package; import; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Map; import net.CyanWool.api.CyanWool; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import org.spacehq.opennbt.NBTIO; import org.spacehq.opennbt.tag.builtin.ByteArrayTag; import org.spacehq.opennbt.tag.builtin.ByteTag; import org.spacehq.opennbt.tag.builtin.CompoundTag; import org.spacehq.opennbt.tag.builtin.ListTag; import org.spacehq.opennbt.tag.builtin.Tag; public class CyanChunkIOService implements ChunkIOService { private final World world; private final File dir; public CyanChunkIOService(World world) { = world; this.dir = new File(world.getPath()); } @Override public Chunk readChunk(int x, int z) { CyanChunk chunk = new CyanChunk(world, x, z); chunk.setNeedGenerate(true); // TODO Section sectionsChunk[] = new Section[16]; // Preview loading for (int i = 0; i < 16; i++) { byte[] blockLight = new byte[16 * 16 * 16]; byte[] skyLight = new byte[16 * 16 * 16]; ShortArray3d block = new ShortArray3d(4096); Section section = new Section(i, block, new NibbleArray3d(blockLight), new NibbleArray3d(skyLight)); sectionsChunk[i] = section; } RegionFile region = RegionFileCache.getRegionFile(dir, x, z); int regionX = x & 31; int regionZ = z & 31; if (!region.hasChunk(regionX, regionZ)) { chunk.initializeSections(sectionsChunk); // TODO: Entity, biomes and etc. chunk.setLoaded(true); return chunk; // TODO: maybe ? } DataInputStream in = region.getChunkDataInputStream(regionX, regionZ); CompoundTag compoundTag = null; try { compoundTag = (CompoundTag) NBTIO.readTag(in); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } if (compoundTag == null) { CyanWool.getLogger().info("null compoundTag"); return chunk; } CompoundTag level = compoundTag.get("Level"); ListTag sections = level.get("Sections"); ByteArrayTag biomes = level.get("Biomes"); for (int i = 0; i < sections.size(); i++) { CompoundTag chunkz = sections.get(i); ByteArrayTag blocks = chunkz.get("Blocks"); ByteArrayTag blockLight = chunkz.get("BlockLight"); ByteArrayTag skyLight = chunkz.get("SkyLight"); ByteArrayTag data = chunkz.get("Data"); ByteArrayTag add = chunkz.get("Add"); ShortArray3d block = new ShortArray3d(4096); for (int cX = 0; cX < 16; cX++) { for (int cY = 0; cY < 16; cY++) { for (int cZ = 0; cZ < 16; cZ++) { int index = 256 * cY + 16 * cZ + cX; int id = blocks.getValue(index) + (add != null ? getValue(add, index) << 8 : 0); block.setBlockAndData(cX, cY, cZ, id + (id < 0 ? 256 : 0), getValue(data, index)); } } } Section section = new Section(i, block, new NibbleArray3d(blockLight.getValue()), new NibbleArray3d(skyLight.getValue())); sectionsChunk[i] = section; } chunk.initializeSections(sectionsChunk); // TODO: Entity, biomes and etc. chunk.setNeedGenerate(false); chunk.setLoaded(true); return chunk; } private int getValue(ByteArrayTag array, int index) { return (index % 2 == 0 ? array.getValue(index / 2) : array.getValue(index / 2) >> 4) & 0x0F; } @Override public void saveChunk(Chunk chunk) { int x = chunk.getX(), z = chunk.getZ(); RegionFile region = RegionFileCache.getRegionFile(dir, x, z); int regionX = x & (32 - 1); int regionZ = z & (32 - 1); DataOutputStream out = region.getChunkDataOutputStream(regionX, regionZ); DataInputStream in = region.getChunkDataInputStream(regionX, regionZ); if (in != null && out != null) { CompoundTag compoundTag = null; try { compoundTag = (CompoundTag) NBTIO.readTag(in); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } if (compoundTag == null) return; CompoundTag level = compoundTag.get("Level"); ListTag sections = level.get("Sections"); CyanChunk c = (CyanChunk) chunk;[] chunks = c.getSections(); Map<String, Tag> values = compoundTag.getValue(); Map<String, Tag> levelInfo = level.getValue(); ArrayList<Tag> newSections = new ArrayList<Tag>(); for (int i = 0; i < sections.size(); i++) { CompoundTag chunkz = sections.get(i); Map<String, Tag> cv = chunkz.getValue(); ByteTag y = chunkz.get("Y"); ByteArrayTag blocks = chunkz.get("Blocks"); ByteArrayTag blockLight = chunkz.get("BlockLight"); ByteArrayTag skyLight = chunkz.get("SkyLight"); ByteArrayTag data = chunkz.get("Data"); // ByteArrayTag add = chunkz.get("Add"); if (chunks[i] != null) { if (chunks[i].getBlockLight() != null) blockLight.setValue(chunks[i].getBlockLight().getData()); if (chunks[i].getSkyLight() != null) skyLight.setValue(chunks[i].getSkyLight().getData()); if (chunks[i].getBlocks() != null) for (int cX = 0; cX < 16; cX++) for (int cY = 0; cY < 16; cY++) for (int cZ = 0; cZ < 16; cZ++) { int index = 256 * cY + 16 * cZ + cX; int id = chunks[i].getBlocks().getBlock(cX, cY, cZ); if (id > 128) id -= 256; blocks.setValue(index, Byte.parseByte(id + "")); if (index % 2 == 0) data.setValue(index / 2, (byte) ((getValue(data, index + 1) << 4) | chunks[i].getBlocks().getData(cX, cY, cZ))); else data.setValue(index / 2, (byte) ((chunks[i].getBlocks().getData(cX, cY, cZ) << 4) | getValue(data, index - 1))); } } cv.put("Y", y); cv.put("Blocks", blocks); cv.put("BlockLight", blockLight); cv.put("SkyLight", skyLight); cv.put("Data", data); // cv.put("Add", add);//How to calculate from value if even // needed chunkz.setValue(cv); newSections.add(chunkz); } sections.setValue(newSections); levelInfo.put("Sections", sections); level.setValue(levelInfo); values.put("Level", level); compoundTag.setValue(values); try { NBTIO.writeTag(out, compoundTag); out.close(); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } } }