/* This file is part of RouteConverter. RouteConverter is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. RouteConverter is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with RouteConverter; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA Copyright (C) 2007 Christian Pesch. All Rights Reserved. */ package slash.navigation.simple; import slash.common.type.CompactCalendar; import slash.navigation.base.*; import slash.navigation.common.NavigationPosition; import java.io.PrintWriter; import java.util.List; import java.util.logging.Logger; import java.util.regex.Matcher; import java.util.regex.Pattern; import static java.lang.Math.abs; import static slash.common.io.Transfer.formatDoubleAsString; import static slash.common.io.Transfer.*; import static slash.common.type.CompactCalendar.createDateFormat; import static slash.common.type.CompactCalendar.parseDate; import static slash.navigation.base.RouteCharacteristics.Track; import static slash.navigation.common.NavigationConversion.*; /** * Reads and writes Qstarz BT-Q1000 (.csv) files. * * Header: INDEX,RCR,DATE,TIME,VALID,LATITUDE,N/S,LONGITUDE,E/W,HEIGHT,SPEED,HDOP,NSAT (USED/VIEW),DISTANCE, * Format: 8,T,2010/12/28,23:01:43,SPS,49.126389,N,8.614000,E,245.512 m,0.759 km/h,1.4,8(10),0.22 m, * * @author Christian Pesch */ public class QstarzQ1000Format extends SimpleLineBasedFormat<SimpleRoute> { protected static final Logger log = Logger.getLogger(QstarzQ1000Format.class.getName()); private static final String HEADER_LINE = "INDEX,RCR,DATE,TIME,VALID,LATITUDE,N/S,LONGITUDE,E/W,HEIGHT,SPEED,HDOP,NSAT (USED/VIEW),DISTANCE,"; private static final char SEPARATOR = ','; private static final String SPACE = "\\s*"; private static final Pattern LINE_PATTERN = Pattern. compile(BEGIN_OF_LINE + SPACE + "(\\d+)" + SPACE + SEPARATOR + SPACE + "([T])" + SPACE + SEPARATOR + SPACE + "(\\d{4}/\\d{2}/\\d{2})?" + SPACE + SEPARATOR + SPACE + "(\\d{2}:\\d{2}:\\d{2})?" + SPACE + SEPARATOR + SPACE + "(.+)" + SPACE + SEPARATOR + SPACE + "([\\d\\.]+)" + SPACE + SEPARATOR + SPACE + "([NS])" + SPACE + SEPARATOR + SPACE + "([\\d\\.]+)" + SPACE + SEPARATOR + SPACE + "([WE])" + SPACE + SEPARATOR + SPACE + "(" + POSITION + ")" + "[^" + SEPARATOR + "]*" + SEPARATOR + SPACE + "([\\d\\.]+)" + "[^" + SEPARATOR + "]*" + SEPARATOR + SPACE + "([\\d\\.]+)" + SPACE + SEPARATOR + SPACE + "(\\d+)\\((\\d+)\\)" + SPACE + SEPARATOR + SPACE + "([\\d\\.]+)" + "[^" + SEPARATOR + "]*" + SEPARATOR + END_OF_LINE); private static final String DATE_AND_TIME_FORMAT = "yyyy/MM/dd HH:mm:ss"; private static final String DATE_FORMAT = "yyyy/MM/dd"; private static final String TIME_FORMAT = "HH:mm:ss"; public String getExtension() { return ".csv"; } public String getName() { return "Qstarz BT-Q1000 (*" + getExtension() + ")"; } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public <P extends NavigationPosition> SimpleRoute createRoute(RouteCharacteristics characteristics, String name, List<P> positions) { return new Wgs84Route(this, characteristics, (List<Wgs84Position>) positions); } protected RouteCharacteristics getRouteCharacteristics() { return Track; } protected boolean isValidLine(String line) { Matcher matcher = LINE_PATTERN.matcher(line); return matcher.matches() || line.startsWith(HEADER_LINE); } protected boolean isPosition(String line) { Matcher matcher = LINE_PATTERN.matcher(line); if(!matcher.matches()) return false; String fix = matcher.group(5); return "SPS".equals(fix); } private CompactCalendar parseDateAndTime(String date, String time) { date = trim(date); time = trim(time); if(date == null || time == null) return null; String dateAndTime = date + " " + time; return parseDate(dateAndTime, DATE_AND_TIME_FORMAT); } protected Wgs84Position parsePosition(String line, ParserContext context) { Matcher lineMatcher = LINE_PATTERN.matcher(line); if (!lineMatcher.matches()) throw new IllegalArgumentException("'" + line + "' does not match"); String date = lineMatcher.group(3); String time = lineMatcher.group(4); Double latitude = parseDouble(lineMatcher.group(6)); String northOrSouth = lineMatcher.group(7); if ("S".equals(northOrSouth) && latitude != null) latitude = -latitude; Double longitude = parseDouble(lineMatcher.group(8)); String westOrEasth = lineMatcher.group(9); if ("W".equals(westOrEasth) && longitude != null) longitude = -longitude; String height = lineMatcher.group(10); String speed = lineMatcher.group(11); String hdop = lineMatcher.group(12); String satellites = lineMatcher.group(13); Wgs84Position position = new Wgs84Position(longitude, latitude, parseDouble(height), parseDouble(speed), parseDateAndTime(date, time), null); position.setHdop(parseDouble(hdop)); position.setSatellites(parseInteger(satellites)); return position; } protected void writeHeader(PrintWriter writer, SimpleRoute route) { writer.println(HEADER_LINE); } private String formatTime(CompactCalendar time) { if (time == null) return ""; return createDateFormat(TIME_FORMAT).format(time.getTime()); } private String formatDate(CompactCalendar date) { if (date == null) return ""; return createDateFormat(DATE_FORMAT).format(date.getTime()); } private Wgs84Position previousPosition = null; protected void writePosition(Wgs84Position position, PrintWriter writer, int index, boolean firstPosition) { String date = formatDate(position.getTime()); String time = formatTime(position.getTime()); String latitude = formatDoubleAsString(abs(position.getLatitude()), 6); String northOrSouth = position.getLatitude() != null && position.getLatitude() < 0.0 ? "S" : "N"; String longitude = formatDoubleAsString(abs(position.getLongitude()), 6); String westOrEast = position.getLongitude() != null && position.getLongitude() < 0.0 ? "W" : "E"; String height = position.getElevation() != null ? formatElevationAsString(position.getElevation()) : "0.0"; String speed = position.getSpeed() != null ? formatSpeedAsString(position.getSpeed()) : "0.0"; String hdop = position.getHdop() != null ? formatAccuracyAsString(position.getHdop()) : "0.0"; String satellites = position.getSatellites() != null ? formatIntAsString(position.getSatellites()) : "0"; if (firstPosition) previousPosition = null; String distance = previousPosition != null ? formatElevationAsString(position.calculateDistance(previousPosition)) : "0.0"; previousPosition = position; writer.println(Integer.toString(index + 1) + SEPARATOR + "T" + SEPARATOR + date + SEPARATOR + time + SEPARATOR + "SPS" + SEPARATOR + latitude + SEPARATOR + northOrSouth + SEPARATOR + longitude + SEPARATOR + westOrEast + SEPARATOR + height + " m" + SEPARATOR + speed + " km/h" + SEPARATOR + hdop + SEPARATOR + satellites + "(" + satellites + ")" + SEPARATOR + distance + " m" + SEPARATOR); } }