/******************************************************************************* * Copyright (c) 2012-2016 Codenvy, S.A. * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at * http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html * * Contributors: * Codenvy, S.A. - initial API and implementation *******************************************************************************/ package org.eclipse.che.dto.generator; import org.eclipse.che.dto.shared.CompactJsonDto; import org.eclipse.che.dto.shared.DTO; import org.eclipse.che.dto.shared.DelegateTo; import org.eclipse.che.dto.shared.JsonFieldName; import org.eclipse.che.dto.shared.SerializationIndex; import com.google.common.base.Preconditions; import com.google.common.collect.ImmutableList; import com.google.gson.JsonElement; import com.google.gson.JsonParser; import com.google.gson.stream.JsonWriter; import java.io.IOException; import java.io.StringWriter; import java.lang.reflect.Method; import java.lang.reflect.ParameterizedType; import java.lang.reflect.Type; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; /** Abstract base class for the source generating template for a single DTO. */ abstract class DtoImpl { protected static final String COPY_JSONS_PARAM = "copyJsons"; private final Class<?> dtoInterface; private final DtoTemplate enclosingTemplate; private final boolean compactJson; private final String implClassName; private final List<Method> dtoMethods; DtoImpl(DtoTemplate enclosingTemplate, Class<?> dtoInterface) { this.enclosingTemplate = enclosingTemplate; this.dtoInterface = dtoInterface; this.implClassName = dtoInterface.getSimpleName() + "Impl"; this.compactJson = DtoTemplate.implementsInterface(dtoInterface, CompactJsonDto.class); this.dtoMethods = ImmutableList.copyOf(calcDtoMethods()); } protected boolean isCompactJson() { return compactJson; } public Class<?> getDtoInterface() { return dtoInterface; } public DtoTemplate getEnclosingTemplate() { return enclosingTemplate; } protected String getJavaFieldName(String getterName) { String fieldName; if (getterName.startsWith("get")) { fieldName = getterName.substring(3); } else { // starts with "is", see method '#ignoreMethod(Method)' fieldName = getterName.substring(2); } return normalizeIdentifier(Character.toLowerCase(fieldName.charAt(0)) + fieldName.substring(1)); } private String normalizeIdentifier(String fieldName) { // use $ prefix according to http://docs.oracle.com/javase/specs/jls/se7/html/jls-3.html#jls-3.8 switch (fieldName) { case "default": fieldName = "$" + fieldName; break; // add other keywords here } return fieldName; } private String getCamelCaseName(String fieldName) { // see normalizeIdentifier method if (fieldName.charAt(0) == '$') { fieldName = fieldName.substring(1); } return Character.toUpperCase(fieldName.charAt(0)) + fieldName.substring(1); } protected String getImplClassName() { return implClassName; } protected String getSetterName(String fieldName) { return "set" + getCamelCaseName(fieldName); } protected String getWithName(String fieldName) { return "with" + getCamelCaseName(fieldName); } protected String getListAdderName(String fieldName) { return "add" + getCamelCaseName(fieldName); } protected String getMapPutterName(String fieldName) { return "put" + getCamelCaseName(fieldName); } protected String getClearName(String fieldName) { return "clear" + getCamelCaseName(fieldName); } protected String getEnsureName(String fieldName) { return "ensure" + getCamelCaseName(fieldName); } /** * Get the canonical name of the field by deriving it from a getter method's name. */ protected String getFieldNameFromGetterName(String getterName) { String fieldName; if (getterName.startsWith("get")) { fieldName = getterName.substring(3); } else { // starts with "is", see method '#ignoreMethod(Method)' fieldName = getterName.substring(2); } return Character.toLowerCase(fieldName.charAt(0)) + fieldName.substring(1); } /** * Get the name of the JSON field that corresponds to the given getter method in a DTO-annotated type. */ protected String getJsonFieldName(Method getterMethod) { // First, check if a custom field name is defined for the getter JsonFieldName fieldNameAnn = getterMethod.getAnnotation(JsonFieldName.class); if (fieldNameAnn != null) { String customFieldName = fieldNameAnn.value(); if (customFieldName != null && !customFieldName.isEmpty()) { return customFieldName; } } // If no custom name is given for the field, deduce it from the camel notation return getFieldNameFromGetterName(getterMethod.getName()); } /** * Our super interface may implement some other interface (or not). We need to know because if it does then we need to directly extend * said super interfaces impl class. */ protected Class<?> getSuperDtoInterface(Class<?> dto) { Class<?>[] superInterfaces = dto.getInterfaces(); if (superInterfaces.length > 0) { for (Class<?> superInterface : superInterfaces) { if (superInterface.isAnnotationPresent(DTO.class)) { return superInterface; } } } return null; } protected List<Method> getDtoGetters(Class<?> dto) { final Map<String, Method> getters = new HashMap<>(); if (enclosingTemplate.isDtoInterface(dto)) { addDtoGetters(dto, getters); addSuperGetters(dto, getters); } return new ArrayList<>(getters.values()); } /** * Get the names of all the getters in the super DTO interface and upper ancestors. */ protected Set<String> getSuperGetterNames(Class<?> dto) { final Map<String, Method> getters = new HashMap<>(); Class<?> superDto = getSuperDtoInterface(dto); if (superDto != null) { addDtoGetters(superDto, getters); addSuperGetters(superDto, getters); } return getters.keySet(); } /** * Adds all getters from parent <b>NOT DTO</b> interfaces for given {@code dto} interface. * Does not add method when it is already present in getters map. */ private void addSuperGetters(Class<?> dto, Map<String, Method> getters) { for (Class<?> superInterface : dto.getInterfaces()) { if (!superInterface.isAnnotationPresent(DTO.class)) { for (Method method : superInterface.getDeclaredMethods()) { //when method is already present in map then child interface //overrides it, which means that it should not be put into getters if (isDtoGetter(method) && !getters.containsKey(method.getName())) { getters.put(method.getName(), method); } } addSuperGetters(superInterface, getters); } } } protected List<Method> getInheritedDtoGetters(Class<?> dto) { List<Method> getters = new ArrayList<>(); if (enclosingTemplate.isDtoInterface(dto)) { Class<?> superInterface = getSuperDtoInterface(dto); while (superInterface != null) { addDtoGetters(superInterface, getters); superInterface = getSuperDtoInterface(superInterface); } addDtoGetters(dto, getters); } return getters; } private void addDtoGetters(Class<?> dto, Map<String, Method> getters) { for (Method method : dto.getDeclaredMethods()) { if (!method.isDefault() && isDtoGetter(method)) { getters.put(method.getName(), method); } } } private void addDtoGetters(Class<?> dto, List<Method> getters) { for (Method method : dto.getDeclaredMethods()) { if (!method.isDefault() && isDtoGetter(method)) { getters.add(method); } } } /** Check is specified method is DTO getter. */ protected boolean isDtoGetter(Method method) { if (method.isAnnotationPresent(DelegateTo.class)) { return false; } String methodName = method.getName(); if ((methodName.startsWith("get") || methodName.startsWith("is")) && method.getParameterTypes().length == 0) { if (methodName.length() > 2 && methodName.startsWith("is")) { return method.getReturnType() == Boolean.class || method.getReturnType() == boolean.class; } return methodName.length() > 3; } return false; } /** Tests whether or not a given generic type is allowed to be used as a generic. */ protected static boolean isWhitelisted(Class<?> genericType) { return DtoTemplate.jreWhitelist.contains(genericType); } /** Tests whether or not a given return type is a number primitive or its wrapper type. */ protected static boolean isNumber(Class<?> returnType) { if (null != returnType && (Number.class.isAssignableFrom(returnType) || int.class.equals(returnType) || long.class.equals(returnType) || short.class.equals(returnType) || float.class.equals(returnType) || double.class.equals(returnType) || byte.class.equals(returnType))) { return true; } return false; } /** Tests whether or not a given return type is a boolean primitive or its wrapper type. */ protected static boolean isBoolean(Class<?> returnType) { return returnType.equals(Boolean.class) || returnType.equals(boolean.class); } protected static String getPrimitiveName(Class<?> returnType) { if (returnType.equals(Integer.class) || returnType.equals(int.class)) { return "int"; } else if (returnType.equals(Long.class) || returnType.equals(long.class)) { return "long"; } else if (returnType.equals(Short.class) || returnType.equals(short.class)) { return "short"; } else if (returnType.equals(Float.class) || returnType.equals(float.class)) { return "float"; } else if (returnType.equals(Double.class) || returnType.equals(double.class)) { return "double"; } else if (returnType.equals(Byte.class) || returnType.equals(byte.class)) { return "byte"; } else if (returnType.equals(Boolean.class) || returnType.equals(boolean.class)) { return "boolean"; } else if (returnType.equals(Character.class) || returnType.equals(char.class)) { return "char"; } throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unknown wrapper class type."); } /** Tests whether or not a given return type is a java.util.List. */ public static boolean isList(Class<?> returnType) { return returnType.equals(List.class); } /** Tests whether or not a given return type is a java.util.Map. */ public static boolean isMap(Class<?> returnType) { return returnType.equals(Map.class); } public static boolean isAny(Class<?> returnType) { return returnType.equals(Object.class); } /** * Expands the type and its first generic parameter (which can also have a first generic parameter (...)). * <p/> * For example, JsonArray<JsonStringMap<JsonArray<SomeDto>>> would produce [JsonArray, JsonStringMap, JsonArray, * SomeDto]. */ public static List<Type> expandType(Type curType) { List<Type> types = new LinkedList<>(); do { types.add(curType); if (curType instanceof ParameterizedType) { Type[] genericParamTypes = ((ParameterizedType)curType).getActualTypeArguments(); Type rawType = ((ParameterizedType)curType).getRawType(); boolean map = rawType instanceof Class<?> && rawType == Map.class; if (!map && genericParamTypes.length != 1) { throw new IllegalStateException("Multiple type parameters are not supported (neither are zero type parameters)"); } Type genericParamType = map ? genericParamTypes[1] : genericParamTypes[0]; if (genericParamType instanceof Class<?>) { Class<?> genericParamTypeClass = (Class<?>)genericParamType; if (isWhitelisted(genericParamTypeClass)) { assert genericParamTypeClass.equals( String.class) : "For JSON serialization there can be only strings or DTO types. "; } } curType = genericParamType; } else { if (curType instanceof Class) { Class<?> clazz = (Class<?>)curType; if (isList(clazz) || isMap(clazz)) { throw new DtoTemplate.MalformedDtoInterfaceException( "JsonArray and JsonStringMap MUST have a generic type specified (and no... ? doesn't cut it!)."); } } curType = null; } } while (curType != null); return types; } public static Class<?> getRawClass(Type type) { return (Class<?>)((type instanceof ParameterizedType) ? ((ParameterizedType)type).getRawType() : type); } /** * Returns public methods specified in DTO interface. * <p/> * <p>For compact DTO (see {@link org.eclipse.che.dto.shared.CompactJsonDto}) methods are ordered corresponding to {@link * org.eclipse.che.dto.shared.SerializationIndex} annotation. * <p/> * <p>Gaps in index sequence are filled with {@code null}s. */ protected List<Method> getDtoMethods() { return dtoMethods; } private Method[] calcDtoMethods() { if (!compactJson) { return dtoInterface.getMethods(); } Map<Integer, Method> methodsMap = new HashMap<>(); int maxIndex = 0; for (Method method : dtoInterface.getMethods()) { SerializationIndex serializationIndex = method.getAnnotation(SerializationIndex.class); Preconditions.checkNotNull(serializationIndex, "Serialization index is not specified for %s in %s", method.getName(), dtoInterface.getSimpleName()); // "53" is the number of bits in JS integer. // This restriction will allow to add simple bit-field // "serialization-skipping-list" in the future. int index = serializationIndex.value(); Preconditions.checkState(index > 0 && index <= 53, "Serialization index out of range [1..53] for %s in %s", method.getName(), dtoInterface.getSimpleName()); Preconditions.checkState(!methodsMap.containsKey(index), "Duplicate serialization index for %s in %s", method.getName(), dtoInterface.getSimpleName()); maxIndex = Math.max(index, maxIndex); methodsMap.put(index, method); } Method[] result = new Method[maxIndex]; for (int index = 0; index < maxIndex; index++) { result[index] = methodsMap.get(index + 1); } return result; } protected boolean isLastMethod(Method method) { Preconditions.checkNotNull(method); return method == dtoMethods.get(dtoMethods.size() - 1); } /** * Create a textual representation of a string literal that evaluates to the given value. */ protected String quoteStringLiteral(String value) { StringWriter sw = new StringWriter(); try (JsonWriter writer = new JsonWriter(sw)) { writer.setLenient(true); writer.value(value); writer.flush(); } catch (IOException ex) { throw new RuntimeException("Unexpected I/O failure: " + ex.getLocalizedMessage(), ex); } return sw.toString(); } /** * @return String representing the source definition for the DTO impl as an inner class. */ abstract String serialize(); }