package com.ripple.core.types.known.sle.entries; import com.ripple.core.coretypes.*; import com.ripple.core.coretypes.hash.Hash256; import com.ripple.core.coretypes.hash.Index; import com.ripple.core.coretypes.uint.UInt32; import com.ripple.core.coretypes.uint.UInt64; import com.ripple.core.fields.Field; import com.ripple.core.serialized.enums.LedgerEntryType; import com.ripple.core.types.known.sle.ThreadedLedgerEntry; import java.math.BigDecimal; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Comparator; import java.util.Iterator; public class Offer extends ThreadedLedgerEntry { public Offer() { super(LedgerEntryType.Offer); } /** * Use the BookDirectory field * * @return how much must `pay` to `get` one. * */ public BigDecimal directoryAskQuality() { return Quality.fromBookDirectory(bookDirectory(), takerPays().isNative(), takerGets().isNative()); } /** * @return how much must `pay` to `get` one. */ public BigDecimal askQuality() { return takerPays().computeQuality(takerGets()); } /** * @return how much `get` if `pay` one. */ public BigDecimal bidQuality() { return takerGets().computeQuality(takerPays()); } /** * * @return One of TakerGets issue, eg 1/USD/BITSTAMP or 1/EUR/SNAPSWAP */ public Amount getsOne() { return takerGets().one(); } /** * * @return One of TakerPays issue, eg 1/USD/BITSTAMP or 1/EUR/SNAPSWAP */ public Amount paysOne() { return takerPays().one(); } public String getPayCurrencyPair() { return takerGets().currencyString() + "/" + takerPays().currencyString(); } public STObject executed(STObject finalFields) { // where `this` is an AffectedNode nodeAsPrevious STObject executed = new STObject(); executed.put(Amount.TakerPays, finalFields.get(Amount.TakerPays).subtract(takerPays())); executed.put(Amount.TakerGets, finalFields.get(Amount.TakerGets).subtract(takerGets())); return executed; } public Hash256 lineIndex(Amount amt) { return account().lineIndex(amt.issue()); } public Hash256 fundingSource() { Amount takerGets = takerGets(); if (account().equals(takerGets.issuer())) { return null; } else if (takerGets.isNative()) { return Index.accountRoot(account()); } else { return lineIndex(takerGets); } } public Vector256 lineIndexes() { Vector256 ret = new Vector256(); Amount takerGets = takerGets(); for (Amount amt : new Amount[]{takerGets, takerPays()}) { // Actually want to compare by reference here :) if (amt == takerGets()) { // selling own funds continue; } if (!amt.isNative()) { ret.add(lineIndex(amt)); } } return ret; } public Hash256 bookBase() { return Index.bookStart(takerPays().issue(), takerGets().issue()); } public boolean belongsToBook(Hash256 bookBase) { byte[] baseBytes = bookBase.bytes(); byte[] directoryBytes = bookDirectory().bytes(); for (int i = 0; i < 24; i++) { if (baseBytes[i] != directoryBytes[i]) { return false; } } return true; } public boolean sellingOwnFunds() { return account().equals(takerGets().issuer()); } public Amount takerGetsFunded() { return has(Field.taker_gets_funded) ? get(Amount.taker_gets_funded) : takerGets(); } public Amount takerPaysFunded() { return has(Field.taker_pays_funded) ? get(Amount.taker_pays_funded) : takerPays(); } public static Comparator<Offer> qualityAscending = new Comparator<Offer>() { @Override public int compare(Offer lhs, Offer rhs) { return lhs.directoryAskQuality().compareTo(rhs.directoryAskQuality()); } }; public static Iterator<Offer> iterateCollection(Collection<STObject> offers) { final Iterator<STObject> iterator = offers.iterator(); return new Iterator<Offer>() { @Override public boolean hasNext() { return iterator.hasNext(); } @Override public Offer next() { return (Offer); } @Override public void remove() { iterator.remove(); } }; } public Hash256 bookNodeDirectoryIndex() { return Index.directoryNode(bookDirectory(), bookNode()); } public Hash256 ownerNodeDirectoryIndex() { Hash256 ownerDir = Index.ownerDirectory(account()); return Index.directoryNode(ownerDir, ownerNode()); } public UInt32 sequence() {return get(UInt32.Sequence);} public UInt32 expiration() {return get(UInt32.Expiration);} public UInt64 bookNode() {return get(UInt64.BookNode);} public UInt64 ownerNode() {return get(UInt64.OwnerNode);} public Hash256 bookDirectory() {return get(Hash256.BookDirectory);} public Amount takerPays() {return get(Amount.TakerPays);} public Amount takerGets() {return get(Amount.TakerGets);} public AccountID account() {return get(AccountID.Account);} public void sequence(UInt32 val) {put(Field.Sequence, val);} public void expiration(UInt32 val) {put(Field.Expiration, val);} public void bookNode(UInt64 val) {put(Field.BookNode, val);} public void ownerNode(UInt64 val) {put(Field.OwnerNode, val);} public void bookDirectory(Hash256 val) {put(Field.BookDirectory, val);} public void takerPays(Amount val) {put(Field.TakerPays, val);} public void takerGets(Amount val) {put(Field.TakerGets, val);} public void account(AccountID val) {put(Field.Account, val);} public Hash256[] directoryIndexes() { return new Hash256[]{bookNodeDirectoryIndex(), ownerNodeDirectoryIndex()}; } public void setOfferDefaults() { if (bookNode() == null) { bookNode(UInt64.ZERO); } if (ownerNode() == null) { ownerNode(UInt64.ZERO); } } public IssuePair issuePair() { return new IssuePair(takerPays().issue(), takerGets().issue()); } public Amount payToGet(Amount funded) { BigDecimal quality = directoryAskQuality(); // Multiply by one as that will do the rounding operation we want return paysOne().multiply(funded.multiply(quality)); } }