/* * Forge Mod Loader * Copyright (c) 2012-2013 cpw. * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials * are made available under the terms of the GNU Lesser Public License v2.1 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at * http://www.gnu.org/licenses/old-licenses/gpl-2.0.html * * Contributors: * cpw - implementation */ package cpw.mods.fml.common.registry; import java.lang.annotation.ElementType; import java.lang.annotation.Retention; import java.lang.annotation.RetentionPolicy; import java.lang.annotation.Target; import java.lang.reflect.Constructor; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Comparator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Random; import java.util.Set; import net.minecraft.block.Block; import net.minecraft.item.Item; import net.minecraft.item.ItemBlock; import net.minecraft.item.ItemStack; import net.minecraft.item.crafting.CraftingManager; import net.minecraft.item.crafting.FurnaceRecipes; import net.minecraft.item.crafting.IRecipe; import net.minecraft.nbt.JsonToNBT; import net.minecraft.nbt.NBTBase; import net.minecraft.nbt.NBTException; import net.minecraft.nbt.NBTTagCompound; import net.minecraft.tileentity.TileEntity; import net.minecraft.world.World; import net.minecraft.world.chunk.IChunkProvider; import org.apache.logging.log4j.Level; import com.google.common.base.Objects; import com.google.common.base.Strings; import com.google.common.base.Throwables; import com.google.common.collect.ImmutableList; import com.google.common.collect.Lists; import com.google.common.collect.Maps; import com.google.common.collect.ObjectArrays; import com.google.common.collect.Sets; import com.google.common.primitives.Ints; import cpw.mods.fml.common.FMLLog; import cpw.mods.fml.common.IFuelHandler; import cpw.mods.fml.common.IWorldGenerator; import cpw.mods.fml.common.Loader; import cpw.mods.fml.common.LoaderException; import cpw.mods.fml.common.LoaderState; import cpw.mods.fml.common.ObfuscationReflectionHelper; public class GameRegistry { private static Set<IWorldGenerator> worldGenerators = Sets.newHashSet(); private static Map<IWorldGenerator, Integer> worldGeneratorIndex = Maps.newHashMap(); private static List<IFuelHandler> fuelHandlers = Lists.newArrayList(); private static List<IWorldGenerator> sortedGeneratorList; /** * Register a world generator - something that inserts new block types into the world * * @param generator the generator * @param modGenerationWeight a weight to assign to this generator. Heavy weights tend to sink to the bottom of * list of world generators (i.e. they run later) */ public static void registerWorldGenerator(IWorldGenerator generator, int modGenerationWeight) { worldGenerators.add(generator); worldGeneratorIndex.put(generator, modGenerationWeight); if (sortedGeneratorList != null) { sortedGeneratorList = null; } } /** * Callback hook for world gen - if your mod wishes to add extra mod related generation to the world * call this * * @param chunkX * @param chunkZ * @param world * @param chunkGenerator * @param chunkProvider */ public static void generateWorld(int chunkX, int chunkZ, World world, IChunkProvider chunkGenerator, IChunkProvider chunkProvider) { if (sortedGeneratorList == null) { computeSortedGeneratorList(); } long worldSeed = world.getSeed(); Random fmlRandom = new Random(worldSeed); long xSeed = fmlRandom.nextLong() >> 2 + 1L; long zSeed = fmlRandom.nextLong() >> 2 + 1L; long chunkSeed = (xSeed * chunkX + zSeed * chunkZ) ^ worldSeed; for (IWorldGenerator generator : sortedGeneratorList) { fmlRandom.setSeed(chunkSeed); generator.generate(fmlRandom, chunkX, chunkZ, world, chunkGenerator, chunkProvider); } } private static void computeSortedGeneratorList() { ArrayList<IWorldGenerator> list = Lists.newArrayList(worldGenerators); Collections.sort(list, new Comparator<IWorldGenerator>() { @Override public int compare(IWorldGenerator o1, IWorldGenerator o2) { return Ints.compare(worldGeneratorIndex.get(o1), worldGeneratorIndex.get(o2)); } }); sortedGeneratorList = ImmutableList.copyOf(list); } /** * Register an item with the item registry with a custom name : this allows for easier server->client resolution * * @param item The item to register * @param name The mod-unique name of the item */ public static void registerItem(net.minecraft.item.Item item, String name) { registerItem(item, name, null); } /** * Register the specified Item with a mod specific name : overrides the standard type based name * @param item The item to register * @param name The mod-unique name to register it as - null will remove a custom name * @param modId deprecated, unused * where one mod should "own" all the blocks of all the mods, null defaults to the active mod */ public static Item registerItem(Item item, String name, String modId) { GameData.getMain().registerItem(item, name); return item; } /** * Add a forced persistent substitution alias for the block or item to another block or item. This will have * the effect of using the substituted block or item instead of the original, where ever it is * referenced. * * @param nameToSubstitute The name to link to (this is the NEW block or item) * @param type The type (Block or Item) * @param object a NEW instance that is type compatible with the existing instance * @throws ExistingSubstitutionException if someone else has already registered an alias either from or to one of the names * @throws IncompatibleSubstitutionException if the substitution is incompatible */ public static void addSubstitutionAlias(String nameToSubstitute, GameRegistry.Type type, Object object) throws ExistingSubstitutionException { GameData.getMain().registerSubstitutionAlias(nameToSubstitute, type, object); } /** * Register a block with the specified mod specific name * @param block The block to register * @param name The mod-unique name to register it as, will get prefixed by your modid. */ public static Block registerBlock(Block block, String name) { return registerBlock(block, ItemBlock.class, name); } /** * Register a block with the world, with the specified item class and block name * @param block The block to register * @param itemclass The item type to register with it : null registers a block without associated item. * @param name The mod-unique name to register it as, will get prefixed by your modid. */ public static Block registerBlock(Block block, Class<? extends ItemBlock> itemclass, String name) { return registerBlock(block, itemclass, name, new Object[]{}); } /** * @deprecated Use the registerBlock version without the modId parameter instead. */ @Deprecated public static Block registerBlock(Block block, Class<? extends ItemBlock> itemclass, String name, String modId, Object... itemCtorArgs) { return registerBlock(block, itemclass, name, itemCtorArgs); } /** * Register a block with the world, with the specified item class, block name and owning modId * @param block The block to register * @param itemclass The item type to register with it : null registers a block without associated item. * @param name The mod-unique name to register it as, will get prefixed by your modid. * @param itemCtorArgs Arguments to pass (after the required {@code Block} parameter) to the ItemBlock constructor (optional). */ public static Block registerBlock(Block block, Class<? extends ItemBlock> itemclass, String name, Object... itemCtorArgs) { if (Loader.instance().isInState(LoaderState.CONSTRUCTING)) { FMLLog.warning("The mod %s is attempting to register a block whilst it it being constructed. This is bad modding practice - please use a proper mod lifecycle event.", Loader.instance().activeModContainer()); } try { assert block != null : "registerBlock: block cannot be null"; ItemBlock i = null; if (itemclass != null) { Class<?>[] ctorArgClasses = new Class<?>[itemCtorArgs.length + 1]; ctorArgClasses[0] = Block.class; for (int idx = 1; idx < ctorArgClasses.length; idx++) { ctorArgClasses[idx] = itemCtorArgs[idx-1].getClass(); } Constructor<? extends ItemBlock> itemCtor = itemclass.getConstructor(ctorArgClasses); i = itemCtor.newInstance(ObjectArrays.concat(block, itemCtorArgs)); } // block registration has to happen first GameData.getMain().registerBlock(block, name); if (i != null) { GameData.getMain().registerItem(i, name); } return block; } catch (Exception e) { FMLLog.log(Level.ERROR, e, "Caught an exception during block registration"); throw new LoaderException(e); } } public static void addRecipe(ItemStack output, Object... params) { addShapedRecipe(output, params); } public static IRecipe addShapedRecipe(ItemStack output, Object... params) { return CraftingManager.getInstance().addRecipe(output, params); } public static void addShapelessRecipe(ItemStack output, Object... params) { CraftingManager.getInstance().addShapelessRecipe(output, params); } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public static void addRecipe(IRecipe recipe) { CraftingManager.getInstance().getRecipeList().add(recipe); } public static void addSmelting(Block input, ItemStack output, float xp) { FurnaceRecipes.smelting().func_151393_a(input, output, xp); } public static void addSmelting(Item input, ItemStack output, float xp) { FurnaceRecipes.smelting().func_151396_a(input, output, xp); } public static void addSmelting(ItemStack input, ItemStack output, float xp) { FurnaceRecipes.smelting().func_151394_a(input, output, xp); } public static void registerTileEntity(Class<? extends TileEntity> tileEntityClass, String id) { TileEntity.addMapping(tileEntityClass, id); } /** * Register a tile entity, with alternative TileEntity identifiers. Use with caution! * This method allows for you to "rename" the 'id' of the tile entity. * * @param tileEntityClass The tileEntity class to register * @param id The primary ID, this will be the ID that the tileentity saves as * @param alternatives A list of alternative IDs that will also map to this class. These will never save, but they will load */ public static void registerTileEntityWithAlternatives(Class<? extends TileEntity> tileEntityClass, String id, String... alternatives) { TileEntity.addMapping(tileEntityClass, id); Map<String,Class<?>> teMappings = ObfuscationReflectionHelper.getPrivateValue(TileEntity.class, null, "field_" + "145855_i", "nameToClassMap"); for (String s: alternatives) { if (!teMappings.containsKey(s)) { teMappings.put(s, tileEntityClass); } } } public static void registerFuelHandler(IFuelHandler handler) { fuelHandlers.add(handler); } public static int getFuelValue(ItemStack itemStack) { int fuelValue = 0; for (IFuelHandler handler : fuelHandlers) { fuelValue = Math.max(fuelValue, handler.getBurnTime(itemStack)); } return fuelValue; } /** * Look up a mod block in the global "named item list" * @param modId The modid owning the block * @param name The name of the block itself * @return The block or null if not found */ public static Block findBlock(String modId, String name) { return GameData.findBlock(modId, name); } /** * Look up a mod item in the global "named item list" * @param modId The modid owning the item * @param name The name of the item itself * @return The item or null if not found */ public static Item findItem(String modId, String name) { return GameData.findItem(modId, name); } /** * Manually register a custom item stack with FML for later tracking. It is automatically scoped with the active modid * * @param name The name to register it under * @param itemStack The itemstack to register */ public static void registerCustomItemStack(String name, ItemStack itemStack) { GameData.registerCustomItemStack(name, itemStack); } /** * Lookup an itemstack based on mod and name. It will create "default" itemstacks from blocks and items if no * explicit itemstack is found. * * If it is built from a block, the metadata is by default the "wildcard" value. * * Custom itemstacks can be dumped from minecraft by setting the system property fml.dumpRegistry to true * (-Dfml.dumpRegistry=true on the command line will work) * * @param modId The modid of the stack owner * @param name The name of the stack * @param stackSize The size of the stack returned * @return The custom itemstack or null if no such itemstack was found */ public static ItemStack findItemStack(String modId, String name, int stackSize) { ItemStack foundStack = GameData.findItemStack(modId, name); if (foundStack != null) { ItemStack is = foundStack.copy(); is.stackSize = Math.min(stackSize, is.getMaxStackSize()); return is; } return null; } public static final class UniqueIdentifier { public final String modId; public final String name; UniqueIdentifier(String modId, String name) { this.modId = modId; this.name = name; } public UniqueIdentifier(String string) { String[] parts = string.split(":"); this.modId = parts[0]; this.name = parts[1]; } @Override public boolean equals(Object obj) { if (obj == null) return false; if (obj.getClass() != this.getClass()) return false; final UniqueIdentifier other = (UniqueIdentifier) obj; return Objects.equal(modId, other.modId) && Objects.equal(name, other.name); } @Override public int hashCode() { return Objects.hashCode(modId, name); } @Override public String toString() { return String.format("%s:%s", modId, name); } } public static enum Type { BLOCK { @Override public FMLControlledNamespacedRegistry<?> getRegistry() { return GameData.getBlockRegistry(); } }, ITEM { @Override public FMLControlledNamespacedRegistry<?> getRegistry() { return GameData.getItemRegistry(); } }; public abstract FMLControlledNamespacedRegistry<?> getRegistry(); } /** * Look up the mod identifier data for a block. * Returns null if there is no mod specified mod identifier data, or it is part of a * custom itemstack definition {@link #registerCustomItemStack} * * Note: uniqueness and persistence is only guaranteed by mods using the game registry * correctly. * * @param block to lookup * @return a {@link UniqueIdentifier} for the block or null */ public static UniqueIdentifier findUniqueIdentifierFor(Block block) { return GameData.getUniqueName(block); } /** * Look up the mod identifier data for an item. * Returns null if there is no mod specified mod identifier data, or it is part of a * custom itemstack definition {@link #registerCustomItemStack} * * Note: uniqueness and persistence is only guaranteed by mods using the game registry * correctly. * * @param item to lookup * @return a {@link UniqueIdentifier} for the item or null */ public static UniqueIdentifier findUniqueIdentifierFor(Item item) { return GameData.getUniqueName(item); } /** * This will cause runtime injection of public static final fields to occur at various points * where mod blocks and items <em>could</em> be subject to change. This allows for dynamic * substitution to occur. * */ @Retention(RetentionPolicy.RUNTIME) @Target({ElementType.TYPE, ElementType.FIELD}) public @interface ObjectHolder { /** * If used on a class, this represents a modid only. * If used on a field, it represents a name, which can be abbreviated or complete. * Abbreviated names derive their modid from an enclosing ObjectHolder at the class level. * * @return either a modid or a name based on the rules above */ String value(); } @Retention(RetentionPolicy.RUNTIME) @Target(ElementType.FIELD) public @interface ItemStackHolder { /** * The registry name of the item being looked up. * @return The registry name */ public String value(); /** * The metadata or damage value for the itemstack, defaults to 0. * @return the metadata value */ public int meta() default 0; /** * The string serialized nbt value for the itemstack. Defaults to empty for no nbt. * * @return a nbt string */ public String nbt() default ""; } /** * Makes an {@link ItemStack} based on the itemName reference, with supplied meta, stackSize and nbt, if possible * * Will return null if the item doesn't exist (because it's not from a loaded mod for example) * Will throw a {@link RuntimeException} if the nbtString is invalid for use in an {@link ItemStack} * * @param itemName a registry name reference * @param meta the meta * @param stackSize the stack size * @param nbtString an nbt stack as a string, will be processed by {@link JsonToNBT} * @return a new itemstack */ public static ItemStack makeItemStack(String itemName, int meta, int stackSize, String nbtString) { if (itemName == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("The itemName cannot be null"); Item item = GameData.getItemRegistry().getObject(itemName); if (item == null) { FMLLog.getLogger().log(Level.TRACE, "Unable to find item with name {}", itemName); return null; } ItemStack is = new ItemStack(item,1,meta); if (!Strings.isNullOrEmpty(nbtString)) { NBTBase nbttag = null; try { nbttag = JsonToNBT.func_150315_a(nbtString); } catch (NBTException e) { FMLLog.getLogger().log(Level.WARN, "Encountered an exception parsing ItemStack NBT string {}", nbtString, e); throw Throwables.propagate(e); } if (!(nbttag instanceof NBTTagCompound)) { FMLLog.getLogger().log(Level.WARN, "Unexpected NBT string - multiple values {}", nbtString); throw new RuntimeException("Invalid NBT JSON"); } else { is.setTagCompound((NBTTagCompound) nbttag); } } return is; } }