package org.openmrs; import static org.hamcrest.Matchers.equalTo; import static org.openqa.selenium.lift.Matchers.attribute; import static org.openqa.selenium.lift.match.NumericalMatchers.exactly; import static org.openqa.selenium.lift.match.SelectionMatcher.selection; import org.hamcrest.Matcher; import org.openqa.selenium.By; import org.openqa.selenium.WebDriver; import org.openqa.selenium.WebElement; import org.openqa.selenium.lift.TestContext; import org.openqa.selenium.lift.WebDriverTestContext; import org.openqa.selenium.lift.find.Finder; import org.openqa.selenium.lift.find.HtmlTagFinder; import org.openqa.selenium.lift.find.InputFinder; import org.openqa.selenium.lift.find.XPathFinder; import; public abstract class Steps { private static final long DEFAULT_TIMEOUT = 5000; private WebDriver driver; private TestContext context; protected WebDriver getWebDriver() { return driver; } protected void clickOn(Finder<WebElement, WebDriver> finder) { context.clickOn(finder); } protected void assertPresenceOf(Finder<WebElement, WebDriver> finder) { context.assertPresenceOf(finder); } protected void assertPresenceOf(Matcher<Integer> cardinalityConstraint, Finder<WebElement, WebDriver> finder) { context.assertPresenceOf(cardinalityConstraint, finder); } protected void waitFor(Finder<WebElement, WebDriver> finder) { waitFor(finder, DEFAULT_TIMEOUT); } protected void waitFor(Finder<WebElement, WebDriver> finder, long timeout) { context.waitFor(finder, timeout); } /** * Cause the browser to navigate to the given URL * * @param url */ protected void goTo(String url) { context.goTo(url); } /** * Type characters into an element of the page, typically an input field * * @param text * - characters to type * @param inputFinder * - specification for the page element */ protected void type(String text, Finder<WebElement, WebDriver> inputFinder) { context.type(text, inputFinder); } protected void clear(String xpath) { driver.findElement(By.xpath(xpath)).clear(); } /** * Syntactic sugar to use with {@link HamcrestWebDriverTestCase#type(String, * Finder<WebElement, WebDriver>)}, e.g. type("cheese", into(textbox())); * The into() method simply returns its argument. */ protected Finder<WebElement, WebDriver> into( Finder<WebElement, WebDriver> input) { return input; } /** * replace the default {@link TestContext} */ void setContext(TestContext context) { this.context = context; } /** * Returns the current page source */ public String getPageSource() { return getWebDriver().getPageSource(); } /** * Returns the current page title */ public String getTitle() { return getWebDriver().getTitle(); } public Finder<WebElement, WebDriver> finderByXpath(String xpath){ return new XPathFinder(xpath); } public Select selectAValueInDropDownByXpath(String identifierLocation) { // new Select(getWebDriver().findElement("location"))).selectByValue(identifierLocation); return new Select(getWebDriver().findElement(By.xpath(identifierLocation))); } /** * Returns the current URL */ public String getCurrentUrl() { return getWebDriver().getCurrentUrl(); } protected void assertSelected(Finder<WebElement, WebDriver> finder) { assertPresenceOf(finder.with(selection())); } protected void assertNotSelected(Finder<WebElement, WebDriver> finder) { assertPresenceOf(exactly(0), finder.with(selection())); } protected HtmlTagFinder passwordtextbox() { return new InputFinder().with(attribute("type", equalTo("password"))); } public Steps(WebDriver driver) { this.driver = driver; this.context = new WebDriverTestContext(driver); } }