package installer; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Properties; import java.util.Random; import; import javax.swing.JOptionPane; import lzma.sdk.lzma.Decoder; import lzma.streams.LzmaInputStream; /** * This gets packaged together with, * and run as the main class for the installer distributed to users. */ public class InstallerMain { static class AlreadyHandledException extends Exception { /* not serializable */ private static final long serialVersionUID = new Random().nextLong(); } public static void main(String[] args) { File tempDir = null; ProgressDialog dlg = ProgressDialog.openModal(null, "MCF Installer"); File globalMCFCacheDir = new File(Utils.getMinecraftDirectory(), "minecraft-forkage-install-cache"); if(!globalMCFCacheDir.exists()) { if(!globalMCFCacheDir.mkdirs()) globalMCFCacheDir = null; } try { Map<String, byte[]> installData; dlg.startIndeterminate("Unpacking installer"); { InputStream embeddedInstallDataStream = InstallerMain.class.getResourceAsStream("/"); if(embeddedInstallDataStream != null) embeddedInstallDataStream = new LzmaInputStream(embeddedInstallDataStream, new Decoder()); else { embeddedInstallDataStream = InstallerMain.class.getResourceAsStream("/"); if(embeddedInstallDataStream != null) embeddedInstallDataStream = new GZIPInputStream(embeddedInstallDataStream); else { File devInstallDataFile = new File("../../build/"); if(devInstallDataFile.exists()) embeddedInstallDataStream = new LzmaInputStream(new FileInputStream(devInstallDataFile), new Decoder()); else { devInstallDataFile = new File("../../build/"); if(devInstallDataFile.exists()) { embeddedInstallDataStream = new GZIPInputStream(new FileInputStream(devInstallDataFile)); } else { JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "The install data file is missing. Whoever created this installer screwed something up.", "MCF Installer Failure", JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE); throw new AlreadyHandledException(); } } } } try (InputStream in = embeddedInstallDataStream) { installData = Utils.readZip(in); } } Properties installProperties = new Properties(); if(!installData.containsKey("")) { JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "The install properties file is missing. Whoever created this installer screwed something up.", "MCF Installer Failure", JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE); throw new AlreadyHandledException(); } try (Reader reader = new InputStreamReader(new ByteArrayInputStream(installData.get("")))) { installProperties.load(reader); } String mcver = installProperties.getProperty("mcver"); String launcherVersionName = installProperties.getProperty("launcherVersionName"); if(mcver == null || launcherVersionName == null) { JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "The install properties file is corrupted. Whoever created this installer screwed something up.", "MCF Installer Failure", JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE); throw new AlreadyHandledException(); } tempDir = File.createTempFile("MCF-INSTALLER-", ".tmp"); if(!tempDir.delete() || !tempDir.mkdirs()) throw new Exception("Failed to create directory "+tempDir.getAbsolutePath()); // create a README file in our temporary directory in case // something stops us from deleting it when done try (FileOutputStream out = new FileOutputStream(new File(tempDir, "AAA TEMP FOLDER README.TXT"))) { out.write("This directory was created by the Minecraft Forkage installer. Unless the installer is still running, you can safely delete it at any time.".getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8)); } System.out.println("Temp dir: "+tempDir); dlg.startIndeterminate("Downloading client"); byte[] mcClient =, ""+mcver+"/"+mcver+".jar", globalMCFCacheDir, "minecraft."+mcver+".jar", "minecraft.jar"); if(mcClient == null) throw new AlreadyHandledException(); // already displayed an error message File clientFile = new File(tempDir, "client.jar"); try (FileOutputStream out = new FileOutputStream(clientFile)) { out.write(mcClient); } dlg.startIndeterminate("Downloading server"); byte[] mcServer =, ""+mcver+"/minecraft_server."+mcver+".jar", globalMCFCacheDir, "minecraft_server."+mcver+".jar", "minecraft_server.jar"); if(mcServer == null) throw new AlreadyHandledException(); File serverFile = new File(tempDir, "server.jar"); try (FileOutputStream out = new FileOutputStream(serverFile)) { out.write(mcServer); } mcClient = null; mcServer = null; dlg.startIndeterminate("Installing"); File mainJarFile = Installer.install(clientFile, serverFile, tempDir, installData, dlg); ///////// INSTALL VERSION IN MINECRAFT LAUNCHER ///////// dlg.startIndeterminate("Installing in launcher"); File versionDir = new File(new File(Utils.getMinecraftDirectory(), "versions"), launcherVersionName); if(versionDir.exists()) { System.out.println(versionDir+" already exists, deleting..."); deleteRecursive(versionDir); } if(!versionDir.isDirectory() && !versionDir.mkdirs()) { try {Thread.sleep(1000);} catch(InterruptedException e) {} if(!versionDir.isDirectory() && !versionDir.mkdirs()) throw new Exception("Failed to create directory: "+versionDir); } // Install JSON file (by copying from install data) try (FileOutputStream versionJsonOut = new FileOutputStream(new File(versionDir, launcherVersionName+".json"))) { versionJsonOut.write(installData.get("install.json")); } // Install core JAR file (by copying from temp dir) try (FileOutputStream coreJarOut = new FileOutputStream(new File(versionDir, launcherVersionName+"-core.jar"))) { try (FileInputStream jarIn = new FileInputStream(mainJarFile)) { Utils.copyStream(jarIn, coreJarOut); } } // Install bootstrap JAR file (by copying from install data) try (FileOutputStream bootstrapJarOut = new FileOutputStream(new File(versionDir, launcherVersionName+".jar"))) { bootstrapJarOut.write(installData.get("packer.jar")); } // Done! if(!Boolean.getBoolean("minecraftforkage.installer.skipDoneMessage")) JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(dlg, "Minecraft Forkage was successfully installed.\nVersion name in launcher: "+launcherVersionName, "MCF Installer - Done!", JOptionPane.INFORMATION_MESSAGE); } catch(AlreadyHandledException e) { // do nothing } catch(Throwable e) { e.printStackTrace(); // in case someone is running this in a console StringWriter sw = new StringWriter(); try (PrintWriter pw = new PrintWriter(sw)) { e.printStackTrace(pw); } JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, sw.toString(), "MCF Installer - unexpected error", JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE); } finally { dlg.setVisible(false); } if(tempDir != null) { // Some antivirus programs (MSSE) seem to stop us deleting our temporary files? // Therefore causing this process to stay in the background indefinitely. // Avoid this by exiting after a fixed amount of time even if we're not done. new Thread() { {setName("Temporary folder deletion watchdog timer");} public void run() { try {Thread.sleep(10000);} catch(Exception e) {} Runtime.getRuntime().halt(0); }; }.start(); deleteRecursive(tempDir); } System.exit(0); } private static void deleteRecursive(File f) { if(f.isDirectory()) for(File child : f.listFiles()) deleteRecursive(child); f.delete(); } }