package; import java.text.ParseException; import java.text.SimpleDateFormat; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Comparator; import java.util.Date; import java.util.Locale; import android.os.Bundle; import android.view.View; import android.widget.AdapterView; import android.widget.TextView; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; public class Interviews extends JbmnplsPageListActivityBase implements TableParser.OnTableParseListener { //====================== // Declaration Objects //====================== public final static String PAGE_NAME = Interviews.class.getName(); protected final static String DATE_FORMAT = "d MMM yyyy"; protected final static SimpleDateFormat TIME_FORMAT = new SimpleDateFormat("h:mm a", Locale.ENGLISH); private final TableParser parser = new TableParser(); private final JobInterviewStartDateComparer isdComparer = new JobInterviewStartDateComparer(); public final static class TABS { final public static String COMING_UP = "Coming Up"; final public static String FINISHED = "Finished"; } public final static HEADER[] SORT_HEADERS = { HEADER.JOB_TITLE, HEADER.EMPLOYER, HEADER.INTER_TYPE, HEADER.START_TIME, HEADER.INTERVIEWER }; //====================== // Table Definitions //====================== // First Table public static final TableParserOutline INTERVIEWS_OUTLINE = new TableParserOutline( "UW_CO_STUD_INTV$scroll$0", HEADER.BLANK, HEADER.JOB_ID, HEADER.EMPLOYER_NAME, HEADER.JOB_TITLE, HEADER.DATE, HEADER.INTER_TYPE, HEADER.SELECT_TIME, HEADER.START_TIME, HEADER.LENGTH, HEADER.ROOM, HEADER.INSTRUCTIONS, HEADER.INTERVIEWER, HEADER.JOB_STATUS); // Second Table public static final TableParserOutline GROUPS_OUTLINE = new TableParserOutline( "UW_CO_GRP_STU_V$scroll$0", HEADER.BLANK, HEADER.JOB_ID, HEADER.EMPLOYER_NAME, HEADER.JOB_TITLE, HEADER.DATE, HEADER.START_TIME, HEADER.END_TIME, HEADER.ROOM, HEADER.INSTRUCTIONS); // Third Table public static final TableParserOutline SPECIAL_OUTLINE = new TableParserOutline( "UW_CO_NSCHD_JOB$scroll$0", HEADER.BLANK, HEADER.JOB_IDENTIFIER, HEADER.EMPLOYER_NAME, HEADER.JOB_TITLE, HEADER.INSTRUCTIONS); // Fourth Table public static final TableParserOutline CANCELLED_OUTLINE = new TableParserOutline( "UW_CO_SINT_CANC$scroll$0", HEADER.BLANK, HEADER.JOB_ID, HEADER.EMPLOYER, HEADER.JOB_TITLE); //================================ // Sorting Jobs //================================ final class JobInterviewStartDateComparer implements Comparator<Job> { private boolean descending = false; public void shouldDescend(boolean d) { descending = d; } @Override public int compare(Job lhs, Job rhs) { if (lhs == rhs || lhs.equals(rhs)) { return 0; } Date l = lhs.getInterviewStartTime(); Date r = rhs.getInterviewStartTime(); if (l == null && r == null) { return 0; } else if (l == null) { return descending ? -1 : 1; } else if (r == null) { return descending ? 1 : -1; } if (descending) { return l.after(r) ? -1 : 1; } else { return l.before(r) ? -1 : 1; } } } //================================ // Widget Resource List Outline //================================ protected final int[] WIDGET_RESOURCE_LIST = {,,,,,,,}; //============================ // Static Public Methods //============================ public static Job parseRowTableOutline(TableParserOutline outline, Object... jobData) { Job job = null; int id = (Integer) jobData[1]; String employer = (String) jobData[2]; String title = (String) jobData[3]; if (outline.equals(SPECIAL_OUTLINE)) { job = new Job(id, employer, title, (String) jobData[4]); } else if (outline.equals(CANCELLED_OUTLINE)) { job = new Job(id, employer, title); } else { Date interviewDay = (Date) jobData[4]; if (outline.equals(INTERVIEWS_OUTLINE)) { job = new Job(id, employer, title, getDateFromDateWithTimeString(interviewDay, (String) jobData[7], 0), getDateFromDateWithTimeString(interviewDay, (String) jobData[7], (Integer) jobData[8]), (Job.INTERVIEW_TYPE) jobData[5], (String) jobData[9], (String) jobData[10], (String) jobData[11]); } else { //GROUPS_OUTLINE job = new Job(id, employer, title, getDateFromDateWithTimeString(interviewDay, (String) jobData[5], 0), getDateFromDateWithTimeString(interviewDay, (String) jobData[6], 0), (String) jobData[7], (String) jobData[8]); } } return job; } //==================== // Override Methods //==================== @Override public HEADER[] getTableHeaders() { return SORT_HEADERS; } @Override public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) { // Create the tutorial and set the content of this activity // new TutorialHelper(this, R.layout.tabs, // R.layout.tutorial_sorting, R.string.pref_seen_sorting_tutorial); super.onCreate(savedInstanceState); parser.setOnTableRowParse(this); createTab(TABS.COMING_UP); createTab(TABS.FINISHED); } @Override public String getPageName() { return PAGE_NAME; } @Override public String getUrl() { return JbmnplsHttpClient.GET_LINKS.INTERVIEWS; } @Override public int[] getJobListItemResources() { return WIDGET_RESOURCE_LIST; } @Override protected int getJobListItemLayout() { return R.layout.interview_widget; } @Override public void onRowParse(TableParserOutline outline, Object... jobData) { Job job = parseRowTableOutline(outline, jobData); if (job.pastNow()) { addJobToListByTabId(TABS.FINISHED, job); } else { addJobToListByTabId(TABS.COMING_UP, job); } addJob(job); } @Override public void onItemClick(AdapterView<?> arg0, View arg1, int arg2, long arg3) { int jobId = getCurrentList().get(arg2).getId(); goToDescription(jobId); } @Override protected void parseWebpage(String html) { clearAllLists(); parser.execute(INTERVIEWS_OUTLINE, html); parser.execute(GROUPS_OUTLINE, html); parser.execute(SPECIAL_OUTLINE, html); parser.execute(CANCELLED_OUTLINE, html); // Sort results by date isdComparer.shouldDescend(false); Collections.sort(getListByTab(TABS.COMING_UP), isdComparer); isdComparer.shouldDescend(true); Collections.sort(getListByTab(TABS.FINISHED), isdComparer); } //=================== // Private Methods //=================== private static Date getDateFromDateWithTimeString(Date date, String timeString, int minutesOffset) throws JbmnplsParsingException{ Date retDate = (Date)date.clone(); Date timeDate; if (timeString.equals("")) { return date; } try { timeDate = TIME_FORMAT.parse(timeString); } catch (ParseException e) { e.printStackTrace(); return date; } retDate.setHours(timeDate.getHours()); retDate.setMinutes(timeDate.getMinutes() + minutesOffset); return retDate; } //================= // List Adapter //================= @Override protected HIGHLIGHTING formatJobListItem(int position, Job job, View[] elements, View layout) { Formatter.setText((TextView)elements[0], job.getTitle()); Formatter.setText((TextView)elements[1], job.getEmployer(), true); Formatter.setText((TextView)elements[2], "With <b>" + job.getInterviewer()); Formatter.setDate((TextView)elements[3], job.getInterviewStartTime(), "On <b>"); // If the job has same start and end time for an interview, this mean user has not yet chosen a time slot, hide this if (job.getInterviewEndTime() != null && job.getInterviewStartTime() != null && job.getInterviewEndTime().getTime() == job.getInterviewStartTime().getTime()) { Formatter.setDate((TextView)elements[4], job.getInterviewStartTime(), job.getInterviewEndTime(), "At <b>", TIME_FORMAT); } else { Formatter.hide(elements[4]); } Formatter.setText((TextView)elements[5], "At <b>" + job.getRoomInfo()); if (job.getInterviewType() != null) { Formatter.setText((TextView)elements[6], job.getInterviewType().toString(), true); } else { Formatter.hide(elements[6]); } Formatter.setText((TextView)elements[7], job.getInstructions()); return HIGHLIGHTING.NORMAL; } }