package client; import client.MapleTrait.MapleTraitType; import client.inventory.Equip; import client.inventory.Item; import client.inventory.ItemFlag; import client.inventory.ItemLoader; import client.inventory.MapleAndroid; import client.inventory.MapleImp; import client.inventory.MapleInventory; import client.inventory.MapleInventoryIdentifier; import client.inventory.MapleInventoryType; import client.inventory.MapleMount; import client.inventory.MaplePet; import client.inventory.MapleRing; import client.status.MonsterStatus; import client.status.MonsterStatusEffect; import constants.GameConstants; import constants.MapConstants; import constants.ServerConstants; import constants.ServerConstants.PlayerGMRank; import database.DatabaseConnection; import database.DatabaseException; import; import handling.login.LoginServer; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.awt.Point; import java.awt.Rectangle; import; import; import java.lang.ref.WeakReference; import java.sql.Connection; import java.sql.PreparedStatement; import java.sql.ResultSet; import java.sql.SQLException; import java.sql.Timestamp; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Calendar; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Date; import java.util.Deque; import java.util.EnumMap; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.LinkedHashMap; import java.util.LinkedHashSet; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Map.Entry; import java.util.Set; import java.util.concurrent.ScheduledFuture; import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger; import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicLong; import java.util.concurrent.locks.Lock; import java.util.concurrent.locks.ReentrantReadWriteLock; import provider.MapleData; import provider.MapleDataProvider; import provider.MapleDataProviderFactory; import scripting.EventInstanceManager; import scripting.EventManager; import scripting.NPCScriptManager; import server.CashShop; import server.MapleCarnivalChallenge; import server.MapleCarnivalParty; import server.MapleInventoryManipulator; import server.MapleItemInformationProvider; import server.MaplePortal; import server.MapleShop; import server.MapleStatEffect; import server.MapleStorage; import server.MapleTrade; import server.RandomRewards; import server.Randomizer; import server.Timer; import; import; import; import; import; import; import server.maps.AnimatedMapleMapObject; import server.maps.Event_PyramidSubway; import server.maps.FieldLimitType; import server.maps.MapleDoor; import server.maps.MapleDragon; import server.maps.MapleExtractor; import server.maps.MapleFoothold; import server.maps.MapleHaku; import server.maps.MapleMap; import server.maps.MapleMapFactory; import server.maps.MapleMapObject; import server.maps.MapleMapObjectType; import server.maps.MapleSummon; import server.maps.MechDoor; import server.maps.SavedLocationType; import server.movement.LifeMovementFragment; import; import server.shops.IMaplePlayerShop; import tools.ConcurrentEnumMap; import tools.FileoutputUtil; import tools.MockIOSession; import tools.Pair; import tools.Triple; import; import tools.packet.CField; import tools.packet.CWvsContext; import tools.packet.CWvsContext.InfoPacket; import tools.packet.MTSCSPacket; import tools.packet.MobPacket; import tools.packet.MonsterCarnivalPacket; import tools.packet.PetPacket; import tools.packet.PlayerShopPacket; public class MapleCharacter extends AnimatedMapleMapObject implements Serializable { private static final long serialVersionUID = 845748950829L; private String name; private String chalktext; private String BlessOfFairy_Origin; private String BlessOfEmpress_Origin; private String teleportname; private long lastCombo; private long lastfametime; private long keydown_skill; private long nextConsume; private long pqStartTime; private long lastDragonBloodTime; private long lastBerserkTime; private long lastRecoveryTime; private long lastSummonTime; private long mapChangeTime; private long lastFishingTime; private long lastFairyTime; private long lastHPTime; private long lastMPTime; private long lastFamiliarEffectTime; private long lastDOTTime; private AtomicLong exp = new AtomicLong(); private long meso; private byte gmLevel; private byte gender; private byte initialSpawnPoint; private byte skinColor; private byte guildrank = 5; private byte allianceRank = 5; private byte world; private byte fairyExp; private byte numClones; private byte subcategory; private byte cardStack; private byte runningStack; private byte runningbless = 0; private short level; private short job; private int msipoints; private short mulung_energy; private short combo; private short force; private short availableCP; private short fatigue; private short totalCP; private int hpApUsed; private short scrolledPosition; private short kaisercombo; private short xenoncombo = 0; private boolean muted; Calendar unmuteTime = null; private int accountid; private int id; private int hair; private int face; private int demonMarking; private int mapid; private int fame; private int pvpExp; private int pvpPoints; private int totalWins; private int totalLosses; private int guildid = 0; private int fallcounter; private int maplepoints; private int acash; private int nxcredit; private int chair; private int itemEffect; private int points; private int vpoints; private int totalvote; private int rank = 1; private int rankMove = 0; private int jobRank = 1; private int jobRankMove = 0; private int marriageId; private int marriageItemId; private int dotHP; private int currentrep; private int totalrep; private int coconutteam; private int followid; private int battleshipHP; private int gachexp; private int challenge; private int guildContribution = 0; private int remainingAp; private int honourExp; private int honourLevel; private int runninglight; private int runninglightslot; private int runningdark; private int runningdarkslot; private int timenow; private AutoLoot autolooter; private Point old; private MonsterFamiliar summonedFamiliar; private int[] wishlist; private int[] rocks; private int dgm, gml; private int[] savedLocations; private int[] regrocks; private int[] hyperrocks; private int[] remainingSp = new int[10]; private int[] school = new int[4]; private transient AtomicInteger inst; private transient AtomicInteger insd; private transient List<LifeMovementFragment> lastres; private List<Integer> lastmonthfameids; private List<Integer> lastmonthbattleids; private List<Integer> extendedSlots; private List<MapleDoor> doors; private List<MechDoor> mechDoors; private List<MaplePet> pets; private List<Item> rebuy; private MapleImp[] imps; private List<Pair<Integer, Boolean>> stolenSkills = new ArrayList(); private transient WeakReference<MapleCharacter>[] clones; private transient Set<MapleMonster> controlled; private transient Set<MapleMapObject> visibleMapObjects; private transient ReentrantReadWriteLock visibleMapObjectsLock; private transient ReentrantReadWriteLock summonsLock; private transient ReentrantReadWriteLock controlledLock; private transient MapleAndroid android; private Map<MapleQuest, MapleQuestStatus> quests; private Map<Integer, String> questinfo; private Map<Skill, SkillEntry> skills; private transient Map<MapleBuffStat, MapleBuffStatValueHolder> effects; private Map<String, String> CustomValues = new HashMap(); private transient List<MapleSummon> summons; private transient Map<Integer, MapleCoolDownValueHolder> coolDowns; private transient Map<MapleDisease, MapleDiseaseValueHolder> diseases; private CashShop cs; private transient Deque<MapleCarnivalChallenge> pendingCarnivalRequests; private transient MapleCarnivalParty carnivalParty; private BuddyList buddylist; private MonsterBook monsterbook; private MapleClient client; private transient MapleParty party; private PlayerStats stats; private MapleCharacterCards characterCard; private transient MapleMap map; private transient MapleShop shop; private transient MapleDragon dragon; private transient MapleHaku Haku; private transient MapleExtractor extractor; private transient RockPaperScissors rps; private Map<Integer, MonsterFamiliar> familiars; private MapleStorage storage; private transient MapleTrade trade; private MapleMount mount; private int sp; private MapleMessenger messenger; private byte[] petStore; private transient IMaplePlayerShop playerShop; private boolean invincible; private boolean canTalk; private boolean clone; private boolean followinitiator; private boolean followon; private boolean smega; private boolean hasSummon; private MapleGuildCharacter mgc; private MapleFamilyCharacter mfc; private transient EventInstanceManager eventInstance; private List<MapleCharacter> chars = new LinkedList(); private final ReentrantReadWriteLock mutex = new ReentrantReadWriteLock(); private final Lock rL = this.mutex.readLock(); private final Lock wL = this.mutex.writeLock(); private transient EventManager eventInstanceAzwan; private MapleInventory[] inventory; private SkillMacro[] skillMacros = new SkillMacro[5]; private EnumMap<MapleTrait.MapleTraitType, MapleTrait> traits; private MapleKeyLayout keylayout; private transient ScheduledFuture<?> mapTimeLimitTask; private transient ScheduledFuture<?> mapTimeLimitTaskADD; private transient Event_PyramidSubway pyramidSubway = null; private transient List<Integer> pendingExpiration = null; private transient Map<Skill, SkillEntry> pendingSkills = null; private transient Map<Integer, Integer> linkMobs; private List<InnerSkillValueHolder> innerSkills; private boolean changed_wishlist; private boolean changed_trocklocations; private boolean changed_regrocklocations; private boolean changed_hyperrocklocations; private boolean changed_skillmacros; private boolean changed_savedlocations; private boolean changed_questinfo; private boolean changed_skills; private boolean changed_extendedSlots; public boolean keyvalue_changed = false; public boolean innerskill_changed = true; private int reborns; private int apstorage; private short occupationId; private short occupationEXP; private long loginTime; private int showdamage; private long damage; private int jobid; private int str; private int luk; private int int_; private int dex; private int DonatorPoints; private transient PlayerRandomStream CRand; private MapleCharacter(boolean ChannelServer) { setStance(0); setPosition(new Point(0, 0)); this.inventory = new MapleInventory[MapleInventoryType.values().length]; for (MapleInventoryType type : MapleInventoryType.values()) { this.inventory[type.ordinal()] = new MapleInventory(type); } this.quests = new LinkedHashMap(); this.skills = new LinkedHashMap(); this.stats = new PlayerStats(); this.innerSkills = new LinkedList(); this.characterCard = new MapleCharacterCards(); for (int i = 0; i < this.remainingSp.length; i++) { this.remainingSp[i] = 0; } for (int i = 0; i <; i++) {[i] = 0; } this.traits = new EnumMap(MapleTrait.MapleTraitType.class); for (MapleTrait.MapleTraitType t : MapleTrait.MapleTraitType.values()) { this.traits.put(t, new MapleTrait(t)); } if (ChannelServer) { this.changed_skills = false; this.changed_wishlist = false; this.changed_trocklocations = false; this.changed_regrocklocations = false; this.changed_hyperrocklocations = false; this.changed_skillmacros = false; this.changed_savedlocations = false; this.changed_extendedSlots = false; this.changed_questinfo = false; this.scrolledPosition = 0; this.lastCombo = 0L; this.mulung_energy = 0; this.loginTime = 0L; this.combo = 0; this.force = 0; this.keydown_skill = 0L; this.nextConsume = 0L; this.pqStartTime = 0L; this.fairyExp = 0; this.cardStack = 0; this.runningStack = 1; this.mapChangeTime = 0L; this.lastRecoveryTime = 0L; this.lastDragonBloodTime = 0L; this.lastBerserkTime = 0L; this.lastFishingTime = 0L; this.lastFairyTime = 0L; this.lastHPTime = 0L; this.lastMPTime = 0L; this.lastFamiliarEffectTime = 0L; this.old = new Point(0, 0); this.coconutteam = 0; this.followid = 0; this.battleshipHP = 0; this.marriageItemId = 0; this.fallcounter = 0; this.challenge = 0; this.dotHP = 0; this.lastSummonTime = 0L; this.hasSummon = false; this.invincible = false; this.canTalk = true; this.clone = false; this.followinitiator = false; this.followon = false; this.rebuy = new ArrayList(); this.linkMobs = new HashMap(); this.teleportname = ""; this.smega = true; this.petStore = new byte[3]; for (int i = 0; i < this.petStore.length; i++) { this.petStore[i] = -1; } this.wishlist = new int[10]; = new int[10]; this.regrocks = new int[5]; this.hyperrocks = new int[13]; this.imps = new MapleImp[3]; this.clones = new WeakReference[10]; for (int i = 0; i < this.clones.length; i++) { this.clones[i] = new WeakReference(null); } this.familiars = new LinkedHashMap(); this.extendedSlots = new ArrayList(); this.effects = new ConcurrentEnumMap(MapleBuffStat.class); this.coolDowns = new LinkedHashMap(); this.diseases = new ConcurrentEnumMap(MapleDisease.class); this.inst = new AtomicInteger(0); this.insd = new AtomicInteger(-1); this.keylayout = new MapleKeyLayout(); this.doors = new ArrayList(); this.mechDoors = new ArrayList(); this.controlled = new LinkedHashSet(); this.controlledLock = new ReentrantReadWriteLock(); this.summons = new LinkedList(); this.summonsLock = new ReentrantReadWriteLock(); this.visibleMapObjects = new LinkedHashSet(); this.visibleMapObjectsLock = new ReentrantReadWriteLock(); this.pendingCarnivalRequests = new LinkedList(); this.savedLocations = new int[SavedLocationType.values().length]; for (int i = 0; i < SavedLocationType.values().length; i++) { this.savedLocations[i] = -1; } this.questinfo = new LinkedHashMap(); this.pets = new ArrayList(); } } public static MapleCharacter getDefault(MapleClient client) { MapleCharacter ret = new MapleCharacter(false); ret.client = client; = null; ret.exp.set(0); ret.gmLevel = 0; ret.job = 0; ret.meso = 0L; ret.level = 1; ret.remainingAp = 0; ret.fame = 0; ret.accountid = client.getAccID(); ret.buddylist = new BuddyList(232); ret.stats.str = 12; ret.stats.dex = 5; ret.stats.int_ = 4; ret.stats.luk = 4; ret.stats.maxhp = 50; ret.stats.hp = 50; ret.stats.maxmp = 50; = 50; ret.gachexp = 0; try { Connection con = DatabaseConnection.getConnection(); PreparedStatement ps = con.prepareStatement("SELECT * FROM accounts WHERE id = ?"); ps.setInt(1, ret.accountid); ResultSet rs = ps.executeQuery(); if ( { ret.client.setAccountName(rs.getString("name")); ret.nxcredit = rs.getInt("nxCredit"); ret.acash = rs.getInt("ACash"); ret.maplepoints = rs.getInt("mPoints"); ret.points = rs.getInt("points"); ret.vpoints = rs.getInt("vpoints"); //ret.totalvote = rs.getInt("totalvote"); } rs.close(); ps.close(); } catch (SQLException e) { System.err.println(new StringBuilder().append("Error getting character default").append(e).toString()); } return ret; } public static final MapleCharacter ReconstructChr(CharacterTransfer ct, MapleClient client, boolean isChannel) { MapleCharacter ret = new MapleCharacter(true); ret.client = client; if (!isChannel) { ret.client.setChannel(; } = ct.characterid; =; ret.level = ct.level; ret.fame = ct.fame; ret.CRand = new PlayerRandomStream(); ret.stats.str = ct.str; ret.stats.dex = ct.dex; ret.stats.int_ = ct.int_; ret.stats.luk = ct.luk; ret.stats.maxhp = ct.maxhp; ret.stats.maxmp = ct.maxmp; ret.stats.hp = ct.hp; =; ret.characterCard.setCards(ct.cardsInfo); ret.chalktext = ct.chalkboard; ret.gmLevel = ct.gmLevel; ret.exp = ct.exp; ret.hpApUsed = ct.hpApUsed; ret.remainingSp = ct.remainingSp; ret.remainingAp = ct.remainingAp; =; ret.meso = ct.meso; ret.stolenSkills = ct.stolenSkills; ret.skinColor = ct.skinColor; ret.gender = ct.gender; ret.job = ct.job; =; ret.face = ct.face; ret.demonMarking = ct.demonMarking; ret.accountid = ct.accountid; ret.totalWins = ct.totalWins; ret.totalLosses = ct.totalLosses; client.setAccID(ct.accountid); ret.mapid = ct.mapid; ret.initialSpawnPoint = ct.initialSpawnPoint; =; ret.guildid = ct.guildid; ret.guildrank = ct.guildrank; ret.guildContribution = ct.guildContribution; ret.allianceRank = ct.alliancerank; ret.points = ct.points; ret.vpoints = ct.vpoints; ret.fairyExp = ct.fairyExp; ret.cardStack = ct.cardStack; ret.marriageId = ct.marriageId; ret.dgm = ct.dgm; ret.gml = ct.gml; ret.msipoints = ct.msipoints; ret.muted = ct.muted; ret.unmuteTime = ct.unmuteTime; ret.currentrep = ct.currentrep; ret.totalrep = ct.totalrep; ret.gachexp = ct.gachexp; ret.pvpExp = ct.pvpExp; ret.pvpPoints = ct.pvpPoints; ret.honourExp = ct.honourexp; ret.honourLevel = ct.honourlevel; ret.innerSkills = ((LinkedList) ct.innerSkills); ret.damage = ct.damage; ret.showdamage = ct.showdamage; ret.reborns = ct.reborns; ret.apstorage = ct.apstorage; ret.makeMFC(ct.familyid, ct.seniorid, ct.junior1, ct.junior2); if (ret.guildid > 0) { ret.mgc = new MapleGuildCharacter(ret); } ret.fatigue = ct.fatigue; ret.buddylist = new BuddyList(ct.buddysize); ret.subcategory = ct.subcategory; if (isChannel) { MapleMapFactory mapFactory = ChannelServer.getInstance(client.getChannel()).getMapFactory(); = mapFactory.getMap(ret.mapid); if ( == null) { = mapFactory.getMap(100000000); } else if (( != 999999999) && ( != null)) { =; } MaplePortal portal =; if (portal == null) { portal =; ret.initialSpawnPoint = 0; } ret.setPosition(portal.getPosition()); int messengerid = ct.messengerid; if (messengerid > 0) { ret.messenger = World.Messenger.getMessenger(messengerid); } } else { ret.messenger = null; } int partyid = ct.partyid; if (partyid >= 0) { MapleParty party = World.Party.getParty(partyid); if ((party != null) && (party.getMemberById( != null)) { = party; } } for (Map.Entry<Integer, Object> qs : ct.Quest.entrySet()) { MapleQuestStatus queststatus_from = (MapleQuestStatus) qs.getValue(); queststatus_from.setQuest(((Integer) qs.getKey()).intValue()); ret.quests.put(queststatus_from.getQuest(), queststatus_from); } for (Map.Entry<Integer, SkillEntry> qs : ct.Skills.entrySet()) { ret.skills.put(SkillFactory.getSkill(((Integer) qs.getKey()).intValue()), qs.getValue()); } for (Map.Entry t : ct.traits.entrySet()) { ((MapleTrait) ret.traits.get(t.getKey())).setExp(((Integer) t.getValue()).intValue()); } ret.monsterbook = new MonsterBook(ct.mbook, ret); ret.inventory = ((MapleInventory[]) ct.inventorys); ret.BlessOfFairy_Origin = ct.BlessOfFairy; ret.BlessOfEmpress_Origin = ct.BlessOfEmpress; ret.skillMacros = ((SkillMacro[]) ct.skillmacro); ret.petStore = ct.petStore; ret.keylayout = new MapleKeyLayout(ct.keymap); ret.questinfo = ct.InfoQuest; ret.familiars = ct.familiars; ret.savedLocations = ct.savedlocation; ret.wishlist = ct.wishlist; =; ret.regrocks = ct.regrocks; ret.hyperrocks = ct.hyperrocks; ret.buddylist.loadFromTransfer(ct.buddies); ret.keydown_skill = 0L; ret.lastfametime = ct.lastfametime; ret.lastmonthfameids = ct.famedcharacters; ret.lastmonthbattleids = ct.battledaccs; ret.extendedSlots = ct.extendedSlots; = ((MapleStorage); ret.cs = ((CashShop) ct.cs); client.setAccountName(ct.accountname); ret.nxcredit = ct.nxCredit; ret.acash = ct.ACash; ret.maplepoints = ct.MaplePoints; ret.numClones = ct.clonez; ret.imps = ct.imps; ret.rebuy = ct.rebuy; ret.mount = new MapleMount(ret, ct.mount_itemid, PlayerStats.getSkillByJob(80001000, ret.job), ct.mount_Fatigue, ct.mount_level, ct.mount_exp); ret.expirationTask(false, false); ret.stats.recalcLocalStats(true, ret); client.setTempIP(ct.tempIP); return ret; } public static MapleCharacter loadCharFromDB(int charid, MapleClient client, boolean channelserver) { return loadCharFromDB(charid, client, channelserver, null); } public static MapleCharacter loadCharFromDB(int charid, MapleClient client, boolean channelserver, Map<Integer, CardData> cads) { MapleCharacter ret = new MapleCharacter(channelserver); ret.client = client; = charid; Connection con = DatabaseConnection.getConnection(); PreparedStatement ps = null; PreparedStatement pse = null; ResultSet rs = null; try { ps = con.prepareStatement("SELECT * FROM characters WHERE id = ?"); ps.setInt(1, charid); rs = ps.executeQuery(); if (! { rs.close(); ps.close(); throw new RuntimeException("Loading the Char Failed (char not found)"); } = rs.getString("name"); ret.level = rs.getShort("level"); ret.fame = rs.getInt("fame"); ret.stats.str = rs.getShort("str"); ret.stats.dex = rs.getShort("dex"); ret.stats.int_ = rs.getShort("int"); ret.stats.luk = rs.getShort("luk"); ret.stats.maxhp = rs.getInt("maxhp"); ret.stats.maxmp = rs.getInt("maxmp"); ret.stats.hp = rs.getInt("hp"); = rs.getInt("mp"); ret.job = rs.getShort("job"); ret.gmLevel = rs.getByte("gm"); ret.exp.set(rs.getLong("exp")); ret.hpApUsed = rs.getInt("hpApUsed"); String[] sp = rs.getString("sp").split(","); for (int i = 0; i < ret.remainingSp.length; i++) { ret.remainingSp[i] = Integer.parseInt(sp[i]); } /*String[] sls = rs.getString("school").split(","); for (int i = 0; i <; i++) {[i] = Integer.parseInt(sls[i]); }*/ ret.remainingAp = rs.getInt("ap"); ret.dgm = rs.getInt("dgm"); ret.msipoints = rs.getInt("msipoints"); ret.meso = rs.getLong("meso"); ret.skinColor = rs.getByte("skincolor"); ret.gender = rs.getByte("gender"); ret.muted = rs.getInt("muted") == 1 ? true : false; Calendar c = Calendar.getInstance(); c.setTime(new Date(rs.getLong("unmutetime"))); ret.unmuteTime = c; = rs.getInt("hair"); ret.face = rs.getInt("face"); ret.demonMarking = rs.getInt("demonMarking"); ret.accountid = rs.getInt("accountid"); client.setAccID(ret.accountid); ret.mapid = rs.getInt("map"); ret.initialSpawnPoint = rs.getByte("spawnpoint"); = rs.getByte("world"); ret.guildid = rs.getInt("guildid"); ret.guildrank = rs.getByte("guildrank"); ret.allianceRank = rs.getByte("allianceRank"); ret.guildContribution = rs.getInt("guildContribution"); ret.totalWins = rs.getInt("totalWins"); ret.totalLosses = rs.getInt("totalLosses"); ret.currentrep = rs.getInt("currentrep"); ret.totalrep = rs.getInt("totalrep"); ret.makeMFC(rs.getInt("familyid"), rs.getInt("seniorid"), rs.getInt("junior1"), rs.getInt("junior2")); if (ret.guildid > 0) { ret.mgc = new MapleGuildCharacter(ret); } ret.gachexp = rs.getInt("gachexp"); ret.buddylist = new BuddyList(rs.getInt("buddyCapacity")); ret.honourExp = rs.getInt("honourExp"); ret.honourLevel = rs.getInt("honourLevel"); ret.damage = rs.getLong("damage"); ret.showdamage = rs.getInt("showdamage"); //ret.subcategory = rs.getByte("subcategory"); ret.mount = new MapleMount(ret, 0, PlayerStats.getSkillByJob(80001000, ret.job), (byte) 0, (byte) 1, 0); ret.rank = rs.getInt("rank"); ret.rankMove = rs.getInt("rankMove"); ret.jobRank = rs.getInt("jobRank"); ret.jobRankMove = rs.getInt("jobRankMove"); ret.marriageId = rs.getInt("marriageId"); ret.fatigue = rs.getShort("fatigue"); ret.pvpExp = rs.getInt("pvpExp"); ret.pvpPoints = rs.getInt("pvpPoints"); ret.gml = rs.getInt("gml"); ret.reborns = rs.getInt("reborns"); ret.apstorage = rs.getInt("apstorage"); for (MapleTrait t : ret.traits.values()) { t.setExp(rs.getInt(t.getType().name())); } if (channelserver) { ret.CRand = new PlayerRandomStream(); MapleMapFactory mapFactory = ChannelServer.getInstance(client.getChannel()).getMapFactory(); = mapFactory.getMap(ret.mapid); if ( == null) { = mapFactory.getMap(100000000); } MaplePortal portal =; if (portal == null) { portal =; ret.initialSpawnPoint = 0; } ret.setPosition(portal.getPosition()); int partyid = rs.getInt("party"); if (partyid >= 0) { MapleParty party = World.Party.getParty(partyid); if ((party != null) && (party.getMemberById( != null)) { = party; } } String[] pets = rs.getString("pets").split(","); for (int i = 0; i < ret.petStore.length; i++) { ret.petStore[i] = Byte.parseByte(pets[i]); } rs.close(); ps.close(); } rs.close(); ps.close(); if (cads != null) { ret.characterCard.setCards(cads); } else { ret.characterCard.loadCards(client, channelserver); } ps = con.prepareStatement("SELECT * FROM queststatus WHERE characterid = ?"); ps.setInt(1, charid); rs = ps.executeQuery(); pse = con.prepareStatement("SELECT * FROM queststatusmobs WHERE queststatusid = ?"); while ( { int id = rs.getInt("quest"); MapleQuest q = MapleQuest.getInstance(id); byte stat = rs.getByte("status"); if (((stat != 1) && (stat != 2)) || (((!channelserver) || ((q != null) && (!q.isBlocked()))) && ((stat != 1) || (!channelserver) || (q.canStart(ret, null))))) { MapleQuestStatus status = new MapleQuestStatus(q, stat); long cTime = rs.getLong("time"); if (cTime > -1L) { status.setCompletionTime(cTime * 1000L); } status.setForfeited(rs.getInt("forfeited")); status.setCustomData(rs.getString("customData")); ret.quests.put(q, status); pse.setInt(1, rs.getInt("queststatusid")); ResultSet rsMobs = pse.executeQuery(); while ( { status.setMobKills(rsMobs.getInt("mob"), rsMobs.getInt("count")); } rsMobs.close(); } } rs.close(); ps.close(); pse.close(); if (channelserver) { ret.monsterbook = MonsterBook.loadCards(ret.accountid, ret); ps = con.prepareStatement("SELECT * FROM inventoryslot where characterid = ?"); ps.setInt(1, charid); rs = ps.executeQuery(); if (! { rs.close(); ps.close(); throw new RuntimeException("No Inventory slot column found in SQL. [inventoryslot]"); } ret.getInventory(MapleInventoryType.EQUIP).setSlotLimit(rs.getByte("equip")); ret.getInventory(MapleInventoryType.USE).setSlotLimit(rs.getByte("use")); ret.getInventory(MapleInventoryType.SETUP).setSlotLimit(rs.getByte("setup")); ret.getInventory(MapleInventoryType.ETC).setSlotLimit(rs.getByte("etc")); ret.getInventory(MapleInventoryType.CASH).setSlotLimit(rs.getByte("cash")); ps.close(); rs.close(); for (Pair mit : ItemLoader.INVENTORY.loadItems(false, charid).values()) { ret.getInventory((MapleInventoryType) mit.getRight()).addFromDB((Item) mit.getLeft()); if (((Item) mit.getLeft()).getPet() != null) { ret.pets.add(((Item) mit.getLeft()).getPet()); } } ps = con.prepareStatement("SELECT * FROM accounts WHERE id = ?"); ps.setInt(1, ret.accountid); rs = ps.executeQuery(); if ( { ret.getClient().setAccountName(rs.getString("name")); ret.nxcredit = rs.getInt("nxCredit"); ret.acash = rs.getInt("ACash"); ret.maplepoints = rs.getInt("mPoints"); ret.points = rs.getInt("points"); ret.vpoints = rs.getInt("vpoints"); //ret.totalvote = rs.getInt("totalvote"); if (rs.getTimestamp("lastlogon") != null) { Calendar cal = Calendar.getInstance(); cal.setTimeInMillis(rs.getTimestamp("lastlogon").getTime()); } if (rs.getInt("banned") > 0) { rs.close(); ps.close(); ret.getClient().getSession().close(true); throw new RuntimeException("Loading a banned character"); } rs.close(); ps.close(); ps = con.prepareStatement("UPDATE accounts SET lastlogon = CURRENT_TIMESTAMP() WHERE id = ?"); ps.setInt(1, ret.accountid); ps.executeUpdate(); } else { rs.close(); } ps.close(); ps = con.prepareStatement("SELECT * FROM questinfo WHERE characterid = ?"); ps.setInt(1, charid); rs = ps.executeQuery(); while ( { ret.questinfo.put(Integer.valueOf(rs.getInt("quest")), rs.getString("customData")); } rs.close(); ps.close(); ps = con.prepareStatement("SELECT skillid, skilllevel, masterlevel, expiration FROM skills WHERE characterid = ?"); ps.setInt(1, charid); rs = ps.executeQuery(); while ( { int skid = rs.getInt("skillid"); Skill skil = SkillFactory.getSkill(skid); int skl = rs.getInt("skilllevel"); byte msl = rs.getByte("masterlevel"); if ((skil != null) && (GameConstants.isApplicableSkill(skid))) { if ((skl > skil.getMaxLevel()) && (skid < 92000000 || skid > 100000000)) { if ((!skil.isBeginnerSkill()) && (skil.canBeLearnedBy(ret.job)) && (!skil.isSpecialSkill())) { ret.remainingSp[GameConstants.getSkillBookForSkill(skid)] += skl - skil.getMaxLevel(); } skl = (byte) skil.getMaxLevel(); } if (msl > skil.getMaxLevel()) { msl = (byte) skil.getMaxLevel(); } ret.skills.put(skil, new SkillEntry(skl, msl, rs.getLong("expiration"))); } else if ((skil == null) && (!GameConstants.isBeginnerJob(skid / 10000)) && (skid / 10000 != 900) && (skid / 10000 != 800) && (skid / 10000 != 9000)) { ret.remainingSp[GameConstants.getSkillBookForSkill(skid)] += skl; } } rs.close(); ps.close(); ret.expirationTask(false, true); ps = con.prepareStatement("SELECT * FROM characters WHERE accountid = ? ORDER BY level DESC"); ps.setInt(1, ret.accountid); rs = ps.executeQuery(); int maxlevel_ = 0; int maxlevel_2 = 0; while ( { if (rs.getInt("id") != charid) { if (GameConstants.isKOC(rs.getShort("job"))) { int maxlevel = rs.getShort("level") / 5; if (maxlevel > 24) { maxlevel = 24; } if ((maxlevel > maxlevel_2) || (maxlevel_2 == 0)) { maxlevel_2 = maxlevel; ret.BlessOfEmpress_Origin = rs.getString("name"); } } int maxlevel = rs.getShort("level") / 10; if (maxlevel > 20) { maxlevel = 20; } if ((maxlevel > maxlevel_) || (maxlevel_ == 0)) { maxlevel_ = maxlevel; ret.BlessOfFairy_Origin = rs.getString("name"); } } } if (ret.BlessOfFairy_Origin == null) { ret.BlessOfFairy_Origin =; } ret.skills.put(SkillFactory.getSkill(GameConstants.getBOF_ForJob(ret.job)), new SkillEntry(maxlevel_, (byte) 0, -1L)); if (SkillFactory.getSkill(GameConstants.getEmpress_ForJob(ret.job)) != null) { if (ret.BlessOfEmpress_Origin == null) { ret.BlessOfEmpress_Origin = ret.BlessOfFairy_Origin; } ret.skills.put(SkillFactory.getSkill(GameConstants.getEmpress_ForJob(ret.job)), new SkillEntry(maxlevel_2, (byte) 0, -1L)); } ps.close(); rs.close(); ps = con.prepareStatement("SELECT skill_id, skill_level, max_level, rank FROM inner_ability_skills WHERE player_id = ?"); ps.setInt(1, charid); rs = ps.executeQuery(); while ( { ret.innerSkills.add(new InnerSkillValueHolder(rs.getInt("skill_id"), rs.getByte("skill_level"), rs.getByte("max_level"), rs.getByte("rank"))); } ps = con.prepareStatement("SELECT * FROM skillmacros WHERE characterid = ?"); ps.setInt(1, charid); rs = ps.executeQuery(); while ( { int position = rs.getInt("position"); SkillMacro macro = new SkillMacro(rs.getInt("skill1"), rs.getInt("skill2"), rs.getInt("skill3"), rs.getString("name"), rs.getInt("shout"), position); ret.skillMacros[position] = macro; } rs.close(); ps.close(); ps = con.prepareStatement("SELECT * FROM familiars WHERE characterid = ?"); ps.setInt(1, charid); rs = ps.executeQuery(); while ( { if (rs.getLong("expiry") > System.currentTimeMillis()) { ret.familiars.put(Integer.valueOf(rs.getInt("familiar")), new MonsterFamiliar(charid, rs.getInt("id"), rs.getInt("familiar"), rs.getLong("expiry"), rs.getString("name"), rs.getInt("fatigue"), rs.getByte("vitality"))); } } rs.close(); ps.close(); ps = con.prepareStatement("SELECT `key`,`type`,`action` FROM keymap WHERE characterid = ?"); ps.setInt(1, charid); rs = ps.executeQuery(); Map keyb = ret.keylayout.Layout(); while ( { keyb.put(Integer.valueOf(rs.getInt("key")), new Pair(Byte.valueOf(rs.getByte("type")), Integer.valueOf(rs.getInt("action")))); } rs.close(); ps.close(); ret.keylayout.unchanged(); ps = con.prepareStatement("SELECT `locationtype`,`map` FROM savedlocations WHERE characterid = ?"); ps.setInt(1, charid); rs = ps.executeQuery(); while ( { ret.savedLocations[rs.getInt("locationtype")] = rs.getInt("map"); } rs.close(); ps.close(); ps = con.prepareStatement("SELECT `characterid_to`,`when` FROM famelog WHERE characterid = ? AND DATEDIFF(NOW(),`when`) < 30"); ps.setInt(1, charid); rs = ps.executeQuery(); ret.lastfametime = 0L; ret.lastmonthfameids = new ArrayList(31); while ( { ret.lastfametime = Math.max(ret.lastfametime, rs.getTimestamp("when").getTime()); ret.lastmonthfameids.add(Integer.valueOf(rs.getInt("characterid_to"))); } rs.close(); ps.close(); ps = con.prepareStatement("SELECT `accid_to`,`when` FROM battlelog WHERE accid = ? AND DATEDIFF(NOW(),`when`) < 30"); ps.setInt(1, ret.accountid); rs = ps.executeQuery(); ret.lastmonthbattleids = new ArrayList(); while ( { ret.lastmonthbattleids.add(Integer.valueOf(rs.getInt("accid_to"))); } rs.close(); ps.close(); ps = con.prepareStatement("SELECT `itemId` FROM extendedslots WHERE characterid = ?"); ps.setInt(1, charid); rs = ps.executeQuery(); while ( { ret.extendedSlots.add(Integer.valueOf(rs.getInt("itemId"))); } rs.close(); ps.close(); ret.buddylist.loadFromDb(charid); = MapleStorage.loadStorage(ret.accountid); ret.cs = new CashShop(ret.accountid, charid, ret.getJob()); ps = con.prepareStatement("SELECT sn FROM wishlist WHERE characterid = ?"); ps.setInt(1, charid); rs = ps.executeQuery(); int i = 0; while ( { ret.wishlist[i] = rs.getInt("sn"); i++; } while (i < 10) { ret.wishlist[i] = 0; i++; } rs.close(); ps.close(); ps = con.prepareStatement("SELECT mapid FROM trocklocations WHERE characterid = ?"); ps.setInt(1, charid); rs = ps.executeQuery(); int r = 0; while ( {[r] = rs.getInt("mapid"); r++; } while (r < 10) {[r] = 999999999; r++; } rs.close(); ps.close(); ps = con.prepareStatement("SELECT mapid FROM regrocklocations WHERE characterid = ?"); ps.setInt(1, charid); rs = ps.executeQuery(); r = 0; while ( { ret.regrocks[r] = rs.getInt("mapid"); r++; } while (r < 5) { ret.regrocks[r] = 999999999; r++; } rs.close(); ps.close(); ps = con.prepareStatement("SELECT mapid FROM hyperrocklocations WHERE characterid = ?"); ps.setInt(1, charid); rs = ps.executeQuery(); r = 0; while ( { ret.hyperrocks[r] = rs.getInt("mapid"); r++; } while (r < 13) { ret.hyperrocks[r] = 999999999; r++; } rs.close(); ps.close(); ps = con.prepareStatement("SELECT * from stolen WHERE characterid = ?"); ps.setInt(1, charid); rs = ps.executeQuery(); while ( { ret.stolenSkills.add(new Pair(Integer.valueOf(rs.getInt("skillid")), Boolean.valueOf(rs.getInt("chosen") > 0))); } rs.close(); ps.close(); ps = con.prepareStatement("SELECT * FROM imps WHERE characterid = ?"); ps.setInt(1, charid); rs = ps.executeQuery(); r = 0; while ( { ret.imps[r] = new MapleImp(rs.getInt("itemid")); ret.imps[r].setLevel(rs.getByte("level")); ret.imps[r].setState(rs.getByte("state")); ret.imps[r].setCloseness(rs.getShort("closeness")); ret.imps[r].setFullness(rs.getShort("fullness")); r++; } rs.close(); ps.close(); ps = con.prepareStatement("SELECT * FROM mountdata WHERE characterid = ?"); ps.setInt(1, charid); rs = ps.executeQuery(); if (! { throw new RuntimeException("No mount data found on SQL column"); } Item mount = ret.getInventory(MapleInventoryType.EQUIPPED).getItem((short) (byte) (GameConstants.GMS ? -18 : -23)); ret.mount = new MapleMount(ret, mount != null ? mount.getItemId() : 0, GameConstants.GMS ? 80001000 : PlayerStats.getSkillByJob(80001000, ret.job), rs.getByte("Fatigue"), rs.getByte("Level"), rs.getInt("Exp")); ps.close(); rs.close(); ret.stats.recalcLocalStats(true, ret); } else { for (Pair mit : ItemLoader.INVENTORY.loadItems(true, charid).values()) { ret.getInventory((MapleInventoryType) mit.getRight()).addFromDB((Item) mit.getLeft()); } ret.stats.recalcPVPRank(ret); } } catch (SQLException ess) { ess.printStackTrace(); System.out.println("Failed to load character.."); FileoutputUtil.outputFileError("Log_Packet_Except.txt", ess); } finally { try { if (ps != null) { ps.close(); } if (rs != null) { rs.close(); } } catch (SQLException ignore) { } } return ret; } public static void saveNewCharToDB(MapleCharacter chr, short db) { Connection con = DatabaseConnection.getConnection(); PreparedStatement ps = null; PreparedStatement pse = null; ResultSet rs = null; try { con.setTransactionIsolation(1); con.setAutoCommit(false); ps = con.prepareStatement("INSERT INTO characters (level, str, dex, luk, `int`, hp, mp, maxhp, maxmp, sp, ap, skincolor, gender, job, hair, face, demonMarking, map, meso, party, buddyCapacity, pets, subcategory, accountid, name, world) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)", 1); ps.setInt(1, chr.level); PlayerStats stat = chr.stats; ps.setInt(2, stat.getStr()); ps.setInt(3, stat.getDex()); ps.setInt(4, stat.getInt()); ps.setInt(5, stat.getLuk()); ps.setInt(6, stat.getHp()); ps.setInt(7, stat.getMp()); ps.setInt(8, stat.getMaxHp()); ps.setInt(9, stat.getMaxMp()); StringBuilder sps = new StringBuilder(); for (int i = 0; i < chr.remainingSp.length; i++) { sps.append(chr.remainingSp[i]); sps.append(","); } String sp = sps.toString(); ps.setString(10, sp.substring(0, sp.length() - 1)); ps.setInt(11, chr.remainingAp); ps.setByte(12, chr.skinColor); ps.setByte(13, chr.gender); ps.setInt(14, 0); ps.setInt(15,; ps.setInt(16, chr.face); ps.setInt(17, chr.demonMarking); if ((db < 0) || (db > 10)) { db = 0; } ps.setInt(18, 10000); ps.setLong(19, chr.meso); ps.setInt(20, -1); ps.setInt(21, chr.buddylist.getCapacity()); ps.setString(22, "-1,-1,-1"); ps.setInt(23, db); ps.setInt(24, chr.getAccountID()); ps.setString(25,; ps.setByte(26,; StringBuilder spss = new StringBuilder(); for (int i = 0; i <; i++) { spss.append([i]); spss.append(","); } String sps3 = spss.toString(); //ps.setString(27, sps3.substring(0, sps3.length() - 1)); ps.executeUpdate(); rs = ps.getGeneratedKeys(); if ( { = rs.getInt(1); } else { ps.close(); rs.close(); throw new DatabaseException("Inserting char failed."); } ps.close(); rs.close(); ps = con.prepareStatement("INSERT INTO queststatus (`queststatusid`, `characterid`, `quest`, `status`, `time`, `forfeited`, `customData`) VALUES (DEFAULT, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)", 1); pse = con.prepareStatement("INSERT INTO queststatusmobs VALUES (DEFAULT, ?, ?, ?)"); ps.setInt(1,; for (MapleQuestStatus q : chr.quests.values()) { ps.setInt(2, q.getQuest().getId()); ps.setInt(3, q.getStatus()); ps.setInt(4, (int) (q.getCompletionTime() / 1000L)); ps.setInt(5, q.getForfeited()); ps.setString(6, q.getCustomData()); ps.execute(); rs = ps.getGeneratedKeys(); Iterator i$; if (q.hasMobKills()) {; for (i$ = q.getMobKills().keySet().iterator(); i$.hasNext();) { int mob = ((Integer) i$.next()).intValue(); pse.setInt(1, rs.getInt(1)); pse.setInt(2, mob); pse.setInt(3, q.getMobKills(mob)); pse.execute(); } } rs.close(); } ps.close(); pse.close(); ps = con.prepareStatement("INSERT INTO skills (characterid, skillid, skilllevel, masterlevel, expiration) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?)"); ps.setInt(1,; for (Map.Entry skill : chr.skills.entrySet()) { if (GameConstants.isApplicableSkill(((Skill) skill.getKey()).getId())) { ps.setInt(2, ((Skill) skill.getKey()).getId()); ps.setInt(3, ((SkillEntry) skill.getValue()).skillevel); ps.setByte(4, ((SkillEntry) skill.getValue()).masterlevel); ps.setLong(5, ((SkillEntry) skill.getValue()).expiration); ps.execute(); } } ps.close(); ps = con.prepareStatement("INSERT INTO inventoryslot (characterid, `equip`, `use`, `setup`, `etc`, `cash`) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)"); ps.setInt(1,; ps.setByte(2, (byte) 96); ps.setByte(3, (byte) 96); ps.setByte(4, (byte) 96); ps.setByte(5, (byte) 96); ps.setByte(6, (byte) 96); ps.execute(); ps.close(); ps = con.prepareStatement("INSERT INTO mountdata (characterid, `Level`, `Exp`, `Fatigue`) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?)"); ps.setInt(1,; ps.setByte(2, (byte) 1); ps.setInt(3, 0); ps.setByte(4, (byte) 0); ps.execute(); ps.close(); int[] array1 = {2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 13, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 29, 31, 33, 34, 35, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 56, 57, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65}; int[] array2 = {4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 5, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 5, 5, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 5, 5, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6}; int[] array3 = {10, 12, 13, 18, 24, 21, 29, 33, 8, 5, 0, 4, 28, 31, 1, 25, 19, 14, 15, 52, 2, 26, 17, 11, 3, 20, 27, 16, 23, 9, 50, 51, 6, 32, 30, 22, 7, 53, 54, 100, 101, 102, 103, 104, 105, 106}; ps = con.prepareStatement("INSERT INTO keymap (characterid, `key`, `type`, `action`) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?)"); ps.setInt(1,; for (int i = 0; i < array1.length; i++) { ps.setInt(2, array1[i]); ps.setInt(3, array2[i]); ps.setInt(4, array3[i]); ps.execute(); } ps.close(); List listing = new ArrayList(); for (MapleInventory iv : chr.inventory) { for (Item item : iv.list()) { listing.add(new Pair(item, iv.getType())); } } ItemLoader.INVENTORY.saveItems(listing, con,; con.commit(); } catch (Exception e) { FileoutputUtil.outputFileError("Log_Packet_Except.txt", e); e.printStackTrace(); System.err.println("[charsave] Error saving character data"); try { con.rollback(); } catch (SQLException ex) { FileoutputUtil.outputFileError("Log_Packet_Except.txt", ex); ex.printStackTrace(); System.err.println("[charsave] Error Rolling Back"); } } finally { try { if (pse != null) { pse.close(); } if (ps != null) { ps.close(); } if (rs != null) { rs.close(); } con.setAutoCommit(true); con.setTransactionIsolation(4); } catch (SQLException e) { FileoutputUtil.outputFileError("Log_Packet_Except.txt", e); e.printStackTrace(); System.err.println("[charsave] Error going back to autocommit mode"); } } } public void saveToDB(boolean dc, boolean fromcs) { if (isClone()) { return; } Connection con = DatabaseConnection.getConnection(); PreparedStatement ps = null; PreparedStatement pse = null; ResultSet rs = null; try { con.setTransactionIsolation(1); con.setAutoCommit(false); ps = con.prepareStatement("UPDATE characters SET level = ?, fame = ?, str = ?, dex = ?, luk = ?, `int` = ?, exp = ?, hp = ?, mp = ?, maxhp = ?, maxmp = ?, sp = ?, ap = ?, gm = ?, skincolor = ?, gender = ?, job = ?, hair = ?, face = ?, demonMarking = ?, map = ?, meso = ?, hpApUsed = ?, spawnpoint = ?, party = ?, buddyCapacity = ?, pets = ?, subcategory = ?, marriageId = ?, currentrep = ?, totalrep = ?, gachexp = ?, fatigue = ?, charm = ?, charisma = ?, craft = ?, insight = ?, sense = ?, will = ?, honourExp = ?, honourLevel = ?, damage = ?, showdamage = ?, totalwins = ?, totallosses = ?, pvpExp = ?, pvpPoints = ?, reborns = ?, apstorage = ?, name = ?, school = ?, dgm = ?, msipoints = ?, gml = ?, muted = ?, unmutetime = ? WHERE id = ?", 1); ps.setInt(1, this.level); ps.setInt(2, this.fame); ps.setInt(3, this.stats.getStr()); ps.setInt(4, this.stats.getDex()); ps.setInt(5, this.stats.getLuk()); ps.setInt(6, this.stats.getInt()); ps.setLong(7, Math.abs(exp.get())); ps.setInt(8, this.stats.getHp() < 1 ? 50 : this.stats.getHp()); ps.setInt(9, this.stats.getMp()); ps.setInt(10, this.stats.getMaxHp()); ps.setInt(11, this.stats.getMaxMp()); StringBuilder sps = new StringBuilder(); for (int i = 0; i < this.remainingSp.length; i++) { sps.append(this.remainingSp[i]); sps.append(","); } String sp = sps.toString(); ps.setString(12, sp.substring(0, sp.length() - 1)); ps.setInt(13, this.remainingAp); ps.setByte(14, this.gmLevel); ps.setByte(15, this.skinColor); ps.setByte(16, this.gender); ps.setInt(17, this.job); ps.setInt(18,; ps.setInt(19, this.face); ps.setInt(20, this.demonMarking); if ((!fromcs) && ( != null)) { if (( != 999999999) && ( != null)) { ps.setInt(21,; } else { ps.setInt(21, this.stats.getHp() < 1 ? :; } } else { ps.setInt(21, this.mapid); } ps.setLong(22, this.meso); ps.setInt(23, this.hpApUsed); if ( == null) { ps.setByte(24, (byte) 0); } else { MaplePortal closest =; ps.setByte(24, (byte) (closest != null ? closest.getId() : 0)); } ps.setInt(25, == null ? -1 :; ps.setShort(26, (short) this.buddylist.getCapacity()); StringBuilder petz = new StringBuilder(); int petLength = 0; for (MaplePet pet : this.pets) { if (pet.getSummoned()) { pet.saveToDb(); petz.append(pet.getInventoryPosition()); petz.append(","); petLength++; } } while (petLength < 3) { petz.append("-1,"); petLength++; } String petstring = petz.toString(); ps.setString(27, petstring.substring(0, petstring.length() - 1)); ps.setByte(28, this.subcategory); ps.setInt(29, this.marriageId); ps.setInt(30, this.currentrep); ps.setInt(31, this.totalrep); ps.setInt(32, this.gachexp); ps.setShort(33, this.fatigue); ps.setInt(34, ((MapleTrait) this.traits.get(MapleTrait.MapleTraitType.charm)).getTotalExp()); ps.setInt(35, ((MapleTrait) this.traits.get(MapleTrait.MapleTraitType.charisma)).getTotalExp()); ps.setInt(36, ((MapleTrait) this.traits.get(MapleTrait.MapleTraitType.craft)).getTotalExp()); ps.setInt(37, ((MapleTrait) this.traits.get(MapleTrait.MapleTraitType.insight)).getTotalExp()); ps.setInt(38, ((MapleTrait) this.traits.get(MapleTrait.MapleTraitType.sense)).getTotalExp()); ps.setInt(39, ((MapleTrait) this.traits.get(MapleTrait.MapleTraitType.will)).getTotalExp()); ps.setInt(40, getHonourExp()); ps.setInt(41, getHonourLevel()); ps.setLong(42, this.damage); ps.setInt(43, this.showdamage); ps.setInt(44, this.totalWins); ps.setInt(45, this.totalLosses); ps.setInt(46, this.pvpExp); ps.setInt(47, this.pvpPoints); ps.setInt(48, this.reborns); ps.setInt(49, this.apstorage); ps.setString(50,; StringBuilder spss = new StringBuilder(); for (int i = 0; i <; i++) { spss.append([i]); spss.append(","); } String spss00 = spss.toString(); ps.setString(51, spss00.substring(0, spss00.length() - 1)); ps.setInt(52, dgm); ps.setInt(53, msipoints); ps.setInt(54, gml); ps.setInt(55, muted ? 1 : 0); ps.setLong(56, unmuteTime == null ? 0 : unmuteTime.getTimeInMillis()); ps.setInt(57,; if (ps.executeUpdate() < 1) { ps.close(); throw new DatabaseException(new StringBuilder().append("Character not in database (").append(")").toString()); } ps.close(); deleteWhereCharacterId(con, "DELETE FROM stolen WHERE characterid = ?"); for (Pair st : this.stolenSkills) { ps = con.prepareStatement("INSERT INTO stolen (characterid, skillid, chosen) VALUES (?, ?, ?)"); ps.setInt(1,; ps.setInt(2, ((Integer) st.left).intValue()); ps.setInt(3, ((Boolean) st.right).booleanValue() ? 1 : 0); ps.execute(); ps.close(); } if (this.changed_skillmacros) { deleteWhereCharacterId(con, "DELETE FROM skillmacros WHERE characterid = ?"); for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) { SkillMacro macro = this.skillMacros[i]; if (macro != null) { ps = con.prepareStatement("INSERT INTO skillmacros (characterid, skill1, skill2, skill3, name, shout, position) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)"); ps.setInt(1,; ps.setInt(2, macro.getSkill1()); ps.setInt(3, macro.getSkill2()); ps.setInt(4, macro.getSkill3()); ps.setString(5, macro.getName()); ps.setInt(6, macro.getShout()); ps.setInt(7, i); ps.execute(); ps.close(); } } } deleteWhereCharacterId(con, "DELETE FROM inventoryslot WHERE characterid = ?"); ps = con.prepareStatement("INSERT INTO inventoryslot (characterid, `equip`, `use`, `setup`, `etc`, `cash`) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)"); ps.setInt(1,; ps.setByte(2, getInventory(MapleInventoryType.EQUIP).getSlotLimit()); ps.setByte(3, getInventory(MapleInventoryType.USE).getSlotLimit()); ps.setByte(4, getInventory(MapleInventoryType.SETUP).getSlotLimit()); ps.setByte(5, getInventory(MapleInventoryType.ETC).getSlotLimit()); ps.setByte(6, getInventory(MapleInventoryType.CASH).getSlotLimit()); ps.execute(); ps.close(); saveInventory(con); if (this.changed_questinfo) { deleteWhereCharacterId(con, "DELETE FROM questinfo WHERE characterid = ?"); ps = con.prepareStatement("INSERT INTO questinfo (`characterid`, `quest`, `customData`) VALUES (?, ?, ?)"); ps.setInt(1,; for (Map.Entry q : this.questinfo.entrySet()) { ps.setInt(2, ((Integer) q.getKey()).intValue()); ps.setString(3, (String) q.getValue()); ps.execute(); } ps.close(); } deleteWhereCharacterId(con, "DELETE FROM queststatus WHERE characterid = ?"); ps = con.prepareStatement("INSERT INTO queststatus (`queststatusid`, `characterid`, `quest`, `status`, `time`, `forfeited`, `customData`) VALUES (DEFAULT, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)", 1); pse = con.prepareStatement("INSERT INTO queststatusmobs VALUES (DEFAULT, ?, ?, ?)"); ps.setInt(1,; for (MapleQuestStatus q : this.quests.values()) { ps.setInt(2, q.getQuest().getId()); ps.setInt(3, q.getStatus()); ps.setInt(4, (int) (q.getCompletionTime() / 1000L)); ps.setInt(5, q.getForfeited()); ps.setString(6, q.getCustomData()); ps.execute(); rs = ps.getGeneratedKeys(); Iterator i$; if (q.hasMobKills()) {; for (i$ = q.getMobKills().keySet().iterator(); i$.hasNext();) { int mob = ((Integer) i$.next()).intValue(); pse.setInt(1, rs.getInt(1)); pse.setInt(2, mob); pse.setInt(3, q.getMobKills(mob)); pse.execute(); } } rs.close(); } ps.close(); pse.close(); if (this.changed_skills) { deleteWhereCharacterId(con, "DELETE FROM skills WHERE characterid = ?"); ps = con.prepareStatement("INSERT INTO skills (characterid, skillid, skilllevel, masterlevel, expiration) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?)"); ps.setInt(1,; for (Map.Entry skill : this.skills.entrySet()) { if (GameConstants.isApplicableSkill(((Skill) skill.getKey()).getId())) { ps.setInt(2, ((Skill) skill.getKey()).getId()); ps.setInt(3, ((SkillEntry) skill.getValue()).skillevel); ps.setByte(4, ((SkillEntry) skill.getValue()).masterlevel); ps.setLong(5, ((SkillEntry) skill.getValue()).expiration); ps.execute(); } } ps.close(); } if ((this.innerskill_changed) && (this.innerSkills != null)) { deleteWhereCharacterId(con, "DELETE FROM inner_ability_skills WHERE player_id = ?"); ps = con.prepareStatement("INSERT INTO inner_ability_skills (player_id, skill_id, skill_level, max_level, rank) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?)"); ps.setInt(1,; for (int i = 0; i < this.innerSkills.size(); i++) { ps.setInt(2, ((InnerSkillValueHolder) this.innerSkills.get(i)).getSkillId()); ps.setInt(3, ((InnerSkillValueHolder) this.innerSkills.get(i)).getSkillLevel()); ps.setInt(4, ((InnerSkillValueHolder) this.innerSkills.get(i)).getMaxLevel()); ps.setInt(5, ((InnerSkillValueHolder) this.innerSkills.get(i)).getRank()); ps.executeUpdate(); } ps.close(); } List<MapleCoolDownValueHolder> cd = getCooldowns(); if ((dc) && (cd.size() > 0)) { ps = con.prepareStatement("INSERT INTO skills_cooldowns (charid, SkillID, StartTime, length) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?)"); ps.setInt(1, getId()); for (MapleCoolDownValueHolder cooling : cd) { ps.setInt(2, cooling.skillId); ps.setLong(3, cooling.startTime); ps.setLong(4, cooling.length); ps.execute(); } ps.close(); } if (this.changed_savedlocations) { deleteWhereCharacterId(con, "DELETE FROM savedlocations WHERE characterid = ?"); ps = con.prepareStatement("INSERT INTO savedlocations (characterid, `locationtype`, `map`) VALUES (?, ?, ?)"); ps.setInt(1,; for (SavedLocationType savedLocationType : SavedLocationType.values()) { if (this.savedLocations[savedLocationType.getValue()] != -1) { ps.setInt(2, savedLocationType.getValue()); ps.setInt(3, this.savedLocations[savedLocationType.getValue()]); ps.execute(); } } ps.close(); } if (buddylist.changed()) { deleteWhereCharacterId(con, "DELETE FROM buddies WHERE characterid = ?"); ps = con.prepareStatement("INSERT INTO buddies (characterid, `buddyid`, `pending`) VALUES (?, ?, ?)"); ps.setInt(1, id); for (BuddylistEntry entry : buddylist.getBuddies()) { ps.setInt(2, entry.getCharacterId()); ps.setInt(3, entry.isVisible() ? 0 : 1); ps.execute(); } ps.close(); buddylist.setChanged(false); } ps = con.prepareStatement("UPDATE accounts SET `nxCredit` = ?, `ACash` = ?, `mPoints` = ?, `points` = ?, `vpoints` = ? WHERE id = ?"); ps.setInt(1, this.nxcredit); ps.setInt(2, this.acash); ps.setInt(3, this.maplepoints); ps.setInt(4, this.points); ps.setInt(5, this.vpoints); //ps.setInt(6, this.totalvote); ps.setInt(6, this.accountid); ps.execute(); ps.close(); if ( != null) {; } if (this.cs != null) {; } PlayerNPC.updateByCharId(this); this.keylayout.saveKeys(; this.mount.saveMount(; this.monsterbook.saveCards(this.accountid); deleteWhereCharacterId(con, "DELETE FROM familiars WHERE characterid = ?"); ps = con.prepareStatement("INSERT INTO familiars (characterid, expiry, name, fatigue, vitality, familiar) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)"); ps.setInt(1,; for (MonsterFamiliar f : this.familiars.values()) { ps.setLong(2, f.getExpiry()); ps.setString(3, f.getName()); ps.setInt(4, f.getFatigue()); ps.setByte(5, f.getVitality()); ps.setInt(6, f.getFamiliar()); ps.executeUpdate(); } ps.close(); deleteWhereCharacterId(con, "DELETE FROM imps WHERE characterid = ?"); ps = con.prepareStatement("INSERT INTO imps (characterid, itemid, closeness, fullness, state, level) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)"); ps.setInt(1,; for (int i = 0; i < this.imps.length; i++) { if (this.imps[i] != null) { ps.setInt(2, this.imps[i].getItemId()); ps.setShort(3, this.imps[i].getCloseness()); ps.setShort(4, this.imps[i].getFullness()); ps.setByte(5, this.imps[i].getState()); ps.setByte(6, this.imps[i].getLevel()); ps.executeUpdate(); } } ps.close(); if (this.changed_wishlist) { deleteWhereCharacterId(con, "DELETE FROM wishlist WHERE characterid = ?"); for (int i = 0; i < getWishlistSize(); i++) { ps = con.prepareStatement("INSERT INTO wishlist(characterid, sn) VALUES(?, ?) "); ps.setInt(1, getId()); ps.setInt(2, this.wishlist[i]); ps.execute(); ps.close(); } } if (this.changed_trocklocations) { deleteWhereCharacterId(con, "DELETE FROM trocklocations WHERE characterid = ?"); for (int i = 0; i <; i++) { if ([i] != 999999999) { ps = con.prepareStatement("INSERT INTO trocklocations(characterid, mapid) VALUES(?, ?) "); ps.setInt(1, getId()); ps.setInt(2,[i]); ps.execute(); ps.close(); } } } if (this.changed_regrocklocations) { deleteWhereCharacterId(con, "DELETE FROM regrocklocations WHERE characterid = ?"); for (int i = 0; i < this.regrocks.length; i++) { if (this.regrocks[i] != 999999999) { ps = con.prepareStatement("INSERT INTO regrocklocations(characterid, mapid) VALUES(?, ?) "); ps.setInt(1, getId()); ps.setInt(2, this.regrocks[i]); ps.execute(); ps.close(); } } } if (this.changed_hyperrocklocations) { deleteWhereCharacterId(con, "DELETE FROM hyperrocklocations WHERE characterid = ?"); for (int i = 0; i < this.hyperrocks.length; i++) { if (this.hyperrocks[i] != 999999999) { ps = con.prepareStatement("INSERT INTO hyperrocklocations(characterid, mapid) VALUES(?, ?) "); ps.setInt(1, getId()); ps.setInt(2, this.hyperrocks[i]); ps.execute(); ps.close(); } } } Iterator i$; if (this.changed_extendedSlots) { deleteWhereCharacterId(con, "DELETE FROM extendedslots WHERE characterid = ?"); for (i$ = this.extendedSlots.iterator(); i$.hasNext();) { int i = ((Integer) i$.next()).intValue(); if (getInventory(MapleInventoryType.ETC).findById(i) != null) { ps = con.prepareStatement("INSERT INTO extendedslots(characterid, itemId) VALUES(?, ?) "); ps.setInt(1, getId()); ps.setInt(2, i); ps.execute(); ps.close(); } } } this.changed_wishlist = false; this.changed_trocklocations = false; this.changed_regrocklocations = false; this.changed_hyperrocklocations = false; this.changed_skillmacros = false; this.changed_savedlocations = false; this.changed_questinfo = false; this.changed_extendedSlots = false; this.changed_skills = false; con.commit(); } catch (Exception e) { FileoutputUtil.outputFileError("Log_Packet_Except.txt", e); e.printStackTrace(); System.err.println(new StringBuilder().append(MapleClient.getLogMessage(this, "[charsave] Error saving character data")).append(e).toString()); try { con.rollback(); } catch (SQLException ex) { FileoutputUtil.outputFileError("Log_Packet_Except.txt", ex); System.err.println(new StringBuilder().append(MapleClient.getLogMessage(this, "[charsave] Error Rolling Back")).append(e).toString()); } } finally { try { if (ps != null) { ps.close(); } if (pse != null) { pse.close(); } if (rs != null) { rs.close(); } con.setAutoCommit(true); con.setTransactionIsolation(4); } catch (SQLException e) { FileoutputUtil.outputFileError("Log_Packet_Except.txt", e); System.err.println(new StringBuilder().append(MapleClient.getLogMessage(this, "[charsave] Error going back to autocommit mode")).append(e).toString()); } } } private void deleteWhereCharacterId(Connection con, String sql) throws SQLException { deleteWhereCharacterId(con, sql,; } public static void deleteWhereCharacterId(Connection con, String sql, int id) throws SQLException { PreparedStatement ps = con.prepareStatement(sql); ps.setInt(1, id); ps.executeUpdate(); ps.close(); } public static void deleteWhereCharacterId_NoLock(Connection con, String sql, int id) throws SQLException { PreparedStatement ps = con.prepareStatement(sql); ps.setInt(1, id); ps.execute(); ps.close(); } public void saveInventory(Connection con) throws SQLException { List listing = new ArrayList(); for (MapleInventory iv : this.inventory) { for (Item item : iv.list()) { listing.add(new Pair(item, iv.getType())); } } if (con != null) { ItemLoader.INVENTORY.saveItems(listing, con,; } else { ItemLoader.INVENTORY.saveItems(listing,; } } public final PlayerStats getStat() { return this.stats; } public final void updateInfoQuest(int questid, String data) { this.questinfo.put(Integer.valueOf(questid), data); this.changed_questinfo = true; this.client.getSession().write(CWvsContext.InfoPacket.updateInfoQuest(questid, data)); } public final String getInfoQuest(int questid) { if (this.questinfo.containsKey(Integer.valueOf(questid))) { return (String) this.questinfo.get(Integer.valueOf(questid)); } return ""; } public final int getNumQuest() { int i = 0; for (MapleQuestStatus q : this.quests.values()) { if ((q.getStatus() == 2) && (!q.isCustom())) { i++; } } return i; } public final byte getQuestStatus(int quest) { MapleQuest qq = MapleQuest.getInstance(quest); if (getQuestNoAdd(qq) == null) { return 0; } return getQuestNoAdd(qq).getStatus(); } public final MapleQuestStatus getQuest(MapleQuest quest) { if (!this.quests.containsKey(quest)) { return new MapleQuestStatus(quest, 0); } return (MapleQuestStatus) this.quests.get(quest); } public final void setQuestAdd(MapleQuest quest, byte status, String customData) { if (!this.quests.containsKey(quest)) { MapleQuestStatus stat = new MapleQuestStatus(quest, status); stat.setCustomData(customData); this.quests.put(quest, stat); } } public final MapleQuestStatus getQuestNAdd(MapleQuest quest) { if (!this.quests.containsKey(quest)) { MapleQuestStatus status = new MapleQuestStatus(quest, 0); this.quests.put(quest, status); return status; } return (MapleQuestStatus) this.quests.get(quest); } public final MapleQuestStatus getQuestNoAdd(MapleQuest quest) { return (MapleQuestStatus) this.quests.get(quest); } public final MapleQuestStatus getQuestRemove(MapleQuest quest) { return (MapleQuestStatus) this.quests.remove(quest); } public final void updateQuest(MapleQuestStatus quest) { updateQuest(quest, false); } public final void updateQuest(MapleQuestStatus quest, boolean update) { this.quests.put(quest.getQuest(), quest); if (!quest.isCustom()) { this.client.getSession().write(CWvsContext.InfoPacket.updateQuest(quest)); if ((quest.getStatus() == 1) && (!update)) { this.client.getSession().write(CField.updateQuestInfo(this, quest.getQuest().getId(), quest.getNpc(), (byte) 10)); } } } public final Map<Integer, String> getInfoQuest_Map() { return this.questinfo; } public final Map<MapleQuest, MapleQuestStatus> getQuest_Map() { return this.quests; } public Integer getBuffedValue(MapleBuffStat effect) { MapleBuffStatValueHolder mbsvh = (MapleBuffStatValueHolder) this.effects.get(effect); return mbsvh == null ? null : Integer.valueOf(mbsvh.value); } public final Integer getBuffedSkill_X(MapleBuffStat effect) { MapleBuffStatValueHolder mbsvh = (MapleBuffStatValueHolder) this.effects.get(effect); if (mbsvh == null) { return null; } return Integer.valueOf(mbsvh.effect.getX()); } public final Integer getBuffedSkill_Y(MapleBuffStat effect) { MapleBuffStatValueHolder mbsvh = (MapleBuffStatValueHolder) this.effects.get(effect); if (mbsvh == null) { return null; } return Integer.valueOf(mbsvh.effect.getY()); } public boolean isBuffFrom(MapleBuffStat stat, Skill skill) { MapleBuffStatValueHolder mbsvh = (MapleBuffStatValueHolder) this.effects.get(stat); if ((mbsvh == null) || (mbsvh.effect == null)) { return false; } return (mbsvh.effect.isSkill()) && (mbsvh.effect.getSourceId() == skill.getId()); } public int getBuffSource(MapleBuffStat stat) { MapleBuffStatValueHolder mbsvh = (MapleBuffStatValueHolder) this.effects.get(stat); return mbsvh == null ? -1 : mbsvh.effect.getSourceId(); } public int getTrueBuffSource(MapleBuffStat stat) { MapleBuffStatValueHolder mbsvh = (MapleBuffStatValueHolder) this.effects.get(stat); return mbsvh.effect.isSkill() ? mbsvh.effect.getSourceId() : mbsvh == null ? -1 : -mbsvh.effect.getSourceId(); } public int getItemQuantity(int itemid, boolean checkEquipped) { int possesed = this.inventory[GameConstants.getInventoryType(itemid).ordinal()].countById(itemid); if (checkEquipped) { possesed += this.inventory[MapleInventoryType.EQUIPPED.ordinal()].countById(itemid); } return possesed; } public void setBuffedValue(MapleBuffStat effect, int value) { MapleBuffStatValueHolder mbsvh = (MapleBuffStatValueHolder) this.effects.get(effect); if (mbsvh == null) { return; } mbsvh.value = value; } public void setSchedule(MapleBuffStat effect, ScheduledFuture<?> sched) { MapleBuffStatValueHolder mbsvh = (MapleBuffStatValueHolder) this.effects.get(effect); if (mbsvh == null) { return; } mbsvh.schedule.cancel(false); mbsvh.schedule = sched; } public Long getBuffedStarttime(MapleBuffStat effect) { MapleBuffStatValueHolder mbsvh = (MapleBuffStatValueHolder) this.effects.get(effect); return mbsvh == null ? null : Long.valueOf(mbsvh.startTime); } public MapleStatEffect getStatForBuff(MapleBuffStat effect) { MapleBuffStatValueHolder mbsvh = (MapleBuffStatValueHolder) this.effects.get(effect); return mbsvh == null ? null : mbsvh.effect; } public void doDragonBlood() { MapleStatEffect bloodEffect = getStatForBuff(MapleBuffStat.DRAGONBLOOD); if (bloodEffect == null) { this.lastDragonBloodTime = 0L; return; } prepareDragonBlood(); if (this.stats.getHp() - bloodEffect.getX() <= 1) { cancelBuffStats(new MapleBuffStat[]{MapleBuffStat.DRAGONBLOOD}); } else { addHP(-bloodEffect.getX()); this.client.getSession().write(CField.EffectPacket.showOwnBuffEffect(bloodEffect.getSourceId(), 7, getLevel(), bloodEffect.getLevel()));, CField.EffectPacket.showBuffeffect(getId(), bloodEffect.getSourceId(), 7, getLevel(), bloodEffect.getLevel()), false); } } public final boolean canBlood(long now) { return (this.lastDragonBloodTime > 0L) && (this.lastDragonBloodTime + 4000L < now); } private void prepareDragonBlood() { this.lastDragonBloodTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); } public void doRecovery() { MapleStatEffect bloodEffect = getStatForBuff(MapleBuffStat.RECOVERY); if (bloodEffect == null) { bloodEffect = getStatForBuff(MapleBuffStat.MECH_CHANGE); if (bloodEffect == null) { this.lastRecoveryTime = 0L; return; } if (bloodEffect.getSourceId() == 35121005) { prepareRecovery(); if (this.stats.getMp() < bloodEffect.getU()) { cancelEffectFromBuffStat(MapleBuffStat.MONSTER_RIDING); cancelEffectFromBuffStat(MapleBuffStat.MECH_CHANGE); } else { addMP(-bloodEffect.getU()); } } } else { prepareRecovery(); if (this.stats.getHp() >= this.stats.getCurrentMaxHp()) { cancelEffectFromBuffStat(MapleBuffStat.RECOVERY); } else { healHP(bloodEffect.getX()); } } } public final boolean canRecover(long now) { return (this.lastRecoveryTime > 0L) && (this.lastRecoveryTime + 5000L < now); } private void prepareRecovery() { this.lastRecoveryTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); } public void startMapTimeLimitTask(int time, final MapleMap to) { if (time <= 0) { //jail time = 1; } client.getSession().write(CField.getClock(time)); final MapleMap ourMap = getMap(); time *= 1000; mapTimeLimitTask = Timer.MapTimer.getInstance().register(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { if (ourMap.getId() == GameConstants.JAIL) { getQuestNAdd(MapleQuest.getInstance(GameConstants.JAIL_TIME)).setCustomData(String.valueOf(System.currentTimeMillis())); getQuestNAdd(MapleQuest.getInstance(GameConstants.JAIL_QUEST)).setCustomData("0"); //release them! changeMap(getMap(), to.getPortal(0)); } else { changeMap(to, to.getPortal(0)); } } }, time, time); } public boolean canDOT(long now) { return (this.lastDOTTime > 0L) && (this.lastDOTTime + 8000L < now); } public boolean hasDOT() { return this.dotHP > 0; } public void doDOT() { addHP(-(this.dotHP * 4)); this.dotHP = 0; this.lastDOTTime = 0L; } public void setDOT(int d, int source, int sourceLevel) { this.dotHP = d; addHP(-(this.dotHP * 4));, source, sourceLevel, d)); this.lastDOTTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); } public void startFishingTask() { cancelFishingTask(); this.lastFishingTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); } public boolean canFish(long now) { return (this.lastFishingTime > 0L) && (this.lastFishingTime + GameConstants.getFishingTime(false, isGM()) < now); } public void doFish(long now) { this.lastFishingTime = now; if ((this.client == null) || (this.client.getPlayer() == null) || (!this.client.isReceiving()) || (!haveItem(2270008, 1, false, true)) || (!GameConstants.isFishingMap(getMapId())) || (this.chair <= 0)) { cancelFishingTask(); return; } MapleInventoryManipulator.removeById(this.client, MapleInventoryType.USE, 2270008, 1, false, false); boolean passed = false; while (!passed) { int randval = RandomRewards.getFishingReward(); switch (randval) { case 0: int money = Randomizer.rand(10, 50000); gainMeso(money, true); passed = true; break; case 1: int experi = Math.min(Randomizer.nextInt(Math.abs((int) getNeededExp() / 250) + 1), 500000); gainExp(experi, true, false, true); passed = true; break; default: if (MapleItemInformationProvider.getInstance().itemExists(randval)) { MapleInventoryManipulator.addById(this.client, randval, (short) 1, new StringBuilder().append("Fishing on ").append(FileoutputUtil.CurrentReadable_Date()).toString()); passed = true; } break; } } } public void cancelMapTimeLimitTask() { if (this.mapTimeLimitTask != null) { this.mapTimeLimitTask.cancel(false); this.mapTimeLimitTask = null; } } public long getNeededExp() { return GameConstants.getExpNeededForLevel(this.level).longValue(); } public void cancelFishingTask() { this.lastFishingTime = 0L; } public void registerEffect(MapleStatEffect effect, long starttime, ScheduledFuture<?> schedule, int from) { registerEffect(effect, starttime, schedule, effect.getStatups(), false, effect.getDuration(), from); } public void registerEffect(MapleStatEffect effect, long starttime, ScheduledFuture<?> schedule, Map<MapleBuffStat, Integer> statups, boolean silent, int localDuration, int cid) { if (effect.isHide()) {, CField.removePlayerFromMap(getId()), false); } else if (effect.isDragonBlood()) { prepareDragonBlood(); } else if (effect.isRecovery()) { prepareRecovery(); } else if (effect.isBerserk()) { checkBerserk(); } else if (effect.isMonsterRiding_()) { getMount().startSchedule(); } int clonez = 0; for (Entry<MapleBuffStat, Integer> statup : statups.entrySet()) { if (statup.getKey() == MapleBuffStat.ILLUSION) { clonez = ((Integer) statup.getValue()).intValue(); } int value = ((Integer) statup.getValue()).intValue(); if (statup.getKey() == MapleBuffStat.MONSTER_RIDING) { if ((effect.getSourceId() == 5221006) && (this.battleshipHP <= 0)) { this.battleshipHP = maxBattleshipHP(effect.getSourceId()); } removeFamiliar(); } this.effects.put(statup.getKey(), new MapleBuffStatValueHolder(effect, starttime, schedule, value, localDuration, cid)); } if (clonez > 0) { int cloneSize = Math.max(getNumClones(), getCloneSize()); if (clonez > cloneSize) { for (int i = 0; i < clonez - cloneSize; i++) { cloneLook(); } } } if (!silent) { this.stats.recalcLocalStats(this); } } public List<MapleBuffStat> getBuffStats(MapleStatEffect effect, long startTime) { List bstats = new ArrayList(); Map<MapleBuffStat, MapleBuffStatValueHolder> allBuffs = new EnumMap(this.effects); for (Map.Entry stateffect : allBuffs.entrySet()) { MapleBuffStatValueHolder mbsvh = (MapleBuffStatValueHolder) stateffect.getValue(); if ((mbsvh.effect.sameSource(effect)) && ((startTime == -1L) || (startTime == mbsvh.startTime) || (((MapleBuffStat) stateffect.getKey()).canStack()))) { bstats.add(stateffect.getKey()); } } return bstats; } private boolean deregisterBuffStats(List<MapleBuffStat> stats) { boolean clonez = false; List<MapleBuffStatValueHolder> effectsToCancel = new ArrayList(stats.size()); for (MapleBuffStat stat : stats) { MapleBuffStatValueHolder mbsvh = (MapleBuffStatValueHolder) this.effects.remove(stat); if (mbsvh != null) { boolean addMbsvh = true; for (MapleBuffStatValueHolder contained : effectsToCancel) { if ((mbsvh.startTime == contained.startTime) && (contained.effect == mbsvh.effect)) { addMbsvh = false; } } if (addMbsvh) { effectsToCancel.add(mbsvh); } if ((stat == MapleBuffStat.SUMMON) || (stat == MapleBuffStat.PUPPET) || (stat == MapleBuffStat.REAPER) || (stat == MapleBuffStat.BEHOLDER) || (stat == MapleBuffStat.DAMAGE_BUFF) || (stat == MapleBuffStat.RAINING_MINES) || (stat == MapleBuffStat.ANGEL_ATK)) { int summonId = mbsvh.effect.getSourceId(); List<MapleSummon> toRemove = new ArrayList(); this.visibleMapObjectsLock.writeLock().lock(); this.summonsLock.writeLock().lock(); try { for (MapleSummon summon : this.summons) { if ((summon.getSkill() == summonId) || ((stat == MapleBuffStat.RAINING_MINES) && (summonId == 33101008)) || ((summonId == 35121009) && (summon.getSkill() == 35121011)) || (((summonId != 86) && (summonId != 88) && (summonId != 91)) || ((summon.getSkill() == summonId + 999) || (((summonId == 1085) || (summonId == 80001262) || (summonId == 1262) || (summonId == 1087) || (summonId == 1090) || (summonId == 1179)) && (summon.getSkill() == summonId - 999))))) {, true));; this.visibleMapObjects.remove(summon); toRemove.add(summon); } } for (MapleSummon s : toRemove) { this.summons.remove(s); } } finally { this.summonsLock.writeLock().unlock(); this.visibleMapObjectsLock.writeLock().unlock(); } if ((summonId == 3111005) || (summonId == 3211005)) { cancelEffectFromBuffStat(MapleBuffStat.SPIRIT_LINK); } } else if (stat == MapleBuffStat.DRAGONBLOOD) { this.lastDragonBloodTime = 0L; } else if ((stat == MapleBuffStat.RECOVERY) || (mbsvh.effect.getSourceId() == 35121005)) { this.lastRecoveryTime = 0L; } else if ((stat == MapleBuffStat.HOMING_BEACON) || (stat == MapleBuffStat.ARCANE_AIM)) { this.linkMobs.clear(); } else if (stat == MapleBuffStat.ILLUSION) { disposeClones(); clonez = true; } } } for (MapleBuffStatValueHolder cancelEffectCancelTasks : effectsToCancel) { if ((getBuffStats(cancelEffectCancelTasks.effect, cancelEffectCancelTasks.startTime).isEmpty()) && (cancelEffectCancelTasks.schedule != null)) { cancelEffectCancelTasks.schedule.cancel(false); } } return clonez; } public void cancelEffect(MapleStatEffect effect, boolean overwrite, long startTime) { if (effect == null) { return; } cancelEffect(effect, overwrite, startTime, effect.getStatups()); } public void cancelEffect(MapleStatEffect effect, boolean overwrite, long startTime, Map<MapleBuffStat, Integer> statups) { if (effect == null) { return; } List buffstats; if (!overwrite) { buffstats = getBuffStats(effect, startTime); } else { buffstats = new ArrayList(statups.keySet()); } if (buffstats.size() <= 0) { return; } if ((effect.isInfinity()) && (getBuffedValue(MapleBuffStat.INFINITY) != null)) { int duration = Math.max(effect.getDuration(), effect.alchemistModifyVal(this, effect.getDuration(), false)); long start = getBuffedStarttime(MapleBuffStat.INFINITY).longValue(); duration += (int) (start - System.currentTimeMillis()); if (duration > 0) { int neworbcount = getBuffedValue(MapleBuffStat.INFINITY).intValue() + effect.getDamage(); Map stat = new EnumMap(MapleBuffStat.class); stat.put(MapleBuffStat.INFINITY, Integer.valueOf(neworbcount)); setBuffedValue(MapleBuffStat.INFINITY, neworbcount); this.client.getSession().write(CWvsContext.BuffPacket.giveBuff(effect.getSourceId(), duration, stat, effect)); addHP((int) (effect.getHpR() * this.stats.getCurrentMaxHp())); addMP((int) (effect.getMpR() * this.stats.getCurrentMaxMp(getJob()))); setSchedule(MapleBuffStat.INFINITY, Timer.BuffTimer.getInstance().schedule(new MapleStatEffect.CancelEffectAction(this, effect, start, stat), effect.alchemistModifyVal(this, 4000, false))); return; } } boolean clonez = deregisterBuffStats(buffstats); if (effect.isMagicDoor()) { if (!getDoors().isEmpty()) { removeDoor(); silentPartyUpdate(); } } else if (effect.isMechDoor()) { if (!getMechDoors().isEmpty()) { removeMechDoor(); } } else if (effect.isMonsterRiding_()) { getMount().cancelSchedule(); } else if (effect.isMonsterRiding()) { cancelEffectFromBuffStat(MapleBuffStat.MECH_CHANGE); } else if (effect.isAranCombo()) { this.combo = 0; } cancelPlayerBuffs(buffstats, overwrite); if ((!overwrite) && (effect.isHide()) && (this.client.getChannelServer().getPlayerStorage().getCharacterById(getId()) != null)) {, CField.spawnPlayerMapobject(this), false); for (MaplePet pet : this.pets) { if (pet.getSummoned()) {, PetPacket.showPet(this, pet, false, false), false); } } for (WeakReference chr : this.clones) { if (chr.get() != null) { chr.get(), CField.spawnPlayerMapobject((MapleCharacter) chr.get()), false); } } } if ((effect.getSourceId() == 35121013) && (!overwrite)) { SkillFactory.getSkill(35121005).getEffect(getTotalSkillLevel(35121005)).applyTo(this); } if (!clonez) { for (WeakReference chr : this.clones) { if (chr.get() != null) { ((MapleCharacter) chr.get()).cancelEffect(effect, overwrite, startTime); } } } } public void cancelBuffStats(MapleBuffStat[] stat) { List buffStatList = Arrays.asList(stat); deregisterBuffStats(buffStatList); cancelPlayerBuffs(buffStatList, false); } public void cancelEffectFromBuffStat(MapleBuffStat stat) { if (this.effects.get(stat) != null) { cancelEffect(((MapleBuffStatValueHolder) this.effects.get(stat)).effect, false, -1L); } } public void cancelEffectFromBuffStat(MapleBuffStat stat, int from) { if ((this.effects.get(stat) != null) && (((MapleBuffStatValueHolder) this.effects.get(stat)).cid == from)) { cancelEffect(((MapleBuffStatValueHolder) this.effects.get(stat)).effect, false, -1L); } } private void cancelPlayerBuffs(List<MapleBuffStat> buffstats, boolean overwrite) { boolean write = (this.client != null) && (this.client.getChannelServer() != null) && (this.client.getChannelServer().getPlayerStorage().getCharacterById(getId()) != null); if (buffstats.contains(MapleBuffStat.HOMING_BEACON)) { this.client.getSession().write(CWvsContext.BuffPacket.cancelHoming()); } else { if (overwrite) { List z = new ArrayList(); for (MapleBuffStat s : buffstats) { if (s.canStack()) { z.add(s); } } if (z.size() > 0) { buffstats = z; } else { return; } } else if (write) { this.stats.recalcLocalStats(this); } if ((buffstats.contains(MapleBuffStat.MORPH)) && (GameConstants.kaiser(getJob()))) { resetKaiserCombo(); } this.client.getSession().write(CWvsContext.BuffPacket.cancelBuff(buffstats)); map.broadcastMessage(this, CWvsContext.BuffPacket.cancelForeignBuff(getId(), buffstats), false); //, CWvsContext.BuffPacket.cancelForeignBuff(getId(), buffstats), false); } } public void dispel() { if (!isHidden()) { LinkedList<MapleBuffStatValueHolder> allBuffs = new LinkedList(this.effects.values()); for (MapleBuffStatValueHolder mbsvh : allBuffs) { if ((mbsvh.effect.isSkill()) && (mbsvh.schedule != null) && (!mbsvh.effect.isMorph()) && (!mbsvh.effect.isGmBuff()) && (!mbsvh.effect.isMonsterRiding()) && (!mbsvh.effect.isMechChange()) && (!mbsvh.effect.isEnergyCharge()) && (!mbsvh.effect.isAranCombo())) { cancelEffect(mbsvh.effect, false, mbsvh.startTime); } } } } public final void QuestInfoPacket(final MaplePacketLittleEndianWriter mplew) { mplew.writeShort(questinfo.size()); for (final Entry<Integer, String> q : questinfo.entrySet()) { mplew.writeShort(q.getKey()); mplew.writeMapleAsciiString(q.getValue() == null ? "" : q.getValue()); } } public void dispelSkill(int skillid) { LinkedList<MapleBuffStatValueHolder> allBuffs = new LinkedList(this.effects.values()); for (MapleBuffStatValueHolder mbsvh : allBuffs) { if ((mbsvh.effect.isSkill()) && (mbsvh.effect.getSourceId() == skillid)) { cancelEffect(mbsvh.effect, false, mbsvh.startTime); break; } } } public void dispelSummons() { LinkedList<MapleBuffStatValueHolder> allBuffs = new LinkedList(this.effects.values()); for (MapleBuffStatValueHolder mbsvh : allBuffs) { if (mbsvh.effect.getSummonMovementType() != null) { cancelEffect(mbsvh.effect, false, mbsvh.startTime); } } } public void dispelBuff(int skillid) { LinkedList<MapleBuffStatValueHolder> allBuffs = new LinkedList(this.effects.values()); for (MapleBuffStatValueHolder mbsvh : allBuffs) { if (mbsvh.effect.getSourceId() == skillid) { cancelEffect(mbsvh.effect, false, mbsvh.startTime); break; } } } public void cancelAllBuffs_() { this.effects.clear(); } public void cancelAllBuffs() { LinkedList<MapleBuffStatValueHolder> allBuffs = new LinkedList(this.effects.values()); for (MapleBuffStatValueHolder mbsvh : allBuffs) { cancelEffect(mbsvh.effect, false, mbsvh.startTime); } } public void cancelMorphs() { LinkedList<MapleBuffStatValueHolder> allBuffs = new LinkedList(this.effects.values()); for (MapleBuffStatValueHolder mbsvh : allBuffs) { switch (mbsvh.effect.getSourceId()) { case 5111005: case 5121003: case 13111005: case 15111002: case 61111008: case 61120008: return; } if (mbsvh.effect.isMorph()) { if (MapConstants.isStorylineMap(getMapId())) { return; } if (mbsvh.effect.isMorph()) { disposeClones(); cancelEffect(mbsvh.effect, false, mbsvh.startTime); } } } } public int getMorphState() { LinkedList<MapleBuffStatValueHolder> allBuffs = new LinkedList(this.effects.values()); for (MapleBuffStatValueHolder mbsvh : allBuffs) { if (mbsvh.effect.isMorph()) { return mbsvh.effect.getSourceId(); } } return -1; } public void silentGiveBuffs(List<PlayerBuffValueHolder> buffs) { if (buffs == null) { return; } for (PlayerBuffValueHolder mbsvh : buffs) { mbsvh.effect.silentApplyBuff(this, mbsvh.startTime, mbsvh.localDuration, mbsvh.statup, mbsvh.cid); } } public List<PlayerBuffValueHolder> getAllBuffs() { final List<PlayerBuffValueHolder> ret = new ArrayList<PlayerBuffValueHolder>(); final Map<Pair<Integer, Byte>, Integer> alreadyDone = new HashMap<Pair<Integer, Byte>, Integer>(); final LinkedList<Entry<MapleBuffStat, MapleBuffStatValueHolder>> allBuffs = new LinkedList<Entry<MapleBuffStat, MapleBuffStatValueHolder>>(effects.entrySet()); for (Entry<MapleBuffStat, MapleBuffStatValueHolder> mbsvh : allBuffs) { final Pair<Integer, Byte> key = new Pair<Integer, Byte>(mbsvh.getValue().effect.getSourceId(), mbsvh.getValue().effect.getLevel()); if (alreadyDone.containsKey(key)) { ret.get(alreadyDone.get(key)).statup.put(mbsvh.getKey(), mbsvh.getValue().value); } else { alreadyDone.put(key, ret.size()); final EnumMap<MapleBuffStat, Integer> list = new EnumMap<MapleBuffStat, Integer>(MapleBuffStat.class); list.put(mbsvh.getKey(), mbsvh.getValue().value); ret.add(new PlayerBuffValueHolder(mbsvh.getValue().startTime, mbsvh.getValue().effect, list, mbsvh.getValue().localDuration, mbsvh.getValue().cid)); } } return ret; } public void cancelMagicDoor() { LinkedList<MapleBuffStatValueHolder> allBuffs = new LinkedList(this.effects.values()); for (MapleBuffStatValueHolder mbsvh : allBuffs) { if (mbsvh.effect.isMagicDoor()) { cancelEffect(mbsvh.effect, false, mbsvh.startTime); break; } } } public int getSkillLevel(int skillid) { return getSkillLevel(SkillFactory.getSkill(skillid)); } public int getTotalSkillLevel(int skillid) { if (GameConstants.iskaiser_Transfiguration_Skill(skillid)) { return SkillFactory.getSkill(skillid).getMaxLevel(); } return getTotalSkillLevel(SkillFactory.getSkill(skillid)); } public final void handleEnergyCharge(int skillid, int targets) { Skill echskill = SkillFactory.getSkill(skillid); int skilllevel = getTotalSkillLevel(echskill); if (skilllevel > 0) { MapleStatEffect echeff = echskill.getEffect(skilllevel); if (targets > 0) { if (getBuffedValue(MapleBuffStat.ENERGY_CHARGE) == null) { echeff.applyEnergyBuff(this, true, targets); } else { Integer energyLevel = getBuffedValue(MapleBuffStat.ENERGY_CHARGE); if (energyLevel.intValue() < 10000) { energyLevel = Integer.valueOf(energyLevel.intValue() + echeff.getX() * targets); this.client.getSession().write(CField.EffectPacket.showOwnBuffEffect(skillid, 2, getLevel(), skilllevel));, CField.EffectPacket.showBuffeffect(, skillid, 2, getLevel(), skilllevel), false); if (energyLevel.intValue() >= 10000) { energyLevel = Integer.valueOf(10000); } this.client.getSession().write(CWvsContext.BuffPacket.giveEnergyChargeTest(energyLevel.intValue(), echeff.getDuration() / 1000)); setBuffedValue(MapleBuffStat.ENERGY_CHARGE, Integer.valueOf(energyLevel.intValue()).intValue()); } else if (energyLevel.intValue() == 10000) { echeff.applyEnergyBuff(this, false, targets); setBuffedValue(MapleBuffStat.ENERGY_CHARGE, Integer.valueOf(10001).intValue()); } } } } } public final void handleBattleshipHP(int damage) { if (damage < 0) { MapleStatEffect effect = getStatForBuff(MapleBuffStat.MONSTER_RIDING); if ((effect != null) && (effect.getSourceId() == 5221006)) { this.battleshipHP += damage; this.client.getSession().write(CField.skillCooldown(5221999, this.battleshipHP / 10)); if (this.battleshipHP <= 0) { this.battleshipHP = 0; this.client.getSession().write(CField.skillCooldown(5221006, effect.getCooldown(this))); addCooldown(5221006, System.currentTimeMillis(), effect.getCooldown(this) * 1000); cancelEffectFromBuffStat(MapleBuffStat.MONSTER_RIDING); } } } } public final void handleOrbgain() { int orbcount = getBuffedValue(MapleBuffStat.COMBO).intValue(); Skill combo; Skill advcombo; switch (getJob()) { case 1110: case 1111: case 1112: combo = SkillFactory.getSkill(11111001); advcombo = SkillFactory.getSkill(11110005); break; default: combo = SkillFactory.getSkill(1111002); advcombo = SkillFactory.getSkill(1120003); } MapleStatEffect ceffect = null; int advComboSkillLevel = getTotalSkillLevel(advcombo); if (advComboSkillLevel > 0) { ceffect = advcombo.getEffect(advComboSkillLevel); } else if (getSkillLevel(combo) > 0) { ceffect = combo.getEffect(getTotalSkillLevel(combo)); } else { return; } if (orbcount < ceffect.getX() + 1) { int neworbcount = orbcount + 1; if ((advComboSkillLevel > 0) && (ceffect.makeChanceResult()) && (neworbcount < ceffect.getX() + 1)) { neworbcount++; } EnumMap stat = new EnumMap(MapleBuffStat.class); stat.put(MapleBuffStat.COMBO, Integer.valueOf(neworbcount)); setBuffedValue(MapleBuffStat.COMBO, neworbcount); int duration = ceffect.getDuration(); duration += (int) (getBuffedStarttime(MapleBuffStat.COMBO).longValue() - System.currentTimeMillis()); this.client.getSession().write(CWvsContext.BuffPacket.giveBuff(combo.getId(), duration, stat, ceffect));, CWvsContext.BuffPacket.giveForeignBuff(getId(), stat, ceffect), false); } } public void handleOrbconsume(int howmany) { Skill combo; switch (getJob()) { case 1110: case 1111: case 1112: combo = SkillFactory.getSkill(11111001); break; default: combo = SkillFactory.getSkill(1111002); } if (getSkillLevel(combo) <= 0) { return; } MapleStatEffect ceffect = getStatForBuff(MapleBuffStat.COMBO); if (ceffect == null) { return; } EnumMap stat = new EnumMap(MapleBuffStat.class); stat.put(MapleBuffStat.COMBO, Integer.valueOf(Math.max(1, getBuffedValue(MapleBuffStat.COMBO).intValue() - howmany))); setBuffedValue(MapleBuffStat.COMBO, Math.max(1, getBuffedValue(MapleBuffStat.COMBO).intValue() - howmany)); int duration = ceffect.getDuration(); duration += (int) (getBuffedStarttime(MapleBuffStat.COMBO).longValue() - System.currentTimeMillis()); this.client.getSession().write(CWvsContext.BuffPacket.giveBuff(combo.getId(), duration, stat, ceffect));, CWvsContext.BuffPacket.giveForeignBuff(getId(), stat, ceffect), false); } public void silentEnforceMaxHpMp() { this.stats.setMp(this.stats.getMp(), this); this.stats.setHp(this.stats.getHp(), true, this); } public void enforceMaxHpMp() { Map statups = new EnumMap(MapleStat.class); if (this.stats.getMp() > this.stats.getCurrentMaxMp(getJob())) { this.stats.setMp(this.stats.getMp(), this); statups.put(MapleStat.MP, Long.valueOf(this.stats.getMp())); } if (this.stats.getHp() > this.stats.getCurrentMaxHp()) { this.stats.setHp(this.stats.getHp(), this); statups.put(MapleStat.HP, Long.valueOf(this.stats.getHp())); } if (statups.size() > 0) { this.client.getSession().write(CWvsContext.updatePlayerStats(statups, this)); } } public MapleMap getMap() { return; } public MonsterBook getMonsterBook() { return this.monsterbook; } public void setMap(MapleMap newmap) { = newmap; } public void setMap(int PmapId) { this.mapid = PmapId; } public int getMapId() { if ( != null) { return; } return this.mapid; } public byte getInitialSpawnpoint() { return this.initialSpawnPoint; } public int getId() { return; } public String getName() { return; } public final String getBlessOfFairyOrigin() { return this.BlessOfFairy_Origin; } public final String getBlessOfEmpressOrigin() { return this.BlessOfEmpress_Origin; } public final short getLevel() { return this.level; } public final int getFame() { return this.fame; } public final int getFallCounter() { return this.fallcounter; } public final MapleClient getClient() { return this.client; } public final void setClient(MapleClient client) { this.client = client; } public long getExp() { return exp.get(); } public int getRemainingAp() { return this.remainingAp; } public int getRemainingSp() { return this.remainingSp[GameConstants.getSkillBook(this.job)]; } public int getRemainingSp(int skillbook) { return this.remainingSp[skillbook]; } public int[] getRemainingSps() { return this.remainingSp; } public int getRemainingSpSize() { int ret = 0; for (int i = 0; i < this.remainingSp.length; i++) { if (this.remainingSp[i] > 0) { ret++; } } return ret; } public int getHpApUsed() { return this.hpApUsed; } public boolean isHidden() { return getBuffSource(MapleBuffStat.DARKSIGHT) / 1000000 == 9; } public void setHpApUsed(int hpApUsed) { this.hpApUsed = hpApUsed; } public byte getSkinColor() { return this.skinColor; } public void setSkinColor(byte skinColor) { this.skinColor = skinColor; } public short getJob() { return this.job; } public byte getGender() { return this.gender; } public byte getSecondGender() { if (GameConstants.isZero(getJob())) { return 1; } return this.gender; } public int getSecondHair() { if (GameConstants.angelic(getJob())) { return 37141; //default id here } else if (GameConstants.isZero(getJob())) { return 37623; } return hair; } public int getHair() { return; } public int getFace() { return this.face; } public int getSecondFace() { if (GameConstants.angelic(getJob())) { return 21173; //default id here } else if (GameConstants.isZero(getJob())) { return 21290; } return face; } public int getDemonMarking() { return this.demonMarking; } public void setDemonMarking(int mark) { this.demonMarking = mark; } public void setName(String name) { = name; } public void setExp(long amount) { this.exp.set(amount); } public void setHair(int hair) { = hair; } public void setFace(int face) { this.face = face; } public void setFame(int fame) { this.fame = fame; } public void setFallCounter(int fallcounter) { this.fallcounter = fallcounter; } public Point getOldPosition() { return this.old; } public void setOldPosition(Point x) { this.old = x; } public void setRemainingAp(int remainingAp) { this.remainingAp = remainingAp; } public void setRemainingSp(int remainingSp) { this.remainingSp[GameConstants.getSkillBook(this.job)] = remainingSp; } public void setRemainingSp(int remainingSp, int skillbook) { this.remainingSp[skillbook] = remainingSp; } public void setGender(byte gender) { this.gender = gender; } public void setInvincible(boolean invinc) { this.invincible = invinc; } public boolean isInvincible() { return this.invincible; } public BuddyList getBuddylist() { return this.buddylist; } public void addFame(int famechange) { this.fame += famechange; getTrait(MapleTrait.MapleTraitType.charm).addLocalExp(famechange); } public void updateFame() { updateSingleStat(MapleStat.FAME, this.fame); } public void changeMapBanish(int mapid, String portal, String msg) { dropMessage(5, msg); MapleMap map = this.client.getChannelServer().getMapFactory().getMap(mapid); changeMap(map, map.getPortal(portal)); } public void changeMap(MapleMap to, Point pos) { changeMapInternal(to, pos, CField.getWarpToMap(to, 128, this), null); } public void changeMap(MapleMap to) { changeMapInternal(to, to.getPortal(0).getPosition(), CField.getWarpToMap(to, 0, this), to.getPortal(0)); } public void changeMap(MapleMap to, MaplePortal pto) { changeMapInternal(to, pto.getPosition(), CField.getWarpToMap(to, pto.getId(), this), null); } public void changeMapPortal(MapleMap to, MaplePortal pto) { changeMapInternal(to, pto.getPosition(), CField.getWarpToMap(to, pto.getId(), this), pto); } private void changeMapInternal(MapleMap to, Point pos, byte[] warpPacket, MaplePortal pto) { if (to == null) { return; } int nowmapid =; if (this.eventInstance != null) { this.eventInstance.changedMap(this, to.getId()); } boolean pyramid = this.pyramidSubway != null; if ( == nowmapid) { this.client.getSession().write(warpPacket); boolean shouldChange = (!isClone()) && (this.client.getChannelServer().getPlayerStorage().getCharacterById(getId()) != null); boolean shouldState = == to.getId(); if ((shouldChange) && (shouldState)) { to.setCheckStates(false); }; if (shouldChange) { = to; setPosition(pos); to.addPlayer(this); this.stats.relocHeal(this); if (shouldState) { to.setCheckStates(true); } } } if ((pyramid) && (this.pyramidSubway != null)) { this.pyramidSubway.onChangeMap(this, to.getId()); } } public void cancelChallenge() { if ((this.challenge != 0) && (this.client.getChannelServer() != null)) { MapleCharacter chr = this.client.getChannelServer().getPlayerStorage().getCharacterById(this.challenge); if (chr != null) { chr.dropMessage(6, new StringBuilder().append(getName()).append(" has denied your request.").toString()); chr.setChallenge(0); } dropMessage(6, "Denied the challenge."); this.challenge = 0; } } public void leaveMap(MapleMap map) { this.controlledLock.writeLock().lock(); this.visibleMapObjectsLock.writeLock().lock(); try { for (MapleMonster mons : this.controlled) { if (mons != null) { mons.setController(null); mons.setControllerHasAggro(false); map.updateMonsterController(mons); } } this.controlled.clear(); this.visibleMapObjects.clear(); } finally { this.controlledLock.writeLock().unlock(); this.visibleMapObjectsLock.writeLock().unlock(); } if (this.chair != 0) { this.chair = 0; } clearLinkMid(); cancelFishingTask(); cancelChallenge(); if (!getMechDoors().isEmpty()) { removeMechDoor(); } cancelMapTimeLimitTask(); if (getTrade() != null) { MapleTrade.cancelTrade(getTrade(), this.client, this); } } public void changeJob(short newJob) { try { cancelEffectFromBuffStat(MapleBuffStat.SHADOWPARTNER); this.job = newJob; updateSingleStat(MapleStat.JOB, newJob); if (!GameConstants.isBeginnerJob(newJob)) { if ((GameConstants.isEvan(newJob)) || (GameConstants.isResist(newJob)) || (GameConstants.isMercedes(newJob)) || (GameConstants.isJett(newJob)) || (GameConstants.isPhantom(newJob))) { if (GameConstants.isPhantom(this.job)) { this.client.getSession().write(CField.updateCardStack(0)); resetRunningStack(); } int changeSp = (newJob == 2200) || (newJob == 2210) || (newJob == 2211) || (newJob == 2213) ? 3 : 5; if ((GameConstants.isResist(this.job)) && (newJob != 3100) && (newJob != 3200) && (newJob != 3300) && (newJob != 3500)) { changeSp = 3; } this.remainingSp[GameConstants.getSkillBook(newJob)] += changeSp; this.client.getSession().write(CWvsContext.InfoPacket.getSPMsg((byte) changeSp, newJob)); } else { this.remainingSp[GameConstants.getSkillBook(newJob)] += 1; if (newJob % 10 >= 2) { this.remainingSp[GameConstants.getSkillBook(newJob)] += 2; } } if ((newJob % 10 >= 1) && (this.level >= 70)) { this.remainingAp += 5; updateSingleStat(MapleStat.AVAILABLEAP, this.remainingAp); } if (!isGM()) { if (!GameConstants.isEvan(newJob)) { if (getLevel() > (newJob == 200 ? 8 : 10)) { if ((newJob % 100 == 0) && (newJob % 1000 / 100 > 0)) { this.remainingSp[GameConstants.getSkillBook(newJob)] += 3 * (getLevel() - (newJob == 200 ? 8 : 10)); } } } else if (newJob == 2200) { MapleQuest.getInstance(22100).forceStart(this, 0, null); MapleQuest.getInstance(22100).forceComplete(this, 0); expandInventory((byte) 1, 4); expandInventory((byte) 2, 4); expandInventory((byte) 3, 4); expandInventory((byte) 4, 4); this.client.getSession().write(CField.NPCPacket.getEvanTutorial("UI/tutorial/evan/14/0")); dropMessage(5, "The baby Dragon hatched and appears to have something to tell you. Click the baby Dragon to start a conversation."); } } updateSingleStat(MapleStat.AVAILABLESP, 0); } int maxhp = this.stats.getMaxHp(); int maxmp = this.stats.getMaxMp(); baseSkills(); switch (this.job) { case 100: case 1100: case 2100: case 3200: case 5000: maxhp += Randomizer.rand(200, 250); break; case 3100: maxhp += Randomizer.rand(200, 250); break; case 3110: maxhp += Randomizer.rand(300, 350); break; case 200: case 2200: case 2210: maxmp += Randomizer.rand(100, 150); break; case 300: case 400: case 500: case 2300: case 3300: case 3500: maxhp += Randomizer.rand(100, 150); maxmp += Randomizer.rand(25, 50); break; case 110: case 120: case 130: case 1110: case 2110: case 3210: maxhp += Randomizer.rand(300, 350); break; case 210: case 220: case 230: maxmp += Randomizer.rand(400, 450); break; case 310: case 320: case 410: case 420: case 430: case 510: case 520: case 530: case 1310: case 1410: case 2310: case 3310: case 3510: maxhp += Randomizer.rand(200, 250); maxhp += Randomizer.rand(150, 200); break; case 800: case 900: maxhp += 99999; maxmp += 99999; } if (maxhp >= 500000) { maxhp = 500000; } if (maxmp >= 500000) { maxmp = 500000; } if (GameConstants.isDemon(this.job)) { maxmp = GameConstants.getMPByJob(this.job); } this.stats.setInfo(maxhp, maxmp, maxhp, maxmp); Map statup = new EnumMap(MapleStat.class); statup.put(MapleStat.MAXHP, Long.valueOf(maxhp)); statup.put(MapleStat.MAXMP, Long.valueOf(maxmp)); statup.put(MapleStat.HP, Long.valueOf(maxhp)); statup.put(MapleStat.MP, Long.valueOf(maxmp)); statup.put(MapleStat.AVAILABLESP, 0); this.characterCard.recalcLocalStats(this); this.stats.recalcLocalStats(this); this.client.getSession().write(CWvsContext.updatePlayerStats(statup, this));, CField.EffectPacket.showForeignEffect(getId(), 11), false); silentPartyUpdate(); guildUpdate(); familyUpdate(); if (this.dragon != null) {; this.dragon = null; } if (this.Haku != null) { this.Haku = null; } if ((newJob >= 2200) && (newJob <= 2218)) { if (getBuffedValue(MapleBuffStat.MONSTER_RIDING) != null) { cancelBuffStats(new MapleBuffStat[]{MapleBuffStat.MONSTER_RIDING}); } makeDragon(); } if (((newJob >= 4200) && (newJob <= 4212)) || (newJob == 4002)) { if (getBuffedValue(MapleBuffStat.MONSTER_RIDING) != null) { cancelBuffStats(new MapleBuffStat[]{MapleBuffStat.MONSTER_RIDING}); } makeHaku(); } } catch (Exception e) { FileoutputUtil.outputFileError("Log_Script_Except.txt", e); } } public void equipitem(int itemId) { Item used = getInventory(MapleInventoryType.EQUIPPED).getItem((short) -10); if (used != null) { MapleInventoryManipulator.unequip(this.client, (short) -10, getInventory(MapleInventoryType.EQUIP).getNextFreeSlot()); } short slot = (short) MapleInventoryManipulator.addId(this.client, itemId); MapleInventoryManipulator.equip(this.client, slot, (short) -10); reloadC(); } public void reloadC() { getClient().getSession().write(CField.getCharInfo(this)); getMap().removePlayer(this); getMap().addPlayer(this); final Map<Skill, SkillEntry> skills = getSkills(); getClient().getSession().write(CWvsContext.updateSkills(skills)); } public void makeDragon() { this.dragon = new MapleDragon(this);; } public MapleDragon getDragon() { return this.dragon; } public void makeHaku() { this.Haku = new MapleHaku(this);; if (getHaku() != null && this.getBuffedValue(MapleBuffStat.Haku_Reborn) != null) { getHaku().sendstats(); getMap().broadcastMessage(this, CField.spawnHaku_change0(this.getId()), true); getMap().broadcastMessage(this, CField.spawnHaku_change1(this.getHaku()), true); getMap().broadcastMessage(this, CField.spawnHaku_bianshen(this.getId(), this.getHaku().getObjectId(), this.getHaku().getstats()), true); } } public MapleHaku getHaku() { return this.Haku; } public void gainAp(int ap) { this.remainingAp += ap; updateSingleStat(MapleStat.AVAILABLEAP, this.remainingAp); } public void gainSP(int sp) { this.remainingSp[GameConstants.getSkillBook(this.job)] += sp; updateSingleStat(MapleStat.AVAILABLESP, 0); this.client.getSession().write(CWvsContext.InfoPacket.getSPMsg((byte) sp, this.job)); } public void gainSP(int sp, int skillbook) { this.remainingSp[skillbook] += sp; updateSingleStat(MapleStat.AVAILABLESP, 0); this.client.getSession().write(CWvsContext.InfoPacket.getSPMsg((byte) sp, (short) 0)); } public void resetSP(int sp) { for (int i = 0; i < this.remainingSp.length; i++) { this.remainingSp[i] = sp; } updateSingleStat(MapleStat.AVAILABLESP, 0); } public void resetAPSP() { resetSP(0); gainAp(-this.remainingAp); } public void setHonourExp(int exp) { this.honourExp = exp; } public int getHonourExp() { return this.honourExp; } public void setHonourLevel(int level) { this.honourLevel = level; } public int getHonourLevel() { if (this.honourLevel == 0) { this.honourLevel = 1; } return this.honourLevel; } public List<InnerSkillValueHolder> getInnerSkills() { return this.innerSkills; } public List<Integer> getProfessions() { List prof = new ArrayList(); for (int i = 9200; i <= 9204; i++) { if (getProfessionLevel( * 10000) > 0) { prof.add(Integer.valueOf(i)); } } return prof; } public byte getProfessionLevel(int id) { int ret = getSkillLevel(id); if (ret <= 0) { return 0; } return (byte) (ret >>> 24 & 0xFF); } public short getProfessionExp(int id) { int ret = getSkillLevel(id); if (ret <= 0) { return 0; } return (short) (ret & 0xFFFF); } public boolean addProfessionExp(int id, int expGain) { int ret = getProfessionLevel(id); if ((ret <= 0) || (ret >= 10)) { return false; } int newExp = getProfessionExp(id) + expGain; if (newExp >= GameConstants.getProfessionEXP(ret)) { changeProfessionLevelExp(id, ret + 1, newExp - GameConstants.getProfessionEXP(ret)); int traitGain = (int) Math.pow(2.0D, ret + 1); switch (id) { case 92000000: ((MapleTrait) this.traits.get(MapleTrait.MapleTraitType.sense)).addExp(traitGain, this); break; case 92010000: ((MapleTrait) this.traits.get(MapleTrait.MapleTraitType.will)).addExp(traitGain, this); break; case 92020000: case 92030000: case 92040000: ((MapleTrait) this.traits.get(MapleTrait.MapleTraitType.craft)).addExp(traitGain, this); } return true; } changeProfessionLevelExp(id, ret, newExp); return false; } public void changeProfessionLevelExp(int id, int level, int exp) { changeSingleSkillLevel(SkillFactory.getSkill(id), ((level & 0xFF) << 24) + (exp & 0xFFFF), (byte) 10); } public void changeSingleSkillLevel(Skill skill, int newLevel, byte newMasterlevel) { if (skill == null) { System.out.println("skill == null"); return; } changeSingleSkillLevel(skill, newLevel, newMasterlevel, SkillFactory.getDefaultSExpiry(skill)); } public void changeSingleSkillLevel(Skill skill, int newLevel, byte newMasterlevel, long expiration) { System.out.println("start real changesingleskilllevel"); Map list = new HashMap(); boolean hasRecovery = false; boolean recalculate = false; if (changeSkillData(skill, newLevel, newMasterlevel, expiration)) { System.out.println("changeskilldata is true"); list.put(skill, new SkillEntry(newLevel, newMasterlevel, expiration)); if (GameConstants.isRecoveryIncSkill(skill.getId())) { hasRecovery = true; } if (skill.getId() < 100000000) { recalculate = true; } } if (list.isEmpty()) { return; } System.out.println("writing updateskills"); this.client.getSession().write(CWvsContext.updateSkills(list)); reUpdateStat(hasRecovery, recalculate); } public void changeSkillsLevel(Map<Skill, SkillEntry> ss) { if (ss.isEmpty()) { return; } Map list = new HashMap(); boolean hasRecovery = false; boolean recalculate = false; for (Map.Entry data : ss.entrySet()) { if (changeSkillData((Skill) data.getKey(), ((SkillEntry) data.getValue()).skillevel, ((SkillEntry) data.getValue()).masterlevel, ((SkillEntry) data.getValue()).expiration)) { list.put(data.getKey(), data.getValue()); if (GameConstants.isRecoveryIncSkill(((Skill) data.getKey()).getId())) { hasRecovery = true; } if (((Skill) data.getKey()).getId() < 80000000) { recalculate = true; } } } if (list.isEmpty()) { return; } this.client.getSession().write(CWvsContext.updateSkills(list)); reUpdateStat(hasRecovery, recalculate); } public void reUpdateStat(boolean hasRecovery, boolean recalculate) { this.changed_skills = true; if (hasRecovery) { this.stats.relocHeal(this); } if (recalculate) { this.stats.recalcLocalStats(this); } } public boolean changeSkillData(Skill skill, int newLevel, byte newMasterlevel, long expiration) { if ((skill == null) || ((!GameConstants.isApplicableSkill(skill.getId())) && (!GameConstants.isApplicableSkill_(skill.getId())))) { return false; } if ((newLevel == 0) && (newMasterlevel == 0)) { if (this.skills.containsKey(skill)) { this.skills.remove(skill); } else { return false; } } else { this.skills.put(skill, new SkillEntry(newLevel, newMasterlevel, expiration)); } return true; } public void changeSkillLevel_Skip(Map<Skill, SkillEntry> skill, boolean write) { if (skill.isEmpty()) { return; } Map newL = new HashMap(); for (Entry<Skill, SkillEntry> z : skill.entrySet()) { if (z.getKey() != null) { newL.put(z.getKey(), z.getValue()); if ((((SkillEntry) z.getValue()).skillevel == 0) && (((SkillEntry) z.getValue()).masterlevel == 0)) { if (this.skills.containsKey(z.getKey())) { this.skills.remove(z.getKey()); } } else { this.skills.put(z.getKey(), z.getValue()); } } } if ((write) && (!newL.isEmpty())) { this.client.getSession().write(CWvsContext.updateSkills(newL)); } } public void playerDead() { MapleStatEffect statss = getStatForBuff(MapleBuffStat.SOUL_STONE); if (statss != null) { dropMessage(5, "You have been revived by Soul Stone."); getStat().setHp(getStat().getMaxHp() / 100 * statss.getX(), this); setStance(0); changeMap(getMap(), getMap().getPortal(0)); return; } if (getEventInstance() != null) { getEventInstance().playerKilled(this); } cancelEffectFromBuffStat(MapleBuffStat.SHADOWPARTNER); cancelEffectFromBuffStat(MapleBuffStat.MORPH); cancelEffectFromBuffStat(MapleBuffStat.SOARING); cancelEffectFromBuffStat(MapleBuffStat.MONSTER_RIDING); cancelEffectFromBuffStat(MapleBuffStat.MECH_CHANGE); cancelEffectFromBuffStat(MapleBuffStat.RECOVERY); cancelEffectFromBuffStat(MapleBuffStat.HP_BOOST_PERCENT); cancelEffectFromBuffStat(MapleBuffStat.MP_BOOST_PERCENT); cancelEffectFromBuffStat(MapleBuffStat.HP_BOOST); cancelEffectFromBuffStat(MapleBuffStat.MP_BOOST); cancelEffectFromBuffStat(MapleBuffStat.ENHANCED_MAXHP); cancelEffectFromBuffStat(MapleBuffStat.ENHANCED_MAXMP); cancelEffectFromBuffStat(MapleBuffStat.MAXHP); cancelEffectFromBuffStat(MapleBuffStat.MAXMP); dispelSummons(); checkFollow(); this.dotHP = 0; this.lastDOTTime = 0L; if ((!GameConstants.isBeginnerJob(this.job)) && (!inPVP())) { int charms = getItemQuantity(5130000, false); if (charms > 0) { MapleInventoryManipulator.removeById(this.client, MapleInventoryType.CASH, 5130000, 1, true, false); charms--; if (charms > 255) { charms = 255; } this.client.getSession().write(CField.EffectPacket.useCharm((byte) charms, (byte) 0, true)); } else { float diepercentage; long expforlevel = getNeededExp(); if (map.isTown() || FieldLimitType.RegularExpLoss.check(map.getFieldLimit())) { diepercentage = 0.01f; } else { diepercentage = (float) (0.1f - ((traits.get(MapleTraitType.charisma).getLevel() / 20) / 100f)); } long v10 = (int) (exp.get() - (long) ((double) expforlevel * diepercentage)); if (v10 < 0) { v10 = 0; } this.exp.set(v10); } this.updateSingleStat(MapleStat.EXP, this.exp.get()); } if (!this.stats.checkEquipDurabilitys(this, -100)) { dropMessage(5, "An item has run out of durability but has no inventory room to go to."); } if (this.pyramidSubway != null) { this.stats.setHp(50, this);; } } public void updatePartyMemberHP() { int channel; if (( != null) && (this.client.getChannelServer() != null)) { channel = this.client.getChannel(); for (MaplePartyCharacter partychar : { if ((partychar != null) && (partychar.getMapid() == getMapId()) && (partychar.getChannel() == channel)) { MapleCharacter other = this.client.getChannelServer().getPlayerStorage().getCharacterByName(partychar.getName()); if (other != null) { other.getClient().getSession().write(CField.updatePartyMemberHP(getId(), this.stats.getHp(), this.stats.getCurrentMaxHp())); } } } } } public void receivePartyMemberHP() { if ( == null) { return; } int channel = this.client.getChannel(); for (MaplePartyCharacter partychar : { if ((partychar != null) && (partychar.getMapid() == getMapId()) && (partychar.getChannel() == channel)) { MapleCharacter other = this.client.getChannelServer().getPlayerStorage().getCharacterByName(partychar.getName()); if (other != null) { this.client.getSession().write(CField.updatePartyMemberHP(other.getId(), other.getStat().getHp(), other.getStat().getCurrentMaxHp())); } } } } public void healHP(int delta) { addHP(delta); this.client.getSession().write(CField.EffectPacket.showOwnHpHealed(delta)); getMap().broadcastMessage(this, CField.EffectPacket.showHpHealed(getId(), delta), false); } public void healMP(int delta) { addMP(delta); this.client.getSession().write(CField.EffectPacket.showOwnHpHealed(delta)); getMap().broadcastMessage(this, CField.EffectPacket.showHpHealed(getId(), delta), false); } public void addHP(int delta) { int alpha = stats.getHp() + delta; if (alpha < 0 && getClient().getChannel() != 9) { dropMessage(5, "[Alpha] You have taken damage:" + delta + " If you died, then report this to Penis"); } if (delta < 0 && getClient().getChannel() != 9) { dropMessage(5, "[Delta] You have taken damage:" + delta + " If you died, then report this to Penis"); } alpha = Math.min(getStat().getCurrentMaxHp(), alpha); if (alpha > 500000) { alpha = 500000; } if (stats.setHp(alpha, this)) { updateSingleStat(MapleStat.HP, stats.getHp()); } } public void addMP(int delta) { addMP(delta, false); } public void addMP(int delta, boolean ignore) { if (((delta < 0) && (GameConstants.isDemon(getJob()))) || (((!GameConstants.isDemon(getJob())) || (ignore)) && (this.stats.setMp(this.stats.getMp() + delta, this)))) { updateSingleStat(MapleStat.MP, this.stats.getMp()); } } public void addMPHP(int hpDiff, int mpDiff) { Map statups = new EnumMap(MapleStat.class); if (this.stats.setHp(this.stats.getHp() + hpDiff, this)) { statups.put(MapleStat.HP, Long.valueOf(this.stats.getHp())); } if (((mpDiff < 0) && (GameConstants.isDemon(getJob()))) || ((!GameConstants.isDemon(getJob())) && (this.stats.setMp(this.stats.getMp() + mpDiff, this)))) { statups.put(MapleStat.MP, Long.valueOf(this.stats.getMp())); } if (statups.size() > 0) { this.client.getSession().write(CWvsContext.updatePlayerStats(statups, this)); } } public void updateSingleStat(MapleStat stat, long newval) { updateSingleStat(stat, newval, false); } public void updateSingleStat(MapleStat stat, long newval, boolean itemReaction) { Map statup = new EnumMap(MapleStat.class); statup.put(stat, Long.valueOf(newval)); this.client.getSession().write(CWvsContext.updatePlayerStats(statup, itemReaction, this)); } public void gainExp(long total, boolean show, boolean inChat, boolean white) { try { long prevexp = getExp(); long needed = getNeededExp(); if (total > 0) { this.stats.checkEquipLevels(this, total); } if (this.level >= 250) { setExp(0L); } else { boolean leveled = false; long tot = this.exp.get() + total; if (tot >= needed) { this.exp.addAndGet(total); levelUp(); leveled = true; if (this.level >= 250) { setExp(0L); } else { needed = GameConstants.getExpNeededForLevel(this.level).longValue(); if (this.exp.get() >= needed) { if (this.gmLevel >= 0) { while (this.exp.get() >= GameConstants.getExpNeededForLevel(this.level).longValue()) { levelUp(); setExp(getExp() - needed); } } setExp(needed - 1L); } } } else { this.exp.addAndGet(total); } if (total > 0) { familyRep(prevexp, needed, leveled); } } if (total != 0) { if (this.exp.get() < 0L) { if (total > 0) { setExp(needed); } else if (total < 0) { setExp(0L); } } updateSingleStat(MapleStat.EXP, getExp()); if (show) { this.client.getSession().write(CWvsContext.InfoPacket.GainEXP_Others(total, inChat, white)); } } } catch (Exception e) { FileoutputUtil.outputFileError("Log_Script_Except.txt", e); } } public void setGmLevel(byte level) { this.gmLevel = level; } public void familyRep(long prevexp, long needed, boolean leveled) { if (this.mfc != null) { long onepercent = needed / 100L; if (onepercent <= 0L) { return; } long percentrep = getExp() / onepercent - prevexp / onepercent; if (leveled) { percentrep = 100L - percentrep + this.level / 2; } if (percentrep > 0L) { int sensen = World.Family.setRep(this.mfc.getFamilyId(), this.mfc.getSeniorId(), percentrep * 10L, this.level,; if (sensen > 0) { World.Family.setRep(this.mfc.getFamilyId(), sensen, percentrep * 5L, this.level,; } } } } public void gainExpMonster(int gain, boolean show, boolean white, byte pty, int Class_Bonus_EXP, int Equipment_Bonus_EXP, int Premium_Bonus_EXP, boolean partyBonusMob, int partyBonusRate) { int total = gain + Class_Bonus_EXP + Equipment_Bonus_EXP + Premium_Bonus_EXP; int partyinc = 0; long prevexp = getExp(); if (pty > 1) { double rate = ( == null) || (!partyBonusMob) || ( <= 0) ? 0.05D : partyBonusRate > 0 ? partyBonusRate / 100.0D : / 100.0D; partyinc = (int) ((float) (gain * rate) * (pty + (rate > 0.05D ? -1 : 1))); total += partyinc; } if ((gain > 0) && (total < gain)) { total = 2147483647; } if (total > 0) { this.stats.checkEquipLevels(this, total); } long needed = getNeededExp(); if ((this.level >= 250) && (!isIntern())) { setExp(0L); } else { boolean leveled = false; long tot = this.exp.get() + total; if (tot >= needed) { this.exp.addAndGet(total); levelUp(); leveled = true; if (this.level >= 250) { setExp(0L); } else { needed = GameConstants.getExpNeededForLevel(this.level).longValue(); if (this.exp.get() >= needed) { if (this.gmLevel >= 0) { while (this.exp.get() >= GameConstants.getExpNeededForLevel(this.level).longValue()) { levelUp(); setExp(getExp() - needed); } } setExp(needed - 1L); } } } else { this.exp.addAndGet(total); } if (total > 0) { familyRep(prevexp, needed, leveled); } } if (gain != 0) { if (this.exp.get() < 0L) { if (gain > 0) { setExp(getNeededExp()); } else if (gain < 0) { setExp(0L); } } updateSingleStat(MapleStat.EXP, getExp()); if (show) { this.client.getSession().write(CWvsContext.InfoPacket.GainEXP_Monster(gain, white, partyinc, Class_Bonus_EXP, Equipment_Bonus_EXP, Premium_Bonus_EXP)); } } } public int getGML() { return gml; } public void setGML(int amt) { this.gml = amt; } public void forceReAddItem_NoUpdate(Item item, MapleInventoryType type) { getInventory(type).removeSlot(item.getPosition()); getInventory(type).addFromDB(item); } public void forceReAddItem(Item item, MapleInventoryType type) { forceReAddItem_NoUpdate(item, type); if (type != MapleInventoryType.UNDEFINED) { this.client.getSession().write(CWvsContext.InventoryPacket.updateSpecialItemUse(item, type == MapleInventoryType.EQUIPPED ? 1 : type.getType(), this)); } } public void forceReAddItem_Flag(Item item, MapleInventoryType type) { forceReAddItem_NoUpdate(item, type); if (type != MapleInventoryType.UNDEFINED) { this.client.getSession().write(CWvsContext.InventoryPacket.updateSpecialItemUse_(item, type == MapleInventoryType.EQUIPPED ? 1 : type.getType(), this)); } } public void forceReAddItem_Book(Item item, MapleInventoryType type) { forceReAddItem_NoUpdate(item, type); if (type != MapleInventoryType.UNDEFINED) { this.client.getSession().write(CWvsContext.upgradeBook(item, this)); } } public void silentPartyUpdate() { if ( != null) { World.Party.updateParty(, PartyOperation.SILENT_UPDATE, new MaplePartyCharacter(this)); } } public boolean isSuperGM() { return gmLevel >= PlayerGMRank.SUPERGM.getLevel(); } public boolean isIntern() { return gmLevel >= PlayerGMRank.INTERN.getLevel(); } public boolean isGM() { return gmLevel >= PlayerGMRank.GM.getLevel(); } public boolean isAdmin() { return gmLevel >= PlayerGMRank.ADMIN.getLevel(); } public int getGMLevel() { return this.gmLevel; } public boolean hasGmLevel(int level) { return this.gmLevel >= level; } public final MapleInventory getInventory(MapleInventoryType type) { return this.inventory[type.ordinal()]; } public final MapleInventory[] getInventorys() { return this.inventory; } public final void expirationTask(boolean pending, boolean firstLoad) { final MapleItemInformationProvider ii = MapleItemInformationProvider.getInstance(); if (pending) { if (pendingExpiration != null) { for (Integer z : pendingExpiration) { client.getSession().write(InfoPacket.itemExpired(z.intValue())); if (!firstLoad) { final Pair<Integer, String> replace = ii.replaceItemInfo(z.intValue()); if (replace != null && replace.left > 0 && replace.right.length() > 0) { dropMessage(5, replace.right); } } } } pendingExpiration = null; if (pendingSkills != null) { client.getSession().write(CWvsContext.updateSkills(pendingSkills)); for (Skill z : pendingSkills.keySet()) { client.getSession().write(CWvsContext.serverNotice(5, "[" + SkillFactory.getSkillName(z.getId()) + "] skill has expired and will not be available for use.")); } } //not real msg pendingSkills = null; return; } final MapleQuestStatus stat = getQuestNoAdd(MapleQuest.getInstance(GameConstants.PENDANT_SLOT)); long expiration; final List<Integer> ret = new ArrayList<Integer>(); final long currenttime = System.currentTimeMillis(); final List<Triple<MapleInventoryType, Item, Boolean>> toberemove = new ArrayList<Triple<MapleInventoryType, Item, Boolean>>(); // This is here to prevent deadlock. final List<Item> tobeunlock = new ArrayList<Item>(); // This is here to prevent deadlock. for (final MapleInventoryType inv : MapleInventoryType.values()) { for (final Item item : getInventory(inv)) { expiration = item.getExpiration(); if ((expiration != -1 && !GameConstants.isPet(item.getItemId()) && currenttime > expiration)) { if (ItemFlag.LOCK.check(item.getFlag())) { tobeunlock.add(item); } else if (currenttime > expiration) { toberemove.add(new Triple<MapleInventoryType, Item, Boolean>(inv, item, false)); } } else if (item.getItemId() == 5000054 && item.getPet() != null && item.getPet().getSecondsLeft() <= 0) { toberemove.add(new Triple<MapleInventoryType, Item, Boolean>(inv, item, false)); } else if (item.getPosition() == -59) { if (stat == null || stat.getCustomData() == null || Long.parseLong(stat.getCustomData()) < currenttime) { toberemove.add(new Triple<MapleInventoryType, Item, Boolean>(inv, item, true)); } } } } Item item; for (final Triple<MapleInventoryType, Item, Boolean> itemz : toberemove) { item = itemz.getMid(); getInventory(itemz.getLeft()).removeItem(item.getPosition(), item.getQuantity(), false); if (itemz.getRight() && getInventory(GameConstants.getInventoryType(item.getItemId())).getNextFreeSlot() > -1) { item.setPosition(getInventory(GameConstants.getInventoryType(item.getItemId())).getNextFreeSlot()); getInventory(GameConstants.getInventoryType(item.getItemId())).addFromDB(item); } else { ret.add(item.getItemId()); } if (!firstLoad) { final Pair<Integer, String> replace = ii.replaceItemInfo(item.getItemId()); if (replace != null && replace.left > 0) { Item theNewItem = null; if (GameConstants.getInventoryType(replace.left) == MapleInventoryType.EQUIP) { theNewItem = ii.getEquipById(replace.left); theNewItem.setPosition(item.getPosition()); } else { theNewItem = new Item(replace.left, item.getPosition(), (short) 1, (byte) 0); } getInventory(itemz.getLeft()).addFromDB(theNewItem); } } } for (final Item itemz : tobeunlock) { itemz.setExpiration(-1); itemz.setFlag((byte) (itemz.getFlag() - ItemFlag.LOCK.getValue())); } this.pendingExpiration = ret; final Map<Skill, SkillEntry> skilz = new HashMap<>(); final List<Skill> toberem = new ArrayList<Skill>(); for (Entry<Skill, SkillEntry> skil : skills.entrySet()) { if (skil.getValue().expiration != -1 && currenttime > skil.getValue().expiration) { toberem.add(skil.getKey()); } } for (Skill skil : toberem) { skilz.put(skil, new SkillEntry(0, (byte) 0, -1)); this.skills.remove(skil); changed_skills = true; } this.pendingSkills = skilz; if (stat != null && stat.getCustomData() != null && Long.parseLong(stat.getCustomData()) < currenttime) { //expired bro quests.remove(MapleQuest.getInstance(7830)); quests.remove(MapleQuest.getInstance(GameConstants.PENDANT_SLOT)); } } public void refreshBattleshipHP() { if (getJob() == 422) { this.client.getSession().write(CWvsContext.giveKilling(currentBattleshipHP())); } } public MapleShop getShop() { return; } public void setShop(MapleShop shop) { = shop; } public long getMeso() { return this.meso; } public final int[] getSavedLocations() { return this.savedLocations; } public int getSavedLocation(SavedLocationType type) { return this.savedLocations[type.getValue()]; } public void saveLocation(SavedLocationType type) { this.savedLocations[type.getValue()] = getMapId(); this.changed_savedlocations = true; } public void saveLocation(SavedLocationType type, int mapz) { this.savedLocations[type.getValue()] = mapz; this.changed_savedlocations = true; } public void clearSavedLocation(SavedLocationType type) { this.savedLocations[type.getValue()] = -1; this.changed_savedlocations = true; } public void gainMeso(long gain, boolean show) { gainMeso(gain, show, false); } public void gainMeso(long gain, boolean show, boolean inChat) { if (this.meso + gain < 0L) { this.client.getSession().write(CWvsContext.enableActions()); return; } this.meso += gain; updateSingleStat(MapleStat.MESO, this.meso, false); this.client.getSession().write(CWvsContext.enableActions()); if (gain > Long.MAX_VALUE) { gain = Long.MAX_VALUE; } if (show) { this.client.getSession().write(CWvsContext.InfoPacket.showMesoGain((int) gain, inChat)); } if (getGML() == 1 && (meso > 1000000000 && meso <= Long.MAX_VALUE)) { if (getInventory(MapleInventoryType.ETC).isFull()) { dropMessage(1, "ETC inventory is full, can't use AutoBacon!"); } else { gainMeso(-1000000000, true); MapleInventoryManipulator.addById(client, 4031588, (short) 1, getName()); } } } public void controlMonster(MapleMonster monster, boolean aggro) { if ((this.clone) || (monster == null)) { return; } monster.setController(this); this.controlledLock.writeLock().lock(); try { this.controlled.add(monster); } finally { this.controlledLock.writeLock().unlock(); } this.client.getSession().write(MobPacket.controlMonster(monster, false, aggro)); monster.sendStatus(this.client); } public void stopControllingMonster(MapleMonster monster) { if ((this.clone) || (monster == null)) { return; } this.controlledLock.writeLock().lock(); try { if (this.controlled.contains(monster)) { this.controlled.remove(monster); } } finally { this.controlledLock.writeLock().unlock(); } } public void checkMonsterAggro(MapleMonster monster) { if ((this.clone) || (monster == null)) { return; } if (monster.getController() == this) { monster.setControllerHasAggro(true); } else { monster.switchController(this, true); } } public int getControlledSize() { return this.controlled.size(); } public int getAccountID() { return this.accountid; } public void mobKilled(int id, int skillID) { for (MapleQuestStatus q : this.quests.values()) { if ((q.getStatus() == 1) && (q.hasMobKills())) { if (q.mobKilled(id, skillID)) { this.client.getSession().write(CWvsContext.InfoPacket.updateQuestMobKills(q)); if (q.getQuest().canComplete(this, null)) { this.client.getSession().write(CWvsContext.getShowQuestCompletion(q.getQuest().getId())); } } } } } public final List<MapleQuestStatus> getStartedQuests() { List ret = new LinkedList(); for (MapleQuestStatus q : this.quests.values()) { if ((q.getStatus() == 1) && (!q.isCustom()) && (!q.getQuest().isBlocked())) { ret.add(q); } } return ret; } public final List<MapleQuestStatus> getCompletedQuests() { List ret = new LinkedList(); for (MapleQuestStatus q : this.quests.values()) { if ((q.getStatus() == 2) && (!q.isCustom()) && (!q.getQuest().isBlocked())) { ret.add(q); } } return ret; } public final List<Pair<Integer, Long>> getCompletedMedals() { List ret = new ArrayList(); for (MapleQuestStatus q : this.quests.values()) { if ((q.getStatus() == 2) && (!q.isCustom()) && (!q.getQuest().isBlocked()) && (q.getQuest().getMedalItem() > 0) && (GameConstants.getInventoryType(q.getQuest().getMedalItem()) == MapleInventoryType.EQUIP)) { ret.add(new Pair(Integer.valueOf(q.getQuest().getId()), Long.valueOf(q.getCompletionTime()))); } } return ret; } public Map<Skill, SkillEntry> getSkills() { return Collections.unmodifiableMap(this.skills); } public int getTotalSkillLevel(Skill skill) { if (skill == null) { return 0; } if (GameConstants.iskaiser_Transfiguration_Skill(skill.getId())) { return skill.getMaxLevel(); } SkillEntry ret = (SkillEntry) this.skills.get(skill); if ((ret == null) || (ret.skillevel <= 0)) { return 0; } return Math.min(skill.getTrueMax(), ret.skillevel + (skill.isBeginnerSkill() ? 0 : this.stats.combatOrders + (skill.getMaxLevel() > 10 ? this.stats.incAllskill : 0) + this.stats.getSkillIncrement(skill.getId()))); } public int getAllSkillLevels() { int rett = 0; for (Map.Entry ret : this.skills.entrySet()) { if ((!((Skill) ret.getKey()).isBeginnerSkill()) && (!((Skill) ret.getKey()).isSpecialSkill()) && (((SkillEntry) ret.getValue()).skillevel > 0)) { rett += ((SkillEntry) ret.getValue()).skillevel; } } return rett; } public long getSkillExpiry(Skill skill) { if (skill == null) { return 0L; } SkillEntry ret = (SkillEntry) this.skills.get(skill); if ((ret == null) || (ret.skillevel <= 0)) { return 0L; } return ret.expiration; } public int getSkillLevel(Skill skill) { if (skill == null) { return 0; } SkillEntry ret = (SkillEntry) this.skills.get(skill); if ((ret == null) || (ret.skillevel <= 0)) { return 0; } return ret.skillevel; } public byte getMasterLevel(int skill) { return getMasterLevel(SkillFactory.getSkill(skill)); } public byte getMasterLevel(Skill skill) { SkillEntry ret = (SkillEntry) this.skills.get(skill); if (ret == null) { return 0; } return ret.masterlevel; } public void levelUp() { this.remainingAp += 5; int maxhp = this.stats.getMaxHp(); int maxmp = this.stats.getMaxMp(); if ((GameConstants.isBeginnerJob(this.job)) && (GameConstants.isMihile(this.job))) { maxhp += Randomizer.rand(12, 16); maxmp += Randomizer.rand(10, 12); } else if (((this.job >= 3100) && (this.job <= 3112)) || (GameConstants.demon_AV(this.job))) { maxhp += Randomizer.rand(48, 52); } else if (((this.job >= 100) && (this.job <= 132)) || ((this.job >= 1100) && (this.job <= 1111)) || ((this.job >= 6100) && (this.job <= 6112))) { maxhp += Randomizer.rand(48, 52); maxmp += Randomizer.rand(4, 6); } else if (((this.job >= 200) && (this.job <= 232)) || ((this.job >= 1200) && (this.job <= 1211)) || ((this.job >= 2700) && (this.job <= 2712))) { maxhp += Randomizer.rand(10, 14); maxmp += Randomizer.rand(48, 52); } else if ((this.job >= 3200) && (this.job <= 3212)) { maxhp += Randomizer.rand(20, 24); maxmp += Randomizer.rand(42, 44); } else if (((this.job >= 300) && (this.job <= 322)) || ((this.job >= 400) && (this.job <= 434)) || ((this.job >= 1300) && (this.job <= 1311)) || ((this.job >= 1400) && (this.job <= 1411)) || ((this.job >= 3300) && (this.job <= 3312)) || ((this.job >= 2300) && (this.job <= 2312))) { maxhp += Randomizer.rand(20, 24); maxmp += Randomizer.rand(14, 16); } else if (((this.job >= 510) && (this.job <= 512)) || ((this.job >= 1510) && (this.job <= 1512)) || (GameConstants.xenon(this.job))) { maxhp += Randomizer.rand(37, 41); maxmp += Randomizer.rand(18, 22); } else if (((this.job >= 500) && (this.job <= 532)) || ((this.job >= 3500) && (this.job <= 3512)) || (this.job == 1500)) { maxhp += Randomizer.rand(20, 24); maxmp += Randomizer.rand(18, 22); } else if ((this.job >= 2100) && (this.job <= 2112)) { maxhp += Randomizer.rand(50, 52); maxmp += Randomizer.rand(4, 6); } else if ((this.job >= 2200) && (this.job <= 2218)) { maxhp += Randomizer.rand(12, 16); maxmp += Randomizer.rand(50, 52); } else { maxhp += Randomizer.rand(50, 100); maxmp += Randomizer.rand(50, 100); } maxmp += this.stats.getTotalInt() / 10; exp.addAndGet(-GameConstants.getExpNeededForLevel(level)); if (exp.get() < 0) { exp.set(0); } this.level = ((short) (this.level + 1)); if ((GameConstants.isKOC(this.job)) && (this.level < 250) && (this.level > 10)) { this.exp.set(getNeededExp() / 10L); } if ((this.level == 10) && (MapConstants.isStorylineMap(this.mapid))) { MapleQuest.getInstance(50000).forceComplete(this, 0); } maxhp = Math.min(500000, Math.abs(maxhp)); maxmp = Math.min(500000, Math.abs(maxmp)); if (GameConstants.isDemon(this.job)) { maxmp = GameConstants.getMPByJob(this.job); } if (GameConstants.isZero(job)) { maxmp = 100; } Map statup = new EnumMap(MapleStat.class); MapleInventory equip = this.client.getPlayer().getInventory(MapleInventoryType.EQUIPPED); statup.put(MapleStat.MAXHP, Long.valueOf(maxhp)); statup.put(MapleStat.MAXMP, Long.valueOf(maxmp)); statup.put(MapleStat.HP, Long.valueOf(maxhp)); statup.put(MapleStat.MP, Long.valueOf(maxmp)); statup.put(MapleStat.EXP, Long.valueOf(this.exp.get())); statup.put(MapleStat.LEVEL, Long.valueOf(this.level)); if (GameConstants.isZero(this.job)) { if (this.level > 100) { this.remainingSp[0] +=3; this.remainingSp[1] +=3; } } else if (GameConstants.isSeparatedSp(this.job)) { if (this.level >= 10) { this.remainingSp[GameConstants.getSkillBook(this.job, this.level)] += 3; } } else if (this.level >= 10) { this.remainingSp[GameConstants.getSkillBook(this.job)] += 3; } statup.put(MapleStat.AVAILABLEAP, Long.valueOf(this.remainingAp)); this.stats.setInfo(maxhp, maxmp, maxhp, maxmp); this.client.getSession().write(CWvsContext.updatePlayerStats(statup, this));, CField.EffectPacket.showForeignEffect(getId(), 0), false); this.characterCard.recalcLocalStats(this); this.stats.recalcLocalStats(this); silentPartyUpdate(); guildUpdate(); familyUpdate(); updateSingleStat(MapleStat.AVAILABLESP, 0); // we don't care the value here if (getJob() == 3122) { getClient().getSession().write(CWvsContext.giveDemonWatk(this)); } } public void baseSkills() { Map list = new HashMap(); Iterator i$; if (GameConstants.getJobNumber(this.job) >= 3) { List skillsss = SkillFactory.getSkillsByJob(this.job); if (skillsss != null) { for (i$ = skillsss.iterator(); i$.hasNext();) { int i = ((Integer) i$.next()).intValue(); Skill skil = SkillFactory.getSkill(i); if ((skil != null) && (!skil.isInvisible()) && (skil.isFourthJob()) && (getSkillLevel(skil) <= 0) && (getMasterLevel(skil) <= 0) && (skil.getMasterLevel() > 0)) { list.put(skil, new SkillEntry(0, (byte) skil.getMasterLevel(), SkillFactory.getDefaultSExpiry(skil))); } else if ((skil != null) && (skil.getName() != null) && (skil.getName().contains("Maple Warrior")) && (getSkillLevel(skil) <= 0) && (getMasterLevel(skil) <= 0)) { list.put(skil, new SkillEntry(0, (byte) 10, SkillFactory.getDefaultSExpiry(skil))); } } } } if ((this.job >= 2211) && (this.job <= 2218)) { Skill skil = SkillFactory.getSkill(22111001); if ((skil != null) && (getSkillLevel(skil) <= 0)) { list.put(skil, new SkillEntry(0, (byte) 20, -1L)); } } if (GameConstants.isWildHunter(this.job)) { int[] ss = {30001061, 30001062}; for (int i : ss) { Skill skil = SkillFactory.getSkill(i); if ((skil != null) && (getSkillLevel(skil) <= 0)) { list.put(skil, new SkillEntry(1, (byte) 1, -1L)); } } } if (GameConstants.isMercedes(this.job)) { int[] ss = {20021000, 20021001, 20020002, 20020022, 20020109, 20021110, 20020111, 20020112}; for (int i : ss) { Skill skil = SkillFactory.getSkill(i); if ((skil != null) && (getSkillLevel(skil) <= 0)) { list.put(skil, new SkillEntry(1, (byte) 1, -1L)); } } Skill skil = SkillFactory.getSkill(20021181); if ((skil != null) && (getSkillLevel(skil) <= 0)) { list.put(skil, new SkillEntry(-1, (byte) 0, -1L)); } skil = SkillFactory.getSkill(20021166); if ((skil != null) && (getSkillLevel(skil) <= 0)) { list.put(skil, new SkillEntry(-1, (byte) 0, -1L)); } } if (GameConstants.isDemon(this.job)) { int[] ss1 = {30011000, 30011001, 30010002, 30010185, 30010112, 30010111, 30010110, 30010022, 30011109}; for (int i : ss1) { Skill skil = SkillFactory.getSkill(i); if ((skil != null) && (getSkillLevel(skil) <= 0)) { list.put(skil, new SkillEntry(1, (byte) 1, -1L)); } } int[] ss2 = {30011170, 30011169, 30011168, 30011167, 30010166, 30010184, 30010183, 30010186}; for (int i : ss2) { Skill skil = SkillFactory.getSkill(i); if ((skil != null) && (getSkillLevel(skil) <= 0)) { list.put(skil, new SkillEntry(-1, (byte) -1, -1L)); } } } if (GameConstants.isPhantom(this.job)) { int[] ss = {20030204, 20031205, 20030206, 20031207, 20031208, 20031210}; for (int i : ss) { Skill skil = SkillFactory.getSkill(i); if ((skil != null) && (getSkillLevel(skil) <= 0)) { list.put(skil, new SkillEntry(1, (byte) 1, -1L)); } } } if (GameConstants.angelic(this.job)) { int[] ss = {60011216, 60011218, 60011219, 60011220, 60011221, 60011222}; for (int i : ss) { Skill skil = SkillFactory.getSkill(i); if ((skil != null) && (getSkillLevel(skil) <= 0)) { list.put(skil, new SkillEntry(1, (byte) 1, -1L)); } } } if (GameConstants.xenon(this.job)) { int[] ss = {30020232, 30020233, 30020234, 30020240, 30021237}; for (int i : ss) { Skill skil = SkillFactory.getSkill(i); if (skil != null) { list.put(skil, new SkillEntry(1, (byte) 1, -1L)); } } } if (GameConstants.kaiser(this.job)) { int[] ss = {60001216, 60001217, 60001218, 60000219, 60011221, 60000222}; for (int i : ss) { Skill skil = SkillFactory.getSkill(i); if ((skil != null) && (getSkillLevel(skil) <= 0)) { list.put(skil, new SkillEntry(1, (byte) 1, -1L)); } } } if (GameConstants.hayato(this.job)) { int[] ss = {40010000, 40010001, 40011002, 40010067}; for (int i : ss) { Skill skil = SkillFactory.getSkill(i); if ((skil != null) && (getSkillLevel(skil) <= 0)) { list.put(skil, new SkillEntry(1, (byte) 1, -1L)); } } } if (GameConstants.kanna(this.job)) { int[] ss = {40020000, 40020001, 40020002, 40020109, 40021023}; for (int i : ss) { Skill skil = SkillFactory.getSkill(i); if ((skil != null) && (getSkillLevel(skil) <= 0)) { list.put(skil, new SkillEntry(1, (byte) 1, -1L)); } } } if (GameConstants.isluminous(this.job)) { int[] ss = {20040216, 20040217, 20040218, 20040219, 20041239, 20040221, 20041222, 20040190}; for (int i : ss) { Skill skil = SkillFactory.getSkill(i); if ((skil != null) && (getSkillLevel(skil) <= 0)) { list.put(skil, new SkillEntry(1, (byte) 1, -1L)); } } } if (!list.isEmpty()) { changeSkillsLevel(list); } } public void eqitem(int itemid) { MapleInventory equip = this.client.getPlayer().getInventory(MapleInventoryType.EQUIPPED); Item eq_weapon = MapleItemInformationProvider.getInstance().getEquipById(itemid); eq_weapon.setPosition((short) -10); equip.addFromDB(eq_weapon); equipChanged(); reloadC(); } public void changeKeybinding(int key, byte type, int action) { if (type != 0) { this.keylayout.Layout().put(Integer.valueOf(key), new Pair(Byte.valueOf(type), Integer.valueOf(action))); } else { this.keylayout.Layout().remove(Integer.valueOf(key)); } } public void sendMacros() { for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) { if (this.skillMacros[i] != null) { this.client.getSession().write(CField.getMacros(this.skillMacros)); break; } } } public void updateMacros(int position, SkillMacro updateMacro) { this.skillMacros[position] = updateMacro; this.changed_skillmacros = true; } public final SkillMacro[] getMacros() { return this.skillMacros; } public void tempban(String reason, Calendar duration, int greason, boolean IPMac) { if (IPMac) { this.client.banMacs(); } this.client.getSession().write(CWvsContext.GMPoliceMessage(true)); try { Connection con = DatabaseConnection.getConnection(); if (IPMac) { PreparedStatement ps = con.prepareStatement("INSERT INTO ipbans VALUES (DEFAULT, ?)"); ps.setString(1, this.client.getSession().getRemoteAddress().toString().split(":")[0]); ps.execute(); ps.close(); } this.client.getSession().close(true); PreparedStatement ps = con.prepareStatement("UPDATE accounts SET tempban = ?, banreason = ?, greason = ? WHERE id = ?"); Timestamp TS = new Timestamp(duration.getTimeInMillis()); ps.setTimestamp(1, TS); ps.setString(2, reason); ps.setInt(3, greason); ps.setInt(4, this.accountid); ps.execute(); ps.close(); } catch (SQLException ex) { System.err.println(new StringBuilder().append("Error while tempbanning").append(ex).toString()); } } public int getMaxHp() { return getStat().getMaxHp(); } public int getMaxMp() { return getStat().getMaxMp(); } public void setHp(int amount) { getStat().setHp(amount, this); } public void setMp(int amount) { getStat().setMp(amount, this); } public final boolean ban(String reason, boolean IPMac, boolean autoban, boolean hellban) { if (this.lastmonthfameids == null) { throw new RuntimeException("Trying to ban a non-loaded character (testhack)"); } this.client.getSession().write(CWvsContext.GMPoliceMessage(true)); try { Connection con = DatabaseConnection.getConnection(); PreparedStatement ps = con.prepareStatement("UPDATE accounts SET banned = ?, banreason = ? WHERE id = ?"); ps.setInt(1, autoban ? 2 : 1); ps.setString(2, reason); ps.setInt(3, this.accountid); ps.execute(); ps.close(); if (IPMac) { this.client.banMacs(); ps = con.prepareStatement("INSERT INTO ipbans VALUES (DEFAULT, ?)"); ps.setString(1, this.client.getSessionIPAddress()); ps.execute(); ps.close(); if (hellban) { PreparedStatement psa = con.prepareStatement("SELECT * FROM accounts WHERE id = ?"); psa.setInt(1, this.accountid); ResultSet rsa = psa.executeQuery(); if ( { PreparedStatement pss = con.prepareStatement("UPDATE accounts SET banned = ?, banreason = ? WHERE email = ? OR SessionIP = ?"); pss.setInt(1, autoban ? 2 : 1); pss.setString(2, reason); pss.setString(3, rsa.getString("email")); pss.setString(4, this.client.getSessionIPAddress()); pss.execute(); pss.close(); } rsa.close(); psa.close(); } } } catch (SQLException ex) { System.err.println(new StringBuilder().append("Error while banning").append(ex).toString()); return false; } this.client.getSession().close(true); return true; } public static boolean ban(String id, String reason, boolean accountId, int gmlevel, boolean hellban) { try { Connection con = DatabaseConnection.getConnection(); if (id.matches("/[0-9]{1,3}\\..*")) { PreparedStatement ps = con.prepareStatement("INSERT INTO ipbans VALUES (DEFAULT, ?)"); ps.setString(1, id); ps.execute(); ps.close(); return true; } PreparedStatement ps; if (accountId) { ps = con.prepareStatement("SELECT id FROM accounts WHERE name = ?"); } else { ps = con.prepareStatement("SELECT accountid FROM characters WHERE name = ?"); } boolean ret = false; ps.setString(1, id); ResultSet rs = ps.executeQuery(); if ( { int z = rs.getInt(1); PreparedStatement psb = con.prepareStatement("UPDATE accounts SET banned = 1, banreason = ? WHERE id = ? AND gm < ?"); psb.setString(1, reason); psb.setInt(2, z); psb.setInt(3, gmlevel); psb.execute(); psb.close(); if (gmlevel > 100) { PreparedStatement psa = con.prepareStatement("SELECT * FROM accounts WHERE id = ?"); psa.setInt(1, z); ResultSet rsa = psa.executeQuery(); if ( { String sessionIP = rsa.getString("sessionIP"); if ((sessionIP != null) && (sessionIP.matches("/[0-9]{1,3}\\..*"))) { PreparedStatement psz = con.prepareStatement("INSERT INTO ipbans VALUES (DEFAULT, ?)"); psz.setString(1, sessionIP); psz.execute(); psz.close(); } if (rsa.getString("macs") != null) { String[] macData = rsa.getString("macs").split(", "); if (macData.length > 0) { MapleClient.banMacs(macData); } } if (hellban) { PreparedStatement pss = con.prepareStatement(new StringBuilder().append("UPDATE accounts SET banned = 1, banreason = ? WHERE email = ?").append(sessionIP == null ? "" : " OR SessionIP = ?").toString()); pss.setString(1, reason); pss.setString(2, rsa.getString("email")); if (sessionIP != null) { pss.setString(3, sessionIP); } pss.execute(); pss.close(); } } rsa.close(); psa.close(); } ret = true; } rs.close(); ps.close(); return ret; } catch (SQLException ex) { System.err.println(new StringBuilder().append("Error while banning").append(ex).toString()); } return false; } public int getObjectId() { return getId(); } public void setObjectId(int id) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException(); } public MapleStorage getStorage() { return; } public void addVisibleMapObject(MapleMapObject mo) { if (this.clone) { return; } this.visibleMapObjectsLock.writeLock().lock(); try { this.visibleMapObjects.add(mo); } finally { this.visibleMapObjectsLock.writeLock().unlock(); } } public void removeVisibleMapObject(MapleMapObject mo) { if (this.clone) { return; } this.visibleMapObjectsLock.writeLock().lock(); try { this.visibleMapObjects.remove(mo); } finally { this.visibleMapObjectsLock.writeLock().unlock(); } } public boolean isMapObjectVisible(MapleMapObject mo) { this.visibleMapObjectsLock.readLock().lock(); try { return (!this.clone) && (this.visibleMapObjects.contains(mo)); } finally { this.visibleMapObjectsLock.readLock().unlock(); } } public Collection<MapleMapObject> getAndWriteLockVisibleMapObjects() { this.visibleMapObjectsLock.writeLock().lock(); return this.visibleMapObjects; } public void unlockWriteVisibleMapObjects() { this.visibleMapObjectsLock.writeLock().unlock(); } public boolean isAlive() { return this.stats.getHp() > 0; } public int gettimenow() { return this.timenow; } public void settimenow(int slot) { this.timenow = slot; } public void startMapTimeLimitTaskadd() { this.mapTimeLimitTaskADD = Timer.MapTimer.getInstance().register(new Runnable() { int now = 0; public void run() { if ((MapleCharacter.this.getMapId() >= 925060100) && (MapleCharacter.this.getMapId() <= 925063900)) { += 1; if (MapleCharacter.this.timenow == -1) { MapleCharacter.this.mapTimeLimitTaskADD.cancel(false); MapleCharacter.this.mapTimeLimitTaskADD = null; } else { MapleCharacter.this.timenow =; } } else { MapleCharacter.this.mapTimeLimitTaskADD.cancel(false); MapleCharacter.this.mapTimeLimitTaskADD = null; } } }, 1000L, 1000L); } public void sendDestroyData(MapleClient client) { client.getSession().write(CField.removePlayerFromMap(getObjectId())); for (WeakReference chr : this.clones) { if (chr.get() != null) { ((MapleCharacter) chr.get()).sendDestroyData(client); } } } public void sendSpawnData(MapleClient client) { if (client.getPlayer().allowedToTarget(this)) { client.getSession().write(CField.spawnPlayerMapobject(this)); for (MaplePet pet : this.pets) { if (pet.getSummoned()) { client.getSession().write(PetPacket.showPet(this, pet, false, false)); } } for (WeakReference chr : this.clones) { if (chr.get() != null) { ((MapleCharacter) chr.get()).sendSpawnData(client); } } if (this.dragon != null) { client.getSession().write(CField.spawnDragon(this.dragon)); } if (this.Haku != null) { client.getSession().write(CField.spawnHaku(this.Haku)); if (getHaku() != null && this.getBuffedValue(MapleBuffStat.Haku_Reborn) != null) { getHaku().sendstats(); getMap().broadcastMessage(this, CField.spawnHaku_change0(this.getId()), true); getMap().broadcastMessage(this, CField.spawnHaku_change1(this.getHaku()), true); getMap().broadcastMessage(this, CField.spawnHaku_bianshen(this.getId(), this.getHaku().getObjectId(), this.getHaku().getstats()), true); } } if ( != null) { client.getSession().write(CField.spawnAndroid(this,; } if (this.summonedFamiliar != null) { client.getSession().write(CField.spawnFamiliar(this.summonedFamiliar, true, true)); } if ((this.summons != null) && (this.summons.size() > 0)) { this.summonsLock.readLock().lock(); try { for (MapleSummon summon : this.summons) { client.getSession().write(CField.SummonPacket.spawnSummon(summon, false)); } } finally { this.summonsLock.readLock().unlock(); } } if ((this.followid > 0) && (this.followon)) { client.getSession().write(CField.followEffect(this.followinitiator ? this.followid :, this.followinitiator ? : this.followid, null)); } } } public void setMSIPoints(int amt) { this.msipoints += amt; } public void setMSIPoints2(int amt) { this.msipoints = amt; } public int getMSIPoints() { return msipoints; } public final void equipChanged() { if ( == null) { return; }, CField.updateCharLook(this), false); this.stats.recalcLocalStats(this); if (getMessenger() != null) { World.Messenger.updateMessenger(getMessenger().getId(), getName(), this.client.getChannel()); } } public final MaplePet getPet(int index) { byte count = 0; for (MaplePet pet : this.pets) { if (pet.getSummoned()) { if (count == index) { return pet; } count = (byte) (count + 1); } } return null; } public void removePetCS(MaplePet pet) { this.pets.remove(pet); } public void addPet(MaplePet pet) { if (this.pets.contains(pet)) { this.pets.remove(pet); } this.pets.add(pet); } public void removePet(MaplePet pet, boolean shiftLeft) { pet.setSummoned(0); } public final byte getPetIndex(MaplePet petz) { byte count = 0; for (MaplePet pet : this.pets) { if (pet.getSummoned()) { if (pet.getUniqueId() == petz.getUniqueId()) { return count; } count = (byte) (count + 1); } } return -1; } public final byte getPetIndex(int petId) { byte count = 0; for (MaplePet pet : this.pets) { if (pet.getSummoned()) { if (pet.getUniqueId() == petId) { return count; } count = (byte) (count + 1); } } return -1; } public final List<MaplePet> getSummonedPets() { List ret = new ArrayList(); for (MaplePet pet : this.pets) { if (pet.getSummoned()) { ret.add(pet); } } return ret; } public final byte getPetById(int petId) { byte count = 0; for (MaplePet pet : this.pets) { if (pet.getSummoned()) { if (pet.getPetItemId() == petId) { return count; } count = (byte) (count + 1); } } return -1; } public final List<MaplePet> getPets() { return this.pets; } public final void unequipAllPets() { for (MaplePet pet : this.pets) { if (pet != null) { unequipPet(pet, true, false); } } } public void unequipPet(MaplePet pet, boolean shiftLeft, boolean hunger) { if (pet.getSummoned()) { pet.saveToDb(); this.client.getSession().write(PetPacket.updatePet(pet, getInventory(MapleInventoryType.CASH).getItem((short) (byte) pet.getInventoryPosition()), false)); if ( != null) {, PetPacket.showPet(this, pet, true, hunger), true); } removePet(pet, shiftLeft); if (GameConstants.GMS) { this.client.getSession().write(PetPacket.petStatUpdate(this)); } this.client.getSession().write(CWvsContext.enableActions()); } } public final long getLastFameTime() { return this.lastfametime; } public final List<Integer> getFamedCharacters() { return this.lastmonthfameids; } public final List<Integer> getBattledCharacters() { return this.lastmonthbattleids; } public FameStatus canGiveFame(MapleCharacter from) { if (this.lastfametime >= System.currentTimeMillis() - 86400000L) { return FameStatus.NOT_TODAY; } if ((from == null) || (this.lastmonthfameids == null) || (this.lastmonthfameids.contains(Integer.valueOf(from.getId())))) { return FameStatus.NOT_THIS_MONTH; } return FameStatus.OK; } public void hasGivenFame(MapleCharacter to) { this.lastfametime = System.currentTimeMillis(); this.lastmonthfameids.add(Integer.valueOf(to.getId())); Connection con = DatabaseConnection.getConnection(); try { PreparedStatement ps = con.prepareStatement("INSERT INTO famelog (characterid, characterid_to) VALUES (?, ?)"); ps.setInt(1, getId()); ps.setInt(2, to.getId()); ps.execute(); ps.close(); } catch (SQLException e) { System.err.println(new StringBuilder().append("ERROR writing famelog for char ").append(getName()).append(" to ").append(to.getName()).append(e).toString()); } } public boolean canBattle(MapleCharacter to) { if ((to == null) || (this.lastmonthbattleids == null) || (this.lastmonthbattleids.contains(Integer.valueOf(to.getAccountID())))) { return false; } return true; } public void hasBattled(MapleCharacter to) { this.lastmonthbattleids.add(Integer.valueOf(to.getAccountID())); Connection con = DatabaseConnection.getConnection(); try { PreparedStatement ps = con.prepareStatement("INSERT INTO battlelog (accid, accid_to) VALUES (?, ?)"); ps.setInt(1, getAccountID()); ps.setInt(2, to.getAccountID()); ps.execute(); ps.close(); } catch (SQLException e) { System.err.println(new StringBuilder().append("ERROR writing battlelog for char ").append(getName()).append(" to ").append(to.getName()).append(e).toString()); } } public final MapleKeyLayout getKeyLayout() { return this.keylayout; } public MapleParty getParty() { if ( == null) { return null; } if ( { = null; } return; } public byte getWorld() { return; } public void setWorld(byte world) { = world; } public void setParty(MapleParty party) { = party; } public MapleTrade getTrade() { return; } public void setTrade(MapleTrade trade) { = trade; } public EventInstanceManager getEventInstance() { return this.eventInstance; } public void setEventInstance(EventInstanceManager eventInstance) { this.eventInstance = eventInstance; } public void setEventInstanceAzwan(EventManager eventInstance) { this.eventInstanceAzwan = eventInstance; } public void addDoor(MapleDoor door) { this.doors.add(door); } public void clearDoors() { this.doors.clear(); } public List<MapleDoor> getDoors() { return new ArrayList(this.doors); } public void addMechDoor(MechDoor door) { this.mechDoors.add(door); } public void clearMechDoors() { this.mechDoors.clear(); } public List<MechDoor> getMechDoors() { return new ArrayList(this.mechDoors); } public void setSmega() { if (this.smega) { this.smega = false; dropMessage(5, "You have set megaphone to disabled mode"); } else { this.smega = true; dropMessage(5, "You have set megaphone to enabled mode"); } } public boolean getSmega() { return this.smega; } public List<MapleSummon> getSummonsReadLock() { this.summonsLock.readLock().lock(); return this.summons; } public int getSummonsSize() { return this.summons.size(); } public void unlockSummonsReadLock() { this.summonsLock.readLock().unlock(); } public void addSummon(MapleSummon s) { this.summonsLock.writeLock().lock(); try { this.summons.add(s); } finally { this.summonsLock.writeLock().unlock(); } } public void removeSummon(MapleSummon s) { this.summonsLock.writeLock().lock(); try { this.summons.remove(s); } finally { this.summonsLock.writeLock().unlock(); } } public int getChair() { return this.chair; } public int getItemEffect() { return this.itemEffect; } public void setChair(int chair) { this.chair = chair; this.stats.relocHeal(this); } public void setItemEffect(int itemEffect) { this.itemEffect = itemEffect; } public MapleMapObjectType getType() { return MapleMapObjectType.PLAYER; } public int getFamilyId() { if (this.mfc == null) { return 0; } return this.mfc.getFamilyId(); } public int getSeniorId() { if (this.mfc == null) { return 0; } return this.mfc.getSeniorId(); } public int getJunior1() { if (this.mfc == null) { return 0; } return this.mfc.getJunior1(); } public int getJunior2() { if (this.mfc == null) { return 0; } return this.mfc.getJunior2(); } public int getCurrentRep() { return this.currentrep; } public int getTotalRep() { return this.totalrep; } public void setCurrentRep(int _rank) { this.currentrep = _rank; if (this.mfc != null) { this.mfc.setCurrentRep(_rank); } } public void setTotalRep(int _rank) { this.totalrep = _rank; if (this.mfc != null) { this.mfc.setTotalRep(_rank); } } public int getTotalWins() { return this.totalWins; } public int getTotalLosses() { return this.totalLosses; } public void increaseTotalWins() { this.totalWins += 1; } public void increaseTotalLosses() { this.totalLosses += 1; } public int getGuildId() { return this.guildid; } public byte getGuildRank() { return this.guildrank; } public int getGuildContribution() { return this.guildContribution; } public void setGuildId(int _id) { this.guildid = _id; if (this.guildid > 0) { if (this.mgc == null) { this.mgc = new MapleGuildCharacter(this); } else { this.mgc.setGuildId(this.guildid); } } else { this.mgc = null; this.guildContribution = 0; } } public void setGuildRank(byte _rank) { this.guildrank = _rank; if (this.mgc != null) { this.mgc.setGuildRank(_rank); } } public void setGuildContribution(int _c) { this.guildContribution = _c; if (this.mgc != null) { this.mgc.setGuildContribution(_c); } } public MapleGuildCharacter getMGC() { return this.mgc; } public void setAllianceRank(byte rank) { this.allianceRank = rank; if (this.mgc != null) { this.mgc.setAllianceRank(rank); } } public byte getAllianceRank() { return this.allianceRank; } public MapleGuild getGuild() { if (getGuildId() <= 0) { return null; } return World.Guild.getGuild(getGuildId()); } public void setJob(int j) { this.job = ((short) j); } public void guildUpdate() { if (this.guildid <= 0) { return; } this.mgc.setLevel(this.level); this.mgc.setJobId(this.job); World.Guild.memberLevelJobUpdate(this.mgc); } public void setJobId(int job) { this.jobid = job; } public int getJobId() { return this.jobid; } public void saveGuildStatus() { MapleGuild.setOfflineGuildStatus(this.guildid, this.guildrank, this.guildContribution, this.allianceRank,; } public void familyUpdate() { if (this.mfc == null) { return; } World.Family.memberFamilyUpdate(this.mfc, this); } public void saveFamilyStatus() { try { Connection con = DatabaseConnection.getConnection(); PreparedStatement ps = con.prepareStatement("UPDATE characters SET familyid = ?, seniorid = ?, junior1 = ?, junior2 = ? WHERE id = ?"); if (this.mfc == null) { ps.setInt(1, 0); ps.setInt(2, 0); ps.setInt(3, 0); ps.setInt(4, 0); } else { ps.setInt(1, this.mfc.getFamilyId()); ps.setInt(2, this.mfc.getSeniorId()); ps.setInt(3, this.mfc.getJunior1()); ps.setInt(4, this.mfc.getJunior2()); } ps.setInt(5,; ps.executeUpdate(); ps.close(); } catch (SQLException se) { System.out.println(new StringBuilder().append("SQLException: ").append(se.getLocalizedMessage()).toString()); se.printStackTrace(); } } public void modifyCSPoints(int type, int quantity) { modifyCSPoints(type, quantity, false); } public void modifyCSPoints(int type, int quantity, boolean show) { switch (type) { case 1: if (this.nxcredit + quantity < 0) { if (show) { dropMessage(-1, "You have gained the max cash. No cash will be awarded."); } return; } this.nxcredit += quantity; break; case 4: if (this.acash + quantity < 0) { if (show) { dropMessage(-1, "You have gained the max cash. No cash will be awarded."); } return; } this.acash += quantity; break; case 2: if (this.maplepoints + quantity < 0) { if (show) { dropMessage(-1, "You have gained the max maple points. No cash will be awarded."); } return; } this.maplepoints += quantity; break; case 3: } if ((show) && (quantity != 0)) { dropMessage(-1, new StringBuilder().append("You have ").append(quantity > 0 ? "gained " : "lost ").append(quantity).append(type == 1 ? " cash." : " maple points.").toString()); this.client.getSession().write(CField.EffectPacket.showForeignEffect(20)); } } public int getCSPoints(int type) { switch (type) { case 1: return this.nxcredit; case 4: return this.acash; case 2: return this.maplepoints; case 3: } return 0; } public final boolean hasEquipped(int itemid) { return this.inventory[MapleInventoryType.EQUIPPED.ordinal()].countById(itemid) >= 1; } public final boolean haveItem(int itemid, int quantity, boolean checkEquipped, boolean greaterOrEquals) { MapleInventoryType type = GameConstants.getInventoryType(itemid); int possesed = this.inventory[type.ordinal()].countById(itemid); if ((checkEquipped) && (type == MapleInventoryType.EQUIP)) { possesed += this.inventory[MapleInventoryType.EQUIPPED.ordinal()].countById(itemid); } if (greaterOrEquals) { return possesed >= quantity; } return possesed == quantity; } public final boolean haveItem(int itemid, int quantity) { return haveItem(itemid, quantity, true, true); } public final boolean haveItem(int itemid) { return haveItem(itemid, 1, true, true); } public static boolean tempban(String reason, Calendar duration, int greason, int accountid) { try { Connection con = DatabaseConnection.getConnection(); PreparedStatement ps = con.prepareStatement("UPDATE accounts SET tempban = ?, banreason = ?, greason = ? WHERE id = ?"); Timestamp TS = new Timestamp(duration.getTimeInMillis()); ps.setTimestamp(1, TS); ps.setString(2, reason); ps.setInt(3, greason); ps.setInt(4, accountid); ps.executeUpdate(); ps.close(); return true; } catch (SQLException ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } return false; } public void setGM(byte level) { this.gmLevel = level; } public final void broadcastPacket(byte[] p) { for (MapleCharacter chr : getPlayers()) { chr.getClient().getSession().write(p); } } public List<MapleCharacter> getPlayers() { this.rL.lock(); try { return new LinkedList(this.chars); } finally { this.rL.unlock(); } } public int getBuddyCapacity() { return this.buddylist.getCapacity(); } public void setBuddyCapacity(int capacity) { this.buddylist.setCapacity(capacity); this.client.getSession().write(CWvsContext.BuddylistPacket.updateBuddyCapacity(capacity)); } public MapleMessenger getMessenger() { return this.messenger; } public void setMessenger(MapleMessenger messenger) { this.messenger = messenger; } public void addCooldown(int skillId, long startTime, long length) { this.coolDowns.put(Integer.valueOf(skillId), new MapleCoolDownValueHolder(skillId, startTime, length)); } public void removeCooldown(int skillId) { if (this.coolDowns.containsKey(Integer.valueOf(skillId))) { this.coolDowns.remove(Integer.valueOf(skillId)); } } public boolean skillisCooling(int skillId) { return this.coolDowns.containsKey(Integer.valueOf(skillId)); } public void giveCoolDowns(int skillid, long starttime, long length) { addCooldown(skillid, starttime, length); } public void giveCoolDowns(List<MapleCoolDownValueHolder> cooldowns) { if (cooldowns != null) { for (MapleCoolDownValueHolder cooldown : cooldowns) { this.coolDowns.put(Integer.valueOf(cooldown.skillId), cooldown); } } else { try { Connection con = DatabaseConnection.getConnection(); PreparedStatement ps = con.prepareStatement("SELECT SkillID,StartTime,length FROM skills_cooldowns WHERE charid = ?"); ps.setInt(1, getId()); ResultSet rs = ps.executeQuery(); while ( { if (rs.getLong("length") + rs.getLong("StartTime") - System.currentTimeMillis() > 0L) { giveCoolDowns(rs.getInt("SkillID"), rs.getLong("StartTime"), rs.getLong("length")); } } ps.close(); rs.close(); deleteWhereCharacterId(con, "DELETE FROM skills_cooldowns WHERE charid = ?"); } catch (SQLException e) { System.err.println("Error while retriving cooldown from SQL storage"); } } } public int getCooldownSize() { return this.coolDowns.size(); } public int getDiseaseSize() { return this.diseases.size(); } public List<MapleCoolDownValueHolder> getCooldowns() { List ret = new ArrayList(); for (MapleCoolDownValueHolder mc : this.coolDowns.values()) { if (mc != null) { ret.add(mc); } } return ret; } public final List<MapleDiseaseValueHolder> getAllDiseases() { return new ArrayList(this.diseases.values()); } public final boolean hasDisease(MapleDisease dis) { return this.diseases.containsKey(dis); } public void giveDebuff(MapleDisease disease, MobSkill skill) { giveDebuff(disease, skill.getX(), skill.getDuration(), skill.getSkillId(), skill.getSkillLevel()); } public void giveDebuff(MapleDisease disease, int x, long duration, int skillid, int level) { if (( != null) && (!hasDisease(disease))) { if ((disease != MapleDisease.SEDUCE) && (disease != MapleDisease.STUN) && (disease != MapleDisease.FLAG) && (getBuffedValue(MapleBuffStat.HOLY_SHIELD) != null)) { return; } int mC = getBuffSource(MapleBuffStat.MECH_CHANGE); if ((mC > 0) && (mC != 35121005)) { return; } if ((this.stats.ASR > 0) && (Randomizer.nextInt(100) < this.stats.ASR)) { return; } this.diseases.put(disease, new MapleDiseaseValueHolder(disease, System.currentTimeMillis(), duration - this.stats.decreaseDebuff)); this.client.getSession().write(CWvsContext.BuffPacket.giveDebuff(disease, x, skillid, level, (int) duration));, CWvsContext.BuffPacket.giveForeignDebuff(, disease, skillid, level, x), false); if ((x > 0) && (disease == MapleDisease.POISON)) { addHP((int) -(x * ((duration - this.stats.decreaseDebuff) / 1000L))); } } } public final void giveSilentDebuff(List<MapleDiseaseValueHolder> ld) { if (ld != null) { for (MapleDiseaseValueHolder disease : ld) { this.diseases.put(disease.disease, disease); } } } public void dispelDebuff(MapleDisease debuff) { if (hasDisease(debuff)) { this.client.getSession().write(CWvsContext.BuffPacket.cancelDebuff(debuff));, CWvsContext.BuffPacket.cancelForeignDebuff(, debuff), false); this.diseases.remove(debuff); } } public void dispelDebuffs() { List<MapleDisease> diseasess = new ArrayList(this.diseases.keySet()); for (MapleDisease d : diseasess) { dispelDebuff(d); } } public void cancelAllDebuffs() { this.diseases.clear(); } public void setLevel(short level) { this.level = level; } public void sendNote(String to, String msg) { sendNote(to, msg, 0); } public void sendNote(String to, String msg, int fame) { MapleCharacterUtil.sendNote(to, getName(), msg, fame); } public void showNote() { try { Connection con = DatabaseConnection.getConnection(); PreparedStatement ps = con.prepareStatement("SELECT * FROM notes WHERE `to`=?", 1005, 1008); ps.setString(1, getName()); ResultSet rs = ps.executeQuery(); rs.last(); int count = rs.getRow(); rs.first(); this.client.getSession().write(MTSCSPacket.showNotes(rs, count)); rs.close(); ps.close(); } catch (SQLException e) { System.err.println(new StringBuilder().append("Unable to show note").append(e).toString()); } } public void deleteNote(int id, int fame) { try { Connection con = DatabaseConnection.getConnection(); PreparedStatement ps = con.prepareStatement("SELECT gift FROM notes WHERE `id`=?"); ps.setInt(1, id); ResultSet rs = ps.executeQuery(); if (( && (rs.getInt("gift") == fame) && (fame > 0)) { addFame(fame); updateSingleStat(MapleStat.FAME, getFame()); this.client.getSession().write(CWvsContext.InfoPacket.getShowFameGain(fame)); } rs.close(); ps.close(); ps = con.prepareStatement("DELETE FROM notes WHERE `id`=?"); ps.setInt(1, id); ps.execute(); ps.close(); } catch (SQLException e) { System.err.println(new StringBuilder().append("Unable to delete note").append(e).toString()); } } public int getMulungEnergy() { return this.mulung_energy; } public void mulung_EnergyModify(boolean inc) { if (inc) { if (this.mulung_energy + 100 > 10000) { this.mulung_energy = 10000; } else { this.mulung_energy = ((short) (this.mulung_energy + 100)); } } else { this.mulung_energy = 0; } this.client.getSession().write(CWvsContext.MulungEnergy(this.mulung_energy)); } public void writeMulungEnergy() { this.client.getSession().write(CWvsContext.MulungEnergy(this.mulung_energy)); } public void writeEnergy(String type, String inc) { this.client.getSession().write(CWvsContext.sendPyramidEnergy(type, inc)); } public void writeStatus(String type, String inc) { this.client.getSession().write(CWvsContext.sendGhostStatus(type, inc)); } public void writePoint(String type, String inc) { this.client.getSession().write(CWvsContext.sendGhostPoint(type, inc)); } public final short getCombo() { return this.combo; } public void setCombo(short combo) { this.combo = combo; } public final long getLastCombo() { return this.lastCombo; } public void setLastCombo(long combo) { this.lastCombo = combo; } public final long getKeyDownSkill_Time() { return this.keydown_skill; } public void setKeyDownSkill_Time(long keydown_skill) { this.keydown_skill = keydown_skill; } public void checkBerserk() { if ((this.job != 132) || (this.lastBerserkTime < 0L) || (this.lastBerserkTime + 10000L > System.currentTimeMillis())) { return; } Skill BerserkX = SkillFactory.getSkill(1320006); int skilllevel = getTotalSkillLevel(BerserkX); if ((skilllevel >= 1) && ( != null)) { this.lastBerserkTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); MapleStatEffect ampStat = BerserkX.getEffect(skilllevel); this.stats.Berserk = (this.stats.getHp() * 100 / this.stats.getCurrentMaxHp() >= ampStat.getX()); this.client.getSession().write(CField.EffectPacket.showOwnBuffEffect(1320006, 1, getLevel(), skilllevel, (byte) (this.stats.Berserk ? 1 : 0)));, CField.EffectPacket.showBuffeffect(getId(), 1320006, 1, getLevel(), skilllevel, (byte) (this.stats.Berserk ? 1 : 0)), false); } else { this.lastBerserkTime = -1L; } } // public void checkDA() { // Skill LunarTide = SkillFactory.getSkill(30010242); // int skilllevel = getTotalSkillLevel(LunarTide); // if ((skilllevel >= 1) && ( != null)) { // MapleStatEffect ampStat = LunarTide.getEffect(skilllevel); // ampStat.applyDaBuff(this); // } // } public void checkLunarTide() { Skill LunarTide = SkillFactory.getSkill(27110007); int skilllevel = getTotalSkillLevel(LunarTide); if ((skilllevel >= 1) && ( != null)) { MapleStatEffect ampStat = LunarTide.getEffect(skilllevel); ampStat.applyLunarTideBuff(this); } } public void setChalkboard(String text) { this.chalktext = text; if ( != null) {, text)); } } public String getChalkboard() { return this.chalktext; } public MapleMount getMount() { return this.mount; } public int[] getWishlist() { return this.wishlist; } public void clearWishlist() { for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) { this.wishlist[i] = 0; } this.changed_wishlist = true; } public int getWishlistSize() { int ret = 0; for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) { if (this.wishlist[i] > 0) { ret++; } } return ret; } public void setWishlist(int[] wl) { this.wishlist = wl; this.changed_wishlist = true; } public int[] getRocks() { return; } public int getRockSize() { int ret = 0; for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) { if ([i] != 999999999) { ret++; } } return ret; } public void deleteFromRocks(int map) { for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) { if ([i] == map) {[i] = 999999999; this.changed_trocklocations = true; break; } } } public void addRockMap() { if (getRockSize() >= 10) { return; }[getRockSize()] = getMapId(); this.changed_trocklocations = true; } public boolean isRockMap(int id) { for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) { if ([i] == id) { return true; } } return false; } public int[] getRegRocks() { return this.regrocks; } public int getRegRockSize() { int ret = 0; for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) { if (this.regrocks[i] != 999999999) { ret++; } } return ret; } public void deleteFromRegRocks(int map) { for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) { if (this.regrocks[i] == map) { this.regrocks[i] = 999999999; this.changed_regrocklocations = true; break; } } } public void addRegRockMap() { if (getRegRockSize() >= 5) { return; } this.regrocks[getRegRockSize()] = getMapId(); this.changed_regrocklocations = true; } public boolean isRegRockMap(int id) { for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) { if (this.regrocks[i] == id) { return true; } } return false; } public int[] getHyperRocks() { return this.hyperrocks; } public int getHyperRockSize() { int ret = 0; for (int i = 0; i < 13; i++) { if (this.hyperrocks[i] != 999999999) { ret++; } } return ret; } public void deleteFromHyperRocks(int map) { for (int i = 0; i < 13; i++) { if (this.hyperrocks[i] == map) { this.hyperrocks[i] = 999999999; this.changed_hyperrocklocations = true; break; } } } public void addHyperRockMap() { if (getRegRockSize() >= 13) { return; } this.hyperrocks[getHyperRockSize()] = getMapId(); this.changed_hyperrocklocations = true; } public boolean isHyperRockMap(int id) { for (int i = 0; i < 13; i++) { if (this.hyperrocks[i] == id) { return true; } } return false; } public List<LifeMovementFragment> getLastRes() { return this.lastres; } public void setLastRes(List<LifeMovementFragment> lastres) { this.lastres = lastres; } public void dropMessage(int type, String message) { if (type == -1) { this.client.getSession().write(CWvsContext.getTopMsg(message)); } else if (type == -2) { this.client.getSession().write(PlayerShopPacket.shopChat(message, 0)); } else if (type == -3) { this.client.getSession().write(CField.getChatText(getId(), message, isSuperGM(), 0)); } else if (type == -4) { this.client.getSession().write(CField.getChatText(getId(), message, isSuperGM(), 1)); } else if (type == -5) { this.client.getSession().write(CField.getGameMessage(message, false)); } else if (type == -6) { this.client.getSession().write(CField.getGameMessage(message, true)); } else if (type == -7) { this.client.getSession().write(CWvsContext.getMidMsg(message, false, 0)); } else if (type == -8) { this.client.getSession().write(CWvsContext.getMidMsg(message, true, 0)); } else { this.client.getSession().write(CWvsContext.serverNotice(type, message)); } } public IMaplePlayerShop getPlayerShop() { return this.playerShop; } public void setPlayerShop(IMaplePlayerShop playerShop) { this.playerShop = playerShop; } public int getConversation() { return this.inst.get(); } public void setConversation(int inst) { this.inst.set(inst); } public int getDirection() { return this.insd.get(); } public void setDirection(int inst) { this.insd.set(inst); } public MapleCarnivalParty getCarnivalParty() { return this.carnivalParty; } public void setCarnivalParty(MapleCarnivalParty party) { this.carnivalParty = party; } public void addCP(int ammount) { this.totalCP = ((short) (this.totalCP + ammount)); this.availableCP = ((short) (this.availableCP + ammount)); } public void useCP(int ammount) { this.availableCP = ((short) (this.availableCP - ammount)); } public int getAvailableCP() { return this.availableCP; } public int getTotalCP() { return this.totalCP; } public void resetCP() { this.totalCP = 0; this.availableCP = 0; } public void addCarnivalRequest(MapleCarnivalChallenge request) { this.pendingCarnivalRequests.add(request); } public final MapleCarnivalChallenge getNextCarnivalRequest() { return (MapleCarnivalChallenge) this.pendingCarnivalRequests.pollLast(); } public void clearCarnivalRequests() { this.pendingCarnivalRequests = new LinkedList(); } public void startMonsterCarnival(int enemyavailable, int enemytotal) { this.client.getSession().write(MonsterCarnivalPacket.startMonsterCarnival(this, enemyavailable, enemytotal)); } public void CPUpdate(boolean party, int available, int total, int team) { this.client.getSession().write(MonsterCarnivalPacket.CPUpdate(party, available, total, team)); } public void playerDiedCPQ(String name, int lostCP, int team) { this.client.getSession().write(MonsterCarnivalPacket.playerDiedMessage(name, lostCP, team)); } public boolean getCanTalk() { return this.canTalk; } public void canTalk(boolean talk) { this.canTalk = talk; } public double getEXPMod() { return this.stats.expMod; } public int getDropMod() { return this.stats.dropMod; } public int getCashMod() { return this.stats.cashMod; } public void setPoints2(int p) { this.points += p; } public void setPoints(int p) { this.points = p; } public int getPoints() { return this.points; } public void setVPoints(int p) { this.vpoints = p; } public int getVPoints() { return this.vpoints; } /* public void setTotalVote(int px) { this.totalvote = px; }*/ /* public int getTotalVote() { return this.totalvote; }*/ public int getDonatorPoints() { return this.DonatorPoints; } public int getGMlevel() { return this.gmLevel; } public CashShop getCashInventory() { return this.cs; } public void removeItem(int id, int quantity) { MapleInventoryManipulator.removeById(this.client, GameConstants.getInventoryType(id), id, -quantity, true, false); this.client.getSession().write(CWvsContext.InfoPacket.getShowItemGain(id, (short) quantity, true)); } public void removeAll(int id) { removeAll(id, true); } public void removeAll(int id, boolean show) { MapleInventoryType type = GameConstants.getInventoryType(id); int possessed = getInventory(type).countById(id); if (possessed > 0) { MapleInventoryManipulator.removeById(getClient(), type, id, possessed, true, false); if (show) { getClient().getSession().write(CWvsContext.InfoPacket.getShowItemGain(id, (short) -possessed, true)); } } } public Triple<List<MapleRing>, List<MapleRing>, List<MapleRing>> getRings(boolean equip) { MapleInventory iv = getInventory(MapleInventoryType.EQUIPPED); List<Item> equipped = iv.newList(); Collections.sort(equipped); List<MapleRing> crings = new ArrayList<>(), frings = new ArrayList<>(), mrings = new ArrayList<>(); MapleRing ring; for (Item ite : equipped) { Equip item = (Equip) ite; if (item.getRing() != null) { ring = item.getRing(); ring.setEquipped(true); if (GameConstants.isEffectRing(item.getItemId())) { if (equip) { if (GameConstants.isCrushRing(item.getItemId())) { crings.add(ring); } else if (GameConstants.isFriendshipRing(item.getItemId())) { frings.add(ring); } else if (GameConstants.isMarriageRing(item.getItemId())) { mrings.add(ring); } } else { if (crings.isEmpty() && GameConstants.isCrushRing(item.getItemId())) { crings.add(ring); } else if (frings.isEmpty() && GameConstants.isFriendshipRing(item.getItemId())) { frings.add(ring); } else if (mrings.isEmpty() && GameConstants.isMarriageRing(item.getItemId())) { mrings.add(ring); } //for 3rd person the actual slot doesnt matter, so we'll use this to have both shirt/ring same? //however there seems to be something else behind this, will have to sniff someone with shirt and ring, or more conveniently 3-4 of those } } } } if (equip) { iv = getInventory(MapleInventoryType.EQUIP); for (Item ite : iv.list()) { Equip item = (Equip) ite; if (item.getRing() != null && GameConstants.isCrushRing(item.getItemId())) { ring = item.getRing(); ring.setEquipped(false); if (GameConstants.isFriendshipRing(item.getItemId())) { frings.add(ring); } else if (GameConstants.isCrushRing(item.getItemId())) { crings.add(ring); } else if (GameConstants.isMarriageRing(item.getItemId())) { mrings.add(ring); } } } } Collections.sort(frings, new MapleRing.RingComparator()); Collections.sort(crings, new MapleRing.RingComparator()); Collections.sort(mrings, new MapleRing.RingComparator()); return new Triple<>(crings, frings, mrings); } public int getFH() { MapleFoothold fh = getMap().getFootholds().findBelow(getTruePosition()); if (fh != null) { return fh.getId(); } return 0; } public void startFairySchedule(boolean exp) { startFairySchedule(exp, false); } public void startFairySchedule(boolean exp, boolean equipped) { cancelFairySchedule((exp) || (this.stats.equippedFairy == 0)); if (this.fairyExp <= 0) { this.fairyExp = ((byte) this.stats.equippedFairy); } if ((equipped) && (this.fairyExp < this.stats.equippedFairy * 3) && (this.stats.equippedFairy > 0)) { dropMessage(5, new StringBuilder().append("The Fairy Pendant's experience points will increase to ").append(this.fairyExp + this.stats.equippedFairy).append("% after one hour.").toString()); } this.lastFairyTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); } public final boolean canFairy(long now) { return (this.lastFairyTime > 0L) && (this.lastFairyTime + 3600000L < now); } public final boolean canHP(long now) { if (this.lastHPTime + 5000L < now) { this.lastHPTime = now; return true; } return false; } public final boolean canMP(long now) { if (this.lastMPTime + 5000L < now) { this.lastMPTime = now; return true; } return false; } public final boolean canHPRecover(long now) { if ((this.stats.hpRecoverTime > 0) && (this.lastHPTime + this.stats.hpRecoverTime < now)) { this.lastHPTime = now; return true; } return false; } public final boolean canMPRecover(long now) { if ((this.stats.mpRecoverTime > 0) && (this.lastMPTime + this.stats.mpRecoverTime < now)) { this.lastMPTime = now; return true; } return false; } public void cancelFairySchedule(boolean exp) { this.lastFairyTime = 0L; if (exp) { this.fairyExp = 0; } } public void doFairy() { if ((this.fairyExp < this.stats.equippedFairy * 3) && (this.stats.equippedFairy > 0)) { this.fairyExp = ((byte) (this.fairyExp + this.stats.equippedFairy)); dropMessage(5, new StringBuilder().append("The Fairy Pendant's EXP was boosted to ").append(this.fairyExp).append("%.").toString()); } if (getGuildId() > 0) { World.Guild.gainGP(getGuildId(), 20,; this.client.getSession().write(CWvsContext.InfoPacket.getGPContribution(20)); } ((MapleTrait) this.traits.get(MapleTrait.MapleTraitType.will)).addExp(5, this); startFairySchedule(false, true); } public byte getFairyExp() { return this.fairyExp; } public int getTeam() { return this.coconutteam; } public void setTeam(int v) { this.coconutteam = v; } public void spawnPet(byte slot) { spawnPet(slot, false, true); } public void spawnPet(byte slot, boolean lead) { spawnPet(slot, lead, true); } public void spawnPet(byte slot, boolean lead, boolean broadcast) { Item item = getInventory(MapleInventoryType.CASH).getItem((short) slot); if ((item == null) || (item.getItemId() > 5000400) || (item.getItemId() < 5000000)) { return; } switch (item.getItemId()) { case 5000028: case 5000047: { MaplePet pet = MaplePet.createPet(item.getItemId() + 1, MapleInventoryIdentifier.getInstance()); if (pet != null) { MapleInventoryManipulator.addById(this.client, item.getItemId() + 1, (short) 1, item.getOwner(), pet, 45L, new StringBuilder().append("Evolved from pet ").append(item.getItemId()).append(" on ").append(FileoutputUtil.CurrentReadable_Date()).toString()); MapleInventoryManipulator.removeFromSlot(this.client, MapleInventoryType.CASH, (short) slot, (short) 1, false); } break; } default: MaplePet pet = item.getPet(); if ((pet != null) && ((item.getItemId() != 5000054) || (pet.getSecondsLeft() > 0)) && ((item.getExpiration() == -1L) || (item.getExpiration() > System.currentTimeMillis()))) { if (pet.getSummoned()) { unequipPet(pet, true, false); } else { int leadid = 8; if (GameConstants.isKOC(getJob())) { leadid = 10000018; } else if (GameConstants.isAran(getJob())) { leadid = 20000024; } else if (GameConstants.isEvan(getJob())) { leadid = 20011024; } else if (GameConstants.isMercedes(getJob())) { leadid = 20021024; } else if (GameConstants.isPhantom(getJob())) { leadid = 20031024; } else if (GameConstants.isDemon(getJob())) { leadid = 30011024; } else if (GameConstants.isResist(getJob())) { leadid = 30001024; } else if (GameConstants.demon_AV(getJob())) { leadid = 30021024; } else if (GameConstants.hayato(getJob())) { leadid = 40011024; } else if (GameConstants.kanna(getJob())) { leadid = 40021024; } else if (GameConstants.angelic(getJob())) { leadid = 60011024; } else if (GameConstants.kaiser(getJob())) { leadid = 60001024; } else if (GameConstants.isMihile(getJob())) { leadid = 50001018; } if ((getSkillLevel(SkillFactory.getSkill(leadid)) == 0) && (getPet(0) != null)) { unequipPet(getPet(0), false, false); } else if ((!lead) || (getSkillLevel(SkillFactory.getSkill(leadid)) <= 0)); Point pos = getPosition(); pet.setPos(pos); try { pet.setFh(getMap().getFootholds().findBelow(pos).getId()); } catch (NullPointerException e) { pet.setFh(0); } pet.setStance(0); pet.setSummoned(1); addPet(pet); pet.setSummoned(getPetIndex(pet) + 1); if ((broadcast) && (getMap() != null)) { getMap().broadcastMessage(this, PetPacket.showPet(this, pet, false, false), true); this.client.getSession().write(PetPacket.showPetUpdate(this, pet.getUniqueId(), (byte) (pet.getSummonedValue() - 1))); if (!GameConstants.GMS); } } } break; } this.client.getSession().write(CWvsContext.enableActions()); } public void clearLinkMid() { this.linkMobs.clear(); cancelEffectFromBuffStat(MapleBuffStat.HOMING_BEACON); cancelEffectFromBuffStat(MapleBuffStat.ARCANE_AIM); } public int getFirstLinkMid() { Iterator i$ = this.linkMobs.keySet().iterator(); if (i$.hasNext()) { Integer lm = (Integer) i$.next(); return lm.intValue(); } return 0; } public Map<Integer, Integer> getAllLinkMid() { return this.linkMobs; } public void setLinkMid(int lm, int x) { this.linkMobs.put(Integer.valueOf(lm), Integer.valueOf(x)); } public int getDamageIncrease(int lm) { if (this.linkMobs.containsKey(Integer.valueOf(lm))) { return ((Integer) this.linkMobs.get(Integer.valueOf(lm))).intValue(); } return 0; } public boolean isClone() { return this.clone; } public void setClone(boolean c) { this.clone = c; } public WeakReference<MapleCharacter>[] getClones() { return this.clones; } public MapleCharacter cloneLooks() { MapleClient cs = new MapleClient(null, null, new MockIOSession()); int minus = getId() + Randomizer.nextInt(2147483647 - getId()); MapleCharacter ret = new MapleCharacter(true); = minus; ret.client = cs; ret.exp.set(0); ret.meso = 0L; ret.remainingAp = 0; ret.fame = 0; ret.accountid = this.client.getAccID(); =; ret.level = this.level; ret.fame = this.fame; ret.job = this.job; =; ret.face = this.face; ret.demonMarking = this.demonMarking; ret.skinColor = this.skinColor; ret.monsterbook = this.monsterbook; ret.mount = this.mount; ret.CRand = new PlayerRandomStream(); ret.gmLevel = this.gmLevel; ret.gender = this.gender; ret.mapid =; =; ret.setStance(getStance()); ret.chair = this.chair; ret.itemEffect = this.itemEffect; ret.guildid = this.guildid; ret.currentrep = this.currentrep; ret.totalrep = this.totalrep; ret.stats = this.stats; ret.effects.putAll(this.effects); ret.dispelSummons(); ret.guildrank = this.guildrank; ret.guildContribution = this.guildContribution; ret.allianceRank = this.allianceRank; ret.setPosition(getTruePosition()); for (Item equip : getInventory(MapleInventoryType.EQUIPPED).newList()) { ret.getInventory(MapleInventoryType.EQUIPPED).addFromDB(equip.copy()); } ret.skillMacros = this.skillMacros; ret.keylayout = this.keylayout; ret.questinfo = this.questinfo; ret.savedLocations = this.savedLocations; ret.wishlist = this.wishlist; ret.buddylist = this.buddylist; ret.keydown_skill = 0L; ret.lastmonthfameids = this.lastmonthfameids; ret.lastfametime = this.lastfametime; ret.loginTime = this.loginTime; =; ret.cs = this.cs; ret.client.setAccountName(this.client.getAccountName()); ret.nxcredit = this.nxcredit; ret.acash = this.acash; ret.maplepoints = this.maplepoints; ret.clone = true; ret.client.setChannel(this.client.getChannel()); while (( != null) || (this.client.getChannelServer().getPlayerStorage().getCharacterById( != null)) { += 1; } ret.client.setPlayer(ret); return ret; } public final void cloneLook() { if (this.clone) { return; } for (int i = 0; i < this.clones.length; i++) { if (this.clones[i].get() == null) { MapleCharacter newp = cloneLooks();;;, getTruePosition()); this.clones[i] = new WeakReference(newp); return; } } } public final void disposeClones() { this.numClones = 0; for (int i = 0; i < this.clones.length; i++) { if (this.clones[i].get() != null) { this.clones[i].get()); if (((MapleCharacter) this.clones[i].get()).getClient() != null) { ((MapleCharacter) this.clones[i].get()).getClient().setPlayer(null); ((MapleCharacter) this.clones[i].get()).client = null; } this.clones[i] = new WeakReference(null); this.numClones = ((byte) (this.numClones + 1)); } } } public final int getCloneSize() { int z = 0; for (int i = 0; i < this.clones.length; i++) { if (this.clones[i].get() != null) { z++; } } return z; } public void spawnClones() { if (!isGM()) { this.numClones = ((byte) (this.stats.hasClone ? 1 : 0)); } for (int i = 0; i < this.numClones; i++) { cloneLook(); } this.numClones = 0; } public byte getNumClones() { return this.numClones; } public void setDragon(MapleDragon d) { this.dragon = d; } public void setHaku(MapleHaku d) { this.Haku = d; } public MapleExtractor getExtractor() { return this.extractor; } public void setExtractor(MapleExtractor me) { removeExtractor(); this.extractor = me; } public void removeExtractor() { if (this.extractor != null) {;; this.extractor = null; } } public final void spawnSavedPets() { for (int i = 0; i < this.petStore.length; i++) { if (this.petStore[i] > -1) { spawnPet(this.petStore[i], false, false); } } if (GameConstants.GMS) { this.client.getSession().write(PetPacket.petStatUpdate(this)); } this.petStore = new byte[]{-1, -1, -1}; } public final byte[] getPetStores() { return this.petStore; } public Event_PyramidSubway getPyramidSubway() { return this.pyramidSubway; } public void setPyramidSubway(Event_PyramidSubway ps) { this.pyramidSubway = ps; } public final int getDamage2() { return (int) this.damage; } public final long getDamage() { return this.damage; } public final void setDamage2(int damage4) { this.damage += damage4; } public final void setDamage(long damage3) { this.damage = damage3; } public int getshowdamage() { return this.showdamage; } public void setshowdamage(int ax) { this.showdamage = ax; } public void gainDamage(int min, int max) { if (getDamage() > 1000000000000000000L) { dropMessage(6, "Cannot gain more Damage as you're at Max."); return; } int randomNum = Randomizer.nextInt(max - min + 1) + min; setDamage(getDamage() + randomNum); dropMessage(5, new StringBuilder().append("You have gained ").append(randomNum).append("Damage.").toString()); } public void doERB() { setReborns(getReborns() + 1); setLevel((short) 3); setExp(0); setJob(2218); updateSingleStat(MapleStat.LEVEL, 2); updateSingleStat(MapleStat.JOB, 2218); updateSingleStat(MapleStat.EXP, 0); } public void doDBRB() { setReborns(getReborns() + 1); setLevel((short) 3); setExp(0); setJob(434); updateSingleStat(MapleStat.LEVEL, 2); updateSingleStat(MapleStat.JOB, 434); updateSingleStat(MapleStat.EXP, 0); } public void doARB() { setReborns(getReborns() + 1); setLevel((short) 3); setExp(0); setJob(2112); updateSingleStat(MapleStat.LEVEL, 2); updateSingleStat(MapleStat.JOB, 2112); updateSingleStat(MapleStat.EXP, 0); } public boolean isNotGM() { return gmLevel <= 1; } public byte getSubcategory() { if (GameConstants.isJett(this.job)) { return 10; } if ((this.job >= 430) && (this.job <= 434)) { return 1; } if ((GameConstants.isCannon(this.job)) || (this.job == 1)) { return 2; } if ((this.job != 0) && (this.job != 400)) { return 0; } return this.subcategory; } public void setSubcategory(int z) { this.subcategory = ((byte) z); } public int itemQuantity(int itemid) { return getInventory(GameConstants.getInventoryType(itemid)).countById(itemid); } public void setRPS(RockPaperScissors rps) { this.rps = rps; } public RockPaperScissors getRPS() { return this.rps; } public long getNextConsume() { return this.nextConsume; } public void setNextConsume(long nc) { this.nextConsume = nc; } public int getRank() { return this.rank; } public int getRankMove() { return this.rankMove; } public int getJobRank() { return this.jobRank; } public int getJobRankMove() { return this.jobRankMove; } public void changeChannel(int channel) { ChannelServer toch = ChannelServer.getInstance(channel); if (channel == client.getChannel() || toch == null || toch.isShutdown()) { client.getSession().write(CField.serverBlocked(1)); return; } changeRemoval(); ChannelServer ch = ChannelServer.getInstance(this.client.getChannel()); if (getMessenger() != null) { World.Messenger.silentLeaveMessenger(getMessenger().getId(), new MapleMessengerCharacter(this)); } PlayerBuffStorage.addBuffsToStorage(getId(), getAllBuffs()); PlayerBuffStorage.addCooldownsToStorage(getId(), getCooldowns()); PlayerBuffStorage.addDiseaseToStorage(getId(), getAllDiseases()); World.ChannelChange_Data(new CharacterTransfer(this), getId(), channel); ch.removePlayer(this); client.updateLoginState(MapleClient.CHANGE_CHANNEL, client.getSessionIPAddress()); final String s = client.getSessionIPAddress(); LoginServer.addIPAuth(s.substring(s.indexOf('/') + 1, s.length())); client.getSession().write(CField.getChannelChange(client, Integer.parseInt(toch.getIP().split(":")[1]))); saveToDB(false, false); getMap().removePlayer(this); this.client.setPlayer(this); this.client.setReceiving(false); } public void expandInventory(byte type, int amount) { MapleInventory inv = getInventory(MapleInventoryType.getByType(type)); inv.addSlot((byte) amount); this.client.getSession().write(CWvsContext.InventoryPacket.getSlotUpdate(type, inv.getSlotLimit())); } public boolean allowedToTarget(MapleCharacter other) { return other != null && !other.isHidden() || client.getPlayer().getGMLevel() >= 4; } public int getFollowId() { return this.followid; } public void setFollowId(int fi) { this.followid = fi; if (fi == 0) { this.followinitiator = false; this.followon = false; } } public void setFollowInitiator(boolean fi) { this.followinitiator = fi; } public void setFollowOn(boolean fi) { this.followon = fi; } public boolean isFollowOn() { return this.followon; } public boolean isFollowInitiator() { return this.followinitiator; } public void checkFollow() { if (this.followid <= 0) { return; } if (this.followon) {, 0, null));, 0, null)); } MapleCharacter tt =; this.client.getSession().write(CField.getFollowMessage("Follow canceled.")); if (tt != null) { tt.setFollowId(0); tt.getClient().getSession().write(CField.getFollowMessage("Follow canceled.")); } setFollowId(0); } public int getMarriageId() { return this.marriageId; } public void setMarriageId(int mi) { this.marriageId = mi; } public int getMarriageItemId() { return this.marriageItemId; } public void setMarriageItemId(int mi) { this.marriageItemId = mi; } public boolean isStaff() { return this.gmLevel >= ServerConstants.PlayerGMRank.INTERN.getLevel(); } public boolean isDonator() { return this.gmLevel >= ServerConstants.PlayerGMRank.DONATOR.getLevel(); } public boolean startPartyQuest(int questid) { boolean ret = false; MapleQuest q = MapleQuest.getInstance(questid); if ((q == null) || (!q.isPartyQuest())) { return false; } if ((!this.quests.containsKey(q)) || (!this.questinfo.containsKey(Integer.valueOf(questid)))) { MapleQuestStatus status = getQuestNAdd(q); status.setStatus((byte) 1); updateQuest(status); switch (questid) { case 1300: case 1301: case 1302: updateInfoQuest(questid, "min=0;sec=0;date=0000-00-00;have=0;rank=F;try=0;cmp=0;CR=0;VR=0;gvup=0;vic=0;lose=0;draw=0"); break; case 1303: updateInfoQuest(questid, "min=0;sec=0;date=0000-00-00;have=0;have1=0;rank=F;try=0;cmp=0;CR=0;VR=0;vic=0;lose=0"); break; case 1204: updateInfoQuest(questid, "min=0;sec=0;date=0000-00-00;have0=0;have1=0;have2=0;have3=0;rank=F;try=0;cmp=0;CR=0;VR=0"); break; case 1206: updateInfoQuest(questid, "min=0;sec=0;date=0000-00-00;have0=0;have1=0;rank=F;try=0;cmp=0;CR=0;VR=0"); break; default: updateInfoQuest(questid, "min=0;sec=0;date=0000-00-00;have=0;rank=F;try=0;cmp=0;CR=0;VR=0"); } ret = true; } return ret; } public String getOneInfo(int questid, String key) { if ((!this.questinfo.containsKey(Integer.valueOf(questid))) || (key == null) || (MapleQuest.getInstance(questid) == null) || (!MapleQuest.getInstance(questid).isPartyQuest())) { return null; } String[] split = ((String) this.questinfo.get(Integer.valueOf(questid))).split(";"); for (String x : split) { String[] split2 = x.split("="); if ((split2.length == 2) && (split2[0].equals(key))) { return split2[1]; } } return null; } public void updateOneInfo(int questid, String key, String value) { if ((!this.questinfo.containsKey(Integer.valueOf(questid))) || (key == null) || (value == null) || (MapleQuest.getInstance(questid) == null) || (!MapleQuest.getInstance(questid).isPartyQuest())) { return; } String[] split = ((String) this.questinfo.get(Integer.valueOf(questid))).split(";"); boolean changed = false; StringBuilder newQuest = new StringBuilder(); for (String x : split) { String[] split2 = x.split("="); if (split2.length == 2) { if (split2[0].equals(key)) { newQuest.append(key).append("=").append(value); } else { newQuest.append(x); } newQuest.append(";"); changed = true; } } updateInfoQuest(questid, changed ? newQuest.toString().substring(0, newQuest.toString().length() - 1) : newQuest.toString()); } public int getDGM() { return dgm; } public void recalcPartyQuestRank(int questid) { if ((MapleQuest.getInstance(questid) == null) || (!MapleQuest.getInstance(questid).isPartyQuest())) { return; } if (!startPartyQuest(questid)) { String oldRank = getOneInfo(questid, "rank"); if ((oldRank == null) || (oldRank.equals("S"))) { return; } String newRank = null; if (oldRank.equals("A")) { newRank = "S"; } else if (oldRank.equals("B")) { newRank = "A"; } else if (oldRank.equals("C")) { newRank = "B"; } else if (oldRank.equals("D")) { newRank = "C"; } else if (oldRank.equals("F")) { newRank = "D"; } else { return; } List<Pair<String, Pair<String, Integer>>> questInfo = MapleQuest.getInstance(questid).getInfoByRank(newRank); if (questInfo == null) { return; } for (Pair q : questInfo) { boolean found = false; String val = getOneInfo(questid, (String) ((Pair) q.right).left); if (val == null) { return; } int vall = 0; try { vall = Integer.parseInt(val); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { return; } if (((String) q.left).equals("less")) { found = vall < ((Integer) ((Pair) q.right).right).intValue(); } else if (((String) q.left).equals("more")) { found = vall > ((Integer) ((Pair) q.right).right).intValue(); } else if (((String) q.left).equals("equal")) { found = vall == ((Integer) ((Pair) q.right).right).intValue(); } if (!found) { return; } } updateOneInfo(questid, "rank", newRank); } } public void tryPartyQuest(int questid) { if ((MapleQuest.getInstance(questid) == null) || (!MapleQuest.getInstance(questid).isPartyQuest())) { return; } try { startPartyQuest(questid); this.pqStartTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); updateOneInfo(questid, "try", String.valueOf(Integer.parseInt(getOneInfo(questid, "try")) + 1)); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); System.out.println("tryPartyQuest error"); } } public void endPartyQuest(int questid) { if ((MapleQuest.getInstance(questid) == null) || (!MapleQuest.getInstance(questid).isPartyQuest())) { return; } try { startPartyQuest(questid); if (this.pqStartTime > 0L) { long changeTime = System.currentTimeMillis() - this.pqStartTime; int mins = (int) (changeTime / 1000L / 60L); int secs = (int) (changeTime / 1000L % 60L); int mins2 = Integer.parseInt(getOneInfo(questid, "min")); if ((mins2 <= 0) || (mins < mins2)) { updateOneInfo(questid, "min", String.valueOf(mins)); updateOneInfo(questid, "sec", String.valueOf(secs)); updateOneInfo(questid, "date", FileoutputUtil.CurrentReadable_Date()); } int newCmp = Integer.parseInt(getOneInfo(questid, "cmp")) + 1; updateOneInfo(questid, "cmp", String.valueOf(newCmp)); updateOneInfo(questid, "CR", String.valueOf((int) Math.ceil(newCmp * 100.0D / Integer.parseInt(getOneInfo(questid, "try"))))); recalcPartyQuestRank(questid); this.pqStartTime = 0L; } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); System.out.println("endPartyQuest error"); } } public void havePartyQuest(int itemId) { int questid = 0; int index = -1; switch (itemId) { case 1002798: questid = 1200; break; case 1072369: questid = 1201; break; case 1022073: questid = 1202; break; case 1082232: questid = 1203; break; case 1002571: case 1002572: case 1002573: case 1002574: questid = 1204; index = itemId - 1002571; break; case 1102226: questid = 1303; break; case 1102227: questid = 1303; index = 0; break; case 1122010: questid = 1205; break; case 1032060: case 1032061: questid = 1206; index = itemId - 1032060; break; case 3010018: questid = 1300; break; case 1122007: questid = 1301; break; case 1122058: questid = 1302; break; default: return; } if ((MapleQuest.getInstance(questid) == null) || (!MapleQuest.getInstance(questid).isPartyQuest())) { return; } startPartyQuest(questid); updateOneInfo(questid, new StringBuilder().append("have").append(index == -1 ? "" : Integer.valueOf(index)).toString(), "1"); } public boolean hasSummon() { return this.hasSummon; } public void setHasSummon(boolean summ) { this.hasSummon = summ; } public void removeDoor() { MapleDoor door = (MapleDoor) getDoors().iterator().next(); for (MapleCharacter chr : door.getTarget().getCharactersThreadsafe()) { door.sendDestroyData(chr.getClient()); } for (MapleCharacter chr : door.getTown().getCharactersThreadsafe()) { door.sendDestroyData(chr.getClient()); } for (MapleDoor destroyDoor : getDoors()) { door.getTarget().removeMapObject(destroyDoor); door.getTown().removeMapObject(destroyDoor); } clearDoors(); } public void removeMechDoor() { for (MechDoor destroyDoor : getMechDoors()) { for (MapleCharacter chr : getMap().getCharactersThreadsafe()) { destroyDoor.sendDestroyData(chr.getClient()); } getMap().removeMapObject(destroyDoor); } clearMechDoors(); } public void changeRemoval() { changeRemoval(false); } public void changeRemoval(boolean dc) { removeFamiliar(); dispelSummons(); if (!dc) { cancelEffectFromBuffStat(MapleBuffStat.SOARING); cancelEffectFromBuffStat(MapleBuffStat.MONSTER_RIDING); cancelEffectFromBuffStat(MapleBuffStat.MECH_CHANGE); cancelEffectFromBuffStat(MapleBuffStat.RECOVERY); } if (getPyramidSubway() != null) { getPyramidSubway().dispose(this); } if ((this.playerShop != null) && (!dc)) { this.playerShop.removeVisitor(this); if (this.playerShop.isOwner(this)) { this.playerShop.setOpen(true); } } if (!getDoors().isEmpty()) { removeDoor(); } if (!getMechDoors().isEmpty()) { removeMechDoor(); } disposeClones(); NPCScriptManager.getInstance().dispose(this.client); cancelFairySchedule(false); } public boolean canUseFamilyBuff(MapleFamilyBuff buff) { MapleQuestStatus stat = getQuestNoAdd(MapleQuest.getInstance(buff.questID)); if (stat == null) { return true; } if (stat.getCustomData() == null) { stat.setCustomData("0"); } return Long.parseLong(stat.getCustomData()) + 86400000L < System.currentTimeMillis(); } public void useFamilyBuff(MapleFamilyBuff buff) { MapleQuestStatus stat = getQuestNAdd(MapleQuest.getInstance(buff.questID)); stat.setCustomData(String.valueOf(System.currentTimeMillis())); } public List<Integer> usedBuffs() { List used = new ArrayList(); MapleFamilyBuff[] z = MapleFamilyBuff.values(); for (int i = 0; i < z.length; i++) { if (!canUseFamilyBuff(z[i])) { used.add(Integer.valueOf(i)); } } return used; } public String getTeleportName() { return this.teleportname; } public void setTeleportName(String tname) { this.teleportname = tname; } public int getNoJuniors() { if (this.mfc == null) { return 0; } return this.mfc.getNoJuniors(); } public MapleFamilyCharacter getMFC() { return this.mfc; } public void makeMFC(int familyid, int seniorid, int junior1, int junior2) { if (familyid > 0) { MapleFamily f = World.Family.getFamily(familyid); if (f == null) { this.mfc = null; } else { this.mfc = f.getMFC(; if (this.mfc == null) { this.mfc = f.addFamilyMemberInfo(this, seniorid, junior1, junior2); } if (this.mfc.getSeniorId() != seniorid) { this.mfc.setSeniorId(seniorid); } if (this.mfc.getJunior1() != junior1) { this.mfc.setJunior1(junior1); } if (this.mfc.getJunior2() != junior2) { this.mfc.setJunior2(junior2); } } } else { this.mfc = null; } } public void setFamily(int newf, int news, int newj1, int newj2) { if ((this.mfc == null) || (newf != this.mfc.getFamilyId()) || (news != this.mfc.getSeniorId()) || (newj1 != this.mfc.getJunior1()) || (newj2 != this.mfc.getJunior2())) { makeMFC(newf, news, newj1, newj2); } } public int maxBattleshipHP(int skillid) { return getTotalSkillLevel(skillid) * 5000 + (getLevel() - 120) * 3000; } public int currentBattleshipHP() { return this.battleshipHP; } public void setBattleshipHP(int v) { this.battleshipHP = v; } public void decreaseBattleshipHP() { this.battleshipHP -= 1; } public int getGachExp() { return this.gachexp; } public void setGachExp(int ge) { this.gachexp = ge; } public boolean isInBlockedMap() { if ((!isAlive()) || (getPyramidSubway() != null) || (getMap().getSquadByMap() != null) || (getEventInstance() != null) || (getMap().getEMByMap() != null)) { return true; } if (((getMapId() >= 680000210) && (getMapId() <= 680000502)) || ((getMapId() / 10000 == 92502) && (getMapId() >= 925020100)) || (getMapId() / 10000 == 92503) || (getMapId() == 910310300)) { return true; } for (int i : GameConstants.blockedMaps) { if (getMapId() == i) { return true; } } return false; } public boolean isInTownMap() { if ((hasBlockedInventory()) || (!getMap().isTown()) || (FieldLimitType.VipRock.check(getMap().getFieldLimit())) || (getEventInstance() != null)) { return false; } for (int i : GameConstants.blockedMaps) { if (getMapId() == i) { return false; } } return true; } public boolean hasBlockedInventory() { return (!isAlive()) || (getTrade() != null) || (getConversation() > 0) || (getDirection() >= 0) || (getPlayerShop() != null) || ( == null); } public void startPartySearch(List<Integer> jobs, int maxLevel, int minLevel, int membersNeeded) { for (MapleCharacter chr : { if ((chr.getId() != && (chr.getParty() == null) && (chr.getLevel() >= minLevel) && (chr.getLevel() <= maxLevel) && ((jobs.isEmpty()) || (jobs.contains(Integer.valueOf(chr.getJob())))) && ((isGM()) || (!chr.isGM()))) { if (( == null) || ( >= 6) || ( >= membersNeeded)) { break; } chr.setParty(; World.Party.updateParty(, PartyOperation.JOIN, new MaplePartyCharacter(chr)); chr.receivePartyMemberHP(); chr.updatePartyMemberHP(); } } } public int getChallenge() { return this.challenge; } public void setChallenge(int c) { this.challenge = c; } public short getFatigue() { return this.fatigue; } public void setFatigue(int j) { this.fatigue = ((short) Math.max(0, j)); updateSingleStat(MapleStat.FATIGUE, this.fatigue); } public void fakeRelog() { this.client.getSession().write(CField.getCharInfo(this)); MapleMap mapp = getMap(); mapp.setCheckStates(false); mapp.removePlayer(this); mapp.addPlayer(this); mapp.setCheckStates(true); final Map<Skill, SkillEntry> skills = getSkills(); getClient().getSession().write(CWvsContext.updateSkills(skills)); this.client.getSession().write(CWvsContext.getFamiliarInfo(this)); } public boolean canSummon() { return canSummon(5000); } public boolean canSummon(int g) { if (this.lastSummonTime + g < System.currentTimeMillis()) { this.lastSummonTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); return true; } return false; } public int getIntNoRecord(int questID) { MapleQuestStatus stat = getQuestNoAdd(MapleQuest.getInstance(questID)); if ((stat == null) || (stat.getCustomData() == null)) { return 0; } return Integer.parseInt(stat.getCustomData()); } public int getIntRecord(int questID) { MapleQuestStatus stat = getQuestNAdd(MapleQuest.getInstance(questID)); if (stat.getCustomData() == null) { stat.setCustomData("0"); } return Integer.parseInt(stat.getCustomData()); } public void updatePetAuto() { if (getIntNoRecord(122221) > 0) { this.client.getSession().write(CField.petAutoHP(getIntRecord(122221))); } if (getIntNoRecord(122223) > 0) { this.client.getSession().write(CField.petAutoMP(getIntRecord(122223))); } } public void sendEnglishQuiz(String msg) { } public void setChangeTime() { this.mapChangeTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); } public long getChangeTime() { return this.mapChangeTime; } public short getScrolledPosition() { return this.scrolledPosition; } public void setScrolledPosition(short s) { this.scrolledPosition = s; } public MapleTrait getTrait(MapleTrait.MapleTraitType t) { return (MapleTrait) this.traits.get(t); } public void forceCompleteQuest(int id) { MapleQuest.getInstance(id).forceComplete(this, 9270035); } public List<Integer> getExtendedSlots() { return this.extendedSlots; } public int getExtendedSlot(int index) { if ((this.extendedSlots.size() <= index) || (index < 0)) { return -1; } return ((Integer) this.extendedSlots.get(index)).intValue(); } public void changedExtended() { this.changed_extendedSlots = true; } public MapleAndroid getAndroid() { return; } public void removeAndroid() { if ( != null) {; } = null; } public void setAndroid(MapleAndroid a) { = a; if (( != null) && (a != null)) {, a));, Randomizer.nextInt(17) + 1)); } } public List<Item> getRebuy() { return this.rebuy; } public Map<Integer, MonsterFamiliar> getFamiliars() { return this.familiars; } public MonsterFamiliar getSummonedFamiliar() { return this.summonedFamiliar; } public void removeFamiliar() { if ((this.summonedFamiliar != null) && ( != null)) { removeVisibleFamiliar(); } this.summonedFamiliar = null; } public void removeVisibleFamiliar() { getMap().removeMapObject(this.summonedFamiliar); removeVisibleMapObject(this.summonedFamiliar); getMap().broadcastMessage(CField.removeFamiliar(getId())); MapleItemInformationProvider ii = MapleItemInformationProvider.getInstance(); cancelEffect(ii.getItemEffect(ii.getFamiliar(this.summonedFamiliar.getFamiliar()).passive), false, System.currentTimeMillis()); } public void spawnFamiliar(MonsterFamiliar mf, boolean respawn) { this.summonedFamiliar = mf; mf.setStance(0); mf.setPosition(getPosition()); mf.setFh(getFH()); addVisibleMapObject(mf); getMap().spawnFamiliar(mf); MapleItemInformationProvider ii = MapleItemInformationProvider.getInstance(); MapleStatEffect eff = ii.getItemEffect(ii.getFamiliar(this.summonedFamiliar.getFamiliar()).passive); if ((eff != null) && (eff.getInterval() <= 0) && (eff.makeChanceResult())) { eff.applyTo(this); } this.lastFamiliarEffectTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); } public final boolean canFamiliarEffect(long now, MapleStatEffect eff) { return (this.lastFamiliarEffectTime > 0L) && (this.lastFamiliarEffectTime + eff.getInterval() < now); } public void doFamiliarSchedule(long now) { if (this.familiars == null) { return; } for (MonsterFamiliar mf : this.familiars.values()) { if ((this.summonedFamiliar != null) && (this.summonedFamiliar.getId() == mf.getId())) { mf.addFatigue(this, 5); MapleItemInformationProvider ii = MapleItemInformationProvider.getInstance(); MapleStatEffect eff = ii.getItemEffect(ii.getFamiliar(this.summonedFamiliar.getFamiliar()).passive); if ((eff != null) && (eff.getInterval() > 0) && (canFamiliarEffect(now, eff)) && (eff.makeChanceResult())) { eff.applyTo(this); } } else if (mf.getFatigue() > 0) { mf.setFatigue(Math.max(0, mf.getFatigue() - 5)); } } } public MapleImp[] getImps() { return this.imps; } public void sendImp() { for (int i = 0; i < this.imps.length; i++) { if (this.imps[i] != null) { this.client.getSession().write(CWvsContext.updateImp(this.imps[i], MapleImp.ImpFlag.SUMMONED.getValue(), i, true)); } } } public int getBattlePoints() { return this.pvpPoints; } public int getTotalBattleExp() { return this.pvpExp; } public void setBattlePoints(int p) { if (p != this.pvpPoints) { this.client.getSession().write(CWvsContext.InfoPacket.getBPMsg(p - this.pvpPoints)); updateSingleStat(MapleStat.BATTLE_POINTS, p); } this.pvpPoints = p; } public void setTotalBattleExp(int p) { int previous = this.pvpExp; this.pvpExp = p; if (p != previous) { this.stats.recalcPVPRank(this); updateSingleStat(MapleStat.BATTLE_EXP, this.stats.pvpExp); updateSingleStat(MapleStat.BATTLE_RANK, this.stats.pvpRank); } } public void changeTeam(int newTeam) { this.coconutteam = newTeam; if (inPVP()) { this.client.getSession().write(CField.getPVPTransform(newTeam + 1));, newTeam + 1)); } else { this.client.getSession().write(CField.showEquipEffect(newTeam)); } } public void disease(int type, int level) { if (MapleDisease.getBySkill(type) == null) { return; } this.chair = 0; this.client.getSession().write(CField.cancelChair(-1));, CField.showChair(, 0), false); giveDebuff(MapleDisease.getBySkill(type), MobSkillFactory.getMobSkill(type, level)); } public boolean inPVP() { return (this.eventInstance != null) && (this.eventInstance.getName().startsWith("PVP")); } public void clearAllCooldowns() { for (MapleCoolDownValueHolder m : getCooldowns()) { int skil = m.skillId; removeCooldown(skil); this.client.getSession().write(CField.skillCooldown(skil, 0)); } } public Pair<Double, Boolean> modifyDamageTaken(double damage, MapleMapObject attacke) { Pair ret = new Pair(Double.valueOf(damage), Boolean.valueOf(false)); if (damage <= 0.0D) { return ret; } if ((this.stats.ignoreDAMr > 0) && (Randomizer.nextInt(100) < this.stats.ignoreDAMr_rate)) { damage -= Math.floor(this.stats.ignoreDAMr * damage / 100.0D); } if ((this.stats.ignoreDAM > 0) && (Randomizer.nextInt(100) < this.stats.ignoreDAM_rate)) { damage -= this.stats.ignoreDAM; } Integer div = getBuffedValue(MapleBuffStat.DIVINE_SHIELD); Integer div2 = getBuffedValue(MapleBuffStat.HOLY_MAGIC_SHELL); if (div2 != null) { if (div2.intValue() <= 0) { cancelEffectFromBuffStat(MapleBuffStat.HOLY_MAGIC_SHELL); } else { setBuffedValue(MapleBuffStat.HOLY_MAGIC_SHELL, div2.intValue() - 1); damage = 0.0D; } } else if (div != null) { if (div.intValue() <= 0) { cancelEffectFromBuffStat(MapleBuffStat.DIVINE_SHIELD); } else { setBuffedValue(MapleBuffStat.DIVINE_SHIELD, div.intValue() - 1); damage = 0.0D; } } MapleStatEffect barrier = getStatForBuff(MapleBuffStat.COMBO_BARRIER); if (barrier != null) { damage = barrier.getX() / 1000.0D * damage; } barrier = getStatForBuff(MapleBuffStat.MAGIC_SHIELD); if (barrier != null) { damage = barrier.getX() / 1000.0D * damage; } barrier = getStatForBuff(MapleBuffStat.WATER_SHIELD); if (barrier != null) { damage = barrier.getX() / 1000.0D * damage; } List attack = ((attacke instanceof MapleMonster)) || (attacke == null) ? null : new ArrayList(); if (damage > 0.0D) { if ((getJob() == 122) && (!skillisCooling(1220013))) { Skill divine = SkillFactory.getSkill(1220013); if (getTotalSkillLevel(divine) > 0) { MapleStatEffect divineShield = divine.getEffect(getTotalSkillLevel(divine)); if (divineShield.makeChanceResult()) { divineShield.applyTo(this); this.client.getSession().write(CField.skillCooldown(1220013, divineShield.getCooldown(this))); addCooldown(1220013, System.currentTimeMillis(), divineShield.getCooldown(this) * 1000); } } } else if ((getBuffedValue(MapleBuffStat.SATELLITESAFE_PROC) != null) && (getBuffedValue(MapleBuffStat.SATELLITESAFE_ABSORB) != null) && (getBuffedValue(MapleBuffStat.PUPPET) != null)) { double buff = getBuffedValue(MapleBuffStat.SATELLITESAFE_PROC).doubleValue(); double buffz = getBuffedValue(MapleBuffStat.SATELLITESAFE_ABSORB).doubleValue(); if ((int) (buff / 100.0D * getStat().getMaxHp()) <= damage) { damage -= buffz / 100.0D * damage; cancelEffectFromBuffStat(MapleBuffStat.PUPPET); } } else if ((getJob() == 433) || (getJob() == 434)) { Skill divine = SkillFactory.getSkill(4330001); if ((getTotalSkillLevel(divine) > 0) && (getBuffedValue(MapleBuffStat.DARKSIGHT) == null) && (!skillisCooling(divine.getId()))) { MapleStatEffect divineShield = divine.getEffect(getTotalSkillLevel(divine)); if (Randomizer.nextInt(100) < divineShield.getX()) { divineShield.applyTo(this); } } } else if (((getJob() == 512) || (getJob() == 522)) && (getBuffedValue(MapleBuffStat.PIRATES_REVENGE) == null)) { Skill divine = SkillFactory.getSkill(getJob() == 512 ? 5120011 : 5220012); if ((getTotalSkillLevel(divine) > 0) && (!skillisCooling(divine.getId()))) { MapleStatEffect divineShield = divine.getEffect(getTotalSkillLevel(divine)); if (divineShield.makeChanceResult()) { divineShield.applyTo(this); this.client.getSession().write(CField.skillCooldown(divine.getId(), divineShield.getCooldown(this))); addCooldown(divine.getId(), System.currentTimeMillis(), divineShield.getCooldown(this) * 1000); } } } else if ((getJob() == 312) && (attacke != null)) { Skill divine = SkillFactory.getSkill(3120010); if (getTotalSkillLevel(divine) > 0) { MapleStatEffect divineShield = divine.getEffect(getTotalSkillLevel(divine)); if (divineShield.makeChanceResult()) { int i; if ((attacke instanceof MapleMonster)) { Rectangle bounds = divineShield.calculateBoundingBox(getTruePosition(), isFacingLeft()); List<MapleMapObject> affected = getMap().getMapObjectsInRect(bounds, Arrays.asList(new MapleMapObjectType[]{attacke.getType()})); i = 0; for (MapleMapObject mo : affected) { MapleMonster mons = (MapleMonster) mo; if ((!mons.getStats().isFriendly()) && (!mons.isFake())) { mons.applyStatus(this, new MonsterStatusEffect(MonsterStatus.STUN, Integer.valueOf(1), divineShield.getSourceId(), null, false), false, divineShield.getDuration(), true, divineShield); int theDmg = (int) (divineShield.getDamage() * getStat().getCurrentMaxBaseDamage() / 100.0D); mons.damage(this, theDmg, true); getMap().broadcastMessage(MobPacket.damageMonster(mons.getObjectId(), theDmg)); i++; if (i >= divineShield.getMobCount()) { break; } } } } else { MapleCharacter chr = (MapleCharacter) attacke; chr.addHP(-divineShield.getDamage()); attack.add(Integer.valueOf(divineShield.getDamage())); } } } } else if (((getJob() == 531) || (getJob() == 532)) && (attacke != null)) { Skill divine = SkillFactory.getSkill(5310009); if (getTotalSkillLevel(divine) > 0) { MapleStatEffect divineShield = divine.getEffect(getTotalSkillLevel(divine)); if (divineShield.makeChanceResult()) { if ((attacke instanceof MapleMonster)) { MapleMonster attacker = (MapleMonster) attacke; int theDmg = (int) (divineShield.getDamage() * getStat().getCurrentMaxBaseDamage() / 100.0D); attacker.damage(this, theDmg, true); getMap().broadcastMessage(MobPacket.damageMonster(attacker.getObjectId(), theDmg)); } else { MapleCharacter attacker = (MapleCharacter) attacke; attacker.addHP(-divineShield.getDamage()); attack.add(Integer.valueOf(divineShield.getDamage())); } } } } else if ((getJob() == 132) && (attacke != null)) { Skill divine = SkillFactory.getSkill(1320011); if ((getTotalSkillLevel(divine) > 0) && (!skillisCooling(divine.getId())) && (getBuffSource(MapleBuffStat.BEHOLDER) == 1321007)) { MapleStatEffect divineShield = divine.getEffect(getTotalSkillLevel(divine)); if (divineShield.makeChanceResult()) { this.client.getSession().write(CField.skillCooldown(divine.getId(), divineShield.getCooldown(this))); addCooldown(divine.getId(), System.currentTimeMillis(), divineShield.getCooldown(this) * 1000); if ((attacke instanceof MapleMonster)) { MapleMonster attacker = (MapleMonster) attacke; int theDmg = (int) (divineShield.getDamage() * getStat().getCurrentMaxBaseDamage() / 100.0D); attacker.damage(this, theDmg, true); getMap().broadcastMessage(MobPacket.damageMonster(attacker.getObjectId(), theDmg)); } else { MapleCharacter attacker = (MapleCharacter) attacke; attacker.addHP(-divineShield.getDamage()); attack.add(Integer.valueOf(divineShield.getDamage())); } } } } if (attacke != null) { int damr = (Randomizer.nextInt(100) < getStat().DAMreflect_rate ? getStat().DAMreflect : 0) + (getBuffedValue(MapleBuffStat.POWERGUARD) != null ? getBuffedValue(MapleBuffStat.POWERGUARD).intValue() : 0); int bouncedam_ = damr + (getBuffedValue(MapleBuffStat.PERFECT_ARMOR) != null ? getBuffedValue(MapleBuffStat.PERFECT_ARMOR).intValue() : 0); if (bouncedam_ > 0) { long bouncedamage = (long) (damage * bouncedam_ / 100.0D); long bouncer = (long) (damage * damr / 100.0D); damage -= bouncer; if ((attacke instanceof MapleMonster)) { MapleMonster attacker = (MapleMonster) attacke; bouncedamage = Math.min(bouncedamage, attacker.getMobMaxHp() / 10L); attacker.damage(this, bouncedamage, true); getMap().broadcastMessage(this, MobPacket.damageMonster(attacker.getObjectId(), bouncedamage), getTruePosition()); if (getBuffSource(MapleBuffStat.PERFECT_ARMOR) == 31101003) { MapleStatEffect eff = getStatForBuff(MapleBuffStat.PERFECT_ARMOR); if (eff.makeChanceResult()) { attacker.applyStatus(this, new MonsterStatusEffect(MonsterStatus.STUN, Integer.valueOf(1), eff.getSourceId(), null, false), false, eff.getSubTime(), true, eff); } } } else { MapleCharacter attacker = (MapleCharacter) attacke; bouncedamage = Math.min(bouncedamage, attacker.getStat().getCurrentMaxHp() / 10); attacker.addHP(-(int) bouncedamage); attack.add(Integer.valueOf((int) bouncedamage)); if (getBuffSource(MapleBuffStat.PERFECT_ARMOR) == 31101003) { MapleStatEffect eff = getStatForBuff(MapleBuffStat.PERFECT_ARMOR); if (eff.makeChanceResult()) { attacker.disease(MapleDisease.STUN.getDisease(), 1); } } } ret.right = Boolean.valueOf(true); } if (((getJob() == 411) || (getJob() == 412) || (getJob() == 421) || (getJob() == 422)) && (getBuffedValue(MapleBuffStat.SUMMON) != null) && (attacke != null)) { List<MapleSummon> ss = getSummonsReadLock(); try { for (MapleSummon sum : ss) { if ((sum.getTruePosition().distanceSq(getTruePosition()) < 400000.0D) && ((sum.getSkill() == 4111007) || (sum.getSkill() == 4211007))) { List allDamage = new ArrayList(); if ((attacke instanceof MapleMonster)) { MapleMonster attacker = (MapleMonster) attacke; int theDmg = (int) (SkillFactory.getSkill(sum.getSkill()).getEffect(sum.getSkillLevel()).getX() * damage / 100.0D); allDamage.add(new Pair(Integer.valueOf(attacker.getObjectId()), Integer.valueOf(theDmg))); getMap().broadcastMessage(CField.SummonPacket.summonAttack(sum.getOwnerId(), sum.getObjectId(), (byte) -124, allDamage, getLevel(), true)); attacker.damage(this, theDmg, true); checkMonsterAggro(attacker); if (!attacker.isAlive()) { getClient().getSession().write(MobPacket.killMonster(attacker.getObjectId(), 1)); } } else { MapleCharacter chr = (MapleCharacter) attacke; int dmg = SkillFactory.getSkill(sum.getSkill()).getEffect(sum.getSkillLevel()).getX(); chr.addHP(-dmg); attack.add(Integer.valueOf(dmg)); } } } } finally { unlockSummonsReadLock(); } } } } if ((attack != null) && (attack.size() > 0) && (attacke != null)) { getMap().broadcastMessage(CField.pvpCool(attacke.getObjectId(), attack)); } ret.left = Double.valueOf(damage); return ret; } public void onAttack(long maxhp, int maxmp, int skillid, int oid, int totDamage, int critCount) { if ((this.stats.hpRecoverProp > 0) && (Randomizer.nextInt(100) <= this.stats.hpRecoverProp)) { if (this.stats.hpRecover > 0) { healHP(this.stats.hpRecover); } if (this.stats.hpRecoverPercent > 0) { // addHP((int) Math.min(maxhp, Math.min((int) (totDamage * this.stats.hpRecoverPercent / 100.0D), this.stats.getMaxHp() / 2))); } } if ((this.stats.mpRecoverProp > 0) && (!GameConstants.isDemon(getJob())) && (Randomizer.nextInt(100) <= this.stats.mpRecoverProp)) { healMP(this.stats.mpRecover); } if (getBuffedValue(MapleBuffStat.COMBO_DRAIN) != null) { // addHP((int) Math.min(maxhp, Math.min((int) (totDamage * getStatForBuff(MapleBuffStat.COMBO_DRAIN).getX() / 100.0D), this.stats.getMaxHp() / 2))); } if (getBuffSource(MapleBuffStat.COMBO_DRAIN) == 23101003) { addMP(Math.min(maxmp, Math.min((int) (totDamage * getStatForBuff(MapleBuffStat.COMBO_DRAIN).getX() / 100.0D), this.stats.getMaxMp() / 2))); } if ((getBuffedValue(MapleBuffStat.REAPER) != null) && (getBuffedValue(MapleBuffStat.SUMMON) == null) && (getSummonsSize() < 4) && (canSummon())) { MapleStatEffect eff = getStatForBuff(MapleBuffStat.REAPER); if (eff.makeChanceResult()) { eff.applyTo(this, this, false, null, eff.getDuration()); } } if ((getJob() == 212) || (getJob() == 222) || (getJob() == 232)) { int[] skills = {2120010, 2220010, 2320011}; for (int i : skills) { Skill skill = SkillFactory.getSkill(i); if (getTotalSkillLevel(skill) > 0) { MapleStatEffect venomEffect = skill.getEffect(getTotalSkillLevel(skill)); if ((!venomEffect.makeChanceResult()) || (getAllLinkMid().size() >= venomEffect.getY())) { break; } setLinkMid(oid, venomEffect.getX()); venomEffect.applyTo(this); break; } } } int[] skills = {4110011, 4120005, 4210010, 4220005, 4320005, 4340001, 14110004}; for (int i : skills) { if (i == 4110011) { if (getTotalSkillLevel(4120011) > 0) { i = 4120011; } } else if ((i == 4210010) && (getTotalSkillLevel(4220011) > 0)) { i = 4220011; } Skill skill = SkillFactory.getSkill(i); if (getTotalSkillLevel(skill) > 0) { MapleStatEffect venomEffect = skill.getEffect(getTotalSkillLevel(skill)); MapleMonster monster =; if ((!venomEffect.makeChanceResult()) || (monster == null)) { break; } monster.applyStatus(this, new MonsterStatusEffect(MonsterStatus.POISON, Integer.valueOf(1), i, null, false), true, venomEffect.getDuration(), true, venomEffect); break; } } if (skillid > 0) { Skill skil = SkillFactory.getSkill(skillid); MapleStatEffect effect = skil.getEffect(getTotalSkillLevel(skil)); switch (skillid) { case 1078: case 11078: case 3111008: case 4101005: case 5111004: case 14101006: case 15111001: case 31111003: case 33111006: // addHP((int) Math.min(maxhp, Math.min((int) (totDamage * effect.getX() / 100.0D), this.stats.getMaxHp() / 2))); break; case 5211006: case 5220011: case 22151002: setLinkMid(oid, effect.getX()); break; case 33101007: clearLinkMid(); } } } public void handleForceGain(int oid, int skillid) { handleForceGain(oid, skillid, 0); } public void handleForceGain(int oid, int skillid, int extraForce) { if ((!GameConstants.isForceIncrease(skillid)) && (extraForce <= 0)) { return; } int forceGain = 1; if ((getLevel() >= 30) && (getLevel() < 70)) { forceGain = 2; } else if ((getLevel() >= 70) && (getLevel() < 120)) { forceGain = 3; } else if (getLevel() >= 120) { forceGain = 4; } this.force = ((short) (this.force + 1)); if (GameConstants.isDemon(getJob())) { addMP(extraForce > 0 ? extraForce : forceGain, true); } getClient().getSession().write(CField.gainForce(oid, this.force, forceGain)); if ((GameConstants.isDemon(getJob())) && (this.stats.mpRecoverProp > 0) && (extraForce <= 0) && (Randomizer.nextInt(100) <= this.stats.mpRecoverProp)) { this.force = ((short) (this.force + 1)); addMP(this.stats.mpRecover, true); getClient().getSession().write(CField.gainForce(oid, this.force, this.stats.mpRecover)); } } public void afterAttack(int mobCount, int attackCount, int skillid) { switch (getJob()) { case 511: case 512: handleEnergyCharge(5110001, mobCount * attackCount); break; case 1510: case 1511: case 1512: handleEnergyCharge(15100004, mobCount * attackCount); break; case 422: if (skillid == 4221001) { setBattleshipHP(0); } else { setBattleshipHP(Math.min(5, currentBattleshipHP() + 1)); } refreshBattleshipHP(); break; case 111: case 112: case 1111: case 1112: case 2411: case 2412: if (((skillid != 1111008 ? 1 : 0) & (getBuffedValue(MapleBuffStat.COMBO) != null ? 1 : 0)) != 0) { handleOrbgain(); } break; } if (getBuffedValue(MapleBuffStat.OWL_SPIRIT) != null) { if (currentBattleshipHP() > 0) { decreaseBattleshipHP(); } if (currentBattleshipHP() <= 0) { cancelEffectFromBuffStat(MapleBuffStat.OWL_SPIRIT); } } if (!isIntern()) { cancelEffectFromBuffStat(MapleBuffStat.WIND_WALK); cancelEffectFromBuffStat(MapleBuffStat.INFILTRATE); MapleStatEffect ds = getStatForBuff(MapleBuffStat.DARKSIGHT); if ((ds != null) && ((ds.getSourceId() != 4330001) || (!ds.makeChanceResult()))) { cancelEffectFromBuffStat(MapleBuffStat.DARKSIGHT); } } } public void applyIceGage(int x) { updateSingleStat(MapleStat.ICE_GAGE, x); } public Rectangle getBounds() { return new Rectangle(getTruePosition().x - 25, getTruePosition().y - 75, 50, 75); } public final Map<Byte, Integer> getEquips() { Map eq = new HashMap(); for (Item item : this.inventory[MapleInventoryType.EQUIPPED.ordinal()].newList()) { eq.put(Byte.valueOf((byte) item.getPosition()), Integer.valueOf(item.getItemId())); } return eq; } public void handleluminous(int skillid) { if (skillid == 27001100 || skillid == 27101100 || skillid == 27101101 || skillid == 27111100 || skillid == 27111101 || skillid == 27121100) { this.runninglightslot += Randomizer.nextInt(200) + 100; if (this.runninglightslot > 10000) { this.runninglightslot = 0; this.runninglight += 1; if (this.runninglight == 5) { this.runninglight = 5; } } } if (skillid == 27001201 || skillid == 27101202 || skillid == 27111202 || skillid == 27121201 || skillid == 27121202 || skillid == 27120211) { this.runningdarkslot += Randomizer.nextInt(200) + 100; } if (this.runningdarkslot > 10000) { this.runningdarkslot = 0; this.runningdark += 1; if (this.runningdark == 5) { this.runningdark = 5; } } this.client.getSession().write(CField.updateluminouscombo_black(this.runningdarkslot, this.runninglightslot, this.runningdark, this.runninglight)); } public final PlayerRandomStream CRand() { return this.CRand; } public void handleKaiserCombo() { if (this.kaisercombo < 1000) { this.kaisercombo = ((short) (this.kaisercombo + 100)); } SkillFactory.getSkill(61111008).getEffect(1).applyKAISER_Combo(this, this.kaisercombo); } public void resetKaiserCombo() { this.kaisercombo = 0; SkillFactory.getSkill(61111008).getEffect(1).applyKAISER_Combo(this, this.kaisercombo); } public void handleCardStack() { Skill noir = SkillFactory.getSkill(24120002); Skill blanc = SkillFactory.getSkill(24100003); MapleStatEffect ceffect = null; int advSkillLevel = getTotalSkillLevel(noir); boolean isAdv = false; if (advSkillLevel > 0) { ceffect = noir.getEffect(advSkillLevel); isAdv = true; } else if (getSkillLevel(blanc) > 0) { ceffect = blanc.getEffect(getTotalSkillLevel(blanc)); } else { return; } if ((getJob() == 2412) && (getCardStack() == 40)) { return; } if (((getJob() == 2400) && (getCardStack() == 20)) || ((getJob() == 2410) && (getCardStack() == 20)) || ((getJob() == 2411) && (getCardStack() == 20))) { return; } if (ceffect.makeChanceResult()) { if (this.cardStack < (getJob() == 2412 ? 40 : 20)) { this.cardStack = ((byte) (this.cardStack + 1)); } this.runningStack = ((byte) (this.runningStack + 1)); this.client.getSession().write(CField.gainCardStack(getId(), this.runningStack, isAdv ? 2 : 1, ceffect.getSourceId(), Randomizer.rand(100000, 500000), 1)); this.client.getSession().write(CField.updateCardStack(this.cardStack)); } } public void resetRunningStack() { this.runningStack = 0; this.runningdark = 0; this.runningdarkslot = 0; this.runninglight = 0; this.runninglightslot = 0; } public int getRunningStack() { return this.runningStack; } public void setReborns(int reborns) { this.reborns = reborns; } public void addRunningStack(int s) { this.runningStack = ((byte) (this.runningStack + s)); } public void setCardStack(byte amount) { this.cardStack = amount; } public byte getCardStack() { return this.cardStack; } public final MapleCharacterCards getCharacterCard() { return this.characterCard; } public int getReborns() { return this.reborns; } public int getAPS() { return this.apstorage; } public void gainAPS(int aps) { this.apstorage += aps; } public final boolean canHold(int itemid) { return getInventory(GameConstants.getInventoryType(itemid)).getNextFreeSlot() > -1; } public void gainCurrency(short amount, boolean sound) { if (sound) { this.client.getSession().write(CField.playSound("Coconut/Victory")); } MapleInventoryManipulator.addById(this.client, 4001055, amount, "gainCurrency function"); dropMessage(-1, new StringBuilder().append("You have gained ").append(amount).append(" ").append(amount > 1 ? new StringBuilder().append("").append(MapleItemInformationProvider.getInstance().getName(4001055)).append("s ").toString() : new StringBuilder().append("").append(MapleItemInformationProvider.getInstance().getName(4001055)).append(" ").toString()).append("").toString()); } public long getLoginTime() { return this.loginTime; } public void setLoginTime(long login) { this.loginTime = login; } public int getStr() { return this.str; } public void setStr(int str) { this.str = str; this.stats.recalcLocalStats(this); } public int getInt() { return this.int_; } public void setInt(int int_) { this.int_ = int_; this.stats.recalcLocalStats(this); } public int getLuk() { return this.luk; } public int getDex() { return this.dex; } public void setLuk(int luk) { this.luk = luk; this.stats.recalcLocalStats(this); } public void setDex(int dex) { this.dex = dex; this.stats.recalcLocalStats(this); } public void gainvpoints(int hi) { this.vpoints += hi; } public static String makeMapleReadable(String in) { String i = in.replace('I', 'i'); i = i.replace('l', 'L'); i = i.replace("rn", "Rn"); i = i.replace("vv", "Vv"); i = i.replace("VV", "Vv"); return i; } public static boolean ban(String id, String reason, boolean accountId) { PreparedStatement ps = null; try { Connection con = DatabaseConnection.getConnection(); if (id.matches("/[0-9]{1,3}\\..*")) { ps = con.prepareStatement("INSERT INTO ipbans VALUES (DEFAULT, ?)"); ps.setString(1, id); ps.executeUpdate(); ps.close(); return true; } if (accountId) { ps = con.prepareStatement("SELECT id FROM accounts WHERE name = ?"); } else { ps = con.prepareStatement("SELECT accountid FROM characters WHERE name = ?"); } boolean ret = false; ps.setString(1, id); try (ResultSet rs = ps.executeQuery()) { if ( { try (PreparedStatement psb = DatabaseConnection.getConnection().prepareStatement("UPDATE accounts SET banned = 1, banreason = ? WHERE id = ?")) { psb.setString(1, reason); psb.setInt(2, rs.getInt(1)); psb.executeUpdate(); } ret = true; } } ps.close(); return ret; } catch (SQLException ex) { } finally { try { if (ps != null && !ps.isClosed()) { ps.close(); } } catch (SQLException e) { } } return false; } public final boolean ban(String reason, boolean IPMac, boolean autoban) { if (lastmonthfameids == null) { throw new RuntimeException("Trying to ban a non-loaded character (testhack)"); } client.getSession().write(CWvsContext.GMPoliceMessage(true)); try { Connection con = DatabaseConnection.getConnection(); PreparedStatement ps = con.prepareStatement("UPDATE accounts SET banned = ?, banreason = ? WHERE id = ?"); ps.setInt(1, autoban ? 2 : 1); ps.setString(2, reason); ps.setInt(3, accountid); ps.execute(); ps.close(); client.banMacs(); ps = con.prepareStatement("INSERT INTO ipbans VALUES (DEFAULT, ?)"); ps.setString(1, client.getSessionIPAddress()); ps.execute(); ps.close(); } catch (SQLException ex) { System.err.println("Error while banning" + ex); return false; } client.getSession().close(true); return true; } public void ban(String reason, boolean permBan) { if (this.lastmonthfameids == null) { throw new RuntimeException("Trying to ban a non-loaded character (testhack)"); } try { getClient().banMacs(); Connection con = DatabaseConnection.getConnection(); PreparedStatement ps = con.prepareStatement("UPDATE accounts SET banned = ?, banreason = ? WHERE id = ?"); ps.setInt(1, 1); ps.setString(2, reason); ps.setInt(3, this.accountid); ps.executeUpdate(); ps.close(); ps = con.prepareStatement("INSERT INTO ipbans VALUES (DEFAULT, ?)"); String[] ipSplit = this.client.getSession().getRemoteAddress().toString().split(":"); ps.setString(1, ipSplit[0]); ps.executeUpdate(); ps.close(); } catch (SQLException ex) { } this.client.getSession().close(true); } public static boolean unban(String name) { try { int accountid = -1; Connection con = DatabaseConnection.getConnection(); PreparedStatement ps = con.prepareStatement("SELECT accountid FROM characters WHERE name = ?"); ps.setString(1, name); ResultSet rs = ps.executeQuery(); if ( { accountid = rs.getInt("accountid"); } ps.close(); rs.close(); if (accountid == -1) { return false; } ps = con.prepareStatement("UPDATE accounts SET banned = -1 WHERE id = ?"); ps.setInt(1, accountid); ps.executeUpdate(); ps.close(); } catch (SQLException ex) { return false; } return true; } public void changeMap(int map, int portal) { MapleMap warpMap = this.client.getChannelServer().getMapFactory().getMap(map); changeMap(warpMap, warpMap.getPortal(portal)); } public void addHonourExp(int amount) { if (getHonourLevel() == 0) { setHonourLevel(1); } if (getHonourExp() + amount >= getHonourLevel() * 500) { honourLevelUp(); int leftamount = getHonourExp() + amount - (getHonourLevel() - 1) * 500; leftamount = Math.min(leftamount, getHonourLevel() * 500 - 1); setHonourExp(leftamount); return; } setHonourExp(getHonourExp() + amount); this.client.getSession().write(CWvsContext.updateAzwanFame(getHonourLevel(), getHonourExp(), true)); this.client.getSession().write(CWvsContext.professionInfo("honorLeveling", 0, getHonourLevel(), getHonourNextExp())); } public int getHonourNextExp() { if (getHonourLevel() == 0) { return 0; } return (getHonourLevel() + 1) * 500; } public void honourLevelUp() { setHonourLevel(getHonourLevel() + 1); this.client.getSession().write(CWvsContext.updateAzwanFame(getHonourLevel(), getHonourExp(), true)); if (getHonourLevel() == 2) { InnerSkillValueHolder diella = InnerAbillity.getInstance().renewSkill(0, -1); this.innerSkills.add(diella); changeSkillLevel(SkillFactory.getSkill(diella.getSkillId()), diella.getSkillLevel(), diella.getSkillLevel()); this.client.getSession().write(CField.getCharInfo(this)); final Map<Skill, SkillEntry> skills = getSkills(); getClient().getSession().write(CWvsContext.updateSkills(skills)); } else if (getHonourLevel() == 30) { InnerSkillValueHolder is = InnerAbillity.getInstance().renewSkill(Randomizer.rand(0, 2), -1); this.innerSkills.add(is); changeSkillLevel(SkillFactory.getSkill(is.getSkillId()), is.getSkillLevel(), is.getSkillLevel()); this.client.getSession().write(CField.getCharInfo(this)); final Map<Skill, SkillEntry> skills = getSkills(); getClient().getSession().write(CWvsContext.updateSkills(skills)); } else if (getHonourLevel() == 70) { InnerSkillValueHolder beautiful = InnerAbillity.getInstance().renewSkill(Randomizer.rand(1, 3), -1); this.innerSkills.add(beautiful); changeSkillLevel(SkillFactory.getSkill(beautiful.getSkillId()), beautiful.getSkillLevel(), beautiful.getSkillLevel()); this.client.getSession().write(CField.getCharInfo(this)); final Map<Skill, SkillEntry> skills = getSkills(); getClient().getSession().write(CWvsContext.updateSkills(skills)); } } public void unchooseStolenSkill(int skillID) { if ((skillisCooling(20031208)) || (this.stolenSkills == null)) { dropMessage(-6, "[Loadout] The skill is under cooldown. Please wait."); return; } int job = GameConstants.getJobNumber(skillID / 10000); boolean changed = false; for (Pair sk : this.stolenSkills) { if ((((Boolean) sk.right).booleanValue()) && (GameConstants.getJobNumber(((Integer) sk.left).intValue() / 10000) == job)) { cancelStolenSkill(((Integer) sk.left).intValue()); sk.right = Boolean.valueOf(false); changed = true; } } if (changed) { Skill skil = SkillFactory.getSkill(skillID); changeSkillLevel_Skip(skil, getSkillLevel(skil), (byte) 0); this.client.getSession().write(CField.replaceStolenSkill(GameConstants.getStealSkill(job), 0)); } } public void cancelStolenSkill(int skillID) { Skill skk = SkillFactory.getSkill(skillID); MapleStatEffect eff = skk.getEffect(getTotalSkillLevel(skk)); Iterator i$; MapleMonster mons; if ((eff.isMonsterBuff()) || ((eff.getStatups().isEmpty()) && (!eff.getMonsterStati().isEmpty()))) { for (i$ =; i$.hasNext();) { mons = (MapleMonster) i$.next(); for (MonsterStatus b : eff.getMonsterStati().keySet()) { if ((mons.isBuffed(b)) && (mons.getBuff(b).getFromID() == { mons.cancelStatus(b); } } } } else if ((eff.getDuration() > 0) && (!eff.getStatups().isEmpty())) { for (MapleCharacter chr : { chr.cancelEffect(eff, false, -1L, eff.getStatups()); } } } public void chooseStolenSkill(int skillID) { if ((skillisCooling(20031208)) || (this.stolenSkills == null)) { dropMessage(-6, "[Loadout] The skill is under cooldown. Please wait."); return; } Pair dummy = new Pair(Integer.valueOf(skillID), Boolean.valueOf(false)); if (this.stolenSkills.contains(dummy)) { unchooseStolenSkill(skillID); ((Pair) this.stolenSkills.get(this.stolenSkills.indexOf(dummy))).right = Boolean.valueOf(true); this.client.getSession().write(CField.replaceStolenSkill(GameConstants.getStealSkill(GameConstants.getJobNumber(skillID / 10000)), skillID)); } } public void addStolenSkill(int skillID, int skillLevel) { if ((skillisCooling(20031208)) || (this.stolenSkills == null)) { dropMessage(-6, "[Loadout] The skill is under cooldown. Please wait."); return; } Pair dummy = new Pair(Integer.valueOf(skillID), Boolean.valueOf(true)); Skill skil = SkillFactory.getSkill(skillID); if ((!this.stolenSkills.contains(dummy)) && (GameConstants.canSteal(skil))) { dummy.right = Boolean.valueOf(false); skillLevel = Math.min(skil.getMaxLevel(), skillLevel); int job = GameConstants.getJobNumber(skillID / 10000); if ((!this.stolenSkills.contains(dummy)) && (getSkillLevel(GameConstants.getStealSkill(job)) > 0)) { int count = 0; skillLevel = Math.min(getSkillLevel(GameConstants.getStealSkill(job)), skillLevel); for (Pair sk : this.stolenSkills) { if (GameConstants.getJobNumber(((Integer) sk.left).intValue() / 10000) == job) { count++; } } if (count < GameConstants.getNumSteal(job)) { this.stolenSkills.add(dummy); this.changed_skills = true; changeSkillLevel_Skip(skil, skillLevel, (byte) skillLevel); this.client.getSession().write(CField.addStolenSkill(job, count, skillID, skillLevel)); } } } } public void removeStolenSkill(int skillID) { if ((skillisCooling(20031208)) || (this.stolenSkills == null)) { dropMessage(-6, "[Loadout] The skill is under cooldown. Please wait."); return; } int job = GameConstants.getJobNumber(skillID / 10000); Pair dummy = new Pair(Integer.valueOf(skillID), Boolean.valueOf(false)); int count = -1; int cc = 0; for (int i = 0; i < this.stolenSkills.size(); i++) { if (((Integer) ((Pair) this.stolenSkills.get(i)).left).intValue() == skillID) { if (((Boolean) ((Pair) this.stolenSkills.get(i)).right).booleanValue()) { unchooseStolenSkill(skillID); } count = cc; break; } if (GameConstants.getJobNumber(((Integer) ((Pair) this.stolenSkills.get(i)).left).intValue() / 10000) == job) { cc++; } } if (count >= 0) { cancelStolenSkill(skillID); this.stolenSkills.remove(dummy); dummy.right = Boolean.valueOf(true); this.stolenSkills.remove(dummy); this.changed_skills = true; changeSkillLevel_Skip(SkillFactory.getSkill(skillID), 0, (byte) 0); this.client.getSession().write(CField.replaceStolenSkill(GameConstants.getStealSkill(job), 0)); for (int i = 0; i < GameConstants.getNumSteal(job); i++) { this.client.getSession().write(CField.removeStolenSkill(job, i)); } count = 0; for (Pair sk : this.stolenSkills) { if (GameConstants.getJobNumber(((Integer) sk.left).intValue() / 10000) == job) { this.client.getSession().write(CField.addStolenSkill(job, count, ((Integer) sk.left).intValue(), getSkillLevel(((Integer) sk.left).intValue()))); if (((Boolean) sk.right).booleanValue()) { this.client.getSession().write(CField.replaceStolenSkill(GameConstants.getStealSkill(job), ((Integer) sk.left).intValue())); } count++; } } this.client.getSession().write(CField.removeStolenSkill(job, count)); } } public List<Pair<Integer, Boolean>> getStolenSkills() { return this.stolenSkills; } public void changeSkillLevel_Skip(Skill skil, int skilLevel, byte masterLevel) { Map enry = new HashMap(1); enry.put(skil, new SkillEntry(skilLevel, masterLevel, -1L)); changeSkillLevel_Skip(enry, true); } public String getKeyValue(String key) { if (this.CustomValues.containsKey(key)) { return (String) this.CustomValues.get(key); } return null; } public void changeSkillLevel(Skill skill, byte newLevel, byte newMasterlevel) { changeSkillLevel(skill, newLevel, newMasterlevel); } public void setKeyValue(String key, String values) { if (this.CustomValues.containsKey(key)) { this.CustomValues.remove(key); } this.CustomValues.put(key, values); this.keyvalue_changed = true; } public void maxSkill(int skillid) { Skill skill_ = SkillFactory.getSkill(skillid); byte maxlevel = (byte) skill_.getMaxLevel(); changeSkillLevel(skill_, maxlevel, maxlevel); } public void maxAllSkills() { int skillid = 0; HashMap sa = new HashMap(); MapleDataProvider dataProvider = MapleDataProviderFactory.getDataProvider(new File("wz/String.wz")); MapleData skilldData = dataProvider.getData("Skill.img"); for (MapleData skill_ : skilldData.getChildren()) { try { skillid = Integer.parseInt(skill_.getName()); Skill skil = SkillFactory.getSkill(skillid); skillid = skil.getId(); if ((skillid == 1003) || (skillid == 10001003) || (skillid == 20001003) || (skillid == 20021003) || (skillid == 20031003) || (skillid == 30001003) || (skillid == 50001003) || (skillid == 20041003)) { maxSkill(skillid); } else if (((skil.getName().toUpperCase().contains("S WILL")) || (skillid < 1000000) || (skil.ishyper()) || (skillid == 65121052) || (skillid == 65121010) || (skillid == 42121007) || (skillid == 42101020) || (skillid == 42101021) || (skillid == 42101022) || (skillid == 42101023) || (skillid == 42121020) || (skillid == 42121021) || (skillid == 42121022) || (skillid == 42121023) || (skillid != 42120024)) && ((skillid < 8000000) || (skillid > 8100000)) && ((skillid < 9000000) || (skillid > 9100000)) && ((skillid < 10000000) || (skillid > 11000000)) && ((skillid < 20000000) || (skillid > 20050000)) && ((skillid < 30000000) || (skillid > 30020000)) && ((skillid < 40000000) || (skillid > 40030000)) && ((skillid < 50000000) || (skillid >= 51000000)) && ((skillid < 60000000) || (skillid > 61000000)) && ((skillid < 70000000) || (skillid > 72000000)) && (skillid < 80000000)) { if ((getJob() >= 6100) && (getJob() <= 6112) && (skillid / 10000 >= 6100) && (skillid / 10000 <= 6112)) { if ((skil.getName().contains("(Transfiguration)")) || (skillid == 61111114) || (skillid == 61121015) || (skillid == 61121116) || (skillid == 61120018) || (skillid == 61001004) || (skillid == 61001005) || (skillid == 61110009) || (skillid == 61111113) || (skillid != 61120008)) { sa.put(skil, new SkillEntry((byte) skil.getMaxLevel(), (byte) skil.getMaxLevel(), SkillFactory.getDefaultSExpiry(skil))); } } else if ((getJob() >= 4100) && (getJob() <= 4112) && (skillid / 10000 >= 4100) && (skillid / 10000 <= 4112)) { sa.put(skil, new SkillEntry((byte) skil.getMaxLevel(), (byte) skil.getMaxLevel(), SkillFactory.getDefaultSExpiry(skil))); } else if ((getJob() >= 4200) && (getJob() <= 4212) && (skillid / 10000 >= 4200) && (skillid / 10000 <= 4212)) { sa.put(skil, new SkillEntry((byte) skil.getMaxLevel(), (byte) skil.getMaxLevel(), SkillFactory.getDefaultSExpiry(skil))); } else if ((getJob() >= 3600) && (getJob() <= 3612) && (skillid / 10000 >= 3600) && (skillid / 10000 <= 3612)) { sa.put(skil, new SkillEntry((byte) skil.getMaxLevel(), (byte) skil.getMaxLevel(), SkillFactory.getDefaultSExpiry(skil))); } else if ((getJob() >= 6500) && (getJob() <= 6512) && (skillid / 10000 >= 6500) && (skillid / 10000 <= 6512)) { sa.put(skil, new SkillEntry((byte) skil.getMaxLevel(), (byte) skil.getMaxLevel(), SkillFactory.getDefaultSExpiry(skil))); } else if ((getJob() >= 100) && (getJob() <= 132) && (skillid / 10000 == 100)) { sa.put(skil, new SkillEntry((byte) skil.getMaxLevel(), (byte) skil.getMaxLevel(), SkillFactory.getDefaultSExpiry(skil))); } else if ((getJob() >= 110) && (getJob() <= 112) && (skillid / 10000 >= 110) && (skillid / 10000 <= 112)) { sa.put(skil, new SkillEntry((byte) skil.getMaxLevel(), (byte) skil.getMaxLevel(), SkillFactory.getDefaultSExpiry(skil))); } else if ((getJob() >= 120) && (getJob() <= 122) && (skillid / 10000 >= 120) && (skillid / 10000 <= 122)) { sa.put(skil, new SkillEntry((byte) skil.getMaxLevel(), (byte) skil.getMaxLevel(), SkillFactory.getDefaultSExpiry(skil))); } else if ((getJob() >= 130) && (getJob() <= 132) && (skillid / 10000 >= 130) && (skillid / 10000 <= 132)) { sa.put(skil, new SkillEntry((byte) skil.getMaxLevel(), (byte) skil.getMaxLevel(), SkillFactory.getDefaultSExpiry(skil))); } else if ((getJob() >= 200) && (getJob() <= 232) && (skillid / 10000 == 200)) { sa.put(skil, new SkillEntry((byte) skil.getMaxLevel(), (byte) skil.getMaxLevel(), SkillFactory.getDefaultSExpiry(skil))); } else if ((getJob() >= 210) && (getJob() <= 212) && (skillid / 10000 >= 210) && (skillid / 10000 <= 212)) { sa.put(skil, new SkillEntry((byte) skil.getMaxLevel(), (byte) skil.getMaxLevel(), SkillFactory.getDefaultSExpiry(skil))); } else if ((getJob() >= 220) && (getJob() <= 222) && (skillid / 10000 >= 220) && (skillid / 10000 <= 222)) { sa.put(skil, new SkillEntry((byte) skil.getMaxLevel(), (byte) skil.getMaxLevel(), SkillFactory.getDefaultSExpiry(skil))); } else if ((getJob() >= 230) && (getJob() <= 232) && (skillid / 10000 >= 230) && (skillid / 10000 <= 232)) { sa.put(skil, new SkillEntry((byte) skil.getMaxLevel(), (byte) skil.getMaxLevel(), SkillFactory.getDefaultSExpiry(skil))); } else if ((getJob() >= 300) && (getJob() <= 322) && (skillid / 10000 == 300)) { sa.put(skil, new SkillEntry((byte) skil.getMaxLevel(), (byte) skil.getMaxLevel(), SkillFactory.getDefaultSExpiry(skil))); } else if ((getJob() >= 310) && (getJob() <= 312) && (skillid / 10000 >= 310) && (skillid / 10000 <= 312)) { sa.put(skil, new SkillEntry((byte) skil.getMaxLevel(), (byte) skil.getMaxLevel(), SkillFactory.getDefaultSExpiry(skil))); } else if ((getJob() >= 320) && (getJob() <= 322) && (skillid / 10000 >= 320) && (skillid / 10000 <= 322)) { sa.put(skil, new SkillEntry((byte) skil.getMaxLevel(), (byte) skil.getMaxLevel(), SkillFactory.getDefaultSExpiry(skil))); } else if ((getJob() >= 400) && (getJob() <= 434) && (skillid / 10000 == 400)) { sa.put(skil, new SkillEntry((byte) skil.getMaxLevel(), (byte) skil.getMaxLevel(), SkillFactory.getDefaultSExpiry(skil))); } else if ((getJob() >= 410) && (getJob() <= 412) && (skillid / 10000 >= 410) && (skillid / 10000 <= 412)) { sa.put(skil, new SkillEntry((byte) skil.getMaxLevel(), (byte) skil.getMaxLevel(), SkillFactory.getDefaultSExpiry(skil))); } else if ((getJob() >= 420) && (getJob() <= 422) && (skillid / 10000 >= 420) && (skillid / 10000 <= 422)) { sa.put(skil, new SkillEntry((byte) skil.getMaxLevel(), (byte) skil.getMaxLevel(), SkillFactory.getDefaultSExpiry(skil))); } else if ((getJob() >= 430) && (getJob() <= 434) && (skillid / 10000 >= 430) && (skillid / 10000 <= 434) && (skillid != 4340012) && (skillid != 4341008)) { sa.put(skil, new SkillEntry((byte) skil.getMaxLevel(), (byte) skil.getMaxLevel(), SkillFactory.getDefaultSExpiry(skil))); } else if ((getJob() >= 500) && (getJob() <= 532) && (skillid / 10000 == 500)) { sa.put(skil, new SkillEntry((byte) skil.getMaxLevel(), (byte) skil.getMaxLevel(), SkillFactory.getDefaultSExpiry(skil))); } else if ((getJob() >= 510) && (getJob() <= 512) && (skillid / 10000 >= 510) && (skillid / 10000 <= 512)) { sa.put(skil, new SkillEntry((byte) skil.getMaxLevel(), (byte) skil.getMaxLevel(), SkillFactory.getDefaultSExpiry(skil))); } else if ((getJob() >= 520) && (getJob() <= 522) && (skillid / 10000 >= 520) && (skillid / 10000 <= 522)) { sa.put(skil, new SkillEntry((byte) skil.getMaxLevel(), (byte) skil.getMaxLevel(), SkillFactory.getDefaultSExpiry(skil))); } else if ((getJob() >= 530) && (getJob() <= 532) && (skillid / 10000 >= 530) && (skillid / 10000 <= 532)) { sa.put(skil, new SkillEntry((byte) skil.getMaxLevel(), (byte) skil.getMaxLevel(), SkillFactory.getDefaultSExpiry(skil))); } else if ((getJob() >= 570) && (getJob() <= 572) && (skillid / 10000 == 508)) { sa.put(skil, new SkillEntry((byte) skil.getMaxLevel(), (byte) skil.getMaxLevel(), SkillFactory.getDefaultSExpiry(skil))); } else if ((getJob() >= 570) && (getJob() <= 572) && (skillid / 10000 >= 570) && (skillid / 10000 <= 572)) { sa.put(skil, new SkillEntry((byte) skil.getMaxLevel(), (byte) skil.getMaxLevel(), SkillFactory.getDefaultSExpiry(skil))); } else if ((getJob() >= 580) && (getJob() <= 582) && (skillid / 10000 >= 580) && (skillid / 10000 <= 582)) { sa.put(skil, new SkillEntry((byte) skil.getMaxLevel(), (byte) skil.getMaxLevel(), SkillFactory.getDefaultSExpiry(skil))); } else if ((getJob() >= 590) && (getJob() <= 592) && (skillid / 10000 >= 590) && (skillid / 10000 <= 592)) { sa.put(skil, new SkillEntry((byte) skil.getMaxLevel(), (byte) skil.getMaxLevel(), SkillFactory.getDefaultSExpiry(skil))); } else if ((getJob() >= 1100) && (getJob() <= 1112) && (skillid / 10000 >= 1100) && (skillid / 10000 <= 1112)) { sa.put(skil, new SkillEntry((byte) skil.getMaxLevel(), (byte) skil.getMaxLevel(), SkillFactory.getDefaultSExpiry(skil))); } else if ((getJob() >= 1200) && (getJob() <= 1212) && (skillid / 10000 >= 1200) && (skillid / 10000 <= 1212)) { sa.put(skil, new SkillEntry((byte) skil.getMaxLevel(), (byte) skil.getMaxLevel(), SkillFactory.getDefaultSExpiry(skil))); } else if ((getJob() >= 1300) && (getJob() <= 1312) && (skillid / 10000 >= 1300) && (skillid / 10000 <= 1312)) { sa.put(skil, new SkillEntry((byte) skil.getMaxLevel(), (byte) skil.getMaxLevel(), SkillFactory.getDefaultSExpiry(skil))); } else if ((getJob() >= 1400) && (getJob() <= 1412) && (skillid / 10000 >= 1400) && (skillid / 10000 <= 1412)) { sa.put(skil, new SkillEntry((byte) skil.getMaxLevel(), (byte) skil.getMaxLevel(), SkillFactory.getDefaultSExpiry(skil))); } else if ((getJob() >= 1500) && (getJob() <= 1512) && (skillid / 10000 >= 1500) && (skillid / 10000 <= 1512)) { sa.put(skil, new SkillEntry((byte) skil.getMaxLevel(), (byte) skil.getMaxLevel(), SkillFactory.getDefaultSExpiry(skil))); } else if ((getJob() >= 2100) && (getJob() <= 2112) && (skillid / 10000 >= 2100) && (skillid / 10000 <= 2112)) { sa.put(skil, new SkillEntry((byte) skil.getMaxLevel(), (byte) skil.getMaxLevel(), SkillFactory.getDefaultSExpiry(skil))); } else if ((getJob() >= 2200) && (getJob() <= 2218) && (skillid / 10000 >= 2200) && (skillid / 10000 <= 2218)) { sa.put(skil, new SkillEntry((byte) skil.getMaxLevel(), (byte) skil.getMaxLevel(), SkillFactory.getDefaultSExpiry(skil))); } else if ((getJob() >= 2400) && (getJob() <= 2412) && (skillid / 10000 >= 2400) && (skillid / 10000 <= 2412)) { sa.put(skil, new SkillEntry((byte) skil.getMaxLevel(), (byte) skil.getMaxLevel(), SkillFactory.getDefaultSExpiry(skil))); } else if ((getJob() >= 2700) && (getJob() <= 2712) && (skillid / 10000 >= 2700) && (skillid / 10000 <= 2712)) { sa.put(skil, new SkillEntry((byte) skil.getMaxLevel(), (byte) skil.getMaxLevel(), SkillFactory.getDefaultSExpiry(skil))); } else if ((getJob() >= 3100) && (getJob() <= 3112) && (skillid / 10000 >= 3100) && (skillid / 10000 <= 3112)) { sa.put(skil, new SkillEntry((byte) skil.getMaxLevel(), (byte) skil.getMaxLevel(), SkillFactory.getDefaultSExpiry(skil))); } else if ((getJob() >= 3200) && (getJob() <= 3212) && (skillid / 10000 >= 3200) && (skillid / 10000 <= 3212)) { sa.put(skil, new SkillEntry((byte) skil.getMaxLevel(), (byte) skil.getMaxLevel(), SkillFactory.getDefaultSExpiry(skil))); } else if ((getJob() >= 3300) && (getJob() <= 3312) && (skillid / 10000 >= 3300) && (skillid / 10000 <= 3312)) { sa.put(skil, new SkillEntry((byte) skil.getMaxLevel(), (byte) skil.getMaxLevel(), SkillFactory.getDefaultSExpiry(skil))); } else if ((getJob() >= 3500) && (getJob() <= 3512) && (skillid / 10000 >= 3500) && (skillid / 10000 <= 3512)) { sa.put(skil, new SkillEntry((byte) skil.getMaxLevel(), (byte) skil.getMaxLevel(), SkillFactory.getDefaultSExpiry(skil))); } else if ((getJob() >= 5100) && (getJob() <= 5112) && (skillid / 10000 >= 5100) && (skillid / 10000 <= 5112)) { sa.put(skil, new SkillEntry((byte) skil.getMaxLevel(), (byte) skil.getMaxLevel(), SkillFactory.getDefaultSExpiry(skil))); } else if ((getJob() >= 2300) && (getJob() <= 2312) && (skillid / 10000 >= 2300) && (skillid / 10000 <= 2312)) { sa.put(skil, new SkillEntry((byte) skil.getMaxLevel(), (byte) skil.getMaxLevel(), SkillFactory.getDefaultSExpiry(skil))); } else; } } finally { } } changeSkillsLevel(sa); } public void applyBlackBlessingBuff(int combos) { if ((combos == -1) && (this.runningbless == 0)) { combos = 0; return; } Skill skill = SkillFactory.getSkill(27100003); int lvl = getTotalSkillLevel(27100003); if (lvl > 0) { this.runningbless = ((byte) (this.runningbless + combos)); if (this.runningbless > 3) { this.runningbless = 3; } if (this.runningbless == 0) { if (getBuffedValue(MapleBuffStat.Black_Blessing) != null) { cancelBuffStats(new MapleBuffStat[]{MapleBuffStat.Black_Blessing}); } } else { skill.getEffect(lvl).applyBlackBlessingBuff(this, this.runningbless); } } } public int getBossLog(String boss) { Connection con = DatabaseConnection.getConnection(); try { int count = 0; PreparedStatement ps = con.prepareStatement("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM bosslog WHERE characterid = ? AND bossid = ? AND lastattempt >= subtime(CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, '1 0:0:0.0')"); ps.setInt(1,; ps.setString(2, boss); ResultSet rs = ps.executeQuery(); if ( { count = rs.getInt(1); } else { count = -1; } rs.close(); ps.close(); return count; } catch (Exception Ex) { } return -1; } public int getBossLog(String boss, String mintime, String maxtime) { Connection con = DatabaseConnection.getConnection(); try { int count = 0; PreparedStatement ps = con.prepareStatement(new StringBuilder().append("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM bosslog WHERE accountid = ? AND bossid = ? AND lastattempt >='").append(mintime).append("' and lastattempt <='").append(maxtime).append("'").toString()); ps.setInt(1, getAccountID()); ps.setString(2, boss); ResultSet rs = ps.executeQuery(); if ( { count = rs.getInt(1); } else { count = -1; } rs.close(); ps.close(); return count; } catch (Exception Ex) { } return -1; } public int getBossLog(String boss, int days) { Connection con = DatabaseConnection.getConnection(); try { int count = 0; PreparedStatement ps = con.prepareStatement(new StringBuilder().append("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM bosslog WHERE characterid = ? AND bossid = ? AND lastattempt >= subtime(CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, '").append(days).append(" 0:0:0.0')").toString()); ps.setInt(1,; ps.setString(2, boss); ResultSet rs = ps.executeQuery(); if ( { count = rs.getInt(1); } else { count = -1; } rs.close(); ps.close(); return count; } catch (Exception Ex) { } return -1; } public void setBossLog(String boss) { Connection con = DatabaseConnection.getConnection(); try { PreparedStatement ps = con.prepareStatement("insert into bosslog (characterid, bossid,accountid) values (?,?,?)"); ps.setInt(1,; ps.setString(2, boss); ps.setInt(3, this.accountid); ps.executeUpdate(); ps.close(); } catch (Exception Ex) { } } public void setBossLogwithid(String boss, int ids) { Connection con = DatabaseConnection.getConnection(); try { PreparedStatement ps = con.prepareStatement("insert into bosslog (characterid, bossid,accountid) values (?,?,?)"); ps.setInt(1, ids); ps.setString(2, boss); ps.setInt(3, this.accountid); ps.executeUpdate(); ps.close(); } catch (Exception Ex) { } } public int getfsbLog(String boss) { Connection con = DatabaseConnection.getConnection(); try { int count = 0; getId(); PreparedStatement ps = con.prepareStatement("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM bosslog WHERE characterid = ? AND bossid = ?"); ps.setInt(1,; ps.setString(2, boss); ResultSet rs = ps.executeQuery(); if ( { count = rs.getInt(1); } else { count = -1; } rs.close(); ps.close(); return count; } catch (Exception Ex) { } return -1; } public int getfsbLogs(String boss) { Connection con = DatabaseConnection.getConnection(); try { int count = 0; PreparedStatement ps = con.prepareStatement("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM bosslog WHERE bossid = ?"); ps.setString(1, boss); ResultSet rs = ps.executeQuery(); if ( { count = rs.getInt(1); } else { count = -1; } rs.close(); ps.close(); return count; } catch (Exception Ex) { } return -1; } public void delfsbLogs(String boss) { Connection con = DatabaseConnection.getConnection(); try { PreparedStatement ps = con.prepareStatement("delete from bosslog where bossid=?"); ps.setString(1, boss); ps.executeUpdate(); ps.close(); } catch (Exception Ex) { } } public void delBossLog(String boss) { Connection con = DatabaseConnection.getConnection(); try { PreparedStatement ps = con.prepareStatement("delete from bosslog where characterid=? and bossid=?"); ps.setInt(1,; ps.setString(2, boss); ps.executeUpdate(); ps.close(); } catch (Exception Ex) { } } public void delBossLog1(String boss) { int count = 0; Connection con = DatabaseConnection.getConnection(); try { PreparedStatement ps = con.prepareStatement("SELECT * FROM bosslog WHERE characterid = ? AND bossid = ?"); ps.setInt(1,; ps.setString(2, boss); ResultSet rs = ps.executeQuery(); if ( { count = rs.getInt("bosslogid"); } if (count > 0) { ps = con.prepareStatement("delete from bosslog where bosslogid=?"); ps.setInt(1, count); ps.executeUpdate(); ps.close(); } rs.close(); ps.close(); } catch (Exception Ex) { } } public void delBossLog2(String boss) { Connection con = DatabaseConnection.getConnection(); try { PreparedStatement ps = con.prepareStatement("delete from bosslog where accountid=? and bossid=?"); ps.setInt(1, getAccountID()); ps.setString(2, boss); ps.executeUpdate(); ps.close(); } catch (Exception Ex) { } } public int getdojo() { try { int rets = 0; Connection con = DatabaseConnection.getConnection(); PreparedStatement ps = con.prepareStatement("SELECT dojo FROM characters WHERE id = ?"); ps.setInt(1,; ResultSet rs = ps.executeQuery(); if ( { rets = rs.getInt("dojo"); } rs.close(); ps.close(); return rets; } catch (SQLException ex) { } return 0; } public void setdojo(int slot) { try { Connection con = DatabaseConnection.getConnection(); PreparedStatement ps = con.prepareStatement("update characters set dojo=dojo+? WHERE id = ?"); ps.setInt(1, slot); ps.setInt(2,; ps.executeUpdate(); ps.close(); } catch (SQLException ex) { } } public int getdojopm() { int check = 0; try { Connection con = DatabaseConnection.getConnection(); PreparedStatement ps = con.prepareStatement("SELECT id,chrid FROM dojoup"); ResultSet rs = ps.executeQuery(); while ( { if (rs.getInt("chrid") == { check = rs.getInt("id"); } } rs.close(); ps.close(); } catch (SQLException e) { } return check; } public int getmoney() { int money = 0; try { Connection con = DatabaseConnection.getConnection(); PreparedStatement ps = con.prepareStatement("SELECT money FROM accounts WHERE id = ?"); ps.setInt(1, getAccountID()); ResultSet rs = ps.executeQuery(); while ( { money = rs.getInt("money"); } rs.close(); ps.close(); } catch (SQLException e) { } return money; } public void setmoney(int slot) { try { Connection con = DatabaseConnection.getConnection(); PreparedStatement ps = con.prepareStatement(new StringBuilder().append("UPDATE accounts SET money = money+").append(slot).append(" WHERE id = ?").toString()); ps.setInt(1, getAccountID()); ps.executeUpdate(); ps.close(); } catch (SQLException se) { } } public void setmoneylog(int slot, String logs) { try { Connection con = DatabaseConnection.getConnection(); PreparedStatement ps = con.prepareStatement("INSERT INTO fsbotherlog (`accountid`, `characterid`, `account`, `charactername`,`quantity`,`log`) VALUES (?, ?, ?,?,?,?)"); ps.setInt(1, getAccountID()); ps.setInt(2,; ps.setString(3, getClient().getAccountName()); ps.setString(4,; ps.setInt(5, slot); ps.setString(6, logs); ps.executeUpdate(); ps.close(); } catch (SQLException se) { } } public void setplaymoney(String chrname, int slot) { try { int accid = 0; Connection con = DatabaseConnection.getConnection(); PreparedStatement ps = con.prepareStatement("SELECT accountid FROM characters WHERE name = ?"); ps.setString(1, chrname); ResultSet rs = ps.executeQuery(); while ( { accid = rs.getInt("accountid"); } rs.close(); ps.close(); if (accid == 0) { dropMessage(5, new StringBuilder().append(chrname).append(" is not in database!").toString()); } else { ps = con.prepareStatement(new StringBuilder().append("UPDATE accounts SET money = money+").append(slot).append(" WHERE id = ?").toString()); ps.setInt(1, accid); ps.executeUpdate(); ps.close(); ps = con.prepareStatement("INSERT INTO fsblog (`accountid`, `characterid`, `account`, `charactername`,`fsbtype`) VALUES (?, ?, ?,?,?)"); ps.setInt(1, accid); ps.setInt(2, 0); ps.setString(3, "0"); ps.setString(4, chrname); ps.setInt(5, slot); ps.executeUpdate(); ps.close(); dropMessage(5, new StringBuilder().append(chrname).append(" donata add:").append(slot).toString()); } } catch (SQLException se) { } } public int[] getschool() { return; } public int getgetschool(int skillbook) { return[skillbook]; } public void setgetschool(int skillbook, int slot) {[skillbook] = slot; } public short getxenoncombo() { return this.xenoncombo; } public void setxenoncombo(short slot) { this.xenoncombo = slot; } public final void maxAAllSkills() { for (Skill skil : SkillFactory.getAllSkills()) { // if (GameConstants.isApplicableSkill(skil.getId()) && skil.getId() < 90000000) { //no db/additionals/resistance skills changeSingleSkillLevel(SkillFactory.getSkill(skil.getId()), (byte) skil.getMaxLevel(), (byte) skil.getMaxLevel(), -1); } // } } public void unequipEverything() { MapleInventory equipped = this.getInventory(MapleInventoryType.EQUIPPED); List<Short> position = new ArrayList<>(); for (Item item : equipped.list()) { position.add(item.getPosition()); } for (short pos : position) { MapleInventoryManipulator.unequip(client, pos, getInventory(MapleInventoryType.EQUIP).getNextFreeSlot()); } } public void changeMap2(int map, int portal) { MapleMap warpMap = getClient().getChannelServer().getMapFactory().getMap(map); changeMap(warpMap, warpMap.getPortal(portal)); } public void setDGM(int ig) { this.dgm = ig; } public void clearInvGM() { java.util.Map<Pair<Short, Short>, MapleInventoryType> eqs = new HashMap<>(); for (MapleInventoryType type : MapleInventoryType.values()) { for (Item item : getInventory(type)) { eqs.put(new Pair<>(item.getPosition(), item.getQuantity()), type); } } for (Map.Entry<Pair<Short, Short>, MapleInventoryType> eq : eqs.entrySet()) { MapleInventoryManipulator.removeFromSlot(this.getClient(), eq.getValue(), eq.getKey().left, eq.getKey().right, false, false); } } public boolean isMuted() { if (Calendar.getInstance().after(unmuteTime)) { muted = false; } return muted; } public void setMuted(boolean mute) { this.muted = mute; } public Calendar getUnmuteTime() { return this.unmuteTime; } public void setUnmuteTime(Calendar time) { unmuteTime = time; } public void send(Object ob) { getClient().getSession().write(ob); } public void ea() { send(CWvsContext.enableActions()); } public void startAutoLooter() { this.autolooter = new AutoLoot(this); this.autolooter.start(); } public void stopAutoLooter() { try { this.autolooter.interrupt(); } catch (NullPointerException npuy) { } } public static enum FameStatus { OK, NOT_TODAY, NOT_THIS_MONTH; } }