package com.cardshifter.server.commands; import; import; import java.util.Arrays; import net.zomis.cardshifter.ecs.usage.CardshifterIO; import org.apache.log4j.LogManager; import; import; import com.cardshifter.core.replays.ReplayPlaybackSystem; import com.cardshifter.core.replays.ReplayRecordSystem; import com.cardshifter.modapi.base.ECSGameState; import com.cardshifter.server.commands.ReplayAllCommand.ReplayAllParameters; import com.cardshifter.server.model.CommandHandler.CommandHandle; import com.cardshifter.server.model.Server; public class ReplayAllCommand implements CommandHandle<ReplayAllParameters> { public static class ReplayAllParameters { } @Override public void handle(CommandContext command, ReplayAllParameters parameters) { File dir = new File("."); for (File file : dir.listFiles()) { if (!file.getName().startsWith("replay-")) { continue; } if (!file.getName().endsWith(".json")) { continue; } String replayMod = checkFile(command, file); command.sendChatResponse(file + " detected as " + replayMod); } } private String checkFile(CommandContext command, File file) { for (String mod : command.getServer().getGameFactories().keySet()) { try { if (checkReplay(command.getServer(), file, mod)) { return mod; } } catch (RuntimeException ex) { command.sendChatResponse("Error checking replay " + file + " with mod " + mod + ": " + ex); LogManager.getLogger(getClass()).error("Error checking replay " + file + " with mod " + mod, ex); } } return null; } private boolean checkReplay(Server server, File file, String mod) { ReplayRecordSystem replay; try { replay = CardshifterIO.mapper().readValue(file, ReplayRecordSystem.class); } catch (IOException e1) { throw new RuntimeException("Error loading replay: " + e1.getMessage(), e1); } String actualMod = replay.getModName() != null ? replay.getModName() : mod; TCGGame game = (TCGGame) server.createGame(actualMod); ReplayPlaybackSystem playback = new ReplayPlaybackSystem(game.getGameModel(), replay); game.getGameModel().addSystem(playback); FakeClient fake1 = new FakeClient(server, e -> {}); FakeClient fake2 = new FakeClient(server, e -> {}); game.start(Arrays.asList(fake1, fake2)); System.out.println("Game state is " + game.getState()); if (game.getState() == ECSGameState.NOT_STARTED) { System.out.println("Loading configs from saved data"); playback.setPlayerConfigs(game.getGameModel()); game.checkStartGame(); } while (!playback.isReplayFinished()) { playback.nextStep(); } return game.isGameOver(); } }