/** * The contents of this file are subject to the OpenMRS Public License * Version 1.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in * compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * http://license.openmrs.org * * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" * basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the * License for the specific language governing rights and limitations * under the License. * * Copyright (C) OpenMRS, LLC. All Rights Reserved. */ package org.openmrs; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Comparator; import java.util.Date; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Set; import org.openmrs.util.OpenmrsUtil; /** * PatientProgram */ public class PatientProgram extends BaseOpenmrsData implements java.io.Serializable { public static final long serialVersionUID = 0L; // ****************** // Properties // ****************** private Integer patientProgramId; private Patient patient; private Program program; private Location location; private Date dateEnrolled; private Date dateCompleted; private Set<PatientState> states = new HashSet<PatientState>(); // ****************** // Constructors // ****************** /** Default Constructor */ public PatientProgram() { } /** Constructor with id */ public PatientProgram(Integer patientProgramId) { setPatientProgramId(patientProgramId); } /** * Does a mostly-shallow copy of this PatientProgram. Does not copy patientProgramId. The * 'states' property will be deep-copied. * * @return a shallow copy of this PatientProgram */ public PatientProgram copy() { return copyHelper(new PatientProgram()); } /** * The purpose of this method is to allow subclasses of PatientProgram to delegate a portion of * their copy() method back to the superclass, in case the base class implementation changes. * * @param target a PatientProgram that will have the state of <code>this</code> copied into it * @return the PatientProgram that was passed in, with state copied into it */ protected PatientProgram copyHelper(PatientProgram target) { target.setPatient(this.getPatient()); target.setProgram(this.getProgram()); target.setLocation(this.getLocation()); target.setDateEnrolled(this.getDateEnrolled()); target.setDateCompleted(target.getDateCompleted()); Set<PatientState> statesCopy = new HashSet<PatientState>(); if (this.getStates() != null) { for (PatientState s : this.getStates()) { PatientState stateCopy = s.copy(); stateCopy.setPatientProgram(target); statesCopy.add(stateCopy); } } target.setStates(statesCopy); target.setCreator(this.getCreator()); target.setDateCreated(this.getDateCreated()); target.setChangedBy(this.getChangedBy()); target.setDateChanged(this.getDateChanged()); target.setVoided(this.getVoided()); target.setVoidedBy(this.getVoidedBy()); target.setDateVoided(this.getDateVoided()); target.setVoidReason(this.getVoidReason()); return target; } // ****************** // Instance methods // ****************** /** * Returns true if the associated {@link Patient} is enrolled in the associated {@link Program} * on the passed {@link Date} * * @param onDate - Date to check for PatientProgram enrollment * @return boolean - true if the associated {@link Patient} is enrolled in the associated * {@link Program} on the passed {@link Date} */ public boolean getActive(Date onDate) { if (onDate == null) { onDate = new Date(); } return !getVoided() && (getDateEnrolled() == null || OpenmrsUtil.compare(getDateEnrolled(), onDate) <= 0) && (getDateCompleted() == null || OpenmrsUtil.compare(getDateCompleted(), onDate) > 0); } /** * Returns true if the associated {@link Patient} is currently enrolled in the associated * {@link Program} * * @return boolean - true if the associated {@link Patient} is currently enrolled in the * associated {@link Program} */ public boolean getActive() { return getActive(null); } /** * Returns the {@link PatientState} associated with this PatientProgram that has an id that * matches the passed <code>patientStateId</code> * * @param patientStateId - The identifier to use to lookup a {@link PatientState} * @return PatientState that has an id that matches the passed <code>patientStateId</code> */ public PatientState getPatientState(Integer patientStateId) { for (PatientState s : getStates()) { if (s.getPatientStateId() != null && s.getPatientStateId().equals(patientStateId)) { return s; } } return null; } /** * Attempts to transition the PatientProgram to the passed {@link ProgramWorkflowState} on the * passed {@link Date} by ending the most recent {@link PatientState} in the * {@link PatientProgram} and creating a new one with the passed {@link ProgramWorkflowState} * This will throw an IllegalArgumentException if the transition is invalid * * @param programWorkflowState - The {@link ProgramWorkflowState} to transition to * @param onDate - The {@link Date} of the transition * @throws IllegalArgumentException */ public void transitionToState(ProgramWorkflowState programWorkflowState, Date onDate) { PatientState lastState = getCurrentState(programWorkflowState.getProgramWorkflow()); if (lastState != null && onDate == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("You can't change from a non-null state without giving a change date"); } if (lastState != null && lastState.getEndDate() != null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("You can't change out of a state that has an end date already"); } if (lastState != null && lastState.getStartDate() != null && OpenmrsUtil.compare(lastState.getStartDate(), onDate) > 0) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("You can't change out of a state before that state started"); } if (lastState != null && !programWorkflowState.getProgramWorkflow().isLegalTransition(lastState.getState(), programWorkflowState)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("You can't change from state " + lastState.getState() + " to " + programWorkflowState); } if (lastState != null) { lastState.setEndDate(onDate); } PatientState newState = new PatientState(); newState.setPatientProgram(this); newState.setState(programWorkflowState); newState.setStartDate(onDate); if (programWorkflowState.getTerminal() == Boolean.TRUE) { setDateCompleted(onDate); } getStates().add(newState); } /** * Attempts to void the latest {@link PatientState} in the {@link PatientProgram} If earlier * PatientStates exist, it will try to reset the endDate to null so that the next latest state * becomes the current {@link PatientState} * * @param workflow - The {@link ProgramWorkflow} whose last {@link PatientState} within the * current {@link PatientProgram} we want to void * @param voidBy - The user who is voiding the {@link PatientState} * @param voidDate - The date to void the {@link PatientState} * @param voidReason - The reason for voiding the {@link PatientState} */ public void voidLastState(ProgramWorkflow workflow, User voidBy, Date voidDate, String voidReason) { List<PatientState> states = statesInWorkflow(workflow, false); if (voidDate == null) { voidDate = new Date(); } PatientState last = null; PatientState nextToLast = null; if (states.size() > 0) { last = states.get(states.size() - 1); } if (states.size() > 1) { nextToLast = states.get(states.size() - 2); } if (last != null) { last.setVoided(true); last.setVoidedBy(voidBy); last.setDateVoided(voidDate); last.setVoidReason(voidReason); } if (nextToLast != null && nextToLast.getEndDate() != null) { nextToLast.setEndDate(null); nextToLast.setDateChanged(voidDate); nextToLast.setChangedBy(voidBy); } } /** * Returns the current {@link PatientState} for the passed {@link ProgramWorkflow} within this * {@link PatientProgram}. * * @param programWorkflow The ProgramWorkflow whose current {@link PatientState} we want to * retrieve * @return PatientState The current {@link PatientState} for the passed {@link ProgramWorkflow} * within this {@link PatientProgram} */ public PatientState getCurrentState(ProgramWorkflow programWorkflow) { Date now = new Date(); for (PatientState state : getStates()) { if ((programWorkflow == null || state.getState().getProgramWorkflow().equals(programWorkflow)) && state.getActive(now)) { return state; } } return null; } /** * @deprecated use {@link #getCurrentState(ProgramWorkflow)} */ public PatientState getCurrentState() { return getCurrentState(null); } /** * Returns a Set<PatientState> of all current {@link PatientState}s for the * {@link PatientProgram} * * @return Set<PatientState> of all current {@link PatientState}s for the {@link PatientProgram} */ public Set<PatientState> getCurrentStates() { Set<PatientState> ret = new HashSet<PatientState>(); Date now = new Date(); for (PatientState state : getStates()) { if (state.getActive(now)) { ret.add(state); } } return ret; } /** * Returns a List<PatientState> of all {@link PatientState}s in the passed * {@link ProgramWorkflow} for the {@link PatientProgram} * * @param programWorkflow - The {@link ProgramWorkflow} to check * @param includeVoided - If true, return voided {@link PatientState}s in the returned * {@link List} * @return List<PatientState> of all {@link PatientState}s in the passed {@link ProgramWorkflow} * for the {@link PatientProgram} */ public List<PatientState> statesInWorkflow(ProgramWorkflow programWorkflow, boolean includeVoided) { List<PatientState> ret = new ArrayList<PatientState>(); for (PatientState st : getStates()) { if (st.getState().getProgramWorkflow().equals(programWorkflow) && (includeVoided || !st.getVoided())) { ret.add(st); } } Collections.sort(ret, new Comparator<PatientState>() { public int compare(PatientState left, PatientState right) { return OpenmrsUtil.compareWithNullAsEarliest(left.getStartDate(), right.getStartDate()); } }); return ret; } /** @see Object#equals(Object) */ public boolean equals(Object obj) { if (obj != null && obj instanceof PatientProgram) { PatientProgram p = (PatientProgram) obj; if (this.getPatientProgramId() != null) { return (this.getPatientProgramId().equals(p.getPatientProgramId())); } } return this == obj; } /** @see Object#toString() */ public String toString() { return "PatientProgram(id=" + getPatientProgramId() + ", patient=" + getPatient() + ", program=" + getProgram() + ")"; } // ****************** // Property Access // ****************** public Date getDateCompleted() { return dateCompleted; } public void setDateCompleted(Date dateCompleted) { this.dateCompleted = dateCompleted; } public Date getDateEnrolled() { return dateEnrolled; } public void setDateEnrolled(Date dateEnrolled) { this.dateEnrolled = dateEnrolled; } public Patient getPatient() { return patient; } public void setPatient(Patient patient) { this.patient = patient; } public Integer getPatientProgramId() { return patientProgramId; } public void setPatientProgramId(Integer patientProgramId) { this.patientProgramId = patientProgramId; } public Program getProgram() { return program; } public void setProgram(Program program) { this.program = program; } public Set<PatientState> getStates() { return states; } public void setStates(Set<PatientState> states) { this.states = states; } /** * @since 1.5 * @see org.openmrs.OpenmrsObject#getId() */ public Integer getId() { return getPatientProgramId(); } /** * @since 1.5 * @see org.openmrs.OpenmrsObject#setId(java.lang.Integer) */ public void setId(Integer id) { setPatientProgramId(id); } /** * @since 1.8 * @return the location */ public Location getLocation() { return location; } /** * @since 1.8 * @param location the location to set */ public void setLocation(Location location) { this.location = location; } }