package; import java.text.SimpleDateFormat; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Date; import java.util.Locale; import junit.framework.Assert; import; import android.text.Html; import android.text.TextUtils; import android.view.View; import android.widget.TextView; import; public abstract class JbmnplsAdapterBase extends ViewAdapterBase<Job> { private View[] currentElements; private View currentLayout; private static final SimpleDateFormat DATE_FORMAT = new SimpleDateFormat("MMM d, yyyy", Locale.getDefault()); public static enum HIGHLIGHTING{ GREAT, NORMAL, BAD, WORSE } public JbmnplsAdapterBase(Activity a, int widgetResourceLayout, int[] viewResourceIdListInWidget, ArrayList<Job> list) { super(a, widgetResourceLayout, viewResourceIdListInWidget, list); } protected abstract HIGHLIGHTING setJobWidgetValues(int position, Job item, View[] elements, View layout); public int getJobPosition(Job job) { return getJobPosition(job.getId()); } public int getJobPosition(int id) { for (int i = 0; i < getCount(); i++) { if (getItem(i).getId() == id) { return i; } } return -1; } public boolean removeByJobId(int id) { int i = getJobPosition(id); if (i == -1) { return false; } return remove(i); } public boolean remove(int i) { if (i < getCount()) { getList().remove(i); notifyDataSetChanged(); return true; } return false; } /* * Helper functions to set the widget text */ protected void hide(int index) { Assert.assertNotNull("Can only call this in setJobWidgetValues.", currentElements); currentElements[index].setVisibility(View.GONE); } /* * Date methods */ protected void setDate(int index, Date date) { setDate(index, date, (String)null, (SimpleDateFormat)null); } protected void setDate(int index, Date date, SimpleDateFormat format) { setDate(index, date, (String)null, format); } protected void setDate(int index, Date date, String prefix) { setDate(index, date, prefix, (SimpleDateFormat)null); } protected void setDate(int index, Date date, String prefix, SimpleDateFormat format) { Assert.assertNotNull("Can only call this in setJobWidgetValues.", currentElements); if (date == null) { hide(index); return; } if (format == null) { format = DATE_FORMAT; } String dateStr = format.format(date); if (prefix != null && prefix != "") { setText(index, prefix.trim() + " " + dateStr); } else { setText(index, dateStr); } } protected void setDate(int index, Date from, Date to) { setDate(index, from, to, null, null); } protected void setDate(int index, Date from, Date to, String prefix) { setDate(index, from, to, prefix, null); } protected void setDate(int index, Date from, Date to, SimpleDateFormat format) { setDate(index, from, to, null, null); } protected void setDate(int index, Date from, Date to, String prefix, SimpleDateFormat format) { Assert.assertNotNull("Can only call this in setJobWidgetValues.", currentElements); if (from == null || to == null) { hide(index); return; } if (format == null) { format = DATE_FORMAT; } String dateStr = format.format(from) + " - " + format.format(to); if (prefix != null && prefix != "") { setText(index, prefix.trim() + " " + dateStr); } else { setText(index, dateStr); } } protected void setText(int index, String text) { setText(index, text, false); } protected void setText(int index, String text, boolean uppercase) { Assert.assertNotNull("Can only call this in setJobWidgetValues.", currentElements); TextView element = (TextView) currentElements[index]; if (text == null || TextUtils.isEmpty(text)) { hide(index); return; } if (uppercase) { text = text.toUpperCase(Locale.getDefault()); } element.setText(Html.fromHtml(text)); } protected void setText(int index, String text, String prefix) { setText(index, text, prefix, false); } protected void setText(int index, String text, String prefix, boolean uppercase) { if (text == null || TextUtils.isEmpty(text)) { hide(index); return; } setText(index, prefix + " " + text, uppercase); } protected void setText(int index1, int index2, String text) { setText(index1, index2, text, false); } protected void setText(int index1, int index2, String text, boolean uppercase) { Assert.assertNotNull("Can only call this in setJobWidgetValues.", currentElements); TextView element1 = (TextView) currentElements[index1]; TextView element2 = (TextView) currentElements[index2]; if (text == null || TextUtils.isEmpty(text)) { hide(index1); hide(index2); return; } if (uppercase) { text = text.toUpperCase(Locale.getDefault()); } // Split the text into 2 elements, if there is no 2nd word, then hide it String[] textSplit = text.split(" "); element1.setText(Html.fromHtml(textSplit[0])); if (textSplit.length > 1) { element2.setText(Html.fromHtml(textSplit[1])); } else { hide(index2); } } private void setBackgroundColorFromResource(int resourceId) { int color = getActivity().getResources().getColor(resourceId); currentLayout.setBackgroundColor(color); } protected <T> boolean isOneOf(T value, T... list) { for (T item: list) { if (value.equals(item)) { return true; } } return false; } @Override protected void setWidgetValues(int position, Job item, View[] elements, View layout) { currentLayout = layout; currentElements = elements; if (item != null) { HIGHLIGHTING highlight = setJobWidgetValues(position, item, currentElements, layout); switch(highlight) { case GREAT: setBackgroundColorFromResource(R.color.highlight_green); break; case BAD: setBackgroundColorFromResource(R.color.highlight_red); break; case WORSE: setBackgroundColorFromResource(R.color.highlight_grey); break; default: setBackgroundColorFromResource(android.R.color.transparent); break; } } } //============================ // Resource Formatting class //============================ public static class Formatter { private Formatter() { } public static void hide(View view) { view.setVisibility(View.GONE); } public static void setText(TextView view, String text) { setText(view, text, false); } public static void setText(TextView view, String text, boolean doUppercase) { if (text != null && !TextUtils.isEmpty(text)) { text = Html.fromHtml(text).toString(); if (doUppercase) { text = text.toUpperCase(Locale.getDefault()); } view.setText(text); } else { hide(view); } } public static void setText(TextView view1, TextView view2, String text) { setText(view1, view2, text, false); } public static void setText(TextView view1, TextView view2, String text, boolean doUppercase) { if (TextUtils.isEmpty(text)) { hide(view1); hide(view2); } else { text = Html.fromHtml(text).toString(); if (doUppercase) { text = text.toUpperCase(Locale.getDefault()); } String[] split = text.split(" "); view1.setText(split[0]); // If there is more text, then add it to the next field, if not hide it if (split.length > 1) { view2.setText(split[1]); } else { hide(view2); } } } public static void setDate(TextView view, Date date) { setDate(view, date, (String)null, (SimpleDateFormat)null); } public static void setDate(TextView view, Date date, SimpleDateFormat format) { setDate(view, date, (String)null, format); } public static void setDate(TextView view, Date date, String prefix) { setDate(view, date, prefix, null); } public static void setDate(TextView view, Date date, String prefix, SimpleDateFormat format) { String text = null; if (date != null) { if (format == null) { format = DATE_FORMAT; } if (prefix != null && !TextUtils.isEmpty(prefix)) { text = prefix.trim() + " " + format.format(date); } else { text = format.format(date); } setText(view, text, false); } else { hide(view); } } public static void setDate(TextView view, Date from, Date to) { setDate(view, from, to, null, null); } public static void setDate(TextView view, Date from, Date to, SimpleDateFormat format) { setDate(view, from, to, null, format); } public static void setDate(TextView view, Date from, Date to, String prefix) { setDate(view, from, to, prefix, null); } public static void setDate(TextView view, Date from, Date to, String prefix, SimpleDateFormat format) { String text = null; if (from != null && to != null) { if (format == null) { format = DATE_FORMAT; } String dateStr = format.format(from) + " - " + format.format(to); if (prefix != null && !TextUtils.isEmpty(prefix)) { text = prefix.trim() + " " + dateStr; } else { text = dateStr; } setText(view, text, false); } else { hide(view); } } } }