// Copyright 2012 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved. // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. package org.eclipse.che.ide.util; import elemental.css.CSSStyleDeclaration; import elemental.events.Event; import elemental.events.EventListener; import elemental.dom.Element; import org.eclipse.che.ide.util.browser.UserAgent; import com.google.gwt.core.client.Scheduler; import com.google.gwt.core.client.Scheduler.ScheduledCommand; /** Utility class for using CSS3 transitions. */ public class AnimationUtils { public static final double ALERT_TRANSITION_DURATION = 2.0; public static final double LONG_TRANSITION_DURATION = 0.7; public static final double MEDIUM_TRANSITION_DURATION = 0.3; public static final double SHORT_TRANSITION_DURATION = 0.2; private static final String OLD_OVERFLOW_STYLE_KEY = "__old_overflow"; private static final String TRANSITION_PROPERTIES = "all"; /** Handles transition ends and optionally invokes an animation callback. */ private static class TransitionEndHandler implements EventListener { private EventListener animationCallback; private TransitionEndHandler(EventListener animationCallback) { this.animationCallback = animationCallback; } private void handleEndFor(Element elem, String type) { // An element should only have 1 transition end handler at a time. We // remove in the handle callback, but we cannot depend on the handle // callback being correctly invoked. Over eager removal is OK. TransitionEndHandler oldListener = getOldListener(elem, type); if (oldListener != null) { elem.removeEventListener(type, oldListener, false); oldListener.maybeDispatchAnimationCallback(null); } elem.addEventListener(type, this, false); replaceOldListener(elem, type, this); } private native void replaceOldListener( Element elem, String type, TransitionEndHandler transitionEndHandler) /*-{ elem["__" + type + "_h"] = transitionEndHandler; }-*/; private native TransitionEndHandler getOldListener(Element elem, String type) /*-{ return elem["__" + type + "_h"]; }-*/; private void maybeDispatchAnimationCallback(Event evt) { if (animationCallback != null) { animationCallback.handleEvent(evt); animationCallback = null; } } @Override public void handleEvent(Event evt) { Element target = (Element)evt.getTarget(); target.removeEventListener(evt.getType(), this, false); removeTransitions(target.getStyle()); maybeDispatchAnimationCallback(evt); } } /** * @see: {@link #animatePropertySet(Element, String, String, double, * EventListener)}. */ public static void animatePropertySet( final Element elem, String property, String value, double duration) { animatePropertySet(elem, property, value, duration, null); } /** * Enables animations prior to setting the value for the specified style * property on the supplied element. The end result is that there property is * transitioned to. * * @param elem * the {@link Element} we want to set the style property on. * @param property * the name of the style property we want to set. * @param value * the target value of the style property. * @param duration * the time in seconds we want the transition to last. * @param animationCallback * callback that is invoked when the animation * completes. It will be passed a {@code null} event if the animation * was pre-empted by some other animation on the same element. */ public static void animatePropertySet(final Element elem, String property, String value, double duration, final EventListener animationCallback) { final CSSStyleDeclaration style = elem.getStyle(); enableTransitions(style, duration); if (UserAgent.isFirefox()) { // For FF4. new TransitionEndHandler(animationCallback).handleEndFor(elem, "transitionend"); } else { // For webkit based browsers. // TODO: Keep an eye on whether or not webkit supports the // vendor prefix free version. If they ever do we should remove this. new TransitionEndHandler(animationCallback).handleEndFor(elem, Event.WEBKITTRANSITIONEND); } style.setProperty(property, value); } public static void backupOverflow(CSSStyleDeclaration style) { style.setProperty(OLD_OVERFLOW_STYLE_KEY, style.getOverflow()); style.setOverflow("hidden"); } /** * Disables CSS3 transitions. * <p/> * If you want to reset transitions after enabling them, use * {@link #removeTransitions(CSSStyleDeclaration)} instead. */ public static void disableTransitions(CSSStyleDeclaration style) { style.setProperty("-webkit-transition-property", "none"); style.setProperty("-moz-transition-property", "none"); } /** @see: {@link #enableTransitions(CSSStyleDeclaration, double)} */ public static void enableTransitions(CSSStyleDeclaration style) { enableTransitions(style, MEDIUM_TRANSITION_DURATION); } /** * Enables CSS3 transitions for a given element. * <p/> * If you want to reset transitions after disabling them, use * {@link #removeTransitions(CSSStyleDeclaration)} instead. * * @param style * the style object belonging to the element we want to animate. * @param duration * the length of time we want the animation to last. */ public static void enableTransitions(CSSStyleDeclaration style, double duration) { style.setProperty("-webkit-transition-property", TRANSITION_PROPERTIES); style.setProperty("-moz-transition-property", TRANSITION_PROPERTIES); style.setProperty("-webkit-transition-duration", duration + "s"); style.setProperty("-moz-transition-duration", duration + "s"); } /** Removes CSS3 transitions, returning them to their original state. */ public static void removeTransitions(CSSStyleDeclaration style) { style.removeProperty("-webkit-transition-property"); style.removeProperty("-moz-transition-property"); style.removeProperty("-webkit-transition-duration"); style.removeProperty("-moz-transition-duration"); } public static void fadeIn(final Element elem) { elem.getStyle().setDisplay(CSSStyleDeclaration.Display.BLOCK); // TODO: This smells like a chrome bug to me that we need to do a // deferred command here. Scheduler.get().scheduleDeferred(new ScheduledCommand() { @Override public void execute() { animatePropertySet(elem, "opacity", "1.0", SHORT_TRANSITION_DURATION); } }); } public static void fadeOut(final Element elem) { animatePropertySet(elem, "opacity", "0", SHORT_TRANSITION_DURATION, new EventListener() { @Override public void handleEvent(Event evt) { elem.getStyle().setDisplay("none"); } }); } /** Flashes an element to highlight that it has recently changed. */ public static void flash(final Element elem) { /* * If we interrupt a flash with another flash, we need to disable animations * so the initial background color takes effect immediately. Animations are * reenabled in animatePropertySet. */ removeTransitions(elem.getStyle()); elem.getStyle().setBackgroundColor("#f9edbe"); // Give the start color a chance to take effect. Scheduler.get().scheduleDeferred(new ScheduledCommand() { @Override public void execute() { animatePropertySet(elem, "background-color", "", ALERT_TRANSITION_DURATION); } }); } public static void restoreOverflow(CSSStyleDeclaration style) { style.setOverflow(style.getPropertyValue(OLD_OVERFLOW_STYLE_KEY)); } }