/* * Copyright 2000-2014 JetBrains s.r.o. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.jetbrains.java.decompiler.modules.decompiler.decompose; import org.jetbrains.java.decompiler.modules.decompiler.StatEdge; import org.jetbrains.java.decompiler.modules.decompiler.stats.Statement; import org.jetbrains.java.decompiler.util.FastFixedSetFactory; import org.jetbrains.java.decompiler.util.FastFixedSetFactory.FastFixedSet; import org.jetbrains.java.decompiler.util.InterpreterUtil; import java.util.*; import java.util.Map.Entry; public class FastExtendedPostdominanceHelper { private List<Statement> lstReversePostOrderList; private HashMap<Integer, FastFixedSet<Integer>> mapSupportPoints = new HashMap<Integer, FastFixedSet<Integer>>(); private HashMap<Integer, FastFixedSet<Integer>> mapExtPostdominators = new HashMap<Integer, FastFixedSet<Integer>>(); private Statement statement; private FastFixedSetFactory<Integer> factory; public HashMap<Integer, Set<Integer>> getExtendedPostdominators(Statement statement) { this.statement = statement; HashSet<Integer> set = new HashSet<Integer>(); for (Statement st : statement.getStats()) { set.add(st.id); } this.factory = new FastFixedSetFactory<Integer>(set); lstReversePostOrderList = statement.getReversePostOrderList(); // try { // DotExporter.toDotFile(statement, new File("c:\\Temp\\stat1.dot")); // } catch (Exception ex) { // ex.printStackTrace(); // } calcDefaultReachableSets(); removeErroneousNodes(); DominatorTreeExceptionFilter filter = new DominatorTreeExceptionFilter(statement); filter.initialize(); filterOnExceptionRanges(filter); filterOnDominance(filter); HashMap<Integer, Set<Integer>> res = new HashMap<Integer, Set<Integer>>(); for (Entry<Integer, FastFixedSet<Integer>> entry : mapExtPostdominators.entrySet()) { res.put(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue().toPlainSet()); } return res; } private void filterOnDominance(DominatorTreeExceptionFilter filter) { DominatorEngine engine = filter.getDomEngine(); for (Integer head : new HashSet<Integer>(mapExtPostdominators.keySet())) { FastFixedSet<Integer> setPostdoms = mapExtPostdominators.get(head); LinkedList<Statement> stack = new LinkedList<Statement>(); LinkedList<FastFixedSet<Integer>> stackPath = new LinkedList<FastFixedSet<Integer>>(); stack.add(statement.getStats().getWithKey(head)); stackPath.add(factory.spawnEmptySet()); Set<Statement> setVisited = new HashSet<Statement>(); while (!stack.isEmpty()) { Statement stat = stack.removeFirst(); FastFixedSet<Integer> path = stackPath.removeFirst(); if (setPostdoms.contains(stat.id)) { path.add(stat.id); } if (path.contains(setPostdoms)) { continue; } setVisited.add(stat); int domflag = 0; for (Iterator<Integer> it = setPostdoms.iterator(); it.hasNext(); ) { Integer post = it.next(); if (!path.contains(post)) { if (domflag == 0) { domflag = engine.isDominator(stat.id, head) ? 2 : 1; } if (domflag == 1) { // not a dominator it.remove(); } } } for (StatEdge edge : stat.getSuccessorEdges(StatEdge.TYPE_REGULAR)) { if (!setVisited.contains(edge.getDestination())) { stack.add(edge.getDestination()); stackPath.add(path.getCopy()); } } } if (setPostdoms.isEmpty()) { mapExtPostdominators.remove(head); } } } private void filterOnExceptionRanges(DominatorTreeExceptionFilter filter) { for (Integer head : new HashSet<Integer>(mapExtPostdominators.keySet())) { FastFixedSet<Integer> set = mapExtPostdominators.get(head); for (Iterator<Integer> it = set.iterator(); it.hasNext(); ) { if (!filter.acceptStatementPair(head, it.next())) { it.remove(); } } if (set.isEmpty()) { mapExtPostdominators.remove(head); } } } private void removeErroneousNodes() { mapSupportPoints = new HashMap<Integer, FastFixedSet<Integer>>(); calcReachabilitySuppPoints(StatEdge.TYPE_REGULAR); iterateReachability(new IReachabilityAction() { public boolean action(Statement node, HashMap<Integer, FastFixedSet<Integer>> mapSets) { Integer nodeid = node.id; FastFixedSet<Integer> setReachability = mapSets.get(nodeid); List<FastFixedSet<Integer>> lstPredSets = new ArrayList<FastFixedSet<Integer>>(); for (StatEdge prededge : node.getPredecessorEdges(StatEdge.TYPE_REGULAR)) { FastFixedSet<Integer> setPred = mapSets.get(prededge.getSource().id); if (setPred == null) { setPred = mapSupportPoints.get(prededge.getSource().id); } // setPred cannot be empty as it is a reachability set lstPredSets.add(setPred); } for (Integer id : setReachability.toPlainSet()) { FastFixedSet<Integer> setReachabilityCopy = setReachability.getCopy(); FastFixedSet<Integer> setIntersection = factory.spawnEmptySet(); boolean isIntersectionInitialized = false; for (FastFixedSet<Integer> predset : lstPredSets) { if (predset.contains(id)) { if (!isIntersectionInitialized) { setIntersection.union(predset); isIntersectionInitialized = true; } else { setIntersection.intersection(predset); } } } if (nodeid != id.intValue()) { setIntersection.add(nodeid); } else { setIntersection.remove(nodeid); } setReachabilityCopy.complement(setIntersection); mapExtPostdominators.get(id).complement(setReachabilityCopy); } return false; } }, StatEdge.TYPE_REGULAR); // exception handlers cannot be postdominator nodes // TODO: replace with a standard set? FastFixedSet<Integer> setHandlers = factory.spawnEmptySet(); boolean handlerfound = false; for (Statement stat : statement.getStats()) { if (stat.getPredecessorEdges(Statement.STATEDGE_DIRECT_ALL).isEmpty() && !stat.getPredecessorEdges(StatEdge.TYPE_EXCEPTION).isEmpty()) { // exception handler setHandlers.add(stat.id); handlerfound = true; } } if (handlerfound) { for (FastFixedSet<Integer> set : mapExtPostdominators.values()) { set.complement(setHandlers); } } } private void calcDefaultReachableSets() { int edgetype = StatEdge.TYPE_REGULAR | StatEdge.TYPE_EXCEPTION; calcReachabilitySuppPoints(edgetype); for (Statement stat : statement.getStats()) { mapExtPostdominators.put(stat.id, factory.spawnEmptySet()); } iterateReachability(new IReachabilityAction() { public boolean action(Statement node, HashMap<Integer, FastFixedSet<Integer>> mapSets) { Integer nodeid = node.id; FastFixedSet<Integer> setReachability = mapSets.get(nodeid); for (Integer id : setReachability.toPlainSet()) { mapExtPostdominators.get(id).add(nodeid); } return false; } }, edgetype); } private void calcReachabilitySuppPoints(final int edgetype) { iterateReachability(new IReachabilityAction() { public boolean action(Statement node, HashMap<Integer, FastFixedSet<Integer>> mapSets) { // consider to be a support point for (StatEdge sucedge : node.getAllSuccessorEdges()) { if ((sucedge.getType() & edgetype) != 0) { if (mapSets.containsKey(sucedge.getDestination().id)) { FastFixedSet<Integer> setReachability = mapSets.get(node.id); if (!InterpreterUtil.equalObjects(setReachability, mapSupportPoints.get(node.id))) { mapSupportPoints.put(node.id, setReachability); return true; } } } } return false; } }, edgetype); } private void iterateReachability(IReachabilityAction action, int edgetype) { while (true) { boolean iterate = false; HashMap<Integer, FastFixedSet<Integer>> mapSets = new HashMap<Integer, FastFixedSet<Integer>>(); for (Statement stat : lstReversePostOrderList) { FastFixedSet<Integer> set = factory.spawnEmptySet(); set.add(stat.id); for (StatEdge prededge : stat.getAllPredecessorEdges()) { if ((prededge.getType() & edgetype) != 0) { Statement pred = prededge.getSource(); FastFixedSet<Integer> setPred = mapSets.get(pred.id); if (setPred == null) { setPred = mapSupportPoints.get(pred.id); } if (setPred != null) { set.union(setPred); } } } mapSets.put(stat.id, set); if (action != null) { iterate |= action.action(stat, mapSets); } // remove reachability information of fully processed nodes (saves memory) for (StatEdge prededge : stat.getAllPredecessorEdges()) { if ((prededge.getType() & edgetype) != 0) { Statement pred = prededge.getSource(); if (mapSets.containsKey(pred.id)) { boolean remstat = true; for (StatEdge sucedge : pred.getAllSuccessorEdges()) { if ((sucedge.getType() & edgetype) != 0) { if (!mapSets.containsKey(sucedge.getDestination().id)) { remstat = false; break; } } } if (remstat) { mapSets.put(pred.id, null); } } } } } if (!iterate) { break; } } } private interface IReachabilityAction { boolean action(Statement node, HashMap<Integer, FastFixedSet<Integer>> mapSets); } }