package org.opentripplanner.standalone; import ch.qos.logback.classic.Logger; import ch.qos.logback.classic.Level; import ch.qos.logback.classic.LoggerContext; import ch.qos.logback.classic.encoder.PatternLayoutEncoder; import ch.qos.logback.classic.spi.ILoggingEvent; import ch.qos.logback.core.FileAppender; import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.JsonNode; import org.opentripplanner.analyst.request.*; import org.opentripplanner.analyst.scenario.ScenarioStore; import org.opentripplanner.inspector.TileRendererManager; import org.opentripplanner.reflect.ReflectiveInitializer; import org.opentripplanner.routing.core.RoutingRequest; import org.opentripplanner.routing.core.TraverseMode; import org.opentripplanner.routing.graph.Graph; import org.opentripplanner.updater.GraphUpdaterConfigurator; import org.opentripplanner.util.ElevationUtils; import org.opentripplanner.util.WorldEnvelope; import org.opentripplanner.visualizer.GraphVisualizer; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import java.util.EnumMap; /** * Represents the configuration of a single router (a single graph for a specific geographic area) * in an OTP server. */ public class Router { private static final Logger LOG = (Logger) LoggerFactory.getLogger(Router.class); public static final String ROUTER_CONFIG_FILENAME = "router-config.json"; public String id; public Graph graph; public double[] timeouts = {5, 4, 2}; /** * Separate logger for incoming requests. This should be handled with a Logback logger rather than something * simple like a PrintStream because requests come in multi-threaded. */ public Logger requestLogger = null; /* TODO The fields for "components" are slowly disappearing... maybe at some point a router will be nothing but configuration values tied to a Graph. */ // Inspector/debug services public TileRendererManager tileRendererManager; // Analyst services public TileCache tileCache; public Renderer renderer; public IsoChroneSPTRenderer isoChroneSPTRenderer; public SampleGridRenderer sampleGridRenderer; // A RoutingRequest containing default parameters that will be cloned when handling each request public RoutingRequest defaultRoutingRequest; /** A graphical window that is used for visualizing search progress (debugging). */ public GraphVisualizer graphVisualizer = null; /** Storage for non-destructive alternatives analysis scenarios. */ public ScenarioStore scenarioStore = new ScenarioStore(); public Router(String id, Graph graph) { = id; this.graph = graph; } /** * Below is functionality moved into Router from the "router lifecycle manager" interface and implementation. * Current responsibilities are: 1) Binding proper services (depending on the configuration from command-line or * JSON config files) and 2) starting / stopping real-time updaters (delegated to the GraphUpdaterConfigurator class). */ /** * Start up a new router once it has been created. * @param config The configuration (loaded from for example). */ public void startup(JsonNode config) { this.tileRendererManager = new TileRendererManager(this.graph); // Analyst Modules FIXME make these optional based on JSON? { this.tileCache = new TileCache(this.graph); this.renderer = new Renderer(this.tileCache); this.sampleGridRenderer = new SampleGridRenderer(this.graph); this.isoChroneSPTRenderer = new IsoChroneSPTRendererAccSampling(this.sampleGridRenderer); } /* Create the default router parameters from the JSON router config. */ JsonNode routingDefaultsNode = config.get("routingDefaults"); if (routingDefaultsNode != null) {"Loading default routing parameters from JSON:"); ReflectiveInitializer<RoutingRequest> scraper = new ReflectiveInitializer(RoutingRequest.class); this.defaultRoutingRequest = scraper.scrape(routingDefaultsNode); } else {"No default routing parameters were found in the router config JSON. Using built-in OTP defaults."); this.defaultRoutingRequest = new RoutingRequest(); } /* Apply single timeout. */ JsonNode timeout = config.get("timeout"); if (timeout != null) { if (timeout.isNumber()) { this.timeouts = new double[]{timeout.doubleValue()}; } else { LOG.error("The 'timeout' configuration option should be a number of seconds."); } } /* Apply multiple timeouts. */ JsonNode timeouts = config.get("timeouts"); if (timeouts != null) { if (timeouts.isArray() && timeouts.size() > 0) { this.timeouts = new double[timeouts.size()]; int i = 0; for (JsonNode node : timeouts) { this.timeouts[i++] = node.doubleValue(); } } else { LOG.error("The 'timeouts' configuration option should be an array of values in seconds."); } }"Timeouts for router '{}': {}",, this.timeouts); JsonNode requestLogFile = config.get("requestLogFile"); if (requestLogFile != null) { this.requestLogger = createLogger(requestLogFile.asText());"Logging incoming requests at '{}'", requestLogFile.asText()); } else {"Incoming requests will not be logged."); } JsonNode boardTimes = config.get("boardTimes"); if (boardTimes != null && boardTimes.isObject()) { graph.boardTimes = new EnumMap<>(TraverseMode.class); for (TraverseMode mode : TraverseMode.values()) { if (boardTimes.has( { graph.boardTimes.put(mode, boardTimes.get(; } } } JsonNode alightTimes = config.get("alightTimes"); if (alightTimes != null && alightTimes.isObject()) { graph.alightTimes = new EnumMap<>(TraverseMode.class); for (TraverseMode mode : TraverseMode.values()) { if (alightTimes.has( { graph.alightTimes.put(mode, alightTimes.get(; } } } JsonNode stopClusterMode = config.get("stopClusterMode"); if (stopClusterMode != null) { graph.stopClusterMode = stopClusterMode.asText(); } else { graph.stopClusterMode = "proximity"; } /* Create Graph updater modules from JSON config. */ GraphUpdaterConfigurator.setupGraph(this.graph, config); /* Compute ellipsoidToGeoidDifference for this Graph */ try { WorldEnvelope env = graph.getEnvelope(); double lat = (env.getLowerLeftLatitude() + env.getUpperRightLatitude()) / 2; double lon = (env.getLowerLeftLongitude() + env.getUpperRightLongitude()) / 2; graph.ellipsoidToGeoidDifference = ElevationUtils.computeEllipsoidToGeoidDifference(lat, lon);"Computed ellipsoid/geoid offset at (" + lat + ", " + lon + ") as " + graph.ellipsoidToGeoidDifference); } catch (Exception e) { LOG.error("Error computing ellipsoid/geoid difference"); } } /** Shut down this router when evicted or (auto-)reloaded. Stop any real-time updater threads. */ public void shutdown() { GraphUpdaterConfigurator.shutdownGraph(this.graph); } /** * Programmatically (i.e. not in XML) create a Logback logger for requests happening on this router. * */ private static Logger createLogger(String file) { LoggerContext lc = (LoggerContext) LoggerFactory.getILoggerFactory(); PatternLayoutEncoder ple = new PatternLayoutEncoder(); ple.setPattern("%d{yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSS} %msg%n"); ple.setContext(lc); ple.start(); FileAppender<ILoggingEvent> fileAppender = new FileAppender<>(); fileAppender.setFile(file); fileAppender.setEncoder(ple); fileAppender.setContext(lc); fileAppender.start(); Logger logger = (Logger) LoggerFactory.getLogger("REQ_LOG"); logger.addAppender(fileAppender); logger.setLevel(Level.INFO); logger.setAdditive(false); return logger; } }