/* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. */ package org.opentripplanner.routing.core; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Set; import junit.framework.TestCase; import org.opentripplanner.common.geometry.GeometryUtils; import org.opentripplanner.routing.edgetype.FreeEdge; import org.opentripplanner.routing.edgetype.StreetEdge; import org.opentripplanner.routing.edgetype.StreetTraversalPermission; import org.opentripplanner.routing.graph.Graph; import org.opentripplanner.routing.graph.Edge; import org.opentripplanner.routing.graph.Vertex; import org.opentripplanner.routing.vertextype.IntersectionVertex; import org.opentripplanner.routing.vertextype.StreetVertex; import com.vividsolutions.jts.geom.Coordinate; import com.vividsolutions.jts.geom.LineString; public class TestGraph extends TestCase { public void testBasic() throws Exception { Graph g = new Graph(); assertNotNull(g); } public void testAddVertex() throws Exception { Graph g = new Graph(); Vertex a = new IntersectionVertex(g, "A", 5, 5); assertEquals(a.getLabel(), "A"); } public void testGetVertex() throws Exception { Graph g = new Graph(); Vertex a = new IntersectionVertex(g, "A", 5, 5); Vertex b = g.getVertex("A"); assertEquals(a, b); } public void testAddEdge() throws Exception { Graph g = new Graph(); Vertex a = new IntersectionVertex(g, "A", 5, 5); Vertex b = new IntersectionVertex(g, "B", 6, 6); FreeEdge ee = new FreeEdge(a, b); assertNotNull(ee); } public void testGetEdgesOneEdge() { Graph g = new Graph(); Vertex a = new IntersectionVertex(g, "A", 5, 5); Vertex b = new IntersectionVertex(g, "B", 6, 6); FreeEdge ee = new FreeEdge(a, b); List<Edge> edges = new ArrayList<Edge>(g.getEdges()); assertEquals(1, edges.size()); assertEquals(ee, edges.get(0)); } public void testGetEdgesMultiple() { Graph g = new Graph(); Vertex a = new IntersectionVertex(g, "A", 5, 5); Vertex b = new IntersectionVertex(g, "B", 6, 6); Vertex c = new IntersectionVertex(g, "C", 3, 2); Set<Edge> expectedEdges = new HashSet<Edge>(4); expectedEdges.add(new FreeEdge(a, b)); expectedEdges.add(new FreeEdge(b, c)); expectedEdges.add(new FreeEdge(c, b)); expectedEdges.add(new FreeEdge(c, a)); Set<Edge> edges = new HashSet<Edge>(g.getEdges()); assertEquals(4, edges.size()); assertEquals(expectedEdges, edges); } public void testGetStreetEdgesNone() { Graph g = new Graph(); Vertex a = new IntersectionVertex(g, "A", 5, 5); Vertex b = new IntersectionVertex(g, "B", 6, 6); Vertex c = new IntersectionVertex(g, "C", 3, 2); Set<Edge> allEdges = new HashSet<Edge>(4); allEdges.add(new FreeEdge(a, b)); allEdges.add(new FreeEdge(b, c)); allEdges.add(new FreeEdge(c, b)); allEdges.add(new FreeEdge(c, a)); Set<StreetEdge> edges = new HashSet<StreetEdge>(g.getStreetEdges()); assertEquals(0, edges.size()); } public void testGetStreetEdgesSeveral() { Graph g = new Graph(); StreetVertex a = new IntersectionVertex(g, "A", 5, 5); StreetVertex b = new IntersectionVertex(g, "B", 6, 6); StreetVertex c = new IntersectionVertex(g, "C", 3, 2); Set<Edge> allStreetEdges = new HashSet<Edge>(4); allStreetEdges.add(edge(a, b, 1.0)); allStreetEdges.add(edge(b, c, 1.0)); allStreetEdges.add(edge(c, b, 1.0)); allStreetEdges.add(edge(c, a, 1.0)); Set<StreetEdge> edges = new HashSet<StreetEdge>(g.getStreetEdges()); assertEquals(4, edges.size()); assertEquals(allStreetEdges, edges); } public void testGetEdgesAndVerticesById() { Graph g = new Graph(); StreetVertex a = new IntersectionVertex(g, "A", 5, 5); StreetVertex b = new IntersectionVertex(g, "B", 6, 6); StreetVertex c = new IntersectionVertex(g, "C", 3, 2); Set<Edge> allEdges = new HashSet<Edge>(4); allEdges.add(edge(a, b, 1.0)); allEdges.add(edge(b, c, 1.0)); allEdges.add(edge(c, b, 1.0)); allEdges.add(edge(c, a, 1.0)); // Before rebuilding the indices, they are empty. for (Edge e : allEdges) { assertNull(g.getEdgeById(e.getId())); } for (Vertex v : g.getVertices()) { assertNull(g.getVertexById(v.getIndex())); } g.rebuildVertexAndEdgeIndices(); for (Edge e : allEdges) { assertEquals(e, g.getEdgeById(e.getId())); } for (Vertex v : g.getVertices()) { assertEquals(v, g.getVertexById(v.getIndex())); } } /** * Create an edge. If twoWay, create two edges (back and forth). * * @param vA * @param vB * @param length */ private StreetEdge edge(StreetVertex vA, StreetVertex vB, double length) { String labelA = vA.getLabel(); String labelB = vB.getLabel(); String name = String.format("%s_%s", labelA, labelB); Coordinate[] coords = new Coordinate[2]; coords[0] = vA.getCoordinate(); coords[1] = vB.getCoordinate(); LineString geom = GeometryUtils.getGeometryFactory().createLineString(coords); StreetTraversalPermission perm = StreetTraversalPermission.ALL; return new StreetEdge(vA, vB, geom, name, length, perm, false); } }