package; import static org.semanticweb.owlapi.util.OWLAPIPreconditions.verifyNotNull; import org.semanticweb.owlapi.model.OWLEntity; /** * helper class to set signature and locality class */ class SigAccessor { /** * signature of a module */ Signature sig; /** * init c'tor * * @param s signature */ SigAccessor(Signature s) { sig = verifyNotNull(s); } // locality flags /** * @return true iff concepts not in the signature are treated as TOPs */ boolean topCLocal() { return sig.topCLocal(); } /** * @return true iff concepts not in the signature are treated as BOTTOMs */ boolean botCLocal() { return !topCLocal(); } /** * @return true iff roles not in the signature are treated as TOPs */ boolean topRLocal() { return sig.topRLocal(); } /** * @return true iff roles not in the signature are treated as BOTTOMs */ boolean botRLocal() { return !topRLocal(); } // signature-based calls /** * @return the signature */ Signature getSignature() { return sig; } /** * @param entity entity to check * @return true iff SIGnature does NOT contain given entity */ boolean nc(OWLEntity entity) { return !sig.contains(entity); } }