package org.ws4d.coap.messages; import; import java.util.Vector; import org.ws4d.coap.interfaces.CoapRequest; /** * @author Christian Lerche <> */ public class BasicCoapRequest extends AbstractCoapMessage implements CoapRequest { CoapRequestCode requestCode; public BasicCoapRequest(byte[] bytes, int length) { /* length ought to be provided by UDP header */ this(bytes, length, 0); } public BasicCoapRequest(byte[] bytes, int length, int offset) { serialize(bytes, length, offset); /* check if request code is valid, this function throws an error in case of an invalid argument */ requestCode = CoapRequestCode.parseRequestCode(this.messageCodeValue); //TODO: check integrity of header options } public BasicCoapRequest(CoapPacketType packetType, CoapRequestCode requestCode, int messageId) { this.version = 1; this.packetType = packetType; this.requestCode = requestCode; this.messageCodeValue = requestCode.getValue(); this.messageId = messageId; } @Override public void setToken(byte[] token){ /* this function is only public for a request*/ super.setToken(token); } public CoapRequestCode getRequestCode() { return requestCode; } public void setUriHost(String host) { if (host == null) return; if (options.optionExists(CoapHeaderOptionType.Uri_Host)){ throw new IllegalArgumentException("Uri-Host option already exists"); } if (host.length() < 1 || host.length() > CoapHeaderOption.MAX_LENGTH){ throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid Uri-Host option length"); } /*TODO: check if host is a valid address */ options.addOption(CoapHeaderOptionType.Uri_Host, host.getBytes()); } public void setUriPort(int port) { if (port < 0) return; if (options.optionExists(CoapHeaderOptionType.Uri_Port)){ throw new IllegalArgumentException("Uri-Port option already exists"); } byte[] value = long2CoapUint(port); if(value.length < 0 || value.length > 2){ throw new IllegalStateException("Illegal Uri-Port length"); } options.addOption(new CoapHeaderOption(CoapHeaderOptionType.Uri_Port, value)); } public void setUriPath(String path) { if (path == null) return; if (path.length() > CoapHeaderOption.MAX_LENGTH ){ throw new IllegalArgumentException("Uri-Path option too long"); } /* delete old options if present */ options.removeOption(CoapHeaderOptionType.Uri_Path); /*create substrings */ String[] pathElements = path.split("/"); /* add a Uri Path option for each part */ for (String element : pathElements) { /* check length */ if(element.length() < 0 || element.length() > CoapHeaderOption.MAX_LENGTH){ throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid Uri-Path"); } else if (element.length() > 0){ /* ignore empty substrings */ options.addOption(CoapHeaderOptionType.Uri_Path, element.getBytes()); } } } public void setUriQuery(String query) { if (query == null) return; if (query.length() > CoapHeaderOption.MAX_LENGTH ){ throw new IllegalArgumentException("Uri-Query option too long"); } /* delete old options if present */ options.removeOption(CoapHeaderOptionType.Uri_Query); /*create substrings */ String[] pathElements = query.split("&"); /* add a Uri Path option for each part */ for (String element : pathElements) { /* check length */ if(element.length() < 0 || element.length() > CoapHeaderOption.MAX_LENGTH){ throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid Uri-Path"); } else if (element.length() > 0){ /* ignore empty substrings */ options.addOption(CoapHeaderOptionType.Uri_Query, element.getBytes()); } } } public void setProxyUri(String proxyUri) { if (proxyUri == null) return; if (options.optionExists(CoapHeaderOptionType.Proxy_Uri)){ throw new IllegalArgumentException("Proxy Uri already exists"); } if (proxyUri.length() < 1){ throw new IllegalArgumentException("Proxy Uri must be at least one byte long"); } if (proxyUri.length() > CoapHeaderOption.MAX_LENGTH ){ throw new IllegalArgumentException("Proxy Uri longer then 270 bytes are not supported yet (to be implemented)"); } options.addOption(CoapHeaderOptionType.Proxy_Uri, proxyUri.getBytes()); } public Vector<String> getUriQuery(){ Vector<String> queryList = new Vector<String>(); for (CoapHeaderOption option : options) { if(option.getOptionType() == CoapHeaderOptionType.Uri_Query){ queryList.add(new String(option.getOptionData())); } } return queryList; } public String getUriHost(){ return new String(options.getOption(CoapHeaderOptionType.Uri_Host).getOptionData()); } public int getUriPort(){ CoapHeaderOption option = options.getOption(CoapHeaderOptionType.Uri_Port); if (option == null){ return -1; //TODO: return default Coap Port? } byte[] value = option.getOptionData(); if(value.length < 0 || value.length > 2){ /* should never happen because this is an internal variable and should be checked during serialization */ throw new IllegalStateException("Illegal Uri-Port Option length"); } /* checked length -> cast is safe*/ return (int)coapUint2Long(options.getOption(CoapHeaderOptionType.Uri_Port).getOptionData()); } public String getUriPath() { if (options.getOption(CoapHeaderOptionType.Uri_Path) == null){ return null; } StringBuilder uriPathBuilder = new StringBuilder(); for (CoapHeaderOption option : options) { if (option.getOptionType() == CoapHeaderOptionType.Uri_Path) { String uriPathElement; try { uriPathElement = new String(option.getOptionData(), "UTF-8"); uriPathBuilder.append("/"); uriPathBuilder.append(uriPathElement); } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid Encoding"); } } } return uriPathBuilder.toString(); } public void addAccept(CoapMediaType mediaType){ options.addOption(CoapHeaderOptionType.Accept, long2CoapUint(mediaType.getValue())); } public Vector<CoapMediaType> getAccept(CoapMediaType mediaType){ if (options.getOption(CoapHeaderOptionType.Accept) == null){ return null; } Vector<CoapMediaType> acceptList = new Vector<CoapMediaType>(); for (CoapHeaderOption option : options) { if (option.getOptionType() == CoapHeaderOptionType.Accept) { CoapMediaType accept = CoapMediaType.parse((int)coapUint2Long(option.optionData)); // if (accept != CoapMediaType.UNKNOWN){ /* add also UNKNOWN types to list */ acceptList.add(accept); // } } } return acceptList; } public String getProxyUri(){ CoapHeaderOption option = options.getOption(CoapHeaderOptionType.Proxy_Uri); if (option == null) return null; return new String(option.getOptionData()); } public void addETag(byte[] etag) { if (etag == null){ throw new IllegalArgumentException("etag MUST NOT be null"); } if (etag.length < 1 || etag.length > 8){ throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid etag length"); } options.addOption(CoapHeaderOptionType.Etag, etag); } public Vector<byte[]> getETag() { if (options.getOption(CoapHeaderOptionType.Etag) == null){ return null; } Vector<byte[]> etagList = new Vector<byte[]>(); for (CoapHeaderOption option : options) { if (option.getOptionType() == CoapHeaderOptionType.Etag) { byte[] data = option.getOptionData(); if (data.length >= 1 && data.length <= 8){ etagList.add(option.getOptionData()); } } } return etagList; } public boolean isRequest() { return true; } public boolean isResponse() { return false; } public boolean isEmpty() { return false; } @Override public String toString() { return packetType.toString() + ", " + requestCode.toString() + ", MsgId: " + getMessageID() +", #Options: " + options.getOptionCount(); } public void setRequestCode(CoapRequestCode requestCode) { this.requestCode = requestCode; } }