/** * The contents of this file are subject to the OpenMRS Public License * Version 1.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in * compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * http://license.openmrs.org * * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" * basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the * License for the specific language governing rights and limitations * under the License. * * Copyright (C) OpenMRS, LLC. All Rights Reserved. */ package org.openmrs.api; import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals; import static org.junit.Assert.assertFalse; import static org.junit.Assert.assertNotNull; import static org.junit.Assert.assertNotSame; import static org.junit.Assert.assertNull; import static org.junit.Assert.assertTrue; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.List; import org.junit.Assert; import org.junit.Before; import org.junit.Ignore; import org.junit.Test; import org.openmrs.GlobalProperty; import org.openmrs.Location; import org.openmrs.LocationTag; import org.openmrs.api.context.Context; import org.openmrs.test.BaseContextSensitiveTest; import org.openmrs.test.Verifies; import org.openmrs.util.OpenmrsConstants; /** * Tests all methods in the {@link LocationService} */ public class LocationServiceTest extends BaseContextSensitiveTest { protected static final String LOC_INITIAL_DATA_XML = "org/openmrs/api/include/LocationServiceTest-initialData.xml"; /** * Run this before each unit test in this class. This adds a bit more data to the base data that * is done in the "@Before" method in {@link BaseContextSensitiveTest} (which is run right * before this method). * * @throws Exception */ @Before public void runBeforeEachTest() throws Exception { executeDataSet(LOC_INITIAL_DATA_XML); } /** * Test to make sure that a simple save to a new location gets persisted to the database * * @see {@link LocationService#saveLocation(Location)} */ @Test @Verifies(value = "should create location successfully", method = "saveLocation(Location)") public void saveLocation_shouldCreateLocationSuccessfully() throws Exception { Location location = new Location(); location.setName("testing"); location.setDescription("desc"); location.setAddress1("123"); location.setAddress1("456"); location.setCityVillage("city"); location.setStateProvince("state"); location.setCountry("country"); location.setPostalCode("post"); location.setLatitude("lat"); location.setLongitude("lon"); LocationService ls = Context.getLocationService(); ls.saveLocation(location); Location newSavedLocation = ls.getLocation(location.getLocationId()); assertNotNull("The saved location should have an id now", location.getLocationId()); assertNotNull("We should get back a location", newSavedLocation); assertTrue("The created location needs to equal the pojo location", location.equals(newSavedLocation)); } /** * Test a simple update to a location that is already in the database. * * @see {@link LocationService#saveLocation(Location)} */ @Test @Verifies(value = "should update location successfully", method = "saveLocation(Location)") public void saveLocation_shouldUpdateLocationSuccessfully() throws Exception { LocationService ls = Context.getLocationService(); // get the location from the database Location location = ls.getLocation(1); // save the current values for comparison later String origName = location.getName(); String origDesc = location.getDescription(); // add values that are different than the ones in the initialData.xml file String newName = "new name"; String newDesc = "new desc"; location.setName(newName); location.setDescription(newDesc); // save to the db ls.saveLocation(location); // fetch that encounter from the db Location newestLoc = ls.getLocation(location.getLocationId()); assertFalse("The name should be different", origName.equals(newName)); assertTrue("The name should be the same", newestLoc.getName().equals(newName)); assertFalse("The name should be different", origDesc.equals(newDesc)); assertTrue("The name should be the same", newestLoc.getDescription().equals(newDesc)); } /** * You should be able to add child locations to a location (multi-level), save the location, and * have the child location automatically persisted. * * @see {@link LocationService#saveLocation(Location)} */ @Test @Verifies(value = "should cascade save to child location from location", method = "saveLocation(Location)") public void saveLocation_shouldCascadeSaveToChildLocationFromLocation() throws Exception { LocationService ls = Context.getLocationService(); // First, create a new Location Location location = new Location(); location.setName("parent"); ls.saveLocation(location); // Now add a child location to it Location childA = new Location(); childA.setName("level A child"); location.addChildLocation(childA); // Add a new child location to the first child location Location childB = new Location(); childB.setName("level B child"); childA.addChildLocation(childB); ls.saveLocation(location); Location newSavedLocation = ls.getLocation(location.getLocationId()); // The id should have been populated during the save assertNotNull(childA.getLocationId()); assertNotNull(childB.getLocationId()); // Saved parent location should have child locations assertNotNull("newSavedLocation.childLocations must be not null", newSavedLocation.getChildLocations()); // Saved parent location should have exactly 1 child location assertEquals(1, newSavedLocation.getChildLocations().size()); Location newChildA = newSavedLocation.getChildLocations().iterator().next(); // Child location must be the previously added object assertTrue("Child location must be the previously created childA", newChildA.equals(childA)); // Saved level A child location should have child locations assertNotNull("newSavedLocation.childLocations must be not null", newChildA.getChildLocations()); // Saved level A child location should have exactly 1 child location assertEquals(1, newSavedLocation.getChildLocations().size()); // Level B child location must be the previously added object assertTrue("Level B child location must be the previously created childB", newChildA.getChildLocations().iterator() .next().equals(childB)); } /** * You should be able to remove a child location from a location. * * @see {@link LocationService#saveLocation(Location)} */ @Test @Verifies(value = "should remove child location from location", method = "saveLocation(Location)") public void saveLocation_shouldRemoveChildLocationFromLocation() throws Exception { LocationService ls = Context.getLocationService(); // Retrieving a location with initially 2 child locations Location location = ls.getLocation(1); // Removing a child location.removeChildLocation(location.getChildLocations().iterator().next()); ls.saveLocation(location); Location newSavedLocation = ls.getLocation(location.getLocationId()); // Saved location should have 1 child locations now assertEquals(1, newSavedLocation.getChildLocations().size()); } /** * @see {@link LocationService#getDefaultLocation()} */ @Test @Verifies(value = "should return default location for the implementation", method = "getDefaultLocation()") public void getDefaultLocation_shouldReturnDefaultLocationForTheImplementation() throws Exception { //set the global property for default location to something other than Unknown Location GlobalProperty gp = new GlobalProperty(OpenmrsConstants.GLOBAL_PROPERTY_DEFAULT_LOCATION_NAME, "Test Parent Location", "Testing default Location"); Context.getAdministrationService().saveGlobalProperty(gp); Assert.assertEquals("Test Parent Location", Context.getLocationService().getDefaultLocation().getName()); } /** * @see {@link LocationService#getLocation(Integer)} */ @Test @Verifies(value = "should return null when no location match given location id", method = "getLocation(Integer)") public void getLocation_shouldReturnNullWhenNoLocationMatchGivenLocationId() throws Exception { Assert.assertNull(Context.getLocationService().getLocation(1337)); } /** * @see {@link LocationService#getLocation(String)} */ @Test @Verifies(value = "should return null when no location match given location name", method = "getLocation(String)") public void getLocation_shouldReturnNullWhenNoLocationMatchGivenLocationName() throws Exception { Assert.assertNull(Context.getLocationService().getLocation("Princeton Plainsboro")); } /** * @see {@link LocationService#getAllLocations()} */ @Test @Verifies(value = "should return all locations including retired", method = "getAllLocations()") public void getAllLocations_shouldReturnAllLocationsIncludingRetired() throws Exception { List<Location> locations = Context.getLocationService().getAllLocations(); Assert.assertEquals(6, locations.size()); } /** * @see {@link LocationService#getAllLocations(null)} */ @Test @Verifies(value = "should return all locations when includeRetired is true", method = "getAllLocations(null)") public void getAllLocations_shouldReturnAllLocationsWhenIncludeRetiredIsTrue() throws Exception { List<Location> locations = Context.getLocationService().getAllLocations(true); Assert.assertEquals(6, locations.size()); } /** * @see {@link LocationService#getAllLocations(null)} */ @Test @Verifies(value = "should return only unretired locations when includeRetires is false", method = "getAllLocations(null)") public void getAllLocations_shouldReturnOnlyUnretiredLocationsWhenIncludeRetiresIsFalse() throws Exception { List<Location> locations = Context.getLocationService().getAllLocations(false); Assert.assertEquals(5, locations.size()); } /** * @see {@link LocationService#getLocations(String)} */ @Test @Verifies(value = "should return empty list when no location match the name fragment", method = "getLocations(String)") public void getLocations_shouldReturnEmptyListWhenNoLocationMatchTheNameFragment() throws Exception { Assert.assertEquals(0, Context.getLocationService().getLocations("Mansion").size()); } /** * Get locations that have a specified tag among its child tags. * * @see {@link LocationService#getLocationsByTag(LocationTag)} */ @Test @Verifies(value = "should get locations by tag", method = "getLocationsByTag(LocationTag)") public void getLocationsByTag_shouldGetLocationsByTag() throws Exception { LocationService ls = Context.getLocationService(); assertEquals(1, ls.getLocationsByTag(ls.getLocationTag(1)).size()); assertEquals(2, ls.getLocationsByTag(ls.getLocationTag(3)).size()); assertEquals(4, ls.getLocationsByTag(ls.getLocationTag(4)).size()); } /** * @see {@link LocationService#getLocationsByTag(LocationTag)} */ @Test @Verifies(value = "should return empty list when no locations has the given tag", method = "getLocationsByTag(LocationTag)") public void getLocationsByTag_shouldReturnEmptyListWhenNoLocationsHasTheGivenTag() throws Exception { LocationService ls = Context.getLocationService(); Assert.assertEquals(0, ls.getLocationsByTag(ls.getLocationTagByName("Retired")).size()); } /** * Get locations that have a specified set of tags among its child tags. * * @see {@link LocationService#getLocationsHavingAllTags(List<QLocationTag;>)} */ @Test @Verifies(value = "should get locations having all tags", method = "getLocationsHavingAllTags(List<QLocationTag;>)") public void getLocationsHavingAllTags_shouldGetLocationsHavingAllTags() throws Exception { LocationService ls = Context.getLocationService(); List<LocationTag> list1 = new ArrayList<LocationTag>(); list1.add(ls.getLocationTag(1)); list1.add(ls.getLocationTag(2)); List<LocationTag> list2 = new ArrayList<LocationTag>(); list2.add(ls.getLocationTag(3)); list2.add(ls.getLocationTag(4)); List<LocationTag> list3 = new ArrayList<LocationTag>(); list3.add(ls.getLocationTag(1)); list3.add(ls.getLocationTag(2)); list3.add(ls.getLocationTag(3)); list3.add(ls.getLocationTag(4)); List<LocationTag> list4 = new ArrayList<LocationTag>(); list4.add(ls.getLocationTag(4)); assertEquals(1, ls.getLocationsHavingAllTags(list1).size()); assertEquals(2, ls.getLocationsHavingAllTags(list2).size()); assertEquals(0, ls.getLocationsHavingAllTags(list3).size()); assertEquals(4, ls.getLocationsHavingAllTags(list4).size()); } /** * @see {@link LocationService#getLocationsHavingAllTags(List<QLocationTag;>)} */ @Test @Verifies(value = "should return empty list when no location has the given tags", method = "getLocationsHavingAllTags(List<QLocationTag;>)") public void getLocationsHavingAllTags_shouldReturnEmptyListWhenNoLocationHasTheGivenTags() throws Exception { LocationService ls = Context.getLocationService(); Assert.assertEquals(0, ls.getLocationsHavingAllTags(Collections.singletonList(ls.getLocationTagByName("Retired"))) .size()); } /** * @see {@link LocationService#getLocationsHavingAllTags(List<QLocationTag;>)} */ @Test @Verifies(value = "return all unretired locations given an empty tag list", method = "getLocationsHavingAllTags(List<QLocationTag;>)") public void getLocationsHavingAllTags_shouldReturnAllUnretiredLocationsGivenAnEmptyTagList() throws Exception { LocationService ls = Context.getLocationService(); Assert.assertEquals(5, ls.getLocationsHavingAllTags(new ArrayList<LocationTag>()).size()); } /** * Get locations that have any of specified set of tags among its child tags. * * @see {@link LocationService#getLocationsHavingAnyTag(List<QLocationTag;>)} */ @Test @Verifies(value = "should get locations having any tag", method = "getLocationsHavingAnyTag(List<QLocationTag;>)") public void getLocationsHavingAnyTag_shouldGetLocationsHavingAnyTag() throws Exception { LocationService ls = Context.getLocationService(); List<LocationTag> list1 = new ArrayList<LocationTag>(); list1.add(ls.getLocationTag(1)); list1.add(ls.getLocationTag(2)); List<LocationTag> list2 = new ArrayList<LocationTag>(); list2.add(ls.getLocationTag(3)); list2.add(ls.getLocationTag(4)); List<LocationTag> list3 = new ArrayList<LocationTag>(); list3.add(ls.getLocationTag(1)); list3.add(ls.getLocationTag(2)); list3.add(ls.getLocationTag(3)); assertEquals(1, ls.getLocationsHavingAnyTag(list1).size()); assertEquals(4, ls.getLocationsHavingAnyTag(list2).size()); assertEquals(3, ls.getLocationsHavingAnyTag(list3).size()); } /** * @see {@link LocationService#getLocationsHavingAnyTag(List<QLocationTag;>)} */ @Test @Verifies(value = "should return empty list when no location has the given tags", method = "getLocationsHavingAnyTag(List<QLocationTag;>)") public void getLocationsHavingAnyTag_shouldReturnEmptyListWhenNoLocationHasTheGivenTags() throws Exception { LocationService ls = Context.getLocationService(); Assert.assertEquals(0, ls.getLocationsHavingAnyTag(Collections.singletonList(ls.getLocationTagByName("Retired"))) .size()); } /** * @see {@link LocationService#getLocationsHavingAnyTag(List<QLocationTag;>)} */ @Test @Verifies(value = "should return empty list when given an empty tag list", method = "getLocationsHavingAnyTag(List<QLocationTag;>)") public void getLocationsHavingAnyTag_shouldReturnEmptyListWhenGivenAnEmptyTagList() throws Exception { LocationService ls = Context.getLocationService(); Assert.assertEquals(0, ls.getLocationsHavingAnyTag(new ArrayList<LocationTag>()).size()); } /** * @see {@link LocationService#retireLocation(Location,String)} */ @Test @Verifies(value = "should retire location successfully", method = "retireLocation(Location,String)") public void retireLocation_shouldRetireLocationSuccessfully() throws Exception { LocationService ls = Context.getLocationService(); // Get all locations. List<Location> locationsBeforeRetired = ls.getAllLocations(true); List<Location> locationsNotRetiredBefore = ls.getAllLocations(false); // Get a non-retired location Location location = ls.getLocation(1); Location retiredLoc = ls.retireLocation(location, "Just Testing"); // Get all locations again. List<Location> locationsAfterRetired = ls.getAllLocations(true); List<Location> locationsNotRetiredAfter = ls.getAllLocations(false); // make sure that all the values were filled in assertTrue(retiredLoc.isRetired()); assertNotNull(retiredLoc.getDateRetired()); assertEquals(Context.getAuthenticatedUser(), retiredLoc.getRetiredBy()); assertEquals("Just Testing", retiredLoc.getRetireReason()); // Both location lists that include retired should be equal. assertEquals(locationsBeforeRetired, locationsAfterRetired); // Both location lists that do not include retired should not be the same. assertNotSame(locationsNotRetiredBefore, locationsNotRetiredAfter); } /** * @see {@link LocationService#retireLocation(Location,String)} */ @Ignore // TODO Determine whether or not RetireHandler should throw IllegalArgumentException under these conditions @Test(expected = IllegalArgumentException.class) @Verifies(value = "should throw IllegalArgumentException when no reason is given", method = "retireLocation(Location,String)") public void retireLocation_shouldThrowIllegalArgumentExceptionWhenNoReasonIsGiven() throws Exception { LocationService ls = Context.getLocationService(); Location loc = ls.getLocation("Test Parent Location"); ls.retireLocation(loc, ""); } /** * @see {@link LocationService#unretireLocation(Location)} */ @Test @Verifies(value = "should unretire retired location", method = "unretireLocation(Location)") public void unretireLocation_shouldUnretireRetiredLocation() throws Exception { LocationService ls = Context.getLocationService(); Location loc = ls.getLocation("Test Retired Location"); Assert.assertTrue(loc.isRetired()); Location newLoc = ls.unretireLocation(loc); Assert.assertEquals(loc, newLoc); Assert.assertFalse(loc.isRetired()); Assert.assertNull(loc.getRetiredBy()); Assert.assertNull(loc.getRetireReason()); } /** * Make sure that purging a location removes the row from the database * * @see {@link LocationService#purgeLocation(Location)} */ @Test @Verifies(value = "should delete location successfully", method = "purgeLocation(Location)") public void purgeLocation_shouldDeleteLocationSuccessfully() throws Exception { LocationService ls = Context.getLocationService(); // fetch the encounter to delete from the db Location locationToDelete = ls.getLocation(1); ls.purgeLocation(locationToDelete); // try to refetch the location. should get a null object Location l = ls.getLocation(locationToDelete.getLocationId()); assertNull("We shouldn't find the location after deletion", l); } /** * Test to make sure that a simple save to a new location tag gets persisted to the database * * @see {@link LocationService#saveLocationTag(LocationTag)} */ @Test @Verifies(value = "should create location tag successfully", method = "saveLocationTag(LocationTag)") public void saveLocationTag_shouldCreateLocationTagSuccessfully() throws Exception { LocationTag tag = new LocationTag(); tag.setName("testing"); tag.setDescription("desc"); LocationService ls = Context.getLocationService(); ls.saveLocationTag(tag); LocationTag newSavedTag = ls.getLocationTag(tag.getLocationTagId()); assertNotNull("The saved tag should have an id now", tag.getLocationTagId()); assertNotNull("We should get back a tag", newSavedTag); assertTrue("The created tag needs to equal the pojo location", tag.equals(newSavedTag)); } /** * Test a simple update to a location tag that is already in the database. * * @see {@link LocationService#saveLocationTag(LocationTag)} */ @Test @Verifies(value = "should update location tag successfully", method = "saveLocationTag(LocationTag)") public void saveLocationTag_shouldUpdateLocationTagSuccessfully() throws Exception { LocationService ls = Context.getLocationService(); // get the location tag from the database LocationTag tag = ls.getLocationTag(1); // save the current values for comparison later String origName = tag.getName(); String origDesc = tag.getDescription(); // add values that are different than the ones in the initialData.xml file String newName = "new name"; String newDesc = "new desc"; tag.setName(newName); tag.setDescription(newDesc); // save to the db ls.saveLocationTag(tag); // fetch that encounter from the db LocationTag newestTag = ls.getLocationTag(tag.getLocationTagId()); assertFalse("The name should be different", origName.equals(newName)); assertTrue("The name should NOT be different", newestTag.getName().equals(newName)); assertFalse("The name should be different", origDesc.equals(newDesc)); assertTrue("The name should NOT be different", newestTag.getDescription().equals(newDesc)); } /** * You should be able to add a tag to a location. * * @see {@link LocationService#saveLocation(Location)} */ @Test @Verifies(value = "should add location tag to location", method = "saveLocation(Location)") public void saveLocation_shouldAddLocationTagToLocation() throws Exception { LocationService ls = Context.getLocationService(); // First, create a new Location Location location = new Location(); location.setName("name"); ls.saveLocation(location); // Create a tag LocationTag tag = new LocationTag(); tag.setName("tag name"); ls.saveLocationTag(tag); // Add tag to location location.addTag(tag); ls.saveLocation(location); Location newSavedLocation = ls.getLocation(location.getLocationId()); // Saved parent location should have tags assertNotNull("newSavedLocation.tags must be not null", newSavedLocation.getTags()); // Saved parent location should have exactly 1 tag assertEquals(1, newSavedLocation.getTags().size()); // Tag must be the previously added object assertTrue("Tag must be the previously added tag", newSavedLocation.getTags().iterator().next().equals(tag)); } /** * You should be able to add a transient tag with an existing tag name. * * @see {@link LocationService#saveLocation(Location)} */ @Test @Verifies(value = "should overwrite transient tag if tag with same name exists", method = "saveLocation(Location)") public void saveLocation_shouldOverwriteTransientTagIfTagWithSameNameExists() throws Exception { LocationService ls = Context.getLocationService(); // First, create a new Location Location location = new Location(); location.setName("name"); // Add a transient tag with an existing name location.addTag(new LocationTag("General Hospital", null)); ls.saveLocation(location); Location newSavedLocation = ls.getLocation(location.getLocationId()); // Saved parent location should have exactly 1 tag assertEquals(1, newSavedLocation.getTags().size()); // Tag must be overwritten with tag with locationTagId == 1 assertNotNull("Location tag should have an ID now", newSavedLocation.getTags().iterator().next().getLocationTagId()); assertEquals(1, newSavedLocation.getTags().iterator().next().getLocationTagId().intValue()); } /** * You should be able to remove a tag from a location. * * @see {@link LocationService#saveLocation(Location)} */ @Test @Verifies(value = "should remove location tag from location", method = "saveLocation(Location)") public void saveLocation_shouldRemoveLocationTagFromLocation() throws Exception { LocationService ls = Context.getLocationService(); // Loading location with exactly 3 tags from the initialData.xml file Location location = ls.getLocation(1); // Removing a tag location.removeTag(location.getTags().iterator().next()); ls.saveLocation(location); Location newSavedLocation = ls.getLocation(location.getLocationId()); // Saved location should have 2 tag now assertEquals(2, newSavedLocation.getTags().size()); } /** * @see {@link LocationService#getLocationTag(Integer)} */ @Test @Verifies(value = "should return null when no location tag match given id", method = "getLocationTag(Integer)") public void getLocationTag_shouldReturnNullWhenNoLocationTagMatchGivenId() throws Exception { Assert.assertNull(Context.getLocationService().getLocationTag(9999)); } /** * Should be able to retrieve a single LocationTag by its name. * * @see {@link LocationService#getLocationTagByName(String)} */ @Test @Verifies(value = "should get location tag by name", method = "getLocationTagByName(String)") public void getLocationTagByName_shouldGetLocationTagByName() throws Exception { LocationService ls = Context.getLocationService(); // Existing tag assertEquals(ls.getLocationTag(1), ls.getLocationTagByName("General Hospital")); // Nonexistant tag assertEquals(null, ls.getLocationTagByName("random")); } /** * @see {@link LocationService#getAllLocationTags()} */ @Test @Verifies(value = "should return all location tags including retired", method = "getAllLocationTags()") public void getAllLocationTags_shouldReturnAllLocationTagsIncludingRetired() throws Exception { List<LocationTag> tags = Context.getLocationService().getAllLocationTags(); Assert.assertEquals(5, tags.size()); } /** * @see {@link LocationService#getAllLocationTags(null)} */ @Test @Verifies(value = "should return all location tags if includeRetired is true", method = "getAllLocationTags(null)") public void getAllLocationTags_shouldReturnAllLocationTagsIfIncludeRetiredIsTrue() throws Exception { List<LocationTag> tags = Context.getLocationService().getAllLocationTags(true); Assert.assertEquals(5, tags.size()); } /** * @see {@link LocationService#getAllLocationTags(null)} */ @Test @Verifies(value = "should return only unretired location tags if includeRetired is false", method = "getAllLocationTags(null)") public void getAllLocationTags_shouldReturnOnlyUnretiredLocationTagsIfIncludeRetiredIsFalse() throws Exception { List<LocationTag> tags = Context.getLocationService().getAllLocationTags(false); Assert.assertEquals(4, tags.size()); } /** * @see {@link LocationService#getLocationTagByName(String)} */ @Test @Verifies(value = "should return null when no location tag match given name", method = "getLocationTagByName(String)") public void getLocationTagByName_shouldReturnNullWhenNoLocationTagMatchGivenName() throws Exception { Assert.assertNull(Context.getLocationService().getLocationTagByName("Hospital of the year 2222")); } /** * @see {@link LocationService#getLocationTags(String)} */ @Test @Verifies(value = "should return empty list when no location tag match given search string", method = "getLocationTags(String)") public void getLocationTags_shouldReturnEmptyListWhenNoLocationTagMatchGivenSearchString() throws Exception { Assert.assertEquals(0, Context.getLocationService().getLocationTags("!!!").size()); } /** * @see {@link LocationService#retireLocationTag(LocationTag,String)} */ @Test @Verifies(value = "should retire location tag successfully", method = "retireLocationTag(LocationTag,String)") public void retireLocationTag_shouldRetireLocationTagSuccessfully() throws Exception { LocationService ls = Context.getLocationService(); // Get all tags. List<LocationTag> tagsBeforeRetired = ls.getAllLocationTags(true); List<LocationTag> tagsNotRetiredBefore = ls.getAllLocationTags(false); // Get a non-retired tag LocationTag tag = ls.getLocationTag(1); LocationTag retiredTag = ls.retireLocationTag(tag, "Just Testing"); // make sure its still the same object assertEquals(retiredTag, tag); // Get all tags again. List<LocationTag> tagsAfterRetired = ls.getAllLocationTags(true); List<LocationTag> tagsNotRetiredAfter = ls.getAllLocationTags(false); // Make sure that all the values were filled in assertTrue(retiredTag.isRetired()); assertNotNull(retiredTag.getDateRetired()); assertEquals(Context.getAuthenticatedUser(), retiredTag.getRetiredBy()); assertEquals("Just Testing", retiredTag.getRetireReason()); // Both tag lists that include retired should be equal. assertEquals(tagsBeforeRetired, tagsAfterRetired); // Both tag lists that do not include retired should not be the same. assertNotSame(tagsNotRetiredBefore, tagsNotRetiredAfter); } /** * @see {@link LocationService#retireLocationTag(LocationTag,String)} */ @Test @Verifies(value = "should retire location tag with given reason", method = "retireLocationTag(LocationTag,String)") public void retireLocationTag_shouldRetireLocationTagWithGivenReason() throws Exception { LocationService ls = Context.getLocationService(); LocationTag tag = ls.getLocationTag(1); Assert.assertFalse(tag.isRetired()); String reason = "because i can"; LocationTag newTag = ls.retireLocationTag(tag, reason); Assert.assertEquals(tag, newTag); Assert.assertTrue(tag.isRetired()); Assert.assertEquals(reason, tag.getRetireReason()); } /** * @see {@link LocationService#retireLocationTag(LocationTag,String)} */ @Test(expected = IllegalArgumentException.class) @Ignore // TODO Determine whether or not RetireHandler should throw IllegalArgumentException under these conditions @Verifies(value = "should throw IllegalArgumentException when no reason is given", method = "retireLocationTag(LocationTag,String)") public void retireLocationTag_shouldThrowIllegalArgumentExceptionWhenNoReasonIsGiven() throws Exception { LocationService ls = Context.getLocationService(); LocationTag tag = ls.getLocationTag(1); ls.retireLocationTag(tag, ""); } /** * @see {@link LocationService#unretireLocationTag(LocationTag)} */ @Test @Verifies(value = "should unretire retired location tag", method = "unretireLocationTag(LocationTag)") public void unretireLocationTag_shouldUnretireRetiredLocationTag() throws Exception { LocationService ls = Context.getLocationService(); LocationTag tag = ls.getLocationTagByName("Test Retired Tag"); Assert.assertTrue(tag.isRetired()); LocationTag newTag = ls.unretireLocationTag(tag); Assert.assertEquals(tag, newTag); Assert.assertFalse(tag.isRetired()); Assert.assertNull(tag.getRetiredBy()); Assert.assertNull(tag.getRetireReason()); } /** * Make sure that purging a location tag removes the row from the database * * @see {@link LocationService#purgeLocationTag(LocationTag)} */ @Test @Verifies(value = "should delete location tag", method = "purgeLocationTag(LocationTag)") public void purgeLocationTag_shouldDeleteLocationTag() throws Exception { LocationService ls = Context.getLocationService(); // Fetch the encounter to delete from the db LocationTag tag = ls.getLocationTag(1); ls.purgeLocationTag(tag); // Try to refetch the location. should get a null object LocationTag t = ls.getLocationTag(tag.getLocationTagId()); assertNull("We shouldn't find the tag after deletion", t); } /** * @see {@link LocationService#saveLocation(Location)} */ @Test @Verifies(value = "should return saved object", method = "saveLocation(Location)") public void saveLocation_shouldReturnSavedObject() throws Exception { Location location = new Location(); location.setName("Some name"); location.setDescription("Some description"); Location savedLocation = Context.getLocationService().saveLocation(location); Assert.assertEquals(location, savedLocation); } /** * @see {@link LocationService#saveLocation(Location)} */ @Test(expected = APIException.class) @Verifies(value = "should throw APIException if location has no name", method = "saveLocation(Location)") public void saveLocation_shouldThrowAPIExceptionIfLocationHasNoName() throws Exception { Location location = new Location(); Context.getLocationService().saveLocation(location); } /** * @see {@link LocationService#saveLocation(Location)} */ @Test(expected = APIException.class) @Verifies(value = "should throw APIException if transient tag is not found", method = "saveLocation(Location)") public void saveLocation_shouldThrowAPIExceptionIfTransientTagIsNotFound() throws Exception { LocationTag tagWithoutName = new LocationTag("some random tag name", "a nonexistant tag"); Location location = new Location(); location.setName("Some name"); location.setDescription("Some description"); location.addTag(tagWithoutName); Context.getLocationService().saveLocation(location); } /** * @see {@link LocationService#saveLocationTag(LocationTag)} */ @Test @Verifies(value = "should return saved object", method = "saveLocationTag(LocationTag)") public void saveLocationTag_shouldReturnSavedObject() throws Exception { LocationTag locationTag = new LocationTag("Some tag name", "Some description"); LocationTag savedLocationTag = Context.getLocationService().saveLocationTag(locationTag); Assert.assertEquals(locationTag, savedLocationTag); } /** * @see {@link LocationService#saveLocationTag(LocationTag)} */ @Test(expected = APIException.class) @Verifies(value = "should throw APIException if tag has no name", method = "saveLocationTag(LocationTag)") public void saveLocationTag_shouldThrowAPIExceptionIfTagHasNoName() throws Exception { LocationTag tagWithoutName = new LocationTag(); Location location = new Location(); location.setName("Some name"); location.setDescription("Some description"); location.addTag(tagWithoutName); Context.getLocationService().saveLocation(location); } /** * @see {@link LocationService#getLocationByUuid(String)} */ @Test @Verifies(value = "should find object given valid uuid", method = "getLocationByUuid(String)") public void getLocationByUuid_shouldFindObjectGivenValidUuid() throws Exception { String uuid = "f08ba64b-ea57-4a41-b33c-9dfc59b0c60a"; Location location = Context.getLocationService().getLocationByUuid(uuid); Assert.assertEquals(1, (int) location.getLocationId()); } /** * @see {@link LocationService#getLocationByUuid(String)} */ @Test @Verifies(value = "should return null if no object found with given uuid", method = "getLocationByUuid(String)") public void getLocationByUuid_shouldReturnNullIfNoObjectFoundWithGivenUuid() throws Exception { Assert.assertNull(Context.getLocationService().getLocationByUuid("some invalid uuid")); } /** * @see {@link LocationService#getLocationTagByUuid(String)} */ @Test @Verifies(value = "should find object given valid uuid", method = "getLocationTagByUuid(String)") public void getLocationTagByUuid_shouldFindObjectGivenValidUuid() throws Exception { Assert.assertEquals(Integer.valueOf(3), Context.getLocationService().getLocationTagByUuid( "0d0eaea2-47ed-11df-bc8b-001e378eb67e").getLocationTagId()); } /** * @see {@link LocationService#getLocationTagByUuid(String)} */ @Test @Verifies(value = "should return null if no object found with given uuid", method = "getLocationTagByUuid(String)") public void getLocationTagByUuid_shouldReturnNullIfNoObjectFoundWithGivenUuid() throws Exception { Assert.assertNull(Context.getLocationService().getLocationTagByUuid("ffffffff-47ed-11df-bc8b-001e378eb67e")); } /** * @see {@link LocationService#getDefaultLocation()} */ @Test @Verifies(value = "should return Unknown Location if the global property is something else that doesnot exist", method = "getDefaultLocation()") public void getDefaultLocation_shouldReturnUnknownLocationIfTheGlobalPropertyIsSomethingElseThatDoesnotExist() throws Exception { //set the global property to something that has no match in the location table GlobalProperty gp = new GlobalProperty(OpenmrsConstants.GLOBAL_PROPERTY_DEFAULT_LOCATION_NAME, "None existent Location", "Testing"); Context.getAdministrationService().saveGlobalProperty(gp); Assert.assertEquals("Unknown Location", Context.getLocationService().getDefaultLocation().getName()); } }