/* Copyright (c) 2002,2003, Stefan Haustein, Oberhausen, Rhld., Germany * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy * of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal * in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights * to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or * sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in * all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING * FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS * IN THE SOFTWARE. */ //Contributors: Jonathan Cox, Bogdan Onoiu, Jerry Tian package com.android.mms.dom; import java.io.*; import java.util.*; import org.xmlpull.v1.*; // TODO: make some of the "direct" WBXML token writing methods public?? /** * A class for writing WBXML. * */ public class WbxmlSerializer implements XmlSerializer { Hashtable stringTable = new Hashtable(); OutputStream out; ByteArrayOutputStream buf = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); ByteArrayOutputStream stringTableBuf = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); String pending; int depth; String name; String namespace; Vector attributes = new Vector(); Hashtable attrStartTable = new Hashtable(); Hashtable attrValueTable = new Hashtable(); Hashtable tagTable = new Hashtable(); private int attrPage; private int tagPage; private String encoding; public XmlSerializer attribute(String namespace, String name, String value) { attributes.addElement(name); attributes.addElement(value); return this; } public void cdsect (String cdsect) throws IOException{ text (cdsect); } /* silently ignore comment */ public void comment (String comment) { } public void docdecl (String docdecl) { throw new RuntimeException ("Cannot write docdecl for WBXML"); } public void entityRef (String er) { throw new RuntimeException ("EntityReference not supported for WBXML"); } public int getDepth() { return depth; } public boolean getFeature (String name) { return false; } public String getNamespace() { throw new RuntimeException("NYI"); } public String getName() { throw new RuntimeException("NYI"); } public String getPrefix(String nsp, boolean create) { throw new RuntimeException ("NYI"); } public Object getProperty (String name) { return null; } public void ignorableWhitespace (String sp) { } public void endDocument() throws IOException { writeInt(out, stringTableBuf.size()); // write StringTable out.write(stringTableBuf.toByteArray()); // write buf out.write(buf.toByteArray()); // ready! out.flush(); } /** ATTENTION: flush cannot work since Wbxml documents require buffering. Thus, this call does nothing. */ public void flush() { } public void checkPending(boolean degenerated) throws IOException { if (pending == null) return; int len = attributes.size(); int[] idx = (int[]) tagTable.get(pending); // if no entry in known table, then add as literal if (idx == null) { buf.write( len == 0 ? (degenerated ? Wbxml.LITERAL : Wbxml.LITERAL_C) : (degenerated ? Wbxml.LITERAL_A : Wbxml.LITERAL_AC)); writeStrT(pending, false); } else { if(idx[0] != tagPage){ tagPage=idx[0]; buf.write(Wbxml.SWITCH_PAGE); buf.write(tagPage); } buf.write( len == 0 ? (degenerated ? idx[1] : idx[1] | 64) : (degenerated ? idx[1] | 128 : idx[1] | 192)); } for (int i = 0; i < len;) { idx = (int[]) attrStartTable.get(attributes.elementAt(i)); if (idx == null) { buf.write(Wbxml.LITERAL); writeStrT((String) attributes.elementAt(i), false); } else { if(idx[0] != attrPage){ attrPage = idx[0]; buf.write(0); buf.write(attrPage); } buf.write(idx[1]); } idx = (int[]) attrValueTable.get(attributes.elementAt(++i)); if (idx == null) { writeStr((String) attributes.elementAt(i)); } else { if(idx[0] != attrPage){ attrPage = idx[0]; buf.write(0); buf.write(attrPage); } buf.write(idx[1]); } ++i; } if (len > 0) buf.write(Wbxml.END); pending = null; attributes.removeAllElements(); } public void processingInstruction(String pi) { throw new RuntimeException ("PI NYI"); } public void setFeature(String name, boolean value) { throw new IllegalArgumentException ("unknown feature "+name); } public void setOutput (Writer writer) { throw new RuntimeException ("Wbxml requires an OutputStream!"); } public void setOutput (OutputStream out, String encoding) throws IOException { this.encoding = encoding == null ? "UTF-8" : encoding; this.out = out; buf = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); stringTableBuf = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); // ok, write header } public void setPrefix(String prefix, String nsp) { throw new RuntimeException("NYI"); } public void setProperty(String property, Object value) { throw new IllegalArgumentException ("unknown property "+property); } public void startDocument(String s, Boolean b) throws IOException{ out.write(0x03); // version 1.3 // http://www.openmobilealliance.org/tech/omna/omna-wbxml-public-docid.htm out.write(0x01); // unknown or missing public identifier // default encoding is UTF-8 if(s != null){ encoding = s; } if (encoding.toUpperCase().equals("UTF-8")){ out.write(106); }else if (encoding.toUpperCase().equals("ISO-8859-1")){ out.write(0x04); }else{ throw new UnsupportedEncodingException(s); } } public XmlSerializer startTag(String namespace, String name) throws IOException { if (namespace != null && !"".equals(namespace)) throw new RuntimeException ("NSP NYI"); //current = new State(current, prefixMap, name); checkPending(false); pending = name; depth++; return this; } public XmlSerializer text(char[] chars, int start, int len) throws IOException { checkPending(false); writeStr(new String(chars, start, len)); return this; } public XmlSerializer text(String text) throws IOException { checkPending(false); writeStr(text); return this; } /** Used in text() and attribute() to write text */ private void writeStr(String text) throws IOException{ int p0 = 0; int lastCut = 0; int len = text.length(); while(p0 < len){ while(p0 < len && text.charAt(p0) < 'A' ){ // skip interpunctation p0++; } int p1 = p0; while(p1 < len && text.charAt(p1) >= 'A'){ p1++; } if(p1 - p0 > 10) { if(p0 > lastCut && text.charAt(p0-1) == ' ' && stringTable.get(text.substring(p0, p1)) == null){ buf.write(Wbxml.STR_T); writeStrT(text.substring(lastCut, p1), false); } else { if(p0 > lastCut && text.charAt(p0-1) == ' '){ p0--; } if(p0 > lastCut){ buf.write(Wbxml.STR_T); writeStrT(text.substring(lastCut, p0), false); } buf.write(Wbxml.STR_T); writeStrT(text.substring(p0, p1), true); } lastCut = p1; } p0 = p1; } if(lastCut < len){ buf.write(Wbxml.STR_T); writeStrT(text.substring(lastCut, len), false); } } public XmlSerializer endTag(String namespace, String name) throws IOException { // current = current.prev; if (pending != null) checkPending(true); else buf.write(Wbxml.END); depth--; return this; } /** * @throws IOException */ public void writeWapExtension(int type, Object data) throws IOException { checkPending(false); buf.write(type); switch(type){ case Wbxml.EXT_0: case Wbxml.EXT_1: case Wbxml.EXT_2: break; case Wbxml.OPAQUE: byte[] bytes = (byte[]) data; writeInt(buf, bytes.length); buf.write(bytes); break; case Wbxml.EXT_I_0: case Wbxml.EXT_I_1: case Wbxml.EXT_I_2: writeStrI(buf, (String) data); break; case Wbxml.EXT_T_0: case Wbxml.EXT_T_1: case Wbxml.EXT_T_2: writeStrT((String) data, false); break; default: throw new IllegalArgumentException(); } } // ------------- internal methods -------------------------- static void writeInt(OutputStream out, int i) throws IOException { byte[] buf = new byte[5]; int idx = 0; do { buf[idx++] = (byte) (i & 0x7f); i = i >> 7; } while (i != 0); while (idx > 1) { out.write(buf[--idx] | 0x80); } out.write(buf[0]); } void writeStrI(OutputStream out, String s) throws IOException { byte[] data = s.getBytes(encoding); out.write(data); out.write(0); } private final void writeStrT(String s, boolean mayPrependSpace) throws IOException { Integer idx = (Integer) stringTable.get(s); if (idx != null) { writeInt(buf, idx.intValue()); } else{ int i = stringTableBuf.size(); if(s.charAt(0) >= '0' && mayPrependSpace){ s = ' ' + s; writeInt(buf, i+1); } else{ writeInt(buf, i); } stringTable.put(s, new Integer(i)); if(s.charAt(0) == ' '){ stringTable.put(s.substring(1), new Integer(i+1)); } int j = s.lastIndexOf(' '); if(j > 1){ stringTable.put(s.substring(j), new Integer(i+j)); stringTable.put(s.substring(j+1), new Integer(i+j+1)); } writeStrI(stringTableBuf, s); stringTableBuf.flush(); } } /** * Sets the tag table for a given page. * The first string in the array defines tag 5, the second tag 6 etc. */ public void setTagTable(int page, String[] tagTable) { // TODO: clear entries in tagTable? for (int i = 0; i < tagTable.length; i++) { if (tagTable[i] != null) { Object idx = new int[]{page, i+5}; this.tagTable.put(tagTable[i], idx); } } } /** * Sets the attribute start Table for a given page. * The first string in the array defines attribute * 5, the second attribute 6 etc. * Please use the * character '=' (without quote!) as delimiter * between the attribute name and the (start of the) value */ public void setAttrStartTable(int page, String[] attrStartTable) { for (int i = 0; i < attrStartTable.length; i++) { if (attrStartTable[i] != null) { Object idx = new int[] {page, i + 5}; this.attrStartTable.put(attrStartTable[i], idx); } } } /** * Sets the attribute value Table for a given page. * The first string in the array defines attribute value 0x85, * the second attribute value 0x86 etc. */ public void setAttrValueTable(int page, String[] attrValueTable) { // clear entries in this.table! for (int i = 0; i < attrValueTable.length; i++) { if (attrValueTable[i] != null) { Object idx = new int[]{page, i + 0x085}; this.attrValueTable.put(attrValueTable[i], idx); } } } }