MEDIAPHONE_CODEC_START); break; case MediaPhone.MEDIA_CALLEVENT_CODEC_CLOSE: mHandler.removeMessages(MEDIAPHONE_CODEC_CLOSE); mHandler.sendEmptyMessage(MEDIAPHONE_CODEC_CLOSE); break; case MediaPhone.MEDIA_CALLEVENT_CODEC_OPEN: if (InCallScreenMode.FALL_BACK == mInCallScreenMode) { setInCallScreenMode(InCallScreenMode.UNDEFINED); } break; case MediaPhone.MEDIA_CALLEVENT_CODEC_SET_PARAM_ENCODER: if (mCamera != null) { synchronized(mCameraLock) { if (mCamera != null) { try { mCamera.lock(); if (mCamera.previewEnabled()) { log("onCallEvent(), MEDIA_CALLEVENT_CODEC_SET_PARAM_ENCODER: true"); mCamera.unlock(); return true; } mCamera.unlock(); }catch (Exception e) { Log.e(LOG_TAG, "onCallEvent, MEDIA_CALLEVENT_CODEC_SET_PARAM_ENCODER, camera exception " + e); return true; } } } } log("onCallEvent(), MEDIA_CALLEVENT_CODEC_SET_PARAM_ENCODER: false"); mHandler.removeMessages(MEDIAPHONE_CAMERA_FAIL); mHandler.sendEmptyMessage(MEDIAPHONE_CAMERA_FAIL); return false; case MediaPhone.MEDIA_CALLEVENT_MEDIA_START: if (mbMediaStarted) { break; } mbMediaStarted = true; mCallTime.reset(); mCallTime.periodicUpdateTimer(); mCCTime = SystemClock.elapsedRealtime(); if (mBeginTime.getText().length() <= 0) { SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat("HH:mm:ss"); mBeginTime.setText(getString(R.string.video_label_begintime) + sdf.format(new Date())); log("ACTIVE, mBeginTime: " + mBeginTime.getText()); } mHandler.removeMessages(MEDIAPHONE_MEDIA_START); mHandler.sendEmptyMessage(MEDIAPHONE_MEDIA_START); break; /* case MediaPhone.MEDIA_CALLEVENT_CODEC_OPEN: // update timer field //if (DBG) log("displayMainCallStatus: start periodicUpdateTimer"); mCallTime.reset(); mCallTime.periodicUpdateTimer(); SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat("HH:mm:ss"); mBeginTime.setText(sdf.format(new Date())); break; case MediaPhone.MEDIA_CALLEVENT_CODEC_CLOSE: // Stop getting timer ticks from this call mCallTime.cancelTimer(); TextView lable_beginTime = (TextView) findViewById(; lable_beginTime.setVisibility(View.VISIBLE); mBeginTime.setVisibility(View.VISIBLE); break;*/ } return true; } void handleFallBack(String number, int cause){ log("handleFallBack(), number: " + number + ", cause: " + cause + ", mbIncoming: " + mbIncoming); if (mbIncoming || (number == null)) return; if( (!number.equals(getCurrentNumber())) && (!number.equals(DEFAULT_FALLBACK))) return; if (mFallBackConfig == FallBackConfig.FALLBACK_ALWAYS){ if (cause == -1) { showToast(getString(R.string.videophone_notin3g_always_fallback)); } else { showToast(getString(R.string.videophone_always_fallback)); } intenalFallBack(); } else if (mFallBackConfig == FallBackConfig.FALLBACK_NEVER){ if (cause == -1) { showToast(getString(R.string.videophone_notin3g_never_fallback)); } else { showToast(getString(R.string.videophone_never_fallback)); } finish(); } else { if (!mIsForegroundActivity) { finish(); return; } setInCallScreenMode(InCallScreenMode.FALL_BACK); showFallBackMenu(cause); } } void handleVideoCallFail(String number, int cause){ log("handleVideoCallFail(), number: " + number + ", cause: " + cause + ", mbIncoming: " + mbIncoming + ", mbHangupByUser: " + mbHangupByUser); if (mbIncoming || (number == null)) return; if ((getCurrentNumber() != null) && (!number.equals(getCurrentNumber()))) return; if (!mbHangupByUser) { // 16&31&255 is normally ended if ((cause != 16) && (cause != 31) && (cause != 255)){ Toast txtToast = Toast.makeText(getWindow().getContext(), causeToString(cause), Toast.LENGTH_LONG);; } else { log("handleVideoCallFail(), mbEverConnected: " + mbEverConnected); // if hasn't connected, also notify user if (!mbEverConnected) { Toast txtToast = Toast.makeText(getWindow().getContext(), causeToString(3), Toast.LENGTH_LONG);; } } } // if h324 hasn't completely released last time(it also means connection is active now), need hangup call and notify user if (cause == 1000) { PhoneUtils.hangup(mCM); } else { onDisconnect(); } } String causeToString(int cause){ log("causeToString: " + cause); switch(cause){ case 1000: return getString(R.string.videophone_failcause_1000); case 1: case 22: case 28: return getString(R.string.videophone_failcause_1); case 3: case 6: case 18: case 21: case 29: case 38: case 41: case 43: case 49: case 81: return getString(R.string.videophone_failcause_3); case 8: case 55: return getString(R.string.videophone_failcause_8); case 17: return getString(R.string.videophone_failcause_17); case 19: return getString(R.string.videophone_failcause_19); case 27: return getString(R.string.videophone_failcause_27); case 34: case 42: case 44: return getString(R.string.videophone_failcause_34); case 63: return getString(R.string.videophone_failcause_63); case 79: return getString(R.string.videophone_failcause_79); // fall back cause: case 47: return getString(R.string.videophone_failcause_47); case 50: case 57: return getString(R.string.videophone_failcause_57); case 58: return getString(R.string.videophone_failcause_58); case 88: return getString(R.string.videophone_failcause_88); case -1: return getString(R.string.videophone_failcause_minus_1); default: return getString(R.string.videophone_failcause_default); } } void showFallBackMenu(int cause){ final CharSequence[] items = getResources().getTextArray(R.array.videophone_fallback_menu); mFallBackDialog = new Dialog(this); mFallBackDialog.setTitle(getString(R.string.videophone_fallback_title)); mFallBackDialog.setContentView(R.xml.videophone_fallback); TextView causeView = (TextView)mFallBackDialog.findViewById(; causeView.setText(causeToString(cause)); mFallBackList = (ListView)mFallBackDialog.findViewById(; mFallBackList.setAdapter(new ArrayAdapter<CharSequence>(this, android.R.layout.simple_list_item_1, items)); mFallBackList.setItemsCanFocus(false); mFallBackList.setChoiceMode(ListView.CHOICE_MODE_SINGLE); mFallBackList.setOnItemClickListener(this); mFallBackDialog.setOnKeyListener(new OnKeyListener(){ public boolean onKey(DialogInterface dialog, int keyCode, KeyEvent event) { if (event.getAction() == KeyEvent.ACTION_DOWN) { switch (keyCode) { case KeyEvent.KEYCODE_BACK: finish(); return true; case KeyEvent.KEYCODE_SEARCH: log("KEYCODE_SEARCH"); return true; } } return false; } });; mActiveDlg = mFallBackDialog; } private void internalRetryVideoCall(){ this.finish(); mLastAction = LastAction.ACTION_VIDEOCALL; } private void intenalFallBack(){ this.finish(); mLastAction = LastAction.ACTION_VOICECALL; } public void onItemClick(AdapterView parent, View v, int position, long id) { if (parent == (AdapterView)mFallBackList){ final CharSequence[] items = getResources().getTextArray(R.array.videophone_fallback_menu); showToast(items[(int) id].toString()); if (mActiveDlg != null){ mActiveDlg.dismiss(); mActiveDlg = null; } // choose "video call" if (0 == position){ internalRetryVideoCall(); /*if (okToRetryVideoCall()){ internalRetryVideoCall(); } else { this.finish(); }*/ } else if (1 == position){ // choose "voice call" intenalFallBack(); } else if (2 == position){ finish(); } setInCallScreenMode(InCallScreenMode.UNDEFINED); } } private void showToast(String str){ Toast txtToast = Toast.makeText(getWindow().getContext(), str, Toast.LENGTH_SHORT);; } public boolean isTouchUiEnabled() { return false; } private boolean handleDialerKeyDown(int keyCode, KeyEvent event) { if (VDBG) log("handleDialerKeyDown: keyCode " + keyCode + ", event " + event + "..."); // As soon as the user starts typing valid dialable keys on the // keyboard (presumably to type DTMF tones) we start passing the // key events to the DTMFDialer's onDialerKeyDown. We do so // only if the okToDialDTMFTones() conditions pass. if (okToDialDTMFTones()) { return mDialer.onDialerKeyDown(event); // TODO: If the dialpad isn't currently visible, maybe // consider automatically bringing it up right now? // (Just to make sure the user sees the digits widget...) // But this probably isn't too critical since it's awkward to // use the hard keyboard while in-call in the first place, // especially now that the in-call UI is portrait-only... } return false; } @Override public void onBackPressed() { if (DBG) log("onBackPressed()..."); // To consume this BACK press, the code here should just do // something and return. Otherwise, call super.onBackPressed() to // get the default implementation (which simply finishes the // current activity.) if (!mRingingCall.isIdle()) { // While an incoming call is ringing, BACK behaves just like // ENDCALL: it stops the ringing and rejects the current call. // (This is only enabled on some platforms, though.) if (getResources().getBoolean(R.bool.allow_back_key_to_reject_incoming_call)) { if (DBG) log("BACK key while ringing: reject the call"); internalHangupRingingCall(); // Don't consume the key; instead let the BACK event *also* // get handled normally by the framework (which presumably // will cause us to exit out of this activity.) super.onBackPressed(); return; } else { // The BACK key is disabled; don't reject the call, but // *do* consume the keypress (otherwise we'll exit out of // this activity.) if (DBG) log("BACK key while ringing: ignored"); return; } } // BACK is also used to exit out of any "special modes" of the // in-call UI: if (mDialer.isOpened()) { mDialer.closeDialer(true); // do the "closing" animation return; } // Nothing special to do. Fall back to the default behavior. //super.onBackPressed(); moveTaskToBack(true); } /** * Determines when we can dial DTMF tones. */ private boolean okToDialDTMFTones() { final boolean hasRingingCall = !mRingingCall.isIdle(); final Call.State fgCallState = mForegroundCall.getState(); // We're allowed to send DTMF tones when there's an ACTIVE // foreground call, and not when an incoming call is ringing // (since DTMF tones are useless in that state), or if the // Manage Conference UI is visible (since the tab interferes // with the "Back to call" button.) // We can also dial while in ALERTING state because there are // some connections that never update to an ACTIVE state (no // indication from the network). boolean canDial = (fgCallState == Call.State.ACTIVE || fgCallState == Call.State.ALERTING) && !hasRingingCall; if (VDBG) log ("[okToDialDTMFTones] foreground state: " + fgCallState + ", ringing state: " + hasRingingCall + ", result: " + canDial); return canDial; } /** * @return true if the in-call DTMF dialpad should be available to the * user, given the current state of the phone and the in-call UI. * (This is used to control the visibility of the dialer's * onscreen handle, if applicable, and the enabledness of the "Show * dialpad" onscreen button or menu item.) */ /* package */ boolean okToShowDialpad() { // The dialpad is available only when it's OK to dial DTMF // tones given the current state of the current call. return okToDialDTMFTones(); } /** * Overriden to track relevant focus changes. * * If a key is down and some time later the focus changes, we may * NOT recieve the keyup event; logically the keyup event has not * occured in this window. This issue is fixed by treating a focus * changed event as an interruption to the keydown, making sure * that any code that needs to be run in onKeyUp is ALSO run here. * * Note, this focus change event happens AFTER the in-call menu is * displayed, so mIsMenuDisplayed should always be correct by the * time this method is called in the framework, please see: * {@link onCreatePanelView}, {@link onOptionsMenuClosed} */ @Override public void onWindowFocusChanged(boolean hasFocus) { // the dtmf tones should no longer be played if (VDBG) log("onWindowFocusChanged(" + hasFocus + ")..."); mHasFocus = hasFocus; if (!hasFocus && mDialer != null) { if (VDBG) log("- onWindowFocusChanged: faking onDialerKeyUp()..."); mDialer.onDialerKeyUp(null); } } private void onShowHideDialpad() { if (VDBG) log("onShowHideDialpad()..."); if (mDialer.isOpened()) { mDialer.closeDialer(true); // do the "closing" animation } else { mDialer.openDialer(true); // do the "opening" animation } if (ENABLE_DIALPANEL_HANDLER){ mDialer.setHandleVisible(true); } else { mDialer.setHandleVisible(false); } } /** * Updates the visibility of the DTMF dialpad (and its onscreen * "handle", if applicable), based on the current state of the phone * and/or the current InCallScreenMode. */ private void updateDialpadVisibility() { if (VDBG) log("updateDialpadVisibility()..."); // // (1) The dialpad itself: // // If an incoming call is ringing, make sure the dialpad is // closed. (We do this to make sure we're not covering up the // "incoming call" UI, and especially to make sure that the "touch // lock" overlay won't appear.) if (mPhone.getState() == Phone.State.RINGING) { mDialer.closeDialer(false); // don't do the "closing" animation // Also, clear out the "history" of DTMF digits you may have typed // into the previous call (so you don't see the previous call's // digits if you answer this call and then bring up the dialpad.) // // TODO: it would be more precise to do this when you *answer* the // incoming call, rather than as soon as it starts ringing, but // the InCallScreen doesn't keep enough state right now to notice // that specific transition in onPhoneStateChanged(). mDialer.clearDigits(); } // // (2) The onscreen "handle": // // The handle is visible only if it's OK to actually open the // dialpad. (Note this is meaningful only on platforms that use a // SlidingDrawer as a container for the dialpad.) if (ENABLE_DIALPANEL_HANDLER){ mDialer.setHandleVisible(okToShowDialpad()); } else { mDialer.setHandleVisible(false); } // // (3) The main in-call panel (containing the CallCard): // // On some platforms(*) we need to hide the CallCard (which is a // child of mInCallPanel) while the dialpad is visible. // // (*) We need to do this when using the dialpad from the // InCallTouchUi widget, but not when using the // SlidingDrawer-based dialpad, because the SlidingDrawer itself // is opaque.) if (!mDialer.usingSlidingDrawer()) { if (VDBG) log("isDialerOpened(): " + isDialerOpened() + ", mInCallScreenMode: " + mInCallScreenMode); /* if (isDialerOpened()) { mInCallPanel.setVisibility(View.GONE); } else { // Dialpad is dismissed; bring back the CallCard if // it's supposed to be visible. mInCallPanel.setVisibility(View.VISIBLE); }*/ } } /** * @return true if the DTMF dialpad is currently visible. */ /* package */ boolean isDialerOpened() { return (mDialer != null && mDialer.isOpened()); } // // Bluetooth helper methods. // // - BluetoothAdapter is the Bluetooth system service. If // getDefaultAdapter() returns null // then the device is not BT capable. Use BluetoothDevice.isEnabled() // to see if BT is enabled on the device. // // - BluetoothHeadset is the API for the control connection to a // Bluetooth Headset. This lets you completely connect/disconnect a // headset (which we don't do from the Phone UI!) but also lets you // get the address of the currently active headset and see whether // it's currently connected. // // - BluetoothHandsfree is the API to control the audio connection to // a bluetooth headset. We use this API to switch the headset on and // off when the user presses the "Bluetooth" button. // Our BluetoothHandsfree instance (mBluetoothHandsfree) is created // by the PhoneApp and will be null if the device is not BT capable. // /** * @return true if the Bluetooth on/off switch in the UI should be * available to the user (i.e. if the device is BT-capable * and a headset is connected.) */ /* package */ boolean isBluetoothAvailable() { if (VDBG) log("isBluetoothAvailable()..."); if (mBluetoothHandsfree == null) { // Device is not BT capable. if (VDBG) log(" ==> FALSE (not BT capable)"); return false; } // There's no need to ask the Bluetooth system service if BT is enabled: // // BluetoothAdapter adapter = BluetoothAdapter.getDefaultAdapter(); // if ((adapter == null) || !adapter.isEnabled()) { // if (DBG) log(" ==> FALSE (BT not enabled)"); // return false; // } // if (DBG) log(" - BT enabled! device name " + adapter.getName() // + ", address " + adapter.getAddress()); // // ...since we already have a BluetoothHeadset instance. We can just // call isConnected() on that, and assume it'll be false if BT isn't // enabled at all. // Check if there's a connected headset, using the BluetoothHeadset API. boolean isConnected = false; if (mBluetoothHeadset != null) { if (VDBG) log(" - headset state = " + mBluetoothHeadset.getState(null)); BluetoothDevice headset = mBluetoothHeadset.getCurrentHeadset(); if (VDBG) log(" - headset address: " + headset); if (headset != null) { isConnected = mBluetoothHeadset.isConnected(headset); if (VDBG) log(" - isConnected: " + isConnected); } } if (VDBG) log(" ==> " + isConnected); return isConnected; } /** * @return true if a BT device is available, and its audio is currently connected. */ /* package */ boolean isBluetoothAudioConnected() { if (mBluetoothHandsfree == null) { if (VDBG) log("isBluetoothAudioConnected: ==> FALSE (null mBluetoothHandsfree)"); return false; } boolean isAudioOn = mBluetoothHandsfree.isAudioOn(); if (VDBG) log("isBluetoothAudioConnected: ==> isAudioOn = " + isAudioOn); return isAudioOn; } /** * Helper method used to control the state of the green LED in the * "Bluetooth" menu item. * * @return true if a BT device is available and its audio is currently connected, * <b>or</b> if we issued a BluetoothHandsfree.userWantsAudioOn() * call within the last 5 seconds (which presumably means * that the BT audio connection is currently being set * up, and will be connected soon.) */ /* package */ boolean isBluetoothAudioConnectedOrPending() { if (isBluetoothAudioConnected()) { if (VDBG) log("isBluetoothAudioConnectedOrPending: ==> TRUE (really connected)"); return true; } // If we issued a userWantsAudioOn() call "recently enough", even // if BT isn't actually connected yet, let's still pretend BT is // on. This is how we make the green LED in the menu item turn on // right away. if (mBluetoothConnectionPending) { long timeSinceRequest = SystemClock.elapsedRealtime() - mBluetoothConnectionRequestTime; if (timeSinceRequest < 5000 /* 5 seconds */) { if (VDBG) log("isBluetoothAudioConnectedOrPending: ==> TRUE (requested " + timeSinceRequest + " msec ago)"); return true; } else { if (VDBG) log("isBluetoothAudioConnectedOrPending: ==> FALSE (request too old: " + timeSinceRequest + " msec ago)"); mBluetoothConnectionPending = false; return false; } } if (VDBG) log("isBluetoothAudioConnectedOrPending: ==> FALSE"); return false; } /** * Posts a message to our handler saying to update the onscreen UI * based on a bluetooth headset state change. */ /* package */ void requestUpdateBluetoothIndication() { if (VDBG) log("requestUpdateBluetoothIndication()..."); // No need to look at the current state here; any UI elements that // care about the bluetooth state (i.e. the CallCard) get // the necessary state directly from PhoneApp.showBluetoothIndication(). mHandler.removeMessages(REQUEST_UPDATE_BLUETOOTH_INDICATION); mHandler.sendEmptyMessage(REQUEST_UPDATE_BLUETOOTH_INDICATION); } private void dumpBluetoothState() { log("============== dumpBluetoothState() ============="); log("= isBluetoothAvailable: " + isBluetoothAvailable()); log("= isBluetoothAudioConnected: " + isBluetoothAudioConnected()); log("= isBluetoothAudioConnectedOrPending: " + isBluetoothAudioConnectedOrPending()); log("= PhoneApp.showBluetoothIndication: " + PhoneApp.getInstance().showBluetoothIndication()); log("="); if (mBluetoothHandsfree != null) { log("= BluetoothHandsfree.isAudioOn: " + mBluetoothHandsfree.isAudioOn()); if (mBluetoothHeadset != null) { BluetoothDevice headset = mBluetoothHeadset.getCurrentHeadset(); log("= BluetoothHeadset.getCurrentHeadset: " + headset); if (headset != null) { log("= BluetoothHeadset.isConnected: " + mBluetoothHeadset.isConnected(headset)); } } else { log("= mBluetoothHeadset is null"); } } else { log("= mBluetoothHandsfree is null; device is not BT capable"); } } /* package */ void connectBluetoothAudio() { if (VDBG) log("connectBluetoothAudio()..."); if (mBluetoothHandsfree != null) { mBluetoothHandsfree.userWantsAudioOn(); } // Watch out: The bluetooth connection doesn't happen instantly; // the userWantsAudioOn() call returns instantly but does its real // work in another thread. Also, in practice the BT connection // takes longer than MENU_DISMISS_DELAY to complete(!) so we need // a little trickery here to make the menu item's green LED update // instantly. // (See isBluetoothAudioConnectedOrPending() above.) mBluetoothConnectionPending = true; mBluetoothConnectionRequestTime = SystemClock.elapsedRealtime(); } /* package */ void disconnectBluetoothAudio() { if (VDBG) log("disconnectBluetoothAudio()..."); if (mBluetoothHandsfree != null) { mBluetoothHandsfree.userWantsAudioOff(); } mBluetoothConnectionPending = false; } /** * Called any time the DTMF dialpad is opened. * @see DTMFTwelveKeyDialer.onDialerOpen() */ /* package */ void onDialerOpen() { if (DBG) log("onDialerOpen()..."); // Update any other onscreen UI elements that depend on the dialpad. updateDialpadVisibility(); // This counts as explicit "user activity". PhoneApp.getInstance().pokeUserActivity(); } /** * Called any time the DTMF dialpad is closed. * @see DTMFTwelveKeyDialer.onDialerClose() */ /* package */ void onDialerClose() { if (DBG) log("onDialerClose()..."); final PhoneApp app = PhoneApp.getInstance(); // Update the visibility of the dialpad itself (and any other // onscreen UI elements that depend on it.) updateDialpadVisibility(); // This counts as explicit "user activity". app.getInstance().pokeUserActivity(); } private boolean isIn3GNetwork() { int radiotech = mPhone.getServiceState().getRadioTechnology(); if (DBG) log("isIn3GNetwork()..., radiotech: " + radiotech); return ((radiotech == ServiceState.RADIO_TECHNOLOGY_UMTS) || (radiotech == ServiceState.RADIO_TECHNOLOGY_HSDPA) || (radiotech == ServiceState.RADIO_TECHNOLOGY_HSUPA) || (radiotech == ServiceState.RADIO_TECHNOLOGY_HSPA)); } private boolean okToRetryVideoCall() { return isIn3GNetwork(); } MediaPhone getMediaPhone(){ if (DBG) log("getMediaPhone()..., mp: " + mp); return mp; } // enable/disable fake camera private boolean setCameraFlag(boolean bSet) { boolean bRet = false; String oldValue = SystemProperties.get(""); SystemProperties.set("", bSet?"1":"0"); String newValue = SystemProperties.get(""); log("setCameraFlag(), bSet: " + bSet + ", oldValue: " + oldValue + ", newValue: " + newValue); if (bSet) { bRet = newValue.equals("1"); } else { bRet = newValue.equals("0"); } log("setCameraFlag(), bRet: " + bRet); return bRet; } private boolean checkCameraFlag() { boolean bRet = false; String newValue = SystemProperties.get(""); bRet = newValue.equals("1"); log("checkCameraFlag(), bRet: " + bRet); return bRet; } private int getCamerID(){ int iRet = 0; if (mCameraType == CameraType.BOTTOM_CAMERA){ iRet = 0; } else if (mCameraType == CameraType.FRONT_CAMERA) { iRet = 1; } else if (mCameraType == CameraType.FAKE_CAMERA) { iRet = 2; } else { iRet = 0; } if (DBG) log("getCamerID(), iRet: " + iRet); return iRet; } private int getSensorRotation(){ if (mCameraType == CameraType.FRONT_CAMERA){ return 270; } return 90; } private void switchToSpeaker(){ final PhoneApp app = PhoneApp.getInstance(); // open speaker in default if (!PhoneUtils.isSpeakerOn(this)){ if (!app.isHeadsetPlugged()){ if (!isBluetoothAudioConnected()) { PhoneUtils.turnOnSpeaker(this, true, true); updateAudioMenu(); } } } } private boolean isAudioInCall(){ String line = null; try{ FileReader fr = new FileReader("/sys/class/modem/status"); //FileReader fr = new FileReader("/data/status"); BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(fr); log("<isAudioInCall>"); line = br.readLine(); log(line); }catch (Exception e) { Log.e(LOG_TAG, "isAudioInCall failed, " + e); } if (null == line) return false; return line.startsWith("incall:1", 0); } private void displayStartTime() { log("displayStartTime() mBeginTime: " + mBeginTime.getText()); if (!mWaitCD && (mBeginTime.getText().length() > 0)){ //TextView lable_beginTime = (TextView) findViewById(; //lable_beginTime.setVisibility(View.VISIBLE); mBeginTime.setVisibility(View.VISIBLE); } } private String getCurrentNumber() { Phone.State state = mPhone.getState(); Call call; if (state == Phone.State.RINGING){ call = mPhone.getRingingCall(); } else if (state == Phone.State.OFFHOOK){ call = mPhone.getForegroundCall(); } else { return null; } Connection conn = call.getEarliestConnection(); String number = conn.getAddress(); log("getCurrentNumber(), number: " + number); return number; } }