/** * The contents of this file are subject to the OpenMRS Public License * Version 1.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in * compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * http://license.openmrs.org * * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" * basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the * License for the specific language governing rights and limitations * under the License. * * Copyright (C) OpenMRS, LLC. All Rights Reserved. */ package org.openmrs.web.dwr; import java.text.DateFormat; import java.text.ParseException; import java.text.SimpleDateFormat; import java.util.Date; import java.util.List; import java.util.Set; import java.util.Vector; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import org.openmrs.Location; import org.openmrs.PatientProgram; import org.openmrs.PatientState; import org.openmrs.Program; import org.openmrs.ProgramWorkflow; import org.openmrs.ProgramWorkflowState; import org.openmrs.api.ProgramWorkflowService; import org.openmrs.api.context.Context; import org.openmrs.util.OpenmrsUtil; public class DWRProgramWorkflowService { protected final Log log = LogFactory.getLog(getClass()); DateFormat ymdDf = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd"); public PatientProgramItem getPatientProgram(Integer patientProgramId) { return new PatientProgramItem(Context.getProgramWorkflowService().getPatientProgram(patientProgramId)); } public Vector<PatientStateItem> getPatientStates(Integer patientProgramId, Integer programWorkflowId) { Vector<PatientStateItem> ret = new Vector<PatientStateItem>(); ProgramWorkflowService s = Context.getProgramWorkflowService(); PatientProgram p = s.getPatientProgram(patientProgramId); ProgramWorkflow wf = p.getProgram().getWorkflow(programWorkflowId); for (PatientState st : p.statesInWorkflow(wf, false)) ret.add(new PatientStateItem(st)); return ret; } public Vector<ListItem> getWorkflowsByProgram(Integer programId) { Vector<ListItem> ret = new Vector<ListItem>(); Program program = Context.getProgramWorkflowService().getProgram(programId); Set<ProgramWorkflow> workflows = program.getWorkflows(); if (workflows != null) for (ProgramWorkflow wf : workflows) { ListItem li = new ListItem(); li.setId(wf.getProgramWorkflowId()); try { li.setName(wf.getConcept().getName().getName()); } catch (NullPointerException ex) {} try { li.setDescription(wf.getConcept().getDescription().getDescription()); } catch (NullPointerException ex) {} ret.add(li); } return ret; } public Vector<ListItem> getStatesByWorkflow(Integer programWorkflowId) { log.debug("In getStatesByWorkflow with workflowID of " + programWorkflowId); Vector<ListItem> ret = new Vector<ListItem>(); ProgramWorkflow workflow = Context.getProgramWorkflowService().getWorkflow(programWorkflowId); if (workflow != null) { Set<ProgramWorkflowState> states = workflow.getSortedStates(); if (states != null) { log.debug("Got states of size " + states.size()); for (ProgramWorkflowState state : states) { ListItem li = new ListItem(); li.setId(state.getProgramWorkflowStateId()); try { li.setName(state.getConcept().getName(Context.getLocale(), false).getName()); } catch (NullPointerException ex) {} ret.add(li); } } else { log.debug("States was null - there seem to be no states associated with this workflow"); } } else { log.debug("Workflow was null, cannot get states"); } if (ret != null) log.debug("Returning ret of size " + ret.size()); else log.debug("Returning null ret"); return ret; } /** * Updates enrollment date and completion date for a PatientProgram. Compares @param * enrollmentDateYmd with {@link PatientProgram#getDateEnrolled()} and compares @param * completionDateYmd with {@link PatientProgram#getDateCompleted()} . At least one of these * comparisons must return true in order to update the PatientProgram. In other words, if * neither the @param enrollmentDateYmd or the @param completionDateYmd match with the persisted * object, then the PatientProgram will not be updated. Also, if the enrollment date comes after * the completion date, the PatientProgram will not be updated. * * @deprecated use {@link #updatePatientProgram(Integer, String, String, Integer)} * @param patientProgramId * @param enrollmentDateYmd * @param completionDateYmd * @throws ParseException */ @Deprecated public void updatePatientProgram(Integer patientProgramId, String enrollmentDateYmd, String completionDateYmd) throws ParseException { updatePatientProgram(patientProgramId, enrollmentDateYmd, completionDateYmd, null); } /** * Updates enrollment date, completion date, and location for a PatientProgram. Compares @param * enrollmentDateYmd with {@link PatientProgram#getDateEnrolled()} compares @param * completionDateYmd with {@link PatientProgram#getDateCompleted()}, compares @param locationId * with {@link PatientProgram#getLocation()}. At least one of these comparisons must indicate a * change in order to update the PatientProgram. In other words, if neither the @param * enrollmentDateYmd, the @param completionDateYmd, or the * * @param locationId match with the persisted object, then the PatientProgram will not be * updated. Also, if the enrollment date comes after the completion date, the * PatientProgram will not be updated. * @param patientProgramId * @param enrollmentDateYmd * @param completionDateYmd * @param locationId * @throws ParseException */ public void updatePatientProgram(Integer patientProgramId, String enrollmentDateYmd, String completionDateYmd, Integer locationId) throws ParseException { PatientProgram pp = Context.getProgramWorkflowService().getPatientProgram(patientProgramId); Location loc = null; if (locationId != null) { loc = Context.getLocationService().getLocation(locationId); } Date dateEnrolled = null; Date dateCompleted = null; Date ppDateEnrolled = null; Date ppDateCompleted = null; Location ppLocation = pp.getLocation(); // If persisted date enrolled is not null then parse to ymdDf format. if (null != pp.getDateEnrolled()) { String enrolled = ymdDf.format(pp.getDateEnrolled()); if (null != enrolled && enrolled.length() > 0) ppDateEnrolled = ymdDf.parse(enrolled); } // If persisted date enrolled is not null then parse to ymdDf format. if (null != pp.getDateCompleted()) { String completed = ymdDf.format(pp.getDateCompleted()); if (null != completed && completed.length() > 0) ppDateCompleted = ymdDf.parse(completed); } // Parse parameter dates to ymdDf format. if (enrollmentDateYmd != null && enrollmentDateYmd.length() > 0) dateEnrolled = ymdDf.parse(enrollmentDateYmd); if (completionDateYmd != null && completionDateYmd.length() > 0) dateCompleted = ymdDf.parse(completionDateYmd); // If either either parameter and persisted instances // of enrollment and completion dates are equal, then anyChange is true. boolean anyChange = OpenmrsUtil.nullSafeEquals(dateEnrolled, ppDateEnrolled); anyChange |= OpenmrsUtil.nullSafeEquals(dateCompleted, ppDateCompleted); anyChange |= OpenmrsUtil.nullSafeEquals(loc, ppLocation); // Do not update if the enrollment date is after the completion date. if (null != dateEnrolled && null != dateCompleted && dateCompleted.before(dateEnrolled)) { anyChange = false; } if (anyChange) { pp.setDateEnrolled(dateEnrolled); pp.setDateCompleted(dateCompleted); pp.setLocation(loc); Context.getProgramWorkflowService().savePatientProgram(pp); } } public void deletePatientProgram(Integer patientProgramId, String reason) { PatientProgram p = Context.getProgramWorkflowService().getPatientProgram(patientProgramId); Context.getProgramWorkflowService().voidPatientProgram(p, reason); } public Vector<ListItem> getPossibleNextStates(Integer patientProgramId, Integer programWorkflowId) { Vector<ListItem> ret = new Vector<ListItem>(); PatientProgram pp = Context.getProgramWorkflowService().getPatientProgram(patientProgramId); ProgramWorkflow pw = pp.getProgram().getWorkflow(programWorkflowId); List<ProgramWorkflowState> states = pw.getPossibleNextStates(pp); for (ProgramWorkflowState state : states) { ListItem li = new ListItem(); li.setId(state.getProgramWorkflowStateId()); li.setName(state.getConcept().getName(Context.getLocale(), false).getName()); ret.add(li); } return ret; } public void changeToState(Integer patientProgramId, Integer programWorkflowId, Integer programWorkflowStateId, String onDateDMY) throws ParseException { ProgramWorkflowService s = Context.getProgramWorkflowService(); PatientProgram pp = s.getPatientProgram(patientProgramId); ProgramWorkflowState st = pp.getProgram().getWorkflow(programWorkflowId).getState(programWorkflowStateId); Date onDate = null; if (onDateDMY != null && onDateDMY.length() > 0) onDate = ymdDf.parse(onDateDMY); pp.transitionToState(st, onDate); s.savePatientProgram(pp); } public void voidLastState(Integer patientProgramId, Integer programWorkflowId, String voidReason) { ProgramWorkflowService s = Context.getProgramWorkflowService(); PatientProgram pp = s.getPatientProgram(patientProgramId); ProgramWorkflow wf = s.getWorkflow(programWorkflowId); pp.voidLastState(wf, Context.getAuthenticatedUser(), new Date(), voidReason); Context.getProgramWorkflowService().savePatientProgram(pp); } }