package squeek.applecore.api; import net.minecraft.entity.player.EntityPlayer; import net.minecraft.item.ItemStack; import; public interface IAppleCoreAccessor { /** * Check whether or not the given ItemStack is an edible food. * * Any ItemStack that gives a return of true in * this method will also return valid FoodValues from * the {@link #getFoodValues}/{@link #getFoodValuesForPlayer} methods.<br> * <br> * This method should be preferred when doing something like * determining whether or not to show food values in an * item's tooltip, as it is more inclusive than a simple * {@code instanceof ItemFood} check. */ public boolean isFood(ItemStack food); /** * Get player-agnostic food values. * * @return The food values, or {@code null} if none were found. */ public FoodValues getFoodValues(ItemStack food); /** * Get player-specific food values. * * @return The food values, or {@code null} if none were found. */ public FoodValues getFoodValuesForPlayer(ItemStack food, EntityPlayer player); /** * Get unmodified (vanilla) food values. * * @return The food values, or {@code null} if none were found. */ public FoodValues getUnmodifiedFoodValues(ItemStack food); /** * @return The current exhaustion level of the {@code player}. */ public float getExhaustion(EntityPlayer player); /** * @return The maximum exhaustion level of the {@code player}.<br> * <br> * Note: Maximum exhaustion refers to the amount of exhaustion that * will trigger {@link squeek.applecore.api.hunger.ExhaustionEvent.Exhausted} events; * exhaustion can exceed the maximum exhaustion value. */ public float getMaxExhaustion(EntityPlayer player); /** * @return The number of ticks between health being regenerated by the {@code player}. */ public int getHealthRegenTickPeriod(EntityPlayer player); /** * @return The number of ticks between starvation damage being dealt to the {@code player}. */ public int getStarveDamageTickPeriod(EntityPlayer player); }