package; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Date; import java.util.HashMap; import; import; import; import; import; import android.content.ContentValues; import android.content.Context; import android.database.Cursor; import android.util.Pair; import android.util.SparseArray; public final class JobDataSource extends DataSourceBase { // Database fields private JobDatabaseHelper dbHelper; private final String[] allColumns = { JobTable.COLUMN_ID, JobTable.COLUMN_TITLE, JobTable.COLUMN_EMPLOYER, JobTable.COLUMN_TERM, JobTable.COLUMN_STATE, JobTable.COLUMN_STATUS, JobTable.COLUMN_APP_STATUS, JobTable.COLUMN_LAST_DATE_APPLY, JobTable.COLUMN_NUM_APPS, JobTable.COLUMN_OPENINGS, JobTable.COLUMN_OPEN_DATE_APPLY, JobTable.COLUMN_EMPLOYER_FULL, JobTable.COLUMN_GRADE_REQUIRED, JobTable.COLUMN_LOCATION, JobTable.COLUMN_DISCIPLINES, JobTable.COLUMN_LEVELS, JobTable.COLUMN_HIRING_SUPPORT, JobTable.COLUMN_WORK_SUPPORT, JobTable.COLUMN_DESCRIPTION, JobTable.COLUMN_DESCRIPTION_WARNING, JobTable.COLUMN_INTERVIEW_START_TIME, JobTable.COLUMN_INTERVIEW_END_TIME, JobTable.COLUMN_INTERVIEW_TYPE, JobTable.COLUMN_INTERVIEW_ROOM, JobTable.COLUMN_INTERVIEW_INSTRUCTIONS, JobTable.COLUMN_INTERVIEWER }; public JobDataSource(Context context) { dbHelper = new JobDatabaseHelper(context); } @Override public void open() { database = dbHelper.getWritableDatabase(); } @Override public void close() { dbHelper.close(); } // ================= // Additions // ================= public synchronized void addJob(Job job) { internalAddJob(job); } public synchronized void addJobs(ArrayList<Job> jobs) { if (!jobs.isEmpty()) { try { database.setLockingEnabled(false); database.beginTransaction(); for (Job job : jobs) { // TODO throwing ConcurrentModificationException if (job != null) { internalAddJob(job); } } database.setTransactionSuccessful(); } catch(Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } finally { if (database.isOpen()) { database.endTransaction(); } database.setLockingEnabled(true); } } } // ================= // Accessors // ================= public Job getJob(int id) { Cursor cursor = getCursorByJobId(id); if (cursor == null) { return null; } Job job = cursorToJob(cursor); cursor.close(); return job; } public ArrayList<Job> getJobsByIdList(String idList) { return cursorToJobListAndClose(getCursorJobsByIdList(idList)); } public ArrayList<Job> getJobsByIdList(Iterable<Integer> ids) { // Join the ids String idList = ""; for (int id : ids) { idList += id + ","; } idList = idList.substring(0, idList.length() - 1); return getJobsByIdList(idList); } /** * This does its own get job map from id map. The thing is we need to do one database transaction * instead of one for each tab. Therefore we build our sql string, execute it and then add the jobs * into a hashmap. Because the tabs have a mix of jobs, it would be inefficient to get and create the * same job multiple time, we do it once here for the expensive of slightly more loops. Loops should be * faster than more than one transaction. * * @param idMap * @return */ public HashMap<String, ArrayList<Job>> getJobsMap(HashMap<String, ArrayList<Integer>> idMap) { HashMap<String, ArrayList<Job>> jobTabs = new HashMap<String, ArrayList<Job>>(); // Build the ids String to get joblist SparseArray<Job> jobs = new SparseArray<Job>(); StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); for (String tag : idMap.keySet()) { ArrayList<Integer> ids = idMap.get(tag); if (ids != null && !ids.isEmpty()) { for (int id : ids) { if (jobs.indexOfKey(id) < 0) { jobs.put(id, null); sb.append(id).append(','); } } } } if (sb.length() == 0) { return null; } sb.deleteCharAt(sb.length() - 1); // Remove last comma if (!database.isOpen()) { open(); } // Get all the jobs Cursor cursor = getCursorJobsByIdList(sb.toString()); if (cursor.moveToFirst()) { while (cursor.isAfterLast() == false) { Job job = cursorToJob(cursor); jobs.put(job.getId(), job); cursor.moveToNext(); } } cursor.close(); // Finally build the map for (String tag : idMap.keySet()) { ArrayList<Job> list = new ArrayList<Job>(); ArrayList<Integer> ids = idMap.get(tag); if (ids != null && !ids.isEmpty()) { for (int id : ids) { list.add(jobs.get(id)); } } jobTabs.put(tag, list); } return jobTabs; } public ArrayList<Job> getAllJobs() { Cursor cursor; synchronized (this) { cursor = database.rawQuery("select * from " + JobTable.TABLE_JOB, null); } return cursorToJobListAndClose(cursor); } // ================= // Deletions // ================= public synchronized void deleteJob(int id) { database.delete(JobTable.TABLE_JOB, JobTable.COLUMN_ID + "=?", new String[] { id + "" }); } public synchronized void deleteJob(Job job) { deleteJob(job.getId()); } // ================= // Private // ================= private Cursor getCursorByJobId(int id) { if (!database.isOpen()) { open(); } Cursor cursor = null; synchronized (this) { cursor = database.query(JobTable.TABLE_JOB, allColumns, JobTable.COLUMN_ID + " = " + id, null, null, null, null); } if (cursor != null) { cursor.moveToFirst(); } // No job available if (cursor.isAfterLast()) { return null; } return cursor; } private synchronized Cursor getCursorJobsByIdList(String idList) { // Do query return database.rawQuery(String.format("select * from %s where %s in (%s)", JobTable.TABLE_JOB, JobTable.COLUMN_ID, idList), null); } private void internalAddJob(Job job) { int jobId = job.getId(); ContentValues values = new ContentValues(); Date lastDateToApply = job.getLastDateToApply(); long lastDateTimestamp = lastDateToApply == null ? 0 : lastDateToApply.getTime(); Date openDateToApply = job.getOpenDateToApply(); long openDateTimestamp = openDateToApply == null ? 0 : openDateToApply.getTime(); Date interviewStart = job.getInterviewStartTime(); long interviewStartTimestamp = interviewStart == null ? 0 : interviewStart.getTime(); Date interviewEnd = job.getInterviewEndTime(); long interviewEndTimestamp = interviewEnd == null ? 0 : interviewEnd.getTime(); Job.INTERVIEW_TYPE type = job.getInterviewType(); // Add Date to the columns values.put(JobTable.COLUMN_ID, jobId); values.put(JobTable.COLUMN_TITLE, job.getTitle()); values.put(JobTable.COLUMN_EMPLOYER, job.getEmployer()); addNonNullValue(values, JobTable.COLUMN_TERM, job.getTerm()); // addNonNullValue(values, JobTable.COLUMN_STATE, job.getState().toString()); // addNonNullValue(values, JobTable.COLUMN_STATUS, job.getStatus().toString()); // addNonNullValue(values, JobTable.COLUMN_APP_STATUS, job.getApplicationStatus().toString()); addNonNullValue(values, JobTable.COLUMN_LAST_DATE_APPLY, lastDateTimestamp); addNonNullValue(values, JobTable.COLUMN_NUM_APPS, job.getNumberOfApplications()); addNonNullValue(values, JobTable.COLUMN_OPENINGS, job.getNumberOfOpenings()); addNonNullValue(values, JobTable.COLUMN_OPEN_DATE_APPLY, openDateTimestamp); addNonNullValue(values, JobTable.COLUMN_EMPLOYER_FULL, job.getEmployerFullName()); addNonNullValue(values, JobTable.COLUMN_GRADE_REQUIRED, (job.areGradesRequired() ? 1 : 0)); addNonNullValue(values, JobTable.COLUMN_LOCATION, job.getLocation()); addNonNullValue(values, JobTable.COLUMN_DISCIPLINES, job.getDisciplinesAsString()); addNonNullValue(values, JobTable.COLUMN_LEVELS, job.getLevelsAsString()); addNonNullValue(values, JobTable.COLUMN_HIRING_SUPPORT, job.getHiringSupportName()); addNonNullValue(values, JobTable.COLUMN_WORK_SUPPORT, job.getWorkSupportName()); addNonNullValue(values, JobTable.COLUMN_DESCRIPTION, job.getDescription()); addNonNullValue(values, JobTable.COLUMN_DESCRIPTION_WARNING, job.getDescriptionWarning()); // Interview Data addNonNullValue(values, JobTable.COLUMN_INTERVIEW_START_TIME, interviewStartTimestamp); addNonNullValue(values, JobTable.COLUMN_INTERVIEW_END_TIME, interviewEndTimestamp); addNonNullValue(values, JobTable.COLUMN_INTERVIEW_TYPE, type == null ? null : type.toString()); addNonNullValue(values, JobTable.COLUMN_INTERVIEW_ROOM, job.getRoomInfo()); addNonNullValue(values, JobTable.COLUMN_INTERVIEW_INSTRUCTIONS, job.getInstructions()); addNonNullValue(values, JobTable.COLUMN_INTERVIEWER, job.getInterviewer()); // Check the status values STATE state = job.getState(); STATUS status = job.getStatus(); APPLY_STATUS appStatus = job.getApplicationStatus(); if (state != STATE.getDefault()) { values.put( JobTable.COLUMN_STATE, state.toString()); } if (status != STATUS.getDefault()) { values.put( JobTable.COLUMN_STATUS, status.toString()); } if (appStatus != APPLY_STATUS.getDefault()) { values.put( JobTable.COLUMN_APP_STATUS, appStatus.toString()); } ArrayList<Pair<String, Object>> where = new ArrayList<Pair<String,Object>>(); where.add(new Pair<String, Object>("_id", jobId)); updateElseInsert(JobTable.TABLE_JOB, where, values); } private ArrayList<Job> cursorToJobListAndClose(Cursor cursor) { if (cursor == null) { return null; } ArrayList<Job> jobs = new ArrayList<Job>(cursor.getCount()); if (cursor.moveToFirst()) { while (cursor.isAfterLast() == false) { jobs.add(cursorToJob(cursor)); cursor.moveToNext(); } } cursor.close(); return jobs; } private Job cursorToJob(Cursor cursor) { return new Job( cursor.getInt(0), // Id cursor.getString(1), // Title cursor.getString(2), // Employer cursor.getString(3), // Term cursor.getString(4), // State cursor.getString(5), // Status cursor.getString(6), // Application Status cursor.getLong(7), // Last date apply cursor.getInt(8), // Number of apps cursor.getInt(9), // Openings cursor.getLong(10), // Open date to apply cursor.getString(11), // Employer fullname cursor.getInt(12), // Grades required cursor.getString(13), // Location cursor.getString(14), // Disciplines cursor.getString(15), // Levels cursor.getString(16), // Hiring support cursor.getString(17), // Work support cursor.getString(18), // Description cursor.getString(19), // Description warning // Interview data cursor.getLong(20), // Interview start time cursor.getLong(21), // Interview end time cursor.getString(22), // Interview type cursor.getString(23), // Interview room cursor.getString(24), // Interview instructions cursor.getString(25) // Interviewer ); } }