package org.opentripplanner.analyst; import com.beust.jcommander.internal.Maps; import com.fasterxml.jackson.core.JsonFactory; import com.fasterxml.jackson.core.JsonGenerator; import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper; import org.geotools.feature.FeatureCollection; import org.geotools.geojson.feature.FeatureJSON; import org.opentripplanner.analyst.core.IsochroneData; import org.opentripplanner.api.resource.LIsochrone; import org.opentripplanner.api.resource.SurfaceResource; import org.opentripplanner.common.geometry.ZSampleGrid; import org.opentripplanner.profile.IsochroneGenerator; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import; import; import; import; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; /** * This holds the results of a one-to-many search from a single origin point to a whole set of destination points. * This may be either a profile search (capturing variation over a time window of several hours) or a "classic" search * at a single departure time. Those results are expressed as histograms: bins representing how many destinations you * can reach after M minutes of travel. For large point sets (large numbers of origins and destinations), this is * significantly more compact than a full origin-destination travel time matrix. It makes the total size of the results * linear in the number of origins, rather than quadratic. * * Optionally, this can also carry travel times to every point in the target pointset and/or a series vector * isochrones around the origin point. */ public class ResultSet implements Serializable{ private static final long serialVersionUID = -6723127825189535112L; private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(ResultSet.class); /** An identifier consisting of the ids for the pointset and time surface that were combined. */ public String id; /** One histogram for each category of destination points in the target pointset. */ public Map<String,Histogram> histograms = Maps.newHashMap(); // FIXME aren't the histogram.counts identical for all these histograms? /** Times to reach every feature, may be null */ public int[] times; /** Isochrone geometries around the origin, may be null. */ public IsochroneData[] isochrones; public ResultSet() { } /** Build a new ResultSet by evaluating the given TimeSurface at all the given sample points, not including times. */ public ResultSet(SampleSet samples, TimeSurface surface){ this(samples, surface, false, false); } /** Build a new ResultSet by evaluating the given TimeSurface at all the given sample points, optionally including times. */ public ResultSet(SampleSet samples, TimeSurface surface, boolean includeTimes, boolean includeIsochrones){ id = + "_" +; PointSet targets = samples.pset; // Evaluate the surface at all points in the pointset int[] times = samples.eval(surface); buildHistograms(times, targets); if (includeTimes) this.times = times; if (includeIsochrones) buildIsochrones(surface); } private void buildIsochrones(TimeSurface surface) { List<IsochroneData> id = SurfaceResource.getIsochronesAccumulative(surface, 5, 24); this.isochrones = new IsochroneData[id.size()]; id.toArray(this.isochrones); } private void buildIsochrones(int[] times, PointSet targets) { ZSampleGrid zs = IsochroneGenerator.makeGrid(targets, times, 1.3); List<IsochroneData> id = IsochroneGenerator.getIsochronesAccumulative(zs, 5, 120, 24); this.isochrones = new IsochroneData[id.size()]; id.toArray(this.isochrones); } /** * Build a new ResultSet that contains only isochrones, built by accumulating the times at all street vertices * into a regular grid without an intermediate pointSet. */ public ResultSet (TimeSurface surface) { buildIsochrones(surface); } /** Build a new ResultSet directly from times at point features, optionally including histograms or interpolating isochrones */ public ResultSet(int[] times, PointSet targets, boolean includeTimes, boolean includeHistograms, boolean includeIsochrones) { if (includeTimes) this.times = times; if (includeHistograms) buildHistograms(times, targets); if (includeIsochrones) buildIsochrones(times, targets); } /** * Given an array of travel times to reach each point in the supplied pointset, make a histogram of * travel times to reach each separate category of points (i.e. "property") within the pointset. * Each new histogram object will be stored as a part of this result set keyed on its property/category. */ protected void buildHistograms(int[] times, PointSet targets) { this.histograms = Histogram.buildAll(times, targets); } /** * Sum the values of specified categories at all time limits within the * bounds of the search. If no categories are specified, sum all categories. */ public long sum (String... categories) { return sum((Integer) null, categories); } /** * Sum the values of the specified categories up to the time limit specified * (in seconds). If no categories are specified, sum all categories. */ public long sum(Integer timeLimit, String... categories) { if (categories.length == 0) categories = histograms.keySet().toArray(new String[histograms.keySet().size()]); long value = 0l; int maxMinutes; if(timeLimit != null) maxMinutes = timeLimit / 60; else maxMinutes = Integer.MAX_VALUE; for(String k : categories) { int minute = 0; for(int v : histograms.get(k).sums) { if(minute < maxMinutes) value += v; minute++; } } return value; } /** * Serialize this ResultSet to the given output stream as a JSON document, when the pointset is not available. * TODO: explain why and when that would happen */ public void writeJson(OutputStream output) { writeJson(output, null); } /** * Serialize this ResultSet to the given output stream as a JSON document. * properties: a list of the names of all the pointSet properties for which we have histograms. * data: for each property, a histogram of arrival times. */ public void writeJson(OutputStream output, PointSet ps) { try { JsonFactory jsonFactory = new JsonFactory(); JsonGenerator jgen = jsonFactory.createGenerator(output); jgen.setCodec(new ObjectMapper()); jgen.writeStartObject(); { if(ps == null) { jgen.writeObjectFieldStart("properties"); { if (id != null) jgen.writeStringField("id", id); } jgen.writeEndObject(); } else { ps.writeJsonProperties(jgen); } jgen.writeObjectFieldStart("data"); { for(String propertyId : histograms.keySet()) { jgen.writeObjectFieldStart(propertyId); { histograms.get(propertyId).writeJson(jgen); } jgen.writeEndObject(); } } jgen.writeEndObject(); if (times != null) { jgen.writeArrayFieldStart("times"); for (int t : times) jgen.writeNumber(t); jgen.writeEndArray(); } } jgen.writeEndObject(); jgen.close(); } catch (IOException ioex) {"IOException, connection may have been closed while streaming JSON."); } } /** Write the isochrones as GeoJSON */ public void writeIsochrones(JsonGenerator jgen) throws IOException { if (this.isochrones == null) return; FeatureJSON fj = new FeatureJSON(); FeatureCollection fc = LIsochrone.makeContourFeatures(Arrays.asList(isochrones)); StringWriter sw = new StringWriter(); fj.writeFeatureCollection(fc, sw); // TODO cludge String json = sw.toString(); jgen.writeRaw(json.substring(1, json.length() - 1)); } /** A set of result sets from profile routing: min, avg, max */; public static class RangeSet implements Serializable { public static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; public ResultSet min; public ResultSet avg; public ResultSet max; } }