package; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Date; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Set; import org.apache.http.NameValuePair; import org.apache.http.message.BasicNameValuePair; import android.animation.Animator; import; import; import; import android.content.Intent; import android.os.Bundle; import android.util.SparseIntArray; import android.view.Menu; import android.view.MenuItem; import android.view.View; import android.view.View.OnClickListener; import android.view.ViewGroup; import android.widget.AbsListView; import android.widget.AbsListView.OnScrollListener; import android.widget.AdapterView; import android.widget.CheckBox; import android.widget.ListView; import android.widget.Spinner; import android.widget.TextView; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; public class JobSearch extends JbmnplsPageListActivityBase implements OnJobSearchListener, TableParser.OnTableParseListener, OnScrollListener, OnClickListener, OnVisualRowChangeListener { //====================== // Declaration Objects //====================== public final static String PAGE_NAME = JobSearch.class.getName(); public final static int FETCH_MORE_REACH_BOTTOM_COUNT = 30; private final static int VIEW_ITEM_POSITION_KEY =; private final static int VIEW_ITEM_JOB_KEY =; private final static int REQUEST_CODE_DESCRIPTION = 1; // Tab Names public final static class PAGES { final public static String NEW = "New"; final public static String READ = "Read"; final public static String SHORTLIST = "Shortlisted"; final public static String APPLIED = "Already Applied"; final public static String ALL = "All Jobs"; } // Task Queue private SearchRequestQueue taskQueue; // Shortlist data structures private final SparseIntArray jobPageArray = new SparseIntArray(200); private Set<Integer> shortlistSet; private List<Integer> readOrNewList; private List<Job> readOrNewJobList; // Search dialog and its properties private JobSearchProperties properties; private JobSearchDialog searchDialog; // Job Search states private boolean enableSearch = true; private boolean firstSearch; private boolean allJobsLoaded; // Current list position private int currentListPosition; // Alert dialog private AlertDialog.Builder alert; // Sorting variables private HEADER choseSortHeader; private boolean choseSortAscend; // Errors private static enum Error { INACTIVE, LOST_STATE, LOGGED_OUT, NONE }; private Error stateError; private RowAnimation rowAnimation; // Shortlisting private Job currentShortlistedJob; private String shortlistedTab; private boolean enableShortlisting; private int numItemsFitInListView; private boolean showGrowAnimation; private View readView; public final static HEADER[] SORT_HEADERS = { HEADER.JOB_TITLE, HEADER.EMPLOYER_NAME, HEADER.LOCATION, HEADER.OPENINGS, HEADER.LAST_DAY_TO_APPLY, HEADER.NUM_APPS }; public static final TableParserOutline JOBSEARCH_OUTLINE = new TableParserOutline("UW_CO_JOBRES_VW$scroll$0", HEADER.JOB_IDENTIFIER, HEADER.JOB_TITLE, HEADER.EMPLOYER_NAME, HEADER.UNIT_NAME, HEADER.LOCATION, HEADER.OPENINGS, HEADER.APPLY, HEADER.SHORTLIST, HEADER.NUM_APPS, HEADER.LAST_DAY_TO_APPLY); protected final int[] WIDGET_RESOURCE_LIST = {,,,,,, }; //====================== // Overrided Methods //====================== @Override public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) { super.onCreate(savedInstanceState); alert = new Builder(this); alert.setNegativeButton(android.R.string.ok, null); alert.create(); taskQueue = new SearchRequestQueue(this, null, null); // Initially, it will actually get set in parseWebpage() firstSearch = true; currentListPosition = 0; allJobsLoaded = false; enableShortlisting = true; numItemsFitInListView = 1; stateError = Error.NONE; rowAnimation = new RowAnimation(); setOnRowChangeListener(this); // Add the page tabs createTab(PAGES.NEW); createTab(PAGES.READ); createTab(PAGES.SHORTLIST); createTab(PAGES.APPLIED); createTab(PAGES.ALL); } @Override public String getPageName() { return PAGE_NAME; } @Override public String getUrl() { return JbmnplsHttpClient.GET_LINKS.SEARCH; } @Override public void onItemClick(AdapterView<?> parent, View view, int position, long id) { if (rowAnimation.isRunning()) { return; } Job job = getCurrentList().get(position); int jobId = job.getId(); if (!job.hasDescriptionData() && isReallyOnline()) { taskQueue.addTask(SearchRequestQueue.DESCRIPTION); } // Deal with reading new jobs from new or all pages String currentTab = getCurrentTabName(); if (currentTab == PAGES.NEW) { readView = view; } else if (currentTab == PAGES.ALL) { // Search for the job in the new page, if exists, then transfer it from new to read JbmnplsAdapterBase newAdapter = getAdapterByTab(PAGES.NEW); int pos = newAdapter.getJobPosition(jobId); if (pos != -1) { JbmnplsAdapterBase readAdapter = getAdapterByTab(PAGES.READ); readAdapter.add(job); newAdapter.remove(pos); } } goToDescription(jobId); } @Override public HEADER[] getTableHeaders() { return SORT_HEADERS; } @Override public int[] getJobListItemResources() { return WIDGET_RESOURCE_LIST; } @Override protected int getActionBarId() { return; } @Override protected void requestData() throws RuntimeException { super.requestData(); firstSearch = true; clearAllLists(); } @Override public boolean onOptionsItemSelected(MenuItem item) { int id = item.getItemId(); if (id == && canSearch()) { showSearchDialog(); return true; } else { return super.onOptionsItemSelected(item); } } @Override protected void parseWebpage(String html) { properties = new JobSearchProperties(); /* * Parse the original job search properties */ SimpleHtmlParser parser = new SimpleHtmlParser(html); // State Number parser.skipText("id='ICStateNum'"); String stateNum = parser.getAttributeInCurrentElement("value"); // ICSID parser.skipText("id='ICSID'"); String icsID = parser.getAttributeInCurrentElement("value"); // Term parser.skipText("win0divUW_CO_JOBSRCH_UW_CO_WT_SESSION", "input"); properties.term.set(parser.getAttributeInCurrentElement("value")); // Job Level: Junior parser.skipText("win0divUW_CO_JOBSRCH_UW_CO_COOP_JR", "onclick="); properties.levelJunior.set(parser.getAttributeInCurrentElement("checked") != null); // Job Level: Bachelors parser.skipText("win0divUW_CO_JOBSRCH_UW_CO_BACHELOR", "onclick="); properties.levelBachelors.set(parser.getAttributeInCurrentElement("checked") != null); // Job Level: Intermediate parser.skipText("win0divUW_CO_JOBSRCH_UW_CO_COOP_INT", "onclick="); properties.levelIntermediate.set(parser.getAttributeInCurrentElement("checked") != null); // Job Level: Masters parser.skipText("win0divUW_CO_JOBSRCH_UW_CO_MASTERS", "onclick="); properties.levelMasters.set(parser.getAttributeInCurrentElement("checked") != null); // Job Level: Senior parser.skipText("win0divUW_CO_JOBSRCH_UW_CO_COOP_SR", "onclick="); properties.levelSenior.set(parser.getAttributeInCurrentElement("checked") != null); // Job Level: Ph.D. parser.skipText("win0divUW_CO_JOBSRCH_UW_CO_PHD", "onclick="); properties.levelPhD.set(parser.getAttributeInCurrentElement("checked") != null); // Employer name parser.skipText("win0divUW_CO_JOBSRCH_UW_CO_EMPLYR_NAME", "input"); properties.employer.set(parser.getAttributeInCurrentElement("value")); if (properties.employer.get() == null) { throw new JbmnplsParsingException("Cannot find the value attribute for search employer"); } // Job Title parser.skipText("UW_CO_JOBSRCH_UW_CO_JOB_TITLE", "input"); properties.title.set(parser.getAttributeInCurrentElement("value")); if (properties.title.get() == null) { throw new JbmnplsParsingException("Cannot find the value attribute for search job title"); } // Disciplines parser.skipText("UW_CO_JOBSRCH_UW_CO_ADV_DISCP1", "selected="); properties.disciplines1.set(parser.getTextInCurrentElement().replace("&", "&")); parser.skipText("UW_CO_JOBSRCH_UW_CO_ADV_DISCP2", "selected="); properties.disciplines2.set(parser.getTextInCurrentElement().replace("&", "&")); parser.skipText("UW_CO_JOBSRCH_UW_CO_ADV_DISCP3", "selected="); properties.disciplines3.set(parser.getTextInCurrentElement().replace("&", "&")); // Location parser.skipText("win0divUW_CO_JOBSRCH_UW_CO_LOCATION", "input"); properties.location.set(parser.getAttributeInCurrentElement("value")); if (properties.location.get() == null) { throw new JbmnplsParsingException("Cannot find the value attribute for search location"); } // Job Search Filter parser.skipText("win0divUW_CO_JOBSRCH_UW_CO_JS_JOBSTATUS", "selected="); properties.filter.set(JobSearchProperties.FILTER.fromString(parser.getTextInCurrentElement())); // Job Type JOBTYPE jobType = JOBTYPE.getDefault(); try { // This try catch fixes errors when the user has never chosen a coop type, this is weird parser.skipText("win0divUW_CO_JOBSRCH_UW_CO_JOB_TYPE", "checked=", "label"); jobType = JobSearchProperties.JOBTYPE.fromString(parser.getTextInCurrentElement()); } catch (JbmnplsParsingException e) { } properties.jobType.set(jobType); taskQueue = new SearchRequestQueue(this, stateNum, icsID); properties.acceptChanges(); } @Override public void onRowParse(TableParserOutline outline, Object... jobData) { int id = (Integer)jobData[0]; if (!jobExists(id)) { APPLY_STATUS appStatus = (APPLY_STATUS)jobData[6]; boolean hasBeenPlaced = false; Job job = new Job( id, (String) jobData[1], (String)jobData[2], (String) jobData[4], (Integer) jobData[5], appStatus, (Date) jobData[9], (Integer) jobData[8]); if (appStatus == APPLY_STATUS.ALREADY_APPLIED) { hasBeenPlaced = true; addJobToListByTabId(PAGES.APPLIED, job); } // Maintain the shortlisted ids database if (((String)jobData[7]).equals("On Short List")) { shortlistSet.add(id); hasBeenPlaced = true; addJobToListByTabId(PAGES.SHORTLIST, job); } else { shortlistSet.remove(id); } // If it has not been placed in any tab, then it is new if (!hasBeenPlaced) { readOrNewList.add(id); readOrNewJobList.add(job); } // Place the jobs in different tabs addJobToListByTabId(PAGES.ALL, job); addJob(job); } } @Override protected void onRequestComplete(boolean pullData) { // Coming from HomeActivity if (firstSearch && pullData) { showSearchDialog(); // If there was an error we will show an error switch (stateError) { case INACTIVE: showAlert(getString(R.string.search_inactivity)); break; case LOGGED_OUT: showAlert(getString(R.string.search_logged_out)); break; case LOST_STATE: showAlert(getString(R.string.search_lost_state)); break; default: break; } stateError = Error.NONE; } else { super.onRequestComplete(pullData); } } protected boolean jobExists(Job job) { return jobExists(job.getId()); } protected boolean jobExists(int id) { return jobPageArray.indexOfKey(id) >= 0; } @Override protected void addJob(Job job) { jobPageArray.append(job.getId(), taskQueue.getCurrentPageNumber()); super.addJob(job); } @Override public void clearAllLists() { super.clearAllLists(); jobPageArray.clear(); } @Override protected void onResume() { super.onResume(); enableShortlisting(isReallyOnline()); checkIfSearchExpired(); } @Override protected void onDestroy() { taskQueue.cancelAllTasks(); super.onDestroy(); } @Override protected void scrollToTop() { currentListPosition = 0; super.scrollToTop(); } @Override protected void sort(HEADER header, boolean ascend) { if (!allJobsLoaded && isReallyOnline()) { choseSortHeader = header; choseSortAscend = ascend; taskQueue.addTask(SearchRequestQueue.SORT, getString(R.string.search_sort_getting_jobs)); } else { super.sort(header, ascend); } } @Override protected void onNetworkConnectionChanged(boolean connected) { super.onNetworkConnectionChanged(connected); enableShortlisting(isReallyOnline()); showLoadingAtEnd(connected && isOnline() && !allJobsLoaded); setSearchEnabled(connected); if (connected) { attachScrollListener(true); } else { taskQueue.cancelAllTasks(); attachScrollListener(false); } } @Override protected int getJobListItemLayout() { return R.layout.job_search_widget; } @Override protected long doOffine() { // Get the shortlist ids from the databsae PageResult r = pageDataSource.getPageData(client.getUsername(), Shortlist.PAGE_NAME); if (r != null && r.ids != null) { shortlistSet = new HashSet<Integer>(r.ids); } else { shortlistSet = new HashSet<Integer>(); } doneLoadingAllJobs(); return super.doOffine(); } //================= // List Adapter //================= @Override protected HIGHLIGHTING formatJobListItem(int position, Job job, View[] elements, View layout) { layout.setTag(VIEW_ITEM_POSITION_KEY, position); layout.setTag(VIEW_ITEM_JOB_KEY, job); Formatter.setText((TextView)elements[0], job.getTitle()); Formatter.setText((TextView)elements[1], job.getEmployer(), true); Formatter.setText((TextView)elements[2], job.getLocation()); Formatter.setDate((TextView)elements[3], job.getLastDateToApply(), "Closes by"); Formatter.setText((TextView)elements[4], "Openings: " + job.getNumberOfOpenings() + " | Apps #: " + job.getNumberOfApplications()); // Checkbox CheckBox box = (CheckBox)elements[5]; box.setOnClickListener(this); box.setChecked(isShortlisted(job)); box.setEnabled(!box.isChecked() && enableShortlisting); View progress = elements[6]; if (currentShortlistedJob != null && job.getId() == currentShortlistedJob.getId()) { box.setVisibility(View.GONE); progress.setVisibility(View.VISIBLE); } else { box.setVisibility(View.VISIBLE); progress.setVisibility(View.GONE); } return HIGHLIGHTING.NORMAL; } //======================= // Handle Search Icon //======================= @Override protected void onlineModeChanged(boolean flag) { setSearchEnabled(flag); enableShortlisting(isReallyOnline()); // Coming in offline and going online, we need to get the new data if (firstSearch && flag) { if (isReallyOnline()) { requestData(); } } else { if (flag) { // Goes online and needs to continue to get more jobs if (!allJobsLoaded) { if (!taskQueue.hasLoaded100Jobs()) { taskQueue.addTask(SearchRequestQueue.VIEW100); } showLoadingAtEnd(true); attachScrollListener(true); } } else { // Go offline taskQueue.cancelAllTasks(); showLoadingAtEnd(false); attachScrollListener(false); } } } @Override public boolean onPrepareOptionsMenu(Menu menu) { MenuItem switchButton = menu.findItem(; setSearchIcon(switchButton); return super.onPrepareOptionsMenu(menu); } private boolean canSearch() { return enableSearch && isReallyOnline(); } private void setSearchEnabled(boolean enable) { enableSearch = enable; supportInvalidateOptionsMenu(); } private void setSearchIcon(MenuItem button) { boolean ableToSearch = canSearch(); button.setEnabled(ableToSearch); if (ableToSearch) { button.setIcon(R.drawable.ic_action_search); } else { button.setIcon(R.drawable.ic_action_search_disabled); } } @Override public void onPageSelected(int index) { super.onPageSelected(index); if (!allJobsLoaded) { showLoadingAtEnd(true); attachScrollListener(true); } } //======================= // Activity for result //======================= @Override protected void goToDescription(int jobId) { Intent in = new Intent(this, Description.class); in.putExtra(EXTRA_JOB_ID, Integer.toString(jobId)); startActivityForResult(in, REQUEST_CODE_DESCRIPTION); } @Override protected void onActivityResult(int requestCode, int resultCode, Intent data) { if (requestCode == REQUEST_CODE_DESCRIPTION) { if (resultCode == Activity.RESULT_OK) { // Successfully read the job description String tab = getCurrentTabName(); if (readView != null && tab == PAGES.NEW) { Job job = (Job)readView.getTag(VIEW_ITEM_JOB_KEY); addJobToListByTabId(PAGES.READ, job); getAdapterByTab(PAGES.READ).notifyDataSetChanged(); // Animate the row removal if (!rowAnimation.isRunning()) { rowAnimation.setDelay(400); // Glitch where the animation wont animate unless it waits a little rowAnimation.startShink(readView); rowAnimation.setDelay(0); } else { // If somehow fails and not looking at new page, just remove it int pos = (Integer)readView.getTag(VIEW_ITEM_POSITION_KEY); JbmnplsAdapterBase adapter = getAdapterByTab(PAGES.NEW); adapter.remove(pos); jobsToDatabase(); } } } else { // Cancelled reading the job description readView = null; } } super.onActivityResult(requestCode, resultCode, data); } //======================= // OnListViewListener //======================= @Override public void onVisuallyAddedRows(ListView listView) { String tab = getCurrentTabName(); if (showGrowAnimation && tab == PAGES.SHORTLIST) { // Detect if user can see it if (listView.getChildCount() <= numItemsFitInListView) { // Ignore the requestLayout() improperly warning rowAnimation.startGrow(getListViewByTab(tab).getLastChild()); } showGrowAnimation = false; } } @Override public void onVisuallyRemovedRows(ListView listView) { } //======================= // OnJobSearchListener //======================= @Override public void onJobTypeChange(Spinner spinner, JobSearchProperties.JOBTYPE type) { properties.jobType.set(type); taskQueue.addTask(SearchRequestQueue.JOBTYPE); } @Override public void onSearch(JobSearchProperties prop) { if (isReallyOnline()) { taskQueue.cancelAllTasks(); taskQueue.addTask(SearchRequestQueue.SEARCH, getString(R.string.search_searching_dialog)); } else { hideSearchDialog(); showAlert(getString(R.string.search_searching_offline)); } } @Override public void onCancel() { if (taskQueue.isRunning()) { // Cancel only if job type changes when pressing cancel on the search dialog if (taskQueue.getCurrentCommand() == SearchRequestQueue.JOBTYPE) { taskQueue.cancelCurrent(true); } } if (firstSearch && getListByTab(PAGES.ALL).isEmpty()) { finish(); } } //=========================== // OnCheckedChange Listener //=========================== @Override public void onClick(View v) { if (v instanceof CheckBox) { CheckBox box = (CheckBox)v; // Get job from a parent layout's tag ViewGroup vg = (ViewGroup)box.getParent(); View view = (View)vg.getParent(); Job job = (Job)view.getTag(VIEW_ITEM_JOB_KEY); currentShortlistedJob = job; shortlistedTab = getCurrentTabName(); taskQueue.addTask(SearchRequestQueue.SHORTLIST); enableShortlisting(false); // Show loading symbol View bar = vg.findViewById(; bar.setVisibility(View.VISIBLE); box.setVisibility(View.GONE); } } //==================== // Scroll Listener //==================== @Override public void onScroll(AbsListView view, int firstVisibleItem, int visibleItemCount, int totalItemCount) { showGrowAnimation = false; numItemsFitInListView = Math.max(numItemsFitInListView, visibleItemCount); // Have the scroll update only on new or all lists String tab = getCurrentTabName(); if (tab == PAGES.ALL || tab == PAGES.NEW) { currentListPosition = firstVisibleItem + visibleItemCount; fetchMoreIfNeeded(); } } @Override public void onScrollStateChanged(AbsListView view, int scrollState) { } //================================== // Row addition/removal animation //================================== class RowAnimation extends HeightAnimation { private boolean isGrowing; private String removalTab; public void startGrow(View v) { start(v, true); } public void startShink(View v) { start(v, false); removalTab = getCurrentTabName(); } @Override public void start(View v, boolean grow) { isGrowing = grow; super.start(v, grow); } private void removeJob() { final int position = (Integer)getView().getTag(VIEW_ITEM_POSITION_KEY); JbmnplsAdapterBase adapter = getAdapterByTab(removalTab); // TODO make this work with read to remove ArrayList<Job> jobs = adapter.getList(); if (jobs.size() > 0) { if (jobs.remove(position) == null) { throw new NullPointerException("Unable to find the job removed from animation"); } adapter.notifyDataSetChanged(); } removalTab = null; jobsToDatabase(); } @Override public void onAnimationCancel(Animator animator) { if (!isGrowing) { removeJob(); } // super.onAnimationCancel(animator); } @Override public void onAnimationEnd(Animator animator) { if (!isGrowing) { removeJob(); } // super.onAnimationEnd(animator); } } //======================= // Methods for all Tabs //======================= protected void showLoadingAtEnd(boolean flag) { for (int i = 0; i < numOfTabs(); i++) { JbmnplsLoadingAdapterBase adapter = (JbmnplsLoadingAdapterBase)getAdapterByIndex(i); if (adapter != null) { if (flag) { if (adapter.getCount() > numItemsFitInListView) { adapter.showLoadingAtEnd(true); } else { adapter.showLoadingAtEnd(false); } } else { adapter.showLoadingAtEnd(false); } } } } protected void attachScrollListener(boolean flag) { OnScrollListener listener = flag ? this : null; for (int i = 0; i < numOfTabs(); i++) { ListView list = getListViewByIndex(i); if (list != null) { list.setOnScrollListener(listener); } } } //================== // Miscellaneous //================== private boolean checkIfSearchExpired() { // When 20 min has past when nothing has posted boolean flag = searchDialog != null && !searchDialog.isShowing() && !client.isLoggedIn(); if (flag) { // Reset to first time search and show the dialog again stateError = Error.INACTIVE; requestData(); } return flag; } private void showSearchDialog() { // Need to get search values, so we will get them if (properties == null) { requestData(); return; } if (canSearch()) { if (searchDialog == null) { searchDialog = new JobSearchDialog(this); searchDialog.setOnJobSearchListener(this); searchDialog.setProperties(properties); }; } } protected void hideSearchDialog() { if (searchDialog != null) { searchDialog.dismiss(); } } protected void showAlert(String message) { alert.setMessage(message);; } // Only fetch more on all or new pages protected void fetchMoreIfNeeded() { String tab = getCurrentTabName(); if (tab == PAGES.ALL || tab == PAGES.NEW) { int currentlyLoaded = Math.min(getListByTab(PAGES.ALL).size(), getListByTab(PAGES.NEW).size()); if (currentlyLoaded - currentListPosition < FETCH_MORE_REACH_BOTTOM_COUNT // If near the bottom of the list && taskQueue.hasLoaded100Jobs() // Has loaded 100 items && !allJobsLoaded && !taskQueue.isRunning()) { // Not running any task currently taskQueue.addTask(SearchRequestQueue.NEXTPAGE); } } } protected void doneLoadingAllJobs() { allJobsLoaded = true; showLoadingAtEnd(false); attachScrollListener(false); } protected boolean isShortlisted(Job job) { return job != null && isShortlisted(job.getId()); } protected boolean isShortlisted(int id) { return shortlistSet.contains(id); } protected void enableShortlisting(boolean flag) { if (enableShortlisting != flag) { for (int l = 0; l < numOfTabs(); l++) { ListView list = getListViewByIndex(l); if (list != null) { for (int i = 0; i < list.getChildCount(); i++) { View view = list.getChildAt(i); CheckBox box = (CheckBox)view.findViewById(; // If the row is shortlisted, then check it and enable it if (isShortlisted((Job)view.getTag(VIEW_ITEM_JOB_KEY)) || box.isChecked()) { box.setEnabled(false); box.setChecked(true); } else { box.setEnabled(flag); } } } } enableShortlisting = flag; } } protected void removeAllItemLoadingImage() { for (int l = 0; l < numOfTabs(); l++) { ListView list = getListViewByIndex(l); if (list != null) { for (int i = 0; i < list.getChildCount(); i++) { View view = list.getChildAt(i); view.findViewById(; view.findViewById(; } } } } //=========================== // All Purpose Task Runner //=========================== private final class SearchRequestQueue extends JbmnplsRequestQueue<Void> { public final static int INITIAL_RESULT_COUNT = 25; public final static int RESULT_COUNT_100 = 100; // Task States public static final int SEARCH = 0; public static final int VIEW100 = 1; public static final int NEXTPAGE = 2; public static final int SHORTLIST = 3; public static final int JOBTYPE = 4; public static final int SORT = 5; public static final int DESCRIPTION = 6; // Task Response states protected static final int JOBTYPE_UNAUTH = 7; // Shortlist check string matches public static final String SHORTLIST_SUCCESS_STRING = "The job has been added successfully"; // Request States private String lastSearchedHtml = null; private int currentPage; private int numJobs; private int totalPages; private boolean hasLoaded100; private final JobSearch activity; TableParser tableParser; public SearchRequestQueue(JobSearch a, String stateNumber, String id) { super(a, SimpleActivityBase.client, getUrl(), stateNumber, id); activity = a; currentPage = 0; hasLoaded100 = false; } public int getCurrentPageNumber() { return currentPage; } public boolean hasLoaded100Jobs() { return hasLoaded100; } private void parseHtmlForJobs() { readOrNewList = new ArrayList<Integer>(); readOrNewJobList = new ArrayList<Job>(); tableParser.execute(JOBSEARCH_OUTLINE, lastSearchedHtml); if (!readOrNewList.isEmpty()) { // Now we can get the jobs from their ids from the database ArrayList<Job> jobs = jobDataSource.getJobsByIdList(readOrNewList); if (jobs != null && !jobs.isEmpty()) { for (int i = 0; i < jobs.size(); i++) { // Add the job to read if it has description data Job job = jobs.get(i); if (job.hasDescriptionData()) { addJobToListByTabId(PAGES.READ, job); } else { addJobToListByTabId(PAGES.NEW, job); } } } else if (!readOrNewJobList.isEmpty()) { // Add all the jobs if this is the first time searching getListByTab(PAGES.NEW).addAll(readOrNewJobList); } } readOrNewJobList = null; readOrNewList = null; } @Override protected Integer doInBackground(Integer... params) throws IOException { tableParser = new TableParser(); tableParser.setOnTableRowParse(activity); ArrayList<Integer> shortlistIds = null; SimpleHtmlParser parser = null; String response = null; switch(getCurrentCommand()) { case SEARCH: showGrowAnimation = false; List<NameValuePair> data = new ArrayList<NameValuePair>(); properties.addChangesToPostData(data); lastSearchedHtml = doPost("UW_CO_JOBSRCHDW_UW_CO_DW_SRCHBTN", data); // Get the shortlist ids from the databsae PageResult r = pageDataSource.getPageData(client.getUsername(), Shortlist.PAGE_NAME); if (r != null && r.ids != null) { shortlistSet = new HashSet<Integer>(r.ids); } else { shortlistSet = new HashSet<Integer>(); } currentPage = 1; // Parse the jobs out clearAllLists(); parseHtmlForJobs(); properties.acceptChanges(); updatePageJobInfo(); // Write the shortlisted ids to the database shortlistIds = new ArrayList<Integer>(shortlistSet); pageDataSource.addPageIds(client.getUsername(), Shortlist.PAGE_NAME, shortlistIds); // Make a new task to view 100 jobs if there are more than 25 jobs if (numJobs > INITIAL_RESULT_COUNT && !hasLoaded100) { addTask(VIEW100); } break; case VIEW100: view100(); fetchMoreIfNeeded(); break; case NEXTPAGE: getNextPage(); parseHtmlForJobs(); // If finished loading all the pages, then remove the scroll event if (currentPage != totalPages) { fetchMoreIfNeeded(); } break; case SHORTLIST: int goToPage = jobPageArray.get(currentShortlistedJob.getId()); String name = null; if (currentPage != goToPage) { // Go to the page while(currentPage != goToPage) { if (currentPage > goToPage) { getPrevPage(); } else if (currentPage < goToPage) { getNextPage(); } } } // Get the shortlist job index from html parser = new SimpleHtmlParser(lastSearchedHtml); parser.skipText(currentShortlistedJob.getId() + "", "id='UW_CO_SLIST_HL$"); name = parser.getAttributeInCurrentElement("id"); response = doPost(name); if (!response.contains(SHORTLIST_SUCCESS_STRING)) { throw new JbmnplsLostStateException("Was not able to shortlist"); } // Write the shortlisted ids to the database shortlistSet.add(currentShortlistedJob.getId()); shortlistIds = new ArrayList<Integer>(shortlistSet); pageDataSource.addPageIds(client.getUsername(), Shortlist.PAGE_NAME, shortlistIds); break; case JOBTYPE: response = doPost("TYPE_COOP", new BasicNameValuePair("TYPE_COOP", properties.jobType.get().getIndex() + "")); if (response.contains(getString(R.string.job_search_type_unauth))) { properties.jobType.rejectChange(); return JOBTYPE_UNAUTH; } else { properties.jobType.updateChange(); } break; case SORT: if (!hasLoaded100) { view100(); } while (currentPage < totalPages) { getNextPage(); } break; case DESCRIPTION: doPost("UW_CO_JOBTITLE_HL$0"); break; default: return UNKNOWN_COMMAND; } return NO_PROBLEM; } @Override protected boolean checkForInActivity() { return checkIfSearchExpired(); } private void updatePageJobInfo() { // Find the number of jobs in the result SimpleHtmlParser parser = new SimpleHtmlParser(lastSearchedHtml); parser.skipText("PSGRIDCOUNTER"); String pageInfo = parser.getTextInCurrentElement(); try { int ofIndex = pageInfo.lastIndexOf("of"); if (getListByTab(PAGES.ALL).size() <= 1) { numJobs = 0; currentPage = 1; totalPages = 1; } else { numJobs = Integer.parseInt(pageInfo.substring(ofIndex + 2).replaceAll(" ", "")); int dashIndex = pageInfo.indexOf("-"); int jobsPerPage = hasLoaded100 ? RESULT_COUNT_100 : INITIAL_RESULT_COUNT; currentPage = (int)Math.ceil(Integer.parseInt(pageInfo.substring(0, dashIndex)) * 1.0 / jobsPerPage); totalPages = (int)Math.ceil(numJobs * 1.0 / jobsPerPage); } } catch (NumberFormatException e) { throw new JbmnplsParsingException("Cannot find the number of jobs in the search result"); } } private int view100() throws JbmnplsLoggedOutException, IOException { if (!hasLoaded100) { lastSearchedHtml = doPost("UW_CO_JOBRES_VW$hviewall$0"); parseHtmlForJobs(); // Update the page total hasLoaded100 = true; updatePageJobInfo(); } return NO_PROBLEM; } private int getNextPage() throws JbmnplsLoggedOutException, IOException { if (currentPage == totalPages) { throw new JbmnplsLostStateException("Cannot go to next page because there is no more pages."); } lastSearchedHtml = doPost("UW_CO_JOBRES_VW$hdown$0"); updatePageJobInfo(); return NO_PROBLEM; } private int getPrevPage() throws JbmnplsLoggedOutException, IOException { if (currentPage == 0) { throw new JbmnplsLostStateException("Cannot go to previous page because current page is at 0."); } lastSearchedHtml = doPost("UW_CO_JOBRES_VW$hup$0"); updatePageJobInfo(); return NO_PROBLEM; } @Override protected void onCancelled() { // Reset shortlist state when cancelled enableShortlisting(true); currentShortlistedJob = null; shortlistedTab = null; removeAllItemLoadingImage(); cancelAllTasks(); super.onCancelled(); } private void cancelled() { switch(getCurrentCommand()) { case SORT: resetSortingMenu(); break; case SHORTLIST: // Revert check of the last item checked, check all pages for the shortlist id for (int l = 0; l < numOfTabs(); l++) { ListView list = getListViewByIndex(l); if (list != null) { for (int i = 0; i < list.getChildCount(); i++) { View view = list.getChildAt(i); CheckBox box = (CheckBox) view.findViewById(; Job job = (Job) view.getTag(VIEW_ITEM_JOB_KEY); if (currentShortlistedJob.getId() == job.getId()) { box.setChecked(false); break; } } } } enableShortlisting(true); currentShortlistedJob = null; shortlistedTab = null; removeAllItemLoadingImage(); break; } taskQueue.clear(); } @Override protected void onPostExecute(Integer result) { super.onPostExecute(result); if (result == CANCELLED) { cancelled(); return; } // Finish off some of the commands switch(getCurrentCommand()) { case SEARCH: // Just finished search, reset all flags firstSearch = false; // No that you search, it is not the first time anymore resetSortingMenu(); if (currentPage == totalPages) { doneLoadingAllJobs(); } else { attachScrollListener(true); allJobsLoaded = false; showLoadingAtEnd(true); } getSupportActionBar().setSubtitle(null); // Remove subtitle after coming from offline hideSearchDialog(); onRequestComplete(true); scrollToTop(); break; case NEXTPAGE: case VIEW100: if (currentPage == totalPages) { doneLoadingAllJobs(); } onRequestComplete(true); break; case SORT: doneLoadingAllJobs(); onRequestComplete(true); activity.sort(choseSortHeader, choseSortAscend); break; case SHORTLIST: enableShortlisting(true); removeAllItemLoadingImage(); // Depending on what user is seeing and where it came from, this handles post shortlisting String currentTab = getCurrentTabName(); int id = currentShortlistedJob.getId(); boolean searchAndRemoveFromReadOrNewAdapter = false; addJobToListByTabId(PAGES.SHORTLIST, currentShortlistedJob); if (currentTab == PAGES.SHORTLIST) { // If on the shortlisted page, then show the animation soon of it appearing showGrowAnimation = true; if (shortlistedTab != PAGES.APPLIED) { searchAndRemoveFromReadOrNewAdapter = true; } } else if (currentTab == PAGES.NEW || currentTab == PAGES.READ) { // Currently looking at new or read, we will show the animation if it exists if // not shortlisted from applied (or shortlist) page if (shortlistedTab != PAGES.APPLIED) { ListViewPlus listView = getListViewByTab(currentTab); boolean found = false; // Check to see if the user can see the shortlisted job, if so, then animate it for (int i = 0; i < listView.getCount(); i++) { View v = listView.getChildAt(i); if (v == null) { break; } if (((Job)v.getTag(VIEW_ITEM_JOB_KEY)).getId() == id) { found = true; // If can animate, otherwise just remove it (this will be rare) if (!rowAnimation.isRunning()) { rowAnimation.startShink(v); shortlistedTab = currentTab; } else { listView.removeViewAt((Integer)v.getTag(VIEW_ITEM_POSITION_KEY)); jobsToDatabase(); } break; } } // If user cannot see the shortlisted row, then we will just remove it if (!found) { searchAndRemoveFromReadOrNewAdapter = true; } } } else { // Currently viewing all or applied if (shortlistedTab != PAGES.APPLIED) { // If we shortlisted from all, then we have to remove from read or new page searchAndRemoveFromReadOrNewAdapter = true; } } // Search for the job and remove from either read or new if (searchAndRemoveFromReadOrNewAdapter) { // See if new page has the job JbmnplsAdapterBase newAdapter = getAdapterByTab(PAGES.NEW); if (!newAdapter.removeByJobId(id)) { JbmnplsAdapterBase readAdapter = getAdapterByTab(PAGES.READ); if (!readAdapter.removeByJobId(id)) { throw new JbmnplsException("Cannot find shortlisted job in new or read when it was suppose to be here!"); } } jobsToDatabase(); } updateLists(); currentShortlistedJob = null; shortlistedTab = null; break; } // Parse the results switch(result) { case JOBTYPE_UNAUTH: searchDialog.setJobTypeSpinner(properties.jobType.get()); // If there is no other tasks (such as searching) do not show the alert if (taskQueue.isEmpty()) { showAlert(getString(R.string.job_search_type_unauth)); } break; case UNKNOWN_COMMAND: case PARSING_ERROR: goToHomeActivity(getString(R.string.search_parsing_error_message)); doneLoadingAllJobs(); return; case LOST_STATE_RESULT: doneLoadingAllJobs(); stateError = Error.LOST_STATE; requestData(); break; case LOGOUT_RESULT: // Go back to home screen? and show a fail? doneLoadingAllJobs(); stateError = Error.LOGGED_OUT; requestData(); break; } } } }