package handling.cashshop.handler; import client.MapleCharacter; import client.MapleCharacterUtil; import client.MapleClient; import client.inventory.Item; import client.inventory.MapleInventoryIdentifier; import client.inventory.MapleInventoryType; import client.inventory.MaplePet; import client.inventory.MapleRing; import constants.GameConstants; import database.DatabaseConnection; import handling.cashshop.CashShopServer; import; import handling.login.LoginServer; import; import; import java.sql.Connection; import java.sql.PreparedStatement; import java.sql.ResultSet; import java.sql.SQLException; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import server.CashItemFactory; import server.CashItemInfo; import server.MapleInventoryManipulator; import server.MapleItemInformationProvider; import tools.FileoutputUtil; import tools.Triple; import; import tools.packet.CField; import tools.packet.CWvsContext; import tools.packet.MTSCSPacket; public class CashShopOperation { private static List<cashinformation> dataCache = new LinkedList(); private static List<cashinformation> dataCache1 = new LinkedList(); public static final void BuyCashItem(LittleEndianAccessor slea, MapleClient c, MapleCharacter chr) { int action = slea.readByte(); // System.out.println("Actioon: " + action); if (action == 0) { slea.skip(2); CouponCode(slea.readMapleAsciiString(), c); } else if (action == 2) { slea.skip(1); int toCharge = GameConstants.GMS ? slea.readInt() : 1; CashItemInfo item = CashItemFactory.getInstance().getItem(slea.readInt()); if ((item != null) && (chr.getCSPoints(toCharge) >= item.getPrice())) { if (!item.genderEquals(c.getPlayer().getGender())) { c.getSession().write(MTSCSPacket.sendCSFail(167)); doCSPackets(c); return; } if (item.getId() == 5211046) { c.getSession().write(CWvsContext.serverNotice(1, "You cannot purchase this item through cash shop.")); c.getSession().write(CWvsContext.enableActions()); return; } if (item.getId() == 5211047) { c.getSession().write(CWvsContext.serverNotice(1, "You cannot purchase this item through cash shop.")); c.getSession().write(CWvsContext.enableActions()); return; } if (item.getId() == 5211048) { c.getSession().write(CWvsContext.serverNotice(1, "You cannot purchase this item through cash shop.")); c.getSession().write(CWvsContext.enableActions()); return; } if (item.getId() == 5050100) { c.getSession().write(CWvsContext.serverNotice(1, "You cannot purchase this item through cash shop.")); c.getSession().write(CWvsContext.enableActions()); return; } if (item.getId() == 5051001) { c.getSession().write(CWvsContext.serverNotice(1, "You cannot purchase this item through cash shop.")); c.getSession().write(CWvsContext.enableActions()); return; } if (c.getPlayer().getCashInventory().getItemsSize() >= 100) { c.getSession().write(MTSCSPacket.sendCSFail(178)); doCSPackets(c); return; } chr.modifyCSPoints(toCharge, -item.getPrice(), false); Item itemz = chr.getCashInventory().toItem(item); if ((itemz != null) && (itemz.getUniqueId() > 0) && (itemz.getItemId() == item.getId()) && (itemz.getQuantity() == item.getCount())) { MapleInventoryManipulator.addbyItem(c, itemz); c.getSession().write(MTSCSPacket.showBoughtCSItem(itemz, item.getSN(), c.getAccID())); } else { c.getSession().write(MTSCSPacket.sendCSFail(0)); } } else { c.getSession().write(MTSCSPacket.sendCSFail(0)); } } else if ((action == 4)) { slea.readMapleAsciiString(); System.out.println(slea.toString()); CashItemInfo item = CashItemFactory.getInstance().getItem(slea.readInt()); int amount = slea.readInt(); String partnerName = slea.readMapleAsciiString(); String msg = slea.readMapleAsciiString(); if ((item == null) || (c.getPlayer().getCSPoints(4) < item.getPrice()) || (msg.length() > 73) || (msg.length() < 1)) { // c.getSession().write(MTSCSPacket.sendCSFail(0)); doCSPackets(c); return; } Triple info = MapleCharacterUtil.getInfoByName(partnerName, c.getPlayer().getWorld()); if ((info == null) || (((Integer) info.getLeft()).intValue() <= 0) || (((Integer) info.getLeft()).intValue() == c.getPlayer().getId()) || (((Integer) info.getMid()).intValue() == c.getAccID())) { // c.getSession().write(MTSCSPacket.sendCSFail(162)); doCSPackets(c); return; } c.getPlayer().getCashInventory().gift(((Integer) info.getLeft()).intValue(), c.getPlayer().getName(), msg, item.getSN(), MapleInventoryIdentifier.getInstance()); c.getPlayer().modifyCSPoints(4, -item.getPrice(), false); c.getSession().write(MTSCSPacket.sendGift(item.getPrice(), item.getId(), item.getCount(), partnerName, action == 36)); } else if (action == 5) { chr.clearWishlist(); if (slea.available() < 40L) { c.getSession().write(MTSCSPacket.sendCSFail(0)); doCSPackets(c); return; } int[] wishlist = new int[10]; for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) { wishlist[i] = slea.readInt(); } chr.setWishlist(wishlist); } else if (action == 6) { slea.skip(1); int toCharge = GameConstants.GMS ? slea.readInt() : 1; boolean coupon = slea.readByte() > 0; if (coupon) { MapleInventoryType type = getInventoryType(slea.readInt()); if (chr.getCSPoints(toCharge) >= (GameConstants.GMS ? 6000 : 12000)) { if (chr.getInventory(type).getSlotLimit() < 89) { chr.modifyCSPoints(toCharge, GameConstants.GMS ? -6000 : -12000, false); chr.getInventory(type).addSlot((byte) 8); chr.dropMessage(1, "Slots has been increased to " + chr.getInventory(type).getSlotLimit()); } } c.getSession().write(MTSCSPacket.sendCSFail(164)); } else { MapleInventoryType type = MapleInventoryType.getByType(slea.readByte()); if (chr.getCSPoints(toCharge) >= (GameConstants.GMS ? 4000 : 8000)) { if (chr.getInventory(type).getSlotLimit() < 93) { chr.modifyCSPoints(toCharge, GameConstants.GMS ? -4000 : -8000, false); chr.getInventory(type).addSlot((byte) 4); chr.dropMessage(1, "Slots has been increased to " + chr.getInventory(type).getSlotLimit()); } } c.getSession().write(MTSCSPacket.sendCSFail(164)); } } else if (action == 8) { slea.skip(1); int toCharge = GameConstants.GMS ? slea.readInt() : 1; int coupon = slea.readByte() > 0 ? 2 : 1; if ((chr.getCSPoints(toCharge) >= (GameConstants.GMS ? 4000 : 8000) * coupon) && (chr.getStorage().getSlots() < 49 - 4 * coupon)) { chr.modifyCSPoints(toCharge, (GameConstants.GMS ? -4000 : -8000) * coupon, false); chr.getStorage().increaseSlots((byte) (4 * coupon)); chr.getStorage().saveToDB(); chr.dropMessage(1, "Storage slots increased to: " + chr.getStorage().getSlots()); } else { c.getSession().write(MTSCSPacket.sendCSFail(164)); } } else if (action == 9) { slea.skip(1); int toCharge = GameConstants.GMS ? slea.readInt() : 1; CashItemInfo item = CashItemFactory.getInstance().getItem(slea.readInt()); int slots = c.getCharacterSlots(); if ((item == null) || (c.getPlayer().getCSPoints(toCharge) < item.getPrice()) || (slots > 15) || (item.getId() != 5430000)) { c.getSession().write(MTSCSPacket.sendCSFail(0)); doCSPackets(c); return; } if (c.gainCharacterSlot()) { c.getPlayer().modifyCSPoints(toCharge, -item.getPrice(), false); chr.dropMessage(1, "Character slots increased to: " + (slots + 1)); } else { c.getSession().write(MTSCSPacket.sendCSFail(0)); } } else if (action == 14) { // Item item = c.getPlayer().getCashInventory().findByCashId((int) slea.readLong()); // if ((item != null) && (item.getQuantity() > 0) && (MapleInventoryManipulator.checkSpace(c, item.getItemId(), item.getQuantity(), item.getOwner()))) { // Item item_ = item.copy(); // short pos = MapleInventoryManipulator.addbyItem(c, item_, true); // if (pos >= 0) { // if (item_.getPet() != null) { // item_.getPet().setInventoryPosition(pos); // c.getPlayer().addPet(item_.getPet()); // } // c.getPlayer().getCashInventory().removeFromInventory(item); // c.getSession().write(MTSCSPacket.confirmFromCSInventory(item_, pos)); // } else { // c.getSession().write(MTSCSPacket.sendCSFail(177)); // } // } else { // c.getSession().write(MTSCSPacket.sendCSFail(177)); // } } else if (action == 15) { // int uniqueid = (int) slea.readLong(); // MapleInventoryType type = MapleInventoryType.getByType(slea.readByte()); // Item item = c.getPlayer().getInventory(type).findByUniqueId(uniqueid); // if ((item != null) && (item.getQuantity() > 0) && (item.getUniqueId() > 0) && (c.getPlayer().getCashInventory().getItemsSize() < 100)) { // Item item_ = item.copy(); // MapleInventoryManipulator.removeFromSlot(c, type, item.getPosition(), item.getQuantity(), false); // if (item_.getPet() != null) { // c.getPlayer().removePetCS(item_.getPet()); // } // item_.setPosition((short) 0); // c.getPlayer().getCashInventory().addToInventory(item_); // } else { // c.getSession().write(MTSCSPacket.sendCSFail(177)); // } } else if ((action == 35) || (action == 41)) { slea.readMapleAsciiString(); int toCharge = slea.readInt(); CashItemInfo item = CashItemFactory.getInstance().getItem(slea.readInt()); int amount = slea.readInt(); String partnerName = slea.readMapleAsciiString(); String msg = slea.readMapleAsciiString(); if ((item == null) || (!GameConstants.isEffectRing(item.getId())) || (c.getPlayer().getCSPoints(toCharge) < item.getPrice()) || (msg.length() > 73) || (msg.length() < 1)) { // c.getSession().write(MTSCSPacket.sendCSFail(0)); doCSPackets(c); return; } if (!item.genderEquals(c.getPlayer().getGender())) { // c.getSession().write(MTSCSPacket.sendCSFail(166)); doCSPackets(c); return; } if (c.getPlayer().getCashInventory().getItemsSize() >= 100) { // c.getSession().write(MTSCSPacket.sendCSFail(177)); doCSPackets(c); return; } Triple info = MapleCharacterUtil.getInfoByName(partnerName, c.getPlayer().getWorld()); if ((info == null) || (((Integer) info.getLeft()).intValue() <= 0) || (((Integer) info.getLeft()).intValue() == c.getPlayer().getId())) { // c.getSession().write(MTSCSPacket.sendCSFail(180)); doCSPackets(c); return; } if (((Integer) info.getMid()).intValue() == c.getAccID()) { // c.getSession().write(MTSCSPacket.sendCSFail(163)); doCSPackets(c); return; } if ((((Integer) info.getRight()).intValue() == c.getPlayer().getGender()) && (action == 30)) { // c.getSession().write(MTSCSPacket.sendCSFail(161)); doCSPackets(c); return; } int err = MapleRing.createRing(item.getId(), c.getPlayer(), partnerName, msg, ((Integer) info.getLeft()).intValue(), item.getSN()); if (err != 1) { // c.getSession().write(MTSCSPacket.sendCSFail(0)); doCSPackets(c); return; } c.getPlayer().modifyCSPoints(toCharge, -amount, false); c.getPlayer().dropMessage(1, "Purchase successful."); /* Item itemz = chr.getCashInventory().toItem(item); if ((itemz != null) && (itemz.getUniqueId() > 0) && (itemz.getItemId() == item.getId()) && (itemz.getQuantity() == item.getCount())) { chr.getCashInventory().addToInventory(itemz); c.getSession().write(MTSCSPacket.showBoughtCSItem(itemz, item.getSN(), c.getAccID())); } else { c.getSession().write(MTSCSPacket.sendCSFail(0)); }*/ } else if (action == 36) { System.out.println(slea.toString()); slea.skip(1); int toCharge = slea.readInt(); int blo = slea.readInt(); int amount = slea.readInt(); List<Integer> ccc = null; ccc = CashItemFactory.getInstance().getPackageItems2(blo); // if ((ccc == null) || (c.getPlayer().getCSPoints(toCharge) < amount)) { // c.getSession().write(MTSCSPacket.sendCSFail(0)); // doCSPackets(c); // return; // } // if (c.getPlayer().getCashInventory().getItemsSize() >= 100 - ccc.size()) { // c.getSession().write(MTSCSPacket.sendCSFail(177)); // doCSPackets(c); // return; // } Map<Integer, Item> ccz = new HashMap<>(); for (int i : ccc) { // final CashItemInfo cii = CashItemFactory.getInstance().getItem(i); // Item itemz = c.getPlayer().getCashInventory().toItem(cii); // ccz.put(i, itemz); if (GameConstants.isPet(i)) { int uniqueid = MapleInventoryIdentifier.getInstance(); Item item = new Item(i, (byte) 0, (short) 1, (byte) 0, uniqueid); item.setExpiration(2475606994921L); final MaplePet pet = MaplePet.createPet(i, uniqueid); item.setPet(pet); MapleInventoryManipulator.addbyItem(c, item); } else { MapleInventoryManipulator.addById(c, i, (short) 1, "CS"); } } chr.modifyCSPoints(toCharge, -amount, false); c.getSession().write(MTSCSPacket.showBoughtCSPackage(ccz, c.getAccID())); } else if (action == 0xFF) { CashItemInfo item = CashItemFactory.getInstance().getItem(slea.readInt()); if ((item == null) || (!MapleItemInformationProvider.getInstance().isQuestItem(item.getId()))) { c.getSession().write(MTSCSPacket.sendCSFail(0)); doCSPackets(c); return; } if (c.getPlayer().getMeso() < item.getPrice()) { c.getSession().write(MTSCSPacket.sendCSFail(184)); doCSPackets(c); return; } if (c.getPlayer().getInventory(GameConstants.getInventoryType(item.getId())).getNextFreeSlot() < 0) { c.getSession().write(MTSCSPacket.sendCSFail(177)); doCSPackets(c); return; } byte pos = MapleInventoryManipulator.addId(c, item.getId(), (short) item.getCount(), null, "Cash shop: quest item on " + FileoutputUtil.CurrentReadable_Date()); if (pos < 0) { c.getSession().write(MTSCSPacket.sendCSFail(177)); doCSPackets(c); return; } chr.gainMeso(-item.getPrice(), false); c.getSession().write(MTSCSPacket.showBoughtCSQuestItem(item.getPrice(), (short) item.getCount(), pos, item.getId())); } else if (action == 101) { int cashtype = slea.readInt() % 1000000 / 100; if (dataCache1 != null) { dataCache1.clear(); } for (cashinformation entry : dataCache) { if (entry.type == cashtype) { dataCache1.add(entry); } } c.getSession().write(MTSCSPacket.cash_send_item(cashtype, dataCache1)); } else if (action == 48) { c.getSession().write(MTSCSPacket.updatePurchaseRecord()); } else if ((action == 105) || (action == 106)) { int sn = slea.readInt(); likeItems(action == 105 ? 1 : -1, sn); } else if (action == 109) { // 'favorite' tab } else if (action == 113) { slea.skip(1); int toCharge = 1; List<CashItemInfo> items = new ArrayList(); byte amount = slea.readByte(); for (int i = 0; i < amount; i++) { CashItemInfo item = CashItemFactory.getInstance().getItem(slea.readInt()); items.add(item); } /* if ((item != null) && (chr.getCSPoints(toCharge) >= item.getPrice())) { if (!item.genderEquals(c.getPlayer().getGender())) { c.getSession().write(MTSCSPacket.sendCSFail(167)); doCSPackets(c); return; } if (item.getId() == 5211046) { c.getSession().write(CWvsContext.serverNotice(1, "You cannot purchase this item through cash shop.")); c.getSession().write(CWvsContext.enableActions()); return; } if (item.getId() == 5211047) { c.getSession().write(CWvsContext.serverNotice(1, "You cannot purchase this item through cash shop.")); c.getSession().write(CWvsContext.enableActions()); return; } if (item.getId() == 5211048) { c.getSession().write(CWvsContext.serverNotice(1, "You cannot purchase this item through cash shop.")); c.getSession().write(CWvsContext.enableActions()); return; } if (item.getId() == 5050100) { c.getSession().write(CWvsContext.serverNotice(1, "You cannot purchase this item through cash shop.")); c.getSession().write(CWvsContext.enableActions()); return; } if (item.getId() == 5051001) { c.getSession().write(CWvsContext.serverNotice(1, "You cannot purchase this item through cash shop.")); c.getSession().write(CWvsContext.enableActions()); return; } if (c.getPlayer().getCashInventory().getItemsSize() >= 100) { c.getSession().write(MTSCSPacket.sendCSFail(178)); doCSPackets(c); return; } chr.modifyCSPoints(toCharge, -item.getPrice(), false); Item itemz = chr.getCashInventory().toItem(item); if ((itemz != null) && (itemz.getUniqueId() > 0) && (itemz.getItemId() == item.getId()) && (itemz.getQuantity() == item.getCount())) { MapleInventoryManipulator.addbyItem(c, itemz); c.getSession().write(MTSCSPacket.showBoughtCSItem(itemz, item.getSN(), c.getAccID())); } else { c.getSession().write(MTSCSPacket.sendCSFail(0)); } } else { c.getSession().write(MTSCSPacket.sendCSFail(0)); } * */ } else if (action == 102) { } else if (action == 103) { slea.skip(1); slea.readInt(); } else if (action == 107) { } else if (action == 112) { } else { int uniqueid; if (action == 91) { uniqueid = (int) slea.readLong(); } else { System.out.println("New Action: " + action + " Remaining: " + slea.toString()); c.getSession().write(MTSCSPacket.sendCSFail(0)); } } doCSPackets(c); } public static void LeaveCS(final LittleEndianAccessor slea, final MapleClient c, final MapleCharacter chr) { CashShopServer.getPlayerStorageMTS().deregisterPlayer(chr); CashShopServer.getPlayerStorage().deregisterPlayer(chr); c.updateLoginState(MapleClient.LOGIN_SERVER_TRANSITION, c.getSessionIPAddress()); try { World.ChannelChange_Data(new CharacterTransfer(chr), chr.getId(), c.getChannel()); c.getSession().write(CField.getChannelChange(c, Integer.parseInt(ChannelServer.getInstance(c.getChannel()).getIP().split(":")[1]))); } finally { final String s = c.getSessionIPAddress(); LoginServer.addIPAuth(s.substring(s.indexOf('/') + 1, s.length())); chr.saveToDB(false, true); c.setPlayer(null); c.setReceiving(false); c.getSession().close(true); } } public static void EnterCS(final int playerid, final MapleClient c) { System.out.println("Start EnterCS"); CharacterTransfer transfer = CashShopServer.getPlayerStorage().getPendingCharacter(playerid); boolean mts = false; if (transfer == null) { transfer = CashShopServer.getPlayerStorageMTS().getPendingCharacter(playerid); mts = true; if (transfer == null) { c.getSession().close(true); System.out.println("Something fk with transfer"); return; } } MapleCharacter chr = MapleCharacter.ReconstructChr(transfer, c, false); c.setPlayer(chr); c.setAccID(chr.getAccountID()); if (!c.CheckIPAddress()) { // Remote hack System.out.println("Something fk with ip hack"); c.getSession().close(true); return; } final int state = c.getLoginState(); boolean allowLogin = false; if (state == MapleClient.LOGIN_SERVER_TRANSITION || state == MapleClient.CHANGE_CHANNEL || state == MapleClient.LOGIN_NOTLOGGEDIN) { allowLogin = !World.isCharacterListConnected(c.loadCharacterNames(c.getWorld())); } if (!allowLogin) { c.setPlayer(null); c.getSession().close(true); return; } c.updateLoginState(MapleClient.LOGIN_LOGGEDIN, c.getSessionIPAddress()); CashShopServer.getPlayerStorage().registerPlayer(chr); System.out.println("Before warpCS"); c.getSession().write(MTSCSPacket.warpCS(c)); c.getSession().write(MTSCSPacket.warpCS1(c, 1)); c.getSession().write(MTSCSPacket.warpCS1(c, 2)); c.getSession().write(MTSCSPacket.warpCS1(c, 3)); c.getSession().write(MTSCSPacket.warpCS1(c, 4)); c.getSession().write(MTSCSPacket.warpCS1(c, 5)); c.getSession().write(MTSCSPacket.warpCS1(c, 6)); CSUpdate(c); } public static void CSUpdate(MapleClient c) { c.getSession().write(MTSCSPacket.getCSGifts(c)); doCSPackets(c); } public static void CouponCode(String code, MapleClient c) { if (code.length() <= 0) { return; } Triple info = null; try { info = MapleCharacterUtil.getNXCodeInfo(code); } catch (SQLException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } if ((info != null) && (((Boolean) info.left).booleanValue())) { int type = ((Integer) info.mid).intValue(); int item = ((Integer) info.right).intValue(); try { MapleCharacterUtil.setNXCodeUsed(c.getPlayer().getName(), code); } catch (SQLException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } Map itemz = new HashMap(); int maplePoints = 0; int mesos = 0; switch (type) { case 1: case 2: c.getPlayer().modifyCSPoints(type, item, false); maplePoints = item; break; case 3: CashItemInfo itez = CashItemFactory.getInstance().getItem(item); if (itez == null) { c.getSession().write(MTSCSPacket.sendCSFail(0)); return; } byte slot = MapleInventoryManipulator.addId(c, itez.getId(), (short) 1, "", "Cash shop: coupon code on " + FileoutputUtil.CurrentReadable_Date()); if (slot <= -1) { c.getSession().write(MTSCSPacket.sendCSFail(0)); return; } itemz.put(Integer.valueOf(item), c.getPlayer().getInventory(GameConstants.getInventoryType(item)).getItem((short) slot)); break; case 4: c.getPlayer().gainMeso(item, false); mesos = item; } c.getSession().write(MTSCSPacket.showCouponRedeemedItem(itemz, mesos, maplePoints, c)); } else { c.getSession().write(MTSCSPacket.sendCSFail(info == null ? 167 : 165)); } } private static final MapleInventoryType getInventoryType(int id) { switch (id) { case 50200093: return MapleInventoryType.EQUIP; case 50200094: return MapleInventoryType.USE; case 50200197: return MapleInventoryType.SETUP; case 50200095: return MapleInventoryType.ETC; } return MapleInventoryType.UNDEFINED; } public static void likeItems(int like, int sn) { try { Connection con = DatabaseConnection.getConnection(); PreparedStatement ps = con.prepareStatement("update cashshop_item set like=like+" + like + " where sn=?"); ps.setInt(1, sn); ps.executeUpdate(); ps.close(); } catch (SQLException ex) { } } public static void runCashItems() { try { dataCache.clear(); Connection con = DatabaseConnection.getConnection(); PreparedStatement ps = con.prepareStatement("SELECT * FROM cashshop_item"); ResultSet rs = ps.executeQuery(); while ( { initItemInformation(rs); } rs.close(); ps.close(); } catch (SQLException ex) { System.out.println(ex); } } public static void initItemInformation(ResultSet sqlItemData) throws SQLException { cashinformation ret = new cashinformation(); int type = sqlItemData.getInt("type"); ret.type = type; = sqlItemData.getInt("sn"); ret.itemid = sqlItemData.getInt("itemid"); ret.price_old = sqlItemData.getInt("price_old"); ret.price_new = sqlItemData.getInt("price_new"); ret.quantity = sqlItemData.getInt("quantity"); ret.gender = sqlItemData.getInt("gender"); = sqlItemData.getInt("day"); = sqlItemData.getInt("like"); ret.pack = sqlItemData.getInt("pack"); ret.packhead = sqlItemData.getString("packhead").split(","); dataCache.add(ret); } public static void discsitem(LittleEndianAccessor slea, MapleClient c, MapleCharacter chr) { if (dataCache.size() == 0) { runCashItems(); } Byte action = Byte.valueOf(slea.readByte()); } public static final void doCSPackets(MapleClient c) { c.getSession().write(MTSCSPacket.getCSInventory(c)); c.getSession().write(MTSCSPacket.showNXMapleTokens(c.getPlayer())); c.getSession().write(MTSCSPacket.enableCSUse()); //c.getSession().write(MTSCSPacket.enableCSUse1()); c.getPlayer().getCashInventory().checkExpire(c); } }