package com.cardshifter.modapi.base; import java.util.*; public class PlayerComponent extends Component { private final int index; private int resultPosition; private Boolean winnerDeclaration; private String name; public PlayerComponent(int index, String name) { this.index = index; = name; } public String getName() { return name; } public void setName(String name) { = name; } public int getIndex() { return index; } /** * Declare this player as having lost the game */ public void loseGame() { this.eliminate(false); } /** * Declare this player as having won the game */ public void winGame() { this.eliminate(true); } private void eliminate(boolean winner) { List<Entity> players = new ArrayList<>(getEntity().getGame().getEntitiesWithComponent(PlayerComponent.class)); players.sort(Comparator.comparing(e -> e.getComponent(PlayerComponent.class).getIndex())); // if no one else has been eliminated, the player is at 1st place. Because the player itself has not been eliminated, it should get increased below. int playerResultPosition = winner ? 0 : players.size() + 1; Set<Integer> takenPositions = new HashSet<>(); for (Entity pp : players) { PlayerComponent playerComponent = pp.getComponent(PlayerComponent.class); if (playerComponent.isEliminated()) { takenPositions.add(playerComponent.getResultPosition()); } } boolean posTaken; do { playerResultPosition += winner ? +1 : -1; posTaken = takenPositions.contains(playerResultPosition); } while (posTaken); System.out.println("eliminating " + this + " as " + winner + ": taken positions is " + takenPositions + " ending up at " + playerResultPosition); this.eliminate(winner, playerResultPosition); } private void eliminate(boolean winner, int resultPosition) { if (this.isEliminated()) { // Can't be eliminated more than once. return; } executeCancellableEvent(new PlayerEliminatedEvent(getEntity(), winner, resultPosition), () -> { this.resultPosition = resultPosition; this.winnerDeclaration = winner; }); } /** * @return Return the ranking the player got in this game. 1 is the top winner. */ public int getResultPosition() { return resultPosition; } /** * @return True if this player has been declared as winning or losing the game */ public boolean isEliminated() { return this.resultPosition != 0; } /** * @return True if player was declared winner, false if player was declared loser. Null if player hasn't been eliminated yet. */ public Boolean getWinnerDeclaration() { return winnerDeclaration; } @Override public String toString() { return "PlayerComponent [index=" + index + ", name=" + name + "]"; } }