package client.messages.commands; //import client.MapleInventory; //import client.MapleInventoryType; import client.MapleCharacter; import client.MapleClient; import client.MapleStat; import client.inventory.Equip; import client.inventory.Item; import client.inventory.MapleInventoryType; import client.messages.commands.CommandExecute.TradeExecute; import constants.GameConstants; import constants.ServerConstants.PlayerGMRank; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.List; import scripting.NPCScriptManager; import server.MapleCarnivalChallenge; import server.MapleInventoryManipulator; import server.MapleItemInformationProvider; import server.RankingWorker; import server.RankingWorker.RankingInformation; import; import server.maps.MapleMap; import server.maps.MapleMapObject; import server.maps.MapleMapObjectType; import server.maps.SavedLocationType; import tools.FileoutputUtil; import tools.StringUtil; import tools.packet.CWvsContext; /** * * @author Emilyx3 */ public class PlayerCommand { public static PlayerGMRank getPlayerLevelRequired() { return PlayerGMRank.NORMAL; } public static class STR extends DistributeStatCommands { public STR() { stat = MapleStat.STR; } } public static class DEX extends DistributeStatCommands { public DEX() { stat = MapleStat.DEX; } } public static class INT extends DistributeStatCommands { public INT() { stat = MapleStat.INT; } } public static class msi extends CommandExecute { int[] blockedids = {4000038, 5530103, 4001551, 4001550, 4001549, 4001548, 4001547, 3010191, 3012005, 1602000, 1602001, 1602002, 1602003, 1602004, 1602005, 1602006, 1602007, 1001076, 5530123, 2046025, 2046026, 2046119, 2046120, 2046251, 2046340, 2046341, 3994385, 4000313, 4001168, 4001168, 4000038, 1112400, 1442120, 1112920, 1002959, 1532000, 1532001, 1532005, 1532006, 1532045, 1532046, 1532050, 1532051, 1532039, 1522022, 1522019, 1522017, 4000174, 1112309, 1112310, 1112311, 4001126, 4031830, 1002140, 1003274, 1062140, 1042223, 1003142, 1042003, 1062007, 1322013, 3012015, 4031588}; @Override public int execute(MapleClient c, String[] splitted) { if (splitted.length == 2) { int itemid; short multiply; try { itemid = Integer.parseInt(splitted[1]); multiply = (short) 32767; } catch (NumberFormatException asd) { return 0; } MapleItemInformationProvider ii = MapleItemInformationProvider.getInstance(); Item item = ii.getEquipById(itemid); MapleInventoryType type = GameConstants.getInventoryType(itemid); if (!ii.itemExists(itemid)) { c.getPlayer().dropMessage(6, "This item doesn't exist."); return 0; } FileoutputUtil.log("MSI_Log.txt", "[MSI VerificationWait]" + c.getPlayer().getName() + " has made a MSI with the following info: ItemID " + itemid + " MSIPOINTS NOW: " + c.getPlayer().getMSIPoints()); if (type.equals(MapleInventoryType.EQUIP) && !c.getPlayer().getInventory(MapleInventoryType.EQUIP).isFull()) { MapleInventoryManipulator.addFromDrop(c, ii.MSI((Equip) item, multiply), true); c.getPlayer().dropMessage(5, "You have " + c.getPlayer().getMSIPoints() + " MSI Points left!"); c.getPlayer().saveToDB(false, false); FileoutputUtil.log("MSI_Log.txt", "[MSI Confirmed]" + c.getPlayer().getName() + " has made a MSI with the following info: ItemID " + itemid + " MSIPOINTS NOW: " + c.getPlayer().getMSIPoints()); } else { c.getPlayer().dropMessage(6, "Make sure it's an equippable item."); } } else { c.getPlayer().dropMessage(6, "Invalid syntax.(@msi (Item ID) Example: @msi 1002140"); } return 1; } } public static class LUK extends DistributeStatCommands { public LUK() { stat = MapleStat.LUK; } } public abstract static class DistributeStatCommands extends CommandExecute { protected MapleStat stat = null; private static int statLim = 999; private void setStat(MapleCharacter player, int amount) { switch (stat) { case STR: player.getStat().setStr((short) amount, player); player.updateSingleStat(MapleStat.STR, player.getStat().getStr()); break; case DEX: player.getStat().setDex((short) amount, player); player.updateSingleStat(MapleStat.DEX, player.getStat().getDex()); break; case INT: player.getStat().setInt((short) amount, player); player.updateSingleStat(MapleStat.INT, player.getStat().getInt()); break; case LUK: player.getStat().setLuk((short) amount, player); player.updateSingleStat(MapleStat.LUK, player.getStat().getLuk()); break; } } private int getStat(MapleCharacter player) { switch (stat) { case STR: return player.getStat().getStr(); case DEX: return player.getStat().getDex(); case INT: return player.getStat().getInt(); case LUK: return player.getStat().getLuk(); default: throw new RuntimeException(); //Will never happen. } } @Override public int execute(MapleClient c, String[] splitted) { if (splitted.length < 2) { c.getPlayer().dropMessage(5, "Invalid number entered."); return 0; } int change = 0; try { change = Integer.parseInt(splitted[1]); } catch (NumberFormatException nfe) { c.getPlayer().dropMessage(5, "Invalid number entered."); return 0; } if (change <= 0) { c.getPlayer().dropMessage(5, "You must enter a number greater than 0."); return 0; } if (c.getPlayer().getRemainingAp() < change) { c.getPlayer().dropMessage(5, "You don't have enough AP for that."); return 0; } if (getStat(c.getPlayer()) + change > statLim) { c.getPlayer().dropMessage(5, "The stat limit is " + statLim + "."); return 0; } setStat(c.getPlayer(), getStat(c.getPlayer()) + change); c.getPlayer().setRemainingAp((short) (c.getPlayer().getRemainingAp() - change)); c.getPlayer().updateSingleStat(MapleStat.AVAILABLEAP, c.getPlayer().getRemainingAp()); c.getPlayer().dropMessage(5, StringUtil.makeEnumHumanReadable( + " has been raised by " + change + "."); return 1; } } public static class wtfcommand extends CommandExecute { public int execute(MapleClient c, String[] splitted) { // c.getPlayer().getClient().getSession().write(CWvsContext.updateSP(c.getPlayer())); return 1; } } public static class Mob extends CommandExecute { public int execute(MapleClient c, String[] splitted) { MapleMonster mob = null; for (final MapleMapObject monstermo : c.getPlayer().getMap().getMapObjectsInRange(c.getPlayer().getPosition(), 100000, Arrays.asList(MapleMapObjectType.MONSTER))) { mob = (MapleMonster) monstermo; if (mob.isAlive()) { c.getPlayer().dropMessage(6, "Monster " + mob.toString()); break; //only one } } if (mob == null) { c.getPlayer().dropMessage(6, "No monster was found."); } return 1; } } public abstract static class OpenNPCCommand extends CommandExecute { protected int npc = -1; private static int[] npcs = { //Ish yur job to make sure these are in order and correct ;( 9270035, 9010017, 9000000, 9000030, 9010000, 9000085, 9000018}; @Override public int execute(MapleClient c, String[] splitted) { if (npc != 6 && npc != 5 && npc != 4 && npc != 3 && npc != 1 && c.getPlayer().getMapId() != 910000000) { //drpcash can use anywhere if (c.getPlayer().getLevel() < 10 && c.getPlayer().getJob() != 200) { c.getPlayer().dropMessage(5, "You must be over level 10 to use this command."); return 0; } if (c.getPlayer().isInBlockedMap()) { c.getPlayer().dropMessage(5, "You may not use this command here."); return 0; } } else if (npc == 1) { if (c.getPlayer().getLevel() < 70) { c.getPlayer().dropMessage(5, "You must be over level 70 to use this command."); return 0; } } if (c.getPlayer().hasBlockedInventory()) { c.getPlayer().dropMessage(5, "You may not use this command here."); return 0; } NPCScriptManager.getInstance().start(c, npcs[npc]); return 1; } } public static class Npc extends OpenNPCCommand { public Npc() { npc = 0; } } public static class DCash extends OpenNPCCommand { public DCash() { npc = 1; } } public static class Event extends OpenNPCCommand { public Event() { npc = 2; } } public static class CheckDrop extends OpenNPCCommand { public CheckDrop() { npc = 4; } } public static class Pokedex extends OpenNPCCommand { public Pokedex() { npc = 5; } } public static class Pokemon extends OpenNPCCommand { public Pokemon() { npc = 6; } } /*public static class ClearSlot extends CommandExecute { private static MapleInventoryType[] invs = { MapleInventoryType.EQUIP, MapleInventoryType.USE, MapleInventoryType.SETUP, MapleInventoryType.ETC, MapleInventoryType.CASH,}; @Override public int execute(MapleClient c, String[] splitted) { MapleCharacter player = c.getPlayer(); if (splitted.length < 2 || player.hasBlockedInventory()) { c.getPlayer().dropMessage(5, "@clearslot <eq/use/setup/etc/cash/all>"); return 0; } else { MapleInventoryType type; if (splitted[1].equalsIgnoreCase("eq")) { type = MapleInventoryType.EQUIP; } else if (splitted[1].equalsIgnoreCase("use")) { type = MapleInventoryType.USE; } else if (splitted[1].equalsIgnoreCase("setup")) { type = MapleInventoryType.SETUP; } else if (splitted[1].equalsIgnoreCase("etc")) { type = MapleInventoryType.ETC; } else if (splitted[1].equalsIgnoreCase("cash")) { type = MapleInventoryType.CASH; } else if (splitted[1].equalsIgnoreCase("all")) { type = null; } else { c.getPlayer().dropMessage(5, "Invalid. @clearslot <eq/use/setup/etc/cash/all>"); return 0; } if (type == null) { //All, a bit hacky, but it's okay for (MapleInventoryType t : invs) { type = t; MapleInventory inv = c.getPlayer().getInventory(type); byte start = -1; for (byte i = 0; i < inv.getSlotLimit(); i++) { if (inv.getItem(i) != null) { start = i; break; } } if (start == -1) { c.getPlayer().dropMessage(5, "There are no items in that inventory."); return 0; } int end = 0; for (byte i = start; i < inv.getSlotLimit(); i++) { if (inv.getItem(i) != null) { MapleInventoryManipulator.removeFromSlot(c, type, i, inv.getItem(i).getQuantity(), true); } else { end = i; break;//Break at first empty space. } } c.getPlayer().dropMessage(5, "Cleared slots " + start + " to " + end + "."); } } else { MapleInventory inv = c.getPlayer().getInventory(type); byte start = -1; for (byte i = 0; i < inv.getSlotLimit(); i++) { if (inv.getItem(i) != null) { start = i; break; } } if (start == -1) { c.getPlayer().dropMessage(5, "There are no items in that inventory."); return 0; } byte end = 0; for (byte i = start; i < inv.getSlotLimit(); i++) { if (inv.getItem(i) != null) { MapleInventoryManipulator.removeFromSlot(c, type, i, inv.getItem(i).getQuantity(), true); } else { end = i; break;//Break at first empty space. } } c.getPlayer().dropMessage(5, "Cleared slots " + start + " to " + end + "."); } return 1; } } }*/ public static class FM extends CommandExecute { public int execute(MapleClient c, String[] splitted) { for (int i : GameConstants.blockedMaps) { if (c.getPlayer().getMapId() == i) { c.getPlayer().dropMessage(5, "You may not use this command here."); return 0; } } if (c.getPlayer().getLevel() < 10 && c.getPlayer().getJob() != 200) { c.getPlayer().dropMessage(5, "You must be over level 10 to use this command."); return 0; } if (c.getPlayer().hasBlockedInventory() || c.getPlayer().getMap().getSquadByMap() != null || c.getPlayer().getEventInstance() != null || c.getPlayer().getMap().getEMByMap() != null || c.getPlayer().getMapId() >= 990000000/* || FieldLimitType.VipRock.check(c.getPlayer().getMap().getFieldLimit())*/) { c.getPlayer().dropMessage(5, "You may not use this command here."); return 0; } if ((c.getPlayer().getMapId() >= 680000210 && c.getPlayer().getMapId() <= 680000502) || (c.getPlayer().getMapId() / 1000 == 980000 && c.getPlayer().getMapId() != 980000000) || (c.getPlayer().getMapId() / 100 == 1030008) || (c.getPlayer().getMapId() / 100 == 922010) || (c.getPlayer().getMapId() / 10 == 13003000)) { c.getPlayer().dropMessage(5, "You may not use this command here."); return 0; } c.getPlayer().saveLocation(SavedLocationType.FREE_MARKET, c.getPlayer().getMap().getReturnMap().getId()); MapleMap map = c.getChannelServer().getMapFactory().getMap(910000000); c.getPlayer().changeMap(map, map.getPortal(0)); return 1; } } public static class EA extends CommandExecute { public int execute(MapleClient c, String[] splitted) { c.removeClickedNPC(); NPCScriptManager.getInstance().dispose(c); c.getSession().write(CWvsContext.enableActions()); return 1; } } public static class TSmega extends CommandExecute { public int execute(MapleClient c, String[] splitted) { c.getPlayer().setSmega(); return 1; } } public static class Ranking extends CommandExecute { public int execute(MapleClient c, String[] splitted) { if (splitted.length < 4) { //job start end c.getPlayer().dropMessage(5, "Use @ranking [job] [start number] [end number] where start and end are ranks of the players"); final StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder("JOBS: "); for (String b : RankingWorker.getJobCommands().keySet()) { builder.append(b); builder.append(" "); } c.getPlayer().dropMessage(5, builder.toString()); } else { int start = 1, end = 20; try { start = Integer.parseInt(splitted[2]); end = Integer.parseInt(splitted[3]); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { c.getPlayer().dropMessage(5, "You didn't specify start and end number correctly, the default values of 1 and 20 will be used."); } if (end < start || end - start > 20) { c.getPlayer().dropMessage(5, "End number must be greater, and end number must be within a range of 20 from the start number."); } else { final Integer job = RankingWorker.getJobCommand(splitted[1]); if (job == null) { c.getPlayer().dropMessage(5, "Please use @ranking to check the job names."); } else { final List<RankingInformation> ranks = RankingWorker.getRankingInfo(job.intValue()); if (ranks == null || ranks.size() <= 0) { c.getPlayer().dropMessage(5, "Please try again later."); } else { int num = 0; for (RankingInformation rank : ranks) { if (rank.rank >= start && rank.rank <= end) { if (num == 0) { c.getPlayer().dropMessage(6, "Rankings for " + splitted[1] + " - from " + start + " to " + end); c.getPlayer().dropMessage(6, "--------------------------------------"); } c.getPlayer().dropMessage(6, rank.toString()); num++; } } if (num == 0) { c.getPlayer().dropMessage(5, "No ranking was returned."); } } } } } return 1; } } public static class Check extends CommandExecute { public int execute(MapleClient c, String[] splitted) { c.getPlayer().dropMessage(6, "You currently have " + c.getPlayer().getCSPoints(1) + " Cash."); c.getPlayer().dropMessage(6, "You currently have " + c.getPlayer().getPoints() + " donation points."); c.getPlayer().dropMessage(6, "You currently have " + c.getPlayer().getVPoints() + " voting points."); c.getPlayer().dropMessage(6, "You currently have " + c.getPlayer().getIntNoRecord(GameConstants.BOSS_PQ) + " Boss Party Quest points."); c.getPlayer().dropMessage(6, "The time is currently " + FileoutputUtil.CurrentReadable_TimeGMT() + " GMT."); return 1; } } public static class Help extends CommandExecute { public int execute(MapleClient c, String[] splitted) { c.getPlayer().dropMessage(5, "@str, @dex, @int, @luk <amount to add>"); c.getPlayer().dropMessage(5, "@mob < Information on the closest monster >"); c.getPlayer().dropMessage(5, "@check < Displays various information >"); c.getPlayer().dropMessage(5, "@fm < Warp to FM >"); /*c.getPlayer().dropMessage(5, "@changesecondpass - Change second password, @changesecondpass <current Password> <new password> <Confirm new password> ");*/ c.getPlayer().dropMessage(5, "@npc < Universal Town Warp / Event NPC>"); c.getPlayer().dropMessage(5, "@dcash < Universal Cash Item Dropper >"); /*if (!GameConstants.GMS) { c.getPlayer().dropMessage(5, "@pokedex < Universal Information >"); c.getPlayer().dropMessage(5, "@pokemon < Universal Monsters Information >"); c.getPlayer().dropMessage(5, "@challenge < playername, or accept/decline or block/unblock >"); }*/ c.getPlayer().dropMessage(5, "@tsmega < Toggle super megaphone on/off >"); c.getPlayer().dropMessage(5, "@ea < If you are unable to attack or talk to NPC >"); /*c.getPlayer().dropMessage(5, "@clearslot < Cleanup that trash in your inventory >");*/ c.getPlayer().dropMessage(5, "@ranking < Use @ranking for more details >"); c.getPlayer().dropMessage(5, "@checkdrop < Use @checkdrop for more details >"); return 1; } } public static class TradeHelp extends TradeExecute { public int execute(MapleClient c, String[] splitted) { c.getPlayer().dropMessage(-2, "[System] : <@offerequip, @offeruse, @offersetup, @offeretc, @offercash> <quantity> <name of the item>"); return 1; } } public abstract static class OfferCommand extends TradeExecute { protected int invType = -1; public int execute(MapleClient c, String[] splitted) { if (splitted.length < 3) { c.getPlayer().dropMessage(-2, "[Error] : <quantity> <name of item>"); } else if (c.getPlayer().getLevel() < 70) { c.getPlayer().dropMessage(-2, "[Error] : Only level 70+ may use this command"); } else { int quantity = 1; try { quantity = Integer.parseInt(splitted[1]); } catch (Exception e) { //swallow and just use 1 } String search = StringUtil.joinStringFrom(splitted, 2).toLowerCase(); Item found = null; final MapleItemInformationProvider ii = MapleItemInformationProvider.getInstance(); for (Item inv : c.getPlayer().getInventory(MapleInventoryType.getByType((byte) invType))) { if (ii.getName(inv.getItemId()) != null && ii.getName(inv.getItemId()).toLowerCase().contains(search)) { found = inv; break; } } if (found == null) { c.getPlayer().dropMessage(-2, "[Error] : No such item was found (" + search + ")"); return 0; } if (GameConstants.isPet(found.getItemId()) || GameConstants.isRechargable(found.getItemId())) { c.getPlayer().dropMessage(-2, "[Error] : You may not trade this item using this command"); return 0; } if (quantity > found.getQuantity() || quantity <= 0 || quantity > ii.getSlotMax(found.getItemId())) { c.getPlayer().dropMessage(-2, "[Error] : Invalid quantity"); return 0; } if (!c.getPlayer().getTrade().setItems(c, found, (byte) -1, quantity)) { c.getPlayer().dropMessage(-2, "[Error] : This item could not be placed"); return 0; } else { c.getPlayer().getTrade().chatAuto("[System] : " + c.getPlayer().getName() + " offered " + ii.getName(found.getItemId()) + " x " + quantity); } } return 1; } } public static class OfferEquip extends OfferCommand { public OfferEquip() { invType = 1; } } public static class OfferUse extends OfferCommand { public OfferUse() { invType = 2; } } public static class OfferSetup extends OfferCommand { public OfferSetup() { invType = 3; } } public static class OfferEtc extends OfferCommand { public OfferEtc() { invType = 4; } } public static class OfferCash extends OfferCommand { public OfferCash() { invType = 5; } } }